John Doe 2 v. The Associated Press ( 2003 )

  •                           PUBLISHED
    JOHN DOE 2,                             
    v.                              No. 02-1965
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the District of South Carolina, at Charleston.
    David C. Norton, District Judge.
    Argued: April 3, 2003
    Decided: June 11, 2003
    Before WILKINSON and SHEDD, Circuit Judges, and
    HAMILTON, Senior Circuit Judge.
    Affirmed by published opinion. Judge Wilkinson wrote the opinion,
    in which Judge Shedd and Senior Judge Hamilton joined.
    ARGUED: Gregg Meyers, Charleston, South Carolina, for Appellant.
    Jerry Jay Bender, BAKER, RAVENEL & BENDER, L.L.P., Colum-
    bia, South Carolina, for Appellee. ON BRIEF: Holly L. Palmer,
    BAKER, RAVENEL & BENDER, L.L.P., Columbia, South Carolina,
    for Appellee.
    2                    DOE v. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
    WILKINSON, Circuit Judge:
    Plaintiff John Doe 2 brought suit against the Associated Press ("the
    AP") seeking damages for emotional distress inflicted by the AP’s
    public identification of him as a sexual abuse victim. The district
    court dismissed plaintiff’s complaint on the pleadings. Because plain-
    tiff fails to state a viable claim under South Carolina state law, we
    In April 1999, Edward Fischer, a former teacher at public and pri-
    vate schools in Charleston, South Carolina, pled guilty to state crimi-
    nal charges of sexually molesting several of his former students. The
    plaintiff in this case was one of Fischer’s victims.
    Plaintiff was invited to appear at Fischer’s sentencing hearing in
    order to testify about the impact of the molestation and about the pun-
    ishment Fischer should receive. At the hearing, plaintiff alleges, the
    state court judge ordered the reporters present not to identify any sex-
    ual assault victims in press accounts of the sentencing.1 The official
    record of the sentencing hearing does not contain plaintiff’s name.
    The plaintiff’s name had not been known or made public before the
    sentencing hearing. The courtroom was, however, public and open to
    all interested members of the community.
    A reporter from the AP was in the courtroom when the judge
    issued the no-disclosure instruction. AP guidelines instruct reporters
    to state an objection, if they have one, whenever a court proposes to
    close any aspect of a proceeding. However, the AP reporter did not
    object to the judge’s order or state that he intended to include plain-
    tiff’s name in the AP story. Because plaintiff heard no objection to the
    court’s instruction, he believed that his identity would be protected.
    We note that this order appears nowhere in the excerpted transcript of
    Fischer’s trial as reflected in the record on this appeal. We assume for
    the purposes of this opinion, however, that the allegations in plaintiff’s
    complaint are true.
    DOE v. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS                           3
    Plaintiff therefore delivered his victim impact statement at the pro-
    ceeding, disclosing his name during the course of his testimony.
    The next day, the AP published plaintiff’s name, identifying him
    as a sexual assault victim and disseminating the report to newspapers
    around the country. Although many other reporters were also present
    at the sentencing hearing, the AP reporter was apparently the only one
    to include plaintiff’s name in his official report. Plaintiff discovered
    that the AP had published his name when an acquaintance called him
    the next day after reading about plaintiff in the morning paper.
    Plaintiff brought a suit against the AP, seeking actual and punitive
    damages for fraudulent misrepresentation, invasion of privacy, and
    reckless or intentional infliction of emotional distress. The district
    court rejected plaintiff’s invasion of privacy and infliction of emo-
    tional distress claims on state law grounds and ruled that plaintiff’s
    fraudulent misrepresentation claim was barred by the First Amend-
    ment. This appeal followed.
    We review de novo the district court’s dismissal of a complaint for
    failure to state a claim under Fed. R. Civ. P. 12(b)(6). Franks v. Ross,
    313 F.3d 184
    , 192 (4th Cir. 2002). In so doing, we accept as true all
    the plaintiff’s allegations and view the complaint in the light most
    favorable to the plaintiff. 
    Plaintiff claims that the AP is liable for the tort of fraudulent misrepre-
    sentation.2 He argues that after the trial court issued its non-disclosure
    order, "[f]air dealing" required the AP reporter "to indicate his posi-
    tion on publishing names of criminal sexual assault victims." By
    keeping silent, plaintiff argues, the AP reporter "implicitly agreed to
    Plaintiff has not appealed the district court’s dismissal of his inten-
    tional infliction of emotional distress claim. In any event, reporting a
    matter that was heard in open court is not so "atrocious and utterly intol-
    erable in a civilized community" as to "exceed[ ] all possible bounds of
    decency." Johnson v. Dailey, 
    457 S.E.2d 613
    , 615 (S.C. 1995).
    4                    DOE v. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
    comply" with the non-disclosure order, "yet had at the time . . . no
    intention of keeping the promise." Plaintiff contends that the report-
    er’s failure to state his intention was therefore a fraudulent suppres-
    sion of a material fact.
    In South Carolina, "[n]ondisclosure becomes fraudulent only when
    it is the duty of the party having knowledge of the facts to uncover
    them to the other." Warr v. Carolina Power & Light Co., 
    115 S.E.2d 799
    , 802 (S.C. 1960). Such a duty to disclose can arise in only three
    cases: (1) where there exists a "preexisting definite fiduciary relation
    between the parties"; (2) where one party either expressly or (by vir-
    tue of the specific circumstances of the case) implicitly "reposes a
    trust and confidence in the other with reference to the particular trans-
    action in question"; or (3) where "the very contract or transaction
    itself, in its essential nature, is intrinsically fiduciary and necessarily
    calls for perfect good faith and full disclosure." Jacobson v. Yaschik,
    155 S.E.2d 601
    , 605 (S.C. 1967); see also Kiriakides v. Atlas Food
    Sys. & Servs., Inc., 
    527 S.E.2d 371
    , 378-80 (S.C. App. 2000), modi-
    fied on other grounds, 
    541 S.E.2d 257
     (S.C. 2001).
    Plaintiff’s relationship with the AP fits into none of these catego-
    ries. Fraud of the sort alleged here typically requires some course of
    dealing or prior relationship between two parties. But the two parties
    had no prior dealings with each other of any sort, fiduciary or other-
    wise: the AP reporter and plaintiff were, quite simply, complete
    strangers. Nor was there anything intrinsically fiduciary about the AP
    representative’s role as a courtroom reporter that day. There is noth-
    ing about the act of listening to a witness in open court that could
    place a burden of fiduciary loyalty on a room full of listeners. Plain-
    tiff may well have relied on his expectation that the reporters present
    would not ignore the judge’s instruction, but the AP reporter’s failure
    to do so did not violate any pre-existing duty to plaintiff.
    Plaintiff also claims that the AP should be held liable for the tor-
    tious invasion of his privacy. The district court held that the facts as
    alleged in the complaint did not state a claim for invasion of privacy
    under South Carolina law. We agree.
    DOE v. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS                        5
    The right of privacy is "the right to be let alone; the right of a per-
    son to be free from unwarranted publicity." Swinton Creek Nursery
    v. Edisto Farm Credit, ACA, 
    514 S.E.2d 126
    , 130 (S.C. 1999) (quot-
    ing Holloman v. Life Ins. Co. of Virginia, 
    7 S.E.2d 169
    , 171 (S.C.
    1940)). South Carolina defines tortious invasion of privacy as "[t]he
    unwarranted appropriation or exploitation of one’s personality, the
    publicizing of one’s private affairs with which the public has no legit-
    imate concern, or the wrongful intrusion into one’s private activities,
    in such a manner as to outrage or cause mental suffering, shame, or
    humiliation to a person of ordinary sensibilities." Meetze v. Associ-
    ated Press, 
    95 S.E.2d 606
    , 608 (S.C. 1956). This definition gives rise
    to three separate but related causes of action: "(1) wrongful appropria-
    tion of personality; (2) wrongful publicizing of private affairs; and (3)
    wrongful intrusion into private affairs." Snakenberg v. Hartford Cas.
    Ins. Co., 
    383 S.E.2d 2
    , 5 (S.C. App. 1989).
    Plaintiff does not dispute the district court’s conclusion that his
    complaint can be construed as asserting two of these causes of action:
    wrongful publicizing and wrongful intrusion. We address each of
    these issues in order.
    To face liability for wrongful publicizing of private affairs, a
    defendant must have intentionally committed "public disclosure of
    private facts about the plaintiff" — facts "in which there is no legiti-
    mate public interest." 
    Id. at 6
    . Plaintiff points to no case, however,
    suggesting any circumstance under which there might be a privacy
    interest in information disclosed in an open courtroom. Anyone was
    free to sit in the courtroom and listen to plaintiff’s testimony: the sen-
    tencing hearing was public and open to both ordinary members of the
    public and representatives of the press. Neither plaintiff’s complaint
    nor the record suggests that the trial judge closed the courtroom or
    restricted attendance in any way. Indeed, "our criminal law tradition
    insists on public indictment, public trial, and public imposition of sen-
    tence. Transparency is essential to maintaining public respect for the
    criminal justice system, ensuring its integrity, and protecting the
    rights of the accused." Smith v. Doe, 
    123 S. Ct. 1140
    , 1150 (2003)
    (emphasis added); see generally Richmond Newspapers, Inc. v. Vir-
    448 U.S. 555
    , 569-574 (1980) (plurality opinion of Burger, J.).
    Without some indication from South Carolina courts to the con-
    trary, we cannot understand how the voluntary disclosure of informa-
    6                     DOE v. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
    tion in an unrestricted, open courtroom setting could be anything but
    a matter of public interest. The nature of the information disclosed
    here does not change our legal analysis: "if a person, whether will-
    ingly or not, becomes an actor in an event of public or general inter-
    est, then the publication of his connection with such an occurrence is
    not an invasion of his right to privacy." Doe v. Berkeley Publ’rs, 
    496 S.E.2d 636
    , 637 (S.C. 1998) (internal punctuation omitted) (rejecting
    a privacy claim based on the defendant’s truthful reporting that plain-
    tiff was a victim of a sexual assault while incarcerated in the local
    jail). The AP is not liable for wrongful publicizing.
    To be liable for wrongful intrusion into private affairs, a defendant
    must have engaged in conduct that resembles "watching, spying, pry-
    ing, besetting, [or] overhearing." Snakenberg, 
    383 S.E.2d at 6
    . More-
    over, this intrusion must have invaded an area "which one normally
    expects will be free from exposure to the defendant." 
     Plaintiff has
    not alleged that the AP engaged in any such conduct. Plaintiff knew
    that the courtroom was public and that everyone in the courtroom
    could hear his testimony.3 Moreover, the AP reporter was where he
    had a perfect right to be. A viewer in plain sight on a courtroom
    bench who listens to the public testimony of a witness in open court
    can hardly be described as "spying" or "intruding" like an illicit
    eavesdropper. The AP is thus not liable for wrongful intrusion.
    For all these reasons, plaintiff fails to state a claim for the invasion
    of his privacy.
    In summary, while "there is some justification for the complaint . . .
    as to the conduct of this newspaper reporter," the courts "do not sit
    as censors of the manners of the Press." Meetze, 95 S.E.2d at 610.
    Plaintiff may have successfully alleged poor judgment on the part of
    the AP, but he has not made out a case of tortious conduct under
    South Carolina law. Because the complaint fails as a matter of state
    Plaintiff argues that the AP reporter behaved fraudulently and thereby
    created the functional equivalent of an illicit "overhearing" of plaintiff’s
    testimony. As discussed in Part III, however, we reject the plaintiff’s
    fraudulent misrepresentation claim on the pleadings.
    DOE v. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS                    7
    law, we have no need to reach the AP’s constitutional defenses. Ash-
    wander v. TVA, 
    297 U.S. 288
    , 347 (1936) (Brandeis, J., concurring).
    The district court’s judgment is