American Reliable v. Stillwell , 336 F.3d 311 ( 2003 )

  •                            PUBLISHED
    Plaintiffs-Appellants,             No. 02-1431
    Plaintiffs-Appellees,             No. 02-1807
    Appeals from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of West Virginia, at Wheeling.
    Frederick P. Stamp, Jr., District Judge.
    Argued: February 24, 2003
    Decided: July 16, 2003
    Before TRAXLER and SHEDD, Circuit Judges, and
    C. Arlen BEAM, Senior Circuit Judge of the
    United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit,
    sitting by designation.
    Affirmed by published opinion. Judge Traxler wrote the opinion, in
    which Judge Shedd and Senior Judge Beam joined.
    ARGUED: Stephan Isaiah Voudris, JORDEN BURT, L.L.P., Miami,
    Florida, for Appellants. Thomas Clark Schultz, Wheeling, West Vir-
    ginia, for Appellees. ON BRIEF: Markham R. Leventhal, JORDEN
    BURT, L.L.P., Miami, Florida; John Preston Bailey, BAILEY,
    RILEY, BUCH & HARMAN, L.C., Wheeling, West Virginia; Kevin
    S. Burger, MARGOLIS EDELSTEIN, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, for
    Appellants. Don A. Yannerella, Wheeling, West Virginia, for Appel-
    TRAXLER, Circuit Judge:
    Appellants American Reliable Insurance Company, American
    Bankers Insurance Company of Florida, and Campbell Insurance Ser-
    vices, Inc. (collectively "Appellants"), appeal the district court’s dis-
    missal of their petition to compel arbitration of claims asserted against
    them in West Virginia state court by Appellees Robert and Helen
    Stillwell. See American Reliable Ins. Co. v. Stillwell, 
    212 F. Supp. 2d 621
    , 623-24 (N.D.W.Va. 2002). The district court dismissed Appel-
    lants’ complaint on three alternative grounds: (1) the court lacked
    jurisdiction pursuant to the Rooker-Feldman doctrine; (2) American
    Reliable and Campbell had waived the right to arbitration; and (3)
    abstention was appropriate under Colorado River Water Conservation
    Dist. v. United States, 
    424 U.S. 800
     (1976). On appeal, Appellants
    challenge all three bases offered by the district court in support of the
    dismissal of their action to compel arbitration.
    Appellants also appeal the district court’s refusal to impose Rule
    11 sanctions against the Stillwells for seeking attorney’s fees and liti-
    gation costs. The Stillwells cross appeal the district court’s denial of
    their motion for attorney’s fees and costs. We affirm.
    In February 1999, the Stillwells purchased a homeowners policy
    issued by American Reliable. The policy contained an arbitration
    clause that provided, in part, as follows:
    Any and all disputes, controversies or claims of any kind
    and nature between you and us arising out of or in any way
    related to the validity, interpretation, performance or breach
    of any provisions of this policy, and upon which a settle-
    ment has not been reached by you and us, shall be resolved
    exclusively[,] by arbitration in accordance with the Federal
    Arbitration Act (
    9 U.S.C. § 1
     ET SEQ).
    J.A. 91. Shortly thereafter, the Stillwells’ mobile home sustained
    damage in a wind storm. After an initial dispute about whether the
    loss was covered by the American Reliable policy, the parties settled
    the Stillwells’ claim for property loss.
    In February 2000, the Stillwells filed an action in state court
    against American Reliable and Campbell Insurance for various claims
    relating to the policy, alleging that American Reliable and Campbell
    Insurance handled their claim under the policy in bad faith and vio-
    lated certain West Virginia statutory provisions regarding the han-
    dling of insurance claims.1 American Reliable and Campbell filed an
    answer that included a number of affirmative defenses; however, the
    answer did not invoke the arbitration clause. In April 2001, the Still-
    wells amended the complaint to add American Bankers as a defendant
    Campbell Insurance was named as a defendant based on its alleged
    status as general agent for American Reliable.
    and to convert the lawsuit into a class action.2 For the first time, in
    answering the amended complaint, Appellants invoked the arbitration
    On May 1, 2001, after the state court proceedings had been in prog-
    ress for 14 months, Appellants filed a joint motion in state court to
    compel arbitration and stay judicial proceedings, pursuant to the Fed-
    eral Arbitration Act ("FAA"). See 
    9 U.S.C.A. §§ 1-16
     (West 1999 &
    Supp. 2003). On June 11, 2001, the West Virginia state court denied
    Appellants’ motion to compel arbitration and stay judicial proceed-
    ings, concluding that the policy was "a contract of adhesion" and that
    Appellants "proffered no evidence that the parties to this contract
    knowingly bargained for an arbitration clause." J.A. 121-22.
    On May 18, 2001, while Appellants’ motion to compel arbitration
    was pending in state court, Appellants filed, but did not serve, this
    action in federal court seeking to compel arbitration of the Stillwells’
    state law claims — the same issue that Appellants had raised and ulti-
    mately lost in state court. Appellants completed service of the federal
    complaint only after the state court denied their motion to compel
    arbitration three weeks later. Moreover, almost immediately after the
    state court issued its decision, Appellants filed a motion in district
    court to compel arbitration of the Stillwells’ state law claims. Appel-
    lants argued that "the state court issued an erroneous ruling which
    failed to follow Federal law under the FAA and which denied the
    motion to compel arbitration" and urged the district court to rectify
    the situation by "enforc[ing] Federal law under the FAA and . . .
    enter[ing] an Order compelling the parties’ dispute to arbitration."
    American Reliable, 
    212 F. Supp. 2d at 625
    . In response, the Stillwells
    filed a motion to dismiss the federal action on numerous grounds,
    including the Rooker-Feldman doctrine, the Younger abstention doc-
    trine, and principles of res judicata and collateral estoppel.
    While awaiting a decision from the district court, Appellants
    attempted to obtain review of the state trial court’s denial of arbitra-
    tion in the West Virginia appellate courts. First, Appellants moved
    The Stillwells named American Bankers as a defendant because it
    was the parent company for American Reliable and allegedly processed
    the Stillwells’ claim under the policy.
    unsuccessfully in the state trial court for an order certifying the arbi-
    tration question for interlocutory appeal to the West Virginia Supreme
    Court of Appeals. Next, Appellants petitioned the West Virginia
    Supreme Court for a Writ of Prohibition against the enforcement of
    the trial court’s order denying arbitration, which the supreme court
    refused to grant. Then, Appellants filed a petition seeking permission
    to appeal the state trial court’s rejection of arbitration to the West Vir-
    ginia Supreme Court, which was also denied. Ultimately, Appellants
    unsuccessfully sought review of the denial of the petition for appeal
    in the United States Supreme Court. See American Reliable Ins. Co.
    v. Stillwell, 
    123 S. Ct. 112
    The district court concluded that Appellants’ federal lawsuit was
    the "‘functional equivalent’ of an appeal from the June 11, 2001 state
    court decision" denying arbitration — clearly demonstrated, the dis-
    trict court reasoned, by Appellants’ "failure to actively pursue their
    complaint and petition to compel arbitration until after the state court
    ruling." American Reliable, 
    212 F. Supp. 2d at 627
    . Based on that
    conclusion, the district court held that it was precluded by the Rooker-
    Feldman doctrine from considering an identical motion to compel
    arbitration and dismissed the action for lack of subject matter jurisdic-
    Alternatively, the court found that Appellants, having "litigate[d]
    the state court case for a period of 14 months before they even men-
    tioned that they wished to enforce the arbitration provision in the con-
    tract," waived the right to invoke the arbitration clause. 
    Id. at 628
    Additionally, the district court determined that even if the Rooker-
    Feldman and waiver doctrines did not apply, federal court abstention
    was appropriate under the Colorado River doctrine of abstention
    because the federal "action was not filed until more than 14 months
    after the state court case was filed, the defendants are challenging the
    validity of the arbitration clause, which implicates state law, the state
    court forum is adequate to protect the federal plaintiffs’ rights, and the
    The district court’s waiver analysis did not apply to American Bank-
    ers, which was not added as a defendant until the case had been pending
    in state court for more than one year. See American Reliable, 
    212 F. Supp. 2d at 629
    state court has already ruled on the issue before this Court." 
    Id. at 631
    On appeal, Appellants challenge each of the bases identified by the
    district court in support of its order of dismissal. Because we agree
    that the district court properly applied the Rooker-Feldman doctrine,
    we do not reach Appellants’ additional arguments.
    Under the Rooker-Feldman doctrine, a "party losing in state court
    is barred from seeking what in substance would be appellate review
    of the state judgment in a United States district court." Johnson v.
    512 U.S. 997
    , 1005-06 (1994). We regard the doctrine as
    jurisdictional. See Friedman’s, Inc. v. Dunlap, 
    290 F.3d 191
    , 196 (4th
    Cir. 2002) ("Because the Rooker-Feldman doctrine is jurisdictional,
    we are obliged to address it before proceeding further in our analy-
    sis."); Plyler v. Moore, 
    129 F.3d 728
    , 731 (4th Cir. 1997) ("Under the
    Rooker-Feldman doctrine, lower federal courts do not have jurisdic-
    tion to review state-court decisions."); Jordahl v. Democratic Party
    of Va., 
    122 F.3d 192
    , 197 n.5 (4th Cir. 1997) (noting that the Rooker-
    Feldman doctrine is a jurisdictional matter that a court is empowered
    to raise sua sponte). The notion that Rooker-Feldman is jurisdictional
    "rests on two basic propositions of federal jurisdiction." Brown &
    Root, Inc. v. Breckenridge, 
    211 F.3d 194
    , 198 (4th Cir. 2000). One
    is that "Congress . . . vested the authority to review state court judg-
    ments in the United States Supreme Court alone" under 
    28 U.S.C. § 1257
    Id. at 198-99
    . The other is that "Congress has empowered
    the federal district courts to exercise only original jurisdiction." 
    Id. at 199
    . The Rooker-Feldman doctrine, therefore, preserves a fundamen-
    tal tenet in our system of federalism that, with the exception of habeas
    cases, appellate review of state court decisions occurs first within the
    state appellate system and then in the United States Supreme Court.
    See Plyler, 
    129 F.3d at 731
    . A litigant may not circumvent these juris-
    dictional mandates by instituting a federal action which, although not
    styled as an appeal, "amounts to nothing more than an attempt to seek
    review of [the state court’s] decision by a lower federal court." 
    Id. at 733
    ; see Jordahl v. Democratic Party of Va., 
    122 F.3d 192
    , 202 (4th
    Cir. 1997) (explaining that a litigant "may not escape the jurisdic-
    tional bar of Rooker-Feldman by merely refashioning its attack on the
    state court judgment[ ] as a § 1983 claim"). For purposes of Rooker-
    Feldman, "[t]he controlling question . . . is whether a party seeks the
    federal district court to review a state court decision and thus pass
    upon the merits of that state court decision." Jordahl, 
    122 F.3d at 202
    see Brown & Root, 
    211 F.3d at 202
     ("[T]he pivotal inquiry is whether
    the federal plaintiff seeks to set aside a state court judgment or
    whether he is, in fact, presenting an independent claim." (alterations
    and internal quotation marks omitted)).
    We agree with the district court’s conclusion that Appellants’ fed-
    eral action was the "‘functional equivalent’ of an appeal from the June
    11, 2001 state court decision." American Reliable, 
    212 F. Supp. 2d at 627
    . Appellants sought a federal court order requiring the arbitration
    of the Stillwells’ state claims, precisely the same ruling denied to
    Appellants in state court. That is, Appellants were asking the federal
    courts to reach the "correct" result that they believe was denied in
    state court. Rooker-Feldman generally applies when a state-court liti-
    gant "sues in federal district court to readjudicate the same issues
    decided in the state court proceedings." Brown & Root, 
    211 F.3d at 201
    ; see 
    id. at 200
     (applying Rooker-Feldman doctrine where the fed-
    eral complaint sought "precisely the same relief denied by the state
    trial court" and the briefs filed presented "an argument which the state
    court had already rejected"); Plyler, 
    129 F.3d at 731
     (explaining that
    Rooker-Feldman principles bar district court consideration of "issues
    actually presented to and decided by a state court"). Appellants’ fed-
    eral complaint sought, in substance if not in form, to reverse the state
    court’s decision and send the Stillwells’ claims to arbitration.
    However, we need not rely only on the fact that Appellants are
    seeking adjudication of precisely the same claim rejected by the state
    court to apply Rooker-Feldman. Appellants submitted a brief to the
    district court making it plain that the purpose of the federal action was
    to correct the ruling of the state court:
    [T]he state court issued an erroneous ruling which failed to
    follow Federal law under the FAA and which denied the
    motion to compel arbitration on the ground that the arbitra-
    tion clause had not been separately "bargained for." . . . The
    state court’s decision denying arbitration is directly contrary
    to binding United States Supreme Court authority under the
    FAA, which firmly holds that a court may not discriminate
    against an arbitration clause by enforcing all other provi-
    sions of a contract but not its arbitration clause. Allied-Bruce
    Terminix Cos. v. Dobson, 
    513 U.S. 265
    , 277 (1995).
    Accordingly, the [Appellants] hereby move this Court to
    enforce Federal law under the FAA and to enter an Order
    compelling the parties’ dispute to arbitration.
    American Reliable, 
    212 F. Supp. 2d at 625
    . The Rooker-Feldman bar
    applies to claims such as this one where, "in order to grant the federal
    plaintiff the relief sought, the federal court must determine that the
    [state] court judgment was erroneously entered or must take action
    that would render the judgment ineffectual." Jordahl, 
    122 F.3d at 202
    (internal quotation marks omitted).
    Thus, we conclude that Appellants’ federal action is the functional
    equivalent of an appeal of the state court order denying arbitration
    and is impermissible under the Rooker-Feldman doctrine.
    Appellants contend that the Rooker-Feldman doctrine cannot apply
    here because, although the underlying state action had been pending
    for more than one year, Appellants filed the federal action before the
    state court rendered its decision on the motion to compel arbitration.
    Appellants argue that because the Rooker-Feldman doctrine is consid-
    ered jurisdictional, the critical time for determining whether it applies
    is at the time that the federal action is commenced. See, e.g., Athena
    Auto., Inc. v. DiGregorio, 
    166 F.3d 288
    , 290 (4th Cir. 1999) (explain-
    ing that federal diversity jurisdiction "attaches at the commencement
    of an action" and subsequent events do not destroy the federal court’s
    "authority to decide the case"). According to Appellants, therefore, a
    subsequent decision by the state court will not cause the federal court
    to lose subject matter jurisdiction — even, presumably, if the federal
    action raises precisely the same issue as that considered and disposed
    of by the state court. Cf. Jamison v. Wiley, 
    14 F.3d 222
    , 239 (4th Cir.
    1994) ("That the federal court ultimately rejects the federal defense
    that supported removal under § 1442(a)(1) does not mean that it
    thereby loses subject matter jurisdiction over the removed action; the
    jurisdiction of the federal courts over a properly removed action will
    not be defeated by later developments in the suit." (internal quotation
    marks omitted)).
    We cannot agree that the sequence in which the federal plaintiff
    files the action and the state court issues its judgment is absolutely
    controlling for Rooker-Feldman purposes. We have previously
    applied Rooker-Feldman despite the fact that the federal complaint
    was filed before the state court rendered its decision without expressly
    addressing the issue. See Friedman’s, 
    290 F.3d at 195-97
    . Other cir-
    cuits have done likewise. See, e.g., In re Gen. Motors Corp. Pick-Up
    Truck Fuel Tank Prods. Liab. Litig., 
    134 F.3d 133
    , 137-40, 143 (3d
    Cir. 1998) (applying Rooker-Feldman doctrine where federal action
    was commenced prior to state court’s decision without discussing the
    filing sequence); Datz v. Kilgore, 
    51 F.3d 252
     (11th Cir. 1995) (per
    curiam) (same). With the issue now before the court, we conclude that
    the order in which the federal action was filed and the state decision
    issued is a relevant, but not controlling, consideration in answering
    the key question of "whether a party seeks the federal district court
    to review a state court decision and thus pass upon the merits of that
    state court decision." Jordahl, 
    122 F.3d at 202
    To find otherwise would permit litigants to nullify the purpose of
    Rooker-Feldman by precisely the kind of ploy used here by Appel-
    lants. Appellants filed their federal action to compel arbitration prior
    to the state court’s decision on Appellants’ identical motion in state
    court. Appellants did not serve the Stillwells with the complaint, how-
    ever, intending "to let the federal complaint sit in the Clerk’s office
    without serving it while awaiting the state-court decision" and to pur-
    sue it only if Appellants lost in state court. J.A. 386. And, in fact,
    Appellants served process two days after the state court rendered
    them an unfavorable decision, and immediately filed an identical
    motion to compel arbitration in federal district court. In support of the
    motion to compel arbitration, Appellants argued that the state decision
    denying arbitration was erroneous. Clearly, Appellants were making
    the functional equivalent of an appeal of the state decision in district
    court; they should not be permitted to avoid Rooker-Feldman by pre-
    paring a complaint raising claims identical to those in state court, i.e.,
    the "appeal", and filing it immediately prior to the state court decision
    in preparation for an adverse determination.
    Although we treat Rooker-Feldman as a jurisdictional doctrine,
    there is undeniably substantial overlap between it and various doc-
    trines of abstention and preclusion. See Vulcan Chem. Techs., Inc. v.
    297 F.3d 332
    , 343 (4th Cir. 2002) (recognizing that "our dual
    system of government" is protected by "full faith and credit, the
    Rooker-Feldman doctrine, the Erie doctrine, abstention, and other
    similar doctrines"); see also United States v. Owens, 
    54 F.3d 271
    , 274
    (6th Cir. 1995) (observing that Rooker-Feldman is "a combination of
    the abstention and res judicata doctrines"); Barry Friedman & James
    E. Gaylord, Rooker-Feldman, From the Ground Up, 
    74 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1129
    , 1173-74 (1999) ("Rooker-Feldman . . . operates to plug
    any gap in the Younger and preclusion doctrines when a party who
    could have chosen to litigate in federal court instead chooses state
    court and then in the course of litigation becomes unhappy with that
    decision."). As the district court held, the application of abstention
    under Colorado River might well have been appropriate if it were not
    obvious that Appellants were effectively appealing the decision of the
    state court — for example, if Appellants had filed and pursued the
    federal petition to compel arbitration before or immediately after
    moving in state court for arbitration. Cf. Vulcan, 
    297 F.3d at
    338 n.2
    (holding that district court abused its discretion by failing to abstain
    from exercising its jurisdiction over an action to vacate an arbitration
    award where it "obtained jurisdiction over . . . [the arbitration] claim
    before the California court did.").
    In sum, we hold that a party cannot avoid Rooker-Feldman merely
    by filing a complaint in federal court immediately before the state
    court renders its decision where it is patently obvious, as it was here,
    that the federal action is intended to be nothing more than an appeal
    of an unfavorable decision by the state court. The timing of the filing
    of the complaint in federal court is a relevant consideration, but it is
    not outcome determinative. This is consistent with the spirit of the
    Rooker-Feldman doctrine which, by elevating substance over form,
    preserves the independence of state courts as well as congressional
    intent that an appeal from a state court decision must proceed through
    that state’s system of appellate review rather than inferior federal
    Appellants object to the district court’s application of Rooker-
    Feldman on one additional ground. Appellants argue that the district
    court erroneously applied Rooker-Feldman because the West Virginia
    Supreme Court, in refusing to reconsider its denial of Appellants’
    petition for appeal, stated that "an appeal of the merits of this matter
    continues to be premature" because "it appears that issues of fact and
    of state law have not been finally determined below, which issues
    may determine the questions of when and to what extent the Federal
    Arbitration Act applies." Stillwell v. American Reliable Ins. Co., No.
    012231 (W. Va. March 13, 2002). Appellants contend that the lan-
    guage used by the West Virginia Supreme Court in this order sug-
    gested that the circuit court’s order denying arbitration was
    "preliminary" and "subject to change after further development of the
    factual record," Appellants’ Answering and Reply Br. at 9, and that
    the application of Rooker-Feldman was therefore inappropriate.
    Rooker-Feldman, however, "applies to interlocutory orders issued by
    state courts . . . [because] [i]t cannot be the meaning of Rooker-
    Feldman that, while the inferior federal courts are barred from
    reviewing final decisions of state courts, they are free to review inter-
    locutory orders." Brown & Root, 
    211 F.3d at 199
     (internal quotation
    marks omitted) (second alteration in original). Appellants’ argument
    seems to suggest that, for purposes of Rooker-Feldman, there is a dis-
    tinction between a preliminary order and one that is merely interlocu-
    tory. The distinction is purely semantic. See Black’s Law Dictionary
    815 (6th ed. 1990) (defining an "interlocutory order" as "one which
    does not finally determine a cause of action but only decides some
    intervening matter pertaining to the cause, and which requires further
    steps to be taken in order to enable the court to adjudicate the cause
    on the merits"). The state court rendered an adjudication on the merits
    of the arbitration issue which the West Virginia Supreme Court left
    standing. The fact that such an order may be theoretically subject to
    modification does not impact the Rooker-Feldman analysis. It is suffi-
    cient that a state court render a decision resolving an issue that is the
    basis for the federal action, even if the decision comes in the form of
    an interlocutory or preliminary order. See Campbell v. Greisberger,
    80 F.3d 703
    , 707 (2nd Cir. 1996) (applying Rooker-Feldman where
    state order denied federal plaintiff’s claim but indicated the court
    would reconsider the issue if additional evidence was submitted);
    Port Auth. Police Benevolent Ass’n v. Port Auth. of N.Y. and N.J.
    Police Dep’t, 
    973 F.2d 169
    , 178 (3d Cir. 1992) (finding Rooker-
    Feldman applicable because "the preliminary injunction issued by the
    New York trial court . . . resolved, at least for the moment, the dispute
    between the parties which forms the basis of the federal complaint at
    issue in this case"). Thus, we reject this argument as well.
    The Stillwells cross appeal the district court’s denial of their
    motion for attorney’s fees and litigation expenses related to their
    opposition to Appellants’ federal action seeking to compel arbitration.
    In turn, Appellants challenge the district court’s denial of their motion
    for sanctions under Rule 11 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure,
    filed in response to the Stillwells’ motion for attorney’s fees.
    Before the district court ruled on the issue of arbitration, the Still-
    wells filed a motion for attorney’s fees and costs in the event that the
    district court ruled in their favor. The district court denied this motion
    because it found no statutory or common law basis permitting an
    award of fees. In denying the Stillwells’ Rule 59(e) motion to alter or
    amend its order, the court explained that neither federal nor state law
    afforded a basis for recovery:
    West Virginia law is quite clear: The American rule that
    both sides of a civil controversy must pay their own attor-
    ney’s fees remains the law in the absence of a statutory or
    contractual provision providing for recovery of attorney’s
    fees or case law that carves out an exception. Because there
    is no statutory or contractual provision or case law that
    carves out an exception, the American Rule must apply.
    Further, there is no provision in the Federal Arbitration
    Act . . . that awards attorney’s fees to a party who is suc-
    cessful in pursuing a motion to compel arbitration or in
    defeating a motion to compel arbitration. . . . [A]warding
    attorney’s fees to a party who defeats a motion to compel
    arbitration under the FAA would frustrate Congress’ inten-
    tion to "rigorously enforce" arbitration agreements.
    American Reliable, 
    212 F. Supp. 2d at 633-34
    . Generally, we review
    a district court’s decision awarding or denying attorney’s fees and
    costs for abuse of discretion. See Hitachi Credit Am. Corp. v. Signet
    166 F.3d 614
    , 631 (4th Cir. 1999).
    We conclude that the district court did not abuse its discretion in
    denying the Stillwells’ motion for fees and costs. The Stillwells have
    failed to identify any statutory or common law basis that would sup-
    port an award of attorney’s fees, and there is no contractual provision
    in the policy that would permit fee-shifting. See Alyeska Pipeline
    Serv. Co. v. Wilderness Soc’y, 
    421 U.S. 240
    , 247, 263-64 (1975)
    (explaining that without statutory authorization or contractual agree-
    ment between the parties, the prevailing American rule is that each
    party in federal litigation pays his own attorney’s fees); Helmick v.
    Potomac Edison Co., 
    406 S.E.2d 700
    , 709 (W. Va. 1991) (same).
    Although the Stillwells now suggest that a lower federal court has the
    inherent power to award attorney’s fees as a sanction to control the
    conduct of litigants, see Chambers v. NASCO, Inc., 
    501 U.S. 32
    , 43-
    44 (1991), we decline to consider it because they failed to present this
    argument to the district court. Moreover, in filing this action, Appel-
    lants have not "acted in bad faith, vexatiously, wantonly, or for
    oppressive reasons" such that the court abused its discretion in not
    awarding attorney’s fees. Chambers, 
    501 U.S. at 45-46
     (internal quo-
    tation marks omitted). Because the district court correctly determined
    that the Stillwells did not identify an appropriate basis for recovering
    fees and costs, the court did not abuse its discretion in denying their
    We likewise conclude that the district court was within its discre-
    tion in denying Appellants’ motion for sanctions pursuant Rule 11 of
    the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. See Bass v. E.I. DuPont de
    Nemours & Co., 
    324 F.3d 761
    , 767 (4th Cir. 2003) (applying abuse
    of discretion standard of review to the imposition or denial of Rule
    11 sanctions). Appellants moved for sanctions on the grounds that the
    Stillwells’ motion for attorney’s fees was frivolous and filed only as
    an improper litigation tactic. The district court denied the motion "be-
    As did the district court, we decline as unnecessary the Stillwells’
    request that we certify the question of attorney’s fees to the West Vir-
    ginia Supreme Court of Appeals. See 
    W. Va. Code § 51
    cause the [Stillwells’] motion for attorney’s fees was not filed for any
    improper purpose such as to harass or cause unnecessary delay or
    needless increase in the cost of litigation." American Reliable, 
    212 F. Supp. 2d at 631
    . Moreover, "[a]lthough this Court does not agree with
    the defendants’ argument that attorneys’ fees should be granted, this
    Court does not find that the defendants’ argument was frivolous." 
    Id. at 631-32
    . On the record before us, we cannot say that the district
    court abused its discretion. Thus, we affirm the denial of Appellants’
    motion for Rule 11 sanctions as well.
    For the foregoing reasons, the judgment of the district court is
    hereby affirmed.

Document Info

Docket Number: 02-1431

Citation Numbers: 336 F.3d 311

Filed Date: 7/16/2003

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023

Authorities (21)

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