United States v. Fitzgerald ( 2006 )

  •                             PUBLISHED
    UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,              
    v.                               No. 04-4820
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Eastern District of Virginia, at Norfolk.
    Raymond A. Jackson, District Judge.
    Argued: September 22, 2005
    Decided: January 13, 2006
    Before WILLIAMS, KING, and SHEDD, Circuit Judges.
    Affirmed by published opinion. Judge Shedd wrote the majority opin-
    ion, in which Judge Williams joined. Judge King wrote a dissenting
    ARGUED: David Wayne Bouchard, Chesapeake, Virginia, for
    Appellant. Howard Jacob Zlotnick, Assistant United States Attorney,
    Virginia, for Appellee. ON BRIEF: Paul J. McNulty, United States
    Attorney, Michael J. Elston, Assistant United States Attorney, Alex-
    andria, Virginia, for Appellee.
    2                     UNITED STATES v. FITZGERALD
    SHEDD, Circuit Judge:
    Sean Fitzgerald appeals the district court’s application of a three-
    level enhancement to his sentence following a conviction for failing
    to appear at sentencing. Fitzgerald claims that the enhancement vio-
    lates the rule of lenity and the prohibition against double jeopardy.
    Finding no error, we affirm.
    In November 2003, a federal grand jury indicted Fitzgerald for
    mail fraud and wire fraud. The district court released Fitzgerald on a
    secured bond. Following a guilty plea, a date was set for sentencing.
    When Fitzgerald failed to appear at his sentencing, the district court
    issued an arrest warrant, and Fitzgerald was arrested.
    A federal grand jury thereafter returned a one-count indictment
    against Fitzgerald for knowingly failing to appear for sentencing in
    violation of 
    18 U.S.C. § 3146
    , which carried a maximum statutory
    sentence of ten years imprisonment to run consecutively with any sen-
    tence for his initial crimes. Fitzgerald pled guilty. A presentence
    report ("PSR") was prepared, which included a three-level enhance-
    ment to Fitzgerald’s offense level, pursuant to United States Sentenc-
    ing Guidelines § 2J1.7 and 
    18 U.S.C. § 3147
    , for committing an
    offense while on release. Under § 3147, a person who is convicted of
    committing an offense while on release under chapter 207 of Title 18
    of the United States Code "shall be sentenced, in addition to the sen-
    tence prescribed for the offense to (1) a term of imprisonment of not
    more than ten years imprisonment if the offense is a felony. . . ." Sec-
    tion 2J1.7 "incorporates this provision into the guidelines by requiring
    a three-level increase to the base offense level when . . . § 3147 is
    applicable." United States v. Kincaid, 
    964 F.2d 325
    , 327 (4th Cir. 1992).1
    Section 2J1.7 provides: "If an enhancement under 
    18 U.S.C. § 3147
    applies, add 3 levels to the offense level for the offense committed while
    on release as if this section were a specific offense characteristic con-
    tained in the offense guideline for the offense committed while on
    UNITED STATES v. FITZGERALD                        3
    At sentencing, Fitzgerald objected to the enhancement, arguing that
    it amounted to a double punishment and violated the rule of lenity. He
    also asserted that if Congress had intended enhanced penalties to
    apply to offenses under § 3146, those penalties would have been
    included under that statutory provision.
    The district court overruled Fitzgerald’s objection, finding § 3147
    to be clear and unambiguous. The district court also noted that
    because Congress enacted §§ 3146 and 3147 at approximately the
    same time, it should have been aware of the combined impact of the
    two statutes. Accordingly, the district court sentenced Fitzgerald to 27
    months imprisonment, to be served consecutively with his sentence
    for the unrelated federal charges, and entered judgment. Fitzgerald
    filed a timely notice of appeal.
    The application of § 3147 to enhance a sentence for the crime of
    failing to appear under § 3146 is a question of first impression in this
    circuit.2 The only circuit that has addressed this issue is the Sixth Cir-
    cuit in United States v. Benson, 
    134 F.3d 787
     (6th Cir. 1998), a case
    on which both parties rely. In Benson, the Sixth Circuit rejected the
    argument that the rule of lenity and the rules of statutory construction
    foreclose an enhancement under § 3147 for the offense of failing to
    appear. The Sixth Circuit noted that although criminal statutes are
    generally construed in favor of the defendant, courts "should not go
    to extreme lengths to characterize criminal statutes as ambiguous
    when they can be read as relatively well-defined. Where there is no
    ambiguity in the words, there is no room for construction." Benson,
    134 F.3d at 788
    . Applying this principle, the Sixth Circuit found
    § 3147 to be unambiguous and to apply to persons convicted of
    offenses committed while on release under chapter 207 of Title 18 of
    the United States Code. Because the jury convicted the defendant
    under § 3146, the Sixth Circuit found that the district court properly
    applied the enhancement.
    "We review the district court’s interpretation of the applicable sen-
    tencing guidelines de novo and its factual findings for clear error."
    United States v. Quinn, 
    359 F.3d 666
    , 679 (4th Cir. 2004).
    4                    UNITED STATES v. FITZGERALD
    In dissent, Judge Nelson argued that the imposition of both a sen-
    tence under § 3146 and an enhancement under § 3147 amounted to a
    double punishment and violated the Double Jeopardy Clause of the
    Fifth Amendment. Judge Nelson argued that because Congress had
    not indicated its intent that multiple punishments be imposed for the
    offense of failing to appear, the more specific statute, § 3146, should
    take precedence over § 3147. Benson, 
    134 F.3d at 789-90
     (Nelson, J.,
    We agree with the majority’s reasoning in Benson. "In a statutory
    construction case, the beginning point must be the language of the
    statute, and when a statute speaks with clarity to an issue[,] judicial
    inquiry into the statute’s meaning, in all but the most extraordinary
    circumstance, is finished." Estate of Cowart v. Nicklos Drilling Co.,
    505 U.S. 469
    , 475 (1992). Section 3147 plainly applies, without
    exception, to offenses committed while on release under chapter 207
    of Title 18. Fitzgerald’s failure to appear, which violates § 3146, is
    clearly an offense committed while on release under chapter 207.
    Given such unambiguous language, there is no need for us to apply
    the rule of lenity. See Chapman v. United States, 
    500 U.S. 453
    , 463
    (1991) ("The rule of lenity . . . is not applicable unless there is a
    grievous ambiguity or uncertainty in the language and structure of the
    Act, such that even after a court has seized every thing from which
    aid can be derived, it is still left with an ambiguous statute.") (cita-
    tions and internal punctuation omitted).
    Fitzgerald’s argument that § 3147 amounts to a double punishment
    in violation of the Double Jeopardy Clause also fails. Section 3147,
    as promulgated by § 2J1.7, creates a sentence enhancement. See gen-
    erally United States v. Cooper, 
    827 F.2d 991
    , 993 (4th Cir. 1987)
    (noting that § 3147 requires "an enhanced sentence" for crimes com-
    mitted while on release). The Supreme Court has "[h]istorically . . .
    found double jeopardy protections inapplicable to sentencing pro-
    ceedings" and has refused to construe sentence enhancements as addi-
    tional punishments. Monge v. California, 
    524 U.S. 721
    , 728 (1998).
    Therefore, the district court’s enhancement of Fitzgerald’s sentence
    does not violate the Double Jeopardy Clause.3
    Since § 3147 is considered an enhancement and not an additional pun-
    ishment, the dissent’s reliance on Simpson v. United States is misplaced.
    UNITED STATES v. FITZGERALD                         5
    Because the plain language of § 3147 provides for the district
    court’s enhancement of Fitzgerald’s sentence and there is no Double
    Jeopardy problem, we affirm the sentence.
    KING, Circuit Judge, dissenting:
    I write separately to express my disagreement with the panel
    majority’s resolution of this appeal. The decision of my colleagues is
    incorrect for two reasons. First, the panel majority reaches a result
    contrary to that mandated by the Supreme Court’s decision in Simp-
    son v. United States, 
    435 U.S. 6
     (1978). Second, it has erred in con-
    cluding that the enhancement provided for in § 3147 unambiguously
    applies where the underlying offense is a violation of § 3146. Section
    3147 is indeed ambiguous in this circumstance and the rule of lenity
    thus obliges us to resolve this appeal in Fitzgerald’s favor.
    On May 27, 2004, Fitzgerald was indicted for "knowingly fail[ing]
    to appear for sentencing," in contravention of 
    18 U.S.C. § 3146
    . He
    In Simpson, a pre-Guidelines case addressing multiple punishments and
    enhancements for the single crime of robbery with a firearm, the
    Supreme Court avoided the constitutional question of Double Jeopardy
    by determining that the legislative history of § 924(c) "left us with little
    more than a guess as to how Congress meant to mesh that statute with
    the sentencing enhancement provisions scattered throughout the federal
    criminal code." United States v. Gonzales, 
    520 U.S. 1
    , 10 (1997)
    (explaining Simpson) (internal punctuation omitted). Unlike Simpson,
    Fitzgerald does not face punishments and enhancements under multiple
    criminal statutes. He has been convicted of the crime of failure to appear
    and faces a single enhancement under § 3147 as promulgated by
    U.S.S.G. § 2J1.7. Although the enhancement is based on the conduct in
    the underlying offense, such double-counting "is generally authorized
    unless the Guidelines expressly prohibit it." United States v. Reevey, 
    364 F.3d 151
    , 158 (4th Cir. 2004). As we have pointed out, the plain, unam-
    biguous language of § 3147 and the Guidelines permit the enhancement.
    6                    UNITED STATES v. FITZGERALD
    pleaded guilty to that offense on July 20, 2004, and his sentencing
    hearing was conducted on September 27, 2004. The Sentencing
    Guidelines prescribed a base offense level of 6 for Fitzgerald’s § 3146
    conviction. See U.S.S.G. § 2J1.6(a)(2) (2003). The sentencing court
    imposed a three-level enhancement pursuant to U.S.S.G. § 2J1.7,
    which provides for such if an enhancement is required under 
    18 U.S.C. § 3147
    . Section 3147, in turn, provides for an enhancement
    where the defendant commits a crime while on release. The offense
    that Fitzgerald committed while on release, of course, was failing to
    appear for sentencing. Thus, after Fitzgerald was convicted for failing
    to appear for sentencing, and after his base offense level was fixed
    accordingly, his sentence was enhanced for the very same act — his
    failure to appear for sentencing.
    The end result in this scenario simply makes no sense. As Judge
    Nelson of the Sixth Circuit aptly observed in addressing this very
    issue, "the defendant gets punished for failure to appear and then he
    gets punished again for failure to appear." United States v. Benson,
    134 F.3d 787
    , 789 (6th Cir. 1998) (Nelson, J., dissenting) (internal
    quotation marks omitted). Under controlling Supreme Court prece-
    dent, such multiple punishments are not authorized by law absent a
    clear congressional statement that they are intended. See Simpson,
    435 U.S. at 15-16
    . Because § 3147 does not include the essential clear
    statement of congressional intent required for an imposition of multi-
    ple punishments in conjunction with § 3146, Fitzgerald’s sentence
    should be vacated.
    The panel majority reaches its conclusion that § 3147 authorizes
    the imposition of multiple punishments on Fitzgerald by applying the
    "plain meaning" rule: "when a statute speaks with clarity to an issue,
    judicial inquiry into the statute’s meaning, in all but the most extraor-
    dinary circumstance, is finished." Ante at 4 (internal quotation marks
    and alteration omitted). Under the panel majority’s analysis, this
    appeal is resolved with the following syllogism: (1) § 3147 applies to
    all offenses committed while on release under chapter 207; (2) § 3146
    creates an offense, which Fitzgerald committed while on release
    under § 3147; (3) therefore, § 3147 applies to § 3146. Id. In other
    words, the panel majority concludes that, because a violation of
    § 3146 falls within the literal language of § 3147, Congress intended
    UNITED STATES v. FITZGERALD                       7
    the multiple punishments that occur when, as here, both statutory pro-
    visions are applied to the very same conduct.
    The flaw in the panel majority’s reasoning, in my view, stems from
    its failure to recognize the interpretive rules that apply in this situa-
    tion, where the application of two statutory provisions results in a
    defendant being punished twice for the same conduct. In such a situa-
    tion, a sentencing court is not entitled to impose multiple punishments
    on a defendant solely upon a finding that the literal terms of both stat-
    utes apply to his conduct; it may only impose such multiple punish-
    ments where Congress has clearly stated its intention to that effect.
    See Simpson, 
    435 U.S. at 15-16
    In Simpson, the defendant had robbed a bank, using a firearm to
    intimidate the bank’s employees. 
    Id. at 8-9
    . The bank robbery statute
    under which the defendant (Simpson) was prosecuted contained a
    sentencing enhancement that applied where the "robbery [was] com-
    mitted ‘by the use of a dangerous weapon or device.’" 
    Id. at 7
    18 U.S.C. § 2113
    (d)). A second statute, 
    18 U.S.C. § 924
    provided for an enhancement whenever a person "‘uses a firearm to
    commit any felony for which he may be prosecuted in a court of the
    United States,’" and specified that the enhanced penalty was to be "‘in
    addition to the punishment provided for the commission of the
    [underlying] felony.’" 
    Id. at 8
     (quoting § 924(c)). The question for the
    Court was whether the enhancements under § 2113(d) and § 924(c)
    could both be applied to Simpson, given that they each prescribed
    punishment for the same conduct. As in this case, the literal language
    of § 924(c) applied to Simpson’s conduct: § 924(c) provided for an
    enhanced punishment when the defendant had used a firearm in the
    commission of a felony punishable under federal law, and bank rob-
    bery, the felony Simpson had committed, was punishable under fed-
    eral law.
    The literal language of § 924(c), however, did not end the Court’s
    analysis. The Court began its assessment by observing that the impo-
    sition of multiple punishments for the same conduct potentially
    "raise[s] the prospect of double jeopardy." Simpson, 
    435 U.S. at 11
    In accordance with the time-honored principle that courts should
    avoid deciding a constitutional issue if possible, see Ashwander v.
    297 U.S. 288
    , 347 (1936) (Brandeis, J., concurring), the Court
    8                    UNITED STATES v. FITZGERALD
    set about to determine whether Congress had unambiguously
    intended, through enactment of § 2113(d) and § 924(c), that multiple
    punishments be imposed for the single act of using a firearm in a bank
    robbery. See Simpson, 
    435 U.S. at 15-16
     (explaining that application
    of statutory interpretation principles in this context stems from
    Court’s "reluctance to increase or multiply punishments absent clear
    and definite legislative directive"). Thus, in a multiple punishments
    situation, the court’s inquiry does not end with a determination that
    the statutory language at issue literally covers a defendant’s conduct;
    the court must further assess whether Congress has clearly expressed
    its intention to impose multiple punishments. Because Congress had
    not done so in § 924(c), the Court held that multiple punishments
    were not authorized under both § 2113(d) and § 924(c). Id. at 16. The
    Court therefore reversed the Sixth Circuit’s ruling to the contrary.
    Two years later, in Busic v. United States, 
    446 U.S. 398
     (1980), the
    Court re-affirmed its holding in Simpson that statutes should be con-
    strued to authorize multiple punishments for the same conduct only
    where Congress has clearly stated its intention to authorize such pun-
    ishments. In Busic, as here, the prosecution sought to invoke the
    "plain meaning" rule. 
    Id. at 407
    . The Court rejected the prosecution’s
    position, however, observing that
    [p]lainly the text of the statute fails to address the issue per-
    tinent to decision of these cases — whether Congress
    intended . . . to provide for enhanced penalties only for
    crimes not containing their own enhancement provisions,
    . . . or to provide a duplicative enhancement provision which
    would permit double enhancement where the underlying fel-
    ony was proscribed by a statute.
     Once again, the Court ruled that, absent a clear statement that
    Congress so intended, the lower courts are not to impose multiple
    punishments for the same conduct.
    Congress responded to Simpson and Busic by amending § 924(c)
    to provide the clear statement the Court had found lacking. On Octo-
    ber 12, 1984, Congress amended § 924(c) and mandated that it apply
    to any defendant who has used a firearm "during and in relation to
    any [federal] crime of violence, including a crime of violence which
    UNITED STATES v. FITZGERALD                      9
    provides for an enhanced punishment." Pub. L. No. 98-473,
    § 1005(a), 
    98 Stat. 1837
    , 2138 (1984) (emphasis added). Importantly,
    § 3146 (creating the substantive offense for failing to appear) and
    § 3147 (providing for a sentencing enhancement for committing an
    offense on release) were both enacted in the same legislation that
    amended § 924(c) to provide the clear statement required by Simpson.
    See Pub. L. No. 98-473, Title II, § 203(a), 
    98 Stat. 1837
    , 1982-83
    (1984). Although plainly aware that the Court had ruled in Simpson
    that multiple punishments could not be imposed for the same conduct
    absent a clear congressional statement to that effect, Congress failed
    to include any such statement in § 3147.
    Indeed, § 3147 is bereft of any indication of whether Congress
    intended it to apply cumulatively with the penalty provisions of
    § 3146. As a result, Simpson mandates that we conclude that Con-
    gress did not intend for multiple punishments to be applied to Fitzger-
    ald. Because the district court applied the enhancement prescribed by
    § 3147 in addition to the penalty required under § 3146, it erred in its
    sentencing of Fitzgerald.1
    The panel majority maintains that the Simpson principles are inappli-
    cable because, under the Supreme Court’s decision in Monge v. Califor-
    524 U.S. 721
     (1998), "§ 3147 is considered an enhancement and not
    an additional punishment" for purposes of a double jeopardy analysis.
    Ante at 4 & n.3. The distinction drawn in Monge between enhancements
    and additional punishments, however, has been undermined by the
    Apprendi line of recent Supreme Court decisions. See Booker v. United
    543 U.S. 220
     (2005); Blakely v. Washington, 
    542 U.S. 296
    (2004); Apprendi v. New Jersey, 
    530 U.S. 466
     (2000). Not only does
    Simpson control here, its rationale — the avoidance of constitutional
    questions — applies with even greater force now than it did when Simp-
    son was decided.
    The Monge Court’s conclusion that an enhancement does not consti-
    tute additional punishment for purposes of a double jeopardy analysis
    rests on the distinction between a "sentencing factor" and an "element"
    of an offense. See 
    524 U.S. at 728-29
    . The Court reasoned that, because
    enhancements are sentencing factors rather than offense elements, appli-
    cation of an enhancement does not place a defendant in jeopardy for an
    "offense." See 
     As Justice Scalia explained in dissent, and as the
    Monge majority implicitly acknowledged, the distinction drawn in the
    10                    UNITED STATES v. FITZGERALD
    Setting Simpson aside, the panel majority also errs in concluding
    that the sentencing enhancement in § 3147 unambiguously applies
    where the underlying offense is a violation of § 3146. As explained
    below, in viewing § 3147 in its broader statutory context, as we are
    obliged to do, it is far from clear that § 3147 was intended to apply
    where the underlying crime was a failure to appear for sentencing.
    Given the ambiguity presented, the rule of lenity requires us to
    resolve that ambiguity in favor of Fitzgerald and conclude that an
    application of § 3147 is precluded in his case.
    The first step in the interpretation of a statute is, of course, to
    examine the language of the statute itself. Where that language is
    plain and unambiguous, the sole function of the court is to apply the
    statute according to its terms. See In re Sunterra Corp., 
    361 F.3d 257
    265 (4th Cir. 2004). Although the panel majority correctly articulates
    double jeopardy context between "sentencing factors" and "elements" is
    the same distinction that defines the boundaries of the Sixth Amendment
    right to a jury trial. See id. at 738 (Scalia, J., dissenting); id. at 728-29
    (relying on Almandarez-Torres v. United States, 
    523 U.S. 224
     (1998), in
    concluding that enhancement is not element).
    When Monge was decided in 1998, the distinction between a sentenc-
    ing factor and an offense element rested largely on the formal definition
    provided by the legislature. See McMillan v. Pennsylvania, 
    477 U.S. 79
    85 (1986) (concluding that the "legislature’s definition of the elements
    of the offense is usually dispositive"). In Apprendi, decided two years
    after Monge, the Court redefined the constitutional distinction between
    sentencing factors and elements: If "the required finding expose[s] the
    defendant to a greater punishment than that authorized by the jury’s
    guilty verdict" it is treated as an element. Apprendi, 
    530 U.S. at 494
    . The
    requirements of § 3147 are plainly elements under Apprendi, as § 3147
    calls for punishment "in addition to the sentence prescribed" for the
    underlying offense. Apprendi thus casts a shroud of constitutional uncer-
    tainty over the panel majority’s conclusion that § 3146 and § 3147 may
    be applied together. Faced with this uncertainty, and pursuant to Simp-
    son, we are thus obliged to apply the clear statement principle (requiring
    explicit congressional authorization) to preclude the multiple punishment
    authorized today by the panel majority.
    UNITED STATES v. FITZGERALD                    11
    the plain meaning rule, it errs in applying that rule. As explained
    above, the majority has focused solely on the language of § 3147:
    since the enhancement in § 3147 applies to all offenses committed
    while on release under chapter 207, and § 3146 creates an offense
    which Fitzgerald committed while on release under chapter 207,
    § 3147 necessarily applies to § 3146. Yet, we have consistently recog-
    nized that, in applying the plain meaning rule, we must evaluate, in
    addition to the language of the statute, "the specific context in which
    the language is used, and the broader context of the statute as a
    whole." Chris v. Tenet, 
    221 F.3d 648
    , 652 (4th Cir. 2000) (internal
    quotation marks omitted). Thus, in determining whether § 3147
    unambiguously operates to enhance a sentence where the offense of
    conviction is § 3146, we must consider not only the language of
    § 3147, but also its relationship with § 3146, the provision directly
    preceding it in both Title 18 of the Code and in the legislative enact-
    ment by which § 3146 and § 3147 were together made law.2
    When applied together, § 3146 and § 3147 operate redundantly:
    § 3146 punishes the defendant for failure to appear and then § 3147
    punishes the defendant again for failure to appear. In these circum-
    stances — where the two statutory provisions were enacted and codi-
    fied together — the congressional silence on whether the two
    provisions were to apply in such a redundant fashion creates substan-
    tial uncertainty as to whether Congress intended the result reached by
    the panel majority. Thus, although the ambiguity is hidden when the
    language of § 3147 is viewed in isolation, the ambiguity is readily
    apparent when § 3147 is properly viewed in its broader statutory con-
    Such an ambiguity, of course, "must be resolved in favor of lenity,
    granting the defendant the benefit of the doubt." Thomas v. Davis,
    192 F.3d 445
    , 455 (4th Cir. 1999); see also Pasquantino v. United
    125 S. Ct. 1766
    , 1787 (2005) (observing that "when con-
    fronted with two rational readings of a criminal statute, one harsher
    than the other, we are to choose the harsher only when Congress has
    spoken in clear and definite language") (internal quotation marks
    As explained above, § 3146 and § 3147 were enacted as part of the
    same legislative act on October 12, 1984. See Pub. L. No. 98-473, Title
    II, § 203(a), 
    98 Stat. 1837
    , 1982-83 (1984).
    12                      UNITED STATES v. FITZGERALD
    omitted). Here, the rule of lenity precludes the sentencing court’s
    application of § 3147 where Fitzgerald’s underlying offense was a
    violation of § 3146. The district court and the panel majority have
    thus erred in choosing the "harsher" reading, and in applying § 3147
    in this case.
    Pursuant to the foregoing, I would vacate Fitzgerald’s sentence and
    remand for resentencing.
    I respectfully dissent.