United States v. Donna B. Talley ( 2019 )

  •                                      UNPUBLISHED
    No. 17-4137
    Plaintiff – Appellee,
    Defendant – Appellant.
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, at
    Newport News. Mark S. Davis, Chief District Judge. (4:16-cr-00021-MSD-RJK-1)
    Argued: December 13, 2018                                         Decided: April 24, 2019
    Before MOTZ, AGEE and RICHARDSON, Circuit Judges.
    Affirmed by unpublished opinion. Judge Agee wrote the opinion, in which Judge Motz
    and Judge Richardson joined.
    ARGUED: Glenn Ivey, PRICE BENOWITZ, LLP, Washington, D.C., for Appellant.
    Brian James Samuels, OFFICE OF THE UNITED STATES ATTORNEY, Newport
    News, Virginia, for Appellee. ON BRIEF: David B. Benowitz, PRICE BENOWITZ,
    LLP, Washington, D.C., for Appellant. Dana J. Boente, United States Attorney,
    Alexandria, Virginia, Megan M. Cowles, Assistant United States Attorney, OFFICE OF
    THE UNITED STATES ATTORNEY, Newport News, Virginia, for Appellee.
    Unpublished opinions are not binding precedent in this circuit.
    AGEE, Circuit Judge:
    Donna B. Talley raises multiple issues challenging her convictions for obtaining
    hydrocodone through fraud, possession with intent to distribute hydrocodone, and mail
    fraud. Specifically, she contends that the district court violated her Sixth Amendment
    right to counsel of choice, abused its discretion in allowing the Government to introduce
    certain evidence, and gave an incorrect Rule 404(b) jury instruction. In addition, she
    asserts that the evidence was insufficient to support a finding of fraud. For the reasons set
    forth below, we affirm Talley’s convictions.
    Presented in the light most favorable to the Government, the trial evidence
    established the following facts. See United States v. Burgos, 
    94 F.3d 849
    , 854 (4th Cir.
    1996) (en banc). Talley worked for almost four decades at Dr. Steven Becker’s solo
    dental practice (“the practice”) in Hampton, Virginia. The two had a close personal
    relationship, with Dr. Becker testifying that he viewed Talley “as [his] daughter.” J.A.
    554–55. Talley and Dr. Becker were the practice’s only full-time employees. Her job
    encompassed both office management and dental assistant duties. In addition, Talley
    exercised significant discretion over financial matters and had ongoing access to the
    practice’s bank accounts as well as Dr. Becker’s Drug Enforcement Administration
    (DEA) registration number that authorized him to purchase controlled substances.
    Dr. Becker did not recall ever administering hydrocodone to his patients, though
    he may have authorized the practice to purchase a small quantity of hydrocodone for
    inventory. 1 Nonetheless, the practice regularly ordered hydrocodone from two suppliers:
    Henry Schein, Inc. (“Henry Schein”) and Darby Dental Supply, LLC (“Darby”). From
    2002 until mid-2011 the practice ordered approximately 26,700 pills of hydrocodone
    from Henry Schein. From 2006 to 2011, the practice ordered increasing dosages of
    hydrocodone from Darby, for a total of approximately 79,900 pills. Records from Henry
    Schein and Darby reflected that representatives spoke directly with Talley about these
    orders, either because she placed the initial order or because she verified an existing order
    when the supplier followed up with an inquiry. Similarly, records from the suppliers’
    delivery services showed that Talley was usually the individual who signed for receipt of
    the hydrocodone when it was delivered to the practice.
    In 2011, both suppliers became suspicious of the high quantity of hydrocodone
    being ordered by the practice. Darby temporarily halted the practice’s orders after they
    exceeded the threshold limits Darby set as the amounts a typical dentist would place
    during the same timeframes. When the practice did not respond to Darby’s inquiries,
    Darby placed a permanent hold on its orders and reported Dr. Becker’s DEA number to
    state and federal authorities. Around the same time as the Darby hold, the practice
    resumed placing large-quantity orders of hydrocodone from Henry Schein, ordering
    3,500 pills during July and August 2011. Doing so led Henry Schein to place a temporary
    Dr. Becker’s testimony at trial differed from his earlier statements that he had not
    ordered hydrocodone. Even so, at trial he testified to ordering hydrocodone for his
    practice “[n]ot frequently,” estimating that he had perhaps authorized 100 pills to be
    ordered per year over the past ten years, quantities substantially lower than the amounts
    at issue. J.A. 532.
    hold on the practice’s account and to send a questionnaire to the practice asking for an
    explanation of its orders. Talley handwrote the responsive answers, and Dr. Becker
    signed the questionnaire, which explained that the practice used hydrocodone to “treat all
    emergencies and from surrounding military bases that are soon closing to get them
    treated.” J.A. 248. When Henry Schein received the completed questionnaire, it resumed
    filling the practice’s hydrocodone orders.
    Meanwhile, in response to Darby’s decision to report Dr. Becker’s DEA
    registration number for excessive ordering, a Virginia investigator with the Department
    of Health Professions reviewed the practice’s orders and detected one of the largest
    hydrocodone ordering histories she had ever seen. She coordinated an unannounced visit
    to the practice on August 18, 2011 in which she, her regional manager, and a police
    officer spoke to Dr. Becker and Talley about the practice’s order history. At that time,
    Talley explained that she handled all of the practice’s administrative duties, including
    ordering controlled substances. She admitted using Dr. Becker’s registration number to
    order increasing amounts of hydrocodone for personal use and to give to family
    members, though she denied selling hydrocodone to anyone.
    At some point during the interviews, Talley’s husband arrived at the practice and
    consented to have the police officer search the Talley residence. As the officer and Mr.
    Talley approached the house, the officer observed Talley speed toward the house in her
    vehicle, jump out, and walk briskly into the house ahead of her husband and the officer.
    Talley’s husband paused in the garage to retrieve a pill bottle containing hydrocodone,
    which he gave to the officer. 2 As the men entered the house, the officer heard upstairs
    and downstairs toilets running as if they had just been flushed. He then observed Talley
    walk down the stairs. No one else was present in the residence.
    In February 2016, Talley was indicted in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern
    District of Virginia on nine counts of obtaining hydrocodone through fraud, in violation
    21 U.S.C. § 842
    (a)(3); four counts of possession with intent to distribute hydrocodone,
    in violation of 
    21 U.S.C. § 841
    (a)(1), (b)(1)(E); and two counts of mail fraud, in violation
    18 U.S.C. § 1341
    . The indictment generally alleged that from 2002 to 2011, Dr.
    Becker’s DEA registration number had been used to order about 100,000 hydrocodone
    pills from Darby and Henry Schein, but the specific charges against Talley were based
    solely on conduct occurring in 2011.
    Talley pleaded not guilty and at her initial appearance requested a court-appointed
    lawyer claiming she could not afford to pay counsel. A magistrate judge tentatively
    appointed a federal public defender to represent her, but requested Talley’s updated
    financial statements so as to determine whether she could afford to retain private counsel.
    Additional details surrounding proceedings related to counsel are discussed below, but
    for now it’s sufficient to note that Talley’s court-appointed counsel represented her
    during the jury trial.
    Subsequent analysis confirmed that the pill bottle contained hydrocodone and
    that the markings on the pills were consistent with hydrocodone Henry Schein delivered
    to the practice in August 2011.
    The jury convicted Talley of all of the charges except for one count of obtaining
    hydrocodone by fraud. Thereafter, the district court sentenced Talley to 60 months’
    imprisonment. Talley noted a timely appeal, and the Court has jurisdiction under 
    28 U.S.C. § 1291
    Talley raises five issues on appeal. First, she contends the district court violated
    her Sixth Amendment right to counsel by denying her a continuance to obtain private
    counsel and by requiring her to make reimbursement payments of $3,000 per month for
    court-appointed counsel. Second, she asserts the district court abused its discretion by
    allowing the Government to introduce evidence of hydrocodone orders placed by the
    practice prior to 2011 and of bank records showing check-writing activity and
    unexplained sources of cash. Third, she claims the district court violated her Sixth
    Amendment Confrontation Clause rights by allowing the Government to introduce a
    summary of business records in the absence of the preparer. Fourth, she maintains the
    district court used an erroneous Rule 404(b) “bad acts” jury instruction. Lastly, she
    challenges the sufficiency of the evidence to support her fraud convictions.
    A. Right to Counsel of Choice
    Talley first alleges that the district court violated her Sixth Amendment right to
    counsel of her choice because the magistrate judge handling pre-trial matters suggested
    that she could not receive a continuance to obtain private counsel and also increased her
    payment for court-appointed counsel from $1,000 to $3,000 per month. Specifically,
    Talley asserts that the magistrate judge’s conduct “border[ed] on judicially imposed
    extortion” because he ignored Talley’s repeatedly stated desire to obtain private counsel
    in light of her improved financial condition and instead “punish[ed]” Talley by requiring
    her to pay for court-appointed counsel. Opening Br. 23, 25. The record does not support
    the claims made by Talley, which are disingenuous at best.
    The Sixth Amendment’s right to counsel encompasses the right of non-indigent
    defendants to “choose who will represent” them. United States v. Gonzalez-Lopez, 
    548 U.S. 140
    , 144 (2006). But the right to counsel of choice is qualified “in several important
    respects,” Wheat v. United States, 
    486 U.S. 153
    , 159 (1988), including the court’s “wide
    latitude in balancing the right to counsel of choice against the needs of fairness and
    against the demands of its calendar,” Gonzalez-Lopez, 
    548 U.S. at 152
     (internal citation
    We do not need to explore the contours of the right to counsel of choice further,
    however, because Talley’s entire argument is based on factual claims without foundation
    in the record. The proceedings before the magistrate judge centered on whether Talley
    was entitled to court-appointed counsel at all given her financial condition, not on
    whether she should be granted a continuance to retain private counsel or so that retained
    counsel could prepare for trial. The magistrate judge’s repeated requests for financial
    updates arose because he was concerned about whether Talley was actually indigent and
    thus qualified for court-appointed counsel. And until the last hearing, Talley consistently
    contended that she could not retain private counsel, had been unsuccessful in her attempts
    to retain private counsel, and remained eligible for and should be allowed to proceed with
    court-appointed counsel. This understanding of the respective concerns of the magistrate
    judge and Talley—especially that the magistrate judge was considering requiring Talley
    to retain private counsel—continued through the final hearing, which occurred after
    Talley was able to refinance her residence and thus had improved her financial position.
    Simply put, Talley’s arguments on appeal fundamentally misrepresent the nature of the
    proceedings below and the context for the statements she points to on appeal.
    Given the nature of Talley’s arguments on this issue, some elaboration of the
    record is appropriate. After the Government issued Talley a target letter in December
    2014, she requested that counsel be appointed for her. After a few months, Talley
    retained private counsel, though she represented to the magistrate judge that someone
    else had paid for that representation. In February 2016, the grand jury indicted Talley. In
    her initial appearance, she again requested court-appointed counsel, which the magistrate
    judge allowed, with the notation that he would assess whether Talley could reimburse the
    court for counsel’s services after the probation officers had examined her financial status.
    Based on that “full[er] picture of Ms. Talley’s financial condition,” the magistrate judge
    issued a show cause order to determine why she “shouldn’t be required to retain her own
    attorney or reimburse the government.” J.A. 35–36. In particular, the court noted that it
    “appear[ed] [she] is more than capable of providing financial means to hire her own
    attorney, and it raised serious questions in the Court’s mind as to whether taxpayers’
    dollars should be used to pay for an attorney in this case.” J.A. 36. Based on the
    information in the financial report and relayed at the show-cause hearing, the magistrate
    judge decided to order Talley to retain private counsel. Specifically, he ordered that she
    “contact at least ten attorneys in order to determine whether or not she can obtain
    representation, and . . . to share with those attorneys what [her] financial condition is.”
    J.A. 42. The court also noted that she was expected to pursue a second mortgage or
    refinancing or a private loan, if necessary. In addition, Talley was required to report back
    to the magistrate judge after she had undertaken this effort. Further, the court determined
    that based on current information, Talley had sufficient resources to make reimbursement
    for court-appointed counsel at a rate of “at least $1,000.00 per month.” J.A. 49. Talley
    made no objection.
    In late April, the Government and Talley filed a joint motion to continue trial. The
    Government had a scheduling conflict with another trial and Talley noted that she had
    been having difficulty obtaining financing and locating private counsel. The district court
    granted the motion and rescheduled trial to begin on September 27, 2016.
    During a status conference in June 2016, Talley informed the magistrate judge that
    she had still been unable to retain private counsel or financing to increase her ability to do
    so. The magistrate judge observed that “Ms. Talley is far from indigent. She has a home
    worth multiple hundreds of thousands of dollars. She has a job that pays her more than 95
    percent of the defendants this Court sees. . . . I’m at the point where I think I should just
    cut her loose” as opposed to allowing her to keep court-appointed counsel until she could
    retain private counsel. J.A. 60. The court noted, however, that trial was set for more than
    70 days out and that an alternative option would be to change the amount Talley paid as
    reimbursement for court-appointed counsel. After Talley was able to explain in greater
    detail her efforts at complying with the magistrate judge’s order and the reasons for the
    delays, the magistrate judge allowed her to continue to be represented by court-appointed
    counsel. It specifically reiterated that Talley’s court-appointed counsel should continue
    preparing for the upcoming trial and proceed with counsel’s duty “to represent and
    defend” Talley regardless of the ongoing concerns regarding her financial condition and
    ability to retain private counsel. J.A. 66. The court also noted that while it had the
    authority to change Talley’s representation going forward, “what’s more likely to
    happen” was to “address the terms under which Ms. Talley has been providing
    reimbursement.” J.A. 66.
    In August 2016, Talley indicated an intent to change her plea, but then changed
    her mind and elected to proceed to trial. As a result, the trial date was again rescheduled
    to begin on November 1, 2016.
    In the interim, the magistrate judge ordered Talley to file another financial status
    report. By that time, she informed the court that she had obtained refinancing, but that
    those funds would not be available for the purpose of retaining private counsel or to make
    reimbursement for court-appointed counsel. The magistrate judge then issued another
    show cause order to determine why Talley’s “monthly reimbursement payment should
    not be substantially increased” and she shouldn’t be “held in contempt for failing to use
    the money obtained from her financing efforts” to retain private counsel and for “failing
    to timely notify the Court of these developments.” Supp. J.A. 4.
    At the ensuing hearing, Talley represented that although she had been able to
    obtain refinancing, her bank had approved and structured the loan so that the funds had to
    be used to pay off her substantial credit card debt. In other words, Talley had no
    discretion to use the loaned funds for any other purpose, such as to retain private counsel.
    In any event, because paying off her credit card debt through those funds also freed up
    funds she’d been using to make minimum payments, Talley also “100 percent, agree[d]
    with the Court that she is now in a much better position to either pay the court back . . .
    more than a thousand dollars a month. There’s no doubt about that . . . and she is more
    than happy [to] pay more than a thousand dollars a month.” J.A. 88. Talley further
    explained that her failure to submit an updated financial report after obtaining refinancing
    was simply a misunderstanding of the magistrate judge’s earlier order and that she had
    intended to provide an update whenever next ordered to do so.
    At some point during the second show-cause hearing, Talley also indicated that
    now that she had more available funds and low credit card debt, what she “wishes to do,
    or hopes to do” was to locate private counsel willing to accept a retainer on her credit
    card, or to be approved for a private loan to do so. But Talley also reiterated that “if not,
    obviously she absolutely agrees she . . . would be able to pay more to [reimburse for
    court-appointed counsel] than a thousand dollars [per month].” J.A. 93–94.
    At that point, the magistrate judge reiterated Talley’s unusual financial condition
    compared to defendants who meet the requirements for court-appointed counsel. He also
    reiterated that Talley “well knew that her entitlement to court-appointed counsel . . . was
    dependent upon her pursuing the means by which she could afford to pay for counsel.”
    J.A. 94. The court further noted that Talley now had even “more disposable income
    available to pay for counsel” and yet had not done so to date. J.A. 95. Further, the
    magistrate judge acknowledged that “[a] private attorney at this juncture, when a case . . .
    has been continued twice and we are now 60 days or so from trial, doesn’t appear to be
    that attractive of an option.” J.A. 95. Based on these concerns, the magistrate judge
    initially indicated he was going to allow Talley to keep her existing court-appointed
    counsel, but raise her monthly reimbursement. But he then “paus[ed]” to reconsider
    whether “to require Ms. Talley to retain private counsel,” J.A. 101 (emphasis added),
    announcing that he would “issue an order later today setting out what Mrs. Talley’s
    financial responsibilities will be in this matter, and whether or not I will require her to
    seek her own private counsel.” J.A. 103.
    In the written order, the magistrate judge adhered to his initial assessment and
    “permitted [Talley] to retain her court-appointed counsel” because “requiring [her] to
    secure private counsel at this juncture would most likely require another continuance of
    the trial date.” J.A. 109 (emphasis added). The order also increased her monthly
    reimbursement to $3,000 per month. Lastly, it indicated that in light of Talley’s
    explanations, she would not be held in contempt. Talley made no objections.
    As the full record context reveals, the statements by both Talley and the magistrate
    judge paint a much different picture than what Talley describes in her briefing to this
    Court. At no time either in argument before the magistrate judge or in filings in the
    district court did Talley move to substitute counsel or request a continuance to retain
    private counsel or to allow retained counsel more time to prepare. At no time did the
    magistrate judge say anything to suggest that Talley lacked the right to pursue or retain
    private counsel. And at no time did the district court deny a continuance in order for
    Talley to do so. Rather, the entire context of the proceedings was the magistrate judge’s
    early determination that Talley should not be allowed to continue with court-appointed
    counsel and that she was required to retain private counsel. The magistrate judge then
    followed up with multiple hearings to assess why Talley had not been able to do so and
    why she should be allowed to proceed with court-appointed counsel. To the extent the
    magistrate judge referred to the upcoming trial and another continuance, he did so as a
    basis for allowing Talley to proceed with her court-appointed counsel despite the fact that
    she could be ineligible for one. Given that Talley never pursued a continuance or sought
    to substitute private counsel, her claim on appeal that she was denied the right to counsel
    of choice is meritless and not based on the record. 3
    Talley also raises for the first time on appeal her challenge to the increase of her
    monthly payments to $3,000. Consequently, we review that decision for plain error,
    United States v. Lynn, 
    592 F.3d 572
    , 577 (4th Cir. 2010), meaning that to show reversible
    error, Talley must prove that “there was an error, the error was plain, and the error
    affected [her] substantial rights.” United States v. Garcia-Lagunas, 
    835 F.3d 479
    , 492
    (4th Cir. 2016) (internal quotation marks omitted). Throughout the pre-trial stage, the
    magistrate judge conducted multiple hearings trying to assess Talley’s true financial
    condition and required numerous financial submissions as part of that process. Talley
    agreed during the hearing prior to this increase that she could pay more than she had been
    to date ($1,000/month) because she had obtained refinancing on her house, which had
    opened up some funds. And after the increase to $3,000 per month, Talley did not dispute
    Counsel is admonished in future cases not to make claims without foundation in
    the record.
    that amount or contend that she could only afford a more modest increase. On this record,
    we conclude no reversible error occurred in setting the amount Talley had to reimburse
    the court for her court-appointed counsel.
    B. Evidentiary Challenges
    Talley next challenges the district court’s admission of evidence of the practice’s
    pre-2011 hydrocodone orders and of her bank records, which depicted that she wrote
    checks from Dr. Becker’s accounts to herself and her husband and that she had
    unexplained sources of cash.
    Federal Rule of Evidence 404(b) prohibits the use of uncharged crimes, wrongs, or
    other acts to prove character. The rule does allow the introduction of evidence of bad acts
    for other, noncharacter purposes, such as to prove “motive, opportunity, [or] intent.” Fed.
    R. Evid. 404(b)(2). Rule 404(b) is a “rule of inclusion,” and courts should allow the
    admission of evidence when it is “(1) relevant to an issue other than the general character
    of the defendant, (2) necessary . . . ., and (3) reliable.” United States v. Sterling, 
    860 F.3d 233
    , 246 (4th Cir. 2017). In addition, Rule 404(b) is not implicated where the uncharged
    bad act “concerns acts intrinsic to the alleged crime.” United States v. Otuya, 
    720 F.3d 183
    , 188 (4th Cir. 2013) (internal quotation marks omitted). Intrinsic evidence may
    involve “the same series of transactions as the charged offense, or if [it] is necessary to
    complete the story of the crime on trial,” or to “provide context relevant to the criminal
    charges.” United States v. Basham, 
    561 F.3d 302
    , 326 (4th Cir. 2009) (internal quotation
    marks omitted). Intrinsic evidence is still subject to Rule 403’s balancing test for all
    relevant evidence: whether its probative value is “substantially outweighed by” factors
    such as unfair prejudice. Fed. R. Evid. 403; Basham, 
    561 F.3d at 329
    We ordinarily review evidentiary errors for abuse of discretion, Sterling, 860 F.3d
    at 246, but when a defendant fails to preserve the issue for appeal, we review for plain
    error, United States v. Moore, 
    810 F.3d 932
    , 939 (4th Cir. 2016).
    At trial, the Government introduced supplier records demonstrating that Tally had
    used Dr. Becker’s DEA registration number to order thousands of hydrocodone pills
    dating back years before the charged 2011 conduct.
    Talley claims that this evidence concerning her pre-2011 hydrocodone ordering
    should have been inadmissible because it was not intrinsic evidence, it was too remote in
    time to the offense conduct to be relevant, and had minimal probative value compared to
    the unfair prejudice that arose from its admission. Because Talley did not object to the
    introduction of this evidence on Rule 404(b) grounds at trial, we review for plain error.
    The district court did not plainly err in admitting the pre-2011 hydrocodone
    orders. Although the indictment only charged Talley with conduct that occurred in 2011,
    it referenced conduct dating back to 2002 as part of its general allegations. Further, trial
    evidence supported the conclusion that Talley ordered hydrocodone without Dr. Becker’s
    authorization for years, depicting a consistent pattern of behavior that provided context
    for the charged offenses. In short, the charged conduct was an escalation of conduct that
    had been occurring for years using the same methods. The pre-2011 hydrocodone orders
    were thus intrinsic to the charged offenses—part of “the same series of transactions”—
    and not subject to Rule 404(b) exclusion. Basham, 
    561 F.3d at 326
    .Nor did the district
    court plainly err in admitting this evidence under Rule 403’s balancing test.
    Moreover, any risk of unfair prejudice was mitigated by a limiting instruction to
    the jury. We have previously recognized that a limiting instruction concerning how the
    jury could consider such evidence eliminates the risk of unfair prejudice in all but the
    most extreme cases. See United States v. Hall, 
    858 F.3d 254
    , 279 (4th Cir. 2017). Here,
    the district court gave a limiting instruction that the pre-2011 hydrocodone orders were
    not evidence of the charged conduct, but were admitted solely to provide context for
    other evidence. Under these circumstances, admission of the practice’s pre-2011
    hydrocodone orders did not constitute plain error.
    Over Talley’s objection, the district court allowed the Government to introduce
    into evidence bank account records showing both that Talley had written checks from Dr.
    Becker’s practice accounts to herself and her husband and that she had unexplained
    sources of cash. The Government argued that this evidence was admissible for the
    following non-character reasons: (1) to negate Talley’s alibi that she was not at work (and
    therefore could not perform practice business) on the days certain hydrocodone orders
    were placed; (2) to demonstrate Talley’s control over the practice; and (3) to show Talley
    deposited proceeds of drug sales. Talley contends these putative reasons to admit the
    bank records lack merit and simply insinuate that she engaged in other bad conduct (such
    as embezzlement), which may have led the jury to conclude that she also engaged in the
    charged conduct. We disagree with Talley’s arguments.
    The district court did not abuse its discretion in admitting bank records reflecting
    checks written by Talley from the practice’s accounts because this evidence was
    admissible both to negate Talley’s alibi and to demonstrate her financial control within
    the practice. Specifically, Talley had alleged as an alibi that because she was not at work
    on some of the days hydrocodone orders were placed, she could not have placed those
    orders. But the bank records showed that she was able to write checks from the practice’s
    account on some of those same days, thus indicating her ability to use practice accounts
    whether she was physically in the office or not. In addition, the number and nature of the
    checks were relevant to show the level of financial control she exercised within the
    practice. This evidence supported the Government’s theory that Talley had the means
    and opportunity to engage in the charged conduct given her controlling position in the
    practice. In sum, the district court’s admission of the evidence did not violate Rule 404(b)
    because the evidence was admissible for several proper purposes and was used for those
    purposes and not for a prohibited purpose.
    The bank records were also admissible because they showed that Talley had
    unexplained sources of cash indicative of drug distribution and was directly probative of
    the four distribution charges. For instance, we have long recognized that “evidence of
    unexplained wealth is relevant in a narcotics prosecution as evidence of illegal dealings
    and ill-gotten gains.” United States v. Grandison, 
    783 F.2d 1152
    , 1156 (4th Cir. 1986).
    The bank records were thus admissible as part of the Government’s case against Talley,
    which required it to prove the intent to distribute component of the charged 
    21 U.S.C. § 841
     offense. See id.; see also United States v. Fisher, 
    912 F.2d 728
    , 730 (4th Cir. 1990)
    (observing that intent to distribute can also be inferred from quantities of drugs larger
    than needed for personal use). Contrary to Talley’s argument, this evidence was not Rule
    404(b) bad acts evidence at all.
    Lastly, the district court did not abuse its discretion in concluding that the checks
    and bank records’ probative value were not substantially outweighed by the risk of unfair
    prejudice. The district court specifically acknowledged Talley’s concern that this
    evidence may be used improperly and said it would pay attention for such improper
    comments by the Government. At no time did Talley renew an objection based on the
    Government’s arguments surrounding this evidence. For these reasons, the court did not
    abuse its discretion in allowing its admission.
    C. Confrontation Clause
    Talley asserts the district court violated her Sixth Amendment right to confront her
    accusers by allowing the Government to introduce, in the absence of the preparer, a
    summary chart of 2011 hydrocodone orders placed by the practice to Henry Schein. The
    one-page cover page summarizes a multi-page exhibit that contained “invoices, tracking
    information and other information related to” the seven orders placed by the practice to
    Henry Schein in July and August 2011. J.A. 224. Henry Schein created and printed the
    summary, which “relate[d] to all of the documents” contained in the underlying business
    records. J.A. 230. Over Talley’s objection, the district court allowed the summary to be
    admitted under Rule 1006 (summary of voluminous documents) and the rest of the
    exhibit to be admitted under Rule 803(6) (business records). 4
    Notably, on appeal Talley challenges only the admission of the summary cover
    page. She does not challenge that the underlying contents of the exhibit were admissible
    as business records, nor does she argue that the contents of the summary differ from the
    underlying business records. The business records thus contain the same information
    contained in the summary, but in greater detail and on separate pages. We do not need to
    decide whether admission of the summary violated the Confrontation Clause, because
    even assuming that to be so, any error was harmless. See United States v. Reed, 
    780 F.3d 260
    , 269 (4th Cir. 2015) (observing that the Court will not reverse when trial errors, even
    those implicating a defendant’s constitutional rights, are harmless). “[A] violation may be
    found harmless on appeal if the beneficiary of the constitutional error can prove beyond a
    reasonable doubt that the error complained of did not contribute to the verdict obtained.”
     (internal quotation marks omitted). In light of (1) the specific duplication of evidence
    in the summary cover page and underlying business records noted above and (2) the
    Federal Rule of Evidence 1006 allows parties to “use a summary, chart, or
    calculation to prove the content of voluminous writings . . . that cannot be conveniently
    examined in court.” Fed. R. Evid. 1006.
    Rule 803(6) allows admission of “[a] record of an act, event, condition, opinion, or
    diagnosis if” (1) “the record was made at or near the time by—or from information
    transmitted by—someone with knowledge;” (2) “the record was kept in the course of a
    regularly conducted activity of a business . . . ;” (3) “making the record was a regular
    practice of that activity;” (4) “all these conditions are shown by the testimony” of a
    qualified individual or certification; and (5) “the opponent does not show that the source
    of information or the method or circumstances of preparation indicate a lack of
    trustworthiness.” Fed. R. Evid. 803(6).
    voluminous evidence showing that Talley placed the hydrocodone orders, we conclude
    that any error was harmless beyond a reasonable doubt.
    D. Jury Instruction
    Talley argues the district court’s Rule 404(b) instruction was highly prejudicial
    because it misstated the law and was misleading and confusing. Our review of the record
    shows that while Talley initially objected to this instruction in the district court, she later
    withdrew her objection. Although the Government does not rely on waiver in its response
    brief, our precedent is clear: “A party who identifies an issue, and then explicitly
    withdraws it, has waived the issue” and “it is not reviewable on appeal, even for plain
    error.” United States v. Robinson, 
    744 F.3d 293
    , 298 (4th Cir. 2014) (internal quotation
    marks omitted). Because the record demonstrates waiver, we decline to address this issue
    E. Sufficiency of the Evidence
    Lastly, Talley challenges the sufficiency of the trial evidence that supported the
    element of fraud in her separate convictions for obtaining hydrocodone through fraud and
    mail fraud. She contends that Dr. Becker gave her significant discretion and control over
    financial and administrative decisions in the practice such that she had implied
    authorization to use his DEA registration number to order hydrocodone. In addition, she
    points to Dr. Becker’s signing the Henry Schein questionnaire as proof that he ratified her
    decisions after the fact even if he did not know about the orders in advance.
    We review challenges to the sufficiency of the evidence de novo. United States v.
    735 F.3d 176
    , 188 (4th Cir. 2013). But a defendant making such a challenges “bears
    a heavy burden.” United States v. Beidler, 
    110 F.3d 1064
    , 1067 (4th Cir. 1997) (internal
    quotation marks omitted). The Court will “uphold a guilty verdict if . . . there is
    substantial evidence to support” it, Elliott v. United States, 
    332 F.3d 753
    , 760–61 (4th
    Cir. 2003), meaning “evidence that a reasonable finder of fact would accept as adequate
    and sufficient to support a conclusion of a defendant’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.”
    94 F.3d at 962
    . “[R]eversal for insufficiency must be confined to cases where the
    prosecution’s failure is clear.” United States v. Palomino-Coronado, 
    805 F.3d 127
    , 130
    (4th Cir. 2015) (internal quotation marks omitted).
    As their titles reflect, the crimes of obtaining hydrocodone through fraud and mail
    fraud both have fraud as an element. To support a conviction for obtaining a controlled
    substance through fraud, the Government must prove that the defendant acquired a
    controlled substance by “misrepresentation, fraud, forgery, deception, or subterfuge.” 
    21 U.S.C. § 843
    (a)(3). And to support a conviction for mail fraud, the Government must
    show that the defendant “devised or intended to devise a scheme to defraud,” and used
    mail or wire communications to further that fraud. United States v. Wynn, 
    684 F.3d 473
    477 (4th Cir. 2012).
    Substantial evidence supports the jury’s finding of fraud in this case. In particular,
    Talley confessed to the initial state investigator in August 2011 not only that she placed
    all of the practice’s controlled substance orders, but also that she had placed the
    hydrocodone orders without Dr. Becker’s knowledge. She also acted in a manner
    consistent with fraud when the police officer accompanied Talley’s husband to search the
    Talley residence. In addition, the record contained Dr. Becker’s contradictory statements
    about his practice’s order history for hydrocodone. Although some evidence indicated
    that the orders were authorized, the jury justifiably found that evidence to be outweighed
    by the voluminous evidence showing Talley acted without Dr. Becker’s authorization. In
    particular, the jury was free to reject or give limited weight to Dr. Becker’s last-minute
    changed testimony that he had authorized a small fraction of the hydrocodone orders
    placed by the practice. Similarly, the jury could reject or give limited weight to the
    significance of Dr. Becker’s signature on the Henry Schein questionnaire given that the
    substantive responses were in Talley’s handwriting and there was other evidence
    demonstrating her control over the practice and the trust that Dr. Becker had in her. See,
    e.g., United States v. Lentz, 
    383 F.3d 191
    , 199 (4th Cir. 2004) (“The jury, not the
    reviewing court, assesses the credibility of the witnesses and resolves any conflicts in the
    evidence presented.”).
    At bottom, the record contains substantial evidence to support Talley’s
    convictions, so she has not satisfied her “heavy burden” to challenge the jury’s findings
    as to the element of fraud. Beidler, 
    110 F.3d at 1067
    For the reasons provided above, the judgment of the district court is