Beyond Systems, Inc. v. Kraft Foods, Incorporated , 777 F.3d 712 ( 2015 )

  •                              PUBLISHED
    No. 13-2137
    Plaintiff – Appellant,
    Defendants – Appellees,
    Third-Party Plaintiffs.
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the District of
    Maryland, at Greenbelt.     Peter J. Messitte, Senior District
    Judge. (8:08-cv-00409-PJM)
    Argued:   October 29, 2014                Decided:   February 4, 2015
    Before NIEMEYER, WYNN, and THACKER, Circuit Judges.
    Affirmed by published opinion. Judge Wynn wrote the opinion, in
    which Judge Niemeyer and Judge Thacker joined.
    ARGUED:   Richard  Kennon  Willard,   STEPTOE  &   JOHNSON LLP,
    Washington, D.C., for Appellant.     Darrell J. Graham, ROESER
    BUCHEIT & GRAHAM LLC, Chicago, Illinois; Ari Nicholas Rothman,
    VENABLE LLP, Washington, D.C., for Appellees. ON BRIEF: Stephen
    H. Ring, LAW OFFICES OF STEPHEN H. RING, P.C., Gaithersburg,
    Maryland; Michael S. Rothman, LAW OFFICE OF MICHAEL S. ROTHMAN,
    Rockville, Maryland; Jill C. Maguire, Benjamin B. Watson,
    STEPTOE & JOHNSON LLP, Washington, D.C., for Appellant. John K.
    Roche, PERKINS COIE LLP, Washington, D.C.; John E. Bucheit,
    ROESER BUCHEIT & GRAHAM LLC, Chicago, Illinois, for Appellees
    Kraft Foods, Incorporated, Vict. Th. Engwall & Co., and Kraft
    Foods Global, Incorporated.    J. Douglas Baldridge, Lisa Jose
    Fales, VENABLE LLP, Washington, D.C., for Appellee Connexus
    WYNN, Circuit Judge:
    In the late 1990s and early 2000s, legislatures across the
    country became increasingly concerned about unwanted commercial
    e-mail   colloquially     known   as   “spam.”    By   2004,   thirty-five
    states had enacted some form of anti-spam legislation, though as
    might    be    expected    each    addressed     the   problem   somewhat
    differently.     See Roger Ford, Preemption of State Spam Laws by
    the Federal CAN-SPAM Act, 
    72 U. Chi. L. Rev. 355
    , 363 (2005).
    Among the common provisions in these statutes were the creation
    of private rights of action for internet service providers and
    large statutory damage provisions.
    In this case, ostensible internet service provider Beyond
    Systems, Inc. seeks statutory damages from Kraft Foods, Inc. and
    Connexus Corporation under California’s and Maryland’s anti-spam
    statutes based upon several hundred e-mails which it alleges
    were unlawful spam.        The district court summarily ruled that
    Beyond Systems consented to the harm underpinning its anti-spam
    claims and is therefore barred from recovery.             We affirm the
    district court’s judgment on this ground.
    Beyond Systems is a Maryland corporation that provides at
    least a modicum of e-mail and server access to a limited number
    of clients.       Paul Wagner owns Beyond Systems, whose servers are
    housed    in    his   parents’     Maryland   residence.          Paul’s   brother,
    James Joseph (“Joe”) Wagner, owns Hypertouch, Inc., a nominal
    internet service provider in California that routes spam e-mails
    to Beyond Systems’ Maryland servers, where they are cached in
    accounts designed to hold spam e-mails.
    Hypertouch       and     Beyond   Systems     have     histories      of   suing
    alleged spammers.           To further its litigation strategy, Beyond
    Systems developed web pages with hidden e-mail addresses—that
    is, e-mail addresses embedded in the code that generates the
    webpages that are not visible to website visitors.                       The hidden
    e-mail    addresses     are    discovered     by   “spam    crawlers,”      computer
    programs spammers use to look for e-mail addresses and subscribe
    them to e-mail lists.          Because only spam crawlers can find these
    hidden    e-mail      accounts,    Beyond     Systems      uses   them     as   “spam
    traps.”     As a result, spam-trap-based litigation has accounted
    for 90% of Beyond Systems’ income in recent years.
    Unlike other internet service providers that routinely try
    to block       e-mail accounts from spam, Beyond Systems does nothing
    to filter or block spam e-mail.                Further, Beyond Systems has
    increased its storage capacity to archive large volumes of spam
    messages,      retaining    them    specifically     to    provide    grounds     for
    Similar          to    Beyond     Systems,         Hypertouch             operated     in
    California with the same purpose of maximizing on spam-trap-
    based litigation.             Pertinent to the issues in this matter, in
    2005,    Hypertouch          sued    Kraft    under    California’s            anti-spam     law
    based on e-mails it received regarding Gevalia coffee, a Kraft
    brand.          These e-mails allegedly had false headers, including
    incorrect “From” addresses, misleading subject lines, and other
    deficiencies which Hypertouch claimed violated California’s law.
    Under       a    settlement         agreement       reached        in     that       litigation,
    Hypertouch, on behalf of itself and its assignees, specifically
    disclaimed all rights it had to any causes of action based on
    the Gevalia e-mails sent to that point and agreed to cooperate
    with    Kraft      in    identifying      future      e-mails           that   might     violate
    California law.
    In       2008,   Beyond      Systems     brought     Maryland           and    California
    state-law claims against Kraft and Connexus in the United States
    District Court for the District of Maryland.                                   Beyond Systems
    alleged that it received a large volume of e-mails regarding
    Kraft’s         Gevalia      coffee     in    violation        of         California’s       and
    Maryland’s         anti-spam        statutes.        Many     of    these        e-mails    were
    exactly the same ones that formed the basis of Hypertouch’s 2005
    After     discovery         concluded,       the    district    court      granted
    partial summary judgment in favor of Kraft on “any claims based
    on the same e-mails that were the subject of Hypertouch’s June
    29, 2006 Settlement Agreement with Kraft” and “any claims based
    on    e-mails     sent     directly     to     Hypertouch      after   the    Settlement
    Agreement, where Hypertouch failed to notify Kraft within twenty
    days of receipt.”           J.A. 655.          Additionally, the district court
    granted partial summary judgment as to any e-mails barred by
    California’s one-year statute of limitations.
    The     district    court       then       bifurcated    the    trial      on   the
    remaining e-mails into a “liability” proceeding and a “damages”
    proceeding.         Beyond Sys., Inc. v. Kraft Foods, Inc., 
    972 F. Supp. 2d 748
    ,    754    (D.     Md.     2013).        During    the     liability
    proceeding, the district court held a jury trial, split into two
    phases, to determine whether Beyond Systems had standing to sue.
    The first phase presented the jury with the question as to
    whether Beyond Systems was an internet service provider (or its
    state    law     equivalent).          This    phase       presented   none   of    Beyond
    Systems’ litigation activities, but instead focused exclusively
    on    those     services       it    provided      to   its    customers,     where     its
    servers were housed, and other business-related activities.                             972
    F. Supp. 2d at 754.                 The jury found that, according to this
    evidence, Beyond Systems was an internet service provider under
    California and Maryland law.
    The   second    phase    presented      evidence   of    Beyond    Systems’
    litigation activities, including its relationship to Hypertouch
    and    the   percentage    of    its   revenue      derived     from     anti-spam
    litigation, and asked the jury if the Appellant was a “bona
    fide” internet service provider.                The jury found that it was
    not.    Therefore, the district court determined as a matter of
    law,    inter   alia,    that    Beyond       Systems   had    invited    its   own
    purported injury and thus could not recover for it.                    On appeal,
    we review this issue of law de novo.                    Wilson v. Dollar Gen.
    717 F.3d 337
    , 342 (4th Cir. 2013).
    As an initial matter, we are bound to address the subject
    matter jurisdiction issue of whether Beyond Systems had Article
    III standing.         Steel Co. v. Citizens for a Better Env’t, 
    523 U.S. 83
    , 88-102 (1998) (recognizing that standing to maintain a
    suit implicates the court’s jurisdiction to entertain a suit and
    is thus a threshold question to be resolved before the merits).
    To have standing, a party must allege that it suffered a
    “concrete” harm, there must be “a fairly traceable connection
    between the plaintiff’s injury and the complained-of conduct of
    the defendant[,]” and the harm must be redressable.                    
     at 103
    (internal quotation marks and citations omitted).                     The Supreme
    Court has also cautioned that the “absence of a valid . . .
    cause   of   action”    does   not    implicate       the   court’s    “power   to
    adjudicate the case,” 
    id. at 89
    , and we therefore take care not
    to conflate a standing inquiry with a merits inquiry.
    Doing so here, we conclude that Beyond Systems had Article
    III   standing.    It    claimed      a       harm—receiving   spam    e-mail—and
    Maryland and California law create an interest in being free
    from such harm.    See, e.g., Cantrell v. City of Long Beach, 
    241 F.3d 674
    , 684 (9th Cir. 2001) (“state law can create interests
    that support standing in federal courts”); Md. Code §§ 14-3002,
    14-3003; Cal. Bus. and Prof. Code § 17529.5.                    Beyond Systems
    contended that Defendants sent false and deceptive spam e-mails,
    i.e., caused its claimed harm.                And Maryland and California law
    provide statutory redress.           Id.       Accordingly, we conclude that
    Beyond Systems had Article III standing.
    The central issue in this case is whether the common law
    doctrine of volenti non fit injuria precludes Beyond Systems’
    recovery under the California and Maryland anti-spam statutes.
    The district court held that it does.              We agree.
    California’s anti-spam statute provides, in relevant part:
    (a) It is unlawful for any person or entity to
    advertise in a commercial e-mail advertisement either
    sent   from  California   or  sent  to   a   California
    electronic mail address under any of the following
    . . .
    (2)   The   e-mail   advertisement  contains    or   is
    accompanied by falsified, misrepresented, or forged
    header information.
    . . .
    (3) The e-mail advertisement has a subject line that a
    person knows would be likely to mislead a recipient,
    acting reasonably under the circumstances, about a
    material fact regarding the contents or subject matter
    of the message.
    (b)(1)(A) In addition to any other remedies provided
    by any other provision of law, the following may bring
    an action against a person or entity that violates any
    provision of this section:
    . . .
    (ii) An electronic mail service provider
    Cal. Bus. and Prof. Code § 17529.5.
    Similarly, Maryland’s anti-spam act provides, in relevant
    (b) A person may not initiate the transmission,
    conspire   with    another  person    to    initiate  the
    transmission,   or   assist  in   the    transmission  of
    commercial electronic mail that:
    (1) Is from a computer in the State or is sent to an
    electronic mail address that the sender knows or
    should have known is held by a resident of the State;
    (2)(i) Uses a third party's Internet domain name or
    electronic mail address without the permission of the
    third party;
    (ii) Contains false or misleading information about
    the origin or the transmission path of the commercial
    electronic mail; or
    (iii) Contains false or misleading information in the
    subject line that has the capacity, tendency, or
    effect of deceiving the recipient.
    Md.   Code      §     14-3002.          Additionally,         Maryland     law    allows
    “interactive         computer    service        provider[s]”     to    pursue    damages
    under the statute.           Md. Code § 14-3003.
    These     state       statutes    exist      against    the     backdrop    of   the
    Controlling         the     Assault     of      Non-Solicited         Pornography      and
    Marketing Act (“CAN-SPAM Act”), which Congress enacted to create
    a national uniform standard regarding spam control.                        
    15 U.S.C. § 7701
    (a)(11).              CAN-SPAM     made     it   illegal     to     “initiate      the
    transmission . . . of a commercial electronic message . . . that
    contains . . . header information 1 that is materially false or
    materially      misleading.”               
    15 U.S.C. § 7704
    .           Congress
    specifically provided that the statute would preempt state laws,
    except    for       those    that    fit   within     a     carve-out    or   “savings”
    15 U.S.C. § 7707
    (b)(1).               That provision saved those
    state laws that “prohibit falsity or deception in any portion of
    Header information includes an e-mail address, a domain
    name, an internet protocol address (IP address), or a “from”
    line, among other information. 
    15 U.S.C. § 7702
    a   commercial    electronic          mail    message        or   information          attached
    thereto . . . . ”         
    This Court has held that “Congress was operating in the
    vein    of     tort     when     it      drafted        the       pre-emption          clause’s
    exceptions”.         Omega World Travel, Inc. v. Mummagraphics, Inc.,
    469 F.3d 348
     (4th Cir. 2006).                      Thus, in this Circuit, it is
    clear that a state’s anti-spam statute is not preempted so long
    as it deals with falsity or deception in the vein of tort.                               
    While the highest court in Maryland has not spoken directly
    on the issue in this matter, we find the direct pronouncement of
    Maryland’s      second    highest      court       to   be    informative         as    to    the
    state of Maryland’s law on this subject.                          In 2006, the Court of
    Special      Appeals     of    Maryland       made      clear      that     violations         of
    Maryland’s anti-spam statute, “like violations of the Consumer
    Protection      Act,     are    ‘in    the     nature        of    a     tort.’        Indeed,
    [because]     both     statutes       regulate[]        false      and    deceptive       trade
    practices . . . the same principles that guide us when faced
    with questions of individual liability for torts apply here.”
    MaryCLE LLC v. First Choice Internet, Inc., 
    890 A.2d 818
    , 846
    (Md. App. 2006) (citation omitted).
    Similarly, the second highest court in California provides
    us with guidance on the state of California law on this issue.
    In 2011, the California Court of Appeal concluded “that the CAN–
    SPAM    Act’s    savings        clause       applies     to       any    state     law       that
    prohibits material falsity or material deception in a commercial
    e-mail . . . . ”         Hypertouch, Inc. v. ValueClick, Inc., 
    192 Cal. App. 4th 805
    , 833 (Cal. Ct. App. 2011).                    The California court
    thereby limited the application of California’s anti-spam law to
    deceptive e-mails.         
        Thus, neither the California nor the
    Maryland anti-spam statutes, both of which are in the vein of a
    tort, is preempted.
    Generally, tort-related statutes like these anti-spam laws
    are not exempt from common law principles.                    This makes sense,
    “because statutes creating torts rarely bother to set forth all
    the    ancillary    doctrines-governing            such   issues   as    causation,
    immunity, or, here, derivative liability-that are necessary to
    compose a complete regime of tort liability.”                  Shager v. Upjohn
    913 F.2d 398
    ,    404   (7th    Cir.      1990).     See      also,   e.g.,
    Busching v. Sup. Ct., 
    12 Cal.3d 44
    , 52 (1974) (“[I]t is not to
    be presumed that the legislature in the enactment of statutes
    intends to overthrow long-established principles of law unless
    such   intention    is    made    clearly     to    appear   either      by   express
    declaration or by necessary implication.”); Hardy v. State, 
    482 A.2d 474
    , 478 (Md. 1984) (“Maryland courts adhere to the policy
    that statutes are not to be construed to alter the common-law by
    implication.”).      Because the California and Maryland anti-spam
    statutes are in the vein of a tort, and nothing in their text
    suggests otherwise, common law tort principles that are part of
    those states’ common law also apply to the causes of action
    these statutes create.
    It is a general maxim of tort law that “no wrong is done to
    one who consents.”          Restatement (Second) of Torts 892A cmt. a
    (1979).     As such, “[o]ne who effectively consents to conduct of
    another intended to invade his interests cannot recover in an
    action of tort for the conduct or for harm resulting from it.”
     § 892A.        This principle has been known as “volenti non fit
    injuria,” or “to a willing person it is not a wrong.”                     Black’s
    Law Dictionary 1805 (10th ed. 2014).
    Maryland and California abide by volenti non fit injuria.
    As the Maryland Court of Special Appeals has recognized, “[a]ll
    intended       wrongs   have    in   common    the   element   that     they    are
    inflicted without the consent of the victim.                   Those who, with
    full knowledge, assent to the invasion of their interests may
    not complain.”          Janelsins v. Button, 
    648 A.2d 1039
    , 1042 (Md.
    Ct.    Spec.    App.    1994)   (internal     quotation   marks   and    citation
    omitted); see also, e.g., Brazerol v. Hudson, 
    277 A.2d 585
    1971) (landowners who consented to entry of dump truck on their
    land   to   transport     materials     to    adjoining   property      could   not
    recover for trespass and alleged crack in their basement wall).
    California has gone so far as to codify the maxim:                        “He who
    consents to an act is not wronged by it.”                   
    Cal. Civ. Code § 3515
    ; see also Pinney & Topliff v. Chrysler Corp., 
    176 F. Supp. 13
    801,   810    (S.D.       Cal.    1959)      (referring       to    Section       3515    as    “a
    codification of the maxim volenti non fit injuria”).
    We take pause to note that this doctrine is separate and
    distinct from that of “assumption of risk,” with assumption of
    risk   serving       as    a     defense      when     the    tort    is        based    on    the
    defendant’s       negligent        or    reckless      conduct,       while       the    volenti
    doctrine      applies       when       the    plaintiff       has     consented          to    the
    defendant’s intentional conduct.                       See Restatement (Second) of
    Torts Chapter 17A, scope note; 
     § 892A cmt. a.                                In a similar
    vein, while the Maryland Court of Special Appeals observed in
    Janelsins that “the two doctrines substantively amount to flip
    sides of a single conceptual principle,” it joined California in
    holding that “the doctrine of assumption of risk does not bar
    recovery for intentional torts.”                     648 A.2d at 1044-45.
    We   agree    with      the      district      court   that        the    evidence      was
    “overwhelming”        that       Beyond      Systems     consented         to    the    harm    it
    claims it suffered.              Beyond Sys., Inc., 972 F. Supp. 2d at 770.
    Beyond Systems created fake e-mail addresses, solely for the
    purpose      of   gathering        spam.        It    embedded       these       addresses      in
    websites so that they were undiscoverable except to computer
    programs      that    serve       no    other    function          than    to    find     e-mail
    accounts to spam.              Beyond Systems increased its e-mail storage
    capacity to retain a huge volume of spam, by which it hoped to
    increase its eventual recovery under anti-spam statutes.                                  And it
    intentionally    participated    in     routing   spam   e-mail      between
    California and Maryland to increase its exposure to spam and
    thereby allow it to sue under both states’ laws.                Accordingly,
    we agree with the district court that Beyond Systems’ consent
    to—and indeed its solicitation of—the harm at issue in this case
    prohibits Beyond Systems from recovering under the Maryland and
    California anti-spam statutes. 2
    For the reasons above, we find that Beyond Systems cannot
    recover for the e-mails sent from Kraft or Connexus to Beyond
    Systems’    servers.   And   because     we   resolve    this    matter   as
    detailed above, we need not and therefore do not address the
    parties’ other arguments.       We thus affirm the district court’s
    We do not, by this opinion, suggest that a plaintiff which
    is a legitimate internet service provider whose business has
    been impacted by deceptive spam but who, in preparation for a
    lawsuit, gathers and retains deceptive e-mails and even sets
    “spam traps” to help it identify those responsible will be
    prevented from bringing suit by the “volenti non fit injuria”
    principle,   but  that   plaintiffs  like   Beyond  System,   who
    “gratuitously created circumstances that would support a legal
    claim and acted with the chief aim of collecting a damage award”
    cannot.   Gordon v. Virtumundo, 
    575 F.3d 1040
    , 1068 (9th Cir.
    2009) (Gould, J., concurring).