Miguel Torres, S.A. v. Cantine Mezzacorona, S.C.A.R.L. , 108 F. App'x 816 ( 2004 )

  •                            UNPUBLISHED
    MIGUEL TORRES, S.A.,                   
    CANTINE MEZZACORONA, S.C.A.R.L.;                No. 99-1935
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Eastern District of Virginia, at Alexandria.
    Claude M. Hilton, Chief District Judge.
    Argued: April 6, 2000
    Decided: September 24, 2004
    Before WIDENER, TRAXLER, and KING, Circuit Judges.
    Vacated and remanded by unpublished per curiam opinion. Judge
    Widener wrote a concurring and dissenting opinion.
    ARGUED: Cynthia Clarke Weber, SUGHRUE, MION, ZINN,
    MACPEAK & SEAS, P.L.L.C., Washington, D.C., for Appellant.
    Tom Michael Schaumberg, ADDUCI, MASTRIANI & SCHAUM-
    BERG, L.L.P., Washington, D.C., for Appellees. ON BRIEF: Bar-
    bara A. Murphy, Gregory C. Anthes, Alfred M. Haas, ADDUCI,
    MASTRIANI & SCHAUMBERG, L.L.P., Washington, D.C.; John
    Charles Thomas, Stephen P. Demm, HUNTON & WILLIAMS, Rich-
    mond, Virginia, for Appellees.
    Unpublished opinions are not binding precedent in this circuit. See
    Local Rule 36(c).
    Appellant Miguel Torres, S.A. ("Torres") is a Spanish wine maker
    that has sold wine in the United States under the trademarks CORO-
    NAS and GRAN CORONAS for over 30 years. In 1985, Torres
    obtained a certificate of federal registration for each mark. The
    CORONAS mark consists of the word "Coronas" in stylized lettering
    below a logo that features three crowns in its design. The GRAN
    CORONAS is registered in stylized form without a superimposed
    In 1987, appellee Cantine Mezzacorona, S.C.A.R.L. ("Cantine"),
    an Italian wine producer, began selling its wine in the United States
    under the mark Mezzacorona. In 1992, Cantine applied for registra-
    tion of its Mezzacorona mark, which featured stylized lettering of the
    word Mezzacorona incorporated into a simple design.
    The parties stipulated to a great many facts in this case. The word
    "corona" means crown in both the Spanish and Italian languages. The
    words "gran" and "mezza" are size designations. "Gran" means grand
    or large in Spanish and Italian; "mezza" means half in Italian.
    The parties have similar chains-of-distribution for their wines. Tor-
    res sells its CORONAS and GRAN CORONAS wines to Paterno
    Imports Limited, its importer in the United States. Paterno, in turn,
    sells the wines to regional distributors that distribute the wines to
    local restaurants and retail wine vendors. Cantine distributes its Mez-
    MIGUEL TORRES v. CANTINE MEZZACORONA                   3
    zacorona wines in the United States through Prestige Wine Imports
    Corporation, which sells to regional distributors who, in turn, sell to
    local restaurants and retail wine vendors. Torres does not advertise its
    CORONAS or GRAN CORONAS wines through print media. Can-
    tine, by contrast, has paid to advertise Mezzacorona wines in maga-
    zines such as The Wine Spectator and The Wine Enthusiast.
    Otherwise, the parties employ identical methods of product promo-
    tion, including wine tastings, trade shows, and point-of-sale product
    In 1992, Cantine applied for registration of the Mezzacorona mark
    in stylized form for use with its wines. Initially, the United States
    Patent and Trademark Office ("PTO") refused registration on the
    grounds that Cantine’s proposed mark was "likely to be confused"
    with the CORONAS and GRAN CORONAS marks previously regis-
    tered by Torres. J.A. 1577. Cantine, however, successfully sought
    reconsideration of the PTO’s initial decision by suggesting that
    "crown" or "corona" is commonly used in connection with wines for
    purposes of International Class 33 registrations. Accordingly, the
    PTO issued a notice of publication that the mark Mezzacorona was
    entitled to registration.
    Torres, which is engaged with Cantine in trademark disputes out-
    side of the United States, filed an opposition based on its prior use
    and registration of the CORONAS and GRAN CORONAS marks.
    After receiving briefs and holding an opposition hearing, the Trade-
    mark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB) concluded that "the use of
    [Cantine’s] mark is likely to cause confusion, mistake or deception"
    and that the mark thus was not entitled to registration. J.A. 29. The
    TTAB’s analysis focused on two considerations — "the similarity of
    the goods and the similarity of the marks." J.A. 26. The TTAB
    explained that "[i]n Board proceedings, ‘the question of likelihood of
    confusion must be determined based on an analysis of the mark as
    applied to the goods and/or services recited in applicant’s application
    vis-a-vis the goods and/or services recited in opposer’s registration,
    rather than what the evidence shows the goods and/or services to be.’"
    J.A. 26-27 (quoting Canadian Imperial Bank v. Wells Fargo Bank,
    811 F.2d 1490
     (Fed. Cir. 1987)). Moreover, the TTAB "presume[s]
    that [the goods at issue] travel in the same channels of trade and that
    they are purchased by the same end users" if the application itself
    does not distinguish the goods from those associated with the senior
    registered mark. J.A. 27. Focusing on the "visual appearance, pronun-
    ciation and connotation" of the opposing marks and the fact that the
    opposing marks were to be used in the sale of wine, the TTAB agreed
    with Torres that Cantine’s Mezzacorona mark was not entitled to reg-
    istration. J.A. 29.
    Cantine then sought review of the TTAB decision in the United
    States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. See 
    15 U.S.C. § 1071
    Concluding that none of the TTAB’s factual findings regarding the
    similarity of the marks or the accompanying goods were clearly erro-
    neous, the Federal Circuit held that the TTAB decision was correct:
    We cannot find fault with the Board’s factual determinations
    that the mark Cantine sought to register was similar in phys-
    ical appearance, sound, and meaning to the marks registered
    to Torres, whether the marks are considered as applied for
    or registered, or as actually used. . . . We conclude, there-
    fore, that the Board’s decision to grant the opposition and
    deny Cantine’s registration because its mark was confus-
    ingly similar to two previously-registered marks was correct
    as a matter of law.
    Cantine Mezzacorona v. Torres, No. 97-1339, at 5-6 (Fed. Cir. Dec.
    17, 1997) (unpublished).
    Although Cantine was unable to secure registration of the Mezza-
    corona mark, it continued to sell its wine varieties under the mark.
    Accordingly, in January 1998, Torres brought this trademark infringe-
    ment action under the Lanham Act. See 
    15 U.S.C. § 1114
    . Torres also
    alleged unfair competition, see 
    15 U.S.C. § 1125
    , and common law
    trademark infringement and unfair competition under Virginia law. In
    Cantine also had the option of seeking direct review of the administra-
    tive decision by filing an action in district court, where the aggrieved
    party can introduce additional evidence and raise additional claims. See
    15 U.S.C. § 1071
    (b). The district court’s decision is subject to review in
    the appropriate federal appellate court. Cantine, however, did not elect
    this option.
    MIGUEL TORRES v. CANTINE MEZZACORONA                    5
    addition to damages, Torres sought injunctive relief and attorney’s
    In March 1998, Torres moved for summary judgment based on a
    collateral estoppel theory, arguing that Cantine was bound by the
    administrative decision upheld by the Federal Circuit that the Mezza-
    corona mark was not registrable because it was likely to cause confu-
    sion with the CORONAS and GRAN CORONAS marks. In an order
    dated April 16, 1998, the district court denied the motion for two rea-
    sons. First, one of the defendants in the infringement action, Prestige
    Wine Imports, was not a party to the proceedings before the TTAB.
    Second, the district court concluded that "the issue for which [Torres]
    seeks preclusive effect is not identical to the issue actually decided in
    the prior adjudication." J.A. 48. The district court explained that "[i]n
    infringement actions, instead of focusing on the trademarks as they
    appear in the registration or proposed registration, the issue is whether
    the actual use of the trademarks is likely to cause confusion." J.A. 49.
    The district court did not believe that the TTAB or the Federal Circuit
    undertook the type of "meaningful analysis of the marks in their entire
    marketplace context" that would entitle the administrative findings to
    preclusive effect in a trademark infringement action. J.A. 51.
    Subsequently, the parties filed cross motions for summary judg-
    ment. The district court concluded that "there is no likelihood of con-
    fusion between Plaintiff’s and Defendants’ marks, and that summary
    judgment in favor of the Defendants is appropriate." J.A. 1937. In so
    ruling, the district court applied the multi-factor test followed in this
    To ascertain the likelihood of confusion between two trade-
    marks, we consider . . . (1) the distinctiveness of the senior
    mark; (2) the similarity of the two marks; (3) the similarity
    of the goods and services that the marks identify; (4) the
    similarity of the facilities employed by the parties to transact
    their business; (5) the similarity of the advertising used by
    the parties; (6) the defendant’s intent in adopting the same
    or similar mark; and (7) actual confusion.
    Sara Lee Corp. v. Kayser-Roth Corp., 
    81 F.3d 455
    , 463 (4th Cir.
    1996) (quoting Pizzeria Uno Corp. v. Temple, 
    747 F.2d 1522
    , 1527
    (4th Cir. 1984)). The district court considered the record before it in
    light of each of these factors, as well as a few additional factors that
    we have found to be appropriate in a trademark infringement analysis.2
    Although the district court thoroughly considered the evidence before
    it under most of the relevant factors, its analysis was deficient in one
    respect. In considering the "similarity of the two marks" factor, the
    district court apparently did not consider the factual findings of the
    We cannot agree with Torres, however, that the TTAB’s findings
    are presumptively correct or entitled to some sort of deference, as
    they might be if the district court were actually reviewing the TTAB’s
    findings pursuant to an action under 
    15 U.S.C. § 1071
    (b).3 As the dis-
    trict court ably pointed out in rejecting Torres’s collateral estoppel
    argument, the "likelihood of confusion" analysis employed in a TTAB
    proceeding is different than the "likelihood of confusion" analysis
    employed in a full-blown infringement action. See Levy v. Kosher
    Overseers Ass’n of America, Inc., 
    104 F.3d 38
    , 41 (2d Cir. 1997). The
    key to whether any controlling effect is due in an infringement action
    is whether "the TTAB or the Federal Circuit . . . have taken into
    account, in a meaningful way, the context of the marketplace." 
    Id. at 42
    . Here, the TTAB considered facts relevant only to a portion of the
    full multi-factor infringement analysis.
    Nonetheless, a district court cannot altogether omit consideration
    of the TTAB’s factual determinations that are relevant to a given fac-
    tor in the infringement analysis. At the very least, such findings
    should be considered "powerful evidence" of the presence (or lack
    thereof) of one or more of the factors that must be considered in an
    infringement action. Cf. America Online, Inc. v. AT & T Corp., 
    243 F.3d 812
    , 817 (4th Cir. 2001) (internal quotation marks omitted).
    The district court recognized that the following factors are sometimes
    relevant: "the quality of the defendant’s products"; "the sophistication of
    consumers"; "the proximity of the products as they are actually sold";
    and "the probability that the senior mark owner will . . . enter[ ] the
    defendant’s market." J.A. 1919.
    Indeed, Torres has not appealed the district court’s April 16, 1998,
    order rejecting its argument that the findings of the TTAB are entitled to
    preclusive effect. Thus, we could not address its argument in any event.
    MIGUEL TORRES v. CANTINE MEZZACORONA                   7
    Although the TTAB’s analysis of whether Cantine’s mark was "likely
    to cause confusion" was not sufficient to settle the infringement ques-
    tion, it engaged in more than a cursory analysis with respect to
    whether the marks were visually similar or similar in terms of pronun-
    ciation. Given the agency expertise of the TTAB, these findings are
    evidence that is entitled to "due respect" from the district court, see
    Pizzeria Uno, 
    747 F.2d at 1528
     (internal quotation marks omitted), in
    its analysis of the "similarity of the two marks" factor. "Due respect"
    obligates the district court to give explicit and meaningful consider-
    ation to the bases underlying the TTAB’s conclusion that the two
    marks were similar visually and in terms of pronunciation, and to the
    impact of these conclusions upon the district court’s analysis of one
    or more of the nonexclusive factors set forth in Sara Lee. Because the
    matter was before the district court on summary judgment, we are
    constrained to return the matter for consideration of whether the
    TTAB findings of fact are sufficient to create an issue of material fact
    that would preclude summary judgment.
    By contrast, the TTAB’s factual findings that the goods to which
    the marks were affixed were "identical" and "traveled in the same
    channels of trade" and "purchased by the same end users" were based
    simply on the fact that Cantine’s application set forth no limitation
    that would distinguish the goods. Because these findings are not
    grounded in evidence of actual use that is fundamental in infringe-
    ment litigation, the district court was not obligated to accord them any
    special weight.
    Thus, we vacate the decision of the district court and remand for
    further proceedings in light of this opinion.
    WIDENER, Circuit Judge, concurring and dissenting:
    I concur in the vacation of the judgment of the district court and
    in the remand.
    However, I respectfully dissent as to the action which the district
    court should take on remand. I would require the district court to give
    presumptive validity to the findings of the Patent and Trademark
    Office which have survived both administrative review and review by
    the Federal Circuit.