United States v. Charles Bentil , 677 F. App'x 877 ( 2017 )

  •                               UNPUBLISHED
    No. 16-4330
    Plaintiff – Appellee,
    Defendant - Appellant.
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the Eastern
    District of Virginia, at Alexandria. James C. Cacheris, Senior
    District Judge. (1:02-cr-00499-JCC-1)
    Submitted:   December 12, 2016              Decided:   February 7, 2017
    Before NIEMEYER, MOTZ, and DIAZ, Circuit Judges.
    Vacated and remanded by unpublished per curiam opinion.
    Geremy C. Kamens, Federal Public Defender, Caroline S. Platt,
    OFFICE OF THE FEDERAL PUBLIC DEFENDER, Alexandria, Virginia, for
    Appellant. Dana J. Boente, United States Attorney, Angela
    Fiorentino-Rios, Special Assistant United States Attorney,
    Christopher   Catizone,   Assistant  United   States   Attorney,
    Alexandria, Virginia, for Appellee.
    Unpublished opinions are not binding precedent in this circuit.
    Charles Bentil appeals from the 10-month sentence imposed
    by   the    district          court       at   a    resentencing       hearing    after   the
    revocation of his supervised release.                           At Bentil’s revocation
    hearing, the district court twice orally pronounced a sentence
    of 10 days’ imprisonment, which was to run consecutive to any
    state court sentence received by Bentil for the criminal conduct
    underlying           his   revocation.             The     district    court    subsequently
    entered         a    written     judgment          reflecting    the    10-day    sentence.
    Fourteen days later, the district court sua sponte convened a
    resentencing hearing and informed the parties that it had made a
    mistake and had intended to impose a sentence of 10 months’
    imprisonment, not 10 days.                     The district court stated that this
    error was obvious from the record of the revocation hearing and
    that      the       imposition       of   a    10-day       sentence    would    be   plainly
    unreasonable and constitute reversible error.                           Finding the error
    to   be    clear       from    the    record,        the    district    court    resentenced
    Bentil to 10 months’ imprisonment under Fed. R. Crim. P. 35(a).
    Bentil noted a timely appeal, challenging the district court’s
    authority to resentence him.                       For the reasons stated below, we
    vacate the amended judgment order and remand with instructions
    that the district court reinstate the 10-day sentence imposed at
    Bentil’s revocation hearing.
    A district court “may not modify a term of imprisonment
    once it has been imposed unless the Bureau of Prisons moves for
    a   reduction,     the    Sentencing         Commission       amends      the   applicable
    Guidelines       range,    or    another       statute        or   Rule    35   expressly
    permits the court to do so.”                 United States v. Goodwyn, 
    596 F.3d 233
    , 235 (4th Cir. 2010) (internal quotation marks omitted).
    Under Fed. R. Crim. P. 35(a), a district court “may correct a
    sentence that resulted from arithmetical, technical, or other
    clear error” within 14 days of sentencing.                             “[T]he scope of
    clear error correctable under Rule 35(a) is extremely narrow,”
    which comports with Congress’ intent “to promote openness and
    finality in sentencing.”               United States v. Fields, 
    552 F.3d 401
    404-05    (4th     Cir.    2009)       (internal       quotation       marks    omitted).
    “Although courts take different approaches to Rule 35(a), all
    essentially agree that clear error under the Rule requires some
    reversible       error    at     the    initial        sentencing.”         
    Id. at 404
    (internal quotation marks omitted).                     In other words, Rule 35(a)
    “extend[s] only to those cases in which an obvious error or
    mistake   has     occurred      in     the    sentence,       that   is,    errors   which
    would almost certainly result in a remand of the case to the
    trial court.”       United States v. Fraley, 
    988 F.2d 4
    , 7 (4th Cir.
    1993) (quoting Fed. R. Crim. P. 35 advisory committee’s note to
    1991   amendment).          We       review       de   novo    the   district     court’s
    exercise of jurisdiction under Rule 35(a).                      See United States v.
    531 F.3d 263
    , 270 (4th Cir. 2008).
    On appeal, Bentil argues that the district court did not
    have jurisdiction under Rule 35(a) to alter the 10-day sentence
    initially imposed because the record does not evince that the
    court committed “clear error” when imposing sentence at Bentil’s
    revocation hearing.               In response, the Government argues that
    this       court    would     have    remanded       for   resentencing     because   the
    10-day sentence is procedurally unreasonable, and therefore, the
    district court properly corrected the “clear error” under Rule
    35(a). 1     We agree with Bentil.
    In order for the district court to exercise jurisdiction
    under Rule 35(a), it must have been “almost certain” that the
    10-day sentence would have been reversed on appeal.                         See Fraley,
    988 F.2d at 7
    .      However,       “[a]    district    court    has     broad
    discretion          when      imposing      a       sentence   upon   revocation       of
    supervised release,” United States v. Webb, 
    738 F.3d 638
    , 640
    (4th Cir. 2013), and thus, in examining a revocation sentence,
    this       court        “takes    a    more      deferential       appellate       posture
    concerning issues of fact and the exercise of discretion than
    The Government also argues that the district court’s error
    was  arithmetical   or   technical.     We  find   this  argument
    unpersuasive. Moreover, the district court solely relied on the
    “clear error” language of Rule 35(a) to resentence Bentil.
    reasonableness            review       for        guidelines          sentences,”         United
    States v. Moulden, 
    478 F.3d 652
    , 656 (4th Cir. 2007) (internal
    quotation marks omitted).                 “We will affirm a revocation sentence
    if    it    is    within       the   statutory         maximum        and    is    not   plainly
    unreasonable.”            Webb, 738 F.3d at 640 (internal quotation marks
    omitted).         In conducting reasonableness review in the supervised
    release revocation context, we “follow generally the procedural
    and        substantive           considerations”                used          in       reviewing
    post-conviction sentences.                   United States v. Crudup, 
    461 F.3d 433
    , 438 (4th Cir. 2006).
    A   revocation          sentence      is   procedurally             reasonable    if     the
    district          court     adequately            explains           the     sentence         after
    considering         the    policy      statements          in    Chapter       Seven     of    the
    Sentencing Guidelines and the applicable 
    18 U.S.C. § 3553
    (2012)      factors.           See    
    18 U.S.C. § 3583
    (e)       (2012);     United
    States v. Thompson, 
    595 F.3d 544
    , 546-47 (4th Cir. 2010).                                       “A
    court      need    not    be    as    detailed        or     specific       when    imposing     a
    revocation          sentence         as      it       must      be     when        imposing      a
    post-conviction sentence, but it still must provide a statement
    of reasons for the sentence imposed.”                          Thompson, 
    595 F.3d at 547
    (internal quotation marks omitted).
    We first conclude that the intent of the district court to
    impose a 10-month consecutive sentence is not sufficiently clear
    from the record of the revocation hearing, and as such, the
    district    court’s      imposition      of       a    10-day     sentence   at     the
    revocation hearing was not the type of obvious error that we
    have suggested is correctable under Rule 35(a).                     See Fields, 
    552 F.3d at 405
     (suggesting district court could correct obvious
    mistake where intent is clear from the record).                        Although the
    district court noted at the revocation hearing that Bentil had
    repeatedly violated the conditions of his supervised release,
    the   district     court’s     summary       of       those   violations     and    the
    punishments imposed indicate that the violations did not involve
    shockingly abhorrent behavior.               Furthermore, while the district
    court did find that Bentil’s original offense was “very serious”
    and that he had a significant criminal history, the court also
    seemingly   took    into     consideration        several       mitigating   factors,
    including Bentil’s steady employment, his clean drug screens,
    his   completion    of   a   substance       abuse      program,    his   payment    of
    child support for his daughter, and his substance abuse problem,
    which began at an early age.             The court also acknowledged that
    Bentil would likely face a sentence of imprisonment in state
    court.      Consequently,       the   district           court’s    intent    at    the
    revocation hearing to sentence Bentil to 10 months rather 10
    days is ambiguous at best, and thus, any disconnect between the
    10-day sentence and the court’s intent at the revocation hearing
    cannot support resentencing under Rule 35(a).                       See Fields, 552
    F.3d at 405 (refusing “to search for an intent that was not
    obvious to anyone” at initial sentencing hearing).
    In addition, we find that the initial sentence of 10 days
    imposed by the district court was not “clear error” within the
    meaning of Rule 35(a) because we are not convinced that the
    sentence     would    have        “almost    certain[ly]”        been    reversed    for
    procedural unreasonableness on appeal.                    See Fraley, 
    988 F.2d at 7
    .   At the revocation hearing, the district court took into
    account     the    Guidelines       range    and       discussed   several     of    the
    § 3553(a) factors.          As discussed above, the district court also
    considered the aggravating and mitigating factors in this case.
    The district court’s discussion of these factors could support a
    10-day    sentence        given     the   deference       afforded      to   revocation
    sentences by this court.             Accordingly, we are not convinced that
    we would find the 10-day sentence to be plainly procedurally
    unreasonable on appeal.
    Even     if     we     might     find       the    10-day     sentence     to    be
    procedurally unreasonable, because the Government did not offer
    any argument for a within-policy-statement range sentence at the
    revocation hearing and did not object to the court’s explanation
    of the 10-day sentence, plain error review would apply to any
    appeal of the sentence for procedural unreasonableness.                              See
    Webb, 738 F.3d at 640; United States v. Houston, 
    529 F.3d 743
    749-50 (6th Cir. 2008) (taking into account that plain error
    review would have applied to appeal of sentence in clear error
    analysis       under   Rule     35(a)).         To    establish    plain      error,      the
    Government would have to demonstrate that (1) the district court
    committed      an    error;     (2)    the    error     was   plain;    (3)    the    error
    affected the Government’s substantial rights; and (4) the error
    “seriously          affect[s]     the        fairness,        integrity       or     public
    reputation of judicial proceedings.”                     Puckett v. United States,
    556 U.S. 129
    , 135 (2009) (internal quotation marks omitted); see
    United States v. Blatstein, 
    482 F.3d 725
    , 730, 733 (4th Cir.
    2007) (“[W]e have recognized that the substantial rights of the
    Government are . . . entitled to protection from plain error.”).
    Under      plain   error        review,     the    Government     would      not    be
    certain to prevail on appeal.                 For the reasons explained above,
    the Government cannot point to any error that is plain from the
    record    of    the    revocation       hearing.         Moreover,      the   Government
    would be hard-pressed to argue that its substantial rights were
    affected because the total state and federal sentence ultimately
    imposed was greater than the sentence proposed by the Government
    at   Bentil’s       revocation    hearing. 2          Finally,    any     error      by   the
    2Although the hearings before the district court occurred
    prior to the imposition of Bentil’s state sentence, we note that
    Bentil was ultimately sentenced to a term of imprisonment
    exceeding one year, and therefore, the 10-day consecutive
    sentence is longer than the 12-month concurrent sentence
    recommended by the Government at the revocation hearing.     See
    Colonial Penn Ins. Co. v. Coil, 
    887 F.2d 1236
    , 1239 (4th Cir.
    district court in imposing a 10-day sentence does not “seriously
    affect the fairness, integrity or public reputation of judicial
    proceedings.”      Puckett, 
    556 U.S. at 135
     (alteration and internal
    quotation   marks    omitted).      To       the   contrary,     we   believe     that
    permitting the district court to resentence Bentil after clearly
    announcing the 10-day sentence and entering the written judgment
    would be more detrimental to the fairness and integrity of the
    proceedings than allowing the 10-day sentence to stand.
    Accordingly,     we   vacate     the      amended     judgment      order    and
    remand with instructions that the district court reinstate the
    10-day   sentence    imposed   at   Bentil’s        revocation        hearing.     We
    dispense    with    oral   argument      because         the    facts    and     legal
    contentions   are    adequately     presented       in    the   materials      before
    this court and argument would not aid the decisional process.
    1989) (recognizing that we may take judicial notice of facts
    outside of record on appeal in interest of justice).