Shaidon Blake v. Micheal Ross, Sgt. , 787 F.3d 693 ( 2015 )

  •                                 PUBLISHED
    No. 13-7279
    Plaintiff - Appellant,
    Defendant – Appellee,
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the District of
    Maryland, at Greenbelt.      Alexander Williams, Jr., District
    Judge. (8:09-cv-02367-AW)
    Argued:   January 27, 2015                       Decided:    May 21, 2015
    Before TRAXLER,    Chief   Judge,   and     GREGORY   and   AGEE,   Circuit
    Reversed and remanded by published opinion. Judge Gregory wrote
    the majority opinion, in which Chief Judge Traxler joined.
    Judge Agee wrote a dissenting opinion.
    ARGUED:    Scott Matthew Noveck, MAYER BROWN LLP, Washington,
    D.C., for Appellant.    Sarah W. Rice, OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY
    GENERAL OF MARYLAND, Baltimore, Maryland, for Appellee.       ON
    BRIEF:   Reginald R. Goeke, Scott A. Claffee, MAYER BROWN LLP,
    Washington, D.C., for Appellant.   Douglas F. Gansler, Attorney
    General of Maryland, Dorianne Meloy, Assistant Attorney General,
    for Appellee.
    GREGORY, Circuit Judge:
    Inmate Shaidon Blake appeals the district court’s summary
    dismissal    of     his   
    42 U.S.C. § 1983
        claim       against    Appellee
    Lieutenant    Michael     Ross   on    the      ground     that   Blake     failed    to
    exhaust his administrative remedies as required by the Prison
    Litigation Reform Act (“PLRA”), 42 U.S.C. § 1997e(a).                         Because
    we hold that Blake reasonably believed that he had sufficiently
    exhausted     his     remedies        by       complying     with     an     internal
    investigation, we reverse the judgment of the district court and
    remand for further proceedings.
    Since we are reviewing a grant of summary judgment, the
    following account frames the facts in the light most favorable
    to Blake, the non-movant, and draws all reasonable inferences in
    his favor.        Pueschel v. Peters, 
    577 F.3d 558
    , 563 (4th Cir.
    2009).      On June 21, 2007, Ross and Lieutenant James Madigan
    approached Blake’s cell at the Maryland Reception Diagnostic and
    Classification      Center.      Madigan        ordered     Blake   to     gather    his
    possessions so that he could be moved to another cell block.
    When Blake asked why he was being moved, Madigan called him a
    “bad ass” and a “tough guy” and accused him of trying to take
    over the housing unit.
    Ross entered the cell and handcuffed Blake’s hands behind
    his back.     When Ross escorted Blake out of the cell and towards
    the top of the stairs, Madigan reached out and grabbed Blake’s
    arm.    Blake told Madigan to “[g]et the fuck off” him.                        Ross got
    the    impression    that     there    might       have   been      some    preexisting
    tension between Blake and Madigan.
    Ross, still holding Blake in an escort grip, led Blake down
    the concrete stairs with Madigan following closely.                          As he did
    so, Madigan suddenly shoved Blake from behind.                          Blake had to
    push against the railing with his elbow to keep himself from
    falling down the stairs.              Blake told Madigan not to push him.
    Ross    assured     Madigan    that     he       had   Blake    under      control   and
    continued walking down the stairs.
    At the bottom of the stairs, Madigan shoved Blake again.
    Blake told Madigan, “Don’t fucking push me no more.”                         When they
    reached the pod door, Madigan ordered Blake to stand against the
    wall of the corridor.           He then stepped into the pod and spoke
    with   the   corridor    officer      inside.          When    he   returned    he   was
    “agitated,” and he began “yelling and screaming and pointing in
    [Blake’s] face.”        J.A. 522-23.             With Ross still holding Blake
    against the wall, Madigan wrapped a key ring around his fingers
    and then punched Blake at least four times in the face in quick
    succession.       Madigan paused briefly, then punched Blake in the
    face again.
    While Ross continued to hold Blake, Madigan ordered Latia
    Woodard,     a    nearby     officer,       to       mace       Blake.       Woodard      refused.
    Ross told Woodard to radio a “Signal 13” - a code to summon
    other officers for assistance.                       He and Madigan then took Blake
    to the ground by lifting him up and dropping him.                                Ross dropped
    his knee onto Blake’s chest, and he and Madigan restrained Blake
    until other officers arrived.
    The responding officers took Blake to the medical unit;
    Blake, surrounded by guards and fearful of being attacked again,
    declined treatment even though he was in pain.                                  He was later
    diagnosed with nerve damage.
    That       same    day,     Blake     reported            the    incident      to    senior
    corrections        officers       and     provided          a    written      account.           The
    Internal Investigative Unit (“IIU”) of the Maryland Department
    of    Public      Safety        and     Correctional             Services      (“Department”)
    undertook a year-long investigation and issued a formal report.
    The   report      confirmed        that     Madigan         had       used    excessive        force
    against      Blake      by   striking       him        in       the    face    while      he     was
    handcuffed.        The report did not assign any fault to Blake and
    did not recommend any disciplinary action against him.
    Blake filed a pro se § 1983 complaint on September 8, 2009
    against    Ross,        Madigan,      two   supervisors,              and    three   government
    entities.        The district court dismissed sua sponte the claims
    against the government entities.           Ross and the two supervisors
    filed an answer on November 19, 2009, and moved to dismiss or
    for     summary    judgment   on   February   4,   2010. 1   None   of   the
    defendants asserted an exhaustion defense in either the answer
    or the motion.        The district court granted summary judgment as
    to the supervisors but denied it as to Ross, finding that Blake
    had presented genuine issues of material fact regarding whether
    Ross committed a constitutional violation.              The court ordered
    that counsel be appointed to represent Blake.
    On August 2, 2011 - nearly two years after filing Ross’s
    answer to Blake’s complaint – Ross’s counsel contacted counsel
    for Blake and Madigan and requested consent to file an amended
    answer.        Blake’s counsel agreed on the condition that Ross’s
    counsel consent to the filing of an amended complaint at a later
    date.       The parties did not discuss the specific contents of the
    amended answer, which Blake became aware of for the first time
    that afternoon when Ross filed his motion to amend.           The amended
    answer included a new affirmative defense alleging that Blake
    had failed to exhaust his administrative remedies as required by
    the PLRA, 42 U.S.C. § 1997e(a).           Less than a day later, without
    Blake did not successfully serve Madigan until January 26,
    giving    Blake      any    opportunity           to       object,      the     district      court
    granted the motion to amend.
    Blake      moved     to    strike        Ross’s       exhaustion         defense       on   the
    ground that it had been waived.                       While that motion was pending,
    Blake    filed      an     amended       complaint,           and      Ross    reasserted         his
    exhaustion defense in his answer.                          Blake again moved to strike
    Ross’s exhaustion defense.                 On January 9, 2012, Ross moved for
    summary judgment on the ground that Blake had failed to exhaust
    his   administrative            remedies.         On       May   10,    2012,        the    district
    court    denied      Blake’s          motion     to     strike         and    granted       summary
    judgment      to    Ross     and       Madigan.            Blake       filed     a    motion      for
    reconsideration,           in    response        to     which       the       court    reinstated
    Blake’s    claim         against        Madigan        (who      had    not     joined       Ross’s
    motion), but refused to reinstate his claim against Ross.                                      Blake
    ultimately prevailed against Madigan at trial.                                      On August 9,
    2013, Blake timely appealed the dismissal of his claim against
    On appeal, Blake argues that 1) Ross waived his exhaustion
    affirmative        defense       by     failing       to    assert      it     in     his    initial
    answer or motion for summary judgment, and 2) even if Ross did
    not     waive      the    defense,        Blake        exhausted        his      administrative
    remedies    as      required       by    the    PLRA       by    complying          with    the   IIU
    investigation.            Because we find that Ross’s exhaustion defense
    is without merit, we do not reach the issue of whether he waived
    the defense.
    We review de novo the district court’s grant of summary
    judgment, viewing all facts in the light most favorable to the
    non-movant and drawing all reasonable inferences therefrom in
    his favor.           Pueschel, 
    577 F.3d at 563
    .                        Because an inmate’s
    failure    to    exhaust          administrative            remedies     is     an    affirmative
    defense,       Ross       bears     the    burden       of       proving      that     Blake    had
    remedies available to him of which he failed to take advantage.
    Jones    v.    Bock,       
    549 U.S. 199
    ,       211-12,      216     (2007);      Moore     v.
    517 F.3d 717
    , 725 (4th Cir. 2008).
    The PLRA requires an inmate to exhaust “such administrative
    remedies as are available” before filing an action.                                    42 U.S.C.
    § 1997e(a).          This requirement is one of “proper exhaustion”:                              an
    inmate    is    not       excused    from    the       requirement         simply      because    a
    previously       available           administrative              remedy         is    no      longer
    available.       Woodford v. Ngo, 
    548 U.S. 81
    , 93 (2006).                                  However,
    “an     administrative            remedy    is        not    considered          to    have    been
    available       if    a    prisoner,       through          no   fault     of    his    own,    was
    prevented from availing himself of it.”                          Moore, 
    517 F.3d at 725
    The     Department        provides         inmates          with    a     number     of
    administrative avenues for addressing complaints and problems.
    At issue here is the interaction between two of those processes:
    the Administrative Remedy Procedure (“ARP”), 2 and the IIU.
    The ARP is available for “all types of complaints” except
    “case      management     recommendations              and     decisions,”       “Maryland
    Parole      Commission        procedures         and     decisions,”          “disciplinary
    hearing procedures and decisions,” and “appeals of decisions to
    withhold     mail.”           Maryland       Division        of    Correction,         Inmate
    Handbook 30 (2007) (hereinafter “Handbook”).                        The ARP involves a
    three-step process:           the inmate files a request for remedy with
    the   warden,    then     appeals        a   denial       to      the    Commissioner      of
    Corrections, and finally appeals any subsequent denial to the
    Inmate Grievance Office (“IGO”).                       See id. at 30-31; Md. Code
    Regs. §; Chase v. Peay, 
    286 F. Supp. 2d 523
    , 529
    (D. Md. 2003) (describing the process); Thomas v. Middleton, No.
    2010 WL 4781360
    ,       at    *3    (D.     Md.    Nov.    16,    2010)
    In    addition     to    the   ARP,     the      Department        administers      the
    Internal Investigative Unit, or IIU.                     The IIU is responsible for
    investigating, among other things, “allegation[s] of excessive
    We also briefly discuss the Inmate Grievance Office, which
    hears appeals from the ARP and rules in the first instance on
    other grievances, supra.
    force by an employee or nonagency employee.”                        Md. Code Regs.
    §           Any employee with knowledge of an alleged
    violation within the scope of the IIU’s investigative authority
    must file a complaint.          Id. §           Alternatively, an
    inmate may file a complaint directly.               Id. §
    Blake’s encounter with Madigan and Ross was investigated by
    the IIU after Blake immediately reported the incident to senior
    corrections        officers;     Blake     never     filed     an     administrative
    grievance     through    the    ARP.      Ross     contends    that      the    ARP   was
    available to Blake despite his ongoing IIU investigation.                         Blake
    argues that the investigation removed his grievance from the ARP
    process.      To resolve this issue, we first examine in greater
    detail the legal standard Ross must meet to prove his exhaustion
    defense, and then apply that standard to Blake’s situation.
    The Supreme Court has identified three primary purposes of
    the PLRA’s exhaustion requirement:                  1) “allowing a prison to
    address complaints about the program it administers before being
    subjected     to    suit,”     2)   “reducing      litigation       to    the    extent
    complaints     are     satisfactorily        resolved,”       and   3)     “improving
    litigation that does occur by leading to the preparation of a
    useful record.”         Jones, 
    549 U.S. at 219
    .           To serve these ends,
    the   Court   has    interpreted       the     requirement    quite      strictly      to
    require “proper exhaustion.”             Woodford, 
    548 U.S. at 93
    Still, the exhaustion requirement is not absolute.                                         See
    517 F.3d at 725
    .     As     Justice       Breyer    noted       in        his
    concurrence      in     Woodford,         administrative         law     contains       “well-
    established      exceptions          to    exhaustion.”           
    548 U.S. at 103-04
    (Breyer, J., concurring).                 Justice Breyer pointed to the Second
    Circuit’s    holding         in    Giano    v.    Goord,    
    380 F.3d 670
        (2d       Cir.
    2004), which applied these well-settled exceptions to the PLRA:
    [T]here are certain “special circumstances” in which,
    though administrative remedies may have been available
    and though the government may not have been estopped
    from   asserting  the   affirmative   defense   of non-
    exhaustion, the prisoner’s failure to comply with
    administrative     procedural       requirements    may
    nevertheless have been justified.
    380 F.3d at 676
    .             The court went on to find that the inmate’s
    failure    to    exhaust      available          remedies    “was       justified      by        his
    reasonable belief” that no further remedies were available.                                      
    Id. at 678
    Of    course,      in       reading     longstanding          administrative               law
    exceptions into the PLRA’s exhaustion requirement, the Second
    Circuit was mindful of the purposes of the PLRA.                             It therefore
    developed a two-pronged inquiry:                    first, whether “the prisoner
    was   justified         in        believing       that     his    complaints           in        the
    disciplinary      appeal          procedurally      exhausted       his    administrative
    remedies because the prison’s remedial system was confusing,”
    and   second,         “whether        the     prisoner’s         submissions           in        the
    disciplinary      appeals           process      exhausted       his      remedies          in    a
    substantive sense by affording corrections officials time and
    opportunity to address complaints internally.”                     Macias v. Zenk,
    495 F.3d 37
    ,       43    (2d   Cir.     2007)     (emphasis      in     original)
    (alterations      and    internal      quotation     marks   omitted);       see    also
    Johnson v. Testman, 
    380 F.3d 691
    , 696-97 (2d Cir. 2004).                             By
    requiring both a procedural and a substantive component, the
    Second    Circuit       has     implemented       traditional        principles      of
    administrative law in a manner consistent with the purposes of
    the PLRA’s exhaustion requirement.               The procedural prong ensures
    that an uncounseled inmate attempting to navigate the grievance
    system will not be penalized for making a reasonable, albeit
    flawed,    attempt      to    comply      with   the   relevant      administrative
    procedures.         Meanwhile,      the     substantive      prong    safeguards      a
    prison    from    unnecessary       and    unexpected     litigation.          We   are
    persuaded that this formulation strikes the appropriate balance
    between statutory purpose and our administrative jurisprudence.
    We therefore adopt the Second Circuit’s exception to the PLRA’s
    exhaustion requirement as articulated in Macias and Giano.
    Clearly Blake’s IIU investigation satisfied the substantive
    component of the exception to exhaustion discussed above.                           The
    Department       conducted     a    one-year     investigation        into    Blake’s
    violent encounter with Madigan and Ross, at the conclusion of
    which it issued Madigan an Unsatisfactory Report of Service and
    relieved him of his duties as a corrections officer. 3                   J.A. 375-
    77.       As    the   dissent    notes,    post      at   26,   the   investigation
    “examine[d] employee conduct,” which forms the core of Blake’s
    claim under § 1983.         Furthermore, the dissent’s fears that the
    Department did not have an adequate chance to address potential
    complaints against Ross, as opposed to Madigan, are unfounded.
    Blake did not file a targeted complaint against Madigan, but
    rather reported the incident as a whole, naming both Madigan and
    Ross in his account.            J.A. 329-33.         Investigating officers were
    well aware of Ross’s involvement, and they collected testimony
    regarding his role in the incident from a number of sources,
    including a statement from Ross himself.                    See, e.g., J.A. 289-
    91, 299-300, 305, 307-11.            The Department certainly had notice
    of Blake’s complaint, as well as an opportunity to develop an
    extensive record and address the issue internally.
    The question remains whether Blake’s interpretation of the
    relevant regulations was reasonable.                      Blake had three formal
    sources        of   information    about       the     administrative    grievance
    process available to him:            the Handbook, the Maryland Code of
    Regulations (“the Regulations”), and the Maryland Department of
    Rather than facing dismissal, Madigan chose to resign.
    J.A. 566.
    Correction Directives (“the Directives”). 4                    The 2007 version of
    the   Handbook      contains      approximately        one    page   of    information
    about the ARP and the IGO.                Handbook 30-31.            This page lists
    “types of complaints” for which the ARP is not available:                           “case
    management     recommendations           and    decisions,”        “Maryland    Parole
    Commission     procedures         and    decisions,”         “disciplinary      hearing
    procedures and decisions,” and “appeals of decisions to withhold
    mail.”       Id.    at     30.     Although     this    list       does   not   include
    complaints undergoing internal investigation, it is reasonable
    to read it as a list of content-based rather than procedural
    exemptions.        Indeed, the Handbook makes no mention of the IIU or
    the internal investigation process whatsoever; there is no basis
    for an inmate to conclude that the ARP and IIU processes would
    be permitted to proceed concurrently.
    The Regulations and the Directives are similarly ambiguous.
    Only one provision of the Regulations mentions both the ARP and
    the   IIU.     Md.       Code    Regs.   §            That   provision
    addresses    when     an    employee     involved   in       the   ARP    process    must
    Blake testified that he did not read all of the relevant
    directives. See J.A. 162-63. We agree with the dissent that an
    inmate’s ignorance of available procedures is not sufficient to
    excuse a failure to exhaust remedies.      That is why, for the
    purposes of the exception we adopt today, we assume that the
    inmate   possessed  all   available  relevant   information when
    determining whether he held an objectively reasonable belief
    that he had exhausted all available avenues for relief.
    report an allegation to the IIU, but it says nothing about the
    disposition    of    the     ARP    complaint       should    the    IIU     initiate   an
    investigation.         And    the        only    directive    cited     by    Ross   that
    mentions    both     processes       is    DCD     185-003,    which    did    not   take
    effect     until     after    Blake’s           encounter     with     the    officers. 5
    Therefore, Ross has proffered no evidence that would contradict
    Blake’s     belief     that        the     IIU’s     investigation         removed      his
    complaint from the typical ARP process. 6
    DCD 185-003, which went into effect on August 27, 2008,
    makes clear that an ARP complaint will be dismissed for
    procedural reasons “when it has been determined that the basis
    of the complaint is the same basis of an investigation under the
    authority of the Internal Investigative Unit (IIU),” and allows
    an inmate to appeal that dismissal.      Ross argues that this
    directive proves that Blake could have filed an ARP complaint at
    the time of the incident. Blake counters that the directive is
    the first contemplation of a coexistence between the ARP and IIU
    investigations. Regardless, DCD 185-003 did not exist when the
    IIU began investigating Blake’s complaint, and therefore it is
    at best tangentially related to whether his belief that he could
    not pursue an ARP claim was reasonable.
    Ross also contends that Blake could have filed a complaint
    with the IGO in the first instance.     The Handbook states that
    “[t]he IGO reviews grievances and complaints of inmates against
    the Division of Correction . . . after the inmate has exhausted
    institutional complaint procedures, such as the Administrative
    Remedy Procedure.”   Handbook at 30 (emphasis added).     And the
    Regulations provide that an inmate must file a grievance with
    the IGO within 30 days of the date that the “[s]ituation or
    occurrence that is the subject of the grievance took place,”
    unless the grievance is based on an appeal from the ARP or a
    disciplinary proceeding.   Md. Code Regs. §§
    Clearly Blake could not appeal from an ARP or disciplinary
    proceeding; the only complaint he lodged was a report to
    corrections officers that initiated an IIU investigation. Given
    that the IIU investigation of Blake’s complaint lasted for a
    Ross argues that the lack of information in the Handbook,
    Regulations, and Directives should be read to mean Blake had no
    reason to believe he could not file an ARP request once the IIU
    had initiated its investigation. 7          But construing the ambiguities
    against Blake improperly relieves Ross of his burden of proving
    his affirmative defense.          See Jones, 
    549 U.S. at 211-12, 216
    Furthermore,    at   the   summary     judgment   stage    we    must   draw   all
    reasonable inferences in favor of Blake, the non-movant.                       See
    577 F.3d at 563
    .     The   Handbook,    Regulations,       and
    Directives     do    not   contradict       Blake’s   belief     that    he    had
    exhausted his administrative remedies by reporting the incident
    to   senior    corrections      officers,      thereby    initiating     an    IIU
    investigation. 8      Furthermore,      Ross    has   provided    no    practical
    year and was therefore not “exhausted” within 30 days of his
    encounter, it was certainly reasonable for Blake to believe he
    could not file a grievance with the IGO.
    Alternatively, Ross urges us to affirm the district court
    on the ground that Ross prevails on the merits. As Blake notes,
    however, it is typically “more appropriate to allow the district
    court to consider [alternative grounds for affirmance] in the
    first instance on remand.” Q Int’l Courier, Inc. v. Smoak, 
    441 F.3d 214
    , 220 n.3 (4th Cir. 2006); see also McBurney v.
    616 F.3d 393
    , 404 (4th Cir. 2010) (declining to
    address merits of § 1983 claim in the first instance).
    Therefore,   we  remand   to  afford   the  district  court  the
    opportunity to address the merits of Blake’s claims.
    Blake is not alone in his understanding of the interaction
    between the ARP and the IIU. In Giano, the Second Circuit found
    it relevant that “a learned federal district court judge [had]
    examples    of   an    inmate    being    allowed    to   file      an   ARP   or   IGO
    grievance     during     or     after     an   IIU    investigation.            Blake
    reasonably       interpreted      Maryland’s         murky     inmate      grievance
    procedures,      and    the     IIU     investigation        into   his    complaint
    provided the Department with ample notice and opportunity to
    address internally the issues raised.                  We therefore hold that
    not long ago endorsed an interpretation of DOCS regulations
    nearly identical to Giano’s.” 380 F.3d at 679. Here, at least
    three district court judges have found that an internal
    investigation removes an inmate’s complaint from the ARP
    process.   See Thomas v. Bell, No. AW-08-2156, 
    2010 WL 2779308
    at *4 & n.2 (D. Md. July 7, 2010); Williams v. Shearin, No. L-
    2010 WL 5137820
    , at *2 n.2 (D. Md. Dec. 10, 2010);
    Bogues v. McAlpine, No. CCB-11-463, 
    2011 WL 5974634
    , at *4 (D.
    Md. Nov. 28, 2011).
    Ross argues that these cases are inapposite because they
    relied on DCD 185-003, which requires dismissal of an ARP
    complaint if it shares its basis with an IIU investigation. But
    at least one of these cases was filed before that directive
    issued.   Thomas, 
    2010 WL 2779308
    , at *1 (noting that Thomas
    filed his complaint on August 18, 2008); see also DCD 185-003
    (issued and effective on August 27, 2008). Of the remaining two
    opinions, only one refers (opaquely) to a dismissal under DCD
    185-003. See Bogues, 
    2011 WL 5974634
    , at *4 (citing an exhibit
    to the officer’s motion to dismiss).    The second such opinion
    reasons that, although the inmate did not file an ARP complaint,
    the fact that “prison officials were aware of his concerns,
    convened an internal investigation, and regularly met to review
    [the   inmate’s]   classification  and   security  status”   was
    sufficient to satisfy the exhaustion requirement.      Williams,
    2010 WL 5137820
    , at *2 n.2. Therefore, even if Ross is correct
    that Blake could have filed a complaint through the ARP while
    his IIU investigation was pending, the grievance system is
    confusing enough that at least two learned judges have reached
    the opposite conclusion.
    the district court erred in granting summary judgment to Ross on
    the basis of his exhaustion defense.
    For the foregoing reasons, the judgment of the district
    court   is   reversed,   and   the     case   is   remanded   for   further
    AGEE, Circuit Judge, dissenting:
    If a prisoner wishes to bring a suit touching on any aspect
    of    “prison    life,”    then     he   must     first       exhaust       his   available
    administrative remedies.             Porter v. Nussle, 
    534 U.S. 516
    , 532
    (2002); see also 42 U.S.C. § 1997e(a).                          Although all parties
    agree that Shaidon Blake’s suit concerns prison life, Blake did
    not     avail   himself     of    the     very        administrative         remedy     that
    Maryland designed for this sort of claim -- the Administrative
    Remedy Procedure (“ARP”).                Despite that failure, the majority
    holds    that    Blake    may    proceed     with       his    unexhausted         claim   in
    federal    court.         Because    that      holding        undermines      the     Prison
    Litigation       Reform      Act’s       (“PLRA”)            “mandatory”          exhaustion
    requirement, Porter, 
    534 U.S. at 524
    , I respectfully dissent,
    preferring instead to affirm the judgment of the district court
    dismissing Blake’s claim.
    Exhaustion is a vital prescription.                          “What this country
    needs,    Congress    [has]      decided,        is    fewer    and    better      prisoner
    suits.”        Jones v. Bock, 
    549 U.S. 199
    , 203 (2007).                             Congress
    designed an “invigorated” exhaustion requirement to achieve that
    goal.     Porter, 
    534 U.S. at 524
    .               This requirement is a “strict”
    one,    King    v.   McCarty,     
    781 F.3d 889
    ,    893    (7th    Cir.     2015),
    compelling      a    prisoner       to   use      “all       available       remedies      in
    accordance      with       the    applicable         procedural         rules,”      Moore    v.
    517 F.3d 717
    ,    725       (4th    Cir.      2008)    (citation      and
    internal      quotation      marks       omitted).          A     prisoner     must      proceed
    through the administrative process even if, for instance, he
    seeks some relief that the process has no power to afford.                                   See
    Booth v. Churner, 
    532 U.S. 731
    , 740-41 (2001).
    Blake did not exhaust his available administrative remedies
    before    filing      suit.         As       the    majority         notes,    the      relevant
    administrative        processes         in    Maryland      are      set     out   in    various
    statutes,      regulations,         and      Department         of    Public       Safety    and
    Correctional         Services      directives.              According         to     one    such
    directive, DCD 185-002, inmates housed in Division of Correction
    facilities      must       seek     relief         for     “institutionally             related”
    complaints through an ARP complaint.                        J.A. 405.         “Every inmate”
    may submit a request for an administrative remedy.                                   J.A. 406.
    Consistent with the directive, the prisoner handbook explains
    that the process applies to “all types of complaints” that might
    arise within the prisons, save four categories of claims.                                   J.A.
    403.     All parties agree that those categories do not apply here,
    as     they     concern          inmate        classification,             parole,         inmate
    discipline,          and     withholding             of     mail.             J.A.       405-06.
    Furthermore, DCD 185-002 separately and specifically instructs
    prisoners to use the ARP to “seek relief . . . for issues that
    include . . . [u]se of force.”                            J.A. 405.          One can hardly
    imagine     a     plainer    provision      that      more   directly     applies    to
    Blake’s present claim.
    Blake must have been aware of these remedies -- he never
    even hints that he was not.                He received the prisoner handbook
    in    May   2007,    along    with    later      “oral    communication”     on   “the
    system      for     processing       complaints          regarding    institutional
    matters.”       J.A. 168, 170.        See Wright v. Langford, 562 F. App’x
    769, 776 (11th Cir. 2014) (holding that it was reasonable to
    presume prisoner’s awareness of procedures where he received a
    handbook     spelling       out   those    procedures).        The   same    prisoner
    handbook indicates that full descriptions of the processes were
    available in the library.             J.A. 403.          An administrative remedy
    coordinator was also available to help.                  J.A. 409.
    That is not to say that it would matter whether Blake was
    ignorant of the procedures.               “[An inmate]’s alleged ignorance of
    the    exhaustion     requirement,        or    the   fact   that    he   might     have
    misconstrued the language in the handbook, does not excuse his
    failure to exhaust.”              Gonzalez v. Crawford, 419 F. App’x 522,
    523 (5th Cir. 2011); accord Brock v. Kenton Cnty., Ky., 93 F.
    App’x 793, 797-98 (6th Cir. 2004).                 After all, we usually do not
    accept an inmate’s “ignorance of the law” as an excuse for non-
    compliance in other contexts.                  United States v. Sosa, 
    364 F.3d 507
    , 512 (4th Cir. 2004) (equitable tolling).                         Even so, the
    point warrants emphasis because it gives Blake even less reason
    to complain of any unfairness here.
    Blake    mistakenly      maintains         that     he    was       precluded       from
    seeking relief through the ARP simply because a separate unit of
    the     Department        of     Corrections             conducted          an         internal
    investigation into another officer involved in the incident that
    led to this suit.             Blake did not initiate that investigation
    himself.       See J.A. 287.         Nor did he believe that he was entitled
    to learn the investigation’s results.                      See J.A. 161.            Even so,
    Blake somehow decided that the investigation and the ARP were
    effectively      one    and    the    same.        He    never      hints     that       prison
    officials actively misled him into this understanding.                                 Instead,
    he came to his conclusion all on his own, having never read the
    directives explaining the ARP.               See J.A. 162-63.
    Had    Blake    read    those    directives,          this      case       might    have
    proceeded      much    differently.           For       nothing       in    the        relevant
    guidance -- in the prisoner handbook, directives, regulations,
    statutes,       or     otherwise        --        suggests       that        an        internal
    investigation bars or replaces an inmate complaint through the
    ARP.         “[T]he    prison’s        requirements,”           not     the       prisoner’s
    unjustified      speculations,         “define       the     boundaries           of     proper
    exhaustion.”          Jones, 
    549 U.S. at 218
    .                   Because the relevant
    regulations never mention internal investigations, Blake should
    not have assumed that such an investigation changed any of the
    normal rules.          Even more so because Maryland instructed inmates
    to send most “all” of their complaints through the ARP.
    Other      courts   agree    that    an    inmate       does    not    satisfy      the
    PLRA’s    exhaustion       requirement      simply       by    participating         in    an
    internal investigation.            See, e.g., Hubbs v. Cnty. of Suffolk,
    No. 11–CV–6353(JS)(WDW), 
    2014 WL 2573393
    , at *5 (E.D.N.Y. June
    9, 2014).        The Ninth Circuit relied on the “literal command of
    the PLRA” in doing so.            Panaro v. City of N. Las Vegas, 
    432 F.3d 949
    , 953 (9th Cir. 2005).            The Sixth Circuit did much the same.
    See   Thomas      v.    Woolum,    
    337 F.3d 720
    ,    734        (6th    Cir.    2003),
    abrogated on other grounds by Woodford v. Ngo, 
    58 U.S. 81
    , 87
    (2007).        So too did the Seventh Circuit.                 See Pavey v. Conley,
    663 F.3d 899
    , 905 (7th Cir. 2011).                       These cases and others
    impliedly       recognize    that    prisoner      grievance          proceedings         and
    internal       investigations       serve       different        and        not    entirely
    consistent purposes.              Perhaps just as importantly, the cases
    acknowledge that prisoners are not “permitted to pick and choose
    how to present their concerns to prison officials.”                          
    In sum, Blake failed to exhaust “available” “administrative
    remedies” by failing to file a complaint through the ARP.                                  42
    U.S.C.     §     1997e(a).         The    internal       investigation             made   no
    Blake’s failure to exhaust also cannot be overlooked merely
    because he is said to have “reasonably interpreted Maryland’s
    murky inmate grievance procedures.”           Maj. op. at 16.      How could
    Blake have reasonably interpreted procedures that were available
    to him but that he never bothered to read?
    More to the point, this reasonable-interpretation exception
    to the PLRA’s exhaustion requirement rests on two unsupportable
    ideas.    First, the prisoner’s subjective beliefs largely do not
    matter    when    determining     whether    the   prisoner    exhausted   his
    administrative remedies.          See Napier v. Laurel Cnty., Ky., 
    636 F.3d 218
    , 221 n.2 (6th Cir. 2011); Thomas v. Parker, 
    609 F.3d 1114
    , 1119 (10th Cir. 2010); Twitty v. McCoskey, 226 F. App’x
    594, 596 (7th Cir. 2007); Lyon v. Vande Krol, 
    305 F.3d 806
    , 809
    (8th Cir. 2002) (en banc) (“[Section] 1997e(a) does not permit
    the court to consider an inmate’s merely subjective beliefs,
    logical    or    otherwise,     in   determining    whether    administrative
    procedures       are   ‘available.’”).             Yet   the      reasonable-
    interpretation approach makes such belief the lynchpin of the
    analysis.        And   second,       substantial   compliance    and    proper
    exhaustion are not the same.              See Thomas, 
    609 F.3d at 1118
    Lewis v. Washington, 
    300 F.3d 829
    , 834 (7th Cir. 2002); Wright
    v. Hollingsworth, 
    260 F.3d 357
    , 358 (5th Cir. 2001).                   Yet the
    reasonable-exhaustion           exception        is    substantial          compliance     by
    another name.
    The PLRA’s exhaustion requirement may not even be amenable
    to any exceptions.             The Act requires a prisoner to “us[e] all
    steps    that    the     agency    holds     out[]       and     do[]       so    properly.”
    548 U.S. at 90
     (citation and internal quotation marks
    omitted).        That    rather     restrictive          definition         of    exhaustion
    seems inconsistent with ad hoc exceptions like one premised on a
    prisoner’s       “reasonable”       mistake,           where        the     prisoner       has
    admittedly not used “all steps.”                      Judge-made exceptions may be
    permissible when interpreting judge-made exhaustion doctrines,
    see, e.g., Reiter v. Cooper, 
    507 U.S. 258
    , 269 (1993), but they
    hardly   seem    appropriate       where,        as    here,    we    are    dealing     with
    Congressional         text.      “Congress       is    vested       with    the    power    to
    prescribe the basic procedural scheme under which claims may be
    heard in federal courts,” Patsy v. Bd. of Regents of Fla., 
    457 U.S. 496
    ,    501    (1982),    and   a   “court       may    not       disregard      these
    requirements at its discretion,” Hallstrom v. Tillamook Cnty.,
    493 U.S. 20
    , 31 (1989).             And pragmatic reasons suggest that ad
    hoc,    “belief”-focused         exceptions       should       be    avoided,       as   they
    force courts to undertake the “time-consuming task” of probing
    “prisoners’ knowledge levels of the grievance process at given
    points in time.”              Graham v. Cnty. of Gloucester, Va., 
    668 F. Supp. 2d 734
    , 740 (E.D. Va. 2009).
    A reasonable-interpretation exception might trace back to
    administrative        law,       maj.    op.       at    10,     but     that    offers     a
    questionable pedigree.            “[A]lthough courts have read the PLRA to
    call    for   administrative-law-style                  exhaustion,      they     have    not
    imported the corresponding exceptions.”                        Margo Schlanger, Inmate
    116 Harv. L. Rev. 1555
    , 1652 (2003).                              Certainly at
    the    Supreme-Court       level,       attempts        to   engraft     exceptions      that
    derive     from     the      “traditional           doctrines       of       administrative
    exhaustion”       onto     the    PLRA’s      statutory        exhaustion       requirement
    have failed.        Booth, 
    532 U.S. at
    741 n.6; see also Woodford, 
    548 U.S. at
    91 n.2 (rejecting the dissent’s suggestion to apply an
    exception      to    the     PLRA    exhaustion          requirement         derived     from
    administrative       law).          Justice        Breyer    once      suggested    a    link
    between administrative law exceptions and the PLRA, see maj. op.
    at 10, but no majority of justices ever sanctioned that view.
    Even the Second Circuit, which may have at one time provided
    perhaps       the     only        precedent          supporting          a      reasonable-
    interpretation       exception,         now   recognizes        that     such    exceptions
    may no longer be viable in light of more recent Supreme Court
    decisions.      See Amador v. Andrews, 
    655 F.3d 89
    , 102-03 (2d Cir.
    2011) (questioning whether a reasonable-interpretation exception
    survives      Woodford      and     citing         several      other    Second     Circuit
    opinions doing the same).
    All    that    aside,    Blake    does       not     meet      the   standards        that
    evidently apply to this new reasonable-interpretation exception.
    The   majority       says     that     the    exception             will     apply    when    a
    prisoner’s submissions serve the same “substantive” purposes as
    proper      exhaustion.        Maj.     op.       at     10-11      (emphasis        omitted).
    Furthermore,        the     prisoner     must          have      been      “justified”        in
    believing     that    he    was    following       the     proper       procedures.          
    Here, neither proves to be the case.
    Blake    did    not     fulfill    any       of     the       substantive       purposes
    served by proper exhaustion by involving himself in an internal
    investigation.        That     investigation            examines        employee     conduct,
    not the merits of the inmate’s specific grievance.                              It also is
    not a means of dispute resolution or settlement, but instead a
    simple exercise of the institution’s role as an employer.                                    And
    the inmate plays a limited role in the investigation, providing
    only a factual statement.               In contrast, exhaustion is intended
    to “allow[] prison officials an opportunity to resolve disputes
    concerning the exercise of their responsibilities before being
    haled into court.”          Jones, 
    549 U.S. at 204
    .                   It also “reduc[es]
    litigation to the extent complaints are satisfactorily resolved,
    and   improv[es]      litigation       that       does    occur      by    leading     to    the
    preparation of a useful record.”                  
    Id. at 219
    The     internal      investigation          here       did    not     fulfill    these
    purposes     for    several       reasons.         For    one       thing,    the    internal
    investigation        focused        on    the     actions     of   corrections      officer
    James    Madigan,        who    the        Department         of   Public      Safety       and
    Correctional Services identified as the only relevant “suspect.”
    J.A. 287.         It largely did not examine the actions of the only
    remaining defendant in this appeal, Michael Ross, and did not
    offer any opportunity to “resolve” a dispute about Ross’ acts.
    Nor   did    it     produce     a    useful       administrative       record,      as      the
    internal       investigation             report      largely       treats    Ross      as     a
    peripheral        bystander.         See     J.A.      287-400.       Indeed,       the     few
    references      to   Ross      largely      consist      of    passing      mentions      that
    Blake    was    “being    escorted”          by      Ross.     See,    e.g.,    J.A.      289.
    Moreover, other evidence that would have been useful in this
    suit, like a contemporaneous medical examination of Blake, was
    not     gathered      during        the     investigation.             Administratively
    settling Blake’s claims was also out of the question, as the
    internal investigation did not offer direct relief to an inmate.
    See Pavey, 
    663 F.3d at 905
     (“An internal-affairs investigation
    may   lead     to    disciplinary          proceedings         targeting     the    wayward
    employee but ordinarily does not offer a remedy to the prisoner
    who was on the receiving end of the employee’s malfeasance.”).
    And, at bottom, it should not be forgotten that Blake failed to
    file a “targeted complaint,” maj. op. at 12, because he failed
    to file any complaint.               He cannot claim credit for “report[ing]
    the incident,” 
     as another corrections officer -- Captain
    James Vincent -- did that.                See J.A. 157-58, 287, 291.                 In fact,
    at one point, Blake actually “request[ed] that no investigation
    be conducted . . . and that the matter be considered CLOSED.”
    J.A. 398.
    It     overstates      the     facts       to        say    that     the      internal
    investigation provided “notice of Blake’s complaint.”                                Maj. op.
    at 12.       The account that Blake provided as part of the internal
    investigation focused on Madigan, not Ross.                              See J.A. 329-33.
    Thus, Blake did not provide relevant notice of the “source of
    the    perceived     problem.”        McCollum         v.    Cal.    Dep’t      of   Corr.    &
    647 F.3d 870
    , 876 (9th Cir. 2011).                         And prison officials
    had no notice that Blake would file a suit premised on anything
    Ross did, as Blake disclaimed any intent to sue anyone.                                     See
    J.A.    332-33      (“I     will    not    be    going       any    further       with     this
    situation outside this institution.”).                       In any event, affording
    “notice” would not be enough.                     “[N]otice to those who might
    later be sued . . . has not been thought to be one of the
    leading purposes of the exhaustion requirement.”                                Jones, 
    549 U.S. at 219
    .        Here again, even the Second Circuit recognizes as
    much.        See   Macias    v.    Zenk,    
    495 F.3d 37
    ,    44    (2d   Cir.       2007)
    (“[A]fter Woodford, notice alone is insufficient[.]”).
    Nor    did    Blake     satisfy      the    “procedural            prong”      of    the
    exception, which apparently requires the inmate to rely on a
    “reasonable” “interpretation of the relevant regulations.”                                 Maj.
    op. at 12.        It hardly bears repeating that the regulations were
    clear and Blake had no basis to misconstrue them.                            This case did
    not     involve      inmate      discipline,          parole,        mail,      or     inmate
    classification,       so    Blake’s     claim        was    not     explicitly       excluded
    from the ARP.         Contrast with Giano v. Goord, 
    380 F.3d 670
    , 679
    (2d Cir. 2004) (applying the reasonable-interpretation exception
    where the inmate mistakenly but reasonably believed that his
    claim fell into a category of claims explicitly excluded from
    the   ordinary       grievance     process).               The    ARP     applied     to    all
    inmates, to all claims of use of force, at all relevant times.
    Blake     acted      unreasonably        in        purportedly          interpreting         the
    regulations otherwise.           Indeed, at least toward the beginning of
    this case, even Blake seemed to understand that the internal
    investigation      and     the   ARP    were       separate.         He     explained       then
    that,     in   his     view,      the     internal           investigation           made    it
    unnecessary to resort to the ARP.                      See J.A. 162-63.                But he
    never once suggested that the investigation precluded him from
    filing a complaint.
    Furthermore, the relevant procedures were not “ambiguous”
    merely    because      they      did    not        specifically         describe      how    an
    internal investigation might affect a complaint lodged through
    the ARP.       See maj. op. at 13.                   When a policy like the ARP
    ostensibly reaches “all” complaints, and that same policy says
    nothing    about      an      entirely        separate           process,     the     obvious
    inference      is   that   the   latter   process     is    untethered     from   the
    former.     But the majority puts aside this clear assumption in
    favor of an ambiguous approach to prison regulation.                     Now, jail
    officials must anticipate every potential misunderstanding that
    an inmate might have about a prison’s administrative remedies
    and then foreclose every imaginable misunderstanding in writing.
    That    approach      imposes     a   substantial      new    burden     on     state
    corrections officials.           It also finds no support in the law.             To
    the contrary, more than one court has held that prison officials
    are not responsible for telling prisoners anything about the
    available administrative remedies.               See, e.g., Yousef v. Reno,
    254 F.3d 1214
    , 1221 (10th Cir. 2001); cf. Johnson v. Dist. of
    869 F. Supp. 2d 34
    , 41 (D.D.C. 2012) (“[T]he majority
    of courts . . . have held that an inmate’s subjective lack of
    information about his administrative remedies does not excuse a
    failure to exhaust.”).           In addition, prison administrators might
    now feel compelled to adopt overly complicated administrative
    procedures out of a justifiable fear that any regulatory silence
    will be used against them.            That could in turn produce even more
    confusion among prisoners.
    Prior    district    court     cases    also   do    not   render      Blake’s
    supposed misunderstanding “reasonable.”                    Maj. op. at 15 n.8.
    Certainly Blake did not rely on these opinions directly.                          He
    could not have, as the opinions do not interpret the policies
    that applied to Blake’s present claim.                     Rather, all of those
    cases were looking to a new department directive that went into
    effect on August 27, 2008, long after the time when Blake needed
    to file his administrative complaint.                   See Williams v. Shearin,
    No. L–10–1479, 
    2010 WL 5137820
    , at *2 & n.2 (D. Md. Dec. 10,
    2010) (addressing events arising in December 2009); Bogues v.
    McAlpine, No. CCB-11-463, 
    2011 WL 5974634
    , at *4 (D. Md. Nov.
    28,   2011)    (citing     “Ex.     4,”     an   administrative        decision    that
    dismissed     the    inmate’s      complaint      under   the    2008    directive);
    Thomas v. Bell, No. AW–08–2156, 
    2010 WL 2779308
    , at *4 n.2 (D.
    Md. July 7, 2010) (citing an exhibit in another case that proves
    to be an administrative decision dismissing a complaint under
    the 2008 policy).          The 2008 directive provides that a complaint
    submitted through the ARP must be dismissed when “the basis of
    the complaint is the same basis of an investigation under the
    Internal      Investigative        Unit.”        J.A.   437.      Of    course,     the
    procedure before us here says no such thing, so these district
    court cases are irrelevant.
    In   short,    a    reasonable-interpretation            exception    does    not
    excuse     Blake’s       failure     to     exhaust.       The    district        court
    appropriately declined to apply that kind of an exception here.
    One last matter may be easily resolved: Ross did not waive
    his exhaustion defense by waiting to raise it.                      Because PLRA
    exhaustion    is    an   affirmative    defense,    Anderson    v.     XYZ    Corr.
    Health Servs., Inc., 
    407 F.3d 674
    , 683 (4th Cir. 2005), it may
    be waived by a defendant who fails to timely assert it, see,
    e.g., Ga. Pac. Consumer Prods., LP v. Von Drehle Corp., 
    710 F.3d 527
    ,   533   (4th   Cir.   2013).      Here,    Ross    did   not   include     the
    exhaustion defense in his initial answer.                But he did seek and
    obtain consent from Blake (through counsel) to file an amended
    answer   containing      the   affirmative      defense.       Blake    did    not
    condition his consent in any relevant way or even ask to review
    the proposed answer before it was filed.               He cannot now complain
    about untimeliness when he blindly approved the untimely filing.
    See Corwin v. Marney, Orton Inv., 
    843 F.2d 194
    , 199 (5th Cir.
    1988); cf. Mooney v. City of N.Y., 
    219 F.3d 123
    , 127 n.2 (2d
    Cir. 2000) (holding that the plaintiff’s implied consent to an
    amended answer excused the defendant’s initial failure to raise
    an affirmative defense in its answer).              The time to object was
    before the amendment was made.               Having failed to do so, Blake
    was required to face up to Ross’ defense on its merits.
    For   these    many   reasons,    we   should    affirm   the   district
    court’s judgment.      Maryland’s ARP was available to Blake and he
    did not use it.       We should not now allow his unexhausted claim
    to   go   forward.     I    respectfully     dissent   from   the   majority’s
    choice to do otherwise.