United States v. Jose Morales , 585 F. App'x 176 ( 2014 )

  •                              UNPUBLISHED
    No. 13-4955
    Plaintiff – Appellee,
    Defendant - Appellant.
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the District of
    Maryland, at Baltimore. Roger W. Titus, Senior District Judge.
    Submitted:   October 31, 2014              Decided:   November 12, 2014
    Before NIEMEYER, KING, and GREGORY, Circuit Judges.
    Affirmed by unpublished per curiam opinion.
    Jonathan S. Zucker, LAW OFFICE OF JONATHAN ZUCKER, Washington,
    D.C., for Appellant. Rod J. Rosenstein, United States Attorney,
    Sandra Wilkinson, Martin J. Clarke, Assistant United States
    Attorneys, Katherine Mcfee, Student Law Clerk, Baltimore,
    Maryland, for Appellee.
    Unpublished opinions are not binding precedent in this circuit.
    A federal jury convicted Jose Joaquin Morales of using
    a facility of interstate commerce to facilitate a murder for
    hire, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1958(a) (2012).                         The district
    court    sentenced       Morales    to     life      imprisonment.          Morales    now
    appeals.    Finding no error, we affirm.
    Morales      first     argues       on   appeal    that     the    Government
    violated a proffer agreement by introducing at trial statements
    he made to a Bureau of Prisons (“BOP”) employee.                               We review
    evidentiary rulings for abuse of discretion and review de novo
    the question of whether a proffer agreement remains in effect.
    United States v. Gillion, 
    704 F.3d 284
    , 292 (4th Cir. 2012).                           We
    interpret        proffer     agreements           based       on    their      language,
    “examin[ing       the]     express       terms       to   determine       whether      the
    defendant is in breach.”             
    Id. We have
    thoroughly reviewed the
    record and conclude that district court did not err in admitting
    Morales’ statements at trial.
    Morales next argues that the district court erred in
    refusing to strike the testimony of the BOP employee because he
    had destroyed his rough notes of his interview with Morales that
    were later incorporated into another government agent’s report.
    “The    Jencks    Act    requires    the     [g]overnment          to   turn    over   any
    statement of a witness in its possession once the witness has
    testified on direct examination, provided the statement relates
    to the testimony of the witness.”                United States v. Bros. Const.
    219 F.3d 300
    ,     316    (4th       Cir.   2000)    (citing      18   U.S.C.
    § 3500(b)    (2012)).        “The    term       ‘statement’      in    § 3500(b)    is
    defined by statute to include, among other things, ‘a written
    statement made by said witness and signed or otherwise adopted
    or approved by him.’”          United States v. Smith, 
    31 F.3d 1294
    1301 (4th Cir. 1994) (quoting 18 U.S.C. § 3500(e)(1) (2012)).
    “Jencks Act violations constitute harmless error when
    they result in no prejudice to the defense.”                     United States v.
    775 F.2d 559
    , 567 (4th Cir. 1985).                    We review a district
    court’s ruling on a Jencks Act motion to determine whether it
    was clearly erroneous, United States v. Roseboro, 
    87 F.3d 642
    645 (4th Cir. 1996), and we conclude that the district court did
    not    clearly   err    in   denying       Morales’     motion        to   strike   the
    Morales also argues that several comments made by the
    prosecutor during closing arguments were improper and rendered
    the trial unfair.        Morales preserved his challenge to one such
    comment by raising it in the district court, and we review this
    claim de novo.      See United States v. Collins, 
    415 F.3d 304
    , 307
    (4th Cir. 2005).        We review the comments that Morales did not
    raise below for plain error.               See United States v. Mitchell, 
    1 F.3d 235
    , 239 (4th Cir. 1993).                   To demonstrate plain error,
    Morales must show that (1) the district court erred, (2) the
    error    was       plain,   and    (3)    the   error     affected       his   substantial
    rights.        Henderson      v.    United      States,       133   S.   Ct.   1121,   1126
    A      prosecutor’s        improper       remarks         during     closing
    argument       will      mandate   retrial      only    if    they   “so    infected    the
    trial    with       unfairness     as    to    make    the    resulting     conviction      a
    denial of due process.”                  
    Id. at 240
    (internal quotation marks
    omitted).           We   consider    six      factors    in    determining        whether   a
    prosecutor’s arguments were so prejudicial as to have deprived
    the defendant of a fair trial, including:
    (1) whether the government’s remarks misl[ed] the
    jury, (2) whether they were extensive, (3) the
    strength of the evidence supporting conviction absent
    the comments, (4) whether the government deliberately
    made the comments to mislead the jury, (5) whether the
    defendant invited the comments, and (6) the presence
    of a curative instruction.
    United States v. Chong Lam, 
    677 F.3d 190
    , 197 (4th Cir. 2012).
    We have thoroughly reviewed the record and the relevant legal
    authorities and conclude that Morales has failed to demonstrate
    that any improper remarks rendered the trial unfair. *
    Accordingly, we affirm the judgment of the district
    court.     We dispense with oral argument because the facts and
    Morales also argues that the cumulative errors require
    reversal of his conviction.  As we conclude he has failed to
    demonstrate that the district court erred, we reject this
    legal   contentions   are   adequately   presented   in   the   materials
    before this court and argument would not aid in the decisional