Biro v. Alea London Limited , 332 F. App'x 135 ( 2009 )

  •                               UNPUBLISHED
    No. 08-1535
    Defendant – Appellant,
    Defendant - Appellee.
    No. 08-1536
    Plaintiff - Appellant,
    Defendant - Appellee,
    Appeals from the United States District Court for the District
    of South Carolina, at Columbia.       Cameron McGowan Currie,
    District Judge. (3:07-cv-01402-CMC)
    Submitted:   April 22, 2009                      Decided:    May 22, 2009
    Before WILKINSON and    GREGORY,       Circuit   Judges,    and   HAMILTON,
    Senior Circuit Judge.
    Affirmed by unpublished per curiam opinion.
    Claude E. Hardin, Jr., James B. Richardson, Jr., Palmer Freeman,
    Jr., Columbia, South Carolina, for Appellants.         Peter H.
    Dworjanyn, COLLINS & LACY, P.C., Columbia, South Carolina, for
    Unpublished opinions are not binding precedent in this circuit.
    These     appeals      arise       from     a     Complaint     filed     by
    Appellant Barbara Reese against Appellant Brian Biro in a South
    Carolina Court of Common Pleas.                The Complaint alleged that Biro
    was hired to conduct a training seminar for the employees of the
    company   where     Reese   was    employed.          During    the     seminar,    Biro
    importuned Reese to break a wooden board with her bare hands.
    After Reese failed on her first two tries, Biro brought Reese
    before the assembled group of 200 to 300 of her coworkers and
    told her that she must try again.                     Reese protested, but was
    strongly encouraged to participate in the demonstration by Biro,
    who led the assembled group to chant Reese’s name until she
    agreed to a final attempt.           As a result of this third attempt,
    Reese suffered severe injuries and nerve damage to her hand,
    requiring medical care and resulting in long-term impairment.
    Biro    admitted      liability       for       Reese’s     injuries,    but
    contended that Appellee Alea London Ltd. (“Alea”) had issued a
    commercial    liability     policy    to       him    (“the    Policy”),     which    he
    asserted covered Reese’s injury.                The Policy provided liability
    coverage for “bodily injury” caused by an “occurrence.”                              The
    Policy    contained    several     exclusions,          limiting      the   extent    of
    Biro’s    coverage.          The     first        exclusion        at     issue     here
    (“Participants Exclusion”) reads, in pertinent part:
    This Insurance does not apply to “bodily injury,”
    “personal injury” or medical payments to “any person”
    while practicing for or participating in any circus,
    concert,   demonstration,   event,  exhibition,   race,
    rodeo, show, contest or any activity of an athletic or
    sports nature for the events shown in this Schedule.
    The Participants Exclusion also defines the term “any person”:
    “Any person” shall include but is not limited to
    animal   handlers,   announcers,    attendants,   clowns,
    contestants,    entertainers,    mechanics,    musicians,
    officials,   participants,   singers,   speakers,   stage
    crews, stock contractors, vendors or their employees,
    any person employed by or doing volunteer work for you
    or on your behalf, or any person involved in the
    promotion, sponsoring or production of the event
    designated in the Schedule.
    The   second   exclusion       at   issue   here   (“Professional
    Services Exclusion”) reads as follows:
    This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the
    Description of Professional Services:
    * * *
    With respect to any professional services shown in the
    Schedule, this Insurance does not apply to “bodily
    injury”, “property damage”, “personal injury” or
    “advertising injury” due to the rendering or failure
    to render any professional service.
    Based on these exclusions, Alea denied coverage to Biro for the
    allegations contained in the Complaint.                Reese then brought a
    declaratory judgment action against Alea and Biro, seeking a
    declaration that the Policy provided coverage for her injuries.
    Alea   removed   the   declaratory      judgment   action     to   the    United
    States District Court for the District of South Carolina.                      Biro
    joined Reese’s declaratory judgment claim.
    Alea’s     answer      denied   coverage      and      included      a
    counter-claim    seeking    a     declaration   that    the   Policy     did    not
    provide coverage for the injury giving rise to the complaint due
    to the Participants and Professional Services Exclusions.                      Alea
    then moved for summary judgment.            Reese also moved for summary
    judgment, arguing that neither exclusion was applicable to her
    The district court granted summary judgment in favor
    of Alea.    The court found that, under the plain meaning of the
    insurance    contract,     both    exclusions   were     applicable      to     the
    Complaint, and served to bar coverage for Reese’s claim.                         As
    Reese was “participating in [a] . . . demonstration, . . . or
    an[] activity of an athletic or sports nature,” the court held
    that the Participants Exclusion applied.               Reese v. Alea London
    2008 WL 1766686
    , at *2 (D.S.C. April 11, 2008).                  Further,
    the court concluded that as Biro was “leading a team-building
    exercise as part of [a] seminar when he encouraged Reese to try
    to break a board with her hands[,] . . . the actions for which
    Biro may be held accountable in the state court proceeding are
    professional in nature.”              Id. at *3.        Accordingly, the court
    held, the Professional Services Exclusion also served to bar
    coverage.      Id.
    Reese   raises   two     issues     on      appeal.   First,      she
    contends that the Participants Exclusion is not applicable to
    her cause of action.         She argues that the exclusion applies only
    to events “designated in the Schedule;” as no such Schedule is
    attached, this exclusion was not part of the Policy.                      Even if
    the Participants Exclusion was part of the Policy, Reese argues,
    it did not apply in this situation, as she was not participating
    in a “demonstration” or an “activity of an athletic or sports
    nature” at the time of her injury.
    Second, Reese contends that the Professional Services
    Exclusion does not apply to her cause of action.                      She argues
    that Biro had no professional relationship with her and was not
    rendering a professional service when he encouraged her to break
    the    board    with   her   hand.      We   reject     these   contentions,     and
    We review a district court’s order granting summary
    judgment de novo and view the facts in the light most favorable
    to the nonmoving party.              Bogart v. Chapell, 
    396 F.3d 548
    , 555
    (4th    Cir.    2005).       Summary    judgment      is    appropriate   when    no
    genuine issue of material fact exists and the moving party is
    entitled to judgment as a matter of law.                      Fed. R. Civ. P. 56(c);
    see Emmett v. Johnson, 
    532 F.3d 291
    , 297 (4th Cir. 2008).                                      The
    non-movant is entitled “to have the credibility of his evidence
    as   forecast     assumed,        his    version     of    all   that         is    in    dispute
    accepted, [and] all internal conflicts in it resolved favorably
    to him.”         Charbonnages de France v. Smith, 
    597 F.2d 406
    , 414
    (4th Cir. 1979).
    Reese       first      contends         that,     as        the        Participants
    Exclusion specifically references an “event designated in the
    Schedule,”       and    no   such        Schedule         exists,       the        Participants
    Exclusion    does      not   apply       to   the    Policy.        However,             as   Reese
    failed to raise this issue before the district court, it is not
    properly before us.          See Muth v. United States, 
    1 F.3d 246
    , 250
    (4th Cir. 1993) (holding that claims raised for the first time
    on      appeal     will      not        be    considered           absent           exceptional
    circumstances).        Accordingly, we decline to address this issue.
    Next,        Reese     contends          that,        as     she         was      not
    participating in a demonstration or an activity of a sports or
    athletic    nature     at    the    time      of    her    injury,      the        Participants
    Exclusion does not bar Biro’s coverage.                          In a suit based on
    diversity of citizenship, the substantive law of the forum state
    is controlling.         Erie R.R. v. Tompkins, 
    304 U.S. 64
    , 78 (1938).
    South     Carolina        courts        employ      general      rules         of        contract
    construction when interpreting insurance policies.                          See Century
    Indem. Co. v. Golden Hills Builders, Inc., 
    561 S.E.2d 355
    , 358
    (S.C. 2002).           Thus, courts will attach “plain, ordinary, and
    popular meaning” to policy language.                     B.L.G. Enters., Inc. v.
    First Fin. Ins. Co., 
    514 S.E.2d 327
    , 330 (S.C. 1999).                            “Insurers
    have the right to limit their liability and to impose conditions
    on their obligations provided they are not in contravention of
    public policy or a statutory prohibition.”                      
        Though coverage
    exclusions found within an insurance policy are to be construed
    against the insurer, see 
     a court’s duty “is limited to the
    interpretation of the contract made by the parties themselves
    regardless of its wisdom or folly, apparent unreasonableness, or
    [the     parties’]      failure    to     guard      their      rights     carefully.’”
    C.A.N. Enters., Inc. v. S. C. Health & Human Servs. Fin. Com’n,
    373 S.E.2d 584
    , 587 (S.C. 1988) (internal quotation marks and
    citation omitted).
    It is clear that Alea intended to limit its liability
    through    the      Participants        Exclusion.         As     noted     above,        the
    Participants Exclusion bars coverage for injuries received by
    “‘any     person’      while   .    .    .       participating        in   any    .   .    .
    demonstration, event, . . . or any activity of an athletic or
    sports nature.”          One of the many definitions provided in the
    Policy    for    the    broadly    defined        term   “any   person”     includes       a
    “participant.”         At the time of her injury, Reese was attempting
    to break a board with her hand at the behest of Biro, in front
    of a large audience of her coworkers, as part of a team-building
    exercise.          Reese    referred       to   herself         as   a   “participant”     on
    several occasions in the Complaint.                       Accordingly, we find that,
    giving    the      terms     of    the    Participants          Exclusion    their    plain
    meaning, Reese qualifies as “‘any person’ . . . participating”
    under the Policy.
    Next,    we     must       determine       whether     the   board-breaking
    attempts qualified as a “circus, concert, demonstration, event,
    exhibition, race, rodeo, show, contest or any activity of an
    athletic      or    sports    nature.”          Where      a    term     found   within    an
    insurance policy is not defined in the policy, “the term should
    be defined according to the ordinary and usual understanding of
    the term’s significance to the ordinary person.”                             USAA Prop. &
    Cas. Ins. Co. v. Rowland, 
    435 S.E.2d 879
    , 881-82 (S.C. Ct. App.
    1993) (citing Green v. United Ins. Co. of Am., 
    174 S.E.2d 400
    402 (S.C. 1970)).           No ordinary understanding of the terms in the
    Policy would equate breaking a board as part of a team-building
    exercise to participation in a circus, concert, race, rodeo,
    show,    or   contest.            Therefore,        we   must    determine       whether   an
    ordinary      understanding         of    the   terms      “demonstration,”        “event,”
    “exhibition,” or “any activity of an athletic or sports nature”
    would encompass the circumstances giving rise to Reese’s injury.
    Webster’s Dictionary describes “demonstration” as the
    noun form of the verb “demonstrate,” for which it provides four
    definitions: (1) “[t]o prove or show by evidence or reasoning;”
    (2) “[t]o show or reveal;” (3) “[t]o explain, esp. by using
    examples;” and (4) “[t]o make a public protest.”                       Webster’s II
    Dictionary 194 (3d ed. 2005).                Reese acknowledges in her brief
    that “[t]he whole point of th[e] motivational exercise was to
    teach her that she could achieve something she may have thought
    beyond her abilities.”              Thus, the board-breaking exercise was
    clearly a demonstration, even under Reese’s own definition of
    the term, as it was a “practical exhibition” of the notion that
    “she could achieve something she may have thought beyond her
    abilities.”         Accordingly,      the    district    court   was    correct      in
    determining that the exercise was a “demonstration” as that term
    is used in the Policy.
    Alternatively, the board-breaking exercise falls under
    an ordinary understanding of the term “activity of an athletic
    or sports nature.”          Though coverage exclusions found within an
    insurance      policy    are   to    be     construed    against    the      insurer,
    “courts      have   no   authority    to     torture    the   meaning       of   policy
    language to extend or defeat coverage that was never intended by
    the parties.”        Diamond State Ins. Co. v. Homestead Indus., Inc.,
    456 S.E.2d 912
    , 915 (S.C. 1995).                 Webster’s defines “athletic”
    as   “[o]f    or    relating   to    athletics    or    athletes”      or    “[o]f   or
    involving     physical       exertion       or     activity.”             Webster’s         II
    Dictionary at 46.            This latter meaning is in accord with one
    proposed    by    Reese:     “[c]haracterized           by    or   involving    physical
    activity     or     exertion;       active.”            Under         either   of        these
    definitions,       it   is    clear      that     the    board-breaking         exercise
    qualifies as an “activity of an athletic or sports nature” under
    the Policy.        Therefore, we find that the district court was
    correct in determining that the Participants Exclusion precludes
    coverage for Reese’s injury.
    In view of this finding, we need not address Reese’s
    second     argument,       that     coverage      is         not   precluded        by    the
    Professional Services Exclusion.                  For the reasons stated above,
    we affirm the judgment of the district court.                          We dispense with
    oral   argument      because       the    facts    and        legal    contentions        are
    adequately       presented    in    the    materials          before     the   court      and
    argument would not aid the decisional process.