Regional Management v. Legal Services , 186 F.3d 457 ( 1999 )

  •                                                   Filed: August 3, 1999
    Nos. 98-2165(L)
    Regional Management Corp., etc., et al,
    Plaintiffs - Apellees,
    Legal Services Corporation,
    Defendant - Appellant.
    O R D E R
    The court amends its opinion filed July 28, 1999, as follows:
    On page 2, section 3, line 7 -- counsel’s name is corrected to
    read “Benjamin T. Zeigler.”
    On page 10, footnote 7, line 4 -- a period is added in the
    citation after “D.C. Cir.”
    For the Court - By Direction
    /s/ Patricia S. Connor
    No. 98-2165
    No. 98-2166
    Appeals from the United States District Court
    for the District of South Carolina, at Greenville.
    Henry M. Herlong, Jr., District Judge.
    Argued: May 5, 1999
    Decided: July 28, 1999
    Before MURNAGHAN, LUTTIG, and WILLIAMS, Circuit Judges.
    Vacated and remanded in part and affirmed in part by published opin-
    ion. Judge Luttig wrote the opinion, in which Judge Williams joined.
    Judge Murnaghan wrote a separate concurring opinion.
    ARGUED: Susan Macdonald Glenn, NELSON, MULLINS, RILEY
    & SCARBOROUGH, L.L.P., Columbia, South Carolina, for Appel-
    lant. Gregory J. English, WYCHE, BURGESS, FREEMAN &
    PARHAM, P.A., Greenville, South Carolina, for Appellees. ON
    BOROUGH, L.L.P., Columbia, South Carolina, for Appellant. Wal-
    lace K. Lightsey, Benjamin T. Zeigler, WYCHE, BURGESS,
    FREEMAN & PARHAM, P.A., Greenville, South Carolina, for
    LUTTIG, Circuit Judge:
    Appellees Regional Management Corp. and its affiliates (collec-
    tively "Regional") filed a complaint with the Legal Services Corpora-
    tion alleging that certain recipients of Legal Services' funds violated
    the Legal Services Corporation Act ("LSC Act") when they lobbied
    against Regional before the South Carolina General Assembly and the
    Georgia Commissioner of Insurance. Legal Services concluded that
    neither instance of lobbying violated the LSC Act, and Regional
    sought judicial review in federal district court of the Corporation's
    resolution of its complaint. The district court ruled in favor of
    Regional with regard to the lobbying in South Carolina, but in favor
    of Legal Services with regard to the lobbying in Georgia.
    For the reasons that follow, we conclude that there is no basis for
    judicial review of Legal Services' decision on Regional's complaint.
    We therefore vacate the district court's judgment and opinion and dis-
    miss Regional's claim. We also affirm the district court's dismissal
    of Regional's suit against Legal Services under the Freedom of Infor-
    mation Act, because that suit is not yet ripe.
    Appellant Legal Services, which Congress established by the LSC
    42 U.S.C. §§ 2996
    -2996l, disburses federal money to local legal
    services programs, known as "recipients," to support legal assistance
    to the poor in civil matters. The LSC Act, however, imposes numer-
    ous restrictions on recipients' use of Legal Services' funds, 
    § 2996f(a)&(b), and charges Legal Services with enforcing those
    restrictions, id. § 2996e(b).
    Among the funding restrictions that the LSC Act imposes is a ban
    on lobbying federal, state, or local officials, whether executive or leg-
    islative. Id. § 2996f(a)(5). There are some exceptions to this ban,
    however, such as for lobbying that is "necessary to the provision of
    legal advice and representation" of an "eligible client . . . with respect
    to such client's legal rights and responsibilities," or for testimony or
    similar activity that has been requested by an agency or legislative
    body. Id. Regulations promulgated by Legal Services pursuant to the
    LSC Act implement the lobbying ban and the exceptions. See 45
    C.F.R. pt. 1612.1
    Appellee Regional is a lender, apparently concentrating on provid-
    ing credit to those who have poor credit histories or are otherwise
    high credit risks. In 1994-95, the time of the underlying events in this
    case, Legal Services' recipients included Palmetto Legal Services,
    Inc. ("PLS"), South Carolina Legal Services Association ("SCLSA"),
    and the Neighborhood Legal Assistance Program ("NLAP"). SCLSA
    received its funding via PLS. During this time, Susan Berkowitz, an
    attorney, registered lobbyist, and the director of SCLSA, successfully
    1 Congress has, in recent years, used annual appropriations bills to
    impose further restrictions on lobbying, which has led Legal Services to
    modify its regulations. See Legal Aid Soc'y of Hawaii v. Legal Servs.
    145 F.3d 1017
    , 1021-22 (9th Cir.), cert. denied, 
    119 S. Ct. 539
    lobbied the South Carolina General Assembly to pass Act 135 of
    1995, which imposed severe restrictions upon companies such as
    Regional, costing it, Regional contends, millions of dollars in lost rev-
    enue. Soon thereafter, Berkowitz, joined by employees of PLS and
    NLAP, journeyed to Georgia at the request of the Georgia Commis-
    sioner of Insurance, where they successfully opposed Regional's
    application for a license to do business in that State.
    In February 1996, Regional filed a complaint with Legal Services
    pursuant to the complaint procedure of 
    45 C.F.R. § 1618.3
    , claiming
    that both the South Carolina and the Georgia lobbying violated the
    LSC Act and the then-applicable regulations. Soon thereafter,
    Regional, concerned that Legal Services might be receiving inaccu-
    rate information from the recipients, Berkowitz, and others, filed sev-
    eral requests under the Freedom of Information Act ("FOIA"), 
    5 U.S.C. § 552
    , which applies to Legal Services pursuant to 42 U.S.C.
    § 2996d(g), for all documents that Legal Services had created or
    received as part of the investigation. Legal Services denied these
    requests, invoking its policy of not releasing documents relating to an
    ongoing investigation to a target of that investigation and concluding
    that the policy should extend to Regional's request. In December
    1996, Legal Services issued its decision, concluding that there was no
    violation of the LSC Act or regulations in either lobbying incident
    and, thus, that no disciplinary action was needed. It thereupon pro-
    duced the documents that Regional had requested under FOIA.
    Regional filed the present action in the federal district court in May
    1997, seeking "judicial review" of Legal Services' "final agency
    action." Regional requested a declaratory judgment that the lobbying
    violated the LSC Act; restitution of funds to Legal Services; termina-
    tion of funding to PLS, SCLSA, and NLAP;2 and termination of the
    offending employees of those recipients. In a second cause of action,
    Regional alleged violations of FOIA.
    The district court, in a thorough opinion, 
    10 F. Supp. 2d 565
    S.C. 1998), first concluded that it had jurisdiction to hear Regional's
    2 Although SCLSA apparently no longer receives funds from Legal
    Services, PLS still does. We therefore reject Legal Services' claim that
    Regional's suit is moot regarding the South Carolina incident.
    challenge to Legal Services' decision. Although the court agreed with
    the numerous courts that have held that the LSC Act creates no pri-
    vate right of action, and also concluded that the judicial review provi-
    sions of the Administrative Procedure Act ("APA"), 
    5 U.S.C. § 701
    et seq., do not provide a basis for reviewing Legal Services' decision,
    see 42 U.S.C. § 2996d(e)(1), it followed the lead of several courts that
    have nonetheless found authority to review certain Legal Services
    actions under a pre-APA standard of review, which requires a court
    to consider only whether an agency action has a rational basis. The
    district court viewed this standard of review, however, as functionally
    identical to the APA's "arbitrary and capricious" standard of review,
    5 U.S.C. § 706
    On the merits, the district court first held that there was no rational
    basis for Legal Services' conclusion that Berkowitz's lobbying in
    South Carolina was in the service of a client. That conclusion by
    Legal Services, the court explained, was devoid of factual support,
    and the lobbying was thus a blatant violation of the LSC Act and reg-
    ulations. The court held that Legal Services had a rational basis for
    concluding that the Georgia lobbying fell under the exception for tes-
    timony requested by a governmental official. Finally, the court dis-
    missed Regional's FOIA claim as moot because Regional had
    received the requested documents.
    Legal Services appeals from the district court's ruling with regard
    to the South Carolina lobbying and chiefly argues that the district
    court should not have reached the merits of the dispute regarding that
    lobbying incident (or the one in Georgia), because there is no basis
    for judicial review of Legal Services' decision on Regional's com-
    plaint. Regional cross-appeals from the district court's ruling on the
    Georgia lobbying and also from the dismissal of its FOIA claim.
    The chief, and ultimately dispositive, issue before us is whether
    Legal Services' decision that Legal Services' recipients did not ille-
    gally lobby against Regional in either South Carolina or Georgia is
    subject to judicial review. Because Congress has exempted such a
    decision by Legal Services from review under the APA, and because
    nothing in the LSC Act itself provides Regional a private right of
    action against Legal Services, we conclude that Regional has no basis
    for obtaining judicial review of Legal Services' resolution of its com-
    There are generally only two possible bases for judicial review of
    federal agency action. First, and most often applicable, is the APA,
    which "provides the generally applicable means for obtaining judicial
    review of actions taken by federal agencies." Clouser v. Espy, 
    42 F.3d 1522
    , 1528 n.5 (9th Cir. 1994). Second, a substantive statute may pro-
    vide a private right of action for judicial review of an agency action.
    See Lujan v. National Wildlife Fed'n, 
    497 U.S. 871
    , 882 (1990) (sug-
    gesting that only a "specific authorization in the substantive statute"
    or "the general review provisions of the APA" would permit judicial
    review of the agency action that respondent challenged); 
    that respondent "does not contend that either[of the substantive stat-
    utes that the agency allegedly violated] provides a private right of
    action for violations of its provisions. Rather, respondent claims a
    right to judicial review under . . . the APA."); Worthington Compres-
    sors, Inc. v. Costle, 
    662 F.2d 45
    , 49-50 (D.C. Cir. 1981) (holding that
    APA provided "appellants' only basis for judicial review," since
    Noise Control Act, which agency had allegedly violated, provided no
    private right of action). See also Chrysler Corp. v. Brown, 
    441 U.S. 281
    , 316-17 (1979); Jersey Heights Neighborhood Ass'n v.
    174 F.3d 180
    1999 WL 184610
    , * 3, 8-9 (4th Cir. 1999).3
    3 The Supreme Court has suggested that there may be some exceptional
    cases where judicial review of agency action would always be available,
    even if Congress did not specifically authorize it (through the APA or
    otherwise) or actually precluded it explicitly, or at least that there are cer-
    tain areas where the presumption in favor of judicial review is particu-
    larly strong. The two chief areas of this sort appear to be constitutional
    claims, see Bowen v. Michigan Academy of Family Physicians, 
    476 U.S. 667
    , 672-73, 681 n.12 (1986); see also Webster v. Doe, 
    486 U.S. 592
    602 (1988); Heckler v. Chaney, 
    470 U.S. 821
    , 838 (1985); cf. Lebron v.
    National R.R. Passenger Corp., 
    513 U.S. 374
    , 392 (1995), and claims by
    a party facing a governmental action against it for violating regulations
    or laws whose applicability or validity it wishes to challenge, see Adamo
    Wrecking Co. v. United States, 
    434 U.S. 275
    , 278-79, 283 (1978); cf.
    F.C.C. v. Schreiber, 
    381 U.S. 279
    , 286-88 (1965). But Regional raises
    neither sort of claim, nor do we think any other special circumstance
    When Congress in a substantive statute has not explicitly created
    a private right of action for review of an agency action, an implied
    one may exist in favor of a particular plaintiff, but only if Congress
    "intended to create the private remedy sought by the plaintiff[ ]."
    Suter v. Artist M., 
    503 U.S. 347
    , 364 (1992). See Cort v. Ash, 
    422 U.S. 66
     (1975) (setting out factors to guide this determination). The
    burden is on the plaintiff to demonstrate such an intent, Suter, 
    503 U.S. at 364
    , and the requirement in order for a plaintiff to succeed is
    "a stringent one," Donaldson v. Department of Labor, 
    930 F.2d 339
    347-48 (4th Cir. 1991), particularly given the Court's generally "re-
    strictive attitude," 
     toward creating implied rights of action.
    Applying the above rules to the particular agency action that
    Regional challenges -- that is, Legal Services' decision, in response
    to Regional's complaint, that its recipients did not violate 42 U.S.C.
    § 2996f(a)(5) when they lobbied against Regional -- it is clear that
    judicial review of such an action is not available to Regional. The
    APA's judicial review provisions unquestionably do not apply, and
    the LSC Act does not provide a private right of action to Regional to
    challenge such a decision by Legal Services.
    First, the LSC Act, in conjunction with the APA, precludes judicial
    review under the APA of decisions such as the present one. The LSC
    Act provides that Legal Services "shall not be considered a depart-
    ment, agency, or instrumentality of the Federal Government . . .
    [e]xcept as otherwise specifically provided in this subchapter." 42
    U.S.C. § 2996d(e)(1). With the exception of the two subsections
    immediately following this provision, id.§§ 2996d(f)&(g), which
    relate to particular aspects of employee benefits and to the applicabil-
    ity of FOIA to Legal Services, respectively, there is no provision in
    the LSC Act that appears to "specifically provide[ ]" for considering
    Legal Services to be a federal agency.4 More particularly, no provi-
    exists in this case. Indeed, if ever congressional preclusion of judicial
    review of an agency action were allowed, it would be here, where
    Regional, at bottom, is merely challenging a quasi-adjudication by Legal
    Services involving not the rights of Regional but those of Legal Services'
    own recipients.
    4 See also 42 U.S.C. § 2996c(g) (applying open-meeting requirements
    of 5 U.S.C. § 552b to Legal Services' Board and advisory councils). Cf.
    5 U.S.C. App. § 8G(a)(2) (providing that Legal Services is a "Federal
    entity" for purposes of Inspector General Act).
    sion of the LSC Act "specifically provide[s]" for considering Legal
    Services to be an agency with regard to its resolution of complaints
    alleging lobbying in violation of section 2996f(a)(5). Therefore, Legal
    Services may "not be considered," id.§ 2996d(e)(1), a federal agency
    for purposes of the action that Regional challenges. Since the APA's
    judicial review provisions apply only to action by a federal agency,
    5 U.S.C. § 702
     § 704; see also Franklin v. Massachusetts, 
    505 U.S. 788
    , 796 (1992), judicial review of Legal Services' decision on
    Regional's complaint is not available under the APA. 5
    Second, the LSC Act creates no private right of action for Regional
    against Legal Services. It is undisputed that the Act provides no
    explicit private right of action, and there is no basis for finding that
    Congress intended to create an implied private right of action for
    Regional to challenge Legal Services' application of section
    2996f(a)(5). Regional has certainly not satisfied its burden of showing
    an intent by Congress to create a right of action-- in its briefs it
    never even discusses the standards for meeting that burden.6 Further-
    5 Our conclusion that there is no judicial review under the APA of the
    action that Regional challenges is consistent with the view of every other
    circuit court to consider the APA's applicability to actions by Legal Ser-
    vices. See Texas Rural Legal Aid, Inc. v. Legal Servs. Corp., 
    940 F.2d 685
    , 696 (D.C. Cir. 1991); San Juan Legal Servs., Inc. v. Legal Servs.
    655 F.2d 434
    , 438-39 (1st Cir. 1981); Spokane County Legal
    Servs., Inc. v. Legal Servs. Corp., 
    614 F.2d 662
    , 669 (9th Cir. 1980). See
    also Lebron v. National R.R. Passenger Corp., 
    513 U.S. 374
    , 391-92
    6 To the extent that Regional does make an argument that an implied
    right of action exists in a case such as this, that argument appears to be
    twofold, and is unconvincing. First, Regional contends that because sec-
    tion 2996f(a)(5) imposes a duty on Legal Services to enforce its limita-
    tions, see 42 U.S.C. § 2996f(a)(5) ("[T]he Corporation shall . . . insure
    that no funds made available to recipients" are used for unauthorized lob-
    bying), there must be some judicial means for Regional to enforce this
    duty. Regional's conclusion, however, does not follow from its premise,
    because Congress need not, and indeed often does not, rely on private
    parties to enforce statutory duties. See,e.g., Suter v. Artist M., 
    503 U.S. 347
    , 360-61, 363-64 (1992); California v. Sierra Club, 
    451 U.S. 287
    295 (1981). Such is the case in the LSC Act. See Grassley v. Legal Servs.
    535 F. Supp. 818
    , 824-25 (S.D. Iowa 1982) (surveying the LSC
    more, we find no reason to suppose that Congress, while exempting
    from judicial review under the APA Legal Services' resolution of
    complaints involving section 2996f(a)(5), nevertheless, through its
    silence in the LSC Act, intended to grant a private right of action to
    parties such as Regional to challenge that very same action. See
    Carlin v. McKean, 
    823 F.2d 620
    , 622-23 (D.C. Cir. 1987). Cf. Clarke
    v. Securities Indus. Ass'n, 
    479 U.S. 388
    , 395 & n.9 (1987); Japan
    Whaling Ass'n v. American Cetacean Soc'y, 
    478 U.S. 221
    , 230 n.4
    (1986); (viewing question of whether plaintiff had basis for judicial
    review as simply one of whether APA provided one, where substan-
    tive statutes did not include provisions for judicial review of agency
    action); Barlow v. Collins, 
    397 U.S. 159
    , 173 (1970) (opinion of
    Brennan, J.) ("When the legality of administrative action is at issue,"
    and a statute has "preclude[d] judicial review" under the APA, "the
    plaintiff is out of court.").
    Nothing in the terms of the LSC Act suggests that parties such as
    Regional are part of any "special class to be benefitted by," Cannon
    v. University of Chicago, 
    441 U.S. 677
    , 690 (1979), the Act in general
    or section 2996f(a)(5) in particular. Indeed, Congress in the LSC Act
    as a whole specifically identified another group as the Act's special
    beneficiaries -- that is, "indigents who have legal grievances but who
    are unable to afford the legal means necessary to redress them."
    Grassley v. Legal Servs. Corp., 
    535 F. Supp. 818
    , 823 (S.D. Iowa
    1982) (holding that LSC Act provides no implied cause of action to
    enforce its bans on lobbying and certain political activities). See 42
    Act, and concluding that "[t]he legislative scheme, therefore, is one of
    Corporation and, ultimately, congressional oversight. The presence of a
    nonjudicial means of enforcement is indicative of a congressional intent
    not to create an implied private cause of action.").
    Second, Regional appears to contend that it should have a right of
    action simply because it exhausted Legal Services' complaint procedures
    before suing in federal court. But the existence of a right of action and
    of an exhaustion requirement are separate issues, even though complying
    with the latter, where it exists, is usually a condition for invoking the for-
    mer. See, e.g., Block v.Community Nutrition Inst., 
    467 U.S. 340
    , 346-47
    (1984); Volvo GM Heavy Truck Corp. v. Department of Labor, 
    118 F.3d 205
    , 209-11 (4th Cir. 1997); Grassley, 
    535 F. Supp. at 827
    9 U.S.C. § 2996
     (congressional findings and declaration of purpose).
    Further, the intended special beneficiaries, if any, of section
    2996f(a)(5)'s limitations upon lobbying are not those against whom
    Legal Services' recipients might lobby, but rather the recipients' cli-
    ents, who benefit by having the Legal Services program protected
    from political pressures. See 42 U.S.C.§ 2996(5) (congressional find-
    ing that "to preserve its strength, the legal services program must be
    kept free from the influence of or use by it of political pressures").
    More likely, however, there is no special beneficiary of that section,
    since it is "no more than a general proscription of certain activities,"
    535 F. Supp. at 822
    . And "a general proscription of certain
    activities . . . does not indicate an intent to provide for private rights
    of action." California v. Sierra Club, 
    451 U.S. 287
    , 294 (1981).7
    Finally, we address what appears to be Regional's primary argu-
    ment for judicial review in this case. It relies upon three courts of
    appeals that have concluded that judicial review of certain actions by
    Legal Services was available and claims that the holdings of those
    cases should apply here. See Texas Rural Legal Aid, Inc. v. Legal
    Servs. Corp., 
    940 F.2d 685
     (D.C. Cir. 1991); San Juan Legal Servs.,
    Inc. v. Legal Servs. Corp., 
    655 F.2d 434
     (1st Cir. 1981); Spokane
    County Legal Servs., Inc. v. Legal Servs. Corp., 
    614 F.2d 662
    Cir. 1980).8 But because those cases are readily distinguishable, they
    do not assist Regional, and we take no position on whether they were
    correctly decided.
    The cases upon which Regional relies are distinguishable for two
    reasons. First, they did not involve alleged violations of section
    2996f(a)(5). Second, the provisions of the LSC Act that they did
    involve implicitly provide, at least arguably (and unlike section
    7 We also note that the legislative history on the existence of a private
    right of action, to the extent that it provides any guidance, supports our
    conclusion. Compare Grassley, 
    535 F. Supp. at 823-24, 826
    , with Texas
    Rural Legal Aid, Inc. v. Legal Servs. Corp., 
    940 F.2d 685
    , 697 (D.C. Cir.
    1991). Where neither the language nor legislative history of a statute sug-
    gests any intent to create a private right of action, there is no need to
    inquire further. Sierra Club, 
    451 U.S. at 297
    8 Regional also cites numerous district court opinions, but all from
    within the circuits that decided Texas Rural and Spokane County.
    2996f(a)(5)), for some sort of judicial review when Legal Services
    acts under them, because they impose on Legal Services some of the
    same requirements that the APA imposes on agencies subject to it.
    See Texas Rural, 
    940 F.2d at 690
     (in challenge to regulations promul-
    gated by Legal Services, explaining that "LSC . .. is required [under
    42 U.S.C. § 2996g(e)] to engage in notice-and-comment rulemaking
    . . ., indicating that Congress intended that it be treated for these
    purposes like an agency of the government") (emphasis added);
    Wilkinson v. Legal Servs. Corp., 
    27 F. Supp. 2d 32
    , 44, 62 (D. D.C.
    1998) (stating that Congress in section 2996g(e) "specifically pro-
    vided," consistent with section 2996d(e)(1), for treating Legal Ser-
    vices as a federal agency, and explaining Texas Rural as holding that
    "the LSC Act impliedly provides for judicial review when LSC exer-
    cises its rulemaking authority vis-a-vis its grantees"); San Juan, 
    655 F.2d at 439
     (noting, in recipient's challenge to funding decision,
    extensive procedural rights that section 2996j provides to recipients
    whose funding Legal Services wishes to terminate, and concluding
    that Congress would not have "specifically provided" such rights "if
    it did not assume that judicial review would be available to a grantee
    who claimed that it was denied" those rights); Multnomah Legal
    Servs. Workers Union v. Legal Servs. Corp., 
    936 F.2d 1547
    , 1556
    (9th Cir. 1991) (limiting Spokane County to "funding decisions" and
    emphasizing that "we are not free to read [section 2996d(e)(1)] out of
    the LSC Act").
    Thus, whatever the bases for judicial review may have been in
    these cases, they were clearly derived from the particular provisions
    of the LSC Act before those courts.
    We therefore hold that because nothing in the LSC Act "specifi-
    cally provide[s]," 42 U.S.C. § 2996d(e)(1), for treating Legal Services
    as a federal agency, and thus as subject to the APA's provisions for
    judicial review, when it addresses a complaint alleging a violation of
    section 2996f(a)(5), and because nothing in the LSC Act itself pro-
    vides to the alleged victim of that violation any basis for judicial
    review, Regional has no cause of action to challenge in federal court
    Legal Services' decision that its recipients did not unlawfully lobby
    against Regional. Accordingly, the proper course for the district court
    was to dismiss Regional's first cause of action without reaching its
    In addition to its claim of a violation of the LSC Act, Regional also
    brought a claim that Legal Services violated FOIA, which specifically
    applies to Legal Services, see 42 U.S.C.§ 2996d(g), when it delayed
    its release to Regional of requested documents. The district court dis-
    missed the FOIA claim as moot, because Regional has received those
    documents. We affirm, concluding that Regional's challenge to the
    particular alleged violation of FOIA from the delayed release of docu-
    ments is moot for the reason that the district court gave, and that its
    challenge to Legal Services' alleged policy of not disclosing to third
    parties documents relating to an ongoing investigation is not ripe for
    It is undisputed that a challenge to a particular denial of a FOIA
    request becomes moot if an agency produces the requested docu-
    ments. See, e.g., Payne Enter., Inc. v. United States, 
    837 F.2d 486
    490-91 (D.C. Cir. 1988). Thus, because Legal Services fully complied
    with Regional's requests in December 1996, when Legal Services
    completed its investigation, Regional's challenge to the denials of its
    requests prior to December 1996 is moot.
    Regional argues, however, that it is also challenging the policy
    behind Legal Services' denials, and relies on Payne for the rule that
    such a suit does not become moot upon release of the requested docu-
    ments. Payne, 
    837 F.2d at 491
    . See City of Houston v. Department of
    Housing and Urban Dev., 
    24 F.3d 1421
    , 1430 (D.C. Cir. 1994).
    Although Regional correctly states the rule of Payne (on whose merits
    we need not pass), a suit under that rule may only proceed if the claim
    is ripe, City of Houston, 
    24 F.3d at 1429-30
    ; see Payne, 
    837 F.2d at 492-94
    ; Webb v. Department of Health and Human Servs., 
    696 F.2d 101
    , 106-07 (D.C. Cir. 1982), and Regional's is not.
    The inquiry to determine the ripeness of a claim is twofold, looking
    to "the fitness of the issue for judicial decision and the hardship to the
    parties of withholding court consideration." Abbott Lab. v. Gardner,
    387 U.S. 136
    , 149 (1967). The question of an issue's fitness for judi-
    cial decision in turn has two parts -- (1) "the agency's interest in
    crystallizing its policy before that policy is subject to review"; and (2)
    "the court's interest in avoiding unnecessary adjudication and in
    deciding issues in a concrete setting." City of Houston, 
    24 F.3d at 1430-31
     (internal quotation marks omitted). A court must balance
    these two interests (the agency's and the court's) against the hardship
    to the plaintiff from withholding court consideration at a given time.
    Regional's claim is not ripe, because Legal Services' policy is not
    necessarily "crystallized"; judicial resolution of the claim would
    almost certainly amount to unnecessary adjudication; and Regional
    will suffer little, if any, hardship from delay. First, it is not clear
    whether Legal Services actually has a fully developed policy of with-
    holding from third parties documents relating to an ongoing investiga-
    tion. It does have a policy of withholding such documents from the
    target of the investigation, a policy rooted in FOIA itself. See 
    5 U.S.C. § 552
    (b)(7)(A). But according to Legal Services (and Regional
    does not contest this claim), Regional's request for documents relat-
    ing to an ongoing investigation was the first such one that Legal Ser-
    vices had received that was not from "a program under review."
    Although Legal Services did extend the policy to cover Regional's
    request, it is possible that, upon reconsideration in a future case, Legal
    Services would alter its position, especially since current Legal Ser-
    vices regulations on FOIA requests do not specifically cover this cir-
    cumstance, see 
    45 C.F.R. § 1602.9
    , and since, as the district court
    noted, such an extension of the policy may conflict with our decision
    in Wellford v. Hardin, 
    444 F.2d 21
    , 24 (4th Cir. 1971).
    Second, because Regional has given us no reason to think that it
    is likely to have any cause to file another complaint with Legal Ser-
    vices over lobbying by recipients anytime soon, and thus no reason
    to think that Legal Services' alleged policy will affect it -- or, for that
    matter, anyone else, given that in the twenty-five years of Legal Ser-
    vices' existence, Regional's FOIA request is apparently the first of its
    kind -- adjudication of Regional's prospective claim appears unnec-
    Third, for the same reason, any hardship that Regional may face
    from delaying adjudication of Legal Services' alleged policy until
    Regional again suffers from it will be minimal. Legal Services' policy
    has no "direct and immediate," Abbott Lab., 
    387 U.S. at 152
    , effect
    on Regional that would amount to hardship. Indeed, the policy has no
    present effect at all, much less a "direct" one, "on the day-to-day busi-
    ness" of Regional (regardless of what effect the lobbying may have
     Regional, unlike plaintiffs in cases where courts have found
    challenges to an agency's FOIA policies ripe, does not "rely heavily
    and frequently on FOIA," Better Gov't Ass'n v. Department of State,
    780 F.2d 86
    , 93 (D.C. Cir. 1986). See Payne, 
    837 F.2d at 494
    . On the
    contrary, "[t]he only hardship [Regional] will endure as a result of
    delaying consideration of this issue is the burden of having to file
    another suit." Webb, 
    696 F.2d at 101
     (finding unripe a challenge to
    agency's regulation governing FOIA requests). And whether that bur-
    den will ever even exist depends upon multiple contingencies -- it
    will arise only in the unlikely event that Legal Services' recipients (of
    which SCLSA is no longer one) again lobby against Regional, again
    do so successfully or at least in such a way as to cause difficulties for
    Regional, Regional again seeks to "participate" in the investigation9
    and thus brings a FOIA request, and Legal Services again delays
    granting the request for the same reason it did here. In light of all of
    these considerations, we agree with the district court that Regional's
    FOIA claim, in whatever form, is not justiciable, and we affirm its
    Accordingly, there being no basis for judicial review of Legal Ser-
    vices' determination that its recipients did not violate 42 U.S.C.
    § 2996f(a)(5) in lobbying against Regional, and Regional's FOIA
    claim not being ripe for review, we vacate the district court's judg-
    ment with regard to the former claim and remand with instructions to
    dismiss that claim, and we affirm the dismissal of the FOIA claim.
    9 Regional's FOIA request appears actually to be a means of somehow
    enabling it to participate in Legal Services' internal investigation, appar-
    ently as a handmaiden of sorts to Legal Services. Regional's cause of
    action under FOIA included a request for an order that "in any subse-
    quent proceedings with LSC, Regional be allowed to review all commu-
    nications between the Recipients and Employees and LSC and to take
    discovery from the Recipients and Employees, including written inter-
    rogatories, requests for production of documents, and depositions." Like
    Legal Services, we are unaware of any authority in the LSC Act for a
    right to such "participation" in an investigation of others.
    MURNAGHAN, Circuit Judge, concurring:
    I am in agreement with the result reached in the lead opinion to the
    extent that it finds the actions of the Legal Services Corporation
    ("LSC" or "Corporation") unreviewable and Regional Management
    Corporation's claim under the Freedom of Information Act moot. I
    disagree, however, with the reasoning advanced in the opinion regard-
    ing reviewability and so write separately.
    The lead opinion concludes that, because the Corporation is not
    subject to the Administrative Procedures Act ("APA") and because
    the Legal Services Corporation Act ("LSC Act") does not provide a
    private right of action, the Corporation's decision that certain recipi-
    ents of the Corporation's funds did not unlawfully lobby the South
    Carolina General Assembly and the Georgia Commissioner of Insur-
    ance is not subject to judicial review. To the contrary, there exists a
    presumption of reviewability that can be overcome only if Congress'
    intent to preclude such review is "fairly discernible in the statutory
    scheme." Block v. Community Nutrition Institute, 
    467 U.S. 340
    , 350-
    51 (1984). There is no such congressional intent evident in the case
    at bar. The case does involve, however, the Corporation's exercise of
    its discretion not to bring an enforcement action, which is beyond the
    power of judicial review. On that basis, the district court's decision
    should be vacated.
    There are generally three mechanisms through which a litigant can
    challenge the legality of a federal agency's action: (1) the agency can
    be governed by the APA; (2) a particular regulatory scheme can con-
    tain an explicit provision for obtaining judicial review of agency
    actions under that scheme; or (3) the statute the litigant claims to be
    violated can provide a litigant with a private right of action to enforce
    the act. See Hoefler v. Babbitt, 
    139 F.3d 726
    , 728 (9th Cir.), cert.
    119 S.Ct. 70
     (1998). Since the Corporation is not "a depart-
    ment, agency, or instrumentality, of the Federal Government," 42
    U.S.C.A. § 2996d(e)(1), its decisions are not reviewable under the
    APA. See Spokane County Legal Services, Inc. v. Legal Services
    614 F.2d 662
    , 669 (9th Cir. 1980); Texas Rural Legal Aid, Inc.
    v. Legal Services Corp., 
    940 F.2d 685
    , 690, 696 (D.C. Cir. 1991).
    Furthermore, the LSC Act does not contain any provision for judicial
    review of the Corporation's decision, nor any provision that affords
    Regional Management Corporation ("Regional") a private right of
    action. The Corporation, therefore, concludes (as does the lead opin-
    ion) that Congress did not intend the Corporation's actions to be gen-
    erally subject to judicial review.1
    Contrary to the Corporation's conclusion, however, "[s]tatutory
    silence ... does not indicate a legislative intent to preclude judicial
    review." San Juan Legal Services, Inc. v. Legal Services Corp., 
    655 F.2d 434
    , 438 (1st Cir. 1981) (relying on Stark v. Wickard, 
    321 U.S. 288
    , 309-10 (1944)). As the First Circuit explained in San Juan Legal
    Services, "[t]here is no presumption against judicial review and in
    favor of administrative absolutism unless that purpose is fairly dis-
    cernible in the statutory scheme. And the preclusion of judicial review
    `is not lightly to be inferred.'"2 
    655 F.2d at 438
     (finding nothing in
    the LSC Act or its legislative history suggesting that judicial review
    of a defunding hearing is precluded) (internal citations omitted); see
    also Texas Rural Legal Aid, 
    940 F.2d at 697
     (finding "nothing in the
    Act or the legislative history to suggest that [Congress] meant to insu-
    late LSC's actions from judicial review"). Indeed, absent "clear and
    1 As support for its conclusion, the Corporation points to the legislative
    history of the Act. When the LSC Act was amended in 1977, the House
    Report stated that the amendments to the Act would reaffirm the "exclu-
    sive authority" of the Corporation to insure compliance with the Act. H.
    Rep. No. 95-310, 95th Cong., 1st Sess. 6 (1977), reprinted in 1977
    U.S.C.C.A.N. 4503, 4504. The House Report further noted that the Act
    "assures that the Corporation is accountable directly and only to the Con-
    gress. That accountability mechanism has worked well and must be pre-
    served." Id. at 4508. These quotations from the House Report, however,
    do not refer to judicial reviewability. As the paragraphs preceding the lat-
    ter quotation make clear, and as the District of Columbia Circuit noted
    in Texas Rural Legal Aid, 
    940 F.2d 685
    , the "statement ... refers only to
    Congress's concern to `protect the Corporation from inappropriate con-
    trol by the Executive Branch' .... It simply does not address the issue of
    judicial review of LSC action." 
    940 F.2d at 697
     (internal citations omit-
    2 The First Circuit in San Juan Legal Services recognized that most of
    the cases on which it relied "involved government agencies and were
    decided in the shadow of the Administrative Procedure Act." 
    655 F.2d at
    438 n.6. The court concluded, however, that the principles were just
    as applicable to the situation at issue. 
    convincing evidence"3 of a contrary congressional intent, there is a
    "presumption in favor of judicial review" of administrative action.4
    Armstrong v. Bush, 
    924 F.2d 282
    , 291 (D.C. Cir. 1991) (relying on
    Abbott Laboratories v. Gardner, 
    387 U.S. 136
    , 141 (1967)); see also
    Electricities of North Carolina, Inc. v. Southeastern Power
    774 F.2d 1262
    , 1266 (4th Cir. 1985) ("Agency
    actions are presumptively subject to judicial review except where
    Congress manifests its intent to preclude such review.") (relying on
    Abbott Laboratories, 
    387 U.S. at 140-41
    ); Duncan v. West, 
    153 F.3d 719
    1998 WL 387191
     (4th Cir. June 24, 1998) (unpublished) (recog-
    nizing strong presumption that Congress intends judicial review of
    administrative action), cert. denied, 
    119 S.Ct. 411
     (1998). "[W]here
    substantial doubt about the congressional intent exists, the general
    presumption favoring judicial review of administrative action is
    controlling."5 Block, 
    467 U.S. at 351
    The case before us does involve, however, the Corporation's exer-
    cise of its discretion not to bring an enforcement action.6 As such, it
    3 The Supreme Court in Block v. Community Nutrition Institute, 
    467 U.S. 340
     (1984), noted that the "clear and convincing evidence" standard
    is not intended in the strict evidentiary sense. Rather, "the Court has
    found the standard met, and the presumption favoring judicial review
    overcome, whenever the congressional intent to preclude judicial review
    is `fairly discernible in the statutory scheme.'" 
    467 U.S. at 350-51
    4 The presumption of reviewability does not apply to an agency's dis-
    cretionary refusal to initiate enforcement proceedings. See Heckler v.
    470 U.S. 821
    , 837-38 (1985).
    5 The presumption of reviewability "may be overcome by specific lan-
    guage or specific legislative history that is a reliable indicator of congres-
    sional intent." Block, 
    467 U.S. at 349
    ; see also Bowen v. Michigan
    Academy of Family Physicians, 
    476 U.S. 667
    , 670-73 (1986) (noting that
    presumption can be defeated by "`specific language or specific legisla-
    tive history that is a reliable indicator of congressional intent,' or a spe-
    cific congressional intent to preclude judicial review that is `fairly
    discernible' in the detail of the legislative scheme"). As stated above, no
    such language exists in the text of the statute, and there exists no reliable
    legislative history evidencing an intent by Congress to preclude judicial
    6 Regional maintains that the Corporation did not merely exercise its
    prosecutorial discretion but made an adjudicative decision, including
    is a matter exclusively within the Corporation's discretion and beyond
    the power of judicial review. Congress gave the Corporation the sole
    authority "to insure the compliance of recipients and their employees
    with the provisions of the [Act] and the rules, regulations, and guide-
    lines promulgated pursuant to [the Act] ...." 42 U.S.C.A.
    § 2996e(b)(1)(A). The available methods of enforcing the Act include
    the possible suspension of funding and/or suspension of the employ-
    ees found to have violated the Act and, after proper notice and hear-
    ing, the termination of funding or the termination of the employees
    found to have violated the Act, "as deemed appropriate for the viola-
    tion in question." 42 U.S.C.A. § 2996e(b)(5). By their terms, the stat-
    utory enforcement provisions permit, but do not compel, the
    Corporation to sanction violations of the Act or of the Corporation's
    regulations. See 42 U.S.C.A. § 2996e(b)(5); see also 
    45 C.F.R. § 1618.5
    (a) (requiring Corporation to investigate allegations of non-
    compliance "promptly and attempt to resolve [them] through informal
    consultation with the recipient"); 45 C.F.R.§ 1618.5(b) (giving Cor-
    poration discretion to suspend or terminate funding after "attempts at
    informal resolution have been unsuccessful"). Congress has commit-
    ted the enforcement power to the Corporation's discretion, and it is
    therefore not within the court's power to review. 7 Chaney, 470 U.S.
    findings of fact and conclusions of law. I do not believe that the Corpora-
    tion "adjudicated" the allegations at issue. Instead, it conducted a prelim-
    inary investigation to determine if the facts alleged in the complaint
    warranted initiation of an adjudicative process, i.e., the defunding pro-
    cess. The Corporation did not hold a hearing or employ any of the proce-
    dures set forth in 45 C.F.R. Parts 1606 and 1625 for defunding
    proceedings because it made a decision, after the preliminary investiga-
    tion, that no violation of the Act had occurred. Courts must defer to the
    agency's decision when the agency has conducted a preliminary "pre-
    adjudicatory" investigation and has decided to take no further action. See
    generally Sierra Club v. Larson, 
    882 F.2d 128
     (4th Cir. 1989) ("The
    judiciary is ill-equipped to oversee executive enforcement decisions,
    whereas the agency is equipped to decide where to focus scarce
    resources, how to handle delicate federal-state relations and how to eval-
    uate the strengths and weaknesses of particular cases.").
    7 The presumption of unreviewability can be overcome by a showing
    that the statute in question provides "guidelines for the agency to follow
    in exercising its enforcement powers." Chaney, 
    470 U.S. at 833
    . Also,
    courts can "`review allegations that an agency exceeded its legal author-
    ity, acted unconstitutionally, or failed to follow its own regulations' but
    they `may not review agency action where the challenge is only to the
    decision itself.'" Electricities of North Carolina, 
    774 F.2d at 1267
    at 831 ("[A]n agency's decision not to prosecute or enforce ... is a
    decision generally committed to an agency's absolute discretion.").
    I, therefore, concur in the result reached in the lead opinion but
    believe judicial review is improper in the case at bar because the Cor-
    poration is within its prosecutorial discretion. I submit that the district
    court's decision should be vacated on that basis.

Document Info

Docket Number: 98-2165

Citation Numbers: 186 F.3d 457

Filed Date: 8/3/1999

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023

Authorities (40)

San Juan Legal Services, Inc. v. Legal Services Corporation,... , 655 F.2d 434 ( 1981 )

74-fair-emplpraccas-bna-399-71-empl-prac-dec-p-44839-volvo-gm , 118 F.3d 205 ( 1997 )

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Scott Armstrong v. George Bush , 924 F.2d 282 ( 1991 )

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Payne Enterprises, Inc. v. United States of America , 837 F.2d 486 ( 1988 )

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Paul N. Carlin v. John R. McKean Individually and as a ... , 823 F.2d 620 ( 1987 )

N. Conant Webb, M.D. v. Department of Health and Human ... , 696 F.2d 101 ( 1982 )

City of Houston, Texas v. Department of Housing and Urban ... , 24 F.3d 1421 ( 1994 )

Texas Rural Legal Aid, Inc. v. Legal Services Corporation , 940 F.2d 685 ( 1991 )

Grassley v. Legal Services Corp. , 535 F. Supp. 818 ( 1982 )

Wilkinson v. Legal Services Corp. , 27 F. Supp. 2d 32 ( 1998 )

View All Authorities »