United States v. Richard Jaensch , 552 F. App'x 206 ( 2013 )

  •                                UNPUBLISHED
    No. 12-4358
    Plaintiff - Appellee,
    Defendant - Appellant.
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the Eastern
    District of Virginia, at Alexandria. Gerald Bruce Lee, District
    Judge. (1:11-cr-00158-GBL-1)
    Argued:   September 20, 2013                 Decided:   November 14, 2013
    Before GREGORY and DUNCAN, Circuit Judges, and Samuel G. WILSON,
    United States District Judge for the Western District of
    Virginia, sitting by designation.
    Vacated   in  part,   affirmed   in  part,   and  remanded with
    instructions by unpublished opinion.     Judge Duncan wrote the
    opinion, in which Judge Gregory and Judge Wilson joined.
    ARGUED: Alan J. Cilman, Fairfax, Virginia; Marvin David Miller,
    LAW OFFICE OF MARVIN D. MILLER, Alexandria, Virginia, for
    Appellant.   Gregory Victor Davis, UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF
    JUSTICE, Washington, D.C., for Appellee.     ON BRIEF:   Kathryn
    Keneally, Assistant Attorney General, Frank P. Cihlar, Chief,
    Criminal Appeals & Tax Enforcement Policy Section, Elissa Hart-
    Mahan, Tax Division, Washington, D.C., Alexander R. Effendi, Tax
    Virginia; Neil H. MacBride, United States Attorney, OFFICE OF
    THE UNITED STATES ATTORNEY, Alexandria, Virginia, for Appellee.
    Unpublished opinions are not binding precedent in this circuit.
    DUNCAN, Circuit Judge:
    Richard Earl Jaensch was convicted by a federal jury of one
    count of corruptly endeavoring to impede the due administration
    of the tax laws under 18 U.S.C. § 7212(a), (“Count 1”), one
    count of filing a false claim for a refund under 18 U.S.C. §
    287, (“Count 2”), and four counts of willful failure to file a
    tax return under 26 U.S.C. § 7203, (“Counts 3-6”).                                He was
    sentenced      to    thirty-six    months’       imprisonment       and    two    years’
    supervised release for Count 1, thirty-six months’ imprisonment
    and   two   years’     supervised       release       for   Count    2,    and    twelve
    months’ imprisonment and one year’s supervised release for each
    of    Counts    3,    4,   5,    and    6.       All    sentences     were       to    run
    concurrently for a total term of thirty-six months’ imprisonment
    and two years’ supervised release.
    Jaensch appeals Counts 1 and 2 on substantive grounds and
    appeals all of his convictions on the basis of evidentiary and
    instructional errors.            For the reasons that follow, we vacate
    Jaensch’s      conviction       under   Count    1,    affirm   as    to    all       other
    counts and remand for rehearing of Count 1 and resentencing of
    all counts.
    Beginning in 2001, Jaensch stopped paying federal income
    taxes.     Although he earned income as a self-employed plumber,
    Jaensch did not file federal income tax returns for the taxable
    years of 2002 through 2008.               Jaensch prevented the individuals
    who hired him for plumbing projects from filing tax documents by
    withholding       his   social      security    number.      He    joined   a    tax-
    protestor      organization         and   attended      tax-protest       seminars.
    Although     Jaensch      consulted       a     professional       accountant      who
    informed    him    that       his   beliefs    concerning    his     liability     for
    federal income taxes were meritless, he did not resume paying
    his taxes.
    Based on his tax theories, Jaensch filed or caused his wife
    to file a number of documents purporting to support his and her
    tax-exempt statuses with state and federal agencies from 2005 to
    2009.    Among other documents, on April 15, 2009, Jaensch filed a
    tax   return   for      the    2008   taxable    year     claiming    a   refund    of
    $774,052.00.       On July 22, 2009, the IRS sent Jaensch a letter
    informing him that his refund claim was frivolous and that he
    was required to submit a corrected tax return within 30 days to
    avoid a civil penalty.                Jaensch submitted a second 2008 tax
    return in August of 2009 reporting $113.00 in taxable income.
    Jaensch was indicted on March 23, 2011.
    Jaensch filed numerous pretrial motions seeking to dismiss
    the indictment in whole and in part, to strike surplusage in the
    indictment, and to admit witnesses as experts.                          The district
    court denied Jaensch’s motions to dismiss, granted his motion to
    strike   surplusage   from       Count    1,      and   disallowed     his    proposed
    expert testimony.
    At trial, Jaensch objected to the district court’s decision
    to admit evidence of his prior conviction for production of a
    false identification document under 18 U.S.C. § 1028(a) and its
    decision    to   exclude,       in   part,     the    lay   testimony    of    witness
    Brandon Eggleston, one of Jaensch’s employers.                         Jaensch also
    objected to the jury instructions on a number of grounds.                          The
    district court overruled all of Jaensch’s objections, and this
    appeal followed.
    Jaensch     raises     a    number      of      arguments   on    appeal.       He
    challenges the district court’s refusal to dismiss Count 1 on
    facial     and   as-applied          constitutional         grounds.          He   also
    challenges the district court’s refusal to dismiss Count 2 on
    the ground that the Government was estopped from prosecuting him
    on that charge.     He argues that the district court’s evidentiary
    rulings concerning his prior conviction and the exclusion of his
    lay     and     expert   witness   testimony       constituted     abuses   of
    discretion.       Finally, he contends that the district court’s jury
    instructions improperly stated and defined the elements of Count
    1, improperly failed to give a good faith instruction on Count
    2, and incorrectly defined good faith as it applied to Counts 1,
    3, 4, 5, and 6.
    We review a challenge to the constitutionality of a statute
    de novo.        United States v. Sun, 
    278 F.3d 302
    , 308 (4th Cir.
    2002).        We review the district court's ruling on a motion to
    dismiss an indictment de novo.              United States v. Al Sabahi, 
    719 F.3d 305
    , 309 (4th Cir. 2013).               We review evidentiary rulings
    for abuse of discretion and “‘will only overturn an evidentiary
    ruling that is arbitrary and irrational.’”                 United States v.
    714 F.3d 197
    , 219 (4th Cir. 2013) (quoting United States
    v. Cloud, 
    680 F.3d 396
    , 401 (4th Cir. 2012)).                “[We] review a
    district court's refusal to give a jury instruction for abuse of
    discretion ... [however] we conduct a de novo review of any
    claim    that     jury   instructions       incorrectly   stated   the   law.”
    United States v. Mouzone, 
    687 F.3d 207
    , 217 (4th Cir. 2012)
    (internal citations omitted).
    We turn first to Jaensch’s conviction under Count 1 of the
    indictment, charging a violation of 18 U.S.C. § 7212(a).                            Count
    1 alleges Jaensch “did corruptly endeavor to obstruct and impede
    the   due     administration       of   the      internal       revenue       laws    by
    committing acts including but not limited to” those listed.                           The
    indictment     then    lists     thirteen      acts     that    Jaensch       allegedly
    committed in an attempt to obstruct or impede administration of
    the   Internal       Revenue    Code.         Jaensch    assigns     a    number       of
    substantive and procedural errors to this Count.                          Because we
    conclude that Jaensch’s Count 1 conviction must be vacated on
    the ground that the district court misstated the law in its jury
    instructions, we need not address Jaensch’s remaining arguments.
    We    review    jury     instructions      “holistically”;          a   “‘single
    instruction to a jury may not be judged in artificial isolation,
    but must be viewed in the context of the overall charge.’”                           Noel
    v. Artson, 
    641 F.3d 580
    , 586 (4th Cir. 2011) (quoting Henderson
    v. Kibbe, 
    431 U.S. 145
    , 152 n.10 (1977)).                       We must determine
    “‘whether the instructions construed as a whole, and in light of
    the   whole     record,        adequately      informed        the   jury      of     the
    controlling legal principles without misleading or confusing the
    jury to the prejudice of the objecting party.’”                       
    Id. (quoting 7
    Bailey     v.    Cnty.    of   Georgetown,      
    94 F.3d 152
    ,     156    (4th   Cir.
    A   “failure      to    properly    instruct      on   an     element    of     the
    offense     is    a     constitutional      error     subject        to    harmlessness
    review.”        Bereano v. United States, 
    706 F.3d 568
    , 578 (4th Cir.
    2013).     “We find an error in instructing the jury harmless if it
    is ‘clear beyond a reasonable doubt that a rational jury would
    have   found     the     defendant   guilty     absent      the    error.’”      United
    States v. Ramos-Cruz, 
    667 F.3d 487
    , 496 (4th Cir. 2012) (quoting
    Neder v. United States, 
    527 U.S. 1
    , 18 (1999)).
    In this case, the district court’s instruction on Count 1
    misled the jury as to the controlling law and we cannot say that
    the error was harmless.           To prove a violation of § 7212(a), “the
    government       must    prove   that     the   defendant:        1)      corruptly;    2)
    endeavored; 3) to obstruct or impede the administration of the
    Internal Revenue Code.”            United States v. Wilson, 
    118 F.3d 228
    234 (4th Cir. 1997).              To act corruptly is to act “with the
    intent to secure an unlawful benefit either for oneself or for
    Id. The district
    court’s instructions do not properly explain
    the Government’s burden to the jury.                 Violation of § 7212(a) is
    a crime of specific intent.               A defendant must not only endeavor
    to impede due administration but must do so with the specific
    intent to secure an unlawful benefit.                  See 
    Wilson, 118 F.3d at 8
    234.    Although     the    district    court     correctly     defined      “due
    administration,”      “obstruct    or       impede,”    and   “corruptly,”     it
    instructed the jury that it could convict Jaensch by finding
    that he committed acts listed in the indictment without finding
    that he committed those acts with the requisite intent to secure
    an unlawful benefit.
    The jury instructions state, in relevant part, that:
    If the jury concludes that the government did prove
    beyond a reasonable doubt that one, the defendant
    employed at least one act set forth in Section 1-M
    through U of the indictment and that the defendant did
    commit an act identified in Section 1-V through Y of
    the indictment, and two, that the defendant acted
    knowingly and intentionally, then the jury must find
    the government [sic] guilty of the offenses in Count 1
    of the indictment.
    J.A. 608.
    This   instruction     improperly       transforms     violation   of    §
    7212(a) into a crime of general intent.                    The import of the
    instruction as given is that the jury should convict if it finds
    that Jaensch       committed acts listed in the indictment knowingly
    and intentionally, not that he committed them for a specific
    purpose or to achieve a specific result.
    The Count 1 instruction, when viewed in light of the entire
    record, misled the jury as to the controlling legal principles
    necessary to make its determination.                   Because Jaensch argued
    that he acted in good faith, we cannot say beyond a reasonable
    doubt that a rational jury would have convicted Jaensch under
    the stringent specific intent standard required by § 7212(a)
    merely because it convicted him under a lesser general intent
    standard.          Jaensch’s conviction under Count 1 of the indictment
    will be VACATED and remanded for further proceedings. 1
    We turn next to Count 2 of the indictment.             Jaensch argues
    that the district court erred by refusing to dismiss Count 2 on
    the ground of promissory estoppel and by failing to give a good
    faith instruction as to that count.
    Jaensch contends that the district court erred by refusing
    to dismiss Count 2.            He argues that the Government was estopped
    from prosecuting him for filing a false refund claim because the
    letter he received from the IRS was an offer not to pursue
    criminal penalties that became a binding contract when Jaensch
    accepted it by abandoning his false claim and filing a corrected
    return.       We disagree.
    The IRS letter makes no mention of any possible criminal
    sanctions.          Contrary to Jaensch's arguments, it also does not
    state       that   Jaensch's    misconduct   subjected   him   to   exclusively
    We have considered whether the erroneous instruction in
    Count 1 could have affected the remaining counts and have
    concluded that it could not.     Jaensch has not argued that it
    could have, nor could he convincingly do so on these facts.
    civil sanctions or that he would be relieved from all possible
    sanctions     of   any    kind   by    filing    a    corrected   tax    return.
    Therefore, the IRS letter cannot reasonably be read as an offer
    or promise to forgo criminal prosecution, and the district court
    did not err by refusing to dismiss Count 2 of the indictment on
    the ground of promissory estoppel.
    Jaensch also argues that the district court’s refusal to
    give a good faith instruction on Count 2 constituted an abuse of
    Jaensch’s argument is precluded by our precedent.                  Pursuant
    to Count 2, the district court instructed the jury that the
    Government was required to prove Jaensch submitted a claim “with
    a knowledge that it was false and with a consciousness that he
    was either doing something which was wrong or which violated the
    law.”     J.A. 611.      In United States v. Maher, we held that § 287
    includes a specific intent element, 2 and that                an essentially
    identical    instruction     was      adequate   to   instruct    the   jury   on
    specific intent.         
    582 F.2d 842
    , 847 (4th Cir. 1978).             “If the
    As we recognized in United States v. Daughtry, the Maher
    court adopted the specific intent requirement that the district
    court read into the statute.     
    43 F.3d 829
    , 832 n.1 (4th Cir.
    1995) (vacated on other grounds by Daughtry v. United States,
    519 U.S. 984
    (1995)).     Section 287 is silent on the intent
    necessary to commit a violation, but we are bound by our
    precedent to require proof of specific intent.
    district court gives adequate instruction on specific intent, a
    separate instruction on good faith is not necessary.”                           United
    States   v.   Mancuso,    
    42 F.3d 836
    ,      847   (4th   Cir.     1994).     The
    district court’s specific intent instruction was adequate and no
    additional good faith instruction was required.                       The district
    court, therefore, did not abuse its discretion by declining to
    give the requested instruction. 3
    Jaensch    next     argues   that     the    district     court    abused    its
    discretion in evidentiary rulings affecting the entire trial.
    He contends that evidence of his prior conviction was improperly
    admitted and that opinion testimony of a lay witness regarding
    Jaensch’s     good   faith     defense    was     improperly     excluded. 4       We
    address each argument in turn.
    Jaensch     contends      that      the     district     court     abused    its
    discretion by admitting evidence of his prior conviction under
    Federal Rule of Evidence 608 to impeach the testimony of his
    wife.    Jaensch also contends that the evidence violated Rule 403
    We have examined Jaensch’s remaining instructional
    challenges as they relate to Counts 3-6 and find them to be
    without merit.
    We have examined Jaensch’s other evidentiary challenges
    and find them to be without merit.
    because it was so prejudicial that it forced him to testify to
    mitigate its impact.
    It is not clear from the record what Rule the district
    court    relied         on        to    permit     evidence       of     Jaensch’s    previous
    conviction to be entered.                   However, we may affirm on any ground
    supported by the record.                   United States v. Moore, 
    709 F.3d 287
    293   (4th       Cir.   2013).            Contrary       to   Jaensch’s       contention    that
    evidence of the conviction was improper character evidence under
    Rule 404(a)(1), it was properly admitted under the exception in
    Rule 404(a)(2)(A).                     Jaensch elicited testimony concerning his
    trait of honesty, it was admitted, and the Government offered
    evidence to rebut that testimony.                          See United States v. Moore,
    27 F.3d 969
    , 974 (4th Cir. 1994) (holding that when a defendant
    “‘opened the door’ by soliciting favorable opinions about his
    character, the district court properly allowed the government to
    rebut the offered testimony”).
    The    manner          of    proof    was    also       permissible.         Rule    405(a)
    allows      an    admissible             trait    of     character       to   be   proven    “by
    testimony about the person’s reputation.”                              On “cross-examination
    of the character witness, the court may allow an inquiry into
    relevant specific instances of the person’s conduct.”                                
    Id. Here the
        district        court          permitted        Jaensch    to     elicit     reputation
    testimony on cross-examination and the Government to challenge
    that testimony using Jaensch’s conviction on redirect. 5                          Although
    405(a) speaks of “cross-examination,” courts that have addressed
    this       issue   have        permitted     evidence      of    specific     acts    to   be
    admitted      on    redirect          in   service    of   the   Rule’s     intent.        See
    United States v. Powell, 
    124 F.3d 655
    , 661 n.4 (5th Cir. 1997);
    Gov't of V.I. v. Roldan, 
    612 F.2d 775
    , 778 n.2 (3d Cir. 1979)
    (“Character evidence was introduced for the first time on cross-
    examination.             For    the    purpose   of    rebuttal     of    this   evidence,
    therefore,         the     Government's          redirect        examination     was       the
    functional equivalent of the ‘cross-examination’ referred to in
    rule 405(a).”); United States v. Grose, 461 F. App’x 786, 795-96
    (10th Cir. 2012) (unpublished).
    Finally, the district court did not abuse its discretion
    under      Rule    403    by     admitting     Jaensch’s        conviction.      Rule      403
    prevents the admission of evidence only when its probative value
    is “substantially outweighed by its prejudicial impact ‘in the
    Jaensch also argues that his previous conviction should
    not have been admitted because it was not for a specific intent
    crime of dishonesty.    It is unclear what argument Jaensch is
    making, but to the extent that he is arguing that the relevant
    trait of character must be an essential element of the charge,
    claim, or defense, this restriction applies only to evidence
    admitted under Rule 405(b).      Moreover, in the past we have
    permitted the Government to admit evidence of criminal acts
    unrelated to dishonesty as such to rebut testimony that a
    defendant’s “reputation is for being a man of honesty [and] law
    abidingness.”   United States v. Wellons, 
    32 F.3d 117
    , 120 n.3
    (4th Cir. 1994) (internal citations omitted).
    sense that it tend[s] to subordinate reason to emotion in the
    factfinding process.’”         United States v. Gray, 
    405 F.3d 227
    , 240
    (4th Cir. 2005) (quoting United States v. Queen, 
    132 F.3d 991
    997 (4th Cir. 1997)).           Jaensch’s prior crime is not of the
    character to inflame the passions of jurors or to cause them to
    disregard the facts of the case before them.                  See, e.g., United
    States v. Basham, 
    561 F.3d 302
    , 331 (4th Cir. 2009).
    Jaensch       argues    that    the     district        court    abused       its
    discretion by excluding, in part, the lay testimony of Brandon
    Eggleston.     Jaensch contends that he sought to introduce this
    testimony    to    support     his   good    faith     defense       and   that     by
    excluding it the court deprived him of his Sixth Amendment right
    to present a defense.
    Rule 701 allows a lay witness to testify to an opinion that
    is “rationally based on the witness’s perception,” is “not based
    on ... specialized knowledge within the scope of Rule 702,” and
    is “helpful to clearly understanding the witness’s testimony or
    to determining a fact in issue.”                  Fed. R. Evid. 701(a)-(c).
    “[U]nlike    the    expert   testimony      rule,    [Rule    701]    permits      lay
    testimony relating to a defendant's hypothetical mental state.”
    United States v. Offill, 
    666 F.3d 168
    , 177 (4th Cir. 2011).
    Jaensch       attempted    to   elicit       testimony      from      Eggleston
    concerning   Eggleston’s       perception    of     Jaensch’s    sincerity        with
    regard to his beliefs about the tax laws.                        The district court
    deemed       Eggleston’s     testimony      inadmissible          and       excluded      it,
    stating      that   “I   think     the    jury    is   going     to    have       to    decide
    whether or not they thought the witness is believable.                                  And I
    don’t know that this witness can tell us what he thinks about
    Mr. Jaensch.        He’s already told us he thought he was an honest
    man.”     J.A. 292.
    The     district      court        applied        an     overly           restrictive
    interpretation of Rule 701.                 Under Offill, Eggleston was not
    prohibited from giving his opinion, based on his perceptions, of
    Jaensch’s       sincerity     if    his     testimony          satisfied         the    three
    conditions of Rule 701.              Because the district court held that
    Rule 701 did not permit this kind of testimony, it did not
    address whether Eggleston’s opinion would have been helpful to
    the jury.
    Although the district court’s error of law constitutes an
    abuse    of    discretion,       reversal    is    unwarranted         on    this      ground
    because       the   error    was     harmless.            To    find        an     erroneous
    evidentiary ruling harmless, “‘we need only be able to say with
    fair     assurance,      after     pondering       all    that        happened         without
    stripping the erroneous action from the whole, that the judgment
    was not substantially swayed by the error.’”                          United States v.
    617 F.3d 286
    ,    292    (4th    Cir.       2010)    (quoting        United
    States v. Brooks, 
    111 F.3d 365
    , 371 (4th Cir. 1997)).
    Even if we assume that Eggleston’s testimony would have
    been    helpful    to    the    jury   in   determining       the   subjective      good
    faith      of   Jaensch’s      beliefs,     excluding   that      testimony     had    no
    substantial effect on the judgment.                  Eggleston was permitted to
    testify     to   all    of   the   statements       Jaensch      made    to   him   about
    Jaensch’s beliefs and to his general perceptions of Jaensch’s
    character.       Jaensch himself testified, 6 and both his wife and his
    accountant       testified      that   they      believed   he    held    his   beliefs
    sincerely.        Based on all of the information available to the
    jury concerning the sincerity of Jaensch’s beliefs, it is clear
    that the exclusion of Eggleston’s opinion was harmless.
    For the foregoing reasons, we vacate Jaensch’s conviction
    as to Count 1.          Finding no other prejudicial error, we affirm as
    to all other counts.               The case is remanded for rehearing on
    Jaensch also argues that the exclusion of Eggleston’s
    testimony forced him to testify in order to establish his good
    faith defense in violation of his Fifth Amendment right against
    self-incrimination.    This claim is unavailing.    Jaensch also
    argued that he was forced to testify because the district court
    admitted his previous conviction.   The conviction was properly
    admitted so following Jaensch’s own logic he would have
    testified   regardless   of  the  court’s  decision    concerning
    Eggleston’s testimony.
    Count   1   and   for   resentencing    on   all   counts   following   the
    disposition of Count 1.

Document Info

Docket Number: 12-4358

Citation Numbers: 552 F. App'x 206

Judges: Duncan, Gregory, Samuel, Wilson

Filed Date: 11/14/2013

Precedential Status: Non-Precedential

Modified Date: 8/31/2023

Authorities (19)

Government of the Virgin Islands v. Juan Ascencio Roldan , 612 F.2d 775 ( 1979 )

United States v. Cloud , 680 F.3d 396 ( 2012 )

United States v. Basham , 561 F.3d 302 ( 2009 )

United States v. Johnson , 617 F.3d 286 ( 2010 )

Noel v. Artson , 641 F.3d 580 ( 2011 )

United States v. Sherman L. Wellons, Jr. , 32 F.3d 117 ( 1994 )

United States v. Bing Sun Patte Sun All Ports, Incorporated , 278 F.3d 302 ( 2002 )

United States v. Roland Demingo Queen, A/K/A Mingo , 132 F.3d 991 ( 1997 )

United States v. Alvin Michael Maher , 582 F.2d 842 ( 1978 )

United States v. Offill , 666 F.3d 168 ( 2011 )

United States v. Douglas D. Wilson, United States of ... , 118 F.3d 228 ( 1997 )

united-states-v-edwin-hawley-brooks-jr-united-states-of-america-v-john , 111 F.3d 365 ( 1997 )

christopher-c-bailey-armand-berube-terryl-j-cobb-jerry-l-farr-martha-j , 94 F.3d 152 ( 1996 )

United States v. Josephine Virginia Gray, A/K/A Josephine ... , 405 F.3d 227 ( 2005 )

United States v. Jerry A. Moore , 27 F.3d 969 ( 1994 )

United States v. Powell , 124 F.3d 655 ( 1997 )

united-states-v-louis-t-mancuso-two-cases-united-states-of-america-v , 42 F.3d 836 ( 1994 )

Henderson v. Kibbe , 97 S. Ct. 1730 ( 1977 )

Neder v. United States , 119 S. Ct. 1827 ( 1999 )

View All Authorities »