Pearson v. Leavitt , 189 F. App'x 161 ( 2006 )

  •                              UNPUBLISHED
    No. 05-1937
    Plaintiffs - Appellants,
    MICHAEL LEAVITT, in his official capacity as
    Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and
    Human Services; LESTER M. CRAWFORD, in his
    official capacity as Acting Commissioner of
    the U.S. Food and Drug Administration; UNITED
    Defendants - Appellees.
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the District of
    Maryland, at Greenbelt. Alexander Williams, Jr., District Judge.
    Argued:   May 22, 2006                      Decided:   June 23, 2006
    Before WILKINSON and TRAXLER, Circuit Judges, and Richard L.
    WILLIAMS, Senior United States District Judge for the Eastern
    District of Virginia, sitting by designation.
    Affirmed by unpublished per curiam opinion.
    ARGUED: Jonathan Walker Emord, EMORD & ASSOCIATES, P.C., Reston,
    Virginia, for Appellants. Matthew Miles Collette, UNITED STATES
    DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, Civil Division, Appellate Section,
    Washington, D.C., for Appellees. ON BRIEF: Michelle C. Gayeski,
    EMORD & ASSOCIATES, P.C., Reston, Virginia, for Appellants. Peter
    D. Keisler, Assistant Attorney General, Rod J. Rosenstein, United
    States Attorney, Douglas N. Letter, UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF
    JUSTICE, Civil Division, Appellate Section, Washington, D.C., for
    Unpublished opinions are not binding precedent in this circuit.
    See Local Rule 36(c).
    Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw (“Appellants”) sought and were
    denied declaratory and injunctive relief to preclude the Food and
    Drug Administration (“FDA”) and the Department of Health and Human
    Services (“HHS”)(collectively “Appellees”) from taking action to
    prevent Appellants from selling a report published by the United
    States government that suggests that dietary supplements containing
    S-adenosyl-L-methionine(“SAMe”)              were       a   possible   treatment       for
    various diseases.         Appellants claimed that the potential for FDA
    enforcement      of   its    regulations         chilled     their   constitutionally
    protected First Amendment free speech rights.                      Finding that there
    is   not    a    sufficient       factual       basis       upon   which   to   make     a
    determination of Appellants’ claims, we agree with the district
    court’s ruling that the controversy is not ripe and accordingly
    affirm the dismissal of the claim under Rule 12(b)(6) of the
    Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.
    Durk       Pearson     and   Sandy   Shaw      are     formulators    of   dietary
    supplements containing SAMe. Appellants receive royalties from
    distributors who are licensed to sell their products. SAMe is an
    amino acid created within human cells by the energy molecule ATP
    and the amino acid methionine. SAMe plays a role in many of the
    biochemical reactions in the human body. SAMe has been the subject
    of research by privately funded organizations and by federal
    government agencies.
    In October 2002, the Agency for Healthcare Research and
    Quality (“AHRQ”), a division of HHS, published a report entitled
    “S-Adenosyl-L-Methionine        for    the     Treatment      of   Depression,
    Osteoarthritis,   and    Liver      Disease”(the   “Report”).      The   Report
    summarized the conclusions of various published studies examining
    the effect of SAMe on the treatment of depression, osteoarthritis,
    and   liver   disease.        The   Report   concluded     that    supplements
    containing SAMe are more effective than placebos in the treatment
    of depression and osteoarthritis but were no more effective in
    treating liver disease.         The Report was made available to the
    public on at least seven different websites.
    In 2004, Appellants wrote a prologue to the Report, touting
    its findings and explaining the role of SAMe in bodily processes.
    Appellants intended to sell a bound volume consisting of their
    prologue and the Report (collectively the “Publication”) to the
    general public through their licensees.
    Appellants refrained from selling the Publication because of
    fear of prosecution by the FDA. Specifically, Appellants feared
    that the FDA, under their administrative enforcement policy, would
    use the Publication as evidence of the “intended use” of the
    dietary supplements and reclassify Appellants’ SAMe-containing
    dietary   supplements    as    “new   drugs”    under   the    Food   Drug   and
    Cosmetics Act (“FDCA”), thus prohibiting sale of the Publication to
    In November 2004, Appellants brought this action seeking a
    declaration that the potential enforcement of FDA regulations was
    a   violation     of   their    First     Amendment       right    to     free   speech.
    Appellants also sought to enjoin Appellees from declaring the
    Publication as evidence of an intent to sell the SAMe-containing
    dietary supplements as “new drugs” and from taking any action to
    prohibit Appellants’ licensees from selling the Publication to the
    public.     At   the   time    the   action      was     filed,    the    FDA    had   not
    threatened or implemented any procedures to either prohibit the
    sale   of   the   Publication        or   to    prosecute     Appellants         for   FDA
    Appellants moved for summary judgment and Appellees moved to
    dismiss or, in the alternative, for summary judgment. The district
    court ruled that there was not a sufficient factual record upon
    which to make a determination regarding the validity of Appellants’
    claims and that the case was not ripe, and granted Appellees’
    motion to dismiss. This appeal followed.
    Ripeness requirements are relaxed in First Amendment cases
    because     of   the   potential     chilling      effect     of    unconstitutional
    restrictions      on   free     speech.        Forsyth    County     v.    Nationalist
    505 U.S. 123
    , 129-30 (1992). To withstand a ripeness
    challenge, a plaintiff must demonstrate “a live dispute involving
    the actual or threatened application of [a statute or policy] to
    bar particular speech.” Renne v. Geary, 
    501 U.S. 312
    , 320 (1991).
    But without a factual record of an actual or threatened action
    resulting in the suppression of free speech, no ripe, justiciable
    controversy exists. Woodall v. Reno, 
    47 F.3d 656
    , 656 (4th Cir.
    1995); see Jordahl v. Democratic Party of Virginia, 
    122 F.3d 192
    198 (4th Cir. 1997).
    In evaluating the ripeness of a claim for judicial review,
    courts must consider (1) the fitness of the issues for judicial
    decision and (2) the hardship to the parties of withholding court
    consideration. Abbott Labs v. Gardner, 
    387 U.S. 136
    , 149 (1967);
    overruled on other grounds by Califano v. Sanders, 
    430 U.S. 99
    (1977). Regarding administrative agency cases, this court has held
    that a claim is not ripe for review unless the issues to be
    considered are purely legal ones and the agency rule giving rise to
    the claim is final and not dependent on future uncertainties or
    intervening agency rulings. Charter Fed. Sav. Bank v. Office of
    Thrift Supervision, 
    976 F.2d 203
    , 208 (4th Cir. 1992). If certain
    critical facts that would substantially assist the court in making
    its determination are contingent or unknown, the case is not ripe
    for judicial review. Arch Mineral Corp. v. Babbitt, 
    104 F.3d 660
    665-66 (4th Cir. 1997).
    Appellants have offered insufficient evidence to demonstrate
    the fitness for judicial review that ripeness requires. Appellants
    claim that the FDA will use their Publication as evidence of the
    “intended use” of their SAMe containing supplements. However, the
    record     is   devoid    of   any    evidence      that    would    support      this
    contention.      There    is   no     indication     of     who    will    sell   the
    Publication, how the Publication will be marketed, the purpose for
    which the Publication will be used, or the way in which it will be
    distributed. These factors are a necessary part of the analysis of
    the “intended use” of a product.            In United States v. An Article of
    Drug Consisting of 250 Jars etc. of U.S. Fancy Pure Honey, etc.,
    218 F. Supp. 208
    , 209-11(E.D. Mich. 1963), aff’d, 
    344 F.2d 288
    Cir. 1965), the court found that jars of honey were unapproved
    drugs because booklets containing statements about the honey’s
    disease-treating capacity were sold adjacent to the jars of honey.
    In   United     States    v.   24    Bottles   ‘Sterling      Vinegar       &   Honey,
    etc.’(Balanced Foods Inc.), 
    338 F.2d 157
    (2d Cir. 1964), the Second
    Circuit held that booklets claiming the curative power of honey
    were not evidence of intended use because they were shelved with
    other publications and were not marketed with the honey in any way.
    Accordingly, any determination of “intended use” must be grounded
    in   a    fact-based     inquiry     and   cannot   be     based    on    speculative
    contentions. Appellees have neither threatened nor taken action
    against Appellants.        There has been no final agency determination
    of the Publication as evidence of intended use. Because Appellants
    have not shown such action on the part of Appellees, there is no
    issue to decide and judgment must be deferred.
    In a ripeness inquiry, hardship is determined by considering
    (1) the immediacy of the threat and (2) the burden imposed upon the
    party    compelled       to    act    under       threat    of    enforcement      of     the
    challenged law. Charter, 
    976 F.2d at 208-09
    .                       The threatened harm
    must    be   “immediate,       direct,       and    significant.”         West    Virginia
    Highlands Conservancy, Inc. v. Babbit, 
    161 F.3d 797
    , 800 (4th Cir.
    1998)(citations omitted).               Appellants’ complaint meets none of
    these requirements. Appellants allege harms relating to the loss of
    free speech, the right to sell the Publication via their licensees,
    and the loss of royalties from sales of the Publication and their
    SAMe dietary supplements. These alleged losses are not immediate,
    Appellants     have      not     undertaken         any     campaign      to     sell     the
    Publication,       and   the    FDA    has    not    made    a    final    determination
    regarding the Publication as evidence of the “intended use” of
    Appellants’ product. These issues prevent the court from making a
    determination       as   to    whether       an    immediate      threat    exists      that
    requires     the   injunction         that    Appellants         seek.    Any    losses    or
    hardship suffered by Appellants would be contingent on these
    factual circumstances.
    For the foregoing reasons, we conclude that the instant matter
    is not ripe for disposition and the district court’s decision is