Elayne Wolf v. Federal National Mortgage , 512 F. App'x 336 ( 2013 )

  •                              UNPUBLISHED
    No. 11-2419
    Plaintiff - Appellant,
    Defendants - Appellees.
    Amicus Supporting Appellant,
    Amici Supporting Appellees.
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the Western
    District of Virginia, at Charlottesville.      Norman K. Moon,
    Senior District Judge. (3:11-cv-00025-NKM-BWC)
    Argued:   December 5, 2012                 Decided:    February 28, 2013
    Before TRAXLER,   Chief   Judge,   and   FLOYD   and   THACKER,   Circuit
    Affirmed by unpublished per curiam opinion.
    Washington, D.C., for Amicus Supporting Appellant.    Henry Woods
    McLaughlin, III, LAW OFFICE OF HENRY MCLAUGHLIN, P.C., Richmond,
    Virginia, for Appellant.    John Donley Adams, MCGUIREWOODS, LLP,
    Richmond, Virginia, for Appellees. ON BRIEF: Seth A. Schaeffer,
    Jeffrey D. McMahan, Jr., Matthew A. Fitzgerald, MCGUIREWOODS,
    LLP, Richmond, Virginia, for Appellees Federal National Mortgage
    Association and BAC Home Loans Servicing, LP; Peter I. Grasis,
    Daniel M. Rathbun, RATHBUN & GOLDBERG, P.C., Fairfax, Virginia,
    for Appellee Professional Foreclosure Corporation of Virginia.
    Leonard J. Kennedy, General Counsel, To-Quyen Truong, Deputy
    General Counsel, David M. Gossett, Assistant General Counsel,
    Rachel   Rodman,  Senior Counsel,     Kristin  Bateman,  CONSUMER
    FINANCIAL PROTECTION BUREAU, Washington, D.C., for Amicus
    Supporting Appellant.    Kirk D. Jensen, Michael R. Williams,
    Jeffrey P. Naimon, BUCKLEYSANDLER LLP, Washington, D.C., for
    Amici Supporting Appellees.
    Unpublished opinions are not binding precedent in this circuit.
    Appellant         Elayne      Wolf        appeals         the   district        court’s
    dismissal of her amended complaint with prejudice.                              Wolf brought
    suit against Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae),
    BAC     Home      Loans     Servicing,          L.P.      (BAC),         and    Professional
    Foreclosure Corporation of Virginia (PFC), seeking rescission of
    her home mortgage loan under the Truth in Lending Act (TILA), 
    15 U.S.C. §§ 1601-1667
    .         In    addition        to    her   TILA      claims,   Wolf
    asserts that the foreclosure and sale of her house was also
    invalid because of deficiencies in the transfer of the deed of
    trust      and    the     appointment      of        a   substitute        trustee.       Wolf
    additionally makes claims of fraud, defamation, and breach of
    the   implied      covenant      of      good    faith     and     fair     dealing.       The
    district court dismissed Wolf’s case in its entirety, and Wolf
    timely appealed.          For the reasons that follow, we affirm.
    We review a district court’s grant of a motion to dismiss
    de novo and view the facts in the light most favorable to the
    non-moving party.           Gilbert v. Residential Funding, LLC, 
    678 F.3d 271
    , 273 (4th Cir. 2012).
    This       action    arises     from      Wolf’s         attempt     to   rescind    her
    mortgage through TILA.              Wolf’s complaint alleges that she owned
    a   home    in    Charlottesville,         Virginia,           and,   on    May   14,     2007,
    refinanced her existing home mortgage with MetroCities Mortgage,
    LLC (MetroCities).           The loan was evidenced by a note that was
    secured by a deed of trust, and by a lien on Wolf’s home.                                The
    deed of trust named Mortgage Electronic Systems (MERS) as the
    lender’s nominee, granting MERS legal title to the deed of trust
    and giving MERS legal rights, including the right to foreclose.
    The deed of trust named Michael J. Barrett as trustee.                             At the
    loan closing, Wolf received a disclosure statement and a “Notice
    of Right to Cancel” the loan as required by TILA.                        See 
    15 U.S.C. § 1635
    (a).        Additionally,        Wolf    received       a     separate    notice
    informing     her    of     her    ability   to   opt     out    of     an   arbitration
    agreement with MetroCities.
    On March 12, 2010, Wolf defaulted on the terms of her loan.
    On March 30, 2010, MERS assigned the deed of trust to BAC.                                On
    this same day, BAC appointed PFC as substitute trustee in place
    of    the    original       trustee-Barrett.             BAC    instructed        PFC     to
    foreclose.         In response, PFC advertised a foreclosure sale for
    May   5,    2010.      On    May    2,   2010,    just    three       days   before      the
    foreclosure sale, Wolf attempted to rescind her mortgage loan
    pursuant to TILA by mailing a notice of rescission to BAC.                              As a
    result,      BAC     temporarily         cancelled       the     foreclosure           sale.
    However,     the    foreclosure       sale   eventually         took    place     in    July
    2010, and Fannie Mae purchased the home.
    Thereafter,       Fannie    Mae     instituted        an       unlawful     detainer
    action against Wolf in the General District Court of Albemarle
    County.    After the Albemarle County court awarded possession of
    the property to Fannie Mae, Wolf filed her initial complaint in
    this action in the same court.                  PFC successfully removed this
    action    to    the   United    States     District       Court      for   the    Western
    District of Virginia.
    Wolf submits that she is entitled to have her home loan
    rescinded pursuant to TILA.              In furtherance of this argument,
    Wolf alleges that the original lender, MetroCities, materially
    underdisclosed the finance charge that was applied as part of
    obtaining her loan.         Specifically, Wolf claims that MetroCities
    materially      underdisclosed       the       finance     charge      based     on   its
    failure    to    disclose      the   following:          (1)    a    $10   charge     for
    recordation costs, (2) an interest charge of $15, and (3) an
    excess charge for casualty insurance that was at least $50 more
    than reasonable.        Next, Wolf alleges that her right to rescind
    the loan was not properly disclosed to her.                     In addition to her
    TILA claims, Wolf asserts that the foreclosure sale of her house
    is void because the assignment of the note from MERS to BAC was
    invalid as was the appointment of PFC as substitute trustee.
    Wolf also makes claims for fraud against BAC and PFC, defamation
    against PFC, and breach of the implied covenant of good faith
    and fair dealing against BAC.                  In support of her fraud claim,
    Wolf argues that appointment of PFC as substitute trustee was an
    act of fraud, and that the advertisement of the foreclosure sale
    itself was a fraudulent representation.                       She further argues that
    the advertisement of the foreclosure sale defamed her and caused
    her considerable public shame and embarrassment.                               Wolf’s claim
    for   breach    of     the    implied    covenant            of    good   faith    and     fair
    dealing also centers on her allegation that the appointment of
    PFC and the subsequent foreclosure sale were deficient.
    The    district        court    found       that    Wolf’s       TILA    claims      were
    untimely and that the rest of her allegations failed to state a
    cognizable claim.        The district court then granted BAC, PFC, and
    Fannie Mae’s motion to dismiss the case in its entirety.                                   This
    appeal followed.             We have jurisdiction pursuant to 
    28 U.S.C. § 1291
    Wolf     first     argues       that     the       district         court    erred     in
    dismissing     her     TILA    claims     based         on    her     failure     to   timely
    exercise     her     right    to     rescind      the    home       mortgage      loan.      In
    enacting     TILA,     Congress       decided      “that          economic    stabilization
    would be enhanced . . . by the informed use of credit.”                                      
    15 U.S.C. § 1601
    (a).             In furtherance of informed use of credit,
    TILA requires that a creditor make certain disclosures of terms
    when a loan transaction is made.                   When a consumer enters into a
    loan       secured     by    her    principal       residence,       TILA’s   “buyer’s
    remorse” provision allows the consumer to rescind the agreement.
        §    1635(a).        Ordinarily,      the    right   of   rescission     may    be
    exercised      within       three    business       days    from     either    closing,
    delivery of notice of the right to rescind, or delivery of all
    “material      disclosures,”        whichever      occurs    last.      Id.     If    the
    required notice or material disclosures are not provided or are
    deficient, the deadline to rescind is extended to three years
    after consummation, transfer, or sale of the property, whichever
    event occurs first.           Id. § 1635(f).
    TILA    also     requires      that    lenders       disclose    to    borrowers
    “finance charges,” which are the cost of borrowing and include
    “the sum of all charges . . . imposed directly or indirectly by
    the creditor as an incident to the extension of credit.”                              Id.
    §§ 1605(a), 1632(a).              If a lender fails to accurately disclose
    finance charges to the borrower and a foreclosure is underway,
    any charge that varies more than $35 from the actual sum of the
    finance charge is grounds for rescission.                    Id. § 1635(i)(2).        In
    addition to the required disclosure of finance charges, TILA
    also mandates that the lender accurately disclose the consumer’s
    right to rescind the loan.             Id. § 1635(a).         The lender must give
    notice that “clearly and conspicuously discloses” the borrower’s
    right to rescind.           Id.
    As noted previously, the loan between Wolf and Metrocities
    was finalized on May 14, 2007, but Wolf did not file a notice of
    rescission until May 2, 2010.                     Thus, in order for her rescission
    to be timely, she must establish that the three-year extended
    deadline applies.             Wolf contends that the three-year deadline
    applies because: (1) MetroCities assessed three underdisclosed
    finance charges, and (2) MetroCities did not adequately disclose
    her rescission rights in that the inclusion of an arbitration
    clause     rendered           the        notice        of     the       right     to     rescind
    “insufficiently clear to comply with the elements of TILA.”
    The district court found it unnecessary to decide whether
    the three-year deadline applied because it determined that even
    if it did apply, Wolf did not validly exercise her right of
    rescission       because      she        failed       to    file    a   lawsuit    within      the
    three-year deadline.            The district court issued its decision on
    November       23,    2011.         On    May     3,   2012,       this   Court    issued      its
    opinion in Gilbert v. Residential Funding LLC, 
    678 F.3d 271
    Cir. 2012).          This Court held that a borrower does not need to
    file a lawsuit seeking rescission within the three-year time
    frame    and    instead,       must       only     notify      her      lender    that   she   is
    exercising her right of rescission within the three-year limit.
    Id. at 277
    .          Therefore, the district court’s holding that Wolf’s
    rescission claim had expired is now contrary to the law of this
    circuit.       In light of Gilbert, Wolf’s claim had not necessarily
    expired when Wolf filed suit, and the relevant question becomes
    whether Wolf has adequately alleged facts such that the three-
    year deadline applies.
    Despite the fact the district court failed to evaluate the
    substance of Wolf’s TILA claims, we are “entitled to affirm the
    district court on any ground that would support the judgment in
    favor   of   the   party   prevailing         below.”         Crosby   v.   City   of
    635 F.3d 634
    ,    643   n.10    (4th     Cir.    2011)     (quoting
    Catawba Indian Tribe v. City of Rock Hill, 
    501 F.3d 368
    , 372 n.4
    (4th Cir. 2011)) (internal quotation marks omitted).                     Here, even
    with the benefit of Gilbert, Wolf’s TILA claims fail.
    As previously noted, when a foreclosure is underway, any
    failure to accurately disclose a finance charge exceeding $35 is
    grounds for rescission.           
    15 U.S.C. § 1635
    (i)(2).              Wolf asserts
    that MetroCities failed to disclose three finance charges: (1)
    an excess charge for casualty insurance that was at least $50
    more than reasonable, (2) a $10 recordation fee, and (3) a $15
    interest     charge   which   arose      because        the    bank    received    an
    overpayment from Wolf and failed to return it for two months.
    Because the recordation fee and the interest charge together
    fail to meet the threshold amount, we begin with the alleged
    excess casualty charge.
    Wolf alleges that she was charged $591 for one year of
    casualty    insurance          and   that     escrow      reserved        an    additional
    $443.25    for    nine     months      of    additional      insurance.              Although
    casualty insurance charges are part of the applicable finance
          §    1605(c),          escrow       payments        are    not,     id.
    § 1605(e)(3).        Further, if the borrower is given the option to
    pick his or her own casualty insurer and this right is disclosed
    at closing, then casualty insurance is not a part of the finance
    charge.        Id.     § 1605(c).           The   applicability          of    the    escrow
    exemption is conditioned upon the payments being bona fide and
    reasonable.       Regulation Z, 
    12 C.F.R. § 1026.4
    (c)(7) (previously
    codified at 
    12 C.F.R. § 226.4
    Wolf does not contend that the $591 for casualty insurance
    is unreasonable.         Instead, it appears that Wolf takes issue with
    the   escrow     fees,    as    Wolf    avers     that     the    amount       charged    for
    casualty insurance was unreasonable because it required payment
    in advance for an excessive amount of time.                              Wolf summarily
    claims that the amount charged “was unreasonable by at least
    $50.”     Wolf, however, presents no facts as to why the amount of
    escrow charged was unreasonable.                  Wolf’s bare assertion that the
    fees charged were unreasonable “stops short of the line between
    possibility      and     plausibility”       of    the    right     to    relief.        Bell
    Atlantic Corp. v. Twombly, 
    550 U.S. 544
    , 546 (2007).                            Because of
    this,    her    claim     that     the    escrow        payments    were       unreasonable
    Second, as already noted, the $10 recordation fee and the
    $15    interest     fee    do    not     meet     the    threshold       $35    requirement
    12 C.F.R. § 1026.23
    (h)(2)           (stating       that     once
    foreclosure is initiated finance charges are deemed accurate if
    they were “understated by no more than $35.”)                           Therefore, Wolf’s
    claim based on the recordation and interest fees fails as a
    matter of law.
    In support of her TILA claim, Wolf also alleges that the
    lender failed to accurately disclose her right to rescind the
    loan.     In addition to the disclosure of finance charges, TILA
    also     mandates      that      the     lender     “clearly       and     conspicuously”
    disclose the borrower’s right to rescind the loan.                               
    15 U.S.C. § 1635
    (a).       Wolf concedes that the Notice of the Right to Cancel
    was in proper form.              As a condition of the loan, MetroCities
    required Wolf to enter an arbitration agreement.                          After the loan
    was    closed,    Wolf     was    informed        of    her     right    to    rescind   the
    arbitration agreement as well as her right to rescind the loan
    itself.        Wolf    alleges     that     the     information         provided    in   the
    arbitration      agreement       was     “drastically         inconsistent”       with    the
    information       provided       for     rescinding       the    loan     and    that    this
    inconsistency          undermined         the     otherwise            accurate      rescission
    information provided to her.                   Specifically, Wolf claims that the
    arbitration agreement required her to send different information
    to a different address than what was required to rescind the
    loan.     According to Wolf, this rendered the Notice of the Right
    to Cancel “insufficiently clear to comply with the requirements
    of TILA.”
    We     are   reluctant       to    accept       that      an    extrinsic      document
    makes     a    separate     Notice        of      the       Right      to   Cancel     unclear,
    especially when Wolf concedes that the notice complied with the
    requirements of TILA.             The separate arbitration provision simply
    gave    Wolf     a     choice   to    terminate             the     arbitration       provision
    without       affecting     the      underlying             loan.        Wolf’s    choice   to
    arbitrate was wholly separate from her choice to rescind the
    loan in its entirety, and her right to rescind the loan was in
    no way undermined by her right to opt out of arbitration.                                   The
    fact that the arbitration cancellation provisions were different
    from the rescission provisions does not affect the clarity of
    the separate Notice of the Right to Cancel.                                 Accordingly, we
    reject        Wolf’s     argument         that        the     arbitration         cancellation
    provision undermined a Notice of the Right to Cancel that was
    perfectly consistent with TILA’s disclosure requirements.
    In sum, Wolf has failed to state any viable claim under
    TILA, and we therefore affirm the district court’s dismissal of
    her TILA claims.
    Wolf next challenges the validity of the assignment of the
    note from MERS to BAC.                     First, Wolf asserts that the deed of
    trust     did       not    provide        MERS    the    right       to     assign      the   note.
    Second, Wolf alleges that neither MERS nor BAC possessed the
    note when it was purportedly assigned because the note was lost
    at   that      time.         The       district     court       found       that    Wolf      lacked
    standing       to    challenge           the   propriety        of    the    assignment.            We
    In       addition           to     the     constitutional             requirements        for
    standing,        there           exist     other        “prudential          limitations”           to
    standing.           Warth v. Seldin, 
    422 U.S. 490
    , 498 (1975).                                 Among
    these limitations, is the principle that a party “generally must
    assert his own legal rights and interests, and cannot rest his
    claim     to    relief       on    the     legal       rights    or       interests      of    third
    Id. at 499
    BAC argues that as a non-party to the assignment, Wolf does
    not have the right to challenge the assignment.                                BAC’s argument
    is   in    accord         with    Virginia       law.     In     Virginia,         to   sue    on    a
    contract one must be a party to or beneficiary of the contract.
    See Mich. Mut. Ins. Co. v. Smoot, 
    129 F. Supp. 2d 912
    , 920 (E.D.
    Va. 2000).         Notably, Wolf has not alleged that she is a party to
    the assignment from MERS to BAC or that she is an intended
    beneficiary of the assignment.                   Without an enforceable contract
    right,      Wolf    lacks   standing        to    attack      the    validity    of    the
    assignment.         Furthermore, the assignment does not affect Wolf’s
    rights or duties at all.              Wolf still has the obligation under
    the   note    to     make   payments.            In   fact,    the    only    thing    the
    assignment affects is to whom Wolf makes the payments.                               Thus,
    she   has    no     interest    in    the    assignment        from    MERS     to    BAC.
    Accordingly, she has no standing to challenge it.
    Wolf next argues that BAC’s appointment of PFC as trustee
    was invalid, and because of this PFC was without authority to
    foreclose on her property.             Wolf makes two arguments in support
    of this contention.            First, she claims that BAC and MERS were
    not in possession of the note at the time they purported to
    appoint PFC as trustee.              Second, Wolf avers that the notarized
    document effectuating PFC’s appointment as trustee was a “bogus”
    document because the second page was not attached to the first
    page when the document was signed.
    Wolf contends that the appointment of PFC as trustee was
    ineffective because on March 12, 2010, eighteen days before the
    appointment, she received a letter from BAC’s counsel informing
    her that the note “was unavailable at this time.”                      Wolf claims
    that the appointment of PFC as trustee was a nullity because BAC
    nor MERS possessed the note at the time of the appointment.
    Even if the appointment might be a nullity in that circumstance,
    Wolf does not present a sufficient claim that BAC or MERS did
    not possess the note.         In fact, there is substantial evidence to
    the contrary.      PFC attached a copy of the note as an exhibit to
    the district court, and the note states that PFC is the holder
    of the note or the authorized agent of the holder of the note.
    The note was also produced at a hearing in the district court.
    Further, an examination of the note reveals the endorsement of
    the original lender, MetroCities to Countrywide Bank, then from
    Countrywide Bank to Countrywide Home Loans—which became BAC—and
    then   an     endorsement     in    blank     by   Countrywide      Home    Loans.
    According     to   Virginia    law,      “[w]hen      endorsed    in    blank,    an
    instrument becomes payable to bearer and may be negotiated by
    transfer of possession alone until specially endorsed.”                          
    Va. Code Ann. § 8
    .3A-205(b).           And    once    in    possession    of     an
    instrument, the holder is entitled to enforce it.                      
     § 8.3A-
    301.   Thus, PFC as a holder in possession of the note had the
    authority     to   foreclose       on   the   property      in   accordance      with
    Virginia law.
    Wolf’s    next       argument      is       that     the     notarized          document
    purporting         to   appoint       PFC   as    trustee       is    invalid          because    the
    signed second page of the document was not attached to the first
    page at execution.                Wolf alleges that as a result of this defect
    the document was ineffective because of invalid notarization.
    In    support      of   this       proposition,         Wolf    relies    on       Stanley       Dale
    Williams v. HSBC Finance Corp., No. CL 10-877 (Va. Cir. Ct.
    March 30, 2011).               In Williams, the plaintiff alleged that the
    two       pages    of   a    document       purporting         to    appoint       a    substitute
    trustee appeared to have been executed at different places and
    times, and because of this may not have been executed in front
    of    a    notary.          The   court     found     that     this    was     a       valid   claim
    because the document must be executed in front of a notary to be
    effective.         Id. at 2.          Unfortunately, Williams is not helpful to
    Wolf.        In Williams, if the claims were true, this would have
    established that the document was not properly notarized.                                      Here,
    even if the allegations are true, it is irrelevant whether the
    pages      were    stapled        together       when    the    documents          were    signed.
    Wolf cites no authority, and we have found none, that requires
    papers       to    be       stapled    together         for     a    proper        notarization.
    Therefore, Wolf’s argument fails.
    Wolf next asserts a claim for fraud.            Wolf alleges that
    because of the invalid appointment of PFC as the trustee, the
    foreclosure action was void, and BAC and PFC committed fraud by
    advertising the foreclosure sale.        Further, Wolf claims that due
    to her reliance on the validity of the appointment, she failed
    to take action to prevent the foreclosure prior to the sale.              To
    plead a claim for fraud, a plaintiff must show:               (1) a false
    representation, (2) of material fact, (3) made intentionally and
    knowingly, (4) with intent to mislead, (5) reliance by the party
    misled, and (6) resulting damage to the party misled.                  State
    Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. Co. v. Remley, 
    618 S.E.2d 316
    , 321 (Va.
    2005).     Additionally,    the   Federal   Rules   of    Civil    Procedure
    mandate    a   heightened   pleading     standard   for    fraud    claims.
    Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 9(b) requires a party alleging
    fraud     to   “state   with      particularity     the     circumstances
    constituting fraud or mistake.”          Fed. R. Civ. P. 9(b).           The
    circumstances required to be pled with particularity are “the
    time, place, and contents of the false representations, as well
    as the identity of the person making the misrepresentation and
    what he obtained thereby.”         United States ex rel. Wilson v.
    Kellogg Brown & Root, Inc., 
    525 F.3d 370
    , 379 (4th Cir. 2008)
    (quoting Harrison v. Westinghouse Savannah River Co., 
    176 F.3d 776
    , 786 (4th Cir. 1999)).
    Wolf fails to satisfy the pleading standards for fraud.
    First, Wolf does not allege a false representation of material
    fact that is contained in the appointment document.                         Further,
    Wolf does not identify any representation that misled her.                        Even
    if   we   were   to   accept   that      the   appointment     of   PFC     and       the
    subsequent foreclosure sale were deficient, the document does
    not contain any facts that mislead Wolf.                    The document simply
    captures the intent of BAC and PFC to substitute PFC as trustee.
    Moreover, Wolf did not rely on these statements, as she took
    action to stop the foreclosure sale when she mailed notice of
    Similarly, Wolf fails to plead sufficient facts to show
    that    the   advertisement    of     the     foreclosure    sale   was     a    false
    representation.         Nothing     in      the   foreclosure       claim       was     a
    misrepresentation of material fact.                The advertisement merely
    shows that PFC intended to foreclose on the property, an action
    on which it followed through.                  Also, there is no reason to
    conclude that BAC and PFC intended to defraud Wolf because they
    sought to foreclose on her property after she defaulted on the
    loan.     It should come as no surprise to a home-owner that the
    lender may seek to foreclose on her home when she fails to make
    payments.     In sum, Wolf fails to plead several required elements
    to make a claim for fraud, and the district court was correct in
    dismissing her claim.
    Next, Wolf contends that PFC defamed her when it published
    the foreclosure notice.       She claims that the foreclosure notice
    caused   “her   public    shame   and    embarrassment       and     considerable
    emotional harm.”         To state a claim for defamation Wolf must
    show:    (1) publication of (2) a false statement (3) that defamed
    Wolf, and (4) was made with the requisite intent.                   See Chapin v.
    Knight-Ridder,    Inc.,     
    993 F.2d 1087
    ,    1092   (4th     Cir.   1993)
    (applying Virginia law).          “To be ‘actionable,’ the statement
    must be not only false, but also defamatory, that is, it must
    ‘tend[] so to harm the reputation of another as to lower him in
    the estimation of the community or to deter third persons from
    associating or dealing with him.’”                   
     (quoting Restatement
    (Second) of Torts § 559).
    In support of her argument Wolf cites language from the
    notice of foreclosure.      The notice provides:
    In execution of a Deed of Trust . . . . from ELAYNE
    WOLF dated May 14, 2007 . . . the undersigned
    appointed Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at a
    public auction at the front of the Circuit Court
    building for the County of Albemarle located at 501 E.
    Jefferson Street, Charlottesville, Virginia, on July
    21, 2010 . . . .
    Although Wolf contests the validity of the foreclosure sale, she
    has not alleged that the published statements were false.                       In
    fact, the advertisement that a foreclosure sale would occur is
    unquestionably true.       See Lapkoff v. Wilks, 
    969 F.2d 78
    , 82 (4th
    Cir. 1992) (noting that a true statement cannot be defamatory).
    Furthermore,       Wolf    was    undeniably      in    default,         rendering       the
    publication of a foreclosure notice warranted.                           In the absence
    of any false statement about Wolf, we cannot conclude that the
    foreclosure      notice     defamed      her.        Because        of    this,      Wolf’s
    defamation claim fails.
    Finally, Wolf argues that the note and accompanying deed of
    trust   contained     an     implied     covenant      of    good    faith      and     fair
    dealing   that     imposed    obligations       on     the   holder       of   the     note.
    Wolf claims that BAC breached the implied covenant of good faith
    and fair dealing by acting outside of the scope of their rights
    when    (1)   proceeding         with    the    foreclosure         even       after    the
    allegedly “bogus” substitution of the trustee and (2) asserting
    ownership on the basis of an invalid foreclosure.
    Wolf   is    correct       that    “[i]n      Virginia,       every        contract
    contains an implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing.”
    Enomoto v. Space Adventures, Ltd., 
    624 F. Supp. 2d 443
    , 450
    (E.D. Va. 2009).          However, the covenant of good faith and fair
    dealing does not mean that a party who has contracted for valid
    contractual rights cannot exercise those rights, as long as that
    party does not exercise those rights in bad faith.                        See 
    In this case, MERS had the authority to assign the note to
    BAC, and BAC had the authority to appoint a substitute trustee,
    namely PFC.     The note also provided the right to foreclose on
    the property.     Simply stated, MERS and its assigns had valid
    contractual rights to take all of the steps that they did in
    fact take.    To prevail, Wolf needs to show sufficient evidence
    that these rights were exercised in bad faith.     Although Wolf
    may not agree with actions taken, she has presented no evidence
    that BAC’s contractual discretion was exercised in bad faith,
    dishonestly, or that she was treated unfairly.     Therefore, we
    must conclude that BAC did not breach the implied covenant of
    good faith and fair dealing.
    Wolf fails to state any claim that survives a motion to
    dismiss.   Because of this failure, we affirm the judgment of the
    district court.