National Labor Relations Board v. Enterprise Leasing Co. Southeast, LLC , 722 F.3d 609 ( 2013 )

  •                                PUBLISHED
    No. 12-1514
    On Application for Enforcement of an Order of the National Labor
    Relations Board. (11-CA-73779)
    No. 12-2000
    Amici Supporting Petitioner.
    No. 12-2065
    Amici Supporting Respondent.
    On Petition for Review and Cross Application for Enforcement of
    an Order of the National Labor Relations Board. (5−CA−81306)
    Argued:   March 22, 2013                    Decided:   July 17, 2013
    - 2 -
    Before DUNCAN and DIAZ, Circuit Judges, and HAMILTON, Senior
    Circuit Judge.
    Enforcement denied by published opinion.    Senior Judge Hamilton
    wrote the opinion, in which Judge Duncan joined.     Judge Duncan
    wrote a separate concurring opinion.       Judge Diaz wrote an
    opinion concurring in part and dissenting in part.
    Washington, D.C., David A. Seid, Robert James Englehart,
    NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD, Washington, D.C., for the Board;
    James B. Coppess, AFL-CIO, Washington, D.C., for International
    Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers.       Daniel R.
    Begian, John P. Hasman, THE LOWENBAUM PARTNERSHIP, LLC, Clayton,
    Missouri, for Enterprise Leasing Company Southeast, LLC; Gregory
    Branch   Robertson,  Michael   Randolph   Shebelskie,   HUNTON  &
    WILLIAMS, LLP, Richmond, Virginia, for Huntington Ingalls
    Incorporated.    ON BRIEF: Stuart F. Delery, Principal Deputy
    Assistant Attorney General, Scott R. McIntosh, Sarang V. Damle,
    Melissa N. Patterson, Benjamin M. Shultz, UNITED STATES
    DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, Washington, D.C.; Lafe E. Solomon, Acting
    General Counsel, Celeste J. Mattina, Deputy General Counsel,
    John H. Ferguson, Associate General Counsel, Linda Dreeben,
    Deputy Associate General Counsel, Ruth E. Burdick, Supervisory
    Attorney, Daniel A. Blitz, NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD,
    Washington, D.C., for the Board.        D. Michael Linihan, THE
    LOWENBAUM PARTNERSHIP, LLC, Clayton, Missouri, for Enterprise
    Leasing Company Southeast, LLC.      Kurt G. Larkin, HUNTON &
    WILLIAMS, LLP, Richmond, Virginia, Dean C. Berry, HUNTINGTON
    INGALLS INDUSTRIES, INC., Newport News, Virginia, for Huntington
    Ingalls Incorporated.     William H. Haller, Associate General
    WORKERS, Upper Marlboro, Maryland, for International Association
    of Machinists and Aerospace Workers.     Mark Theodore, PROSKAUER
    ROSE LLP, Los Angeles, California, Ronald E. Meisburg, Lawrence
    Z. Lorber, James F. Segroves, PROSKAUER ROSE LLP, Washington,
    D.C., for Amici Curiae; Robin S. Conrad, Shane B. Kawka,
    Amicus Curiae Chamber of Commerce of the United States; Quentin
    for Amicus Curiae National Association of Manufacturers.
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    HAMILTON, Senior Circuit Judge:
    Before the court are two cases that we have consolidated.
    In the first case, Enterprise Leasing Company − Southeast, LLC
    (Enterprise) seeks review of a National Labor Relations Board
    (the Board) decision and order finding that Enterprise violated
    §§ 8(a)(1)    and   (a)(5)    of    the   National    Labor    Relations    Act
    29 U.S.C. §§ 158
    (a)(1) and (5), by refusing to bargain
    with Local 391 of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters
    (Local 391) after the Board certified Local 391 as the exclusive
    bargaining representative of a unit of Enterprise’s employees.
    The Board has filed an application for enforcement of its order.
    In the second case, Huntington Ingalls, Inc. (Huntington)
    petitions for review of a Board decision and order finding that
    Huntington violated §§ 8(a)(1) and (a)(5) of the NLRA, id., by
    refusing     to   bargain    with   the   International       Association    of
    Machinists and Aerospace Workers (Machinists Union) after the
    Board certified the Machinists Union as the exclusive bargaining
    representative of a unit of Huntington’s employees.                 The Board
    has filed an application for enforcement of its order.
    The determinative question in these cases is whether the
    Board had a quorum at the time it issued its decisions in 2012.
    See New Process Steel, L.P. v. NLRB, 
    130 S. Ct. 2635
    , 2639-45
    (2010)   (holding    that,    following      a   delegation   of   the   NLRB’s
    powers to a three-member group, two members cannot continue to
    - 4 -
    exercise   that     delegated      authority     once   the    group’s     (and    the
    Board’s) membership falls to two).               Resolution of this question
    turns on whether the three appointments by the President of the
    United States to the Board on January 4, 2012 are valid under
    the     Recess     Appointments         Clause     of    the     United      States
    Constitution,      which    provides     that    the    President     “shall      have
    Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess
    of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall expire at the
    End of their next Session.”           U.S. Const. art. II, § 2, cl.3.              If
    these appointments are invalid, the parties agree that the Board
    could not lawfully act when it issued its decisions in 2012.
    For the reasons stated below, we conclude that the President’s
    three    January      4,    2012     appointments        to     the    Board       are
    constitutionally infirm, because the appointments were not made
    during “the Recess of the Senate.”                 Accordingly, we deny the
    Board’s applications for enforcement of its orders.
    The two cases currently before the court have a similar
    procedural       history.       Local     391    prevailed     in     an   election
    conducted by the Board.             Before a Board Hearing Officer in a
    representation case, Enterprise challenged the election result
    on multiple fronts.          Enterprise lost the representation case
    before a Board Hearing Officer and lost again on review by the
    - 5 -
    Board.       Following these losses, Enterprise refused to bargain
    with Local 391.            Local 391 initiated an unfair labor practice
    proceeding     against       Enterprise,      and,    in   response,      Enterprise
    contended, among other things, that the Board lacked a quorum to
    issue a decision because the President’s three January 4, 2012
    appointments to the Board were invalid under the United States
    Constitution.         The    Board     rejected    Enterprise’s     arguments    and
    ordered Enterprise to bargain with Local 391.                       The Board now
    seeks enforcement of its decision and order.
    The dispute in Huntington’s case centers on the appropriate
    bargaining     unit    for     Huntington’s        2,400   technical      employees.
    Before   a    Board   Regional       Director     (RD),    the   Machinists    Union
    contended      that    a     portion     of   Huntington’s        2,400   technical
    employees, namely those in the “E85 RADCON” department, was an
    appropriate     bargaining      unit     whereas     Huntington    contended    that
    the bargaining unit should consist of all 2,400 of its technical
    employees.     The RD agreed with the Machinists Union and issued a
    decision     and   direction     of     election     (DDE).       Huntington    then
    requested Board review of the DDE.                   On December 30, 2011, the
    Board affirmed the RD’s decision.
    In the ensuing election, the Machinists Union prevailed.
    The Board subsequently certified the Machinists Union as the
    exclusive representative for purposes of collective bargaining.
    Following certification, Huntington refused to comply with the
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    Machinists Union bargaining request, and the Machinists Union
    filed    an     unfair   labor     practice     charge.        In    that   proceeding,
    Huntington contended, inter alia, that the Board did not have a
    quorum     to    issue    a    decision,      because      the      President’s       three
    January 4, 2012 appointments to the Board were constitutionally
    infirm.        The Board rejected this argument and others, holding
    that Huntington’s refusal to bargain was unlawful.                             The Board
    seeks enforcement of this decision and order, and Huntington
    petitions for review of such decision.
    In their respective briefs, both Enterprise and Huntington
    raise constitutional and non-constitutional arguments.                             Before
    we   can      address    the   constitutional        arguments,        we   must      first
    attempt to resolve these cases on non-constitutional grounds, if
    possible.       See Spector Motor Serv., Inc. v. McLaughlin, 
    323 U.S. 101
    , 105 (1944) (“If there is one doctrine more deeply rooted
    than any other in the process of constitutional adjudication, it
    is that we ought not to pass on questions of constitutionality .
    . . unless such adjudication is unavoidable.”); Ashwander v.
    Tenn.    Valley     Auth.,     
    297 U.S. 288
    ,    347   (1936)      (Brandeis,       J.,
    concurring)       (noting      that    a     court    “will      not    pass     upon    a
    constitutional          question     although       properly     presented       by     the
    record, if there is also present some other ground upon which
    the case may be disposed of”); see also Noel Canning v. NLRB,
    705 F.3d 490
    , 493 (D.C. Cir.) (pursuant to Spector Motor and
    - 7 -
    Ashwander, court addressed non-constitutional claims concerning
    company’s refusal to bargain before addressing the question of
    whether the President’s three January 4, 2012 appointments to
    the Board were constitutional), cert. granted, 
    2013 WL 1774240
    (U.S.    June    24,   2013).     In   addressing      the   non-constitutional
    arguments advanced by both Enterprise and Huntington, we first
    will turn to Enterprise’s case and then to Huntington’s case.
    Enterprise        operates   an    Alamo    and    National   car     rental
    facility    at     the   Raleigh-Durham        International     Airport    (RDU
    Airport).       On November 9, 2010, Local 391 filed a petition with
    the Board seeking to represent a unit of Enterprise’s employees. 1
    Enterprise and Local 391 signed an election agreement, and the
    Board conducted an election by secret ballot at Enterprise’s
    facility from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Thursday, December 16,
    The parties agree that the 101 employee bargaining unit
    consisted of full and regular part-time greeters, exit booth
    agents, counter representatives, rental agents, handler agents,
    service agents, customer service representatives, bus drivers,
    push/pullers, and mechanics employed by Enterprise.         The
    bargaining   unit   excluded   salaried  employees,   technical
    employees, office clerical employees, guards, professional
    employees, and supervisors.
    - 8 -
    2010, and from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., and again from 3:00
    p.m. to 5:00 p.m., on Friday, December 17, 2010.
    At some point before the election, Local 391 mailed a flyer
    to all eligible voters which included a photograph of employee
    and   eligible     voter    Roberto       Henriquez    without      his   prior
    authorization for Local 391 to use his photograph. 2               One side of
    the   flyer    contained   the   words,    “Yes.   Everybody     can   make   the
    right choice!!         To end Unfair treatment & Unfair pay!!”                The
    words were surrounded by the photographs of eight employees of
    Enterprise, including Henriquez.            The other side of the flyer
    had a note that asked employees to let Local 391 be their voice
    for   better    pay,   benefits,   and    treatment.     The     photograph    of
    Henriquez was taken by Chafik Omerani, an Enterprise employee
    and Local 391 supporter, at a food court in a shopping mall near
    the RDU Airport.
    On the first day of the election, December 16, 2010, Wake
    County,   North    Carolina,     where    the   RDU    airport    is   located,
    experienced inclement weather.            Weather records establish that
    between 1/10 and 1/8 of an inch of freezing rain and 1/2 to one
    inch of snow fell in Wake County on December 16.                 No additional
    Henriquez did not testify at the hearing before the Board
    Hearing Officer.     Accordingly, the record does not reflect
    whether Henriquez was or was not a Local 391 supporter.
    However, it is clear that his prior authorization was not
    obtained and that Local 391 had a general policy of not using
    employees’ images without their prior consent.
    - 9 -
    freezing rain or snow fell on December 17, and there was no snow
    accumulation    at    the    RDU   airport     or    Enterprise’s   facility     on
    either day.
    As a result of the inclement weather, area schools and some
    businesses were closed on December 16.                  The opening of schools
    and some government businesses was delayed on December 17.                      The
    RDU Airport and Enterprise’s facility at the airport remained
    open during regular hours on both December 16 and 17.                   Although
    Enterprise’s facility remained open, it received ten employee
    “call-outs” on December 16 and four “call-outs” on December 17. 3
    No   evidence   was    presented      concerning       Enterprise’s    normal    or
    average call-out rate.             There was also no evidence presented
    indicating that any eligible Enterprise employee was unable to
    vote on account of the weather.              Moreover, neither party sought
    to postpone the election on account of the weather.
    On   December    16,    2010,    Local    391     organizer   Steve   Jones
    entered    Enterprise’s       facility       approximately     thirty    minutes
    before the start of the election.                   He approached the customer
    service     counter     where       two      Enterprise     Customer     Service
    Representatives, one of whom was Damion Knowles, were seated.
    After greeting Knowles, Jones asked him how his interview had
    “Call-out” is a term used to describe an employee who
    contacts his or her employer to report that he or she will not
    be coming to work.
    - 10 -
    gone for a management position that Knowles had mentioned in an
    earlier conversation between the two.                 Knowles replied that the
    interview       went   well    and     that   with   more   experience    he    would
    receive his own store in Dallas, Texas.                     Jones noted that the
    International Brotherhood of Teamsters had members in the Dallas
    area and asked Knowles if he still had Jones’ business card.
    After    Knowles       answered      affirmatively,    Jones    stated,      “[w]ell,
    keep it, you know, you never know, you might need me sometime.
    You never want to burn any bridges.”
    Eighty-seven votes were cast in the election.                      Forty-four
    employees voted for Local 391; forty-one against.                        There were
    two challenged ballots, an insufficient number to affect the
    outcome of the election.
    On December 27, 2010, Enterprise filed six objections to
    the election with the RD.              A hearing was ordered before a Board
    Hearing Officer.         On February 7, 2011, the Board Hearing Officer
    issued     his     Report        and     Recommendation       recommending          that
    Enterprise’s objections be overruled and that a Certification of
    Representative issue.
    Enterprise        then   filed     exceptions    with    the   Board     to    the
    Board Hearing Officer’s Report and Recommendation.                     On December
    29,     2011,    the     Board    adopted      the    Board    Hearing    Officer’s
    recommendations         to    overrule    Enterprise’s      objections,      and    the
    - 11 -
    Board      certified         Local     391        as         collective         bargaining
    representative of the Enterprise unit employees.
    On January 17, 2012, Local 391 asked Enterprise to bargain
    with it, and Enterprise refused.               On February 3, 2012, Local 391
    filed an unfair labor practices charge with the Board alleging
    that Enterprise violated the NLRA by refusing to bargain with
    it.     On February 27, 2012 the Board’s General Counsel issued a
    complaint against Enterprise.                 On March 14, 2012, the Board’s
    General Counsel filed a motion for summary judgment.
    On April 18, 2012, the Board granted the Board’s General
    Counsel’s motion for summary judgment, holding that Enterprise
    violated    §§ 8(a)(1)       and     (a)(5)    of      the    NLRA       by    refusing   to
    bargain with Local 391.              The Board’s order requires Enterprise
    to cease and desist from engaging in the unfair labor practices
    found and from in any like or related manner interfering with,
    restraining,       or   coercing     employees      in       the    exercise      of   their
    rights     under    the   NLRA.        Affirmatively,              the    Board’s      order
    requires Enterprise to bargain with Local 391 upon request and
    embody any understanding reached in a signed agreement.                                   The
    order also requires Enterprise to post a remedial notice and, if
    appropriate, distribute copies of the notice electronically.
    Section      8(a)(1)    of     the   NLRA     makes      it    an       unfair   labor
    practice to “interfere with, restrain, or coerce employees in
    - 12 -
    the exercise of [their rights under the NLRA],” while § 8(a)(5)
    makes it an unfair labor practice for an employer “to refuse to
    bargain collectively with the representatives of his employees.”
    29 U.S.C. §§ 158
    (a)(1), (5).                       Enterprise admits that it refused
    to bargain with Local 391, but claims that the Board erred in
    refusing to set aside the results of the election.
    A    union        may    obtain      certification        in   one    of     two   ways:
    through      an    election       or     the      employer’s     voluntary        recognition.
    Lincoln Park Zoological Soc. v. NLRB, 
    116 F.3d 216
    , 219 (7th
    Cir.       1997).             Here,    of      course,     there      was     no       voluntary
    recognition.            Thus, we must address whether Local 391 obtained
    recognition through a valid election.
    “Congress has entrusted the Board with a wide degree of
    discretion          in        establishing         the    procedure         and    safeguards
    necessary         to    insure     the      fair    and   free    choice     of    bargaining
    representatives by employees.”                      NLRB v. A.J. Tower Co., 
    329 U.S. 324
    , 330 (1946).                Consequently, we presume the validity of a
    Board-supervised              election      and    will   overturn     such       an    election
    only if the Board has clearly abused its discretion.                                    NLRB v.
    Media Gen. Operations, Inc., 
    360 F.3d 434
    , 441 (4th Cir. 2004);
    NLRB v. Flambeau Airmold Corp., 
    178 F.3d 705
    , 707 (4th Cir.
    A party seeking to have an election set aside bears a heavy
    burden      and        must    prove     by    specific     evidence        not    only    that
    - 13 -
    improprieties       occurred,         but     also    that    they     prevented          a   fair
    election.       Elizabethtown Gas Co. v. NLRB, 
    212 F.3d 257
    , 262 (4th
    Cir. 2000).        When evaluating whether a party has met this heavy
    burden, we must be “mindful of the real world environment in
    which an election takes place.”                     NLRB v. Coca-Cola Bottling Co.,
    132 F.3d 1001
    ,     1003    (4th        Cir.    1997).         “Although       the       Board
    strives to maintain laboratory conditions in elections, clinical
    asepsis is an unattainable goal.                     An election is by its nature a
    rough and tumble affair, and a certain amount of exaggerations,
    hyperbole, and appeals to emotion are to be expected.”                                         
    (citation and internal quotation marks omitted).
    The Board’s “findings of fact are conclusive as long as
    they    are     ‘supported       by     substantial        evidence      on     the       record
    considered as a whole.’”                Evergreen Am. Corp. v. NLRB, 
    531 F.3d 321
    ,     326     (4th    Cir.        2008)     (quoting       
    29 U.S.C. § 160
    “Substantial evidence is ‘such relevant evidence as a reasonable
    mind might accept as adequate to support a conclusion.’”                                       
    (quoting       Richardson       v.    Perales,       
    402 U.S. 389
    ,     401     (1971)).
    “While     the     Board        may     not     base       its      inference        on       pure
    speculation[,]          it    may     draw     reasonable          inferences       from        the
    evidence.”       Overnite Transp. Co. v. NLRB, 
    280 F.3d 417
    , 428 (4th
    Cir.     2002)     (en       banc)     (alteration,          ellipsis,        and    internal
    quotation marks omitted).
    - 14 -
    Enterprise first contends that the results of the election
    must    be   set    aside    because       Local    391   used          a    photograph       of
    Enterprise        employee     Roberto     Henriquez      on        a       campaign    flyer
    without      Henriquez’s     prior    authorization.            In          rejecting       this
    contention, the Board found that, at most, Local 391 “implicitly
    misrepresented that Henriquez authorized the use of his image in
    the flyer.”         Enterprise Leasing Co. — Southeast, LLC, 
    2011 WL 6853530
    ,     at    *2   (NLRB   2011).        According        to       the    Board,       such
    misrepresentation did not warrant setting aside the results of
    the election, because there was no evidence that Local 391 in
    fact misrepresented Henriquez’s support for Local 391 or that he
    objected to Local 391’s use of his photograph on the flyer.                                  The
    Board also emphasized that there was no evidence of pervasive
    misrepresentations          regarding     Enterprise      employee            authorization
    for use of photographs or any claim that eligible Enterprise
    employees were unable to recognize the flyer as anything else
    than Local 391 propaganda.
    In Midland National Life Insurance Company, 
    263 NLRB 127
    (1982), which was approved by this court in Case Farms of North
    Carolina, Incorporated v. NLRB, 
    128 F.3d 841
     (4th Cir. 1997),
    the    Board   outlined      the    standard       regarding        misrepresentations
    occurring in the context of campaign statements.                               Midland, 263
    NLRB   at    129-33.        Under   the    Midland    standard,              the    Board    “no
    longer      probe[s]    into    the   truth    or     falsity           of    the    parties’
    - 15 -
    campaign statements” nor will it “set elections aside on the
    basis of misleading campaign statements.”                  Id. at 133; see also
    Case Farms, 
    128 F.3d at 844
     (quoting Midland).
    The only exception to the Midland standard concerns forged
    documents.      Midland, 263 NLRB at 133.                The premise behind this
    particular exception evidences the Board’s central concern that
    employee voters not be deceived with respect to the true nature
    of the statement in campaign propaganda.                   
         In outlining the
    Midland standard, the Board displayed its faith in the employee
    voters’ ability not to accept what they are told at face value,
    but, instead, to weigh it according to its potential for bias.
    Accordingly, the Board determined that it would “set an election
    aside not because of the substance of the representation, but
    because of the deceptive manner in which it was made, a manner
    which renders employees unable to evaluate the forgery for what
    it     is.”          
              The      Board         further       distinguished
    misrepresentations, which would not require the election to be
    set aside, from other types of campaign misconduct, “such as
    threats,      promises,    or   the   like,”     which     if    adequately      proven
    would warrant setting aside the results of an election.                       
    In this case, we cannot say that the Board misapplied “the
    permissive     Midland     standard.”       Case    Farms,       
    128 F.3d at 845
    Even   if,     as   Enterprise    suggests,        the    evidence      proved      that
    Henriquez did not authorize the use of his image, such evidence
    - 16 -
    would still amount to a mere misrepresentation in the campaign
    context.       Local 391’s conduct involved no forgery, and there is
    nothing in the record to indicate that the eligible Enterprise
    employees’ ability to recognize the flyer as campaign propaganda
    was     compromised.                Moreover,         the    Board’s      rejection        of
    Enterprise’s campaign flyer claim is consistent with its prior
    precedent.       See Somerset Valley Rehab. & Nursing Center, 
    2011 WL 4498270
    ,    at    **1-3       (NLRB      2011)    (overruling        objection     where    a
    union falsely quoted union supporters as actually stating that
    they would vote for the union); BFI Waste Servs., 
    343 NLRB 254
    254   n.2   (2004)     (overruling           objection       where    a   union    arguably
    misrepresented quotes from two employees); Champaign Residential
    Servs.   Inc.,     
    325 NLRB 687
    ,      687    (1998)    (overruling       objection
    where    two     employees      did      not     know    that   their     signatures       in
    support of a union would be shared with others on a flyer);
    Findlay Indus. Inc., 
    323 NLRB 766
    , 766 n.2 (1997) (overruling
    objection      where     a    union,        at   most,      misrepresented        that   two
    employees would vote for it).
    In support of its position, Enterprise asserts that the
    Board    has     established         a   per     se   rule     preventing    unions      and
    employers from using the photograph of an employee without the
    employee’s prior authorization, citing Brentwood At Hobart v.
    675 F.3d 999
     (6th Cir. 2012), Sprain Brook Manor Nursing
    Home, LLC, 
    348 NLRB 851
     (2006), Allegheny Ludlum Corporation,
    - 17 -
    333 NLRB 734
     (2001), and Sony Corporation of America, 
    313 NLRB 420
     (1993).       However, the Board’s precedent has not established
    such a per se rule.
    In     Brentwood      At    Hobart,      the    court   merely       recited     an
    unremarkable proposition that unauthorized photos “may taint” an
    election,       but   found     that    the   employer    waived       its   claim    by
    failing to present it to the Board.                  
    675 F.3d at 1001, 1005-07
    Thus, the court did not recognize a per se rule.                             In Sprain
    Brook, the Board declined to overturn an election because the
    union     had    purportedly      photographed        employees        without   their
    consent and then used the photographs in its campaign materials.
    348 NLRB at 851.         The Board noted that the union had obtained
    signed    consent      forms     from    employees       prior    to     using   their
     but it did not hold that the use of employee
    photographs without such consent is per se objectionable.
    In Allegheny Ludlum, the Board set forth five prerequisites
    for permissible employer videotaping of employees for a campaign
    video which included assurances that an employee’s participation
    was voluntary, 333 NLRB at 743; it also explicitly stated that
    it was not creating a per se rule that “employers must obtain
    employees’      explicit      consent    before     including    their       images   in
    campaign videotapes.”           Id. at 744.         Further, to the extent that
    its earlier decision in Sony was being construed as establishing
    a per se rule requiring explicit employee consent, the Board in
    - 18 -
    Allegheny Ludlum said that such a construction was “unintended
    and unwarranted.”          Id.
    In sum, we hold that the Board’s determination that the
    results of the election should not be set aside because Local
    391 used a photograph of Enterprise employee Roberto Henriquez
    on a campaign flyer without Henriquez’s prior authorization is
    supported by substantial evidence.
    Enterprise also contends that the election results should
    be set aside because an ice/snow storm on December 16, 2010 in
    the   Wake      County,    North   Carolina      area      caused     a    determinative
    number     of     eligible    Enterprise       employees      not     to    vote    in    the
    election held on December 16 and 17.                   Adopting the reasoning of
    the Board Hearing Officer, the Board concluded that Enterprise
    failed     to     show   that    the   severity       of   the   weather      conditions
    reasonably        denied     eligible    Enterprise          employees      an     adequate
    opportunity to vote.
    In     In    re    Baker   Victory   Services,          Inc.,    
    331 NLRB 1068
    (2000), the Board stated that an election “should be set aside
    where    severe      weather     conditions      on    the    day     of   the     election
    reasonably        denied   eligible     voters    an       adequate       opportunity      to
    vote and a determinative number did not vote.”                        
    Id. at 1070
    ; see
    also V.I.P. Limousine, Inc., 
    274 NLRB 641
    , 641 (1985) (noting
    that an election should be set aside where the inclement weather
    - 19 -
    “affect[s]       the   electorate          as      a    whole”       and    “[a]       substantial
    number of employees did not vote in the election”).                                          Applying
    this     standard,      we    find        no       reason     to     disturb         the      Board’s
    Neither     the       RDU        Airport        nor    Enterprise’s             car    rental
    facility closed at any time on December 16 or 17, 2010 because
    of the inclement weather.                  Moreover, there is no evidence that
    the    weather     conditions           affected       the     ability          of   any     eligible
    Enterprise        employee         to     vote,        especially          when      the     weather
    improved     on    December         17,        a    day      where    eligible          Enterprise
    employees were offered two different time periods in which to
    Enterprise turns our attention to the testimony of Jill
    Trout,    Enterprise’s         Human       Resources          Manager,          that    Enterprise
    received about ten “call outs” on December 16, 2010 and four
    more on December 17.               However, Enterprise presented no evidence
    regarding its normal call-out rate, and, thus, the meaning of
    this evidence cannot be discerned.                            Moreover, Trout testified
    that she had no personal knowledge of the reason for the call-
    outs, nor did she have any knowledge of any eligible Enterprise
    employee who did not vote on account of the weather.                                    Under such
    circumstances,         Trout’s          testimony         sheds      no    light       on     whether
    eligible    Enterprise         employees            were     denied        an    opportunity       to
    - 20 -
    The    Board’s        ruling   on    Enterprise’s        contention      concerning
    the inclement weather is consistent with its reasoned decisions.
    For example, in V.I.P. Limousine, the Board understandably set
    aside an election where twenty inches of snow fell around the
    election site in Connecticut during the polling period, “making
    navigation of the roads extremely difficult, if not impossible.”
    274    NLRB    at     641.      Similarly,           in    Baker   Victory,         the   Board
    properly set aside an election where more than four feet of snow
    had fallen in the City of Buffalo during the two-week period
    preceding       the      election,      and    a      state   of   emergency        had   been
    declared for the city during the week of the election.                               331 NLRB
    at 1069.
    Unlike the weather conditions in V.I.P. Limousine and Baker
    Victory, there is no evidence that weather conditions impacted
    the ability of the eligible Enterprise employees to vote.                                   As
    noted    above,       Enterprise’s         car       rental   facility    remained        open
    throughout the inclement weather on December 16, 2010, and there
    is no evidence that weather was a serious issue when the polls
    were     open       on       December      17.            Accordingly,        the     Board’s
    determination that the results of the election should not be set
    aside because of the ice/snow storm on December 16 in the Wake
    County,       North       Carolina      area         is   supported      by    substantial
    - 21 -
    Enterprise contends that the results of the election should
    be set aside because union organizer Steve Jones told Enterprise
    employee    Damion      Knowles       in    the   presence       of    other    Enterprise
    employees     that     “[y]ou     never      want    to   burn    any    bridges.”        In
    support of this contention, Enterprise heavily relies on the
    subjective      reaction     of    Knowles,         who   says    he    felt    physically
    threatened      by     Jones’s        statement.           However,       adopting     the
    reasoning of the Board Hearing Officer, the Board concluded that
    Jones’s statement failed to establish that the free choice of a
    reasonable employee would have been hindered.                          We agree with the
    First     off,    we     have     recognized        that    the     “‘[s]ubjective
    reactions of employees are irrelevant to the question of whether
    there    was,    in     fact,      objectionable          conduct.”            Media   Gen.
    360 F.3d at 442
     (quoting Kmart Corp., 
    322 NLRB 1014
    1015 (1997)).         This is so because the test for coercion is an
    objective one.        
    Second, embracing Enterprise’s argument would do harm to
    the precedent that recognizes that “election campaigns, by their
    nature, are rough and tumble affairs, and they typically involve
    elements of pressure or inducement.”                      
        A certain amount of
    hyperbole and exaggeration is expected in an election campaign,
    which is why the responsibility for assessing the relevant facts
    and   deciding       whether      the      union’s    conduct     interfered       with   a
    - 22 -
    reasonable employee’s free and fair choice in a representation
    election lies with the Board.            
        This case is no different.
    Third and finally, we agree with the Board that, even if
    Knowles’ statement could somehow be construed as a threat, the
    statement merely implied that Knowles should not forsake a good
    relationship with Jones, even if Knowles moved into management,
    because no one knows what the future may bring.                    As such, the
    statement would not coerce a voter or cause a voter to change
    his or her vote.         Cf. 
     (holding that a union agent did not
    engage   in   coercive    conduct    when       he   told   employees   that   they
    should sign a petition stating they would vote for the union to
    “‘separate the men from the boys’”).
    In sum, the Board’s determination that the results of the
    election should not be set aside because Jones told Knowles that
    “[y]ou   never    want     to     burn    any     bridges”    is   supported     by
    substantial evidence.
    Huntington,      formerly          Northrop       Grumman    Shipbuilding,
    operates a shipbuilding and dry dock facility in Newport News,
    Virginia.     Its principal business is the construction, repair,
    and   overhaul    of     United     States       Navy   vessels,    particularly
    nuclear-powered aircraft carriers and submarines.
    - 23 -
    The construction of an aircraft carrier is a complicated
    task.    Its construction requires a carefully planned and highly
    integrated design and manufacturing process involving thousands
    of employees.        The lifespan of an aircraft carrier construction
    project,    from    the   time    the   keel     is   laid   through   completion,
    takes between five and six years.                 Submarines are smaller than
    aircraft     carriers     but    similarly       challenging     to    design    and
    construct.     The process used to build submarines is not unlike
    that used for aircraft carriers.
    Huntington      also      performs       considerable     refueling       and
    overhaul     work.        Nuclear-powered         aircraft     carriers     require
    refueling of their nuclear core after about twenty-five years of
    operation.     This intricate process requires over three years to
    complete.     During refueling, Huntington also performs a general
    overhaul of the ship, updating computer, electronic, and combat
    systems.     As with initial construction, refueling and overhaul
    involves the integrated work of thousands of employees.
    Huntington employs approximately 18,500 people.                  It divides
    its       workforce           into       four         categories—-professional,
    administrative, production and maintenance, and technical.                      This
    case    concerns      Huntington’s        approximately        2,400      technical
    - 24 -
    employees. 4     Technical     employees       perform       non-manual      work
    requiring some sort of specialized training.                Huntington groups
    technical employees into ten job classifications: (1) quality
    inspectors; (2) test technicians; (3) designers; (4) engineering
    technicians; (5) dimensional control technicians; (6) laboratory
    technicians;    (7)      chemical     handlers;       (8)     planners;      (9)
    radiological   control    technicians       (RCTs);   and    (10)    calibration
    The   technical     employees     in    almost    all     of    these   job
    classifications work in various divisions and departments, and
    work at various locations throughout the shipyard. 5                The RCTs and
    In addition to the technical employees, Huntington employs
    approximately 2,000 professional employees (mostly engineers),
    approximately 1,500 administrative employees (mostly office and
    clerical staff), approximately 8,500 production and maintenance
    employees (electricians, welders, machinists, janitors, and
    riggers,   among    others),   approximately   2,500  supervisory
    employees   (foremen,   managers,  superintendents,  supervisors,
    directors, and vice presidents), and approximately 1,600 other
    employees who perform various tasks.         The production and
    maintenance employees, the guards, and the firefighters are the
    only employees represented by a union.
    Structurally, Huntington is headed by a General Manager,
    who oversees six operating divisions.         The six operating
    divisions are: (1) Navy Programs Division, which provides
    overall management and oversight over aircraft carrier and
    submarine construction and aircraft carrier overhaul; (2) the
    Operations   and   Manufacturing  Division,  which   handles   the
    manufacture of ship components in the first phase of production
    for assembly on the ships; (3) the Quality and Process
    Excellence Division, which audits and inspects production work
    and   provides   record   reviews  and   ensures   that   contract
    specifications are met; (4) the Waterfront Nuclear Engineering
    - 25 -
    calibration       technicians      are     only      assigned      to   one      department
    within     Huntington’s         Nuclear     Services         Division         called      “E85
    RADCON.”       Technical employees are salaried, have their own labor
    and salary grades separate from all other employees and are paid
    under the same bi-weekly payroll system.                          They are covered by
    the   same     personnel       policies     and      are    eligible       for     the    same
    pension,       401(k),    medical,      dental,      insurance,         and    sick      leave
    plans    and    other    benefits       programs,      as    are    all      unrepresented
    salaried       employees.        They    all    perform      non-manual          work    of   a
    technical       nature,        requiring       the     exercise         of     specialized
    training,       some     on-the-job       and     others      requiring          additional
    extensive        coursework.              Seven        of     the       ten        technical
    classifications         have    some    limited      radiation       worker        training.
    Aside from the RCTs, who have extensive radiological control
    training,       designers,       test     technicians,            quality      inspectors,
    laboratory       technicians,      calibration         technicians,          and    chemical
    handlers all are given dosimetry training of two to five days
    because      their     duties     require       that       they    enter      radiological
    controlled areas.         Many employees do not enter such areas.
    and Test Services Division (Nuclear Services Division), which
    provides oversight of the nuclear aspects of Huntington’s
    operations; (5) the Commercial Nuclear Programs Department,
    which is involved in the construction of commercial nuclear
    plant equipment and systems; and (6) the Department of Energy
    Programs Office, which is involved with various programs offered
    by the Department of Energy.
    - 26 -
    Quality inspectors provide oversight for the construction,
    maintenance and overhaul, and refueling of the nuclear vessels.
    They use drawings prepared by other technicians to ensure that
    all     construction         and   repair     work       is    performed       within      the
    specifications of the drawing requirements.
    Test   technicians          perform    a     variety     of    nuclear      and   non-
    nuclear mechanical and electrical testing on a ship’s component
    systems.      The non-nuclear test technicians work on propulsion
    and combat systems while the nuclear test technicians work on
    various    nuclear       systems.       Both       nuclear      and    non-nuclear       test
    technicians help establish system conditions and execute work
    control documents during the shipbuilding process.
    Designers        create     drawings       and    blueprints         that   serve    as
    guides     for    the        manufacturing        of    ship    components         and   ship
    assembly.        They frequently visit the ships to analyze various
    components and systems on which they are working.
    Engineering technicians typically are former Navy personnel
    with    aptitude        in    mechanical      and       electrical      systems.         They
    interface        with    engineers,        designers,          and     the    construction
    workers who build ship systems.                        They also prepare technical
    work documents that guide certain work processes.
    Dimension control technicians provide metrology services.
    They    use   precision        instruments        to    measure       the    dimensions     of
    large     ship     structures        and      machinery        foundations         so    that
    - 27 -
    components can be constructed to fit together properly.                    They
    map these materials with photogrammetric instruments and laser
    trackers, which requires extensive training.
    Laboratory     technicians      test     production     materials      and
    elements generated by shipbuilding.           They perform environmental
    sampling, metals and coating analysis, water chemistry analysis,
    and mechanical and metallurgy testing.              They also examine and
    test materials generated during nuclear work.
    Chemical Handlers dispose of hazardous materials generated
    during shipbuilding and overhaul.             They primarily handle the
    radioactive waste generated during nuclear work.
    Planners review ship designs, technical work documents, and
    other drawings to determine the proper sequencing of work and
    material procurement.        They determine needed materials and when
    they need to be delivered.
    RCTs are part of a department within Huntington’s Nuclear
    Services Division called “E85 RADCON.”           There are approximately
    140 RCTs in the E85 RADCON department.                There are also other
    technical employees in the department, namely, twenty laboratory
    technicians,   three    calibration        technicians,     and    sixty    RCT
    RCTs   essentially      perform   a     safety    function:    providing
    independent radiological oversight for nuclear work areas.                 RCTs
    track   radiation   levels    and   ensure   that     individual   employees’
    - 28 -
    exposure remains within safe limits.               They are also responsible
    for     ensuring   that     employees      meet    the   radiological      control
    standards required for Huntington to maintain its license to
    work with nuclear materials.             Huntington’s overall radiological
    control philosophy is known as “ALARA” (As Low As Reasonably
    Achievable), and RCT independence is the key to that approach.
    Under    ALARA,    although      all    nuclear    workers   are    expected     to
    minimize both their personal exposure and wider contamination,
    RCTs are responsible for maintaining protocols and achieving the
    required containment.         Therefore, under the ALARA program, RCTs
    are in a separate department from the rest of the work force in
    order    to    facilitate     oversight     that    is   independent      of   both
    production and quality control.
    RCT    oversight    has    two    prongs:    maintaining     radiological
    control areas and performing routine radiological surveys.                     RCTs
    set up control areas to restrict access near nuclear reactors,
    work sites, components, and materials, both on ships and in the
    shops.       They use Technical Work Documents (TWDs) and drawings to
    make a map of areas that require controls and then survey to
    establish the baseline radiation levels and find “hot spots,”
    which are then marked on the maps.                   In monitored controlled
    areas, RCTs set up barriers, signs, and employee checkpoints.
    In    less    restricted   control      areas,    RCTs   simply   leave   an   area
    roped off with signs designating the requirements for entry.
    - 29 -
    At   monitored      control     areas    with       established         checkpoints,
    RCTs observe and restrict employee traffic.                          Only employees with
    radiological safety training can enter, and RCTs question them
    about their jobs and the materials and tools they are taking in
    with   them.       Then,    RCTs     assign     each       employee      a    dosimeter      to
    record the employee’s dose of radiation, and brief employees
    about the hot spots before allowing entry.                           As employees leave,
    RCTs collect the dosimeters, note employees’ exposure, confirm
    that they followed control protocols and screen materials that
    they bring out of the area.              When they observe contamination or
    irregularity,      they     order    that      work       be   stopped       and    submit    a
    radiological deficiency report.
    RCTs    conduct      routine      radiological            surveys       around     the
    shipyard      on   rotations       ranging      from        daily      to     annually,      in
    addition      to   performing        surveys         that      are      required      during
    particular     tests     and   projects.            For    “contamination           surveys,”
    RCTs wipe surfaces to test for contaminants and in “radiation
    surveys,” they use a probe to take contact or ambient radiation
    readings.      Surveys can take anywhere from fifteen minutes to two
    hours, depending on the type of survey required.
    Laboratory      technicians      within        the      E85    RADCON       department
    test    the    materials       collected       by     the      RCTs,        help   calibrate
    dosimetry      equipment,        and     screen           potentially          contaminated
    materials      that     require       laboratory               tests.          E85     RADCON
    - 30 -
    calibration technicians maintain and calibrate the instruments
    used by RCTs.       As a result, they are qualified to operate all of
    the instruments that RCTs use.                    They interact with RCTs when
    they pick up and replace faulty equipment.
    RCT       trainees     perform     some      of     the    routine         surveys     and
    monitor limited control points during their on-the-job training.
    They can set up the area and allow certain workers inside.
    Occasionally,           other     technical          employees            perform     work
    similar     to    the     surveys     performed          by    RCTs.           Environmental
    laboratory       technicians         perform      radiation          and        contamination
    surveys    of     drainage    ditches       and    outfalls         to    make     sure    that
    various contaminants do not spread to the environment, but it is
    unclear    from     the     record    how     often      they       do    this.         Nuclear
    chemical        handlers      are      qualified          to        do        radiation     and
    contamination surveys on their vehicles, although, again, the
    record does not show how often they actually do so.                                There are
    no      temporary       transfers       into        or        out        of     E85      RADCON
    classifications.          However, there have been permanent transfers.
    There     is     evidence     that     RCTs       have    transferred            into     other
    technical classifications, but no evidence about how many or how
    often this occurs.
    RCTs       receive     highly    specialized         training.              They    attend
    orientation at the shipyard for their first month and then leave
    for a twenty-two week training course run by the United States
    - 31 -
    Navy.       This     training    requires       math    and    physical      sciences
    aptitude and only half of the RCT trainees graduate.                             After
    graduation, Huntington conducts five weeks of training at its
    facility and then administers a full-day oral examination.                       RCTs
    must     take   requalification        training    every      thirty    months    and
    attend “spill drills” to practice responding to emergencies on a
    quarterly basis.         Other technical employees receive, at most,
    only a few days of radiological safety training.                          Like most
    other     employees,     RCTs    are     required       to    possess     government
    security clearance of “confidential” or higher.
    RCTs use specialized tools, including approximately twenty-
    seven radiation detection instruments.                  They receive orange kit
    bags and additional supplies such as “wipes, laws, tweezers,
    [and] bags.”        Only RCTs receive the orange bags.                  A few other
    technical classifications are qualified to use some of these
    tools,     including      environmental         laboratory      technicians        and
    nuclear chemical handlers who perform occasional surveys.
    RCTs have daily, work-related contact with all employees
    who enter radiological control areas.                  Most of these are trades
    employees          (painters,      machinists,           pipefitters,          etc.),
    supervisors,       and   other   non-technical         employees.       At    certain
    stages during refueling overhauls and during the final months of
    new ship construction, RCTs have increased contact at control
    points with other technical employees, mostly quality inspectors
    - 32 -
    and     test    technicians,         but     also     designers             and     engineering
    technicians.        Contact with employees at the control points is
    brief    and    involves        monitoring        them    as        described       above,    not
    working    together        to     perform    technical          or    production-oriented
    jobs.     During new construction, there is a period of five or
    more years before RCTs are present on the ships. Even during
    refueling overhauls, which require radiological oversight from
    the   beginning,          RCTs’    contact     with       other       technicians        varies
    substantially throughout the period of the ship’s availability
    depending      on   the     phase     of    production          and    whether        RCTs    are
    assigned to the ship or the shops.
    On March 3, 2009, the Machinists Union petitioned the Board
    to represent the RCTs in the E85 RADCON department.                                     In the
    alternative,        the    Machinists        Union       agreed       to     proceed     to    an
    election       in   a     departmental       unit        of    all     of     the     technical
    employees in the E85 RADCON department.                         Huntington argued that
    the smallest appropriate unit had to include all of its 2,400
    technical employees.
    Following a hearing, the RD issued a DDE on May 29, 2009,
    finding that a unit consisting of the technical employees in the
    E85     RADCON          department      (namely,              the     RCTs,         calibration
    technicians,        laboratory       technicians,             and     RCT     trainees)       was
    appropriate for purposes of collective bargaining.                                   Huntington
    - 33 -
    requested      Board      review       of     the     DDE,     contending        that    an
    appropriate      unit     must       include    all       of   its     2,400    technical
    employees.       On December 30, 2011, the Board affirmed the RD’s
    In    the       ensuing    Board-conducted            election,     the    technical
    employees of the E85 RADCON department voted for representation
    by the Machinists Union.               The Board subsequently certified the
    Machinists Union as the exclusive representative for purposes of
    collective bargaining.
    Following certification, Huntington refused to comply with
    the Machinists Union bargaining request in order to contest the
    validity of the certification.                  The Machinists Union filed an
    unfair labor practices charge, and the Board’s General Counsel
    issued     a   complaint        alleging       that       Huntington’s    refusal        was
    unlawful.       The General Counsel subsequently filed a motion for
    summary judgment, which Huntington opposed.                      Huntington claimed
    once again that the bargaining unit must include all 2,400 of
    Huntington’s         technical       employees.           Alternatively,       Huntington
    argued that the Board lacked a quorum to issue its decision and
    On August 14, 2012, the Board issued a decision and order
    granting       the     motion     for       summary        judgment,     finding        that
    Huntington’s         refusal    to    bargain       was    unlawful.       The    Board’s
    decision and order requires Huntington to cease and desist from
    - 34 -
    its unlawful conduct and from, in any like or related manner,
    interfering     with,    restraining,             or    coercing       employees       in    the
    exercise of their rights under the NLRA.                               Affirmatively, the
    Board’s decision and order requires Huntington to bargain with
    the Machinists Union upon request and embody any understanding
    reached in a signed agreement.                         The decision and order also
    requires    Huntington       to       post        a     remedial        notice        and,    if
    appropriate, distribute copies of the notice electronically.
    Section 9(a) of the NLRA provides that a union will be the
    exclusive bargaining representative if chosen “by the majority
    of    the   employees     in      a     unit          appropriate        for”    collective
    29 U.S.C. § 159
    (a).                    Section 9(b) authorizes the
    Board to “decide in each case whether, in order to assure the
    employees      the    fullest         freedom          in     exercising        the     rights
    guaranteed by [the NLRA], the unit appropriate for the purposes
    of collective bargaining shall be the employer unit, craft unit,
    plant unit, or subdivision thereof.”                        
     § 159(b).       The Supreme
    Court, in construing § 9(b), has stated that the determination
    of an appropriate unit “lies largely within the discretion of
    the   Board,    whose    decision,        if       not       final     is   rarely      to   be
    disturbed.”      South    Prairie        Constr.            Co.   v.   Operating       Eng’rs,
    Local   627,    
    425 U.S. 800
    ,     805       (1976)      (citation      and      internal
    quotation marks omitted).               Further, the Board is possessed of
    - 35 -
    the widest possible discretion in determining the appropriate
    unit.     Sandvik Rock Tools, Inc. v. NLRB, 
    194 F.3d 531
    , 534 (4th
    Cir. 1999).
    Section 9(b), however, does not direct the Board how it is
    to   decide    in     a    given     case   whether    a   particular    grouping     of
    employees is appropriate.               Accordingly, the Board’s selection of
    an appropriate unit “involves of necessity a large measure of
    informed discretion.”                Packard Motor Car Co. v. NLRB, 
    330 U.S. 485
    , 491 (1947).
    Nothing in the NLRA requires that the unit for bargaining
    be the only appropriate unit, or the ultimate unit, or the most
    appropriate      unit;         the   NLRA    only    requires   that    the   unit    be
    “appropriate.”            Sandvik Rock, 
    194 F.3d at 534
    ; see also Overnite
    Transp. Co., 
    322 NLRB 723
    , 723 (1996) (“The Board, however, does
    not compel a petitioner to seek any particular appropriate unit.
    The Board’s declared policy is to consider only whether the unit
    requested is an appropriate one, even though it may not be the
    optimum or most appropriate unit for collective bargaining.”).
    As the Supreme Court has stated, “employees may seek to organize
    ‘a unit’ that is ‘appropriate’−−not necessarily the single most
    appropriate unit.”              Am. Hosp. Ass’n v. NLRB, 
    499 U.S. 606
    , 610
    The     focus       of   the    Board’s   determination     begins      with   the
    bargaining unit sought by the petitioner, because, under § 9(d)
    - 36 -
    of the NLRA, “the initiative in selecting an appropriate unit
    resides with the employees.”                    Id.     Further, “[i]n many cases,
    there is no ‘right unit’ and the Board is faced with alternative
    appropriate units.”              Corrie Corp. of Charleston v. NLRB, 
    375 F.2d 149
    ,   154    (4th    Cir.   1967).          It    is    within    the    Board’s
    discretion        to    select    among      different        potential      groupings      of
    employees         in    determining     an      appropriate         unit.         Fair    Oaks
    Anesthesia Assocs., P.C. v. NLRB, 
    975 F.2d 1068
    , 1071 (4th Cir.
    In this case, the RD applied the bargaining unit standard
    the Board has applied in cases involving technical employees. 6
    Under this standard, a unit consisting of only a subset of an
    employer’s         technical       employees          is      appropriate         “when    the
    employees in the requested unit possess a sufficiently distinct
    community of interest apart from other technicals to warrant
    their establishment as a separate appropriate unit.”                                TRW Carr
    266 NLRB 326
    ,    326     n.4       (1983).        Under    the    TRW    Carr
    standard, the burden is on the union seeking representation of
    the subset of technical employees to demonstrate the distinct
    Technical employees are those who do not meet the NLRA’s
    definition of professional employee, 
    29 U.S.C. § 152
    (12), but
    whose   work   involves   independent  judgment  and   requires
    specialized training. NLRB v. Sweetwater Hosp. Ass’n, 
    604 F.2d 454
    , 456 n.2 (6th Cir. 1979).
    - 37 -
    community      of     interest.       
            at   326    n.3    (“Showing   that     some
    technical employees perform their duties in another phase of the
    Employer’s operation is not enough to establish affirmatively
    why    the    segmented       group        of     technical         employees   should    be
    represented separately.”); see also Bendix Corp., 
    150 NLRB 718
    720 (1964) (“But it is not enough for the Petitioner to show
    that it is willing to represent all the electronic technicians
    at    the    plant;    it    must    also       establish      affirmatively       why   they
    should be represented separately.”).
    The RD concluded that Huntington’s RCTs possess a distinct
    community of interest from all other technicals outside of the
    E85 RADCON department.              The RD noted that the RCTs, inter alia,
    possess       unique        skills,        undergo          intensive,     lengthy,      and
    specialized         training,       have        distinct      job     functions,    utilize
    special tools and equipment, do not temporarily interchange with
    other technicals, and have separate supervision.                           The RD further
    noted that the level of functional integration and contact with
    non-radiological control technicals was not so substantial as to
    negate their separate and distinct community of interest.
    With regard to the RCT trainees, calibration technicians,
    and laboratory technicians in the E85 RADCON department, the RD
    concluded that these employees share a community of interest
    with    the    RCTs    sufficient      to        require      their    inclusion    in   the
    bargaining unit.            The RD noted that the calibration technicians
    - 38 -
    and laboratory technicians are in the same department, have job
    duties    functionally           related        and   integrated             in     that     all    are
    responsible      for        radiological          control         at     the       facility,        are
    trained to use the same specialized equipment, work out of the
    E85   RADCON    facilities,            and     are    under       the        same       departmental
    supervision     hierarchy.               The    RD    also   noted        that       most     of    the
    laboratory      technicians            in      the    E85     RADCON          department           have
    progressed      from    the        RCT      classification             and     that      laboratory
    technicians      generally            do    not      interact          with       the     laboratory
    technicians outside of the E85 RADCON department.
    With   regard       to     the     calibration        technicians               in   the    E85
    RADCON    department,         the     RD     noted    that,       while       not       required     to
    possess the same training or perform the same duties as the
    RCTs, these employees work on and operate the instruments and
    equipment used by the RCTs and are responsible for ensuring that
    these    instruments         and      equipment       are    in    working          order.         With
    regard to the RCT trainees, the RD noted that it was undisputed
    that these employees received the same training as the RCTs in
    order for them to become monitors in the next step of their job
    Based     on     all       of    this       evidence,        the       RD     held     that     a
    departmental         unit     of      technical         employees         (RCTs,         laboratory
    technicians, calibration technicians, and RCT trainees) in the
    E85 RADCON department constituted a functionally distinct group
    - 39 -
    with a sufficiently distinct community of interest as to warrant
    a   separate     unit    appropriate     for    the   purposes    of   collective
    On review of the RD’s decision, the Board analyzed the case
    under both the TRW Carr standard and the “community of interest”
    standard, which the Board clarified in Specialty Healthcare &
    Rehab.    Ctr.   of     Mobile,   
    2011 WL 3916077
       (NLRB    2011),    a   case
    decided after the RD’s decision. 7               Following a line of Board
    authority, Specialty Healthcare made clear that the appropriate
    bargaining unit determination turns on whether the petitioned-
    for   employees       share   a   “community     of   interest.”         Specialty
    2011 WL 3916077
    ,    at    *14   (citation    and     internal
    quotation marks omitted). 8          An employer challenging the Board’s
    The Board observed that, “arguably,” it had developed a
    different standard for determining whether a unit of technical
    employees is appropriate.  Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding, Inc.,
    2011 WL 7121890
    , at *6 (NLRB 2011). The Board further observed
    that it need not reach the question of “whether a distinct test
    exists for technical employees,” because it would “reach the
    same result even under the technical employee line of cases.”
     The RD understandably did not cite to Specialty Healthcare
    because, as noted above, the case was decided after he issued
    his decision.
    The “community of interest” test requires the Board to
    examine twelve equally important criteria in determining whether
    the employees seeking to be represented by a union share a
    sufficient community of interest to form an appropriate
    bargaining unit. NLRB v. Lundy Packing Co., 
    68 F.3d 1577
    , 1580
    (4th Cir. 1995). The twelve factors the Board must examine are
    the following:
    - 40 -
    unit determination under the community of interest standard has
    the   burden      to   prove        that    the        bargaining     unit           selected      is
    “utterly     inappropriate.”                Sandvik         Rock,     
    194 F.3d at 534
    (citation and internal quotation marks omitted); see also Blue
    Man Vegas, LLC v. NLRB, 
    529 F.3d 417
    , 421 (D.C. Cir. 2008)
    (noting    that,       if     the    objecting            party    shows     that       excluded
    employees “share an overwhelming community of interest” with the
    employees in the otherwise appropriate unit, then there is no
    legitimate basis to exclude them); Specialty Healthcare, 
    2011 WL 3916077
    ,     at    *17      (noting         that       “the       Board     will       find     the
    petitioned-for         unit    to     be        an   appropriate          unit,       despite      a
    contention     that     employees          in    the      unit    could    be    placed       in    a
    larger    unit     which      would    also          be    appropriate          or    even    more
    appropriate, unless the party so contending demonstrates that
    (1) similarity in the scale and manner of determining
    the earnings; (2) similarity in employment benefits,
    hours of work, and other terms and conditions of
    employment; (3) similarity in the kind of work
    performed; (4) similarity in the qualifications,
    skills and training of the employees; (5) frequency of
    contact or interchange among the employees; (6)
    geographic proximity; (7) continuity or integration of
    production processes; (8) common supervision and
    determination    of    labor-relations   policy;   (9)
    relationship to the administrative organization of the
    employer; (10) history of collective bargaining; (11)
    desires of the affected employees; [and] (12) extent
    of union organization.
    - 41 -
    employees in the larger unit share an overwhelming community of
    interest with those in the petitioned-for unit”).                      In Specialty
    Healthcare, the Board noted that additional employees share an
    overwhelming       community       of   interest     with     the     petitioned-for
    employees only when there is no legitimate basis upon which to
    exclude     the    employees       from    the      larger    unit     because    the
    traditional       community    of       interest    factors     “‘overlap      almost
    2011 WL 3916077
    , at *16           (quoting Blue Man Vegas,
    529 F.3d at 422). 9
    In analyzing the case under both of these standards, the
    Board     first    turned     to    the    Specialty        Healthcare      standard.
    Applying this standard, the Board concluded that the E85 RADCON
    technical employees shared a community of interest under the
    Board’s community of interest criteria.                     The Board noted that
    the   E85   RADCON    technical         employees    all     worked    in   the   same
    department under common supervision and their work had a shared
    There is obvious tension between the TRW Carr standard and
    the community of interest standard clarified in Specialty
    Healthcare.   The TRW Carr standard places the burden on the
    union, while the community of interest standard clarified in
    Specialty Healthcare places the burden on the employer.
    Moreover, the overwhelming community of interest component of
    the community of interest standard may run afoul of our decision
    in Lundy Packing. See 
    68 F.3d at 1581
     (“By presuming the union-
    proposed unit proper unless there is an overwhelming community
    of interest with excluded employees, the Board effectively
    accorded controlling weight to the extent of union organization.
    This is because “the union will propose the unit it has
    organized.”) (citation and internal quotation marks omitted).
    These are tensions, however, which we need not resolve here.
    - 42 -
    purpose   and    was    functionally      integrated.         The   Board   further
    noted that the RCTs monitor employees and collect samples when
    appropriate; they rely on laboratory technicians to analyze the
    samples they collect; and calibration technicians keep the RCTs’
    instruments in proper working order.             The Board noted that RCT
    trainees assist RCTs and operate limited control checkpoints as
    they learn the job, and that many of the E85 RADCON laboratory
    technicians used to be RCTs.
    The Board rejected Huntington’s argument that the technical
    employees     outside    of   the    E85    RADCON    department       shared       an
    overwhelming community of interest with the E85 RADCON technical
    employees.      The Board noted that all of the facts relied upon by
    Huntington (namely, that all of Huntington’s technicians operate
    under the same salary structure and personnel policies, share
    break facilities, and enjoy the same benefits) were outweighed
    by the facts distinguishing the E85 RADCON technicians from the
    other technicians.        In so noting, the Board emphasized that the
    RCTs’ job function was to ensure workplace safety and control
    radioactive contamination at the shipyard, a task distinct from
    the production-oriented jobs of technical employees outside of
    the E85 RADCON department.             Consequently, the Board concluded
    that    the   RCTs     are    not    functionally       integrated       into      the
    production      work   flow   of    the   shipyard,     but    instead      have   an
    independent oversight role, and often their role conflicted with
    - 43 -
    the    production      and     quality    control       goals    of   other      technical
    The Board also emphasized that, in keeping with the RCTs’
    independent oversight role, Huntington had placed all the RCTs
    in a separate department, under separate supervision from its
    production employees.             In addition, work contacts between the
    RCTs and other technical employees were brief and limited to the
    same radioactive screening at safety checkpoints that thousands
    of trades employees receive, with only a few exceptions during
    particular projects.            The Board further emphasized that the RCTs
    receive extensive and highly-specialized radiological training
    and    use    numerous       radiation    detection       instruments       specific    to
    their job; as a result, they possess unique skills.                              Based on
    this evidence, the Board concluded that the technical employees
    in    the    E85    RADCON    department       shared    a     community    of    interest
    sufficiently         distinct     from      Huntington’s          production-oriented
    technical employees at the shipyard.
    The Board then turned to the standard set forth in TRW
    Carr.        The    Board    agreed   with      the     RD’s    extensive     reasoning,
    discussed above, supporting his conclusion that, under the TRW
    Carr    standard,       the     technical       employees       in    the   E85     RADCON
    department shared a community of interest distinct from that
    which       they     share     with      the     production-oriented             technical
    employees      in    Huntington’s        shipyard.           Accordingly,     the    Board
    - 44 -
    concluded that, under the TRW Carr standard, a unit of all of
    the   technical        employees       in     the   E85     RADCON    department          was    an
    appropriate unit for collective bargaining.
    Huntington attacks the Specialty Healthcare standard on a
    variety    of        fronts.     For       example,    Huntington          argues       that    the
    Board’s     Specialty          Healthcare           standard,        in    particular           the
    overwhelming          community       of    interest      portion     of    that        standard,
    improperly       gives     controlling         weight       to   a   union’s          extent    [of
    organization] in the workplace and, thus, offends § 9(c)(5) of
    the     NLRA,     which       provides       that     the    Board,        in        making    unit
    determinations, shall ensure that “the extent of organization
    shall not be controlling.”                   
    29 U.S.C. § 159
    (c)(5).                    Huntington
    also argues that the Specialty Healthcare standard usurps the
    well-settled standard for technical employees set forth in TRW
    Carr.     According to Huntington, the TRW Carr standard applies
    here, and the Board erred when it concluded under that standard
    that all of the technical employees in the E85 RADCON department
    was an appropriate unit for collective bargaining.
    We need not decide whether the Board erred in applying the
    standard        set    forth     in        Specialty      Healthcare,           as     Huntington
    submits,        or     even    address        whether       Specialty        Healthcare          is
    consistent with the NLRA or our decision in Lundy Packing.                                     This
    - 45 -
    is so because the Board’s decision under the TRW Carr standard
    is supported by substantial evidence.
    Under the TRW Carr standard, when technical employees work
    in     similar       jobs     and     have       similar     working       conditions     and
    benefits, the smallest appropriate unit for a group of technical
    employees          must     include       all     technical         employees        similarly
    employed.          See Western Electric, 
    268 NLRB 351
    , 352 (1983) (“In
    general, the smallest appropriate unit of technical employees
    working       in    similar    jobs       with    similar        working   conditions     and
    benefits comprises all such technical employees.); TRW Carr, 266
    NLRB at 326 (“When technical employees work in similar jobs and
    have        similar       working        conditions        and     benefits,     the     only
    appropriate unit for a group of technicals must include all such
    employees       similarly      employed.”).           Thus,        while   the   Board    has
    found units of some, but not all, similarly situated technical
    employees to be inappropriate, it has also found a smaller unit
    to     be     appropriate       when       the     petitioned-for          technical     unit
    possesses a sufficiently distinct community of interest apart
    from other technical units to warrant their establishment as a
    separate appropriate unit.                   See Western Electric, 268 NLRB at
    352 (“Although a unit of less than all professional employees
    may     be     appropriate          if    that     unit     consists       of    a    readily
    identifiable group with distinct skills and functions, the Board
    will not certify an arbitrarily defined segment of an employer’s
    - 46 -
    similarly situated professionals.”); TRW Carr, 266 NLRB at 326
    n.4 (“[I]t is the Board’s policy to grant a unit including some,
    but not all, technical employees only when the employees in the
    requested    unit    possess     a    sufficiently      distinct    community     of
    interest     apart    from       other      technicals     to      warrant      their
    establishment as a separate appropriate unit.”).
    In this case, it was within the discretion of the Board to
    find that the technical employees in the E85 RADCON department
    possessed a sufficiently distinct community of interest apart
    from other technical employees at the shipyard to warrant their
    establishment as a separate bargaining unit.                     First, the RCTs
    perform--with the integrated support of calibration technicians,
    laboratory    technicians,       and     RCT    trainees   in    the     E85   RADCON
    department--the       unique         function    of     providing        independent
    radiological oversight at the shipyard.                 No employees outside of
    the E85 RADCON department perform that task.                      The E85 RADCON
    technical    employees     are       also   distinct     from    other    technical
    employees because they possess unique skills, have distinct job
    functions, are qualified to use specialized tools and equipment,
    have separate supervision, and do not temporarily interchange
    with other technical employees.
    The    E85   RADCON     technical      employees’     work    contacts     with
    other   technical     employees,         and    their    level     of    functional
    integration, is not so substantial as to negate their separate
    - 47 -
    and distinct community of interest.                       The RCTs’ work contacts
    with technical employees outside the E85 RADCON department are
    limited to subjecting them to the same radiological screening
    that    other     employees        receive.           Employees         in      technical
    classifications        outside    of     the   E85   RADCON       department      perform
    tasks that are directly related to production, as opposed to
    radiological safety, and the E85 RADCON technical employees are
    not part of the production work flow.                       In sum, the technical
    employees in the E85 RADCON department perform a radiological
    safety function that is sufficiently distinct from all other
    employees at the shipyard to warrant their having a separate
    bargaining unit.
    In    support   of   its    contention        that    the   only      appropriate
    bargaining      unit    must     include       all   of     Huntington’s        technical
    employees, Huntington heavily relies on two cases in which the
    Board   found    that    units     not    including        all    of   the     employer’s
    technical employees were not appropriate.                        Both cases involved
    RCTs    at    Westinghouse        Electric      Corporation’s          Naval     Reactors
    Facility (NRF) at the National Reactor Testing Station in Idaho
    Falls, Idaho.          Westinghouse Elec. Corp., 
    137 NLRB 332
    (Westinghouse I), and Westinghouse Elec. Corp., 
    300 NLRB 834
    (1990) (Westinghouse II).              According to Huntington, our case is
    controlled by the Westinghouse cases because Huntington’s RCTs
    - 48 -
    perform similar, if not identical, duties at its facility as did
    the employees at issue in the Westinghouse cases.
    In Westinghouse I, the union sought to establish two units
    of technical employees, excluding industrial hygiene technicians
    among others.           137 NLRB at 332. 10              The Board found that the
    petitioned-for          units        were      not     “functionally        distinct    or
    homogenous        groups        of     employees,         [or]     administrative       or
    departmental units.”             
    Id. at 337
    .             In so finding, the Board
    explained that NRF was “one big scientific laboratory for the
    development       and    simulation           of   scientific      problems,    and    the
    analysis and discovery of answers to those problems.”                             
    Id. at 334
    .        Consequently,            the     Board     found     that   the    “technical
    functions of NRF [were] thoroughly integrated,” that the skills
    of   all    the    technical          employees       were     “quite    similar,”     that
    technical employees all “receive the same training course,” and
    that    the   petitioned-for               employees    were     not    a   “departmental
    Id. at 337
    .         The Board concluded that all of the NRF’s
    technical employees “must be taken together as constituting an
    appropriate unit.”         
    In Westinghouse II, the RD found a bargaining unit of RCTs
    and chemistry technicians, excluding other technical employees,
    The industrial hygiene technicians in Westinghouse I
    performed a radiological control function similar to the RCTs at
    Huntington’s shipyard. 137 NLRB at 336.
    - 49 -
    to be appropriate.            300 NLRB at 834.       On review, the Board found
    that that unit was not appropriate.                      
    Id. at 835
    .         The Board
    heavily      relied      on    its   earlier      decision     in    Westinghouse         I
    concerning         the    functional        integration       of     the     technical
          Thus, the Board found that radiological control
    was not a task “discrete from the [e]mployer’s major service” of
    handling and processing nuclear material and operating reactors.
         According to the Board, this control function required RCTs
    to    have   “close      contact     with   other       technical    employees”          and
    provide them with “direct support services.”                         
         The Board
    further noted that the record concerning the working conditions
    of RCTs and other technical employees was “strikingly similar”
    to the facts presented in Westinghouse I.                      
    the    Board    found     no    grounds     for    departing    from       its    earlier
    holding      and    concluded        that   only    a     comprehensive          unit    of
    technical employees was appropriate at the NRF.                     
    The     Board     distinguished        the    Westinghouse          cases        from
    Huntington’s case.              The Board noted that, although all three
    cases     involved       RCTs     who   performed        similar     functions,         the
    similarity between Huntington’s case and the Westinghouse cases
    ended there.        The Board observed that the overall technical work
    force at Huntington and Westinghouse is quite different, due in
    large measure to the substantial differences between running a
    nuclear research and training lab, as in the Westinghouse cases,
    - 50 -
    and operating a shipyard that builds and refurbishes aircraft
    carriers    and       submarines,       as    in    Huntington’s          case.         In   the
    Westinghouse cases, the RCTs provided radiological safety for a
    relatively small complement of technical employees, all working
    near     nuclear       reactors       and     materials.             In       contrast,       in
    Huntington’s case, a large proportion of its shipyard is engaged
    in     non-nuclear      construction,          so     hundreds       of       its     technical
    employees       require        no     radiological          oversight,         and      it   is
    undisputed that many employees are not even qualified to enter
    nuclear work areas.
    Moreover,        the     Board        observed        that       the         amount    of
    radiological         oversight       that    is    required       varies       substantially
    over the course of work on any given ship at the Huntington
    shipyard,       and    there     is    a     period    of     several         years    at    the
    beginning       of    new     ship    construction          where       no    oversight      is
    necessary at all.              In contrast, the Board explained, in the
    Westinghouse cases, the RCTs’ “presence is an absolute necessity
    at all stages of some functions of [the] facilities.”                                 Northrop
    Grumman Shipbuilding, Inc., 
    2011 WL 7121890
    , at *7 (citation and
    internal    quotation         marks    omitted).            Unlike      the    RCTs     in   the
    Westinghouse         cases,    Huntington’s          RCTs    do    not       provide     direct
    support    to    or    have     close       contact    with       the     other       technical
    classifications.         To the contrary, the Board noted, Huntington’s
    - 51 -
    RCTs have little or no regular working contact with a majority
    of the other technical employees.
    The Board also observed that the absence of even temporary
    interchange between RCTs and other technical classifications at
    the Huntington shipyard further distinguished this case from the
    Westinghouse cases, where there was such temporary interchange.
    In light of all the meaningful distinctions between Huntington’s
    case and the Westinghouse cases, the Board concluded that the
    Westinghouse cases were not controlling.
    We agree with the Board that the Westinghouse cases are
    distinguishable from our case, for the reasons persuasively set
    forth   by   the   Board.        Accordingly,     we   hold    that    the    Board’s
    decision, that under the standard set forth in TRW Carr, the
    technical     employees     in    the    E85     RADCON   department         share    a
    community     of   interest      sufficiently      distinct     from    the     other
    technical employees at Huntington’s shipyard, is supported by
    substantial evidence.
    Having    determined        that   Enterprise     and    Huntington      do     not
    prevail on their statutory challenges under the NLRA, we must
    proceed to the constitutional question presented: Whether the
    President’s three appointments to the Board on January 4, 2012
    - 52 -
    are valid under the Recess Appointments Clause of the United
    States Constitution.
    Section 3(b) of the NLRA provides in relevant part:
    The Board is authorized to delegate to any group of
    three or more members any or all of the powers which
    it may itself exercise. . . . A vacancy in the Board
    shall not impair the right of the remaining members to
    exercise all of the powers of the Board, and three
    members of the Board shall, at all times, constitute a
    quorum of the Board, except that two members shall
    constitute a quorum of any group designated pursuant
    to the first sentence hereof.
    29 U.S.C. § 153
    (b).            In New Process Steel, the Supreme Court
    addressed the question of whether, under § 3(b), following a
    delegation of the Board’s powers to a three-member group, two
    members may continue to exercise that delegated authority once
    the group’s (and the Board’s) membership falls to two.                
    130 S. Ct. at 2638
    .         The Supreme Court held that the two remaining
    Board members could not exercise such authority.           
        The Court
    identified three reasons supporting its reading of § 3(b).
    First, the Court noted that reading the first sentence of
    § 3(b)     to    require   “the   Board’s    delegated   power   be   vested
    continuously in a group of three members [was] the only way to
    harmonize and give meaningful effect to all of the provisions in
    § 3(b).”        Id. at 2640.    Second, the Court noted that,
    if Congress had intended to authorize two members
    alone to act for the Board on an ongoing basis, it
    could have said so in straightforward language.
    - 53 -
    Congress instead imposed the requirement that the
    Board delegate authority to no fewer than three
    members, and that it have three participating members
    to constitute a quorum. Those provisions are at best
    an unlikely way of conveying congressional approval of
    a two-member Board.
    Id. at 2641.       Third, the Court noted that its interpretation of
    § 3(b)    was    consistent     with    the   longstanding       practice    of    the
    Board.     Id. at 2641-42.
    At the time it issued its 2012 decisions in the unfair
    labor practices cases currently before us, 11 the Board had two
    properly seated members, namely, Mark Gaston Pearce and Brian
    Hayes, both of whom were confirmed by the Senate on June 22,
    2010.     Its third member, Craig Becker, had been appointed to a
    recess term that ended on January 3, 2012.                 As of that date, the
    Board     lost   its   quorum.         The    President,    purportedly      acting
    pursuant    to   the   Recess    Appointments      Clause,       appointed   Sharon
    Block, Richard Griffin, Jr., and Terence Flynn (who has since
    resigned his seat) to the Board the next day, January 4, 2012. 12
    The lawfulness of the Board’s 2012 unfair labor practices
    decisions in both the Enterprise and Huntington cases turns on
    April 2012       in     Enterprise’s      case,    and    August    2012   in
    Huntington’s case.
    Block replaced Becker on the Board.     Flynn filled the
    seat which became vacant on August 27, 2010 when Peter
    Schaumber’s term expired.   Griffin filled Wilma Leibman’s seat,
    which became vacant when her term expired on August 27, 2011.
    - 54 -
    whether     the   President’s    appointments    pursuant        to    the   Recess
    Appointments      Clause   are    valid. 13     If   the    appointments         are
    invalid, the Board’s quorum requirement was not met at the time
    it issued the 2012 decisions.              Both Enterprise and Huntington
    challenge    these   Presidential        appointments;     the   Board       asserts
    that the President validly exercised his delegated authority.
    We   begin    our    discussion     by     setting   forth       the    governing
    interpretative law and the relevant constitutional provisions at
    issue. 14
    Understandably,  neither   Enterprise   nor  Huntington
    challenge the validity of Becker’s appointment to the Board
    under the Recess Appointments Clause.     In NLRB v. New Vista
    Nursing and Rehabilitation, LLC., 
    2013 WL 2099742
    , at **11-30
    (3d Cir. May 16, 2013), the court held that Becker’s appointment
    was invalid under the Recess Appointments Clause. The validity
    of Becker’s appointment is not before us because direct judicial
    review of Board representation decisions is unavailable; rather,
    only indirect review of such decisions is available, and this is
    obtained through a refusal to bargain and the filing of an
    unfair labor practices charge.    NLRB v. Kentucky River Cmty.
    Care Inc., 
    532 U.S. 706
    , 709 (2001); AFL v. NLRB, 
    308 U.S. 401
    409–11 (1940).    Thus, the only Board decisions under direct
    review in these cases are the ones issued in the unfair labor
    practices cases in 2012.
    Neither Enterprise nor Huntington argue that § 3(b)’s
    three-member-composition requirement deprives us of jurisdiction
    to review the Board’s 2012 unfair labor practices decisions in
    the cases before us. However, as a federal appellate court, we
    have   an   obligation  to  satisfy   ourselves  that  we   have
    jurisdiction to review these decisions.          See Bender v.
    Williamsport Area Sch. Dist., 
    475 U.S. 534
    , 541 (1986)
    (observing that “every federal appellate court has a special
    obligation to satisfy itself not only of its own jurisdiction,
    but also that of the lower courts in a cause under review, even
    though the parties are prepared to concede it”) (citation and
    - 55 -
    When interpreting the text of the Constitution, we begin
    with the presumption that every word in the Constitution has
    independent meaning, “that no word was unnecessarily used, or
    needlessly added.”   Wright v. United States, 
    302 U.S. 583
    , 588
    (1938).   Moreover, we must bear in mind in our evaluation of the
    constitutional provisions at issue that “‘[t]he Constitution was
    written to be understood by the voters; its words and phrases
    were used in their normal and ordinary as distinguished from
    internal quotation marks omitted).      In Arbaugh v. Y & H
    546 U.S. 500
     (2006), the Supreme Court set forth a
    “readily administrable bright line” jurisdictional standard.
    Id. at 516
    . “If the Legislature clearly states that a threshold
    limitation on a statute’s scope shall count as jurisdictional,
    then courts and litigants will be duly instructed and will not
    be left to wrestle with the issue.”     
     at 515–16.    In New
    Process Steel, the Supreme Court held that § 3(b)’s three-
    member-composition requirement mandated that a delegee group
    maintain a membership of three in order to exercise the
    delegated authority of the Board. 
    130 S. Ct. at 2639-42
    . Such
    a requirement is a threshold limitation on the scope of the
    Board’s delegated power under the NLRA, and, therefore, we are
    satisfied that we have jurisdiction to determine whether there
    is any reason for which the delegee group consists of fewer than
    three members, including whether one member is invalidly
    appointed under the Recess Appointments Clause.    See New Vista
    Nursing, at *5 (“By explaining that three members are required
    in order to exercise the delegated authority of the Board, . . .
    the Supreme Court has in essence declared that the three-member-
    composition requirement goes directly to the board’s power to
    hear a case, which is exactly what jurisdictional questions
    relate to”) (citations and internal quotation marks omitted);
    Noel Canning, 705 F.3d at 497 (“[T]he objections before us
    concerning lack of a quorum raise questions that go to the very
    power of the Board to act.”).
    - 56 -
    technical meaning.’”              District of Columbia v. Heller, 
    554 U.S. 570
    , 576 (2008) (quoting United States v. Sprague, 
    282 U.S. 716
    731 (1931)).             The “[n]ormal meaning may of course include an
    idiomatic meaning, but it excludes secret or technical meanings
    that    would      not    have    been    known   to    ordinary   citizens          in   the
    founding generation.”             
     at 576–77.
    The Appointments Clause of the Constitution provides that
    the President “shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and
    Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public
    Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the [S]upreme Court, and all
    other Officers of the United States . . . .”                       U.S. Const. art.
    II, § 2, cl.2. 15          The shared responsibility between the President
    and the Senate was created to act as a “check upon a spirit of
    favoritism in the President,” and to prevent the appointment of
    “unfit characters.”               The Federalist No. 76, at 392 (Alexander
    Hamilton) (Carey and McClellan ed., 1990).
    The Recess Appointments Clause was created to supplement
    the    Appointments         Clause.        The      Federalist     No.    67,        at   350
    (Alexander         Hamilton).       The    clause      states   that     the    President
    “shall      have    Power    to    fill    up   all    Vacancies   that        may    happen
    during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which
    The parties agree that members of the Board are “Officers
    of the United States” within the meaning of the Appointments
    - 57 -
    shall expire at the End of their next Session.”                   U.S. Const.
    art. II, § 2, cl.3.       “Recesses can generally be classified into
    two categories: intersession recesses--or, recesses that occur
    between two sessions of Congress--and intrasession recesses--or
    recesses that occur within one particular session of Congress.”
    Alexander    Wolf,     Taking    Back      What’s     Theirs:    The    Recess
    Appointments Clause, Pro Forma Sessions and A Political Tug-of-
    81 Fordham L. Rev. 2055
    , 2062 (2013) (footnotes omitted).
    Stated differently, an intersession break of the Senate refers
    to the period of time between an adjournment sine die and the
    start of the Senate’s next session, while an intrasession break
    refers to the period of time between a non-sine die adjournment
    and the time the Senate reconvenes.
    The Recess Appointments Clause has two important features
    relevant    here.     First,    it   was   designed    to    ensure   that   the
    government    would    remain   in   operation      during   times    when   the
    Senate would be unable to advise and consent to a nomination.
    Id. at 2062-63
    .       When the Constitution was written, intersession
    recesses regularly lasted between six and nine months.                 Michael
    B. Rappaport, The Original Meaning of the Recess Appointments
    52 UCLA L. Rev. 1487
    , 1498 (2005).             Consequently, in the
    absence of a recess appointments provision, there was a genuine
    possibility that an important government position, for example,
    a cabinet post, would remain vacant for a long period of time,
    - 58 -
    because recalling the Senate, U.S. Const. art. II, § 3, was not
    an easy task considering the slow transportation of the late
    1700s.   Rappaport, 52 UCLA L. Rev. at 1498.                 Second, and more
    importantly,    the   Recess     Appointments      Clause    was   designed   to
    prevent the President from unilaterally exercising appointment
    power, thereby preserving the separation of the powers between
    the Legislative and Executive Branches.               Id. at 1511 n.68; cf.
    Freytag v. C.I.R., 
    501 U.S. 868
    , 884 (U.S. 1991) (“The Framers
    understood,    however,   that    by    limiting     the   appointment    power,
    they could ensure that those who wielded it were accountable to
    political force and the will of the people.”); cf. 
    that the Appointments Clause “bespeaks a principle of limitation
    by dividing the power to appoint the principal federal officers—
    ambassadors, ministers, heads of departments, and judges—between
    the Executive and Legislative Branches”).
    There was no debate surrounding the inclusion of the Recess
    Appointments Clause into the Constitution, and the clause was
    included in the Constitution without a single dissenting vote.
    Wolf, 81 Fordham L. Rev. at 2063.                  Moreover, it is clearly
    established    that   the      phrase    “End   of    [the    Senate’s]    next
    Session,” U.S. Const. art. II, § 2, cl.3, means “the end of the
    session following the final adjournment of the current session
    of Congress.    Thus, an appointment made during the first session
    of a particular Congress will not expire until the end of the
    - 59 -
    second session of that Congress.”                        Wolf, 81 Fordham L. Rev. at
    2064        (footnotes,         citations,        and      internal       quotation        marks
    Under the Adjournments Clause, “neither [chamber], during
    the    Session       of    Congress,       shall,        without    the    Consent       of    the
    other, adjourn for more than three days.”                           U.S. Const. art. I,
    § 5, cl.4. 16         An adjournment of more than three days by one
    chamber       of    Congress       thus    requires        the   consent     of    the     other
    chamber.           Such an adjournment usually is accomplished through
    the     passage           of     concurrent         resolutions           permitting          such
    adjournment.          Wolf, 81 Fordham L. Rev. at 2065.                           The parties
    agree       that     the       Senate     was     not    adjourned        pursuant    to       the
    Adjournments         Clause       when     the     President       made    the    three       2012
    “Adjourn” or “adjournment” is used in the Constitution on
    five more occasions (in four clauses): (1) Article I, § 5,
    Clause 1 (allowing a minority of members to “adjourn from day to
    day”); (2) Article I, § 7, Clause 2 (“If any Bill shall not be
    returned by the President within ten Days (Sundays excepted)
    after it shall have been presented to him, the Same shall be a
    Law, in like Manner as if he had signed it, unless the Congress
    by their Adjournment prevent its Return, in which Case it shall
    not be a Law”); (3) Article I, § 7, Clause 3 (“Every Order,
    Resolution, or Vote to which the Concurrence of the Senate and
    House of Representatives may be necessary (except on a question
    of Adjournment) shall be presented to the President of the
    United States”); and (4) Article II, § 3 (“[The President] may,
    on extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses, or either of
    them, and in Case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to
    the Time of Adjournment, he may adjourn them to such Time as he
    shall think proper.”).
    - 60 -
    recess appointments to the Board at issue in the cases before
    us. 17
    The Take Care Clause requires the President to “take Care
    that the Laws be faithfully executed.”                         U.S. Const. art. II,
    § 3.          This clause’s application here is subtle.                      On the one
    hand, it may be said that the Take Care Clause requires the
    President to ensure that the laws of the United States, such as
    the NLRA, be faithfully executed and that the use of pro forma
    sessions prevents such execution.                       On the other hand, it may be
    said      that       the   use    of     pro   forma     sessions   ensures   that   the
    President will seek the advice and consent of the Senate in
    exercising his appointment power.
    In     pressing         their    respective        constitutional    arguments
    before        this    court,      the    parties     take   umbrage   under   authority
    supporting their position.                     The Board’s view is supported by
    decisions out of the Second, Ninth, and Eleventh Circuits.                           See
    Evans v. Stephens, 
    387 F.3d 1220
     (11th Cir. 2004); United States
    v. Woodley, 
    751 F.2d 1008
     (9th Cir. 1985); United States v.
    The use of pro forma sessions every three days allows one
    chamber of Congress effectively to adjourn when the other
    chamber will not consent to an adjournment. A Senate pro forma
    session usually begins with a single senator gaveling-in the
    session and concludes with the same senator ending the session
    only several seconds or minutes later. Wolf, 81 Fordham L. Rev.
    at 2067.
    - 61 -
    305 F.2d 704
     (2d Cir. 1962).                        Two recent decisions
    support the position pressed by Enterprise and Huntington.                               See
    New Vista Nursing, 
    2013 WL 2099742
    ; Noel Canning, 
    705 F.3d 490
    An analysis of the Eleventh Circuit’s decision in Evans, the
    D.C. Circuit’s decision in Noel Canning, and the Third Circuit’s
    decision     in   New    Vista    Nursing     is    helpful       in     resolving       the
    constitutional question before us.
    In Evans, between February 12 and February 23, 2004, the
    Senate took a break in their session.                    
    387 F.3d at 1221
    .           During
    that break, on February 20, the President, relying on the Recess
    Appointments      Clause,      appointed      William       Pryor,       Jr.,       to   the
    Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals.                 
         The plaintiffs in Evans
    challenged     the    authority    of    Judge     Pryor     to    act    as    a    United
    States Circuit Judge.         
    Id. at 1222
    The Evans court first held that a recess appointment to an
    Article III court is permitted under the Recess Appointments
    Id. at 1222-24
    .      The court also held that the term “the
    Recess” also includes an intrasession break.                        
    Id. at 1224-26
    In   so    holding,     the   court   first      indicated        that    the   Senate’s
    twelve-day break fit within the definition of a “recess” that
    was “in use when the Constitution was ratified: the dictionary
    definitions that have been called to our attention (or that we
    - 62 -
    have found) did not, for example, speak of a minimum time.”                   
    Id. at 1224
    The Evans court then rejected the argument that the term
    “the Recess” limits the opportunity to make recess appointments
    to one particular recess, that is, the recess at the end of a
       Rather, the court observed, the term “the Recess”
    could refer to both intersession as well intrasession breaks.
    Id. at 1224-45
    The court in Evans was not persuaded that the Framers’ use
    of the term “adjournment” in other clauses and not the term “the
    Recess” necessarily limited the meaning of the term “the Recess”
    to a break at the end of a session.            
    Id. at 1225
    .          The court
    stated that, “[i]nstead of describing a block of time, the term
    ‘Adjournment’     in   the   Constitution   can   be    read    to   signify    a
    parliamentary     action:    Congress’s     taking     or   having    taken     a
    The Evans court noted that the “Constitution, on its face,
    does not establish a minimum time that an authorized break in
    the Senate must last to give legal force to the President’s
    appointment power under the Recess Appointments Clause,” and the
    court elected not to establish a minimum time.                 
       The court
    did observe that, although a President had not before appointed
    a judge to an Article III court during an intrasession break as
    short as the one in Judge Pryor’s case, appointments to other
    - 63 -
    offices    requiring    Senate       confirmation       had     been    made    during
    intrasession breaks of about this length or shorter.                    
    The Evans court noted that its interpretation of the term
    “the Recess” was consistent with one of the main purposes behind
    the Recess Appointments Clause.              The court noted that, to assure
    the   proper    functioning     of    the    government,        both    intrasession
    breaks    and   intersession       breaks     were     permitted,       because,     in
    theory,    an     intersession       break     could     be     shorter     than     an
    intrasession break.      
    Id. at 1226
    The Evans court then turned to the question of whether the
    vacancy   needs    to   “happen”     or   “arise”      during    “the     Recess”    in
    order to be filled.       The court concluded that such vacancies can
    be filled if they happen to exist during a recess, 
     at 1226-
    27,   citing    the   Ninth    Circuit’s      decision    in     Woodley       and   the
    Second Circuit’s decision in Allocco.                  
    Id. at 1226
    .        The court
    agreed that the phrase “that may happen” is subject to more than
    one interpretation, noting that the word “happen” can be defined
    as “befall,” which can mean “happen to be.”                     
     (citation and
    internal quotation marks omitted).              Such a definition, which the
    court described as the “most accepted,” does not contradict the
    plain meaning rule.      
    The Evans court also relied on the past practice of early
    Presidents (in particular, President Washington) making recess
    appointments that originated while the Senate was in session.
    - 64 -
          Finally,    the    court      noted       that,      interpreting         the       phrase
    “that    may     happen”    to   “prohibit         the     President        from    filling       a
    vacancy that comes into being on the last day of a Session but
    to     empower     the     President      to       fill       a    vacancy       that        arises
    immediately        thereafter       (on    the        first         day     of     a     recess)
    contradicts what we understand to be the purpose of the Recess
    Appointments Clause: to keep important offices filled and the
    government functioning.”            
    Id. at 1227
    In Noel Canning, the D.C. Circuit held that the President’s
    three January 4, 2012 appointments to the Board were invalid
    under the Recess Appointments Clause.                         705 F.3d at 499-514.               In
    its decision, the court first tackled the meaning of the term
    “the Recess” as used in the Recess Appointments Clause.                                         The
    court    concluded       that    the    term        “the      Recess”       refers       to     the
    intersession break of the Senate, that is, the period between
    sessions of the Senate when the Senate is by definition not in
    session    and     therefore      unavailable            to       receive    and       act    upon
    nominations from the President.                      Id. at 499-507.                The court
    relied on eight key points to support its conclusion.
    First, the court in Noel Canning emphasized that the use of
    the definite article “‘the’” suggested “specificity.”                                    Id. at
    500.     According to the court, as a “matter of cold, unadorned
    logic, it makes no sense to adopt the Board’s proposition that
    - 65 -
    when the Framers said ‘the Recess,’ what they really meant was
    ‘a recess.’”         Id.
    In support of its definite/indefinite article distinction,
    the court in Noel Canning observed that on six occasions the
    Constitution uses some form of the verb “adjourn” or the noun
    “adjournment” to refer to breaks in the proceedings of one or
    both houses of Congress, and in each case, an indefinite article
    is used.       Id.     In contrast, the two uses of “Recess” (once in
    the Recess Appointments Clause and the other in the original
    Senate       Vacancies       Clause,      U.S.        Const.      art.      I,    § 3,     cl.2,
    superseded      by     id.    Amend.       XVII)       contain     a     definite        article
    (“the”).         According          to    the     court,       this      “points     to      the
    inescapable      conclusion          that       the    Framers      intended        something
    specific by the term “‘the Recess,’ and that it was something
    different than a generic break in proceedings.”                             Id.
    Second, the Noel Canning court looked to the structure of
    the Recess Appointments Clause.                   The court noted that the clause
    “sets    a    time    limit    on    recess       appointments         by    providing     that
    those    commissions         shall       expire       ‘at   the    End       of   their    [the
    Senate’s] next Session.’”                   Id.       The court observed that the
    structure of the clause was such that the there was a difference
    between the term “‘the Recess’” and the term “‘Session.’”                                    Id.
    Accordingly, “[e]ither the Senate is in session, or it is in the
    recess.        If it has broken for three days within an ongoing
    - 66 -
    session,    it    is     not   in     ‘the    Recess.’”          Id.         Since    it   was
    “universally accepted that ‘Session’ here refers to the usually
    two   or   sometimes        three   sessions         per    Congress     .    .   .   ,    ‘the
    Recess’ should be taken to mean only times when the Senate is
    not in one of those sessions.”                Id.
    Third,      the       Noel      Canning        court       observed         that     its
    interpretations        of    the    terms     “the     Recess”     and       “Session”      was
    supported by constitutional history.                        The court cited to The
    Federalist No. 67, where Alexander Hamilton noted that recess
    appointments would expire at the end of the ensuing session of
    Congress.      Id.       For there to be an ensuing session, the court
    stated, recess appointments must be “made at a time when the
    Senate was not in session−that is, when it was in ‘the Recess.’”
    Id. at 500-01.
    Fourth,      the      Noel    Canning         court    noted     that       historical
    practice supported its interpretation of the term “the Recess.”
    The   court      observed      that    there        were    no   intrasession         recess
    appointments         for     the      first     eighty        years      following          the
    Constitution’s ratification, id. at 501, and there were only
    three documented intrasession recess appointments prior to 1947.
    Id.   at   502.        According       to     the    court,      the   “infrequency         of
    intrasession recess appointments during the first 150 years of
    the Republic suggests an assumed absence of the power to make
    - 67 -
    such appointments.”                Id. (citation, alterations, and internal
    quotation marks omitted).
    Fifth,       the      Noel     Canning        court     indicated         that     the
    Constitution’s              overall        appointments         structure          provided
    additional support for its position.                      According to the court,
    the Framers emphasized that the “recess appointment power served
    only    as    a    stopgap     for    times    when     the   Senate       was   unable    to
    provide advice and consent.”                 Id. at 502.       The court quoted from
    Hamilton’s The Federalist No. 67, where Hamilton observed that
    advice and consent “‘declares the general mode of appointing
    officers of the United States,’ while the Recess Appointments
    Clause serves as ‘nothing more than a supplement to the other
    for     the       purpose     of     establishing       an     auxiliary         method   of
    appointment,         in      cases     to     which     the    general       method       was
    inadequate.’”         Id. at 502-03 (quoting The Federalist No. 67, at
    350).       Such a structure was important to the Framers, the court
    observed, because appointments made pursuant to the advice and
    consent of the Senate under the Appointments Clause served to
    prevent       Presidential         favoritism     and    the    appointment         of    the
    unqualified.         Id. at 503.
    By     contrast,      to     keep    the   government        functioning      during
    lengthy       intersession         periods    (typically       six    to    nine    months)
    where it was difficult to recall the Senate, the Framers created
    a supplemental method for appointments.                       Id.     The court noted,
    - 68 -
    however, that the Framers placed strict limits on the execution
    of this supplemental method.                 Id.    According to the court,
    [i]t would have made little sense to extend this
    “auxiliary” method to any intrasession break, for the
    “auxiliary” ability to make recess appointments could
    easily swallow the “general” route of advice and
    consent.   The President could simply wait until the
    Senate   took    an   intrasession   break    to make
    appointments, and thus “advice and consent” would
    hardly restrain his appointment choices at all.
    Seventh, the court in Noel Canning observed that there was
    no other plausible interpretation of the term “the Recess.”                            The
    term   could    not    refer       to   all    breaks,    otherwise        the   President
    could make an appointment during a Senate lunch break.                           Id.   The
    court also noted that this interpretation could not “explain the
    use of the definite article ‘the,’ the singular ‘Recess’ in the
    Clause, or why the Framers used ‘adjournment’ differently from
    ‘Recess.’”      Id.
    The next interpretation addressed by the Noel Canning court
    was    that    the    term       “the   Recess”       refers    to   some    substantial
    passage of time.             This interpretation was adopted by Attorney
    General    Harry      Daugherty         in    1921.      In    an    opinion,     Attorney
    General Daugherty argued that “[t]o give the word ‘recess’ a
    technical      and    not    a    practical        construction,      is    to   disregard
    substance for form.”              33 Op. Att’y Gen. 20, 22 (1921).                In this
    opinion, Attorney General Daugherty did not put an exact time on
    - 69 -
    the length of the break necessary for a recess, stating that
    “[i]n the very nature of things the line of demarcation can not
    be accurately drawn.”          Id. at 25.         However, Attorney General
    Daugherty rejected the proposition that an adjournment for five
    or ten days met his definition, though he did conclude that a
    break of twenty-eight days did.          Id.
    The     Noel     Canning     court        rejected     Attorney    General
    Daugherty’s vague alternative in favor of the clarity of the
    intersession      interpretation.         According    to    the   court,   “the
    inherent     vagueness    of     Daugherty’s       interpretation      counsels
    against    it,”     because    “the    Framers     would    not    likely   have
    introduced such a flimsy standard.”            Id. at 504.
    The court in Noel Canning likewise rejected the notion that
    the term “the Recess” refers to any adjournment of more than
    three days pursuant to the Adjournments Clause, because such an
    interpretation lacked “any constitutional basis.”                  According to
    the court,
    [t]he Framers did not use the word “adjournment” in
    the Recess Appointments Clause.     Instead, they used
    “the Recess.”   The Adjournments Clause and the Recess
    Appointments Clause exist in different contexts and
    contain no hint that they should be read together.
    Nothing   in   the   text   of   either   Clause,  the
    Constitution’s structure, or its history suggests a
    link between the Clauses.        Without any evidence
    indicating that the two Clauses are related, we cannot
    read one as governing the other.       We will not do
    violence to the Constitution by ignoring the Framers’
    choice of words.
    - 70 -
    The   Noel   Canning     court   also     rejected      an    interpretation
    adopted by the Office of Legal Counsel in 2012.                         Under this
    interpretation      of   the    term    “the    Recess,”       the   President    has
    discretion    to    determine    when    the    Senate    is    in   recess.      See
    Lawfulness of Recess Appointments During a Recess of the Senate
    Notwithstanding Periodic Pro Forma Sessions, 36 Mem. Op. O.L.C.
    1,    23   (2012)   (“[T]he     President      therefore       has   discretion   to
    conclude that the Senate is unavailable to perform its advise-
    and-consent function and to exercise his power to make recess
    appointments.”).         The    court    in     Noel   Canning       rejected    this
    interpretation because to allow
    the President to define the scope of his own
    appointments power would eviscerate the Constitution’s
    separation of powers.    The checks and balances that
    the Constitution places on each branch of government
    serve as “self-executing safeguard[s] against the
    encroachment or aggrandizement of one branch at the
    expense of the other.” Buckley v. Valeo, 
    424 U.S. 1
    96 S. Ct. 612
    , 46 L. Ed. 2d. 659 (1976).       An
    interpretation of “the Recess” that permits the
    President to decide when the Senate is in recess would
    demolish the checks and balances inherent in the
    advice-and-consent requirement, giving the President
    free rein to appoint his desired nominees at any time
    he pleases, whether that time be a weekend, lunch, or
    even when the Senate is in session and he is merely
    displeased with its inaction.
    705 F.3d at 504.
    Eighth, the Noel Canning court rejected the analysis of the
    Eleventh Circuit’s decision in Evans.                  The court observed that
    - 71 -
    the   Evans    court’s   analysis    failed   to    recognize     one   of   the
    important purposes of the Recess Appointments Clause, that is,
    that the clause allows the President to fill a vacancy only when
    the Senate cannot provide advice and consent.                Id. at 505.     The
    Noel Canning court also rejected the implication of the Evans
    court’s   analysis−that     the    term    “the   Recess”    applies    to   any
    recess.     Id.   Finally, the Noel Canning court observed that the
    court in Evans failed to distinguish between “adjournment” and
    “recess,”     “rendering   the    latter   superfluous      and   ignoring   the
    Framers’ specific choice of words.” Id.            at 506.
    Summarizing its holding concerning the meaning of the term
    “the Recess,” the court in Noel Canning stated:
    Finally, we would make explicit what we have implied
    earlier.   The dearth of intrasession appointments in
    the years and decades following the ratification of
    the Constitution speaks far more impressively than the
    history of recent presidential exercise of a supposed
    power to make such appointments.      Recent Presidents
    are doing no more than interpreting the Constitution.
    While we recognize that all branches of government
    must of necessity exercise their understanding of the
    Constitution   in  order   to   perform   their  duties
    faithfully thereto, ultimately it is our role to
    discern the authoritative meaning of the supreme law.
    As Chief Justice Marshall made clear in Marbury v.
    Madison, “[i]t is emphatically the province and duty
    of the judicial department to say what the law is.
    Those who apply the rule to particular cases, must of
    necessity expound and interpret that rule.     If two
    laws conflict with each other, the courts must decide
    on the operation of each.” 5 U.S. (1 Cranch) at 177.
    In Marbury, the Supreme Court established that if the
    legislative branch has acted in contravention of the
    Constitution, it is the courts that make that
    - 72 -
    determination.   In Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v.
    Sawyer, the Supreme Court made clear that the courts
    must make the same determination if the executive has
    acted contrary to the Constitution. 
    343 U.S. 579
    72 S. Ct. 863
    96 L. Ed. 1153
     (1952).   That is the case
    here . . . .
    In short, we hold that            “the    Recess”    is   limited    to
    intersession recesses.
    705 F.3d at 506.
    Although the court in Noel Canning needed to go no further,
    it went on to address the scope of the meaning of the word
    “happen” in the Recess Appointments Clause.                 The court indicated
    that two interpretations were available.                  The first, pressed by
    Noel Canning, was that “happen” means “‘arise’” or “‘begin’” or
    “‘come into being.’”            Id. at 507.         The second, pressed by the
    Board, was that “happen” means “‘happen to exist.’”                       Id.     The
    court agreed with Noel Canning’s interpretation.                   Id. at 507-14.
    The    Noel    Canning    court      first    observed      that   the    word
    “happen” cannot logically mean vacancies that happened to exist
    during “the Recess,” because such a construction rendered the
    phrase “that may happen” unnecessary.                  Id. at 507.        The court
    next observed that its interpretation of the word “happen” was
    consistent with the understanding of the word contemporaneous
    with the Constitution’s ratification, citing to a dictionary at
    the time of ratification defining the word “happen” as “[t]o
    fall   out;    to    chance;    to   come   to   pass.”      Id.    (citation     and
    internal quotation marks omitted).                   The court posited that a
    - 73 -
    “vacancy happens, or comes to pass, only when it first arises,
    demonstrating that the Recess Appointments Clause requires that
    the relevant vacancy arise during the recess.”                          Id. (alterations
    and internal quotation marks omitted).
    The Noel Canning court next turned to the structure of the
    Constitution       to    support    its     view.      The       court    noted     that   it
    “would have made little sense to make the primary method of
    appointment        the        cumbersome     advice        and        consent     procedure
    contemplated by that Clause if the secondary method would permit
    the President to fill up all vacancies regardless of when the
    vacancy arose.”           Id. at 508.           Otherwise, the court indicated,
    the President could sidestep the Appointments Clause altogether
    by simply waiting for a recess.                  Id.
    The     court        in     Noel    Canning       also       observed       that      its
    interpretation of the word “happen” was consistent with other
    uses of the term in the Constitution.                     See id.       (noting that the
    Senate     Vacancies      Clause,       which    provided        at    the   time   of     the
    adoption      of        the     Constitution        “if      Vacancies          happen     by
    Resignation, or otherwise, during the Recess of the Legislature
    of   any    State,        the     Executive      thereof         may     make     temporary
    Appointments until the next Meeting of the Legislature, which
    shall then fill such Vacancies,” U.S. Const. art. I, § 3, cl.2,
    superseded by id. Amend. XVII, would make no sense if it refers
    to vacancies that happen to exist at the time of a recess).
    - 74 -
    The    court           in     Noel       Canning     also    observed       that     its
    interpretation          of    the       word    “happen”    was    consistent     with     the
    earliest Presidential interpretation of the word, examining the
    actions     of    President             Washington.        According    to    the    court,
    President Washington understood the recess appointment power to
    extend only to vacancies that arose during a Senate recess.                               Id.
    Specifically, President Washington followed a practice that if
    not enough time remained in the session to ask a person to serve
    in an office, he would nominate a person without the nominee’s
    consent,    and        the    Senate       would    confirm    the   individual      before
    recessing.        Rappaport, 52 UCLA L. Rev. at 1522.                        Then, if the
    person declined to serve during the recess, thereby creating a
    new vacancy during the recess, President Washington would fill
    the   position         using       his     recess   appointment      power.         Id.    “If
    President Washington and the early Senate had understood the
    word ‘happen’ to mean ‘happen to exist,’ this convoluted process
    would have been unnecessary.”                   Noel Canning, 705 F.3d at 508.
    The Noel Canning court also distinguished Evans, Woodley,
    and Allocco on the basis that these decisions did not focus
    their   analyses         on       the    original     public      meaning    of   the     word
    “happen.”        Id.    The court also noted that modern scholarship had
    demonstrated           that       President        Washington’s      exercise       of     the
    appointment power was an example of “‘the practice of appointing
    an individual without his consent and then, if he turns down the
    - 75 -
    appointment during the recess, making a recess appointment at
    that time.’”      Id. at 509-10 (quoting Rappaport, 52 UCLA L. Rev.
    at 1522 n.97).
    The Noel Canning court also rejected the notion that its
    interpretation of the word “happen” ran afoul of the Take Care
    Clause.      The court noted that the constitutional dilemma raised
    by the case was an easy fix−Congress could provide that a Board
    member’s service extends until the qualification of a successor,
    or provide for action by less than the current quorum, or deal
    with any inefficiencies in some other manner.                Id. at 511.
    Applying its interpretation of the word “happen,” the court
    in Noel Canning held that the relevant vacancies did not arise
    during the intersession break of the Senate.                  Id. at 512.       The
    three Board seats that the President filled on January 4, 2012
    had   become    vacant   on    August     27,   2010,   August    27,   2011,   and
    January 3, 2012, respectively.             On August 27, 2010, the Senate
    was in the midst of an intrasession break, so the vacancy that
    arose   on     that   date    did   not   arise    during    “the   Recess”     for
    purposes of the Recess Appointments Clause.                 Id.   Similarly, the
    Senate was in an intrasession break on August 27, 2011, so the
    vacancy that arose on that date also did not qualify for a
    recess appointment.          Id.    The seat formerly occupied by Becker
    became vacant at the end of the Senate’s session on January 3,
    2012.     According to the court, it did not “‘happen during the
    - 76 -
    Recess   of    the      Senate’”     because          the     Senate    did     not      take    an
    intersession recess between the first and second sessions of the
    112th Congress.         Id.
    In New Vista Nursing, the court addressed the question of
    whether the President’s March 27, 2010 appointment of Becker to
    the Board was valid under the Recess Appointments Clause.                                      
    2013 WL 2099742
    ,      at    **11-30.              On    March     26,     2012,       the     Senate
    “adjourned”       for    a    two-week         period.          
    Id. at *6
    alterations, and internal quotation marks omitted).                                   The court
    in New Vista Nursing held that Becker’s appointment was invalid
    under    the      Recess      Appointments             Clause     because          the     Recess
    Appointments Clause only applies to intersession breaks.                                   
    In beginning its analysis, the court in New Vista Nursing
    identified     three       plausible       definitions           for    the     phrase         “the
    Recess of the Senate.”             
    Id. at *13
    .           According to the court, the
    phrase     “the      Recess    of        the        Senate”     could        refer       to:    (1)
    intersession      breaks      as    the    court        held    in     Noel    Canning;         (2)
    intrasession breaks that last at least ten days as developed in
    Evans and Attorney General Daugherty’s opinion; or (3) any time
    in which “the Senate is not open for business and is unavailable
    to provide its advice and consent” as developed by the Office of
    Legal Counsel in 2012.             
    - 77 -
    In deciding which definition to adopt, the court in New
    Vista Nursing first examined dictionaries from the time of the
    Constitution’s          ratification.         The         court    noted      that    such
    dictionaries        were      inconclusive,    because        the     definitions      of
    “recess” in Founding-era dictionaries supported each definition
    of the phrase “the Recess of the Senate.”                         
    Id. at **13-14
    id. at *13
     (noting that Samuel Johnson’s 1785 dictionary defined
    “recess” to mean “retirement; retreat; withdrawing; secession”
    as well as “departure” and “removal to distance”) (citation,
    alterations, and internal quotation marks omitted).
    The New Vista Nursing court then examined the parliamentary
    practice of the English Parliament to see if it shed light on
    the meaning of the phrase “the Recess of the Senate,” because
    the parliamentary procedures of the first Senate were based on
    the parliamentary procedures employed by the English Parliament.
    Id. at *14
    .        English parliamentary procedure during the Founding
    era had three types of breaks: adjournments, prorogations, and
          Adjournments       were     “continuances       of   the
    session from one day to another . . . and sometimes a fortnight
    or    a    month   together.”       
        (citation       and     internal    quotation
    marks       omitted).         Prorogations         were     “continuances       of    the
    parliament from one session to another initiated by the king,”
           (citation     and    internal     quotation        marks     omitted),      and
    dissolutions were “terminations of a Parliament initiated by the
    - 78 -
    king’s order, his death, or a length of time that necessitated
    new elections before another Parliament could be convened.”                                        
    (citation and internal quotation marks omitted).
    The        court    in       New    Vista     Nursing         stated        that     it      was
    “tempt[ed] to say” that the phrase “the Recess of the Senate”
    corresponded to a prorogation and, thus, the phrase “must refer
    only to terminations of sessions and the intersession breaks
    that follow them.”                 
    Id. at *15
    .           However, the court stopped
    short of such a conclusion because “adjournment,” as used in the
    Constitution, did not mean the same thing to the Framers as it
    did to the English Parliament.                      Specifically, the Constitution
    employs “adjourn” and “adjournment” to refer to an intrasession
    break (e.g., U.S. Const. art. I, § 5, cl.1 (allowing a minority
    of   members       to    “adjourn        from     day    to    day”)),       as     well      as   an
    intersession break.                See id. (noting that the Supreme Court in
    The Pocket Veto Case, 
    279 U.S. 655
     (1929), adopted a definition
    of   “adjournment”             that       included       intrasession             as     well      as
    intersession breaks).
    Because           the    parliamentary            procedure          of     the      English
    Parliament        proved       inconclusive,         the      New    Vista       Nursing        court
    turned      to    other       historical        sources,       namely,          numerous        state
    constitutions           and    the       practices       of    state       legislatures            and
    governors.          Id.       at   *15-16.         The     court         observed      that      this
    historical        evidence         demonstrated         that,       at    the     time     of      the
    - 79 -
    Constitution’s ratification, the word “recess” had one of two
    meanings,      “either      intersession          breaks      only    or     intersession
    breaks     plus      long    intrasession         breaks,”      id.     at    *16,     with
    legislatures         preferring       the     former       definition,        while    the
    governors preferred the latter.                Id.       While the court concluded
    that    the   historical       evidence      is    unclear     on     whether    “recess”
    refers to intersession breaks only or intersession breaks plus
    long     intrasession        breaks,    the       court     made      clear     that   the
    historical        evidence     does     not       support      the    unavailable-for-
    business definition.           The court first noted that the historical
    evidence      suggests      that    a   break       of     considerable       length    is
    necessary     to     trigger    a   recess     and     that    the    unavailable-for-
    business definition does not require a break of any particular
    duration.      Id.    Second, the court noted that, at the time of the
    Constitution’s ratification, a “recess” was “determined solely
    by     when    the     legislature          adjourned—rather           than     by     some
    functionalist definition of when the body was unavailable for
    business.”        Id. at *17.       The court could find no examples, and
    the Board had provided none, suggesting that the definition of
    the word “recess” turned on such factors “as whether members
    were required to attend, the legislative chamber was empty, and
    the body could receive messages.”                    Id.      Rather, whether there
    - 80 -
    was a “recess” turned on the “type, or possibly the duration, of
    the legislature’s self-defined adjournment.”                   Id. 18
    In trying to break the intersession/intrasession knot, the
    New   Vista       Nursing    court   addressed     the    significance      of   the
    definite article “the” in the phrase “the Recess of the Senate.”
    The court observed that “the” might refer to a “specific thing,”
    such an intersession break.            Id. (citing Noel Canning).           But the
    court      also   noted   that   “the”   could    refer    to     another   specific
    thing, such as whenever the Senate was in recess.                       Id. (citing
    Evans).       The    court   also    observed    that    the    Constitution     used
    “the” in several different contexts.                Id. (citing U.S. Const.
    art. I, § 3, cl.4 (stating that “[t]he Vice President . . .
    shall be President of the Senate”); art. I, § 3, cl.5 (stating
    that that the Senate shall select a President Pro Tempore “in
    the Absence of the Vice President”).                Based on this evidence,
    The court in New Vista Nursing found additional faults in
    the unavailable-for-business definition.   The court noted that
    the structure of the Appointments and Recess Appointments
    Clauses meant that the unavailable-for-business definition was
    2013 WL 2099742
    , at *19, because adopting this
    definition “would eviscerate the divided-powers framework the
    two Appointments Clauses establish.” 
     The court noted that,
    if the Senate refused to confirm one of the President’s
    nominations, then the President could circumvent the Senate’s
    constitutional role simply by waiting for the Senate to adjourn
    for lunch or the evening; thus, the “exception of the Recess
    Appointments Clause would swallow the rule of the Appointments
    - 81 -
    the court found the use of “the” in the phrase “the Recess of
    the Senate” to be “uninformative.”               
    The     court    in      New    Vista   Nursing      then       turned       to    the
    constitutional context of the phrase “the Recess of the Senate.”
    Following the reasoning of Noel Canning, the court observed that
    the   structure        of   the      Appointments      Clause        and     the     Recess
    Appointments Clause was such that the Recess Appointments Clause
    is a “secondary, or exceptional, method of appointing officers,
    while the Appointments Clause provides the primary, or general,
    method   of    appointment.”           
        According         to   the     court,      the
    “clauses    thus      reveal    a    constitutional       preference        for    divided
    power over the appointments process, which is deviated from only
    in specified situations.”              
     (footnote omitted).                In support
    of this conclusion, the court discussed at length Hamilton’s The
    Federalist No. 67.           
    Id. at *18
    .         Thus, the court posited that
    the main purpose of the Recess Appointments Clause was not, as
    the   Evans    court     suggested,      to   enable      the   President          to   fill
    vacancies to assure the proper functioning of our government,
    but rather “to preserve the Senate’s advice-and-consent power by
    limiting    the    president’s        unilateral    appointment            power.”       
    According     to   the      court,     ignoring     the    separation         of     powers
    between the Legislative and Executive Branches “neglect[ed] a
    central principle that underlies the two Appointments Clauses.”
     (footnote omitted).
    - 82 -
    The court in New Vista Nursing found further guidance in
    several relevant constitutional provisions.                              First, the court
    looked to the word “adjournment,” a term the court noted that
    could refer to a break of any type or length.                             
    Id. at *20
    .        The
    court    observed      that,     “if    the     framers          had     intended    for    the
    president to be able to appoint officers during intrasession
    breaks,    then    the    Recess       Appointments          Clause       could     have    been
    worded     differently,        allowing       recess        appointments       ‘during      the
    Adjournment of the Senate.’”                  
             For this reason, the court
    concluded       that     the   use      of     the        word    “recess”        instead    of
    “adjournment,” meant that “recess” had a different meaning than
     (citing Noel Canning).
    To   discern       the   meanings        of    the     words       “adjournment”       and
    “recess,” the court in New Vista Nursing examined such words in
    their constitutional context.                 The court noted that the lack of
    temporal guideposts in the Constitution concerning the phrase
    “the Recess of the Senate.”                  
    Id. at 21
    .          The court rejected the
    notion     that    the    Adjournments          Clause,          which    requires     either
    chamber    of     Congress     to    obtain         the    consent       of   the   other    to
    adjourn for more than three days, U.S. Const. art. I, § 5, cl.4,
    provides such a guidepost for the Recess Appointments Clause,
    because     “‘[n]othing         in     the      text        of    either       Clause,      the
    Constitution’s structure, or its history suggests a link between
    the   Clauses.’”         New    Vista    Nursing,          
    2013 WL 2099742
    ,     at   *21
    - 83 -
    (quoting Noel Canning, 705 F.3d at 504).                   Without the hint of a
    connection, the court noted that there was “no reason to believe
    that the Adjournment Clause’s duration requirement controls the
    meaning of the Recess Appointment[s] Clause.”                       Id.      The court
    further noted that “nothing in the Constitution establishe[d]
    the   necessary         length     of    an     intrasession     break    that      would
    constitute a recess.”            Id. (footnote omitted).
    The       court    in     New     Vista    Nursing   then     turned     to     the
    durational component of the Recess Appointments Clause−that the
    term of the officer recess-appointed expired “at the End of [the
    Senate’s] next Session,” U.S. Const. art. II, § 2, cl.3.                              The
    court noted that all parties agreed that a session of the Senate
    begins at the Senate’s first convening and ends either when the
    Senate adjourns sine die or automatically expires at noon on
    January     3    in     any    given    year.      New   Vista    Nursing,    
    2013 WL 2099742
    , at *22.              According to the court, the expiration of an
    officer’s term “‘at the End of [the Senate’s] next Session’”
    implies that the appointment is made during a period between
         Such implication arises because the appointment
    is designed to last only as long as it would normally take to
    confirm the President’s nomination.                  
        The court noted that
    “[l]imiting the duration to a single opportunity follows from
    the auxiliary nature of the Clause” and is consistent with the
    - 84 -
    principle that “the Senate’s decision not to act on a nomination
    effectively is a rejection of that nomination.”          
    According to the New Vista Nursing court, the durational
    component of the Recess Appointments Clause suggested that the
    Framers adopted the intersession definition of the phrase “the
    Recess    of   the   Senate,”   because   such   definition    retained   the
    primacy of the Appointments Clause over the Recess Appointments
    Id. at *23
    .    The court stated:
    Under the intersession-only definition, the president
    would make a recess appointment between sessions of
    the Senate, which ensures the continued operation of
    the government even though the Senate has not
    considered the president’s selection. Once the Senate
    begins its “next Session” by reconvening, the primary
    appointments process becomes available and—because the
    Constitution requires joint appointment authority—must
    be undertaken by the Senate and the president.
    However, to allow the operation of government to
    continue, the Senate has until the end of this session
    to consider the president’s selection and confirm or
    deny it. And if the body does not act or denies that
    appointment, then the recess appointment ends because
    the constitutional requirement of joint agreement has
    not   been   reached.     Through   this   process,   the
    Appointments   Clause retains     its  primacy   as   the
    preferred    constitutional    method    of    appointing
    officers, while the Recess Appointments Clause retains
    its auxiliary role that allows the president to fill
    positions when the ordinary process is unavailable.
    Under an intrasession definition, the Clause would no
    longer have an auxiliary role.     The president would
    make the recess appointment during a break within a
    Senate session.    But the Senate’s reconvening and
    first subsequent adjournment—whether that be for a
    long intrasession break or for the intersession break—
    would   have  no  immediate   effect   on  the  recess
    appointment because the appointment lasts until the
    “next Session,” as demarked by adjournments sine die.
    - 85 -
    The appointment would not expire until the Senate
    reconvened, adjourned sine die, reconvened, and then
    adjourned sine die a second time.           Thus, the
    appointment would continue even though the opportunity
    to undergo the ordinary, preferred process had come
    and gone.     This shows that when the intrasession
    definition of recess is combined with the durational
    provision,  a   fundamentally  different  relationship
    between the clauses is created: the intrasession
    definition makes the Recess Appointments Clause an
    additional rather than auxiliary method of appointing
    Id. at *23
    The   court     in    New    Vista   Nursing   next    observed          that   the
    intersession definition of the phrase “the Recess of the Senate”
    was supported by the language of the original Senate Vacancies
    Clause,    which    used       “‘the   next   Meeting’”     as    its       durational
        (quoting     U.S.   Const.   art.      I,     §    3,   cl.2,
    superseded by id. Amend. XVII).                 According to the court, the
    durational component of the Recess Appointments Clause
    could have been phrased in a manner that would have
    allowed the Senate and president only one opportunity
    to undergo the ordinary process if recess instead
    included intrasession breaks. By setting the duration
    to the “‘next Meeting,’” it becomes irrelevant what
    type of break the legislature took because once it
    convenes, the appointment expires and the legislature
    must act. That the Clause uses “next Session” rather
    than   “next   Meeting”    thus   shows that   recess
    contemplates a particular type of break.     And, in
    light of the competing operations of the definitions,
    that type is the intersession break.
    Id. (footnote omitted).
    The court in New Vista Nursing next rejected the Board’s
    argument     that        the     durational     component        of     the       Recess
    - 86 -
    Appointments         Clause     is     consistent       with    the     intrasession
    definition of the phrase “the Recess of the Senate.”                         The Board
    argued that “if recess appointees’ tenures did not extend until
    the end of the next session, then the Senate would lack an
    opportunity to consider a recess appointee when an intrasession
    break coincides with the end of a session.”                       Id. at *24.      The
    court rejected this argument, first, because the problem arises
    only if the intrasession definition of recess is adopted.                          Id.
    It does not arise under the intersession definition because,
    under that definition, the Senate can only weigh in one time,
    when it reconvenes for its next session.                  Id.     Second, the court
    indicated the Board’s reading of the durational component was
    not   the    most    natural     reading   of     the    phrase      “next   Session”;
    otherwise, the phrase would be intended to address an unusual
    situation−where an intrasession break coincides with the end of
    a session.          Id.    The court noted that an intrasession break
    extended until the end of one of the Senate’s 296 completed
    sessions at most only three times.                 Id.    “The complete absence
    of the problem described by the Board in the last 225 years”
    implied that the durational component of the Recess Appointments
    Clause      “was    most      likely    written     simply      to    reinforce    the
    auxiliary nature of the Recess Appointment[s] Clause by limiting
    recess appointees’ terms to last only as long as necessary to
    - 87 -
    afford      the    Senate        one     opportunity         to    undergo      the    ordinary
    process.”        Id.
    The     New        Vista    Nursing           court    then     observed        that     its
    construction of the phrase “the Recess Appointments Clause” was
    supported by early historical practice, relying on much of the
    authority relied upon by the court in Noel Canning.                               Id. at *25.
    The court observed that, from ratification until 1921, there was
    a general consensus that recess appointments could be made only
    during intersession breaks.                     Id.         This general understanding
    supported       the      intersession         definition.           Id.   at    **26-27.        In
    relying on this early historical practice, the court rejected
    the notion that recent Presidential practices could alter the
    structural         framework        of        the    Constitution,         especially          the
    presumption that actions by the President are constitutional.
    Id. at *27.            The court expressed doubt that such a presumption
    applies     in     separation-of-powers              cases.         Id.    The    court       also
    observed that recent Presidential practice was inconsistent with
    the   structure          of   the      Constitution          because      the    Constitution
    provides      no       measure      of    a    “‘long’       duration      and    limits       the
    duration of recess appointees’ terms in a manner that indicates
    an intersession-only definition.”                     Id. at *28.
    Finally, the court in New Vista Nursing identified some
    additional        considerations          supporting         its    holding.          The    court
    noted    that      the    unavailable-for-business                 definition     was       vague,
    - 88 -
    making the standard “difficult for the Senate and the president
    to predictably apply.”           Id.      The court next noted that the
    intrasession definition that limits the term “recess” to long
    breaks is not “judicially defensible because whatever duration
    is selected as long [enough] would be based on something other
    than   the   Constitution.”       Id.     at    *29   (citation   and   internal
    quotation marks omitted).        The court noted that the intrasession
    definition      was   “fraught     with        ambiguity,”   because     if   an
    “intrasession break of over ten days constitutes a recess, it is
    unclear at which point the adjournment evolves into a recess.”
    Id.    The court candidly noted that all of the definitions of the
    phrase “the Recess of the Senate” provided an opportunity for
    abuse.    Id.    However, such potential for abuse simply was the
    product of the separation-of-powers framework.               Id. at *30.      The
    solution to such abuse was not to tinker with the definition of
    “recess,” but rather to allow the political process to play out,
    with each branch exercising their allocated powers.               Id.
    Because Becker was invalidly recess appointed to the Board
    during the March 2010 intrasession break, the court in New Vista
    Nursing concluded that the Board did not have the authority to
    issue its unfair labor practices decision in that case.                 Id.   In
    so holding, the court declined to address the meaning of the
    word “happen” in the Recess Appointments Clause.              Id.
    - 89 -
    All   parties    agree     that      the    President      may   exercise   his
    recess appointment power only “during the Recess of the Senate.”
    There are three plausible definitions of the term “the Recess”
    as used in the Recess Appointments Clause.                   Id. at *13. 19     First
    is the definition adopted by the Noel Canning and New Vista
    Nursing courts: the term “the Recess” refers to intersession
    breaks of the Senate, that is, the period of time between an
    adjournment sine die and the start of the Senate’s next session.
    See id. (“We hold that ‘the Recess of the Senate’ means only
    intersession breaks.”); Noel Canning, 705 F.3d at 499 (observing
    that the term “the Recess” means “the period between sessions of
    the Senate when the Senate is by definition not in session and
    therefore unavailable”).            Second is the definition adopted by
    the court in Evans: the term “the Recess” includes intersession
    breaks as well as intrasession breaks.                    
    387 F.3d at 1224
    .        As
    noted above, an intrasession break is the period of time between
    a non-sine die adjournment and the time the Senate reconvenes.
    Although      the   court   in     Evans     did    not    create      any   temporal
    boundaries, a twelve-day break was at issue there, presumably
    the   court    in   that    case    would        agree    with   Attorney     General
    The Board does not argue that the President may exercise
    his recess appointment power anytime the Senate takes a break,
    and we note that such a definition of the term “the Recess” has
    never been embraced by the Executive or Legislative Branches, or
    the courts. This anytime definition, though possible, simply is
    not plausible.
    - 90 -
    Daugherty’s 1921 observation that a break for five or ten days
    does not fall within the definition of the term “the Recess.”
    33 Op. Att’y Gen. at 25.              Although the Board agrees with the
    definition of the term “the Recess” as developed in Evans and
    Attorney     General     Daugherty’s      opinion,          it    offers        another
    definition, which gives us a third option.                       The Board posits
    that the term “the Recess” refers to a period when the Senate is
    not open for business and, thus, unable to provide advice and
    consent on the President’s nominations.               Under this unavailable-
    for-business       definition,    when    the       Senate       holds    pro    forma
    sessions,    the    President    may    exercise      his    recess      appointment
    power because the Senate is neither doing business nor available
    to provide its advice and consent.
    As noted above, Enterprise and Huntington urge us to follow
    the first definition of the term “the Recess” set forth above,
    that is, the definition adopted by the Noel Canning and New
    Vista Nursing courts.        The Board urges us to adopt one of the
    two remaining definitions.             For the reasons stated below, we
    agree with the Noel Canning and New Vista Nursing courts that
    the   term   “the    Recess,”    as    used    in    the    Recess       Appointments
    Clause, refers to the legislative break that the Senate takes
    between its “Session[s].”        In other words, the term “the Recess”
    means the intersession period of time between an adjournment
    sine die and the start of the Senate’s next session.
    - 91 -
    As noted above, the Recess Appointments Clause states that
    the President “shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that
    may     happen    during     the       Recess      of     the    Senate,      by    granting
    Commissions       which    shall       expire      at     the     End    of    their     next
    Session.”        U.S.   Const.        art.   II,    §     2,    cl.3.    From      the   text
    itself, the meaning of the term “the Recess” is not evident.                              As
    noted by the New Vista Nursing court, Founding-era dictionaries
    are inconclusive on the meaning of the word “recess,” with some
    definitions       favoring       an     intersession           definition     and      others
    favoring an intrasession or unavailable-for-business definition.
    2013 WL 2099742
    ,      at    *13    (noting         that    Samuel   Johnson’s       1785
    dictionary       defined        “recess”     to     mean        “retirement;        retreat;
    withdrawing; secession” as well as “departure” and “removal to
    distance”) (citation, alterations, and internal quotation marks
    omitted).        The clarity of the term “recess” is only marginally
    improved with the inclusion of the definite article “the.”                                 On
    the one hand, the definite article “the” arguably points to a
    specific type of recess (an intersession break), on the other
    hand,    “the”    points        to   anytime    the       Senate    is   in    recess     (an
    intrasession break).             
    Id. at *17
    .            While we may not agree with
    the level of significance placed upon “the” by the court in Noel
    Canning, we agree that the use of the definite article suggests
    some “specificity.”             Noel Canning, 705 F.3d at 500.                      This is
    especially true since the Recess Appointments Clause does not
    - 92 -
    refer       to   “a    recess,”       nor    does       it    refer     to    the    plural    form
    “recesses.” 20           The     use        of    the        definite    article       over     the
    indefinite and plural forms provides some instructive evidence
    that    “the      Recess”       refers      to    a     legislative      break       between   two
    Even       though        the      textual          evidence           is     inconclusive,
    compelling            reasons     exist           for     adopting           the     intersession
    definition over the other two available definitions.                                  First, the
    Constitution           uses      the     more         inclusive         term       “adjourn”    or
    “Adjournment” to refer to those parliamentary breaks that could
    occur either after or during a session of Congress.                                   See, e.g.,
    U.S. Const. art. I, § 5, cl.1 (less than a majority of each
    House “may adjourn from day to day”); id. art. I, § 7, cl.2 (a
    bill not signed by the President shall not become law if “the
    Congress         by    their     Adjournment            prevent    its       Return”).         Most
    instructive, the Adjournments Clause specifically provides that
    “during the Session of Congress” neither House may “adjourn for
    more than three days” without the “Consent of the other.”                                      Id.
    art. I, § 5, cl.4.               By contrast, the term “the Recess” appears
    only    once      in    the     Constitution            in    relation       to     congressional
    breaks-−in the Recess Appointments Clause, where it refers to a
    Interestingly, the Framers did use                                   the     plural    form
    “vacancies” in the Recess Appointments Clause.
    - 93 -
    particular sort of adjournment, the break between sessions of
    the Senate.
    The    Board       responds    by     emphasizing       that     when     the     word
    “Adjournment” appears in the Constitution, it refers to both
    intersession        and     intrasession          legislative         breaks.           This
    certainly is true.           See The Pocket Veto Case, 
    279 U.S. at 680
    (noting that the word “Adjournment” is used in the Constitution
    to refer not only to the final adjournment at the end of a
    Congress, but also to adjournments “from day to day”).                            However,
    the   Board’s      arrow    misses     the       target.       Each    time     the     term
    “adjourn”     or    “Adjournment”          appears      in    the    Constitution,        it
    refers to an intrasession cessation of business, even when it
    may   also   encompass       intersession         breaks.           Thus,   the   Framers
    consistently used the term “adjournment,” rather than the term
    “the Recess,” when it wanted to refer to a legislative break
    that could occur either during or between sessions of Congress.
    Cf. Noel Canning, 705 F.3d at 500 (“Not only did the Framers use
    a   different      word,    but     none    of    the    ‘adjournment’        usages      is
    preceded     by    the    definite    article.          All    this     points     to    the
    inescapable        conclusion       that    the     Framers     intended        something
    specific by the term ‘the Recess,’ and that it was something
    different than a generic break in proceedings.”).                           As noted by
    the court in New Vista Nursing, “if the framers had intended for
    the president to be able to appoint officers during intrasession
    - 94 -
    breaks,    then    the     Recess    Appointments          Clause       could      have    been
    worded    differently,          allowing    recess    appointments             ‘during      the
    Adjournment of the Senate.’”               
    2013 WL 2099742
    , at *20.
    Second,       our    interpretation       of    the        term    “the      Recess”    is
    supported by the Framers’ understanding of the term.                                  In The
    Federalist     No.        67,     Hamilton     explained              that     the     recess
    appointment        power        supplemented        the         “ordinary          power     of
    appointment.”        The Federalist No. 67, at 350.                          This ordinary
    power,     under    the    Appointments        Clause,          was    to    be     exercised
    “jointly” by the President and Senate.                          
         The supplemental
    authority only was to be exercised when “it might be necessary
    for the public service” to fill without delay certain vacancies
    that “might happen in [the Senate’s] recess.”                            
           The Recess
    Appointments Clause was added because the joint power could only
    be “exercised during the session of the Senate.”                             
         Thus, by
    necessary      implication,           under         Hamilton’s              view,      recess
    appointments       would    be    necessary,        and    thus        permissible,        only
    outside the session of the Senate.
    The     Framers’       understanding       of        the     Recess       Appointments
    Clause is underscored by the appointment of duties inspectors by
    the First Congress, which contained twenty members who had been
    delegates to the Philadelphia Convention, see Bowsher v. Synar,
    478 U.S. 714
    , 724 n.3 (1986).               The Act of March 3, 1791, ch. 15,
    1 Stat. 199
    , authorizing the appointment of duties inspectors,
    - 95 -
    provided “[t]hat if the appointment of the inspectors of surveys
    . . . shall not be made during the present session of Congress,
    the    President    may,    and     he    is    hereby       empowered     to      make   such
    appointments       during    the     recess       of    the     Senate,       by    granting
    commissions    which        shall    expire       at     the       end   of     their      next
     § 4, 1 Stat. at 200; see also Act of Sept. 22,
    1789, Ch. 17, § 4, 1 Stat. at 71 (authorizing payment to Senate
    clerk of “two dollars per day during the session, with the like
    compensation       to   such      clerk    while        he     shall     be     necessarily
    employed in the recess”).
    The Framers’ understanding is further underscored by the
    valid   reasons     supporting       the       distinction      between       intersession
    and intrasession breaks.              As noted above, at the time of the
    Constitution’s ratification, breaks between sessions of Congress
    typically were six to nine months.                     During such periods, it was
    unrealistic to think the Senate could perform its advice and
    consent function.           By contrast, there is no evidence that the
    Framers thought it was necessary to empower the President to
    make    unilateral      appointments           while    the    Senate      was     adjourned
    within its session for short periods.                         The Framers would not
    have contemplated any need to set aside “the ordinary power of
    appointments,”       The    Federalist          No.    67,    at    350,      during      short
    breaks, let alone lunch, evening, or weekend breaks.
    - 96 -
    Third,      the    historical         record       supports      the    intersession
    definition of the term “the Recess.”                           From 1789 until 1921,
    Presidents frequently made recess appointments between sessions
    of    Congress.           Notably,          however,       Executive         practice     was
    dramatically different during the thousands of instances when
    the Senate ceased or suspended business during its sessions over
    the   course     of     those    132    years.          Admittedly,         most   of   those
    adjournments       were       for     periods      of     fewer     than      three     days,
    including    almost       every     evening       and    weekend;      but    on   at   least
    sixty occasions the Senate also adjourned for more than three
    days.      See     U.S.       Gov’t    Printing         Office,   2003-2004         Official
    Congressional Directory: 108th Cong. 512-17 (2004).                                Taken to
    its   logical     conclusion,          in   the    Board’s      view,       each   of   these
    intrasession breaks was “the Recess” for purposes of the Recess
    Appointments Clause, during which the President could have made
    unilateral       appointments.         However,         with   only     a    single     known
    possible exception            (President      Andrew      Johnson),         Presidents    did
    not make recess appointments during these breaks.                                  Edward A.
    Hartnett,      Recess     Appointments          of      Article   III       Judges:     Three
    Constitutional Questions, 
    26 Cardozo L. Rev. 377
    , 408–09 (2005).
    In    1901,       the     Executive         Branch       first    considered        the
    constitutionality of intrasession recess appointments.                               At that
    time, Attorney General Philander Knox opined “that the President
    is not authorized to appoint an appraiser at the port of New
    - 97 -
    York     during       the    current      [intrasession]             adjournment      of     the
    Senate.”      23 Op. Att’y Gen. 599, 604 (1901).                           Attorney General
    Knox explained that, in contrast to the Constitution’s use of
    the broader term “adjourn[ment],” the term “the Recess” refers
    to “the period after the final adjournment of Congress for the
    session, and before the next session begins.”                              
    Id. at 601
    .        An
    “intermediate          temporary         adjournment”           during       the      session,
    “although it may be a recess in the general and ordinary use of
    that term,” is not “the recess during which the President has
    power    to   fill     vacancies         by    granting        commissions       which     shall
    expire at the end of the next session.”                        
    As noted earlier, Attorney General Daugherty’s opinion in
    1921 changed the Executive Branch’s understanding of the Recess
    Appointments Clause in favor of a functional approach, asking,
    in a practical sense, whether the Senate was in session so that
    its advice and consent could be obtained.                            33 Op. Att’y Gen. at
    21-22.     He concluded that an intrasession adjournment could be
    deemed    “the    Recess”          for   purposes         of   the    Recess     Appointments
    Clause    only    when       the    Senate      is    “absent        so   that   it   can    not
    receive communications from the President or participate as a
    body in making appointments.”                        
    Id. at 25
    .           Notably, Attorney
    General Daugherty rejected the argument that the President may
    make a recess appointment during any pause in Senate business.
    “[L]ooking       at    the    matter          from    a    practical       standpoint,”       he
    - 98 -
    reasoned that “no one . . . would for a moment contend that the
    Senate is not in session when an adjournment [of two or three
    days] is taken,” and added that even an adjournment “for 5 or
    even 10 days” could not satisfy his “practical” test.                    
    As noted by the court in Noel Canning, the infrequency of
    intrasession recess appointments in the historical record and
    the relative disdain harbored toward such appointments in at
    least the first 132 years of our Nation suggests an “absence of
    [the]   power”    to    make   such     appointments.         705      F.3d    at     502
    (citation and internal quotation marks omitted).                         The marked
    increase in the number of recess appointments since the Reagan
    Administration may be attributed to political polarization being
    at an all-time high, rather than fidelity to the plain language
    and   structure    of   the    Recess    Appointments       Clause.           Wolf,    81
    Fordham L. Rev. at 2078.
    Fourth,     we     are    troubled       by     the     intrasession            and
    unavailable-for-business        definitions     of    the    term      “the    Recess”
    because they thwart the advice and consent function engrained in
    the Appointments Clause.          Clearly, an expansive reading of the
    Recess Appointments Clause gives the President the ability to
    appoint controversial individuals to high government posts by
    preventing the Senate from performing its constitutional advice
    and   consent     function.      Obviously,         such    use   of    the     Recess
    - 99 -
    Appointments Clause is at odds with the original purposes of
    both the Appointments and Recess Appointments Clauses.
    The Board urges us to recognize an expansive reading of the
    Recess Appointments Clause as a way to ensure that the President
    can   adhere     to    the   Take    Care    Clause.     The    growing    animosity
    between the Executive and Legislative Branches over Presidential
    nominees is an obvious concern, and such animosity explains the
    Board’s reliance on Presidential discretion to determine when
    the Senate is in recess.             See Lawfulness of Recess Appointments,
    36    Mem.    Op.     O.L.C.    at   23     (“[T]he    President    therefore     has
    discretion to conclude that the Senate is unavailable to perform
    its advise-and-consent function and to exercise his power to
    make recess appointments.”).                But, ultimately, as noted by the
    Noel Canning court, it is incumbent on the judiciary to state
    what the law is, notwithstanding any presumption that arises
    under the Take Care Clause.               705 F.3d at 506 (quoting Marbury, 5
    U.S. (1 Cranch) at 177).               We simply cannot rely on political
    gridlock to embrace the Board’s interpretation of the term “the
    Recess.”        Id. at 504 (“Allowing the President to define the
    scope    of     his    own     appointments     power    would     eviscerate     the
    Constitution’s separation of powers.”).
    Fifth,    the    intrasession        definition   offers    vague    and   the
    unavailable-for-business             definition        offers      no     durational
    guideposts.         Under these definitions of the term “the Recess,”
    - 100 -
    the President simply is left to determine whether the Senate is
    in recess, with little or no guidance and/or judicial oversight.
    Yet, the constitutional structure of the Appointments and Recess
    Appointments Clauses demands more to ensure that the separation
    of     the    Executive             and     Legislative      Branches        is    maintained.
    Drawing the line between intersession and intrasession breaks,
    in our view, strikes the appropriate balance.
    To     be        sure,       the    durational       component        of    the     Recess
    Appointments Clause (“End of [the Senate’s] next Session,” U.S.
    Const.       art.       II,     §     2,    cl.3),    only     makes      sense     under     the
    intersession definition of the term “the Recess.”                                    Under the
    intrasession            and     the       unavailable-for-business           definitions,      a
    Presidential appointment does not proceed through the ordinary
    and preferred confirmation process because the Senate does not
    necessarily have to take up the appointment in the next session.
    As noted by the court in New Vista Nursing, the appointment
    would not expire until the Senate reconvened, adjourned sine
    die,    reconvened,           and     then    adjourned      sine      die   a    second    time.
    2013 WL 2099742
    , at *23.                       This makes the Recess Appointments
    Clause       an     alternative            rather    than    an       auxiliary     method    of
    Along        a     similar          vein,     because      a    recess      appointee’s
    commission lasts until the end of the Senate’s “next [s]ession,”
    there is no reason to think that the Framers would have designed
    - 101 -
    a scheme in which intrasession appointments could last longer
    than    intersession       appointments,        i.e.,   to   last   throughout      the
    remainder of the session, one additional intersession break, and
    the entire subsequent session, a period that could last almost
    two years.       Thus, the relevant question is not, as the Evans
    court intimated, how long an intersession or intrasession recess
    may last, 
    387 F.3d at 1226
    , but rather how long such appointees
    may serve. 21
    Sixth,      the     intrasession         and     unavailable-for-business
    definitions of the term “the Recess” essentially prevent the
    Senate from establishing its own rules concerning the conduct of
    its proceedings.         See U.S. Const. art. I, § 5, cl.2 (“Each House
    may    determine     the   Rules    of    its    Proceedings.”).          It   is   the
    Senate, not the President, who has the privilege of determining
    the manner      in   which    the   Senate      meets   during      a   Congressional
    session.    In this case, the Senate decided to meet in pro forma
    sessions during a five-week period.                   During such sessions, the
    Senate is called to order.               On December 23, 2011, during a pro
    The language of the original Senate Vacancies Clause,
    which used the phrase “‘the next Meeting’” as its durational
    component, U.S. Const. art. I, § 3, cl.2, superseded by id.
    Amend. XVII, also supports the intersession definition of the
    term “the Recess” because the Recess Appointments Clause’s use
    of the term “the Recess” instead of the phrase “the next
    Meeting” demonstrates that the Framers had a particular type of
    break in mind when it created the Recess Appointments Clause,
    instead of any type of break in Senate business, which
    essentially is what the intrasession definition allows.
    - 102 -
    forma       session,      the     Senate       passed    payroll      tax   extension
    legislation, and that same day the President signed into law the
    payroll tax extension.            This coordination of the Legislative and
    Executive Branches during pro forma sessions suggests that the
    Senate can perform its advice and consent function during such
    sessions. 22
    For the reasons set forth above, we agree with the Noel
    Canning and New Vista Nursing courts that the term “the Recess,”
    as    used    in    the     Recess     Appointments      Clause,      refers     to    the
    legislative         break       that     the       Senate     takes     between        its
    “Session[s].”          That is to say “the Recess” occurs during an
    intersession break--the period of time between an adjournment
    sine die and the start of the Senate’s next session.                             Such an
    interpretation adheres to the plain language of the Appointments
    and    Recess      Appointments        Clauses,    and   is   consistent       with    the
    structure of the Constitution, the history behind the enactment
    of    these   clauses,      and   the     recess    appointment       practice    of    at
    least the first 132 years of our Nation.
    We note that this case is not, as the Board would have us
    believe, about the propriety of legislative pro forma sessions.
    While the use of such sessions arguably can have an impact on
    the President’s ability to make recess appointments, the
    practice does not alter our conceptual understanding of the
    Recess Appointments Clause, especially since the Senate is more
    than capable of conducting business during this time, as
    evidenced by the passage of the payroll tax extension.
    - 103 -
    In his spirited dissent, our good colleague embraces the
    unavailable-for-business              definition    of   the    term    “the   Recess,”
    opining that the Senate is in “‘the Recess’ when it is not
    available to provide advice and consent on nominations.”                             Post
    at 143.      As the dissent sees it, the Senate is in “the Recess”
    if it “is not engaged in its regular course of business, is
    unavailable to receive messages from the President, or cannot
    meet to consider a nomination for a position.”                    Post at 143.
    The   unavailable-for-business              definition     embraced      by     the
    dissent is a contemporary definition of the term “the Recess.”
    Such    definition,       as    the    dissent     recognizes,    sets    no    minimum
    length for an intrasession break to be considered “the Recess.”
    Post at 149.           According to the dissent, the absence of such a
    minimum is not “a flaw, but rather a part of the[] grand design
    in drafting a compact” that would remain relevant for future
    generations.       Post at 153.           Untethering the recess appointment
    power     from     a     durational       guidepost,       says    our        dissenting
    colleague, “operates to exclude the altogether silly scenario of
    the    President       making   recess     appointments        during   the     Senate’s
    breaks    for    meals    or    weekends,     while      including      the    types    of
    weeks-long       intrasession           recesses      that      could     stall        the
    functioning of government if an important post is left vacant.”
    Post at 153.
    - 104 -
    This contemporary definition of the term “the Recess” has
    no historical support.             As noted earlier, up until 1921, that
    the President could only exercise his recess appointment power
    during    an   intersession        break   was    settled.              Attorney       General
    Daugherty’s 1921 opinion introduced a functional approach, yet
    even     his   definition      recognized         that        a     five        or     ten-day
    intrasession break would not suffice.                   33 Op. Att’y Gen. at 25
    (“Nor do I think an adjournment for 5 or even 10 days can be
    said to constitute the recess intended by the Constitution.”).
    Moreover, the Office of Legal Counsel’s 2012 memorandum opinion
    recognizes some durational minimum in reaching the conclusion
    that    “the   President’s     authority         to    make       recess        appointments
    extends to an intrasession recess of twenty days.”                                Lawfulness
    of Recess Appointments, 36 Mem. Op. O.L.C. at 9.                          However, under
    the unavailable-for-business definition espoused by the dissent,
    a break as little as a couple of work days would suffice if the
    Senate could not meet to consider a nomination.                            No historical
    support    exists     for    this     proposition.                The    utter       lack    of
    historical     support      begs    the    question:      How           could    all    three
    branches of the federal government have been so wrong for so
    long?     But the lack of historical support is just the beginning
    of the unavailable-for-business definition’s shortcomings, and
    we have identified some of them in the previous section of this
    opinion.       A   closer   analysis       of    the   dissent          reveals      why    the
    - 105 -
    unavailable-for-business             definition     simply    is    not     a        viable
    The dissent begins where it should--with the language of
    the Recess Appointments Clause.                  Upon examining such language,
    the dissent concludes the term “the Recess” is ambiguous.                               To
    reach this conclusion, the dissent starts with the unremarkable
    proposition that the use of the definite article “the” in the
    term “the Recess” is inconclusive on the meaning of the term.
    From there, the dissent stresses that, if the term “the Recess”
    in the Recess Appointments Clause refers only to intersession
    breaks, the use of the term “the Recess” in the original Senate
    Vacancies Clause, U.S. Const. art. I, § 3, cl. 2, superseded by
    id. Amend. XVII, should mean the same thing.                   The dissent posits
    that the term “the Recess” in the Senate Vacancies Clause cannot
    mean a singular recess (i.e., an intersession break) because
    “the   clause     is     used   to    refer      collectively      to   the      various
    recesses of the several state legislatures.”                    Post at 137.            It
    follows,     then,      according    to    the   dissent,    that   the     term      “the
    Recess”      in   the     Recess     Appointments     Clause       points       to    both
    intrasession and intersession recesses.                    However, comparing the
    term “the Recess” in the Recess Appointments Clause to the term
    “the Recess” in the Senate Vacancies Clause is like comparing
    apples to oranges.           Critically, the Recess Appointments Clause
    and    the    Senate      Vacancies       Clause    have    different       durational
    - 106 -
    components,      “the    next       [s]ession”          in     the    case      of    the     Recess
    Appointments Clause, and “the next [m]eeting” in the case of the
    Senate Vacancies Clause.                  Because the durational component in
    the Senate Vacancies Clause is tied to “the next [m]eeting,” the
    type of break the state legislature takes before it reconvenes
    is     irrelevant     because           the     recess       appointment         expires       upon
    reconvention.         Equally           critical,      the     Senate      Vacancies          Clause
    does    not    involve       the    relationship          between         the   Executive          and
    Legislative      Branches          of    the    federal       government,            nor    does    it
    involve the relationship between the Appointments Clause and the
    Recess Appointments Clause.                    Thus, the term “the Recess” must be
    construed in two very different contexts.                            The Supreme Court has
    recognized that some words in the Constitution have different
    meanings      “according       to       the     connection           in   which       [they    are]
    employed” and “the character of the function” in which the word
    is found.      Atlantic Cleaners & Dryers v. United States, 
    286 U.S. 427
    , 433–34 (1932).                Such is the case here.                       The term “the
    Recess” in the Senate Vacancies Clause must apply in a variety
    of     situations       to     account          for      the     various          parliamentary
    procedures used by state legislatures.                          The same cannot be said
    about the term “the Recess” as used in the Recess Appointments
    Clause.       Moreover, the Recess Appointments Clause’s use of “the
    next     [s]ession”      shows          that     the     Recess       Appointments            Clause
    “contemplates a particular kind of break[, a]nd, in light of the
    - 107 -
    competing       operations       of    the     definitions,         that    type     is    the
    intersession break.”             New Vista Nursing, 
    2013 WL 2099742
    , at
    The     dissent    finds       further     ambiguity         in   the     term     “the
    Recess” because the intersession definition of the term “the
    Recess”      requires      the         insertion       of     a      modifier,          namely
    “intersession,” before the term “the Recess.”                            However, if the
    intersession definition requires the insertion of a modifier, so
    does   the     unavailable-for-business               definition.           To   make     that
    definition      work,    one     has    to     read   “the    Recess”       to     mean   “the
    Recess in which the Senate cannot provide advice and consent.”
    Thus, the dissent’s modifier argument misses the mark.                              Both the
    majority and the dissent are attempting to divine the meaning of
    the term “the Recess” by examining the text of the Constitution
    and    historical       usages    and     practices.           We    believe,       for    the
    reasons expressed above, such evidence decidedly points to the
    intersession       definition,         while    the    dissent       sees    the    evidence
    pointing     in    a   different       direction.           Put     another      way,     after
    examining such evidence, the intersession definition does not
    use “intersession” as a modifier because “the Recess” “means
    only intersession breaks.”               New Vista Nursing, 
    2013 WL 2099742
    at *25 n.30.
    Next,      continuing      its        ambiguity       analysis,        the    dissent
    downplays the significance that the Constitution uses the terms
    - 108 -
    “adjourn” and “adjournment” in a broader sense than the term
    “the Recess,” describing “the distinction between adjournments
    and ‘the Recess’” as a “convenient correlation” with “no basis
    in the text of the Constitution.”              Post at 139.         However, the
    fact    remains     that   the    terms     “adjourn”    and        “adjournment”
    necessarily       apply    to    both   intersession      and        intrasession
    recesses, while the term “the Recess” does not.                 This certainly
    indicates that the Framers believed “the Recess” applied in a
    narrower context.
    Concluding its ambiguity analysis, the dissent rejects as
    irrelevant the fact that an intrasession appointee’s term could
    last twice as long as an intersession appointee.                    According to
    the dissent, “nothing in the Recess Appointments Clause,” or
    anywhere else in the Constitution for that matter, “requires
    that all recess appointments be of the same length, and such an
    interpretation      does   not   further”     the   purpose    of    the    clause.
    Post at 140.       But the dissent’s view ignores the structure of
    the    Recess   Appointments     Clause.      It    provides    that    a    recess
    appointment expires at the end of the Senate’s “next [s]ession.”
    Thus, there is a dichotomy between “the Recess” and the “next
    [s]ession” such that the Senate is either in session or it is in
    recess.     Recess appointments are allowed during “the Recess”
    preceding the “next [s]ession” and that “next [s]ession” then
    caps the length of any such appointments--one Senate session.
    - 109 -
    This ensures that the Senate always has one full session to
    consider confirmation.            Once the Senate has that opportunity to
    consider confirmation, the need for an emergency appointment is
    gone.       As    Justice      Story    explained      way       back   in    1833,    “the
    president should be authorized to make temporary appointments
    during the recess, which should expire, when the senate should
    have had an opportunity to act on the subject.”                              3 Joseph L.
    Story, Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States
    § 1551 (1833); see also New Vista Nursing, 
    2013 WL 2099742
    , at
    *22     (“The    Clause’s       function   is     .    .     .    fulfilled     once    an
    opportunity for the Senate to act has come and gone.”).
    More telling, the dissent offers no explanation for why the
    Constitution would empower the President to double the length of
    recess appointments through strategic timing.                       We can find none.
    But   the   fact    remains,      the   unavailable-for-business               definition
    creates     the    inexplicable         anomaly       that       intrasession      recess
    appointees       may    serve     twice    as   long       as     their      intersession
    counterparts.          It strains credulity that the Framers intended
    such a result.         Rather, they intended all recess appointments to
    be made during the intersession break, which would result in all
    such appointments lasting one Senate session.
    Having      found   “a    strictly    textual        interpretation”        of    the
    Recess Appointments Clause “inconclusive,” the dissent turns its
    attention to the purpose underlying the clause.                              The dissent
    - 110 -
    concludes that the sole purpose of the clause is to “ensure the
    proper functioning of government,” Post at 144, and that the
    unavailable-for-business definition fits comfortably within that
    purpose.         Telling    from       the    dissent’s         discussion       is    its
    reluctance to give one of the core functions of the clause its
    proper     place.        One     of    the     purposes         behind     the     Recess
    Appointments     Clause     is   “to    preserve       the      Senate’s   advice-and-
    consent power by limiting the president’s unilateral appointment
    power.”     New Vista Nursing, 
    2013 WL 2099742
    , at *18.                          Yet, the
    dissent downplays the Senate’s role almost to the point of a
    casual bystander, noting that it is not permitted to “weigh the
    executive’s policy choice.”             Post at 142.            What the dissent is
    doing, really by necessity, is placing all of the face cards in
    the hands of the President.             However, the Framers had something
    completely different in mind when it created the Appointments
    and Recess Appointments Clauses.                   At the time of ratification,
    the    Framers    were     skeptical        with     the     notion   of    unilateral
    executive appointments power.                As noted by the Supreme Court in
    Freytag, the “power of appointments to offices was deemed the
    most     insidious   and       powerful       weapon       of    eighteenth       century
    despotism.”       501 U.S. at 883 (citation and internal quotation
    marks omitted); see also Edmond v. United States, 
    520 U.S. 651
    659 (1997) (noting that the advice and consent feature in the
    Constitution      “serves      both    to     curb    Executive       abuses      of   the
    - 111 -
    appointment power, . . . and to promote a judicious choice of
    persons       for    filling    the      offices    of    the    union”)          (citations,
    internal       quotation       marks,     and   alterations        omitted).             As    a
    consequence of this concern, the Framers sought to “ensure that
    those    who    wielded      [appointments         powers]      were     accountable          to
    political force and the will of the people” by limiting the
    power of the Executive and Legislative Branches.                                 Freytag, 501
    U.S. at 884.          This was accomplished through a division of power
    between these two branches.               Id.      And to ignore this division of
    power,    as    the    dissent     essentially        does,     destroys         one    of    the
    central       pillars       undergirding        the      Appointments            and     Recess
    Appointments Clauses.
    Moving from its discussion of the purpose of the Recess
    Appointments          Clause,      the    dissent        engages       in    an        extended
    discussion           concerning          how    the        unavailable-for-business
    definition “fits with historical practice.”                        Post at 144                The
    dissent begins its discussion by downplaying the significance of
    the fact that it was universally recognized for the first 132
    years    of    our    Nation    that     “the   Recess”        meant    an       intersession
    recess.         See     post     at      145    (“In      my    view,        a     functional
    interpretation         of    the      Recess    Appointments           Clause          properly
    counsels against a blind adherence to the precise procedural
    conditions in which earlier executives exercised the power.”).
    Yet historical practice is extremely important to the Recess
    - 112 -
    Appointments Clause analysis.                 See, e.g., District of Columbia
    v. Heller, 
    554 U.S. 570
    , 600-19 (2008) (examining historical
    practices and understandings concerning the Second Amendment’s
    right    to    bear    arms);      Freytag,    501     U.S.    at    883-84      (examining
    history to determine the scope of the Appointments Clause).
    In any event, what the dissent ignores here is that, in the
    first 132 years of our Nation, there were numerous opportunities
    to make intrasession recess appointments, but none, with the
    lone possible exception of one by President Andrew Johnson, were
    made.       The     Senate    took   three     intrasession         recesses        in    1800,
    1817,    and       1828,    and,   beginning     in    1863,       the    Senate      started
    taking annual intrasession recesses of approximately two weeks
    from    the    end    of     December   through       the     beginning        of    January.
    Michael       A.   Carrier,     Note,   When     is    the    Senate      in    Recess      for
    Purposes of the Recess Appointments Clause?, 
    92 Mich. L. Rev. 2204
    ,    2211       (1994).        Despite     this     increase         in    intrasession
    breaks, and the corresponding increase in opportunities to make
    appointments during such breaks, Presidents continued to make
    recess      appointments       exclusively       (with       the    possible        President
    Andrew      Johnson        exception)   during        intersession        breaks.           
    Unlike      our     dissenting       colleague       who     must    view      the       Recess
    Appointments Clause in a contemporary, “practical light,” post
    at   149,     we    find    this   historical     understanding           of    the      recess
    appointments procedure telling.
    - 113 -
    The dissent next turns its focus to a purported flaw in the
    intersession definition of the term “the Recess”--the lack of a
    durational         minimum.      The     dissent      notes       that,    like       the
    unavailable-for-business definition, the intersession definition
    fixes no minimum length.            See post at 149 (“Thus, if Congress
    takes a one-day break between sessions, the majority apparently
    would    find      no   fault   with     the     President       making     a    recess
    appointment during that time, despite the fact that the Senate
    would have returned to business the next day and been available
    to provide its advice and consent on the nominee.”).                        According
    to the dissent, the intersession definition is flawed because it
    allows for a recess appointment during a momentary intersession
    break.       The    dissent’s   argument       here   is   a    red-herring.          All
    courts and commentators agree that the President may make recess
    appointments        during    intersession       breaks,       regardless       of    the
    break’s length.          So the lack of a durational minimum in the
    intersession definition simply is of no consequence.                            But the
    lack of such a minimum is understandable for another reason.
    The    durational       component   of   the     Recess        Appointments      Clause
    entered the discussion only when the Executive Branch sought in
    1921    to   expand     the   settled    understanding          of   the   term      “the
    Recess.”      Until that time, a durational minimum was not brought
    to the forefront because it was understood that the President’s
    - 114 -
    recess    appointment     power    could    only       be    exercised     during       the
    intersession break, regardless of its length.
    The dissent next argues that the intersession definition of
    the     term   “the   Recess”     is     flawed    because         it   assumes       “the
    President might abuse his power to appoint officials.”                           Post at
    150.     In this regard, the dissent likens the President’s recess
    appointment power to his veto and pardoning powers, noting that
    there are no limits on the exercise of these latter powers;
    thus,    we    must   “expect     some    modicum       of       good   faith    in     the
    individual our fellow citizens elect to the most powerful office
    in the world.”        Post at 150-51.          And the dissent adds that we
    give “short shrift” to the “presumption of constitutionality”
    accorded to Presidential actions.                Post at 152.           The dissent’s
    argument once again misses its intended target.                         First off, we
    harbor doubt that a presumption of constitutionality applies in
    separation-of-powers       cases.        See     New    Vista      Nursing,      
    2013 WL 2099742
    , at *27 (“Our role as the ultimate interpreter of the
    Constitution requires that we ensure its structural safeguards
    are preserved. . . .            It is a role that cannot be shared with
    the other branches anymore than the president can share his veto
    power    or    Congress   can   share    its   power        to    override      vetoes.”)
    (citations and internal quotation marks omitted); see also Free
    Enter. Fund v. Pub. Co. Accounting Oversight Bd., 
    130 S. Ct. 3138
    , 3155 (2010) (noting that “the separation of powers does
    - 115 -
    not depend on the views of individual Presidents, nor on whether
    the encroached-upon branch approves the encroachment”) (citation
    and internal quotation marks omitted); Clinton v. New York City,
    524 U.S. 417
    , 428-48 (1998) (analyzing the constitutionality of
    the line-item veto without expressing the need to defer to the
    other branches’ constitutional judgments); New York v. United
    505 U.S. 144
    ,    182      (1992)     (noting       that      the
    “Constitution’s division of power among the three branches is
    violated     where    one    branch      invades    the     territory      of    another,
    whether      or     not     the     encroached-upon         branch    approves        the
    encroachment”).           But notwithstanding any presumption, comparing
    the   President’s         veto     and    pardoning       powers     to    his     recess
    appointment power is just another apples to oranges comparison.
    These other powers were not “the most insidious and powerful
    weapon of eighteenth century despotism.”                     Freytag, 501 U.S. at
    883 (citation and internal quotation marks omitted).                            The power
    that can be wielded by a President who desires to make an end-
    run around Senate approval is obvious.                      The dissent says that
    Presidents will not act so unruly because the President will
    want to maintain favor with the Senate and with the public at
    large.     But the recent historical record suggests otherwise.                        In
    the   past    two    Presidential        administrations,         nearly    all    recess
    appointees themselves previously were nominated to their posts,
    usually      by   several    months.        See     Henry    B.    Hogue    &     Maureen
    - 116 -
    Bearden,      Cong.      Research    Service,       R42329,       Recess    Appointments
    Made by President Barack Obama,                   at 7 (2012); Henry B. Hogue &
    Maureen      Bearden,       Cong.        Research    Service,         RL33310,     Recess
    Appointments Made by President George W. Bush, January 20, 2001-
    October      31,   2008,    at     3-5    (2008).     If        anything,   this   recent
    evidence shows that recess appointments have become a means to
    sidestep the confirmation process.
    The dissent next posits that the intersession definition of
    the term “the Recess” is flawed because it leaves the President
    powerless to act.          According to the dissent, “the Senate is free
    to    read     out    of     the     Constitution         the     President’s      recess
    appointment        power    by    refusing    to    take    intersession       recesses,
    opting instead to take an extended intrasession break, returning
    just before the session ends, and then moving directly into the
    next session.”           Post at 153.         The dissent here is overstating
    its   case.        For     starters,      under     the    unavailable-for-business
    definition, the President easily can get around Senate advice
    and consent by strategically making his recess appointments, as
    he did in this case.             More importantly, the Senate already is in
    a position to substantially limit the President’s appointments
    power by remaining in session.                    But remaining in session does
    not   ensure       that     the     Senate    will        act    on   the    President’s
    nominations.         The upshot is that the Constitution envisions the
    potential      for    gridlock      between    the    Executive       and    Legislative
    - 117 -
    Branches, with neither side having the upper hand in resolving
    such gridlock.         Such gridlock simply is resolved through the
    political process.
    The dissent next claims that the intersession definition of
    the term “the Recess” is flawed because it “actually gives the
    House of Representatives a de facto veto on Presidential recess
    appointments.”        Post at 155.       According to the dissent, because
    the Adjournments Clause requires the House and Senate to agree
    on   any    adjournment        lasting    longer       than    three   days,      the
    Adjournments     Clause    enables       the   House    of    Representatives      to
    prevent the Senate from adjourning sine die.                   This, the dissent
    says, inserts the House of Representatives into the appointments
    process even though the Constitution purposely excludes it from
    that process.         Such is not the case.            The Constitution allows
    the President to adjourn both houses of Congress if the two
    houses cannot agree on a date of adjournment.                   U.S. Const. art.
    II, § 3.        This provision allows the President to prevent the
    House of Representatives from interfering in the appointments
    process    if   the    House   and   Senate    cannot     agree   on   a   date    of
    The dissent “confess[es] to some surprise” concerning the
    basis for our rejection of the dissent’s de facto veto argument.
    Post at 156.          Because we reject the dissent’s de facto veto
    argument on the basis that the President may adjourn Congress
    - 118 -
    when    there    is    a     disagreement       between    the       houses    of    Congress
    concerning      the        date    of   adjournment,       the       dissent       says     such
    reasoning necessarily means that the President gets to decide
    when the Senate is in “the Recess.”                        See post at 156 (“[I]t
    would allow the President to decide when the Senate is in “‘the
    Recess,’ thereby granting the President the precise unilateral
    power of appointment that the majority finds objectionable.”).
    Not so.      Either the House will agree to a date of adjournment
    sine die or it will not.                In the latter case, the Senate has two
    choices, remain in session or ask the President to set a date of
    adjournment and a date of reconvention.                        Here, the Senate chose
    to remain in session by way of pro forma sessions, which meant
    that the Appointments Clause was the proper mechanism to make
    the Board appointments at issue.                     Moreover, Article II, § 3 does
    not give the President unilateral power concerning adjournments.
    There must be a disagreement concerning the date of adjournment
    which    would        give    rise      to     one     house    of     Congress       seeking
    Presidential intervention.               As far as we can tell, neither house
    of   Congress     has       ever   sought      such    intervention.           But    if     the
    Senate felt the need to request Presidential intervention, it is
    an available option if the House and Senate cannot reach an
    agreement on the date of adjournment.                          And once Presidential
    intervention      is        sought,     and    the     President       sets    a     date    of
    adjournment sine die and a date of reconvention, the President
    - 119 -
    may   exercise      his     appointments      power      pursuant      to   the   Recess
    Appointments        Clause.        Of   course,    that     is   not    what   happened
    here. 23
    Finally,       the    dissent     suggests     that    the    unavailable-for-
    business definition does not interfere with the Senate’s ability
    to regulate its own rules.              According to the dissent, “while the
    Senate may meet in pro forma sessions when its members see fit,
    the   President      may    also    choose    to   use    his    recess     appointment
    power      during    such     sessions       if    the    Senate       is   practically
    unavailable to provide its advice and consent for nominees.”
    Post at 157.        The dissent here gives the President a dual light-
    saber.      The President has the power to both unilaterally make
    recess appointments and unilaterally declare when the Senate is
    There is an important similarity between the President’s
    adjournment power and his appointment power worth noting.     In
    the adjournment setting, both houses of Congress work together
    on setting a date of adjournment. If they cannot agree and one
    house is determined to adjourn for more than three days, that
    house can seek Presidential intervention. Before the moment of
    Presidential intervention, each house is acting pursuant to its
    own chosen rules of procedure, and the President must respect
    such rules before acting; otherwise the President can exercise
    almost absolute power over when Congress can meet.      The same
    Presidential respect is necessary to make the Appointments
    Clause and Recess Appointments Clause function properly.     The
    Senate operates pursuant to its own rules and determines in what
    manner it will meet. If the Senate decides to meet in pro forma
    sessions, the President must respect such decision and make
    appointments pursuant to the Appointments Clause. If he chooses
    to ignore such Senate action, he can exercise almost absolute
    power over appointments.    The intersession definition of the
    term “the Recess” preserves this necessary Presidential respect;
    the unavailable-for-business definition does not.
    - 120 -
    in recess.         Such a view gives the President the very absolute
    power of appointment that the Framers sought to withhold.                     This
    dual light-saber has disastrous consequences.                 If the President
    dictates when the Senate is in recess, essentially he can make
    recess appointments any time he feels the Senate is unavailable
    to advise and consent.           This results in the Recess Appointments
    Clause swallowing the Appointments Clause.                  Appointments under
    the Appointments Clause could become the exception rather than
    the rule.         In this regard, the circumstances surrounding the
    appointments in this case are telling.                Block and Griffin were
    nominated      approximately       three      weeks    before      their     recess
    appointments.         The    President     nonetheless      made   these     recess
    appointments even though the Senate was in a position to advise
    and consent.        One of the central features of a pro forma session
    is that the Senate convenes.             Neither the dissent nor the Board
    can distinguish pro forma sessions from ordinary sessions on the
    basis   of    the    Senate’s    availability     because    during   pro     forma
    sessions     the    Senate   convenes    in   a   manner    that   allows    it   to
    consent to nominations if it wants to do so.                 This is evidenced
    by   the     Senate’s    passing    of     the    payroll    tax    legislation.
    “Holding that the Senate is unavailable during these sessions
    requires      a     definition     of    availability       that    allows        the
    counterintuitive situation in which the Senate is available to
    enact   legislation      while   simultaneously       unavailable     to    provide
    - 121 -
    its advice and consent.”         New Vista Nursing, 
    2013 WL 2099742
    , at
    *19 n.23.
    The dissents says that the payroll tax legislation was an
    “extraordinary    bill    that    was    part   of   a    broader   legislative
    effort to avert a national financial catastrophe, and was passed
    by unanimous consent, thus not requiring the Senate to return to
    Washington.”     Post at 158.      Yet, the dissent never explains why
    legislation passed pursuant to a unanimous-consent agreement is
    permissible, but a similar procedure would be inadequate to give
    advice and consent on a nominee. 24             This flaw in the dissent’s
    reasoning   explains      why      the    Senate         is   responsible   for
    establishing its own rules subject to the limitations outlined
    in the Constitution. 25    Reduced to its essence, then, the dissent
    is objecting not to the Senate’s inability to conduct business,
    Of course, the payroll tax legislation is not the only
    piece of legislation to have been passed during a pro forma
    session.   There have been many.  See, e.g., Airport and Airway
    Extension Act of 2011, 157 Cong. Rec. S5297 (daily ed. Aug. 5,
    2011) (passed by the Senate during its August 5, 2011 pro forma
    The constraints on the manner in which the Senate
    conducts its business are minor.   It must meet once a year on
    January 3 (or another date Congress chooses), U.S. Const. amend.
    XX, § 2, and when called into special session by the President,
    id. art. II, § 3. And once convened, the Senate cannot adjourn
    for more than three days (or to another place) without the
    House’s consent. Id. art. I, § 5, cl.4. As noted earlier, only
    if the House and Senate disagree does the President play a role
    in adjournments. Id. art. II, § 3.
    - 122 -
    but rather to the procedure chosen by the Senate to conduct its
    business.     And the Senate has chosen to conduct business through
    unanimous-consent       agreements    rather    than     through   actual     roll-
    call votes. 26     But this is a judgment call made by the Senate.
    It simply is not the province of this court to dictate the
    manner in which the Senate chooses to conduct its business.                    Yet
    this is exactly what the dissent would do here--it is saying
    that the Senate was not in session even though it was fully
    capable of acting if it desired to do so.
    We    certainly    respect     the    position     taken     by   our   good
    colleague in dissent.         The dissent attempts to craft a solution
    to a very difficult problem that hopefully the Supreme Court
    will resolve in Noel Canning.           At the end of the day, we have an
    honest disagreement with a colleague we hold in high esteem.
    But   for    the   reasons     stated      above,   we    cannot    embrace    the
    unavailable-for-business definition.
    In    this   case,     the   President’s      three    January     4,   2012
    appointments to the Board were not made during an intersession
    recess because Congress began a new session on January 3, 2012.
    The use of unanimous-consent agreements is commonplace.
    From the 101st to the 110th Congresses, “an average of 93
    percent of approved measures did not receive roll call votes and
    in the 111th Congress through February 1, 2010, 94 percent of
    approved measures were approved without a roll call vote.” 156
    Cong. Rec. S7137-38 (daily ed. Sept. 15, 2010).
    - 123 -
    Consequently,         “these    appointments       were     invalid        from    their
    inception.”          Noel Canning, 705 F.3d at 507.              Because the Board
    lacked a quorum of three members when it issued its 2012 unfair
    labor practices decisions in both the Enterprise and Huntington
    cases, its decisions must be vacated.                New Process Steel, 
    130 S. Ct. at
    2644–45. 27
    Unfortunately, in modern times, the question concerning the
    scope     of   the    President’s    recess    appointment         power    under    the
    Recess     Appointments        Clause    has      become    a     political       debate
    regarding      the     qualifications     of   the    President’s      nominations,
    rather    than   a     genuine,    meaningful      debate       regarding    the    true
    meaning of the clause.            Today, it is the Executive Branch, with
    a Democratic president in office, seeking to exercise expansive
    recess appointment power.               Republicans are crying foul.                 See
    Brief of Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell and 44 Other
    Members of the United States Senate as Amici Curiae in Support
    of Certiorari in NLRB v. Noel Canning, 
    2013 WL 2352593
    , at **5-
    19 (May 28, 2013) (challenging, inter alia, President Obama’s
    Because we agree with Enterprise and Huntington that “the
    Recess,” as used in the Recess Appointments Clause, refers to
    the legislative break that the Senate takes between its
    “Session[s],” we need not decide whether the appointments at
    issue are also invalid because the vacancies did not “happen”
    during “the Recess.”
    - 124 -
    three January 4, 2012 recess appointments to the Board); Senator
    Roger Wicker, Executive Overreach and Recess Appointments, 
    31 Miss. C. L. Rev. 319
    , 321-27 (2013) (same).                            In the case of
    Judge Pryor, it was a Republican president, President Bush, in
    office, seeking to exercise expansive recess appointment power,
    with the Democrats crying foul.                   See Brief of Amicus Curiae
    Senator Edward Kennedy in Support of Petitioner’s Petition for
    Writ    of       Certiorari     in   Franklin    v.     United    States,       
    2004 WL 2326801
    , at **6-19 (October 12, 2004) (challenging the recess
    appointment        of   Judge    Pryor).      Who     knows     what    tomorrow    will
    bring?       Regardless, one thing must remain constant--the meaning
    of the Recess Appointments Clause, and it is the duty of this
    court       to   set    forth    that   meaning     irrespective         of   political
    fortunes.          We   have    done    so   here. 28      We    deny     the    Board’s
    applications for enforcement of its orders.
    The Board does not suggest that we should decline to
    address the meaning of the term “the Recess” because it is a
    non-justiciable political question. See Baker v. Carr, 
    369 U.S. 186
    ,   198,   217  (1962)   (outlining   requirements of   non-
    justiciability). However, if the Board raised such an argument,
    we would reject it. See New Vista Nursing, 
    2013 WL 2099742
    , at
    **8-10 (rejecting non-justiciability argument); Evans, 
    387 F.3d at 1227
    - 125 -
    DUNCAN, Circuit Judge, concurring:
    I concur in Parts I-III of the majority opinion.                            I also
    fully concur in Parts IV and V, because I agree that the most
    plausible     reading       of     the    Constitution’s         Recess    Appointments
    Clause limits “the Recess” to the so-called “intersession break”
    between two legislative sessions.                   I write separately to briefly
    underscore what, in my view, compels the conclusion reached by
    the majority in this regard.
    I begin by explicitly recognizing what should be evident
    from    the   spirited           and     principled       debate    between       my   two
    colleagues:       this      appeal       presents     a   challenging       issue      with
    respect to which there is limited guidance.                         The Constitution
    does not define “the Recess,” and we find no discussion of the
    Recess Appointments Clause at the Constitutional Convention in
    Philadelphia      or     the     state    ratifying       conventions.        Alexander
    Hamilton’s brief essay in Federalist 67 addresses the Recess
    Appointments       Clause        only     in     passing,    focusing       instead     on
    counteracting       the        misrepresentation          made     by     opponents     of
    ratification that the Constitution permitted the President to
    fill   vacancies       in    the       Senate.      Historical      practice      in   the
    decades following ratification of the Constitution is similarly
    sparse,     and    too      easily       subject     to   manipulation       by     “savvy
    lawyers,” as the dissent rightly notes.                     Diss. Op. at 147.          Nor
    is it obvious how the uptick in intrasession recess appointments
    - 126 -
    since    1981        ought       to   affect      our   analysis.        Compare     Marsh    v.
    463 U.S. 783
    , 792 (1983) (upholding the practice of
    beginning legislative sessions with a prayer because its long
    history of use had made it “part of the fabric of our society”),
    with INS v. Chadha, 
    462 U.S. 919
    , 944 (1983) (observing that the
    increased        frequency            of    the    Congressional       veto     in    statutes
    “sharpened rather than blunted” the judicial inquiry).
    But therein lies the flaw at the heart of the dissent’s
    logic.          It        faults      the    majority’s        textual      arguments,      but,
    significantly, proffers none in response.                             Rather, the dissent
    falls    back        on    the     same     purposive     reading     of    legislative      tea
    leaves for which it chides the majority, but without any textual
    underpinning.             It is certainly noteworthy that “the Recess” sits
    in grammatical tension with a reference to all inter-and intra-
    session     breaks.                And      although     perhaps      not     decisive,      the
    interplay of “recess” and “adjourn/adjournment” and the framers’
    use of “Session,” see Maj. Op. at 91-95, at least tips the scale
    of the textual argument in favor of the majority’s intersession-
    only reading of the Recess Appointments Clause when there is no
    counter-weight in the balance.
    I     am    further         troubled--and          unpersuaded--by       the    dissent’s
    skating     past          the    constitutional         text    and   “look[ing]       to    the
    purpose of the clause as our lodestar.”                          Diss. Op. at 148.           If,
    as   the        dissent          contends,        the    text    is    ambiguous,        surely
    - 127 -
    discerning       the     proper    application         of   the   Recess      Appointments
    Clause’s purpose is even more so.                      The clause’s purpose is, as
    the    dissent      acknowledges,          actually         twofold:     “to        ensure       a
    functioning        government      and   maintain        the   separation           of    powers
    between      the       executive     and     legislative          branches           of        that
    government.”           Id. at 131.       The dissent reaches its conclusion
    only by elevating the goal of ensuring the functioning of the
    government        when    the     Senate     is    (ostensibly)         unavailable              to
    provide its advice and consent, and ignoring that of maintaining
    the separation of powers by cabining the President’s unilateral
    appointments        power    to    limited       circumstances.              The    dissent’s
    failure     to    explain    why    it     has    emphasized      one    of        the    Recess
    Appointments        Clause’s      purposes       and    largely      ignored        the    other
    also gives one pause.
    Finally, the majority offers a more judicially manageable
    interpretation of “the Recess” than that offered by the dissent.
    Although the dissent criticizes the majority’s reading of the
    Recess Appointments Clause as “unworkable in practice,” id. at
    134, in my view, that description more aptly applies to the
    dissent’s        position.        Limiting        “the      Recess”     to    intersession
    breaks      creates       clear     parameters         for     the     Legislative             and
    Executive branches on when the Senate is in recess for purposes
    of    the    Recess       Appointments       Clause.           Such     clarity           is    of
    particular importance when, as here, the case implicates the
    - 128 -
    separation of powers doctrine.              See Plaut v. Spendthrift Farm,
    514 U.S. 211
    , 239 (1995) (identifying the separation of
    powers     doctrine    as     a     structural     safeguard      which    requires
    “establishing       high    walls    and   clear    distinctions     because       low
    walls and vague distinctions will not be judicially defensible
    in the heat of interbranch conflict”).
    The     dissent’s     proposed     standard,    by    contrast,      offers    no
    guidance, meaningful or otherwise.                 Its view that the Senate
    would be in “the Recess” when it “is not engaged in its regular
    course of business, is unavailable to receive messages from the
    President, or cannot meet to consider a nominee for a position,”
    Diss. Op. at 143, raises more questions than it answers.                       What
    constitutes the Senate’s “regular course of business”?                         What
    precludes     the   Senate    from     providing     its   advice    and    consent
    during   a   pro    forma    session?       How    long    must   the     Senate   be
    unavailable to receive messages, and what (and who) determines
    its unavailability?           Would a senator filibustering a nominee
    mean the Senate “cannot meet to consider th[at] nominee for a
    position,” and therefore give rise to the President’s recess
    appointments power?         I fear that these and other questions, for
    which the dissent provides no answers, would be more, rather
    than less, problematic.
    I therefore fully concur in the majority’s reading of the
    Recess Appointments Clause.
    - 129 -
    DIAZ, Circuit Judge, concurring in part and dissenting in part:
    When      they       convened         in    Philadelphia        in    May   1787   for    the
    Constitutional Convention, the Framers understood that they were
    engaged       in    something        more        than   a     drafting     exercise.         Their
    effort was an inspired work following a debate for the ages
    about the role of government, its relationship to the people,
    and--as       we    consider         today--the         division      of    power   among      its
    coordinate branches.                 These consolidated appeals require us to
    interpret the Recess Appointments Clause of Article II of the
    Constitution, which received little attention or discussion at
    the Founding, and yet serves as a linchpin of the division of
    power between the President and the Senate.
    I am pleased to join my colleagues’ resolution of these
    cases    as    to    the    merits         of     the   National      Labor      Relations     Act
    issues,       contained        in    parts        I,    II,    and   III    of   the    majority
    opinion.            But    I        part        company       with   my     friends     on     the
    constitutional questions before us. 1                          In interpreting the Recess
    The Board contends that Enterprise Leasing Co. and
    Huntington Ingalls, Inc. (the “Employers”) have waived certain
    constitutional arguments--namely, that “the Recess” refers to
    intersession recesses only and that “may happen” means “happen
    to arise”--by first raising them in their reply briefs. But we
    have discretion to consider an untimely constitutional challenge
    to an officer’s appointment, see Freytag v. CIR, 
    501 U.S. 868
    878-79   (1991),  and  considering   the  significance  of   the
    constitutional questions presented by these appeals, such
    discretion is properly exercised here.    We also remedied any
    - 130 -
    Appointments Clause, we must be mindful of the Framers’ intent
    in drafting it: to ensure a functioning government and maintain
    the separation of powers between the executive and legislative
    branches of that government.                 With this purpose fixed firmly in
    mind,       and    for     the    reasons     I   explain   below,     I   find    no
    constitutional defect in President Barack Obama’s intrasession
    recess appointments of National Labor Relations Board (“NLRB” or
    the “Board”) Members Sharon Block, Terence Flynn, and Richard
    Griffin, Jr.
    These appeals originate from the Senate’s unanimous consent
    resolution to “adjourn and convene for pro forma sessions only,
    with       no   business       conducted,”    between   December     20,   2011   and
    January 23, 2012.              157 Cong. Rec. S 8783-03 (daily ed. Dec. 17,
    2011).          These pro forma sessions were necessary, at least in
    part,       because      the   House   of    Representatives,   relying      on   the
    Adjournments Clause of the Constitution, 2 refused to give consent
    for the Senate to take its normal extended intersession recess.
    harm the Board would have suffered by granting both parties
    permission to address the arguments in supplemental briefs.
    The Adjournments Clause provides that “[n]either House,
    during the Session of Congress, shall, without the Consent of
    the other, adjourn for more than three days.” U.S. Const. art.
    I, § 5, cl. 4.
    - 131 -
    See NLRB v. New Vista Nursing and Rehabilitation, LLC, Nos. 11-
    3440, 12-1027, 12-1936, 
    2013 WL 2099742
    , at *32 n.6 (3d. Cir.
    May 16, 2013) (Greenaway, J., dissenting) (citing Lawfulness of
    Recess      Appointments        During       a         Recess   of    the       Senate
    Notwithstanding Periodic Pro Forma Sessions, 
    36 Op. O.L.C. 1
    , 2–
    3 (2012)).      As a result, the pro forma sessions created two
    intrasession recesses: one lasting from December 17, 2011, to
    January 2, 2012, and another lasting from January 3 (when a new
    session of Congress began) to January 23, 2012.
    Each    Tuesday    and   Friday     during         these   periods,    a   single
    senator took to the floor to convene and adjourn each pro forma
    session, which typically lasted for no more than a minute.                          The
    Senate did not say a prayer or recite the Pledge of Allegiance
    during these sessions, see 158 Cong. Rec. S3-11 (daily eds. Jan.
    6-20, 2012), nor did it receive messages from the President or
    the House, see 158 Cong. Rec. S37 (daily ed. Jan. 23, 2012).
    During one such session, the Senate agreed by unanimous consent
    to the payroll tax extension, see 157 Cong. Rec. S 8789 (daily
    ed. Dec. 23, 2011), which the President signed into law that
    same day.
    On   January     3,   2012,    Board    Member        Craig   Becker’s     recess
    appointment    term    ended,      leaving       the    Board   without    a    quorum.
    President Obama had nominated Sharon Block and Richard Griffin
    to the Board on December 14, 2011, but the Senate had not yet
    - 132 -
    voted on their nominations before recessing on December 17.                               On
    January 4, the President, apparently concluding that the Senate
    had   entered      “the    Recess”       despite        its     pro    forma     sessions,
    appointed Members Block, Griffin, and Flynn using his recess
    appointment       power.         See     Press     Release,       The     White        House,
    President       Obama      Announces        Recess            Appointments        to     Key
    Administration           Posts     (Jan.         4,       2012),         available        at
    The   President      acted       pursuant    to    the     Recess      Appointments
    Clause, which gives him the “Power to fill up all Vacancies that
    may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting the
    Commissions       which    shall       expire     at    the      End    of     their     next
    Session.”      U.S. Const. art. II, § 2, cl. 3.                       The majority says
    that, as used in the clause, “the Recess” refers to the break
    between the end of one regular session of the Senate and the
    convening    of    the    next    (the    so-called       “intersession          recess”).
    Because the Senate was not in an intersession recess when the
    President made his appointments, the majority holds that they
    are constitutionally invalid.              As the Board notes, this view of
    the   Recess      Appointments     Clause        also    deems        invalid    over     500
    appointments by fourteen Presidents dating back to the 1860s.
    See NLRB Supp. Br. 17.
    - 133 -
    The        majority’s      definition          of     “the     Recess”     presumes        a
    textual clarity not found in the clause and, more importantly,
    upsets     the       Framers’      carefully        crafted        allocation      of     power
    between        the     President      and    the     Senate        in   the   appointments
    process.        I would hold instead that “the Recess” “refers to both
    intra-    and        intersession      recesses          because    the    Senate       can    be
    unavailable to provide advice and consent during both.”                                       New
    2013 WL 2099742
    ,     at    *30     (Greenaway,        J.,   dissenting).
    Interpreting the clause as I propose, that is, with an eye to
    its original purpose, lends a pragmatic understanding of the
    scope     of     the      authority     it    confers,        while       maintaining         the
    delicate balance of power that the Framers intended.                                    Because
    the majority’s reading of the clause is not supported by the
    language itself and is unworkable in practice, I respectfully
    dissent from parts IV and V of the opinion.
    The Appointments Clause of the Constitution provides that
    the President shall nominate, “and by and with the Advice and
    Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public
    Ministers       and     Consuls,    Judges     of     the    supreme      Court,    and       all
    other Officers of the United States[.]”                            U.S. Const. art. II,
    § 2, cl. 2.            Recognizing that it would be impractical for the
    Senate to remain perpetually in session to consider presidential
    - 134 -
    nominees, The Federalist No. 67, at 410 (Alexander Hamilton) (C.
    Rossiter ed., 1961), the Framers also gave the President the
    power to make recess appointments.
    The majority has accurately summarized the law supporting
    the     conflicting      interpretations         of    the     Recess   Appointments
    Clause:       the   first,   championed     by    the    Employers      and   recently
    embraced by the Third and D.C. Circuits, 3 reads the clause so as
    to allow the President to make recess appointments only during
    an intersession recess, while the second, favored by the Board
    and by the Second, Ninth, and Eleventh Circuits, 4 as well as by
    Judge       Greenaway   in   dissent   in   New       Vista,   maintains      that   the
    President’s power to appoint extends to recesses generally, no
    matter when they occur. 5         I find the latter reading--also termed
    the “functional approach” 6--to be more persuasive.
    See New Vista, 
    2013 WL 2099742
    ; Noel Canning v. NLRB, 
    705 F.3d 490
     (D.C. Cir.), cert. granted, __ U.S. ____ (2013).
    See Evans v. Stephens, 
    387 F.3d 1220
     (11th Cir. 2004) (en
    banc); United States v. Woodley, 
    751 F.2d 1008
     (9th Cir. 1985)
    (en banc); United States v. Allocco, 
    305 F.2d 704
     (2d Cir.
    The majority says that the Board espouses a third
    interpretation of the clause, i.e., that a break need not meet a
    minimum time threshold in order to be considered “the Recess.”
    I do not think the Board goes so far.      To the contrary, the
    Board has specifically distinguished the instant situation from
    “an ordinary, long-weekend recess,” NLRB Br. 40, and aligned
    itself with the understanding that the clause generally excludes
    “very short breaks” of fewer than three days, NLRB Supp. Br. 15-
    - 135 -
    The   first   rule    of   constitutional            interpretation           is,   of
    course, to apply the plain meaning of the text.                           McPherson v.
    146 U.S. 1
     (1892); see also District of Columbia v.
    554 U.S. 570
    , 576 (2008) (“In interpreting [the] text,
    we are guided by the principle that the Constitution was written
    to be understood by the voters; its words and phrases were used
    in their normal and ordinary as distinguished from technical
    meaning.” (internal quotations omitted)).
    The    problem      with   a      textualist          view    of        the    Recess
    Appointments    Clause     is   that       the    language,       while      sparse,     is
    anything but clear.         See New Vista, 
    2013 WL 2099742
    , at *13
    (“The    word   ‘recess’    lacks      a        natural    meaning      that       clearly
    identifies whether it includes only intersession breaks or also
    includes   intrasession     breaks,         whether       they    be    of    a    certain
    duration or a period of unavailability.”).                   Most Americans would
    understand a “recess” to be a break from something--in this case
    a break from Senate proceedings.                   The question, then, becomes
    whether the Framers’ use of the definite article (i.e., “the”)
    See Noel Canning, 705 F.3d at 504 (calling the Board’s
    interpretation, as set out by Attorney General Daughtery in
    1921, the “functional approach”); New Vista, 
    2013 WL 2099742
    , at
    *12 (same).
    - 136 -
    as a modifier was intended to denominate a particular type of
    I think it a stretch to say that the plain language of the
    clause shows that the Framers intended to limit the President’s
    recess    appointment       power      to   the   singular      period    between      two
    congressional sessions.           If that were so, then it would stand to
    reason that the other use of “the Recess” in the Constitution--
    in   Article      I,   Section    3,    Clause    2, 7    which    provides     for    the
    temporary    appointment         of    Senators    by     state    executives     during
    their     legislatures’      recesses--would             have     the   same    singular
    meaning.       Yet we know that is not so because in that latter
    context, the clause is used to refer collectively to the various
    recesses of the several state legislatures.                         The Constitution
    also refers repeatedly to “the Congress” and “the President,”
    yet I doubt the majority ascribes the same literal meaning to
    the definite article in these contexts.
    Perhaps the Framers’ use of the definite article has some
    unique meaning in this context, but there is nothing in the
    clause    that     points    unambiguously        to     the    majority’s      view    of
    things.      It    seems    to    me    equally    plausible       that   the    Framers
    “[I]f Vacancies happen by Resignation, or otherwise,
    during the Recess of the Legislature of any State, the Executive
    thereof may make temporary Appointments until the next Meeting
    of the Legislature, which shall then fill such Vacancies.” U.S.
    Const. art. I, § 3, cl. 2.
    - 137 -
    choice of words was intended to exclude other types of recesses-
    -for example, when the Senate breaks for lunch by recessing.
    Alternatively,       as   the    en   banc   Eleventh        Circuit    concluded    in
    Evans, the word “the” might have also been intended to refer
    “generically    to    any    one--intrasession          or   intersession--of       the
    Senate’s acts of recessing, that is, taking a break.”                       
    387 F.3d at 1225
    Furthermore, the majority’s reading does more than simply
    give meaning to the word “the”--it also requires the court to
    inject an additional modifier into the Constitution, a practice
    that the Supreme Court has disfavored.                       See The Pocket Veto
    279 U.S. 655
    , 679 (1929).              As Judge Greenaway notes in his
    dissent in New Vista, the majority’s reading necessitates that
    one insert “intersession” before “Recess” in the clause.                            New
    2013 WL 2099742
    , at *34.              By contrast, a functional view
    of the clause does not require an additional modifier, because
    “the Recess” would refer without qualification to any break from
    Senate business when that body is functionally unavailable to
    give advice and consent.
    The    majority      also    concludes      that    because       “adjourn”    and
    “adjournment” are used elsewhere in the Constitution to refer to
    various    types   of     congressional      breaks,     including      intrasession
    recesses, “the Recess” must refer to a specific suspension of
    business: an intersession recess.                The majority is correct that
    - 138 -
    “adjourn” is used throughout the Constitution as a broader term
    than “the Recess.”          On that point, the Adjournments Clause of
    the Constitution demonstrates that an adjournment may either be
    very   short--for      example,      a    break       from   day     to    day--or    much
    longer.       See U.S. Const. art. I, § 5, cl. 4 (providing that
    “during the Session of Congress” neither House may “adjourn for
    more   than    three     days”   without        the    “consent      of    the    other”).
    However, I fail to see how this fact logically leads to the
    conclusion that all intrasession breaks are excluded from “the
    Recess.”      The notion that the distinction between adjournments
    and    “the    Recess”     applies       with    equal       force    to    intra-     and
    intersession recesses is a convenient correlation, but it has no
    basis in the text of the Constitution.
    Nor does the balance of the clause shed further light on
    the question before us.            The Employers argue that because the
    clause mandates that recess appointments expire at the end of
    Congress’s     “next     session,”       the    President’s        power     to    appoint
    necessarily      must      be     limited         to     intersession            recesses.
    Otherwise, they say, two recess appointees could have widely
    disparate     tenures--that      is,      the    President      could       appoint    one
    official during an intrasession recess and another months later,
    during a subsequent intersession recess, yet both appointments
    would expire at the same time: the end of the next session.
    - 139 -
    But nothing in the Recess Appointments Clause requires that
    all   recess   appointments        be   of    the    same    length,     and    such   an
    interpretation does not further its purpose.                        “The check on the
    Recess   Appointments        Clause . . . is         that     recess     appointments
    have a fixed end, not necessarily a fixed length.”                           New Vista,
    2013 WL 2099742
    , at *45 (Greenaway, J., dissenting).                            In that
    regard, I agree with Judge Greenaway that the Framers likely
    expected   that     recess     appointments,          even    those     made    between
    sessions, would have varying durations, particularly given that
    intersession      recesses    in    the      nation’s       early    years     routinely
    lasted six months or longer.            See 
    Finding the clause’s text inconclusive, I turn to consider
    its purpose.        The   Supreme       Court    has     embraced     this     approach,
    often looking to the spirit and purpose of the language for
    guidance   when    constitutional         text      is   ambiguous.          See,   e.g.,
    Polar Tankers, Inc. v. City of Valdez, 
    557 U.S. 1
    , 6-7 (2009)
    (noting that “[t]he Court over the course of many years has
    consistently interpreted the language of the [Tonnage Clause] in
    light of its purpose . . . .”); Maryland v. Craig, 
    497 U.S. 836
    849 (1990) (“We have accordingly interpreted the Confrontation
    Clause in a manner sensitive to its purposes . . . .”); Tashjian
    v. Republican Party of Conn., 
    479 U.S. 208
    , 227 (1986) (“Our
    - 140 -
    inquiry begins with an examination of the Framers’ purpose in
    enacting the first Qualifications Clause.”). 8
    Although          The   Federalist        Papers     are        indispensable   in
    ascertaining many aspects of the Framers’ intent and purpose,
    they       reveal       precious    little       about    the   Recess       Appointments
    Clause, which was adopted without debate.                          It is undisputed,
    however,         that    the   clause’s      purpose      was     to    “establish[]    an
    auxiliary method of appointment, in cases to which the general
    method was inadequate.”               The Federalist No. 67, at 409.                   The
    power      was    designed     to   work    in    concert   with       the   Appointments
    Clause, which allows the President to fill vacancies with the
    advice and consent of the Senate.
    Alexander         Hamilton    offered      a   succinct     rationale     for   the
    recess appointment power, stating that “it might be necessary
    for the public service [for the President] to fill [vacancies]
    The Supreme Court also applied this functional approach in
    a case testing the meaning of the Pocket Veto Clause.     See The
    Pocket Veto Case, 
    279 U.S. at 680
    .        There, in considering
    whether the Senate was available to receive a bill from the
    President for the purposes of the Pocket Veto Clause, the Court
    eschewed a myopic focus on Congress’s procedural status in favor
    of an analysis of the underlying purpose of the clause. See 
    (holding that it was immaterial to whether the Senate had
    “adjourned” if it was a “final adjournment” or an “interim
    adjournment,” and instead considering “whether [the adjournment]
    ‘prevents’ the President from returning the bill to the House in
    which it originated within the time allowed”).       By ignoring
    procedural technicalities, the Court’s interpretation upheld the
    purpose underlying the text and preserved the Framers’ intended
    governmental structure.
    - 141 -
    without delay.”          Id. at 410.     Such a view is consistent with the
    Executive’s separate constitutional duty to “take Care that the
    Laws be faithfully executed,” U.S. Const. art. II, § 3, cl. 5,
    which in turn requires that the President have in place the
    principal officers necessary to carry out this mandate.
    To that end, I submit that the Framers intended to place
    the    power    of   appointment     chiefly      in    the    President.      In     The
    Federalist No. 76 for example, Hamilton explained that “one man
    of    discernment     is   better    fitted    to      analyze    and    estimate     the
    peculiar qualities adapted to particular offices than a body of
    men of equal or perhaps even of superior discernment.”                                The
    Federalist No. 76, at 455 (Alexander Hamilton) (C. Rossiter ed.,
    The     Framers     no   doubt    intended       the     Senate    to   play     a
    significant role in the process, but its duty primarily was to
    ferret    out    appointments       doled   out     based      upon     favoritism    or
    corruption, and certainly not to weigh the executive’s policy
    choice and impede the selection to an extent that risks shutting
    down entire agencies of the government.                       As Hamilton described
    it, “[The Senate] would be an excellent check upon a spirit of
    favoritism in the President, and would tend greatly to prevent
    the appointment of unfit characters from State prejudice, from
    family connection, from personal attachment, or from a view to
    popularity.”         Id. at 457; see also Myers v. United States, 272
    - 142 -
    U.S.    52,       118       (1926)   (stating    that   the    Senate’s        advice     and
    consent role should be “strictly construed” and not “enlarged
    beyond words used”).
    Thus,       while       Hamilton   described     the        recess    power   as    an
    “auxiliary method of appointment,” The Federalist No. 67, at
    409, his broader view of the coordinate branches’ respective
    roles in the process shows that the power was intended primarily
    for    the    President,         and   that    the   recess    appointment       power    in
    particular was a practical aid in support of the President’s
    constitutional obligations as the nation’s chief executive.
    Against this backdrop, I discern a meaning of “the Recess”
    that I believe would find favor with the Framers:                            the Senate is
    in “the Recess” when it is not available to provide advice and
    consent      on    nominations.           Particularly,       if    the     Senate   is   not
    engaged in its regular course of business, is unavailable to
    receive messages from the President, or cannot meet to consider
    a nominee for a position, it is in “the Recess.”                              I note that
    this    is    not       a    test    foreign    to   Congress;       indeed    the   Senate
    Judiciary Committee long ago opined that “the Recess” denotes “a
    period of time when the Senate is not sitting in regular or
    extraordinary session . . . when its chamber is empty[,] when,
    because of its absence, it cannot receive communications from
    the President or participate as a body in making appointments.”
    S. Rep. No. 58-4389, at 2 (1905).
    - 143 -
    My view of the clause thus does not distinguish between
    intrasession        and     intersession             recesses,       because       such     a
    distinction, while perhaps grist for wordsmiths, is meaningless
    in the context of the recess power’s core purpose--to ensure the
    proper    functioning        of    the    government.             Whatever     label      one
    chooses to affix to “the Recess,” so long as the Senate is
    unable   to   provide       its    advice      and    consent     on     the   President’s
    nominees,     the     result      is    the    same:       important     offices     remain
    unfilled and the government does not function as intended.
    The majority contends that its interpretation of the Recess
    Appointments Clause should be favored because it is consistent
    with the historical record.               But a closer look at the conduct of
    the coordinate branches, both past and present, reveals that the
    functional approach not only fits with historical practice, but
    also   better    sustains         the    balance      of    powers     inherent      in   our
    constitutional structure.
    Relying   on    Noel       Canning,      the    majority      posits     that      “the
    infrequency      of    intrasession           appointments        in     the   historical
    record    and       the     relative          disdain        harbored      toward         such
    appointments     in    at    least      the    first       132   years    of   our   Nation
    suggests an ‘absence of [the] power’ to make such appointments.”
    - 144 -
    Maj. Op. at 99 (quoting Noel Canning, 705 F.3d at 502).                                  In my
    view    though,        a     functional         interpretation           of     the   Recess
    Appointments Clause properly counsels against a blind adherence
    to the precise procedural conditions in which earlier executives
    exercised      the     power.          In    any    event,     I    do    not    think     the
    majority’s         “use     it    or    lose       it”   theory     of        constitutional
    interpretation is dispositive, particularly since the relevant
    history purporting to support it is not so compelling.
    In    the    infancy       of   our    republic,    the     Senate       rarely    took
    intrasession          recesses,        instead       working       steadily       while     in
    Washington and opting to take lengthy intersession recesses--
    sometimes lasting six to nine months--to return home to family
    and constituents.                See Congressional Directory for the 112th
    Congress 522-38 (2011).                Travel for those early legislators was
    both        arduous        and     treacherous,          creating        an       additional
    disincentive to take additional breaks during a session.                                 Thus,
    “until the Civil War, there were no intrasession recesses longer
    than 14 days, and only a handful that even exceeded three days.”
    NLRB Supp. Br. 12 (citing Congressional Directory for the 112th
    Congress 522-25 (2011)).
    The first time that Congress took an extended intrasession
    recess--from April 20, 1867 to July 3, 1867--President Andrew
    Johnson made the first known intrasession recess appointment.
    Edward A. Hartnett, Recess Appointments of Article III Judges:
    - 145 -
    Three Constitutional Questions, 
    26 Cardozo L. Rev. 377
    , 408-09
    (2005).      President       Johnson      made   other   intrasession      recess
    appointments during his tenure, including one whose legitimacy
    was later challenged in--and upheld by--the Court of Claims. 9
       at   409   (citing     Gould   v.   United   States,   
    19 Ct. Cl. 593
    As   the   country’s      transportation      infrastructure      improved
    substantially in the 20th century, it became easier for Senators
    to travel quickly and easily between the Capitol and their home
    states; this, in turn, has led to more intrasession breaks at
    the   expense    of   the   traditional      extended    intersession    recess.
    Indeed,    intrasession       recesses     today   often   last   longer      than
    intersession ones.          See Evans, 
    387 F.3d at
    1226 & n.10 (noting
    that the Senate has taken “zero-day intersession recesses” as
    well as “intrasession recesses lasting months”).               The net result
    The majority is correct that the Senate took a number of
    intrasession recesses--typically around the Christmas holiday--
    between 1867 and 1947, during which presidents did not make
    recess appointments. But the majority points to nothing in the
    historical record showing that the reason for this dearth of
    appointments was a concern as to the scope of the executive’s
    recess appointment power.   It appears, rather, that the record
    is silent on the question, although, as Judge Greenaway points
    out in his dissent in New Vista, one possible explanation is
    that “intersession recesses [during that period] were still
    rather lengthy, often spanning several months, which gave the
    President ample time to make recess appointments during
    intersession recesses, compared to the relatively short duration
    of early intrasession recesses.” New Vista, 
    2013 WL 2099742
    , at
    *46 (Greenaway, J., dissenting).
    - 146 -
    is that in modern Senate practice, intrasession recesses account
    for more of the Senate’s absences than intersession recesses.
    See   Congressional     Directory      for    the    112th   Congress      530-37
    I therefore attach little, if any, negative constitutional
    significance to the historical fact that since 1947, presidents
    from both parties have made over 400 intrasession appointments.
    See   New   Vista,     
    2013 WL 2099742
    ,     at    *44    (Greenaway,     J.,
    dissenting).    Yet the majority’s fixation on bygone history--at
    the   expense   of    the   reality   that    informs    recess   appointment
    practices   today--effectively        deems   every    single   one   of   those
    appointments to be constitutionally infirm.
    I do not suggest that history should be ignored as a tool
    of constitutional interpretation.             But one need only read the
    fine briefs in these cases to recognize that, given time, savvy
    lawyers can excavate historical references to support virtually
    any proposition. 10     Compare NLRB Supp. Br. 9 (noting that George
    The same holds true for any attempt to divine an answer
    to the questions before us by relying on dictionary definitions
    of the day.        Compare Evans, 
    387 F.3d at
    1226 (citing
    dictionaries that define “happen” in the recess appointment
    clause as “to happen to be”) with 
     at 1230 n.4 (Barkett, J.,
    dissenting) (citing dictionaries that define “happen” as “to
    occur”).     Indeed, the parties’ resort to historical and
    dictionary references here is “the equivalent of entering a
    crowded cocktail party and looking over the heads of the guests
    for one’s friends.”      Conroy v. Aniskoff, 
    507 U.S. 511
    , 519
    (1993) (Scalia, J., concurring).
    - 147 -
    Washington         once     referred    to    an     intrasession       break   as     “the
    recess” in a letter to John Jay), and NLRB Supp. Br. 9 (arguing
    that    the        eighteenth-century         Pennsylvania       and      Vermont      state
    constitutions          supported        the     “intrasession”          definition       of
    “recess”), with Resp’ts’ Supp. Br. 14-15 (citing Judge Barkett’s
    dissent       in     Evans    in      which    she    notes      George     Washington’s
    reference to an intersession break as “the recess” in a message
    to   Congress)        and     Resp’ts’       Supp.    Br.   15    (arguing      that    the
    Massachusetts and North Carolina state constitutions supported
    the “intersession” definition).
    Rather       than     impute    dubious       meaning     to    sparse   text     or
    ascribe consistency to what is, at best, ambiguous historical
    practice, I would look to the purpose of the clause as our
    lodestar.       To that end, we would do well to remember that
    [t]ime works changes, brings into existence new
    conditions and purposes. Therefore, a principle to
    be vital must be capable of wider application than
    the mischief which gave it birth.           This is
    peculiarly true of constitutions.      They are not
    ephemeral enactments, designed to meet passing
    occasions.    They are, to use the words of Chief
    Justice   John   Marshall,  ‘designed   to   approach
    immortality as nearly as human institutions can
    approach it.’      The future is their care and
    provision for events of good and bad tendencies of
    which no prophecy can be made.    In the application
    of a constitution, therefore, our contemplation
    cannot be only of what has been, but of what may be.
    Weems v. United States, 
    217 U.S. 349
    , 373 (1910) (quoting Cohens
    v. Virginia, 
    19 U.S. 264
    , 387 (1821)).
    - 148 -
    Viewed       in   this   practical         light,       the   Recess     Appointments
    Clause sheds the ambiguity of its text in favor of a meaning
    that promotes its core function.                         I would therefore hold that
    “the Recess” refers to recesses generally, no matter the type,
    as long as the Senate is not engaged in its regular business and
    is unable to perform its constitutional duty of providing advice
    and consent on the President’s nominees.
    Admittedly,        a   functional          view    of   the    President’s       recess
    appointment power does not fix a minimum length for the Senate’s
    break    in     business        to    constitute          “the       Recess.”       But    the
    majority’s own reading of the clause fares no better.                              Under its
    interpretation, “the Recess” authorizing the President to act
    occurs       only    when     Congress         breaks     between      sessions,     without
    regard to whether the break spans weeks, days, or hours.                                  Thus,
    if Congress takes a one-day break between sessions, the majority
    apparently      would       find     no    fault      with     the    President    making     a
    recess appointment during that time, despite the fact that the
    Senate would have returned to business the next day and been
    available to provide its advice and consent on the nominee.
    Nor     would      the      majority’s          interpretation           prevent    the
    President from making hundreds of recess appointments during a
    momentary intersession recess.                     Indeed, I note with some irony
    that    the     sole     instance         in    which     a    President      assumed     such
    - 149 -
    audacious       power        occurred       in     1903     when     President          Theodore
    Roosevelt “used a moment’s intersession recess . . . to make 193
    executive branch appointments, literally between two raps of a
    gavel.”         Peter        M.   Shane,     Third      Circuit       Further          Fuels    the
    Constitutional Conflict Over Recess Appointments, U.S. Law Week,
    June 11, 2013.           The majority’s decision today would do nothing
    to stop a future President from channeling the Rough Rider.
    Certainly, we should not ignore the possibility that the
    President       might    abuse      his     power      to   appoint       officials       in    the
    manner    suggested          by    the    Employers         here.        But     the     majority
    appears    eager        to    assume      the     worse     from     the       nation’s        chief
    executive.       I, for one, decline to “imput[e] to the President a
    degree    of    turpitude         entirely        inconsistent       with       the     character
    which     his     office          implies,        as      well      as        with     the     high
    responsibility          and       short     tenure      annexed          to     that    office.”
    305 F.2d at 714
     (quoting Exec. Auth. to Fill Vacancies,
    1 Op. Att’y Gen. 631, 634 (1823)).                            After all, “[t]here is
    [also] no text limiting the laws a President may veto (or his
    reasons for vetoing them), the pardons he may issue, or the
    occasions       on      which      he     may     convene        Congress        on     his      own
    initiative.”              Shane,          Third     Circuit         Further          Fuels      the
    Constitutional Conflict Over Recess Appointments, U.S. Law Week,
    June 11, 2013.               We should nonetheless expect some modicum of
    good faith in the individual our fellow citizens elect to the
    - 150 -
    most powerful office in the world, otherwise his “textual powers
    are quite adequate, if asserted irresponsibly, to undermine both
    Congress and the judiciary.”              
    In     any   event,     there     are    checks    in     our    constitutional
    structure, both explicit and implicit, that protect against just
    such    abuse.         To   begin   with,      the   President     may    make    recess
    appointments only when the Senate is not in session for regular
    business.        If the Senate wishes to give its advice and consent
    as to particular nominees, it may remain in regular session for
    that        purpose.         Second,     the    very     fact     that    all     recess
    appointments        are     temporary     restrains      the     President’s      power.
    Third, the President has a substantial interest in obtaining the
    Senate’s advice and consent for full terms for the principal
    officers he nominates to implement the administration’s agenda,
    rather than relying on short-term recess appointees.                       Fourth, as
    Judge       Greenaway       notes   in   his    dissent     in    New    Vista,     “the
    structure of the branches of government, as conceived by the
    Constitution, give[s] the President a very strong interest in
    maintaining the favor of the Senate and not stoking its ire.”
    New Vista, 
    2013 WL 2099742
    , at *41. (citing The Federalist No.
    77, at 459 (Alexander Hamilton) (C. Rossiter ed., 1961)). 11                         The
    It appears that President Obama has acknowledged and
    respected this interest, given that he has made but thirty-two
    recess appointments while in office.     In contrast, his two
    - 151 -
    President also must consider public opinion, as an executive who
    abuses his power will damage his reputation, as well as that of
    his party.       See 
    The majority also gives short shrift to the fact that the
    President too swears an oath to uphold the Constitution, and
    that    when     he    acts     under      its    express       authority,      his     actions
    should    be     accorded       a    presumption         of    constitutionality.             See
    387 F.3d at
    1222 (citing United States v. Nixon, 
    418 U.S. 683
        (1974)).         The   Supreme       Court       has    further      underscored       the
    necessity of the legislative branch providing some latitude to
    the     President        in      his       use     of     constitutional            authority,
    admonishing          that     congressional             action       is     invalid     if     it
    “undermine[s] the powers of the Executive Branch, or disrupt[s]
    the    proper         balance       between       the     coordinate          branches       [by]
    prevent[ing]          the     Executive          Branch       from        accomplishing       its
    constitutionally assigned functions.”                           Morrison v. Olsen, 
    487 U.S. 654
    ,     658       (1988)        (citations          and    internal       quotations
    But     the     more     direct      response          to    the     claim     that    the
    functional view fails for lack of temporal limits is, so what?
    Limiting        principles          are    important          when    courts        engage     in
    immediate predecessors made 310 such appointments. Henry Hogue,
    Cong. Res. Serv., Recess Appointments:         Frequently Asked
    Questions (Jun. 7, 2013).
    - 152 -
    constitutional interpretation, but a slavish devotion to them at
    the expense of common sense is no virtue.                That the Framers
    chose not to draw a bright line delineating the limits of the
    President’s recess appointment power is not a flaw, but rather a
    part of their grand design in drafting a compact “intended to
    endure for ages to come, and consequently to be adapted to the
    various crises of human affairs.” McCulloch v. Maryland, 17 U.S.
    (4 Wheat.) 316, 415 (1819).
    In short, because any fixed time limitation has no basis in
    the text of the clause, it would perforce be arbitrary.             See New
    2013 WL 2099742
    , at *44 (Greenaway, J., dissenting).              The
    proper   test   in    assessing     whether   a   “Recess”   triggers    the
    President’s power to appoint is whether the Senate is engaged in
    its regular business and thus available to give its advice and
    consent: this inquiry operates to exclude the altogether silly
    scenario of the President making recess appointments during the
    Senate’s breaks for meals or weekends, while including the types
    of   weeks-long      intrasession    recesses     that   could   stall   the
    functioning of government if an important post is left vacant.
    As the majority would have it, the Senate is free to read
    out of the Constitution the President’s recess appointment power
    by refusing to take intersession recesses, opting instead to
    take an extended intrasession break, returning just before the
    session ends, and then moving directly into the next session.
    - 153 -
    Even though the harm to the country of leaving vital offices
    unfilled while the Senate is away and unable to give advice and
    consent is no less compelling in this scenario, the President
    would be powerless to act.                The Supreme Court has long made
    clear, however, that no clause should be interpreted in a manner
    that would render it meaningless.                      See Marbury v. Madison, 
    5 U.S. 137
    , 174 (1803) (“It cannot be presumed that any clause in
    the constitution is intended to be without effect . . . .”).
    This    concern       is     far   from    hypothetical,       as    the   NRLB’s
    history of vacancies demonstrates.                 Despite nominations made by
    Presidents of both parties, the NLRB has not had a full panel of
    Senate-confirmed members since 2003, a problem exacerbated by
    the Supreme Court’s decision in New Process Steel LP v. NLRB,
    130 S. Ct. 2635
     (2010), which held that the Board must have at
    least three members in order to constitute a quorum for purposes
    of resolving unfair labor practice charges.                       Board Member and
    Chairman Mark Gaston Pearce’s term will expire in August of this
    year, see 
    29 U.S.C. § 153
    (a), 12 leaving the Board again without a
    quorum    unless     the    President’s       nominees     are   confirmed      by   the
    Senate.       It     is    this    precise      scenario,    that      is,   where    an
    appointment        vacuum         (whatever      its     origins)        impedes     the
    enforcement     of     a    statute--in        these    cases    one     designed    “to
    Mark Gaston Pearce,,
    - 154 -
    protect    the     rights     of    employees        and     employers,    to   encourage
    collective      bargaining,        and     to   curtail       certain    private     sector
    labor     and   management         practices,        which    can   harm      the   general
    welfare of workers, businesses and the U.S. economy,” 13--that the
    President’s recess appointment power was designed to remedy.
    To make matters worse, while the majority claims that its
    reading simply restores the Senate’s power in the appointments
    process, it actually gives the House of Representatives a de
    facto     veto      on      presidential         recess        appointments.             The
    Adjournments Clause provides that neither House of Congress may
    adjourn for more than three days without mutual consent.                                 See
    U.S. Const. art. I, § 5, cl. 4.                      Its purpose is to allow the
    business of Congress to be conducted by preventing either House
    to adjourn for an extended period without the other’s consent.
    But these appeals are before us precisely because the House has
    wielded     this      power    in        part   to     block     intrasession       recess
    appointments by refusing to adjourn, thereby forcing the Senate
    to rely on pro forma sessions to allow its members to break for
    significant periods of time.                See New Vista, 
    2013 WL 2099742
    , at
    *32 n.6 (Greenaway, J., dissenting).
    Under      the   majority’s          holding,     the     House    has   effectively
    gained     a    check    on        the    President’s         appointment       power,    a
    National     Labor     Relations    Act,                   ,
    - 155 -
    proposition    neither   contemplated    by   the   Constitution     nor
    intended by the Framers.     See 
    id. at *34
     (stating that the House
    should not “interfere with the appointments process because ‘[a]
    body so fluctuating and at the same time so numerous can never
    be deemed proper for the exercise of that power’”) (quoting The
    Federalist No. 77, at 463 (Alexander Hamilton) (C. Rossiter ed.,
    The majority contends that the President may override this
    House “veto” by invoking his power to force an adjournment of
    Congress, thus creating an intersession recess during which he
    could make appointments.     See U.S. Const. art. II, § 2, cl. 3;
    Todd Garvey et al., Cong. Res. Serv., The Recess Appointment
    Power After Noel Canning v. NLRB: Constitutional Implications
    (Mar. 27, 2013).     It appears, however, that no President has
    ever exercised this power, and it is unclear how it would be
    determined that the House and Senate are truly in “disagreement
    . . . with respect to the Time of Adjournment.”       In any event, I
    confess to some surprise that the majority has taken this tack,
    as it runs counter to their view of the President’s authority in
    two ways:     First, it would allow the President to decide when
    the Senate is in “the Recess,” thereby granting the President
    the precise unilateral power of appointment that the majority
    finds   objectionable.     Second,   given    the   majority’s     clear
    distinction between an “adjournment” and “the Recess,” see Maj.
    - 156 -
    Op. at 93-94, even if the President forced an adjournment of
    Congress,    presumably          the      majority    would       not    countenance      the
    President’s    use       of     the    recess      appointment       power      during    the
    resulting break.
    The     majority         also     claims      that     the    functional      approach
    interferes     with       the    Senate’s         ability     to     regulate      its    own
    procedure.         Not    so.        My    reading    of    the    Recess     Appointments
    Clause     would    not       prevent       the    Senate     from      engaging    in    any
    practice, including its use of pro forma sessions.                               Indeed, I
    recognize that such practices may be necessary for the Senate to
    conform to the requirements of the Adjournments Clause.                                   But
    “[t]he   Senate      cannot      be       both    unavailable      and    yet    force     the
    President to submit to its advice and consent.”                          New Vista, 
    2013 WL 2099742
    , at *42 (Greenaway, J., dissenting).                               Put another
    way, we should not allow the Senate to determine the effect of
    such actions on a coordinate branch.                        Rather, while the Senate
    may meet in pro forma sessions when its members see fit, the
    President may also choose to use his recess appointment power
    during such sessions if the Senate is practically unavailable to
    provide its advice and consent for nominees.
    Finally, I find no merit to the Employers’ argument that
    the Senate was, in fact, available to provide advice and consent
    during the relevant period due to its passing the payroll tax
    extension    legislation         on       December    23,    2011.       To   begin      with,
    - 157 -
    Congress began a new session on January 3, 2012, and therefore
    this    legislative       action       took    place     during    a     different
    intrasession recess than the one in which the President made his
    appointments.         Thus,    even    assuming   that   the    Senate    had    been
    available during the December intrasession recess, that fact has
    no bearing on whether it could act on a nomination during a
    subsequent    break.         Second,    the   payroll    tax   extension       was   an
    extraordinary bill that was part of a broader legislative effort
    to avert a national financial catastrophe, and was passed by
    unanimous consent, thus not requiring the Senate to return to
    Washington.     See 157 Cong. Rec. S 8789-03 (daily ed. Dec. 23,
    2011) (statement of Sen. Harry Reid).               By contrast, nominees to
    offices like the Board are typically subject to a confirmation
    hearing, followed by a vote.            Considering the time and attention
    typically given to presidential nominees, it was reasonable for
    the President to assume that the Senate could not practically
    give   its   advice    and    consent    to   nominations      during    pro    forma
    sessions in which (1) a lone senator gaveled the body to order
    for sessions lasting no more than a few minutes, (2) the Senate
    could not receive messages from the President, (3) no debates
    were held, and (4) no speeches were made.                  See New Vista, 
    2013 WL 2099742
    , at *32 (Greenaway, J., dissenting) (“While courts
    have not had occasion to articulate a standard for advice and
    - 158 -
    consent, it is clear . . . that provision of advice and consent
    cannot be perfunctory.”).
    Under      a   functional       interpretation        of   the     Recess
    Appointments    Clause,    the    Senate’s      intrasession    break   during
    January 2012 qualifies as “the Recess.”               The Senate had adopted
    a no-business order, 157 Cong. Rec. S 8783-07 (daily ed. Dec.
    17, 2011), instead holding pro forma sessions wherein the Senate
    was not engaged in regular business, and thus was unable to
    provide   its   advice    and    consent   on   any    nominations    that   the
    President may have presented.         Therefore, I would hold that the
    intrasession recess from January 3, 2012, to January 23, 2012,
    constituted “the Recess” for purposes of the Recess Appointments
    Next, I consider the Employers’ contention that a vacancy
    must arise during the recess in order for the President to use
    his recess appointment power to fill it.               Because it found the
    interpretation of “the Recess” to be dispositive, the majority
    did not reach this issue.
    The Employers argue that the appointments of Members Block,
    Flynn, and Griffin are invalid because the relevant vacancies
    did not arise during “the Recess of the Senate.”                According to
    - 159 -
    the Employers, to be filled by a recess appointment, a position
    must be vacated during the recess--that is, the President cannot
    use his power during the recess to fill a vacancy that arose
    while the Senate was still in session.                   For this proposition,
    the   Employers   rely    on    the    Noel   Canning    opinion,       wherein   the
    court   concluded   that       the    plain   language    and    history    of    the
    clause shows that “may happen” means “may arise” and is modified
    by “during the Recess of the Senate.”               Noel Canning, 705 F.3d at
    The Board, on the other hand, claims that the clause places
    no such restriction on the President’s power.                   In its view, “may
    happen” means “may exist,” and therefore the President may use
    his authority to make recess appointments to any vacant position
    while the Senate is in recess.                Because both the text and the
    purpose of the clause support its interpretation, I agree with
    the Board.
    If “during the Recess of the Senate” modifies “may happen,”
    as    the   Employers    assert,      then    the   clause      would    allow    the
    President to make recess appointments at any time, even while
    the Senate is in session, as long as the vacancy first arose
    during a recess.        In effect, one would have to read “during the
    Recess of the Senate” twice to give the clause the Employers’
    preferred meaning: once to denote when the vacancy must arise,
    and once again to limit when the President may exercise his
    - 160 -
    recess appointment power.            I decline to give the text of the
    clause such a convoluted meaning.            See Woodley, 
    751 F.2d at 1012
    (noting that the “may arise” interpretation “conflicts with a
    common     sense    reading    of    the   word   happen,   as   well   as   the
    construction given to this word by the three branches of our
    The Board’s interpretation, by contrast, flows from a plain
    reading of the text.           Reading “may happen” to mean “happen to
    exist,” one need only read “during the Recess of the Senate”
    once in order to reach the traditional understanding of when the
    President may make recess appointments.
    The     D.C.    Circuit    in    Noel   Canning   disagrees    with     this
    reading, concluding that it renders “the operative phrase ‘that
    may happen’ wholly unnecessary.”                705 F.3d at 507.        That is
    incorrect.     Were the clause to read “[t]he President shall have
    Power to fill up all Vacancies during the Recess of the Senate,”
    it would imply a much broader power than the Framers intended,
    suggesting that the recess appointment power was on equal par
    with that given in the Appointments Clause.                 The inclusion of
    “that may happen” makes clear that the power is not intended to
    be the default method of appointment, but is rather an auxiliary
    to be used when vacant positions could not, for some reason, be
    filled during the session.
    - 161 -
    Nor       is    the       clause’s     purpose         served    by     limiting   the
    President’s appointment authority to those vacancies that arise
    during        a    recess.            It     bears     repeating         that    the    Recess
    Appointments Clause serves to maintain a functioning government
    at times when the Senate is unavailable to provide its advice
    and   consent          for    a     nominee.      As      a   practical       matter,   when   a
    vacancy       arises,         the    President       and      his   advisors     may    take   a
    significant amount of time to select and vet a candidate before
    officially presenting the nominee to the Senate.                               At times, this
    period may be longer than that which remains before the Senate’s
    Such was the case in Allocco, 
    305 F.2d 704
    , when a judicial
    vacancy arose on July 31, 1955, and the President was unable to
    fill the position before the Senate adjourned three days later.
    The court there held that the President’s recess power extended
    to all vacancies, regardless of when they arose, relying in part
    on “a long and continuous line of opinions” by the Attorneys-
    General of the United States, beginning in 1823, advising the
    President “the recess power extends to vacancies which arise
    while the Senate is in session.”                     
    Id. at 713
    But         under      the     Employers’      interpretation,           the   President
    could    not        temporarily         appoint      an       official    to    an   important
    government post, even if the vacancy arose the day prior to the
    Senate’s recess, and even if the recess were expected to last
    - 162 -
    for weeks or months.              “It is inconceivable that the drafters of
    the     Constitution           intended     to    create     such   a     manifestly
    undesirable situation.”               Allocco, 
    305 F.2d at 710
    .          Rather, the
    public interest lies in maintaining a functioning government,
    and the Board’s interpretation of the clause effects that very
    purpose.       See       Evans,    
    387 F.3d at 1227
       (“[I]nterpreting     the
    phrase to prohibit the President from filling a vacancy that
    comes into being on the last day of a Session but to empower the
    President to fill a vacancy that arises immediately thereafter
    (on the first day of recess) contradicts what we understand to
    be    the    purpose      of    the   Recess     Appointments    Clause:    to    keep
    important offices filled and the government functioning.”). 14
    This understanding of the recess appointment power has been
    espoused by every Attorney General confronted with the question
    since 1823, when Attorney General William Wirt advised President
    Monroe      that   the    clause      extended   to   all    vacancies   that    exist
    Congress has effectively acquiesced in the Board’s
    reading of the clause.    The Pay Act, originally enacted during
    the Civil War and currently codified as 
    5 U.S.C. § 5503
    provides for the payment of salaries to recess appointees who
    fill vacancies that first arise while the Senate is in session.
    Although the act originally postponed salaries to these
    appointees, Act of Feb. 9, 1863, ch. 25 § 2, 
    12 Stat. 642
    , 646,
    Congress subsequently amended it to permit them to be paid under
    certain conditions, see Act of July 11, 1940, 
    54 Stat. 751
    . In
    passing a law that regulated the salaries of these appointees--
    even if its terms display an aversion to the practice--Congress
    acknowledged that it was within the President’s constitutional
    authority to make recess appointments to pre-existing vacancies.
    - 163 -
    during a recess, including those that arose beforehand.                                See,
    e.g.,      Exec.   Auth.      to   Fill   Vacancies,      1     Op.   Att’y     Gen.   631
    (1823); President’s Power to Fill Vacancies in Recess of the
    Senate, 12 Op. Att’y Gen. 32 (1866); Appointments Made During
    the   Recess       of   the    Senate,     16   Op.     Att’y    Gen.    522    (1880). 15
    Furthermore,        until     this   year,      every    circuit        court   to     have
    considered this issue has endorsed that interpretation.                                See
    387 F.3d at 1226-27
     (en banc); Woodley, 
    751 F.2d at
    13 (en banc); Allocco, 
    305 F.2d at 709-15
    The sole outlier is Noel Canning.                    But the D.C. Circuit’s
    reasoning, in addition to running counter to nearly two hundred
    years of precedent and distorting the text of the clause, is
    squarely at odds with the clause’s purpose.                           As one scholar
    aptly notes, “[i]f the [P]resident needs to make an appointment,
    One earlier opinion, from Attorney General Edmund
    Randolph, endorses the “happen to arise” interpretation.     See
    Edmund Randolph, Opinion on Recess Appointments (July 7, 1792),
    in 24 The Papers of Thomas Jefferson 165, 165-67 (John
    Catanzariti ed., 1990).   However, as the Board points out, not
    only has that reading been repudiated by the long line of
    subsequent Attorneys-General opinions, but it is not clear that
    any President found it persuasive.    Even George Washington, to
    whom the opinion was addressed, appeared to reject the
    interpretation when he appointed William Clarke to be U.S.
    Attorney for Kentucky and Robert Scot to be the first Engraver
    of the Mint--both to vacancies that arose prior to the Senate’s
    recess.    See S. Exec. J., 4th Cong., 2d Sess. 217 (1796);
    Tachau, Federal Courts in the Early Republic: Kentucky 1789-
    1816, at 65-73 (1979); 27 The Papers of Thomas Jefferson 192
    (John Catanzariti, ed. 1990); S. Exec. J., 3d Cong., 1st Sess.,
    142-43 (1793).
    - 164 -
    and the Senate is not around, when the vacancy arose hardly
    matters; the point is that it must be filled now.”                                Michael
    Herz,    Abandoning       Recess     Appointments?:         A   Comment    on    Hartnett
    (and Others), 
    26 Cardozo L. Rev. 443
    , 445-46 (2005) (emphasis
    Finding    that       both   text    and   purpose      support    the    Board’s
    view, I conclude that “may happen” means “may exist” in the
    context    of     the   Recess       Appointments      Clause.          Therefore,      the
    President’s recess appointments to the NLRB are valid, despite
    the fact that the vacancies first arose prior to the recess of
    the Senate.
    The constitutional questions before us are vexing ones, and
    I respect deeply my colleagues’ good faith effort to resolve
    them.     The majority’s interpretation of the Recess Appointments
    Clause     attempts       a    literal       reading   of       the    text,    which     it
    endeavors to bolster by reviewing the manner in which it claims
    the power was exercised during the first half of our democracy.
    But I can divine no textual clarity in the words of the clause,
    and the history of its use is muddled at best.
    The     majority’s          view       also   ignores       the    modern     recess
    practices    of    the        Senate,    wherein    intrasession         recesses       have
    become the norm, and does violence to the fundamental purpose of
    - 165 -
    the recess appointment power--to allow the President to fill up
    important offices and keep the government functioning.                            Worse,
    it grants the House a veto over recess appointments, a power
    nowhere to be found in the Constitution, and grants the Senate--
    through the use of a procedural artifice unworthy of the world’s
    greatest      deliberative    body--unfettered           power     to    prevent    the
    President from making recess appointments to fill up important
    offices.          Indeed,       the        majority’s        reading      tilts      our
    constitutional        separation       of     powers    far      out     of    balance,
    according excessive leverage to the Congress in the appointment
    of   government      officials,       at    the   expense     of   the    President’s
    constitutional prerogative to choose those he or she deems best
    fit to aid in taking care that the laws be faithfully executed.
    It is a reading contrary to the Framers’ intent.
    Under     the     functional          interpretation         of    the      Recess
    Appointments     Clause     that   I       propose,    the   Senate’s     break     from
    January    3    to    January      23,      2012,     was--pro      forma      sessions
    notwithstanding--“the         Recess”          for     the     purposes        of    the
    President’s recess appointment power because the Senate was not
    then available to give its advice and consent.                      In my view, the
    plain language of the clause and its fundamental purpose allow
    the President--as he has done here--to fill up all vacancies
    then-existing during the Recess.
    - 166 -
    On this reasoning, I would uphold the President’s appointments
    of   Members   Block,   Flynn,   and   Griffin   to   the   NLRB   and   would
    affirm the Board’s decisions in these appeals.
    I respectfully dissent from parts IV and V of the majority
    - 167 -

Document Info

Docket Number: 12-1514, 12-2000, 12-2065

Citation Numbers: 722 F.3d 609

Judges: Diaz, Duncan, Hamilton

Filed Date: 7/17/2013

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 8/7/2023

Authorities (55)

Evans v. Stephens , 387 F.3d 1220 ( 2004 )

United States v. Dominic Allocco , 305 F.2d 704 ( 1962 )

Fair Oaks Anesthesia Associates, P.C. v. National Labor ... , 975 F.2d 1068 ( 1992 )

national-labor-relations-board-united-food-commercial-workers-local , 68 F.3d 1577 ( 1995 )

National Labor Relations Board v. Coca-Cola Bottling ... , 132 F.3d 1001 ( 1997 )

elizabeth-town-gas-company-a-division-of-nui-corporation-v-national-labor , 212 F.3d 257 ( 2000 )

National Labor Relations Board v. Sweetwater Hospital ... , 604 F.2d 454 ( 1979 )

Sandvik Rock Tools, Incorporated v. National Labor ... , 194 F.3d 531 ( 1999 )

Evergreen America Corp. v. National Labor Relations Board , 531 F.3d 321 ( 2008 )

Corrie Corporation of Charleston v. National Labor ... , 375 F.2d 149 ( 1967 )

national-labor-relations-board-v-media-general-operations-incorporated , 360 F.3d 434 ( 2004 )

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case-farms-of-north-carolina-incorporated-v-national-labor-relations , 128 F.3d 841 ( 1997 )

National Labor Relations Board, Union of Needletrades, ... , 178 F.3d 705 ( 1999 )

Buckley v. Valeo , 96 S. Ct. 612 ( 1976 )

The Pocket Veto Case , 49 S. Ct. 463 ( 1929 )

Conroy v. Aniskoff , 113 S. Ct. 1562 ( 1993 )

United States v. Janet Woodley , 751 F.2d 1008 ( 1985 )

Brentwood at Hobart v. National Labor Relations Board , 675 F.3d 999 ( 2012 )

the-lincoln-park-zoological-society-v-national-labor-relations-board-and , 116 F.3d 216 ( 1997 )

View All Authorities »