United States v. Dublin , 189 F. App'x 151 ( 2006 )

  •                             UNPUBLISHED
    No. 05-4754
    Plaintiff - Appellee,
    Defendant - Appellant.
    No. 05-4766
    Plaintiff - Appellee,
    MARION MAYS, a/k/a Mojo,
    Defendant - Appellant.
    No. 05-4782
    Plaintiff - Appellee,
    Defendant - Appellant.
    Appeals from the United States District Court for the District of
    South Carolina, at Aiken. Margaret B. Seymour, District Judge.
    (CR-03-834; CR-03-726)
    Submitted:   July 5, 2006                 Decided:    July 13, 2006
    Before WIDENER, WILKINSON, and TRAXLER, Circuit Judges.
    Affirmed by unpublished per curiam opinion.
    Langdon D. Long, Assistant Federal Public Defender, OFFICE OF THE
    FEDERAL PUBLIC DEFENDER, Columbia, South Carolina, for Appellant
    Richard Dublin; Mark W. Hardee, Columbia, South Carolina, for
    Appellant Marion Mays; James P. Rogers, Columbia, South Carolina,
    for Appellant Darrell Todd Mays. Reginald I. Lloyd, United States
    Attorney, Mark C. Moore, Assistant United States Attorney, OFFICE
    OF THE UNITED STATES ATTORNEY, Columbia, South Carolina, for
    Unpublished opinions are not binding precedent in this circuit.
    See Local Rule 36(c).
    Richard Dublin, Marion Mays, and Darrell Mays appeal the life
    sentences they received after pleading guilty to drug trafficking
    and conspiracy charges that involved the killing of James Barrow,
    a confidential informant working with law enforcement officers in
    Aiken, South Carolina.           Finding no reversible error, we affirm.
    After Dublin was arrested on drug charges, police became
    suspicious     that      he    might    have    information          concerning      the
    disappearance       of   Barrow.       Dublin    agreed    to    plead    guilty      to
    possession with intent to distribute 50 grams or more of crack, in
    violation of 
    21 U.S.C. § 841
    (a)(1), and, as part of his plea
    agreement, agreed to cooperate with the government by providing
    truthful information about his drug activities and what he knew
    about    Barrow’s     disappearance.          Dublin   understood        that   if    he
    breached    the   plea    agreement      by    failing    to    be    truthful,      the
    government could seek the maximum sentence of life in prison and
    use against him all the information he provided.
    Following his plea, Dublin gave a series of interviews about
    the disappearance of Barrow, but, each time, his account changed.
    A consistent theme, however, was that Marion Mays and Darrell Mays
    were also involved.           Although the government notified Dublin that
    he was in breach of his plea agreement, prosecutors wanted to call
    him as a witness at the trial of the Mays brothers, who were
    charged with a variety of drug and firearms counts, including the
    drug-related murder of Barrow.             However, because the government
    would make no promises to Dublin about the sentence it would
    recommend, Dublin refused to testify.
    Shortly after their trial commenced in January 2005, the Mays
    brothers decided to plead guilty.             The Mays brothers agreed to
    provide truthful information to the government and to submit to
    polygraph examinations.      In turn, the government agreed not to use
    against them any incriminating information they provided, unless
    the information was already in the government’s possession or they
    breached   the    plea   agreement    or    committed    perjury.      The   Mays
    brothers   also    acknowledged      that   if   they    did   not   pass    their
    polygraphs examinations to the satisfaction of the government, the
    government’s obligations would become void. The Mays brothers each
    acknowledged that their sentences would ultimately be determined by
    the district court.
    The Mays brothers both admitted that they were not completely
    truthful in their initial interviews concerning the disappearance
    of Barrow.    In fact, when agents picked up the brothers for their
    first interviews, they noticed Marion with a letter that he later
    admitted was intended to tell Darrell what to say.               Additionally,
    Marion’s     polygraph    examination       showed      inconclusive    results
    concerning the truthfulness of his account about Barrow’s body and
    results indicating deception concerning an offer he allegedly made
    to a co-defendant to kill a government informant and the amount of
    drugs he gave that co-defendant.
    Though the defendants’ stories changed from interview to
    interview, grisly details of the Barrow murder finally emerged.
    The defendants eventually each admitted their role in Barrow’s
    murder.   According to their accounts, they ambushed Barrow, bound
    him with duct tape, placed him in the trunk of a car, and took him
    to the woods where they each shot him.    Darrell Mays disposed of
    Barrow’s truck, and Marion Mays returned to the scene with a
    chainsaw, where he dismembered Barrow’s body.     Marion Mays then
    removed Barrow’s remains, poured acid on them, and burned them.
    At sentencing, the district court found that Dublin and Marion
    Mays had breached their plea agreements by providing untruthful
    information. When the district court heard evidence concerning the
    sentencing issues, the government called Darrell Mays to testify.
    On the stand, Darrell Mays admitted his role in the murder, but, in
    what the government contends was an effort to avoid inculpating his
    brother, claimed to have memory problems.    He stated that Dublin
    was behind the murder and that he did not believe his brother was
    involved.   When confronted with his prior, inconsistent statements
    about the murder, he claimed that he lied when giving them.     He
    then admitted that he breached his agreement to provide truthful
    As to each defendant, the district court considered evidence
    of the drug transactions and the drug-related murder of Barrow.
    The district court sentenced each defendant to life in prison, and
    Marion Mays to thirty years each for three additional counts
    against him.    The defendants appeal their sentences.
    We    review       sentences      for     unreasonableness,          though
    “reasonableness is not measured simply by whether the sentence
    falls within the statutory range, but by whether the sentence was
    guided by the Sentencing Guidelines and by the provisions of §
    3553(a).”   United States v. Green, 
    436 F.3d 449
    , 456 (4th Cir.),
    cert. den., 
    164 L. Ed. 2d 828
     (2006).                We review de novo purely
    legal questions and we review findings of fact for clear error.
        “An   error    of   law   or     fact    can   render   a   sentence
    The defendants claim that the district court should not have
    sentenced them for murder when they had not been convicted by a
    jury of murder.      We note first that this argument mischaracterizes
    what occurred in district court.           Each defendant pleaded guilty to
    Darrell Mays had agreed both in his plea agreement and in a
    later proffer agreement to provide truthful information.
    and was convicted of at least one drug-related charge that carried
    a possible sentence of life in prison.    See 
    21 U.S.C. §§ 841
    841(b)(1)(A), 846.   The defendants, therefore, were not “sentenced
    for murder,” but were sentenced for violating our nation’s drug
    laws.   Their role in the drug-related killing of a government
    informant simply provided the district court greater discretion to
    sentence them to the maximum punishment authorized by law for these
    drug-related charges, namely, life in prison.
    Turning to the reasonableness of the sentences, we note that,
    after the Supreme Court’s decision in United States v. Booker, 
    543 U.S. 220
     (2005), a sentencing court is no longer bound by the range
    prescribed by the sentencing guidelines.         See United States v.
    401 F.3d 540
    , 546 (4th Cir. 2005). However, in determining
    a sentence post-Booker, sentencing courts are still required to
    calculate and consider the applicable guideline range as well as
    the factors set forth in 
    18 U.S.C. § 3553
    (a), making all factual
    findings appropriate for that determination.         See 
        If the
    sentence imposed is within the properly calculated guideline range,
    it is presumptively reasonable.     See Green, 
    436 F.3d at 456
    Under   our   now   advisory   sentencing   guidelines,   where   a
    defendant is convicted of violating 
    21 U.S.C. §§ 841
    (a)(1) or 846
    and a “victim was killed under circumstances that would constitute
    murder under 
    18 U.S.C. § 1111
     had such killing taken place within
    the territorial or maritime jurisdiction of the United States,” the
    sentencing court should look to the base offense level used for
    first degree murder, which is 43.   See U.S. Sentencing Guidelines
    Manual §§ 2A1.1, 2D1.1(d)(1) (2004). Regardless of the defendant’s
    criminal history category, the advisory sentencing guideline range
    for a base offense level of 43 is life in prison.   See id. at Ch.
    5, Pt. A.
    Here, the district court had adequate evidence before it,
    including the admissions of each defendant, to conclude that the
    defendants were directly involved in the drug-related killing of
    Barrow, a confidential government informant.    The district court
    was free to use the defendants’ admissions of their roles in
    Barrow’s killing, as there was adequate evidence to show that each
    defendant breached his agreement to provide truthful information.
    For example, there was sufficient evidence to conclude that Dublin
    provided a series of differing stories about his role in the murder
    and was notified by the government that he was in breach of his
    agreement; that Marion Mays was not forthcoming with all of the
    details concerning his role in the murder and failed a polygraph
    test; and that Darrell Mays was not completely truthful in his
    first interview and lied to investigators about his brother’s role
    in the murder.   As a result, the district court was permitted to
    use the defendants’ admissions, weigh all the evidence, and apply
    the murder cross reference to arrive at an advisory guideline range
    of life in prison for each defendant.2
    Darrell Mays further argues that the district court failed to
    provide an adequate statement of reasons for his sentence under 
    18 U.S.C. § 3553
    (a).           We note initially that, as described above,
    Darrell Mays’ sentence fell within the advisory guideline range and
    was, therefore, presumed to be reasonable.           See Green, 
    436 F.3d at 456
    .       Furthermore, the district court was not required to discuss
    every § 3553(a) factor on the record.           See United States v. Eura,
    440 F.3d 625
    , 632 (4th Cir. 2006).             Moreover, when the district
    court conducted its proportionality analysis under United States v.
    45 F.3d 63
    , 66 (4th Cir. 1995), it explained that Darrell
    Mays’ offense was “extremely grave,” that he was involved in a
    conspiracy with one of South Carolina’s major cocaine and crack
    suppliers, and that he played a role in the drug-related murder of
    a confidential informant.         The district court concluded that life
    in   prison     was   not   disproportionate    in   comparison   with   other
    sentences under the guidelines, and that state statutes in our
    circuit disclose the existence of similarly severe sentencing for
    narcotics violations of this magnitude.          J.A. 587.   These findings
    under the Kratsas proportionality analysis touch on many of the
    For these reasons, we reject Darrell Mays’ separate argument
    that the district court erred in concluding that he breached his
    plea agreement.
    factors in § 3553(a) and support the reasonableness of Darrell
    Mays’ sentence.
    For     the   foregoing   reasons,   we   affirm   the   defendants’
    sentences.     We dispense with oral argument because the facts and
    legal contentions are adequately presented in the materials before
    the court and argument would not aid the decisional process.

Document Info

Docket Number: 05-4754, 05-4766, 05-4782

Citation Numbers: 189 F. App'x 151

Judges: Per Curiam, Traxler, Widener, Wilkinson

Filed Date: 7/13/2006

Precedential Status: Non-Precedential

Modified Date: 8/7/2023