United States v. White , 280 F. App'x 317 ( 2008 )

  •                             UNPUBLISHED
    No. 07-4678
    Plaintiff - Appellee,
    GARY DEAN WHITE, a/k/a G,
    Defendant - Appellant.
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the Western
    District of North Carolina, at Charlotte.   Frank D. Whitney,
    District Judge. (3:03-cr-00181-FDW)
    Submitted:   May 2, 2008                      Decided:   June 6, 2008
    Before NIEMEYER, MOTZ, and KING, Circuit Judges.
    Affirmed by unpublished per curiam opinion.
    William R. Terpening, ANDERSON TERPENING, PLLC, Charlotte, North
    Carolina, for Appellant. Gretchen C. F. Shappert, United States
    Attorney, Adam Morris, Assistant United States Attorney, Charlotte,
    North Carolina, for Appellee.
    Unpublished opinions are not binding precedent in this circuit.
    Gary Dean White appeals the imposition of a life sentence
    following his guilty plea pursuant to a written plea agreement to
    one count of conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute
    cocaine and cocaine base, in violation of 
    21 U.S.C. §§ 841
    , 846,
    851 (2000).    On appeal, he challenges the district court’s finding
    that the Government did not abuse its discretion in denying him a
    second opportunity to provide substantial assistance following
    violation of the conditions of his bond, the district court’s grant
    of the Government’s motion to quash White’s subpoenas, and the
    district court’s denial of White’s motion to withdraw his guilty
    plea.   We affirm.
    The record reflects that White recognized explicitly in
    the plea agreement, as well as during his Fed. R. Crim. P. 11
    proceeding, that he was subject to a mandatory life sentence for
    his crime.    His plea agreement contained several terms relating to
    his desire to cooperate with the Government, in exchange for a
    reduced sentence in the form of a government motion for downward
    departure for substantial assistance under U.S.S.G. § 5K1.1 (2006)
    18 U.S.C. § 3553
    (e) (2000).          Specifically, he agreed to
    cooperate and provide truthful information. He represented that he
    would “not violate any federal, state, or local law, or any order
    of any court, including any conditions of pretrial, pre-sentence,
    or post-sentence release.”       White further represented that he
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    “underst[ood] that any breach of [the] agreement . . . [would]
    allow the government, in its sole discretion, to withdraw from its
    obligations under [the] Plea Agreement.”           (emphasis added).    White
    also specifically waived his right to attack or appeal the United
    States’ exercise of its discretion, as well as his right to
    withdraw his guilty plea.       White argues no error with regard to his
    Rule 11 proceeding and the acceptance of his plea.
    Nine   months   after    being   released   to   cooperate,    and
    following his involvement in two controlled buys and assistance
    which led to the arrest of an individual on drug trafficking
    charges, White violated his plea agreement and the law.             White was
    arrested on July 18, 2005, for possession and possession with
    intent to distribute crack cocaine, clear violations of several
    conditions of his pretrial release.            In addition, White failed to
    immediately advise authorities of any change in his address or
    telephone number, and was considered by the probation office to
    have been an absconder from supervision from June 2005 until August
    22, 2005, in further violation of his pretrial release.              Finally,
    he violated his pretrial release conditions because he failed to
    report   to    his   supervising      U.S.   Pretrial   Services   Officer   as
    instructed on two separate occasions.           Despite his arrest warrant,
    White did not turn himself in; he was taken into custody in January
    2006 when he was rearrested on another charge.
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    Following his rearrest, White’s lawyer arranged a meeting
    with   non-federal    law   enforcement   officers   to   offer   potential
    assistance.        White and his attorney assert the officers were
    receptive.     The United States Attorney declined to give White a
    “second chance” at avoiding a life sentence.
    At this juncture, White moved to withdraw his guilty plea
    on the grounds that he was “unreasonably depriv[ed] of his ability
    to continue providing substantial assistance.”            At the hearing,
    White testified that he had essentially been “set up” by a dealer
    who became aware that he was cooperating with authorities.               He
    admitted that he had violated his bond, and that he had made a
    mistake, but again promised to cooperate, claiming to have “learned
    [his] lesson.”      White put on evidence that he had moved in with his
    father, and did not have a telephone.           At the hearing on the
    motion, White’s attorney reaffirmed that the plea itself was
    “knowing     and   voluntary.”    Following    the   magistrate     judge’s
    recommendation to deny the motion to withdraw, White’s counsel
    subpoenaed the U.S. Attorney’s office and the probation office for
    comprehensive records pertaining to other bond violators, in an
    effort to establish that the Government’s decision to deny White a
    second chance at cooperation was irrational.         The Government moved
    to quash the subpoenas.
    The district court conducted a hearing on both the
    subpoena issue and White’s request for a de novo hearing on his
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    motion   to    withdraw     his   plea.        Following       White’s   attorney’s
    acknowledgment that the records he sought by subpoena were public
    but that the subpoena would save him money and time in researching
    the information, the district court granted the Government’s motion
    to quash.      The district court then considered White’s motion to
    withdraw his plea.           While White claimed to have found eight
    instances of disparate treatment in the information he had found
    relative      to    bond   violators   being     given     a    second   chance    at
    cooperating to achieve a § 5K1.1 reduction, he did agree with the
    district court that the majority of defendants who violate bond are
    sentenced, as he ultimately was, to their statutorily imposed
    sentences.         White’s position was that any inconsistent treatment
    among defendants deprived him of his rights and constituted grounds
    to support the withdrawal of his plea.
    In denying White’s motion to withdraw, the district court
    addressed each of the Moore1 factors, and found that White’s plea
    was knowing and voluntary, that White had not credibly asserted his
    innocence, and expressly adopted the magistrate judge’s uncontested
    report as to the other factors.             The district court found no bad
    faith,     unconstitutional       motive,      or   irrational       act   by     the
    Government, and determined that White indisputably had violated and
    ignored the procedure for cooperation.              White timely appealed from
    the imposition of the statutorily mandated life sentence.
    See United States v. Moore, 
    931 F.2d 245
     (4th Cir. 1991).
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    White first challenges the district court’s finding that
    the Government did not abuse its discretion in denying White a
    second opportunity to provide substantial assistance following his
    violation of the conditions of his bond.         He contends both that the
    Government abused its discretion, and that the district court erred
    in failing to shift the burden to the Government to demonstrate any
    rational relationship to a legitimate governmental purpose in
    denying White a second opportunity to cooperate.
    The decision to file a § 5K1.1 motion rests solely within
    the government’s discretion.         United States v. Butler, 
    272 F.3d 683
    , 686 (4th Cir. 2001).        Therefore, unless the government has
    obligated   itself   in   a   plea   agreement    to   file   a   substantial
    assistance motion, its refusal to do so is not reviewable unless it
    was based on an unconstitutional motive such as race or religious
    animus, or not rationally related to a legitimate government end.
    Wade v. United States, 
    504 U.S. 181
    , 185-87 (1992); Butler, 
    272 F.3d at 686
    Here, White’s plea agreement reflects unequivocally that
    the Government retained sole discretion in the determination of
    whether to file a § 5K1.1 motion on White’s behalf, and this
    discretion included the right not to seek a sentence reduction for
    White’s failure to cooperate. The Government never relinquished
    this discretion.     The ample evidence of White’s breaches of his
    agreement as to cooperation, including White’s admissions of his
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    failures, provides a sufficient basis for the Government’s refusal
    to allow further opportunities for White to cooperate.
    Moreover,     we   find   White’s    argument    of   Governmental
    irrationality or caprice to be unpersuasive.              There is no evidence
    that the Government acted in bad faith or with an improper motive.
    The Government simply concluded that White had breached one too
    many provisions of his agreement.                While White asserts that the
    eight examples allegedly supporting his position are sufficient to
    establish irrationality, the district court properly held that,
    even       assuming   that    White’s    examples    illustrated     that   eight
    individuals      were   treated     differently      by   the   Government,   his
    evidence failed to establish irrationality.                     First, as White
    stipulated, he was treated just as the majority of violating
    cooperators in his own examples were treated; that is, that no
    substantial assistance adjustment was proffered by the government
    and they were not given further opportunities for cooperation.
    Second, there is no case law supporting White’s proposition.2
    Deterring criminal conduct is a rational governmental interest that
    While White relies on United States v. Wilson, 
    390 F.3d 1003
    (7th Cir. 2004), the Government in Wilson admitted at sentencing
    that the defendant cooperated and that his assistance was
    substantial enough to qualify for a downward departure. Here, in
    contrast, White cooperated only partially before breaching his
    obligations, his promises of future helpfulness were self-serving
    and vague, and the United States Attorney has indicated that his
    assistance was not substantial. Plus, the defendant in Wilson did
    not commit a crime while attempting to cooperate, as White did in
    this case.
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    sufficiently     supports     the   government’s      refusal    to    make    a
    substantial assistance motion.         See United States v. Butler, 
    272 F.3d 683
    , 687 (4th Cir. 2001).              Moreover, “mere allegations of
    unconstitutional motive on behalf of the prosecutor are not enough
    to carry [the defendant’s] burden.”           United States v. LeRose, 
    219 F.3d 335
    , 342 (4th Cir. 2000), and White has not provided evidence
    sufficient to support his claim of governmental irrationality.3
    We also find to be without merit White’s challenge to the
    district court’s action in quashing White’s subpoenas, through
    which he sought to obtain evidence that the Government’s refusal to
    allow White a second opportunity to provide substantial assistance
    was arbitrary.     We review for abuse of discretion the denial of
    requests for discovery. United States v. Fowler, 
    932 F.2d 306
    , 311
    (4th Cir. 1991). To require productions, courts have required that
    subpoenas cover (1) relevant evidentiary materials or documents;
    (2) that are not otherwise procurable by exercise of due diligence;
    (3) which the party cannot properly prepare for trial without; and
    (4) which is not intended as a fishing expedition.              United States
    v. Nixon, 
    418 U.S. 683
    , 699-700 (1974).
    As   the   district       court    recognized    in   quashing      the
    subpoenas,   White   stated    on    more    than   one   occasion    that    the
    White’s mere mention of race as a possible issue implicating
    the “unconstitutional motive” test, and his contention that his
    subpoenas could have revealed a disproportionate racial impact, are
    wholly conclusory and without any evidentiary support.
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    information he sought was publicly available. He admitted that the
    purpose of the subpoenas was to save him time and money in
    retrieving the desired information.       Moreover, the record reflects
    that the offices White subpoenaed did not keep the records he
    sought in the format in which he sought them, and that they would
    have had to devote the same financial and man-hour expenditures to
    compile the information in the same fashion as White would have had
    to do. Accordingly, White was unable to establish, under the Nixon
    standards,    that   the   information   he   sought   was   not   otherwise
    procurable by exercise of due diligence.         Nixon, 
    418 U.S. at 699
    On these facts, we find no abuse of the district court’s discretion
    in granting the Government’s motion to quash.
    Nor do we find abuse of the district court’s discretion
    in its denial of White’s motion to withdraw his guilty plea.            See
    United States v. Ubakanma, 
    215 F.3d 421
    , 424 (4th Cir. 2000).             A
    defendant bears the burden of demonstrating that a “fair and just
    reason” supports his request to withdraw his plea.           United States
    v. Moore, 
    931 F.2d 245
    , 248 (4th Cir. 1991).
    White received an adequate Fed. R. Crim. P. 11 hearing,
    which creates a strong presumption that his guilty plea was final
    and binding.    United States v. Puckett, 
    61 F.3d 1092
    , 1099 (4th
    Cir. 1995).    White argues, however, that despite that his plea was
    entered into knowingly and voluntarily, the Government’s refusal to
    allow him a second chance at cooperating somehow vitiates the
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    knowing and voluntary nature of his plea.             It does not.       Moreover,
    there is no question that it was completely within the Government’s
    discretion whether to move for a downward departure, Butler, 
    272 F.3d at 686
    , and it is clear that White understood the Government’s
    sole discretion in all issues relating to cooperation and his plea-
    agreement obligation not to violate the law.                      White violated
    numerous   terms   of   both   his       plea   agreement   and    his   pretrial
    service/bond requirements, violations to which he admits. There is
    no case law supporting his position that the courts can force the
    government   to    provide     to    a    defendant    a    second    chance    at
    cooperating, absent a finding that such refusal was based on an
    unconstitutional motive such as race or religion, neither of which
    have been established in this case.             Plus, White does not claim he
    was innocent of the charges on which the plea agreement was based,
    nor does he claim that he was subject to incompetent counsel during
    the relevant proceedings.      See Moore, 
    931 F.2d at 248
    .           Contrary to
    White’s claim, the record amply reflects that the district court
    thoroughly considered White’s claim of unfairness and unjustness,
    in holding him to his plea.         White has not established a fair and
    just reason to withdraw his guilty plea, and there is no abuse of
    the district court’s discretion in denying his motion to do so.
    Finally, we decline White’s invitation to supplement the standard
    set forth by this court in Moore.
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    Accordingly, we affirm White’s sentence.     We dispense
    with oral argument because the facts and legal contentions are
    adequately presented in the materials before the court and argument
    would not aid the decisional process.
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