Jacobs Press, Inc v. Hartford Steam ( 1997 )

    No. 94-1046
    No. 94-1087
    Appeals from the United States District Court
    for the District of South Carolina, at Greenville.
    G. Ross Anderson, Jr., District Judge.
    Argued: December 6, 1994
    Decided: March 4, 1997
    Before ERVIN and MICHAEL, Circuit Judges, and MESSITTE,
    United States District Judge for the District of Maryland,
    sitting by designation.
    Reversed in part, reversed and remanded in part, and vacated and
    remanded in part by unpublished per curiam opinion.
    ARGUED: Robert Dennis Withers, ROBINS, KAPLAN, MILLER &
    CIRESI, Atlanta, Georgia, for Appellant. Kenneth C. Anthony, Jr.,
    KNIE, WHITE & ANTHONY, Spartanburg, South Carolina, for
    Appellee. ON BRIEF: Mark W. Phillips, ROBINS, KAPLAN, MIL-
    LER & CIRESI, Atlanta, Georgia, for Appellant. Claude H. Howe,
    III, EDWARDS & HOWE, Clinton, South Carolina, for Appellee.
    Unpublished opinions are not binding precedent in this circuit. See
    Local Rule 36(c).
    Jacobs Press Inc. sued Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insur-
    ance Company, its insurer under a boiler and machinery policy, for
    proceeds allegedly due Jacobs when its main printing press broke
    down and caught fire. A jury sitting in the United States District
    Court for the District of South Carolina (Greenville Division)
    awarded Jacobs $731,513.60 for property damage, $417,000 for busi-
    ness interruption loss, and $200,000 compensatory plus $100,000
    punitive damages for Hartford's bad faith failure to pay under the pol-
    icy. Following trial, the district court denied Hartford's motions for
    judgment as a matter of law and for a new trial, granted Jacobs'
    motion for prejudgment interest on the property damage and business
    interruption loss awards, and denied Jacobs' request for attorney's
    fees under the South Carolina statute authorizing such fees in the
    event of bad faith refusal to pay insurance claims.
    Hartford has appealed from the district court's judgment; Jacobs
    has cross-appealed the court's denial of its request for attorney's fees.
    We shall reverse in part, reverse and remand in part, and vacate and
    remand in part.
    Jacobs Press Inc. (Jacobs) operates a printing facility in Clinton,
    South Carolina. As of July 1992, Jacobs maintained several presses,
    the largest and most important of which was a six color Komori press.
    The press consisted of eight sections. At one end was a feeder section
    into which paper was fed, on the other a combined drying unit to dry
    the inked paper and delivery section to stack the finished product. In
    between were six columns, each containing a different color of ink,
    which permitted the application of six different colors on one run-
    through of a sheet of paper. The press was 40 feet long and 4 feet
    wide, rested on legs which raised the press three or four inches off the
    floor, and was bolted to the floor. At the time of the event in question,
    paper scraps and other combustible debris had accumulated on the
    floor underneath the press.
    On Sunday, July 26, 1992, the delivery end of the press was dis-
    covered to be on fire. Firemen arrived at the scene and extinguished
    the flames with water. The net result was that the delivery end of the
    press sustained severe damage from the fire and much of the rest of
    the press showed rust damage, apparently from the water used to put
    out the fire.
    Jacobs, as might be expected, had taken out insurance policies that
    it hoped would cover such contingencies. The first of these was a
    commercial property policy issued by American Economy Insurance
    Company (American), covering the firm's building, fixtures,
    machinery, equipment, and such risks as fire.1 The second policy was
    a boiler and machinery policy issued by Hartford Steam Boiler
    Inspection and Insurance Company (Hartford), covering certain
    defined "accidents" to certain defined "objects." Both policies, albeit
    1 The commercial property policy was part of an "Economy Package
    Policy." Separate coverage, at an additional premium, was provided for
    "general commercial liability," i.e. for sums Jacobs might become legally
    obligated to pay because of injuries or damages as to which the insurance
    with differing limitations, covered the six color Komori press. Both
    had "other insurance" clauses which required the insurer to share
    responsibility with regard to any loss covered by another policy.2
    Jacobs promptly made claims under both policies.
    2 American's other insurance clause read:
    1. You may have other insurance subject to the same plan,
    terms, conditions and provisions as the insurance under this
    Coverage Part. If you do, we will pay our share of the cov-
    ered loss or damage. Our share is the proportion that the
    applicable Limit of Insurance under this Coverage Part bears
    to the Limits of Insurance of all insurance covering on the
    same basis.
    2. If there is other insurance covering the same loss or
    damage, other than that described in l. above, we will pay
    only for the amount of covered loss or damage in excess of
    the amount due from that other insurance, whether you can
    collect on it or not. But we will not pay more than the appli-
    cable Limit of Insurance.
    Hartford's read:
    e. Other Insurance
    (1) You may have other insurance subject to the same plan,
    terms, conditions and provisions as the insurance under this
    Coverage Part. If you do, we will pay our share of the cov-
    ered loss or damage. Our share is the proportion that the
    applicable Limit of Insurance under this Coverage Part bears
    to the Limits of Insurance of all insurance covering on the
    same basis.
    (2) If there is other insurance covering the same loss or
    damage, other than that described in (l) above, we will pay
    only for the amount of covered loss or damage in excess of
    the amount due from that other insurance, whether you can
    collect on it or not.
    In no case will we pay more than the applicable Limit of
    American accepted coverage under its policy without dispute. One
    of the two investigators it sent to determine the origin of the fire con-
    cluded that an object on the conveyor chain in the press had struck
    infrared tubes in the drying unit as it traveled through the press,
    breaking the tubes and producing sparks which ignited the accumula-
    tion of paper debris underneath the press. The second investigator
    concluded that wiring in the dryer unit of the press overheated, caus-
    ing the press to eventually erupt into flames. Accordingly American
    paid Jacobs $731,360.93 for the replacement cost of the press,3
    $100,000 for extra expenses that Jacobs would not otherwise have
    had to expend had the accident not occurred, and $16,513.60 to install
    a new press, a total of $847,874.53. With regard to the property loss
    component ($731,360.93), American and Jacobs entered into a "Loan
    Receipt and Assignment" agreement whereby American's payment
    was characterized as a "loan . . . repayable only in the event and to
    the extent of any net recovery" by Jacobs against Hartford, with
    American taking an assignment of Jacobs' claim against Hartford as
    "security." Jacobs covenanted not to settle any claim without Ameri-
    can's written consent, to cooperate in the prosecution of a claim
    against Hartford, and to appoint American its attorney-in-fact to con-
    trol the litigation, all to be at American's expense. The agreement did
    not affect any other claims that Jacobs might have against Hartford,
    for example, for business interruption loss.
    Hartford, after brief investigation, denied coverage. It began by
    sending two claims adjusters to the scene but neither was able to
    ascertain the cause and origin of the fire. Hartford then engaged an
    independent investigator, Gary Venz, who advised Hartford that the
    fire had started when a small arc inside a drying tube conductor in the
    infrared heating unit of the press fell into and ignited the debris
    beneath the press. Based on Venz's report and purported exclusions
    under its policy, Hartford, by letter to Jacobs dated July 30, 1992,
    denied coverage.
    Hartford reasoned thus: Its policy would pay for repairing or
    replacing a covered "object" as well as for business interruption loss
    3 There is a slight discrepancy between the amount American paid
    Jacobs for the replacement cost ($731,360.93) and the amount the jury
    awarded Jacobs for that cost against Hartford ($731.513.60).
    so long as the covered "object" was directly damaged as a result of
    an "accident." It would pay for business interruption loss if the loss
    was due "solely" to an accident to an object."Accident" was defined
    under the policy as "a sudden and accidental breakdown" of an "ob-
    ject" or "part of the object." Conceding that the six color Komori
    press was a covered "object," Hartford took the position that the sud-
    den and accidental breakdown was the arcing of the drying tube con-
    ductor within the press as identified by Venz; hence the only direct
    damage to the press was the damage to the drying tube conductor
    itself and nothing more. Since the cost of repair or replacement of the
    drying tube conductor was less than $l,000, the amount of the policy's
    deductible, coverage would be denied.
    Hartford contended that the fire and water exclusions under its pol-
    icy supported this position. Thus, the fire exclusion provided that
    Hartford would "not pay for . . . loss caused by or resulting from . . .
    fire or explosion outside the `object' that occurs at the same time as
    an accident or ensues from an accident" (Emphasis supplied). Hart-
    ford took Venz's statement that the debris which caught fire was "be-
    neath" the press to mean that the fire occurred"outside" the press and
    was thus excluded by the policy.
    Similarly Hartford relied on the water exclusion of the policy to
    deny coverage. That exclusion provided that Hartford would "not pay
    for . . . loss . . . resulting from . . . water or other means used to extin-
    guish a fire, even when the attempt is unsuccessful." Since water was
    in fact used to extinguish the fire and since, in Hartford's view, water
    caused damage to the press, that damage was excluded even if the fire
    damage itself was covered.
    Hartford found further support for its denial of coverage in another
    clause of the policy that provided that Hartford would "not pay for
    any loss excluded . . . even though any other cause or event contrib-
    utes concurrently or in any sequence to the loss." In other words, even
    if a covered cause or event contributed to an outside fire or to water
    damage, the loss due to the outside fire or water damage would still
    not be covered.
    Coverage for the business interruption loss was denied for an addi-
    tional reason. Hartford's policy provided that it would pay for "actual
    loss" and "extra expense" during a defined"period of restoration,"4
    provided "the actual loss and extra expense must be caused solely by
    an accident to an object." Again, Hartford reasoned that the accident
    to the press involved only the sudden and accidental breakdown
    within the delivery column and that fire outside the press as well as
    water used to extinguish the fire were contributing causes to the loss.
    In Hartford's view the actual loss and extra expense were therefore
    not "solely caused by the accident to the object" and Jacobs would
    receive no payment from it.
    With insurance proceeds from American in hand, however, Jacobs
    was able to recommence its operations in fairly short order. From
    August 1992 through the first week of October 1992, it leased time
    on a five color Komori press from a printer in Charleston, South Car-
    olina. Beginning the second week of October 1992 and continuing
    through December 1992 when it received and put into service its per-
    manent six color replacement press, it leased and installed at its Clin-
    ton facility a four color Komori press.
    In February, 1993, Jacobs brought suit against Hartford, alleging
    breach of contract based on the latter's denial of payment for property
    damage and business interruption loss, asserting as well a claim in tort
    for Hartford's alleged bad faith failure to provide coverage.
    Approximately 60 days before trial, Hartford sought to join
    American5 as the real party in interest on the grounds that Jacobs was
    in effect bringing a suit for contribution on American's behalf. The
    4 The "period of restoration," as stipulated by the parties, ran from July
    26, 1992, the date of the fire, until December 31, 1992, the date a
    replacement press was put in service.
    5 Hartford actually sought to join"American States Insurance Com-
    pany," the entity Jacobs had identified in its interrogatory answer as pos-
    sibly having a subrogation interest. In fact Jacobs' fire insurance policy
    and assignment were written with "American Economy Insurance Com-
    pany." Jacobs does not dispute the apparent alter ego status of the two
    entities and for purposes of this appeal we shall treat American States
    and American Economy as one and the same.
    district court denied Hartford's motion and the jury trial proceeded
    with the results previously recited.6
    On appeal Hartford makes the following assignments of error:7
    1) It should have been permitted to join American as a party
    plaintiff because American, having paid Jacobs for part of its loss,
    was the real party in interest, at least to the extent of the payment;
    2) With regard to the property damage award, Hartford was enti-
    tled to have the jury verdict set aside and a new trial awarded because
    the verdict improperly held it liable for damage caused by water used
    to extinguish the fire, an excluded cause of loss, and because the ver-
    dict failed to recognize the salvage value of the press;
    3) With regard to the business interruption loss award:
    a) Hartford was entitled to judgment as a matter of law because
    the loss was not caused "solely by an accident to an object";
    b) It was entitled to judgment as a matter of law because
    Jacobs failed to prove the amount of its loss in accordance with the
    terms of the policy or with reasonable certainty; and
    c) It was entitled to a new trial because the district court erred
    in its instruction to the jury;
    4) With regard to the award for bad faith failure to provide cover-
    age, Hartford was entitled to judgment as a matter of law because it
    had an objectively reasonable basis for denying Jacobs' claim; and
    5) With regard to prejudgment interest, Hartford was entitled to
    6 Certain additional facts will be set forth in the course of our discus-
    sion of the various issues before us.
    7 For convenience, we have changed slightly the sequence of the issues
    Hartford raises.
    judgment as a matter of law because (a) Jacobs never prayed prejudg-
    ment interest, (b) it had already been paid for its property loss claim
    by American and (c) South Carolina law prohibits prejudgment inter-
    est on lost profits.
    On cross-appeal, Jacobs contends that the district court erred when
    it declined to award attorney's fees in connection with the jury's find-
    ing against Hartford on the count of bad faith refusal to provide cov-
    Failure to Join American
    We find persuasive Hartford's argument that the district court erred
    in denying its motion to join American as a party plaintiff.
    Jacobs claims that Hartford's motion to add American came too
    late, having been filed on August 5, 1993, with trial set to begin on
    September 30 of that year. Jacobs also says Hartford knew about
    American and its status as a co-insurer several months before and was
    therefore dilatory in seeking the latter's joinder. In any event, Jacobs
    argues, Hartford suffered no prejudice by the non-joinder. Since
    Jacobs had a contractual obligation to pay over to American any
    monies it might recover from Hartford, there would be no risk of a
    double recovery against Hartford.
    Although Jacobs argued untimeliness in the district court, the court
    did not base its ruling on that ground.8 Implicitly acknowledging that
    American was subject to process and that its joinder would not affect
    8 There appears to be good reason why it did not. The docket entries
    below indicate that the parties had until August 25, 1993 to add parties
    and Hartford's motion to join American was filed on August 5, well
    within the allowable period. While the window between the time for
    adding parties and the scheduled trial date may have been unrealistically
    narrow, the fault is not one that can be ascribed to Hartford. We therefore
    need not address the issue of whether or when a motion to join an other-
    wise properly joinable party may be denied for untimeliness. But see
    Harris v. Illinois-California Express, Inc., 
    687 F.2d 1361
    , 1373-74 (10th
    Cir. 1982) (motion for joinder properly denied when party had full
    knowledge of other insurers for at least eight months prior to trial);
    Toney v. Bishop, 
    476 F.2d 203
    , 207 (5th Cir. 1973) (absence of parties
    who have known of suit since the inception does not affect grant of com-
    plete relief).
    its diversity jurisdiction,9 the court reasoned that "the presence of
    American . . . would contribute nothing to the resolution of the issues
    raised in the complaint," noting that American had not sought to be
    added nor would its absence put Hartford at risk of paying twice. The
    court observed that American had agreed to be bound by the verdict
    and that the court itself could determine at the conclusion of the
    Jacobs-Hartford case how much, if anything, American should
    receive. The court stated that, under the law of this circuit, "if both
    insurers are liable for the loss, their respective excess clauses, which
    are mutually repugnant, will result in their sharing the loss equally."
    See Allstate Ins. Co. v. American Hardware Mut. Ins. Co., 
    865 F.2d 592
    , 594 (4th Cir. 1989); Reliance Ins. Co. v. St. Paul Surplus Lines
    Ins. Co., 
    753 F.2d 1288
    , 1290 (4th Cir. 1985). It concluded that join-
    der of American was unnecessary and would only result in confusion
    and prejudice before the jury.
    We note at the outset that, although Hartford argued for Ameri-
    can's joinder below based exclusively on Federal Rule of Civil Proce-
    dure 19, its argument before us is primarily based on Rule 17.10 The
    9 Counsel for Hartford certified to the district court that American had
    indicated its amenability to joinder, advising only that American said it
    needed time beyond the scheduled trial date to prepare. American itself
    subsequently filed a pleading objecting to its joinder, but asking for 120
    days to prepare should the court require it to join.
    10 Rule 17(a), in pertinent part, provides that "[e]very action shall be
    prosecuted in the name of the real party in interest."
    Rule 19, in pertinent part, states:
    (a) Persons to be Joined if Feasible. A person who is subject
    to service of process and whose joinder will not deprive the court
    of jurisdiction over the subject matter of the action shall be
    joined as a party in the action if (1) in the person's absence com-
    plete relief cannot be accorded among those already parties, or
    (2) the person claims an interest relating to the subject of the
    action and is so situated that the disposition of the action in the
    person's absence may (i) as a practical matter impair or impede
    the person's ability to protect that interest or (ii) leave any of the
    persons already parties subject to a substantial risk of incurring
    double, multiple, or otherwise inconsistent obligations by reason
    of the claimed interest. If the person has not been so joined, the
    rules are sufficiently related, however, that we are prepared to permit
    Hartford to proceed in this fashion. The purpose of the two rules is
    essentially the same. Compare Rackley v. Board of Trustees of
    Orangeburg Regional Hosp., 
    35 F.R.D. 516
    , 517 (E.D.S.C. 1964)
    ("The purpose of [Rule 17] . . . is to enable the defendant to present
    his defenses against the proper persons, to avoid subsequent suits, and
    to proceed to finality of judgment."), with Notes of Advisory Com-
    mittee to Rule 19a ("Clause (1) stresses the desirability of joining
    those persons in whose absence the court would be obliged to grant
    partial or `hollow' rather than complete relief to the parties before the
    court. The interests that are being furthered here are not only those of
    the parties, but also that of the public in avoiding repeated law suits
    on the same essential subject matter."). Ultimately both rules contem-
    plate the joinder or non-joinder of persons, in the one case because
    the absent person is "the real party in interest," and the other because
    their joinder is "needed for just adjudication." Our concern, then, is
    whether the district court erred in not granting Hartford's request to
    join American as a party plaintiff, either by reason of its status as a
    court shall order that the person be made a party. If the person
    should join as a plaintiff but refuses to do so, the person may be
    made a defendant, or, in a proper case, an involuntary plaintiff.
    If the joined party objects to venue and joinder of that party
    would render the venue of the action improper, that party shall
    be dismissed from the action.
    (b) Determination by Court Whenever Joinder not Feasible. If
    a person as described in subdivision (a)(1)-(2) hereof cannot be
    made a party, the court shall determine whether in equity and
    good conscience the action should proceed among the parties
    before it, or should be dismissed, the absent person being thus
    regarded as indispensable. The factors to be considered by the
    court include: first, to what extent a judgment rendered in the
    person's absence might be prejudicial to the person or those
    already parties; second, the extent to which, by protective provi-
    sions in the judgment, by the shaping of relief, or other mea-
    sures, the prejudice can be lessened or avoided; third, whether a
    judgment rendered in the person's absence will be adequate;
    fourth, whether the plaintiff will have an adequate remedy if the
    action is dismissed for nonjoinder.
    real party in interest under Rule 17 or because it was a person needed
    for just adjudication under Rule 19.
    We believe, under both Rules 17 and 19, that American should
    have been joined as a party plaintiff and that the district court erred
    in not ordering the joinder.
    The facts of American's "settlement" with Jacobs bear close atten-
    tion in this regard. American, as insurer of Jacobs, paid a substantial
    amount, but not all, of Jacobs' loss. Thus the loan receipt agreement
    between American and Jacobs covered $731,360.93, the replacement
    cost of the press, whereas American paid Jacobs $847,874.53, a dif-
    ference of $116,513.60. Leaving aside for a moment the proceeds
    covered by the loan receipt, with regard to the other proceeds Ameri-
    can in effect received an assignment by operation of law, i.e. it was
    legally subrogated to a portion of Jacobs' claim against Hartford. See
    United States v. Aetna Sur. Co., 
    338 U.S. 366
    , 380-81 (1949); 16
    Couch on Insurance 2d § 61:4 (2d ed. 1983). In the case of a partial
    subrogation, either the subrogor or the subrogee may sue another
    party liable for the loss. Id. But it is also true that, upon timely
    motion, the party sued may compel the joinder of the insurer-
    subrogee or insured-subrogor. Id.; see also Travelers Ins. Co. v.
    671 F.2d 810
    , 812-13 (4th Cir. 1982); Virginia Elec. & Power
    Co. v. Westinghouse Elec. Corp., 
    485 F.2d 78
     (4th Cir. 1973), cert.
    415 U.S. 935
     (1974); Pinewood Gin Co. v. Carolina Power
    & Light Co., 
    41 F.R.D. 221
    , 224 (D.S.C. 1966); Public Serv. Co. of
    Okla. v. Black & Veatch, 
    467 F.2d 1143
    , 1144 (10th Cir. 1972);
    Standard Accident Ins. Co. v. Lohman, 
    295 F.2d 261
    , 264 (7th Cir.
    1961); State Farm Mut. Liab. Ins. Co. v. United States, 
    172 F.2d 737
    739 (1st Cir. 1949). To the extent of its payment, the insurer-subrogee
    is deemed the "real party in interest." To the extent of $116,513.60,
    therefore, under the authorities just cited, American would be joinable
    as the real party in interest. That much is clear.
    But, as a leading treatise has pointed out:
    Difficulties arise when the subrogated insurer seeks to bring
    suit in the name of the insured in order to avoid the antipa-
    thy juries are thought to have toward insurance companies
    . . . . As a practical matter, of course, the insurance company
    will control the prosecution of the law suit no matter in
    whose name it is brought.
    6A Charles A. Wright, et al., Federal Practice and Procedure, § 1546
    (2d ed. 1990).
    "Loan receipt" transactions of the sort employed here are primary
    contributors to that difficulty. Wright, et al., elaborate:
    In some instances it may not be clear that the insurer has
    been subrogated. For example, under a procedure known as
    a "loan receipt," the insurer lends the insured the amount
    due on the policy, and the insured pays it back only to the
    extent that he is able to obtain a recovery against defendant.
    Technically the insurer is not the real party in interest, since
    it has not paid the insured's claim and therefore is not subro-
    gated to his rights.
    Whether the insurer may sue in the name of its insured
    under a loan-receipt arrangement depends on whether the
    court is willing to accept the transaction at face value, either
    on the basis of its own evaluation of the transaction or in
    terms of state law in diversity cases. If the loan is treated as
    genuine, there is no basis for subrogation and the action may
    be brought in the insured's name. But, if the court views the
    loan as a sham and as actually constituting payment of the
    insured's claim, then the insurer is subrogated and must sue
    in its own name.
    Id. (Footnotes omitted).
    It is true that the United States Supreme Court in Luckenbach v.
    W.J. McCahan Sugar Ref. Co., 
    248 U.S. 139
     (1918), approved the
    concept of the loan receipt agreement, although it did so in an histori-
    cal setting rather different from the present.11 It is also true that, since
    the adoption of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure in 1938, includ-
    11 See generally Note, "The Real Party Under Rule 17(a): The Loan
    Receipt and Insurers' Subrogation Revisited," 
    74 Minn. L. Rev. 1107
    ing Rule 17(a) dealing with real parties in interest, a number of cir-
    cuits have upheld the validity of loan receipts when used by insureds
    on behalf of insurers to sue third parties. See , e.g., Frank Briscoe Co.
    v. Georgia Sprinkler Co., 
    713 F.2d 1500
    , 1502 n.1 (11th Cir. 1983);
    R.J. Enstrom Corp. v. Interceptor Corp., 
    520 F.2d 1217
    , 1219-20
    (10th Cir. 1975); Ketona Chem. Corp. v. Globe Indem. Co., 
    404 F.2d 181
    , 184 (5th Cir. 1968); see also Acro Automation Systems, Inc. v.
    Iscont Shipping Ltd., 
    706 F. Supp. 413
    , 419-22 (D. Md. 1989). In con-
    trast, other circuits have rejected use of the loan receipt device by
    insurers to circumvent Rule 17(a). See Executive Jet Aviation Inc. v.
    United States, 
    507 F.2d 508
    , 511-13 (6th Cir. 1974); City Stores Co.
    v. Lerner Shops of District of Columbia, Inc., 
    410 F.2d 1010
    , 1011-
    14 (D.C. Cir. 1969); see also Potomac Elec. Power Co. v. Babcock
    & Wilcox Co., 
    54 F.R.D. 486
     (D. Md. 1972).
    While a persuasive case can be made for holding that loan receipt
    agreements should never affect real-party-in-interest analysis for pur-
    poses of federal litigation,12 we need not decide that broad proposition
    in this case. Given that this was a suit brought by an insured on behalf
    of its insurer-subrogee against a co-insurer, we are able to conclude
    on the facts of the case that the insurer-subrogee was the real party
    in interest.
    American Dredging Co. v. Federal Ins. Co., 
    309 F. Supp. 425
    (S.D.N.Y. 1970), is directly on point. There the insured was paid by
    its first insurer pursuant to a loan agreement, with the understanding
    that the insured would institute suit against co-insurers to cover its
    loss; the expenses of suit were to be provided by the first insurer; and
    the insured agreed to pay any sum recovered from the defendant co-
    insurers in full satisfaction of the first insurer's so-called loan. If no
    recovery was had against the defendant co-insurers, plaintiff was
    under no obligation to repay the first insurer. The District Court for
    the Southern District of New York held that the only right the first
    insurer had against the co-insurers was one of pro rata contribution,
    not full subrogation. By pursuing full payment of the loss from the
    co-insurers, the insured was attempting to confer on its first insurer
    a substantive right to which it was not entitled, namely full reimburse-
    ment. Furthermore, the court held that if the insured were able to
    recover from the co-insurers for the first insurer's benefit the full
    amount paid by the first insurer, then the co-insurers in turn would
    have the right to a pro rata contribution from the first insurer toward
    the amount the co-insurers had to pay. But, as the court observed, the
    defendant co-insurers could not assert such a claim against the first
    insurer in the suit as it stood because the first insurer was not a party.
    As the court stated, "giving effect to the device employed here would
    give rise to multiplicity of litigation." 
    309 F. Supp. at 428
    . The first
    insurer was thus deemed the real party in interest under Rule 17(a)
    and required to be joined to the suit. Notably, since the insured had
    a claim against the other insurers over and above the first insurer's
    policy, it was permitted to remain in the suit to that extent.
    We think all the considerations of American Dredging apply here.
    Jacobs received proceeds from American and, at American's expense,
    Jacobs agreed to institute suit against Hartford (actually against any
    co-insurer). Jacobs was obliged to turn over to American any recov-
    ery it might have against Hartford, but would have no liability to
    American in the event of no recovery. Although by reason of their
    "other insurance" clauses American and Hartford had mutual rights of
    contribution, Jacobs' suit against Hartford was an attempt (successful,
    as it turned out) to obtain full reimbursement for American. Subse-
    quent litigation between the insurers, in all likelihood involving the
    insured as well, was inevitable. Recognizing in the present transaction
    potential for a comparable "multiplicity of litigation," we concur in
    the result of American Dredging. Both as to that portion of its pay-
    ment covered by the loan receipt, and that part not covered by the
    loan receipt American is the real party in interest in this suit and
    should have been joined upon Hartford's motion. 13 We hold that the
    district court's failure to order its joinder was error.
    We believe that Rule 19 also dictates joinder of American as a
    party plaintiff. It is sufficient under Rule 19 if, in the absence of the
    person to be joined, complete relief cannot be accorded among those
    already parties or, what is more pertinent to the present case, if the
    person to be joined claims an interest relating to the subject matter of
    13 Alternatively American may be considered the real party in interest
    to the extent that it is deemed an assignee of Jacobs' claim against Hart-
    ford. See 61 Couch on Insurance§ 110 (2d ed. 1983).
    the action and a person already party to the action might be left at
    substantial risk of incurring inconsistent obligations by reason of the
    claimed interest.
    It is established in this case that American was both amenable to
    process and its joinder would not have affected the diversity jurisdic-
    tion of the court. Other considerations suggest that Hartford would be
    left with a substantial risk of incurring inconsistent obligations in
    American's absence. To be sure, the presence of American in Jacobs'
    suit against Hartford would not necessarily bear on the question of
    what losses Hartford might be liable for. Such liability would depend
    exclusively upon the terms of Hartford's policy as to which the terms
    of American's policy would simply be irrelevant. Determining, how-
    ever, the exact amounts for which Hartford might be liable without
    American's presence presents a difficulty. Whatever dollar exposure
    Hartford might have to Jacobs would necessarily be a function of the
    language in American's policy. Since Hartford's policy contains a co-
    insurance clause whereby Hartford's exposure is expressly limited by
    the existence of other insurance covering the same claim, the fact of
    American's co-insurance, a precise description of the terms of that
    insurance, and an equally precise description of its limitations would
    be fully relevant to determining the extent of Hartford's obligation to
    Jacobs.14 Joinder of American would permit not only a convenient,
    14 We note that the district court and the parties, at least at the inception
    of the trial, were under the impression that the general rule of evidence
    precluding reference to the existence of insurance prevented any refer-
    ence to the fact that Jacobs had received insurance proceeds from Ameri-
    can. While the district court eventually permitted Hartford to apprise the
    jury of the fact of American's payment after Jacobs' president attempted
    to convince the jury that Jacobs was totally without funds during the
    period of restoration, we point out that this misapplies the evidentiary
    Federal Rule of Evidence 411 pertains only to the admissibility of evi-
    dence of "liability insurance." A policy that covers an insured for damage
    to its own property, however, is not a "liability" policy but an "indem-
    nity" policy. See Black's Law Dictionary 804-05 (6th ed. 1990); supra
    note 1.
    Apart from that, any suit in which an insurer is a party-defendant obvi-
    ously requires reference to insurance, particularly a suit involving co-
    but a complete and accurate sorting out of the co-insurers' respective
    obligations. See Lucas v. Garrett, 
    209 S.C. 521
    41 S.E.2d 212
    (1947). While it may be true, as the district court stated, that where
    co-insurers have "mutually repugnant" co-insurance clauses, they
    must share a covered loss equally, the jury in this case returned a ver-
    dict against Hartford on Jacobs' property loss claim for essentially the
    full replacement cost of the press, i.e. approximately $730,000. If the
    jury's verdict stands and the full $730,000 passes from Hartford to
    Jacobs to American (as Jacobs has said will happen), Hartford will
    have paid more than one-half share of the co-insurance; it will have
    paid its own one-half and American's one-half as well.15
    American's absence from this suit becomes more sharply apparent
    when one considers Hartford's liability for "actual loss" and "extra
    expenses," two components of the business interruption loss endorse-
    ment under Hartford's policy. American paid Jacobs $100,000 for
    items denominated "extra expenses" and approximately $16,500 for
    "installation costs." As to these sums, which are not covered by the
    loan receipt, American as previously noted has a subrogated interest
    as a matter of law. Yet it is by no means certain that the Hartford and
    American policies are congruent with respect to these losses, which
    is to say it is not clear that the policies are"mutually repugnant" and
    that the insurers will have to share those losses equally. Some of the
    "actual loss" or "extra expense" that Hartford would be fully liable for
    in the absence of co-insurance will be shared equally with American
    if American is found to have co-insured the same loss. At the same
    insurance when the fact and extent of the defendant-insurer's liability can
    only be defined with reference to the terms of the co-insurer's policy. See
    Public Service Co. of Okla., 
    467 F.2d at 1144
    . Reference to American's
    payment of proceeds to Jacobs, therefore, was wholly appropriate
    throughout the Jacobs-Hartford trial.
    15 Both sides agree that the jury's award was erroneous in that it did not
    take into account the salvage value of the press, $98,880.72, after deduct-
    ing the sales commission. The fact that American may have paid Jacobs
    that amount by mistake has obvious implications for any claim for con-
    tribution it may have against Hartford. This is one example -- there are
    others cited in the text -- of a "loss" that Hartford may not have to share
    equally with American.
    time, certain "actual loss" or "extra expenses" paid by American
    under its policy may not be covered by Hartford's policy at all.16 Had
    American been joined as a party-plaintiff to this suit, the congruency
    vel non of its co-insurance with Hartford's with respect to both the
    property loss and the business interruption loss could have been estab-
    lished once and for all; so too the respective dollar obligations of each
    insurer to Jacobs could have been ascertained.
    We recognize that some cases have held that joinder of a co-insurer
    is not always required. See e.g., Mutual Boiler and Machinery Ins.
    Co. v. Reynolds Metals Co., 
    352 F.2d 520
     (5th Cir. 1965) (joinder of
    co-insurer not required where "the court can render full and complete
    justice between the two parties . . . without such joinder"); Brinco
    Mining Ltd. v. Federal Ins. Co., 
    552 F. Supp. 1233
    , 1238-39 (D.D.C.
    1982) (joinder not required where "defendant has not made out a suf-
    ficient showing of indispensability"); Special Jet Servs., Inc. v. Fed-
    eral Ins. Co., 
    83 F.R.D. 596
    , 600 (W.D. Pa. 1979) (additional insurer,
    which had "no independent, legally protected right at stake in a pro-
    ceeding[,]" was not a necessary party). Those cases, however, have
    typically involved parties whose joinder was not"feasible" within the
    meaning of Rule 19, i.e. it would have affected the diversity jurisdic-
    tion of the court. The courts were thus faced with deciding whether
    they should dismiss the actions because of the indispensability of the
    co-insurer or go forward notwithstanding. In opting to go forward, the
    courts in effect decided that the co-insurers were not "indispensable,"
    which, it must be emphasized, is not the same as saying the parties
    were not "necessary." Cf. Schlumberger Indus., Inc. v. National Sur.
    36 F.3d 1274
    , 1286-87 (4th Cir. 1994); Evergreen Park Nurs-
    ing & Convalescent Home, Inc. v. American Equitable Assurance Co.,
    417 F.2d 1113
    , 1115 (7th Cir. 1969). But in a case in which a party
    is deemed "necessary" and its joinder "feasible" the overriding con-
    sideration is economy of litigation; the proper way to accomplish such
    economy is by joinder, whether voluntary or involuntary.
    16 Hartford, for instance, disputes that any of the approximately
    $16,500 American paid Jacobs for installing the four color Komori press
    in November of 1992 consisted of "extra expenses" as defined in Hart-
    ford's policy.
    We conclude that under Rule 19(a) complete relief between Hart-
    ford and Jacobs could not be accorded in American's absence. We
    further conclude, given American's obvious claim to at least a portion
    of payments found due from Hartford and vice versa, that American's
    absence from the suit left Hartford subject to a substantial risk of
    incurring inconsistent obligations. Since American could feasibly
    have been joined, we hold that it should have been.
    We will therefore vacate the jury's verdicts in this case and remand
    the case to the district court for a new trial, with the instruction that
    American be joined as a party-plaintiff at the earliest convenience.
    While our decision technically moots certain other issues raised on
    appeal, in order to facilitate the retrial and reduce the possibility of
    further appeal, we take the occasion to address those issues at this
    Failure to Grant Judgment As Matter of Law Because of
    Water Damage to Press; Jury's Failure to Recognize
    Salvage Value of Press
    Hartford argues that it was entitled to judgment as a matter of law
    with regard to the property loss component of the jury award because
    water damage occasioned the major portion of the loss and water
    damage was an excluded cause under the policy. In considering a
    motion for judgment as a matter of law, we view"all of the evidence
    in the light most favorable to . . . [the non-moving party], drawing all
    reasonable inferences in . . . [that party's] favor . . . ." Johnson v.
    Hugo's Skateway, 
    974 F.2d 1408
    , 1412 (4th Cir. 1992). The motion
    must be denied if, viewing the evidence in the light most favorable
    to the non-moving party, there is sufficient evidence on the record to
    support the jury verdict in its favor. Herold v. Hajoca Corp., 
    864 F.2d 317
    , 319 (4th Cir. 1988), cert. denied, 
    490 U.S. 1107
    Were it not for the problem arising from American's non-joinder,
    we would, in the main, find unexceptionable the jury's determination
    that Hartford should be liable for the damage to the Komori press.
    Hartford, we observe, does not pursue on appeal a proposition it pur-
    sued vigorously below, viz. that fire outside the press, an excluded
    peril, occasioned the property loss. But conceding that a fire inside
    the press could have caused the loss, even in part, opens the door to
    a finding that the same fire could have been deemed responsible for
    the entire loss. Thus, a jury could fairly conclude that fire rendered
    the press, though perhaps useable to some extent, essentially unde-
    pendable thereafter, whether or not there was also water damage.
    Indeed, Komori's service technician testified that any repair to the
    press could not be guaranteed. But such a repair may very well equate
    with no repair at all. Neither Jacobs, nor ultimately a jury, would be
    obliged to accept anything less than a fully functioning, reasonably
    warranted machine. Assuming the evidence upon retrial replicates the
    evidence of the present trial, we would see little justification for
    granting Hartford judgment as a matter of law with regard to its liabil-
    ity for Jacobs' property loss claim.
    Hartford is quite correct, however, as counsel for Jacobs conceded
    at oral argument before us, that any verdict against Hartford for dam-
    age to the press would have to give credit for the salvage value of the
    press, i.e. a net of $98,880.72, after deducting the sales commission.
    Business Interruption Loss Award
    Hartford challenges the jury's award of $417,000 for business
    interruption loss on a number of grounds. It argues that the court
    should have granted it judgment as a matter of law, first, because
    Jacobs' loss was not caused "solely by an accident to an object" and,
    second, because Jacobs failed to prove the amount of its loss in accor-
    dance with the terms of the policy or with reasonable certainty. Alter-
    natively, Hartford claims entitlement to a new trial because the
    district court erred in instructing the jury with regard to apportion-
    ment of loss. We consider these three formulations.
    A) Failure to Rule Loss Not Covered Solely by Accident to an
    We may deal summarily with Hartford's claim that it should have
    been granted judgment as a matter of law because Jacobs' business
    interruption loss was not caused "solely by an accident to an object."
    Again, to prevail as a matter of law, Hartford would have to convince
    us that there was no "evidence of such quality and weight that reason-
    able and fair-minded men in the exercise of impartial judgment could
    reasonably return a verdict for the non-moving party. . . . " Wyatt v.
    Interstate & Ocean Transp. Co., 
    623 F.2d 888
    , 891 (4th Cir. 1980).
    We are satisfied that the record contained sufficient evidence from
    which a trier of fact could find that Jacobs' interruption loss was
    caused solely by an accident to the six color Komori press. As we
    have just observed, a jury could find that a fire occurring inside the
    press effectively made the press irreparable, notwithstanding the fact
    that further fire ensued outside the press or that water may have been
    used to extinguish the fire. As the trier of fact, a jury would be well
    within its province to conclude that the interruption to business that
    ensued was occasioned solely by an accident to a covered object.
    Assuming identical evidence upon retrial, Hartford's motion for judg-
    ment as a matter of law on the business interruption loss claim would
    seem of doubtful prospect.
    B) Failure to Prove Loss in Accordance With Terms of Policy or
    With Reasonable Certainty
    We see no need to address this issue in any detail. We are fully
    confident that the district court understands that Jacobs has the burden
    of proving its business interruption loss claim strictly in accordance
    with the terms of Hartford's policy, that it must do so with reasonable
    certainty and without duplication as between the"actual loss" and
    "extra expense" components of the business interruption loss endorse-
    ment to the policy.17
    17 We note that at trial Jacobs conceded that, inasmuch as it had suf-
    fered net losses each month for a considerable period prior to the press
    fire, it could not claim lost profits under the Hartford policy. See
    Northwestern States Portland Cement Co. v. Hartford Fire Ins. Co., 
    360 F.2d 531
    , 534 (8th Cir. 1966).
    C) Erroneous Jury Instruction
    Hartford requested and the district court refused to give the follow-
    ing jury instruction:
    When an insured under a business interruption policy sus-
    tains loss from multiple causes, some of which are excluded
    from the coverage of the policy, the insured has the burden
    of proving the extent of the damage or interruption caused
    by the covered causes of loss.
    Hartford excepted to the court's failure to give that instruction.
    Instead the Court gave the following instruction to which Hartford
    also excepted:
    The measure for breach of contract should be the actual
    damages that the injured party may reasonably have
    incurred. One injured by the breach of contract is entitled to
    be placed in the same position, insofar as this can be done
    with money, as he would have occupied if the contract had
    been performed. Damages recoverable for a breach of con-
    tract are such as may fairly and reasonably be considered as
    arising naturally from the breach of the contract itself, or
    such as may reasonably be supposed to have been in the
    minds or contemplation of the parties at the time they made
    the contract.
    Jacobs argues that "the charge of the court covered all issues and
    was correct on the law." Hartford, claiming error, asks for a new trial.
    While we have already ordered a new trial on the basis of the join-
    der issue, we acknowledge that the remedy for a prejudicial jury
    instructions is likewise a new trial. Martin v. Cavalier Hotel Corp.,
    48 F.3d 1343
    , 1350 n.2 (4th Cir. 1995). We consider the challenged
    instruction at this time insofar as it may assist the district court at the
    next trial.
    In reviewing a trial court's decision whether or not to give a jury
    instruction, as well as the content of the instruction, we review for
    abuse of discretion. United States v. Russell , 
    971 F.2d 1098
    , 1107 (4th
    Cir. 1992), cert. denied, 
    113 S. Ct. 1013
     (1993). An error in jury
    instructions will occasion reversal of a judgment"only if the error is
    determined to have been prejudicial, based on a review of the record
    as a whole." Wellington v. Daniels, 
    717 F.2d 932
    , 938 (4th Cir. 1983).
    We also note, however, that a party is entitled to an instruction that
    reflects the party's theory of the case if the instruction is legally cor-
    rect and there is evidence on the record to support it. Gander v. Mr.
    Steak of Sun Ray, Inc., 
    774 F.2d 920
    , 924 (8th Cir. 1985). We con-
    sider the latter proposition first.
    Hartford's theory throughout this action has been that excluded
    perils -- fire outside the press and water damage-- were contribu-
    tory causes to Jacobs' business interruption loss. Evidence in the
    record amply supported that position, even if the jury may ultimately
    have found countervailing evidence more compelling. Jacobs, more-
    over, unquestionably had the burden of proving that, according to the
    policy terms, Jacobs' total claimed loss was caused"solely" by a cov-
    ered peril. See 15A Couch on Insurance § 57.32 (2d ed. 1983). Hart-
    ford requested a charge in precisely these terms, which the district
    court declined to give. We believe Hartford was entitled to such an
    instruction and would be so entitled at a new trial.
    St. Joseph Light & Power Co. v. Zurich Ins. Co. , 
    698 F.2d 1351
    (8th Cir. 1983), is instructive. There the insured carried two types of
    insurance, boiler and machinery insurance through Zurich Insurance
    Company and fire insurance through 16 insurance companies includ-
    ing an "extra operating expense policy" with Great American Insur-
    ance Company. A boiler owned by the insured caught fire and
    sustained serious damage. Great American, among others, paid an
    amount it deemed to have been caused by fire, but refused to pay for
    extra expense it attributed to low water condition. In setting aside the
    jury's verdict against Great American on the extra expense policy, the
    district court had declared:
    The jury's duty was to allocate the extra expenses incurred
    as a result of the damages due solely to fire. However, the
    evidence presented at trial did not afford the jury any basis
    upon which to allocate what portion of the outage was
    caused by the low water condition and what portion was
    caused solely by fire. The jury's verdict against Great Amer-
    ican was pure speculation and must be set aside.
    698 F.2d at 1358.
    The Eighth Circuit affirmed with the following observation:
    Thus, where only a portion of the loss is attributable to fire,
    only downtime caused specifically by fire damage can con-
    stitute a basis for recovery under the policy. We simply do
    not know, on the basis of the record, how long it took to
    repair those components which were damaged by fire. Since
    a low-water condition, rather than a fire, caused some of the
    damage, SJLP had the burden, in order to support recovery,
    of establishing how much time was required to repair those
    portions of the border damaged by fire. The record is devoid
    of such proof. There is no evidence that repair of portions
    of the boiler damaged only by fire took one month or thir-
    teen months . . . . SJLP made no attempt to allocate the extra
    expense cost between that caused by fire and that caused by
    the low-water condition.
    698 F.2d at 1359.
    St. Joseph Light & Power states an obvious proposition of law.
    When the terms of an insurance policy limit coverage to loss caused
    solely by a peril insured under the policy, an insured must offer proof
    that allows the jury to allocate the amount of the loss caused by the
    insured peril. See also Hart-Bartlett-Sturtevant Grain Co. v. Aetna
    Ins. Co., 
    365 Mo. 1134
    , 1152, 
    293 S.W.2d 913
    , 925 (1956), cert.
    352 U.S. 1016
     (1957) (reversal required where plaintiff failed
    to prove that expenses were caused by explosion, a covered peril,
    rather than flood, an excluded peril). By extension, an insurer is enti-
    tled to have the jury informed as to who holds the burden of proof as
    to coverage and precisely what it entails.
    We are unable to conclude that the instructions given by the court
    "construed as a whole, and in light of the whole record, adequately
    informed the jury of the controlling legal principles without mislead-
    ing or confusing the jury to the prejudice of the objecting party." Spell
    v. McDaniel, 
    824 F.2d 1380
    , 1395 (4th Cir. 1987), cert. denied, 
    484 U.S. 1027
     (1988). Liability for breach of an insurance contract is
    dependent upon the terms specified in the contract. Cf. Hutson v. Con-
    tinental Assurance Co., 
    269 S.C. 322
    237 S.E.2d 375
    overruled on other grounds, O'Neal v. Bowles , 
    431 S.E.2d 555
    (1993). If, as was the case here, Hartford's policy limited liability for
    loss to but one peril despite the concurrence of other perils, it might
    well have misled or confused the jury to have suggested that "the
    measure for breach of contract should be the actual damages that the
    injured party may reasonably have incurred" or that recoverable dam-
    ages "are such as may fairly and reasonably be considered as arising
    naturally from the breach of the contract itself." Upon receiving that
    instruction, the jury might well have supposed that, with the fire,
    Hartford would be responsible for all Jacobs' actual losses or all its
    damages "arising naturally" from the fire, a conclusion that would
    clearly be inappropriate to the extent that uncovered perils might be
    determined to have contributed to the loss. We believe that Hartford
    correctly articulated the controlling legal principle in this regard and
    the district court did not. We direct upon retrial that, with regard to
    Jacobs' claim of business interruption loss, Hartford's request to
    charge be given. See Furka v. Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co., 
    755 F.2d 1085
    , 1088 (4th Cir.), cert. denied, 
    474 U.S. 846
    Edwards v. Mayes, 
    385 F.2d 369
    , 373 (4th Cir. 1967) (cases
    remanded for new trials based on failure to give jury instructions).
    Bad Faith Denial of Coverage
    We turn our attention next to the jury's award of compensatory and
    punitive damages on Jacobs' claim for bad faith refusal to pay under
    Hartford's policy. On the record before us, we conclude as a matter
    of law that Hartford cannot be found liable on this account.
    South Carolina law provides that an insurer will be liable for bad
    faith failure to pay proceeds unless an objectively reasonable basis
    exists for denying the insured's claim. State Farm Fire & Cas. Co.
    v. Barton, 
    897 F.2d 729
    , 731 (4th Cir. 1990) (applying South Carolina
    law); Varnadore v. Nationwide Mut. Ins. Co., 
    289 S.C. 155
    , 158, 345
    25 S.E.2d 711
    , 713-14 (1986). "Whether such an objectively reasonable
    basis for denial exists depends on the circumstances existing at the
    time of the denial." State Farm, 
    897 F.2d at 731
    We agree with Hartford that, on the facts of this case, there could
    be no bad faith denial of coverage. Our review of the entire record
    convinces us that Hartford could plausibly have argued, based on the
    report of its investigator Venz, and indeed as corroborated by Ameri-
    can's investigator James Britt and the language of Hartford's policy,
    that the press fire ignited "beneath" the press, which was on feet
    raised above the floor, such that the fire occurred outside the press,
    an excluded cause. At the same time Hartford could fairly have con-
    tended that, while it might be liable for damage to the drying conduc-
    tor within the press, it was not liable for damage to the press caused
    by water used to extinguish the fire, a further excluded cause. Rust
    on certain press parts (as observed by Hartford's inspector Propst,
    Komori's investigator Kirkpatrick and Jacobs' expert Byers) would
    clearly have justified such a conclusion on Hartford's part. That Hart-
    ford's view may ultimately have been rejected by a jury is of no con-
    sequence at all. Liability could attach to Hartford if and only if its
    position as to coverage was taken without any objective basis in fact.
    That simply was not the case here.
    Finding no bad faith denial of coverage by Hartford moots Jacobs'
    claim that it should receive attorneys' fees under 
    S.C. Code Ann. § 38-59-40
     (Law. Coop. 1993).
    Prejudgment Interest
    With vacation of the jury's verdicts on both the property loss and
    business interruption loss claims, the district court's grant of prejudg-
    ment interest on those awards necessarily falls. We anticipate, how-
    ever, that, upon remand and retrial with American joined as a party,
    the propriety vel non of any prayer for prejudgment interest will
    appear in sharper focus. We leave to the district court to determine,
    if the jury ultimately returns a verdict favorable to Jacobs on its busi-
    ness interruption loss claim, whether and to what extent the law of
    South Carolina permits an award of prejudgment interest upon that
    sort of award.
    The district court's decision denying Hartford's motion to join
    American as party plaintiff is reversed and remanded, with the
    instruction that American be joined to the suit as party plaintiff; The
    court's entry of judgment on the jury's verdict in favor of Jacobs on
    its claim of bad faith denial of insurance coverage is reversed;
    The court's entry of judgment on all other jury verdicts is vacated
    and the causes remanded;
    The court's award of prejudgment interest on the property loss and
    business interruption loss awards is vacated and remanded; and
    The court's denial of Hartford's Motion for a New Trial is

Document Info

Docket Number: 94-1046

Filed Date: 3/4/1997

Precedential Status: Non-Precedential

Modified Date: 10/30/2014

Authorities (34)

State Farm Mut. Liability Ins. Co. v. United States , 172 F.2d 737 ( 1949 )

R. J. Enstrom Corporation v. Interceptor Corporation and ... , 520 F.2d 1217 ( 1975 )

schlumberger-industries-incorporated-v-national-surety-corporation , 36 F.3d 1274 ( 1994 )

Public Service Company of Oklahoma, a Domestic Corporation ... , 467 F.2d 1143 ( 1972 )

Frank Briscoe Company, Inc. v. Georgia Sprinkler Company, ... , 713 F.2d 1500 ( 1983 )

kimberly-harris-individually-and-as-personal-representative-of-the-estate , 687 F.2d 1361 ( 1982 )

Cynthia Wellington, Guardian of the Estate of Robert D. ... , 717 F.2d 932 ( 1983 )

State Farm Fire and Casualty Company v. Douglas C. Barton, ... , 897 F.2d 729 ( 1990 )

United States v. Robert Peter Russell , 971 F.2d 1098 ( 1992 )

Reliance Insurance Company v. St. Paul Surplus Lines ... , 753 F.2d 1288 ( 1985 )

Travelers Insurance Company v. Harry L. Riggs, Jr. Mabel v. ... , 671 F.2d 810 ( 1982 )

Rosemary J. Martin v. Cavalier Hotel Corporation, and ... , 48 F.3d 1343 ( 1995 )

grady-g-edwards-administrator-of-the-estate-of-geneva-edwards-todd , 385 F.2d 369 ( 1967 )

Allstate Insurance Company, as Successor Corporation to ... , 865 F.2d 592 ( 1989 )

Albert C. Toney v. N. A. White, United States of America v. ... , 476 F.2d 203 ( 1973 )

Mutual Boiler and MacHinery Insurance Company v. Reynolds ... , 352 F.2d 520 ( 1965 )

virginia-electric-and-power-company-who-sues-for-the-use-and-benefit-of , 485 F.2d 78 ( 1973 )

earnest-earl-wyatt-v-interstate-ocean-transport-company-formerly , 623 F.2d 888 ( 1980 )

james-h-johnson-aka-james-h-ferebee-commonwealth-of-virginia-v-hugos , 974 F.2d 1408 ( 1992 )

henry-z-spell-v-charles-d-mcdaniel-individually-and-as-patrolman-city , 824 F.2d 1380 ( 1987 )

View All Authorities »