Federal Insurance Co v. Smith , 63 F. App'x 630 ( 2003 )

  •                           UNPUBLISHED
               No. 01-1857
    MYRON SMITH, by Susan M. Smith,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Eastern District of Virginia, at Alexandria.
    T. S. Ellis, III, District Judge.
    Argued: September 24, 2002
    Decided: February 25, 2003
    Before LUTTIG and TRAXLER, Circuit Judges, and
    Norman K. MOON, United States District Judge for the
    Western District of Virginia, sitting by designation.
    Affirmed by unpublished opinion. Judge Moon wrote the opinion, in
    which Judge Luttig joined. Judge Traxler wrote an opinion concurring
    in part and dissenting in part.
    2                THE FEDERAL INSURANCE CO. v. SMITH
    ARGUED: Douglas Elwood Bywater, TATE & BYWATER, LTD.,
    Vienna, Virginia, for Appellant. Edward Graham Gallagher, WICK-
    WIRE GAVIN, P.C., Vienna, Virginia, for Appellee. ON BRIEF:
    Julia A. Bitner, WICKWIRE GAVIN, P.C., Vienna, Virginia, for
    Unpublished opinions are not binding precedent in this circuit. See
    Local Rule 36(c).
    MOON, District Judge:
    Appellant Susan M. Smith was the wife of Myron Smith, who
    worked for the Armed Forces Benefit Association ("AFBA") as a life
    insurance claims analyst. Myron Smith stole a total of $300,000 from
    AFBA in an insurance fraud scheme, whereby he obtained checks
    payable to his brother for the death of persons falsely claimed to have
    named his brother as beneficiary. Susan Smith is not alleged to have
    had knowledge of her husband’s fraudulent scheme, but a significant
    portion of the $300,000 was used to pay off her debts and obligations.
    Myron Smith was later killed in California, leaving Susan the benefi-
    ciary of a large life insurance policy.
    Appellee Federal Insurance Company ("FIC") provided insurance
    coverage for the AFBA, including coverage for losses resulting from
    employee theft. FIC paid AFBA for its losses, and AFBA assigned all
    claims and rights of recovery relating to Myron Smith’s thefts to FIC.
    FIC brought this conversion action against Susan Smith seeking
    recovery of the $300,000. The trial judge, in a non-jury trial, found
    that Susan Smith was liable to FIC for conversion of $229,449.24 of
    the $300,000 Myron Smith fraudulently obtained from the AFBA.
    Susan Smith seeks reversal of the trial court’s decision, asserting that
    THE FEDERAL INSURANCE CO. v. SMITH                    3
    the law of conversion is inapplicable to the case for three reasons: (1)
    FIC did not have a right to the money at the time it was converted and
    thus has no standing to maintain the action; (2) she acted in good
    faith, had no knowledge of the fraud, and never exercised dominion
    or control over the funds; and (3) FIC’s claim against her was merely
    an "undocumented intangible property right." We disagree and hold
    that, under the facts and circumstances of this case, Susan Smith is
    deemed to have converted all of the funds that Myron Smith fraudu-
    lently obtained and applied to her debts, whether she directly handled
    them or not.
    Because this matter is in federal court on diversity grounds, the
    choice of law rules of the forum state, Virginia, apply. Klaxon v. Sten-
    313 U.S. 487
    , 496-97 (1941). The applicable Virginia choice of
    law rule, lex loci delicti, requires the application of Virginia substan-
    tive law to this case. See Milton v. IIT Res. Inst., 
    138 F.3d 519
    , 521
    (4th Cir. 1998). Where circumstances of this case are without directly
    applicable precedent in Virginia courts, we instead draw from princi-
    ples of conversion law in Virginia and elsewhere to predict how this
    case would be decided in Virginia courts. In doing so, we review the
    district court’s determinations of Virginia law de novo. Salve Regina
    College v. Russell, 
    499 U.S. 225
    , 231-32 (1991). The essential facts
    of the case are not in dispute on appeal.
    A. FIC’s Standing to Pursue Conversion Claim
    We first address, and dispense with, Susan Smith’s claim that FIC
    has no standing to bring a conversion action because it did not have
    a right to the funds at the time of conversion. AFBA, Myron Smith’s
    employer and the immediate victim of his fraudulent actions, had a
    right to the funds at the time of conversion. FIC paid AFBA for the
    loss and AFBA explicitly assigned all of its rights and claims relating
    to Myron Smith’s thefts to FIC. Therefore, FIC is subrogated to the
    rights and claims of AFBA, and FIC has standing to pursue a claim
    of conversion against Susan Smith.
    B. Dominion and Control over Funds
    Next, we address Susan Smith’s claim that she cannot be held lia-
    ble because she was acting in good faith without knowledge of the
    4                THE FEDERAL INSURANCE CO. v. SMITH
    theft and never exercised dominion and control over the funds. There
    is no directly applicable law in Virginia regarding a conversion action
    against an innocent person for whose benefit embezzled funds have
    been spent. This requires that we consider general principles of con-
    version law in Virginia and elsewhere.
    Virginia law defines conversion as any distinct act of dominion or
    control wrongfully exerted over the property of another, either incon-
    sistent with, or in denial of, the owner’s rights. Hairston Motor Co.
    v. Newsome, 
    253 Va. 129
    , 135, 
    480 S.E.2d 741
    , 744 (1997). A plain-
    tiff seeking recovery on a claim of conversion must prove that the
    defendant converted it by "any" wrongful exercise of dominion or
    control that deprived the plaintiff of his rightful possession. See, e.g.,
    Universal C.I.T. Credit Corp. v. Kaplan, 
    198 Va. 67
    , 75-76, 
    92 S.E.2d 359
    , 365 (1956), citing 19 Michie’s Jurisprudence, Trover and Con-
    version, § 4 at 27. The Virginia Supreme Court, in Universal C.I.T.,
    provided the following description of conversion:
    Any distinct act of dominion wrongfully exerted over the
    property of another, and in denial of his rights, or inconsis-
    tent therewith, may be treated as a conversion and it is not
    necessary that the wrongdoer apply the property to his own
    use. And when such conversion is proved, the plaintiff is
    entitled to recover, irrespective of good or bad faith, care or
    negligence, knowledge or ignorance.
    Id. at 76.
    As a rule, a wronged party can recover money converted if the pos-
    sessor did not receive it in good faith or for valuable consideration,
    even if the money has changed forms. See, e.g., Bader v. Central Fid.
    245 Va. 286
    427 S.E.2d 184
     (where the plaintiff’s bank paid
    on a forged instrument, the plaintiff could bring suit against the bank
    for conversion of the instruments). See also In re Whitacre Sunbelt,
    211 B.R. 411
    , 417-18 (Bankr. N.D. Ga. 1997), Restatement
    (Second) of Torts § 229 cmt. d (1965). In order to recover in conver-
    sion for money that has changed forms, however, the proceeds must
    be traceable to the original conversion. Central Nat’l Bank v. Con-
    necticut Mut. Life Ins. Co., 
    104 U.S. 54
    , 66-68 (1881) ("[money’s]
    character is not changed by being placed to [a holder’s] credit in his
    THE FEDERAL INSURANCE CO. v. SMITH                    5
    bank account." 
    Id. at 66
    ). When proceeds can be traced to an embez-
    zlement or conversion, courts in a majority of states considering the
    issue have allowed the wronged party to recover in two distinct sce-
    narios, among others. Many states allow the wronged party to recover
    life insurance proceeds from the beneficiary when the policy premi-
    ums were paid with embezzled funds, usually by imposing a resulting
    or constructive trust on the life insurance proceeds. 
    24 A.L.R. 2d 672
    (1952). Similarly, in a majority of states that have ruled on the issue,
    a chattel purchased with stolen money can be recovered if the posses-
    sor did not give consideration for it. 
    38 A.L.R. 3d 1354
     § 8 (1971).
    Nothing in Virginia law indicates that Virginia courts would not fol-
    low the majority on these issues; we believe Virginia courts would
    likely adopt the same approach in this case. In these scenarios, there
    were specific funds upon which a trust could be imposed, i.e., the pro-
    ceeds of the life insurance policy bought with stolen funds and the
    chattels bought with the stolen funds. Thus we believe Virginia would
    allow an action against an individual for funds transferred to that indi-
    vidual. Here, debts were paid with stolen funds and the question is
    whether Virginia would allow a conversion action in the absence of
    direct physical dominion and control over the proceeds. We hold that
    it would.
    Susan Smith argues that she could not have converted the funds
    because she did not have sufficient dominion and control over them,
    and essentially that she was an innocent party to the conversion.
    While Susan Smith is assumed to have been acting in good faith, she
    gave no valuable consideration for any of the money that she directly
    controlled or that was paid to her accounts. The trial judge meticu-
    lously traced the embezzled funds to Susan Smith’s accounts, whether
    the ultimate account was a bank account, or the payment of her debts.
    In so doing, he considered four categories of checking transactions
    and found the requisite dominion and control by Susan Smith over
    First, the trial judge considered what he called the clearest example
    of conversion. In this transaction, Myron Smith gave Susan Smith a
    $4,500 check, written on a USAA Savings Bank checking account
    ("USAA account") he held jointly with his brother. Susan Smith sub-
    sequently deposited the check into a North West Federal Credit Union
    account ("NWFCU account"), held jointly by Susan and Myron
    6               THE FEDERAL INSURANCE CO. v. SMITH
    Smith. In another transaction, the trial judge considered a $56,000
    check given to Susan Smith by Myron Smith. This check was drawn
    on the USAA bank account with instructions for Susan Smith to
    deposit the funds into their joint NWFCU account, and to use those
    funds to pay off the couple’s NWFCU loans. Susan Smith deposited
    the $56,000 check and directed that the funds be used to pay loans on
    which they were jointly obligated. Thus, the stolen funds or their
    equivalent were in her physical possession before her debts were paid
    with them. We therefore hold that the facts and circumstances are suf-
    ficient to support the trial judge’s determination that Susan Smith
    exercised dominion and control over the $4,500 check, and hold that
    she is liable to FIC for that portion of the converted money. We like-
    wise hold the facts and circumstances sufficient to support the trial
    judge’s finding that Susan Smith is liable to FIC for the conversion
    of the $56,000 check, money Susan Smith deposited to pay her joint
    obligations with Myron Smith.
    A more difficult analysis is required when considering the funds
    over which Susan Smith exercised no physical dominion or control.
    One category of these funds involved Myron Smith issuing checks,
    totaling $57,261.52, drawn on his USAA checking account, to satisfy
    individual obligations of Susan Smith and joint obligations of the cou-
    ple. In effect, Myron Smith converted the funds, then transferred them
    to his bank account, and then used the funds to pay Susan Smith’s
    non-bank creditors to which she and Myron were jointly and severally
    If Susan Smith had actually handled the checks before they were
    used to satisfy her financial obligations, the transaction would be
    indistinguishable from the $56,000 check described above. We refuse
    to draw a distinction, however, based on the presence or lack of actual
    physical control over the funds. Susan Smith knew that when she
    incurred a debt, it would be paid by her husband from funds available
    to him, including funds derived from her salary as a Central Intelli-
    gence Agency employee. It was by their prior arrangement that
    Myron handled the couple’s finances and would pay bills as they
    were presented. Myron Smith, in sending the payment, was doing
    only what Susan Smith expected of him and knew he would be doing
    on her behalf. Thus, there was virtually no distinction between her
    delivering the checks to her creditors and her husband mailing the
    THE FEDERAL INSURANCE CO. v. SMITH                   7
    checks to her creditors. Furthermore, physical handling of converted
    property is not essential for liability for conversion, i.e. Michie’s
    Jurisprudence, Trover and Conversion, § 4 at 27, citing Wholesale
    Coal Co. v. Price Hill Colliery Co., 
    98 W.Va. 438
    , 128 S.E.2d (1925).
    In this case, Susan Smith gave no consideration for the funds that
    were used to enrich her financial position by paying off her debts, and
    FIC’s rights to the funds continued through the time the funds were
    used to pay those debts, at which point Susan Smith’s creditors gave
    valuable consideration for the funds, effectively by canceling her
    debt. Looney v. Belcher, 
    169 Va. 160
    , 166-68, 
    192 S.E. 891
    1937) (forbearance of debt constitutes valuable consideration as one
    party is abandoning a legal right). When the debt was paid, the value
    of her estate, over which she had control, was increased in the amount
    of the payment. Thus, the funds were traced into her estate, and the
    fact that the funds were in the form of credit at this stage and no lon-
    ger cash is of no matter. See Bader v. Central Fid. Bank, 
    245 Va. 286
    427 S.E.2d 184
     (Va. 1993). We therefore hold that the facts and cir-
    cumstances are sufficient to support the trial judge’s determination
    that Susan Smith exercised dominion and control over the $57,261.52,
    and that she is liable to FIC for the conversion.
    Myron Smith also issued, in a separate category of transactions
    identified by the trial judge, a check for $137,000 on the USAA
    account that was deposited into Susan Smith’s and his joint NWFCU
    account and subsequently used to pay off various loans, bills, and
    other obligations of Susan Smith. We will apply the same analysis for
    this transaction as for the above $57,261.52 category. FIC presented
    evidence showing that $111,687.72 of these funds were used to pay
    Susan and Myron Smiths’ joint obligations and expenses. We like-
    wise hold that the facts and circumstances are sufficient to support the
    trial judge’s determination that Susan Smith is liable for conversion
    of $111,687.72 of these funds.
    In total, Susan Smith is liable to FIC for $229,449.24 of the funds
    stolen by Myron Smith from the AFBA.
    C. Property Subject to Conversion
    Finally, Susan Smith urges this court to hold that the embezzled
    funds, used for her benefit, were an "undocumented intangible prop-
    8                 THE FEDERAL INSURANCE CO. v. SMITH
    erty right," and therefore not subject to the law of conversion, relying
    upon United Leasing Corp. v. Thrift Ins. Corp., 
    247 Va. 299
    440 S.E.2d 902
     (1994). In Thrift, a corporate officer of defendant Thrift
    Insurance forged documents that secured his personal loan. The
    forged documents purportedly were a guaranty of his parents to
    secure their son’s loan by pledging a number of shares of stock they
    held in Thrift Insurance. When the officer defaulted, plaintiff United
    Leasing demanded that Thrift turn the shares of stock over to it. The
    Court held that United Leasing never had a right to the shares, but had
    only an "undocumented intangible property right" that did not give
    rise to a common law cause of action for conversion. Id. at 304-06.
    Susan Smith’s argument fails because unlike the plaintiff in Thrift,
    FIC had a right to the funds at the moment of embezzlement. Myron
    Smith fraudulently obtained checks from AFBA. He never had a right
    to the checks or the funds they represented, and AFBA remained the
    rightful owner of those funds. Thus, FIC’s claim is not to an undocu-
    mented intangible property right, but to a clearly established property
    The trial court also considered an alternative unjust enrichment the-
    ory under which FIC could recover from Susan Smith, determining
    that FIC was entitled to a smaller portion of embezzled funds,
    $96,687.72,* on this theory. We will not consider the alternative the-
    ory of unjust enrichment because the case is resolved in FIC’s favor
    on the conversion claims.
    In conclusion, the judgment of the trial court is affirmed.
    *The unjust enrichment claim was based on a starting amount of
    $150,000, representing the funds Myron Smith obtained through one of
    the two fraudulent schemes. The remaining $150,000 would have been
    challenged on statute of limitations grounds. The trial court then calcu-
    lated the portion of $150,000 that directly and unjustly enriched Susan
    Smith in order to arrive at the $96,687.72 figure.
    THE FEDERAL INSURANCE CO. v. SMITH                    9
    TRAXLER, Circuit Judge, concurring and dissenting:
    Because I do not believe that under Virginia law Susan Smith
    would be held liable on a theory of conversion for the money fraudu-
    lently obtained by her husband, I cannot agree that FIC is entitled to
    claim the full fraud loss amount from her. However, I agree with the
    district court on the alternative ground of unjust enrichment for a por-
    tion of the claim. For these reasons, I concur in part I.A. of the major-
    ity opinion, but respectfully dissent as to the remainder.
    Susan’s husband, Myron Smith, collected life insurance benefits
    from false claims he submitted under two bogus policies he obtained
    from AFBA. Both policies identified Myron’s brother, Michael C.
    Smith, as the primary beneficiary. AFBA approved both claims and
    paid out benefits of $300,000 in four separate checks. Two checks,
    totaling $150,000, were issued in 1997 and two checks totaling the
    same amount were issued in 1998. All four checks were made payable
    to Michael and deposited into a joint USAA account in the names of
    Michael and Myron. There is no evidence that Susan had any knowl-
    edge of the scheme or of her husband’s receipt of this money.
    During a routine investigation in the fall of 1998, the Central Intel-
    ligence Agency ("CIA"), which employed Susan, discovered unusu-
    ally large deposits in Myron and Susan’s joint North West Federal
    Credit Union ("NWFCU") account. The CIA informed AFBA of the
    possible theft of life insurance proceeds around July 22, 1999. AFBA,
    in turn, contacted appellee FIC to initiate a claim under FIC’s fidelity
    policy issued to AFBA. FIC accepted the claim and paid AFBA
    $290,000 on December 21, 1999.
    In March 2000, FIC filed an action in the district court against
    Susan and Michael for conversion and against Myron’s estate (Myron
    having died a few months earlier) for conversion and fraud. The court
    dismissed the claims against Michael and Myron’s estate without
    prejudice for lack of service of process. The court then granted partial
    summary judgment on FIC’s motion that it had standing to assert the
    remaining conversion claim against Susan, and thereafter conducted
    a bench trial. At the conclusion of the evidence, FIC moved without
    10               THE FEDERAL INSURANCE CO. v. SMITH
    objection to amend its complaint to add a claim against Susan for
    unjust enrichment as to insurance proceeds from 1998.1
    The court gave FIC a judgment of $229,449.24 against Susan on
    its conversion claim, representing the portion of the $300,000 that
    was used to pay Susan’s personal obligations as well as obligations
    for which Susan and Myron were jointly responsible. The court calcu-
    lated this figure based on disbursements it broke into four categories.
    Category 1 reflected checks drawn by Myron on the USAA account
    totaling $57,261.52, which Myron used to satisfy Susan’s individual
    and joint obligations. Category 2 reflected one $56,000 check drawn
    on the USAA account by Myron and given to Susan, who deposited
    the check into their joint NWFCU account and directed NWFCU to
    pay off various joint NWFCU loans. Category 3 reflected one
    $137,000 check drawn by Myron on the USAA account that was
    deposited in the NWFCU account and used to pay off assorted bills,
    loans, and other obligations of Susan and Myron. Category 4 was a
    single $4,500 USAA account check made payable to Susan, which
    she deposited into the NWFCU account. See Federal Ins. Co. v.
    144 F.Supp. 2d 507
    , 512-16 (E.D. Va. 2001). The district court
    also found that FIC was entitled to judgment on a portion of this
    amount ($96,687.72) on the alternative ground of unjust enrichment.
    The lower figure on the unjust enrichment claim resulted from the
    expiration of the statute of limitations on a portion of the loss amount.
    By the time FIC brought this action to recover the stolen money,
    the two-year statute of limitations had apparently run on a consider-
    able portion of FIC’s unjust enrichment claim, sharply limiting the
    amount of recovery available under that theory. Thus, in order to
    recover the total sum paid out to Myron, FIC pursued a claim for con-
    version, which carries a five-year statute of limitations. In my judg-
    ment, the need to proceed under conversion has compelled FIC to try
    to fit a square peg into a round hole.
    It appears that plaintiff limited this motion to the 1998 proceeds
    because any claim to prior proceeds was barred by the statute of limita-
    THE FEDERAL INSURANCE CO. v. SMITH                    11
    As my colleagues explain, there is no direct controlling precedent
    in Virginia allowing a conversion action against an innocent third
    party for whose benefit embezzled funds have been spent. Thus, we
    look to general principles of conversion law in Virginia and else-
    where. As the district court and my colleagues point out, the tort of
    conversion encompasses "[a]ny distinct act of dominion wrongfully
    exerted over the property of another, and in denial of his rights, or
    inconsistent therewith . . . irrespective of good or bad faith, care or
    negligence, knowledge or ignorance." Universal C.I.T. Credit Corp.
    v. Kaplan, 
    92 S.E.2d 359
    , 365 (Va. 1956); see also Hairston Motor
    Co. v. Newsome, 
    480 S.E.2d 741
    , 744 (Va. 1997). In my view, how-
    ever, Susan’s exercise of dominion or control is irrelevant. The prop-
    erty at issue cannot be recovered under a theory of conversion
    because the four AFBA checks were cashed, the cancelled checks
    were returned to AFBA, and the cash received in return lost its iden-
    tity when it was commingled with other funds.
    Conversion descends from the common law action of trover. It
    "originated . . . as a remedy against the finder of lost goods who
    refused to return them to the owner but instead ‘converted’ them to
    his own use." Restatement (Second) of Torts § 222A cmt. a (1965).
    Whether property could be the subject of an action for conversion was
    assessed on the basis of the fiction of losing and finding, i.e., any tan-
    gible chattel that could be lost and found could be converted. See W.
    Page Keeton, et al., Prosser & Keeton on the Law of Torts, § 15, pp.
    90-92 (5th ed. 1984). Initially, it was held that money could not be
    converted unless it was contained within a bag or chest. See Holiday
    v. Hicks (1598) 2 Cro. Eliz. 638, 661. However, subsequent cases in
    England held that specific money could be the basis of an action for
    conversion if there was an obligation to pay or deliver money as it
    had been initially identified or segregated. This treatment has per-
    sisted and many jurisdictions still require that money be identified or
    segregated in the manner that a specific chattel can be. See, e.g.,
    Allied Inv. Corp. v. Jasen, 
    731 A.2d 957
    , 966 (Md. 1999); SSI Med.
    Servs., Inc. v. Cox, 
    392 S.E.2d 789
    , 792 (S.C. 1990); Johnson v. Life
    Ins. Co. of Alabama, 
    581 So.2d 438
    , 442-43 (Ala. 1991); Taylor v.
    Powertel, Inc., 
    551 S.E.2d 765
    , 769-70 (Ga. Ct. App. 2001); DeChris-
    tofaro v. Machala, 
    685 A.2d 258
    , 263 (R.I. 1996).
    The limitation on the tort of conversion to tangible property has
    been gradually relaxed so that some courts have also come to permit
    12               THE FEDERAL INSURANCE CO. v. SMITH
    actions involving documents in which intangible property rights have
    been merged, such as with a check, a promissory note, or a stock cer-
    tificate. See Prosser & Keeton, supra, at 91. Because the document
    symbolizes or embodies the right to property, the conversion of the
    document has been held to include conversion of the intangible rights
    that the document represents, and to carry damages for it. See id.
    However, the evolution of the tort has largely stopped with the kind
    of intangible rights merged in or identified with a document. In keep-
    ing with the scope of this evolution, Virginia has allowed conversion
    claims premised on documented intangible property rights. See
    United Leasing Corp. v. Thrift Ins. Corp., 
    440 S.E.2d 902
    , 906 (Va.
    1994); Unlimited Screw Prods., Inc. v. Malm, 
    781 F.Supp. 1121
    , 1131
    (E.D. Va. 1991) (interpreting Virginia law). However, where the
    rights at issue amount to undocumented intangible property rights —
    those that are not merged with a document and so cannot be physi-
    cally possessed — Virginia’s Supreme Court has held that they can-
    not be validly claimed in an action for conversion. See Thrift, 
    440 S.E.2d at 906
     (holding that plaintiff’s undocumented intangible prop-
    erty rights, represented by a fraudulent stock certificate, are not sub-
    ject to a cause of action for conversion).
    In this case, the property that Myron fraudulently obtained was rep-
    resented by the four checks, each of which he deposited into the joint
    USAA checking account he shared with his brother. Once he depos-
    ited the AFBA checks into the USAA account and they were paid, the
    fraudulently obtained orders to pay money were fulfilled and cancel-
    led. Thus, the original documents (the four checks) ceased to embody
    any intangible property rights and the funds formerly represented by
    the checks became part of a fungible pool of debits and credits in the
    bank. The funds formerly represented by the checks were not segre-
    gated and, in my opinion, were no longer susceptible to an action for
    This is not to say that cash or negotiable instruments cannot be
    recovered on a theory of conversion. See, e.g., United States v. Mof-
    fitt, Zwerling & Kembler, P.C., 
    83 F.3d 660
    , 670 (4th Cir. 1996). So
    long as money is kept separate and identifiable, it can be converted.
    Jasen, 731 A.2d at 966; Lewis v. Fowler, 
    479 So.2d 725
    , 726 (Ala.
    1985) (money must be segregated to be susceptible to an action for
    THE FEDERAL INSURANCE CO. v. SMITH                       13
    conversion). Nor is this to say that FIC could not have pursued
    Myron Smith for converting the four original checks. The critical dis-
    tinction is that Susan Smith was never involved in the act of convert-
    ing the checks and did not benefit from Myron’s actions until after the
    documents supporting FIC’s intangible property right had been ful-
    filled and cancelled. Despite the lower court’s assiduous efforts to
    trace what was owed to FIC, once the AFBA checks were cashed,
    there ceased to be any meaningful way to treat the funds they once
    Bader v. Central Fidelity Bank, 
    427 S.E.2d 184
     (Va. 1993), should
    not be read broadly for the proposition that "a wronged party can recover
    money converted . . . even if the money has changed forms." Majority
    Opinion, supra, p. 4. Rather, Bader specifically deals with a bank’s obli-
    gation to an account holder upon payment on a forged instrument and
    should not be extrapolated to cases such as this involving innocent third
    The nature of how funds are held in a bank account illustrates why
    they do not lend themselves to a conversion action. The Virginia
    Supreme Court has described the limitations on the means of identifying
    funds as a specific chattel in the comparable context of susceptibility to
    set off between funds made the subject of a special deposit with notice
    to a bank and those deposited into an unrestricted general account:
    The general rule is that the relation between a general depositor
    and the bank in which his deposit is made is simply that of
    debtor and creditor. The moneys deposited immediately become
    the property of the bank, and the latter becomes debtor of the
    depositor . . . . Thus, the bank has a right of set off of any debt
    due it by the depositor against such deposit. However when
    funds are deposited for a special purpose with notice to the bank,
    the deposit does not become the property of the bank and the
    right of set-off does not exist.
    Bernardini v. Cent. Nat’l Bank of Richmond, 
    290 S.E.2d 863
    , 864 (Va.
    1982) (internal quotations and citations omitted). "By depositing the
    checks in a general account and commingling them with other nonex-
    empt money, the . . . funds lost whatever exemptions they may have
    had." Id. at 865. This characterization also holds true in the context of
    conversion. See Universal Mktg. and Entm’t, Inc. v. Bank One of Ari-
    zona, N.A., 
    53 P.3d 191
    , 194 (Ariz. 2002) (citing Bernardini for the
    proposition that funds in a bank account, unless segregated, should not
    be recoverable under a theory of conversion).
    14                THE FEDERAL INSURANCE CO. v. SMITH
    represented as having been segregated according to the common law
    requirements necessary to sustain an action for conversion.3
    This much of the fiction of losing and finding associated with the
    tort must remain intact, else the concept of conversion itself loses its
    distinct character. If this were simply a matter of holding on to a
    "hoary limitation," there might be no cause for concern. Prosser &
    Keeton, supra, § 15 at 91. However, the dangers of conversion losing
    such a distinguishing quality are readily apparent. Susan’s debts were
    settled by payments made directly out of the USAA account on her
    behalf or by payment of checks into and out of her jointly-held
    NWFCU account by Myron. Under the theory advanced by the dis-
    trict court and affirmed here, if money is paid out of an account that
    contains some portion of funds "traceable" to a prior act of conver-
    sion, then any innocent third party receiving the benefit of that "trace-
    able" money might be liable for conversion and compelled to pay it
    back. Such a principle sets no practical limit on the extent to which
    a court may pursue and authorize the repossession of funds.
    There is a solution in this case, however, that makes a revision of
    the concept of conversion unnecessary. It is outlined in the alternative
    holding of the district court and in the language used by my colleague
    to describe Susan’s culpability:
    In this case, Susan Smith gave no consideration for the
    funds that were used to enrich her financial position by pay-
    ing off her debts, and FIC’s rights to the funds continued
    through the time the funds were used to pay those debts, at
    which point Susan Smith’s creditors gave valuable consider-
    ation for the funds. . . . When the debt was paid, the value
    of her estate . . . was increased in the amount of the pay-
    Even if a Virginia court were to permit this case to proceed on a the-
    ory of conversion, I do not believe there is any way Susan could be held
    to have exerted dominion or control over the $57,261.52 in checks (the
    Category 1 funds) that Myron himself wrote directly out of the USAA
    THE FEDERAL INSURANCE CO. v. SMITH                   15
    Majority Opinion, supra at 7. I agree with this assessment, but believe
    it points to a different conclusion. The theory described is one of
    assumpsit, or unjust enrichment, not of conversion, and the law of
    unjust enrichment is well-settled in Virginia. See, e.g., Furr v. Arnold,
    119 S.E.2d 242
    , 246 (Va. 1961) ("It is a general rule that where one
    man has in his hands money which, according to the rules of equity
    and good conscience, belongs to and ought to be paid to another, an
    action will lie for such money as money received by defendant to
    plaintiff’s use."); Robertson v. Robertson, 
    119 S.E. 140
    , 141 (Va.
    1923) ("Assumpsit will lie whenever the defendant has received
    money which is the property of the plaintiff, and which the defendant
    is obliged by natural justice and equity to refund." (citation omitted));
    Shores v. Shaffer, 
    146 S.E.2d 190
    , 194-95 (Va. 1966) (same). It is
    under the theory of unjust enrichment that I believe this case should
    be categorized. Had such a claim been advanced in a timely manner
    and the plaintiff not run afoul of the statute of limitations, I am sure
    it would have been on this theory alone that the district court would
    have been able to find Susan liable for a much greater amount. That
    the plaintiff cannot recover the entire fraud loss amount on an unjust
    enrichment theory now does not warrant our bending the tort of con-
    version to the breaking point.
    I would award FIC only the amount recoverable on the alternative
    ground of unjust enrichment, not the additional amount represented
    by the ground of conversion. Thus, I concur in part I.A. of the major-
    ity opinion, but respectfully dissent as to the remainder.