Nixon v. Montgomery County MD , 251 F. App'x 141 ( 2007 )

  •                                UNPUBLISHED
    No. 06-1235
    Plaintiffs - Appellants,
    Montgomery County resident, Supervisor, Code
    Enforcement Section; KEVIN M. MARTELL,
    Defendants - Appellees.
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the District of
    Maryland, at Greenbelt.     Peter J. Messitte, District Judge.
    Argued:   September 25, 2007                 Decided:   October 12, 2007
    Before MICHAEL and MOTZ, Circuit Judges, and Joseph F.
    ANDERSON, Jr., United States District Judge for the District of
    South Carolina, sitting by designation.
    Affirmed in part and reversed in part by unpublished per curiam
    ARGUED: David W. Brown, KNOPF & BROWN, Rockville, Maryland, for
    Appellants. Sharon Veronica Burrell, Associate County Attorney,
    Maryland, for Appellees.    ON BRIEF: Charles W. Thompson, Jr.,
    County Attorney, Marc P. Hansen, Deputy County Attorney, Patricia
    P. Via, Principal Counsel for Litigation, COUNTY ATTORNEY’S OFFICE
    FOR THE COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY, Rockville, Maryland, for Appellees.
    Unpublished opinions are not binding precedent in this circuit.
    Diane   Nixon   and   her   husband,     William     Clyde    Lassell,
    (collectively     “Nixon”)    contend    that   Montgomery   County    Housing
    officials violated constitutional rights and committed intentional
    torts when they entered Nixon’s property, ostensibly to remove
    weeds and other debris as authorized by the County Housing Code.
    The district court granted summary judgment to all defendants,
    concluding that the possible negligence of County officials did not
    rise to the level of either a constitutional violation or an
    intentional deprivation of property. We affirm in part and reverse
    in part.
    On October 25, 2001, the Montgomery County Department of
    Housing and Community Affairs received a complaint concerning the
    property of Diane Nixon at 708 Ludlow Street, Silver Spring,
    Maryland. Kevin Martell, a housing code inspector, visited Nixon’s
    property and determined that it was in violation of the County
    Martell sent a notice to Nixon dated October 25, 2001, by
    certified mail, return receipt requested, stating that her property
    was in violation of Chapter 58 of the Housing Code, which prohibits
    “weeds and generalized growth to exceed 12 inches in height limit
    in a subdivision.”       The notice complied with Chapter 58 in all
    respects:    it     offered    Nixon      a    10-day   waiting      period,   the
    opportunity to appeal the notice, and the telephone numbers for the
    Board of Appeals and for Martell.          But the notice warned that on or
    after November 5, 2001, the County would enter the property for the
    purpose of bringing it into compliance with the Housing Code, with
    Nixon responsible for the attending costs. The record includes the
    return receipt, bearing the signature of Lassell (Nixon’s husband),
    stamped October 26, 2001.
    After receiving the letter, Nixon failed to appeal.                 Instead,
    she maintains that she began cleaning her property, hiring local
    youths to assist her.         Nonetheless, early on November 7, 2001,
    Martell and a work crew arrived at Nixon’s property, entered it
    through a chain link gate that they removed from its hinges, and
    proceeded to clean up the property.
    Martell claims that the property was still in violation of the
    Housing Code when he arrived on November 7, and that, in cleaning
    the property, he cut back and removed dead vegetation, vines,
    overgrown bamboo, logs of wood, and dead, dying, or leaning trees.
    He   acknowledges    that     he   also       removed   a   picnic    table    and
    wheelbarrow, but maintains that these items were unusable and
    constituted trash.     In contrast, Nixon claims that the yard had
    been sufficiently cleared of overgrowth by November 7 to be within
    the Housing Code, and that Martell actually destroyed healthy
    trees, ornamental shrubs, and plants with an estimated value of
    On November 5, 2004, Nixon filed this action against Martell,
    his supervisor, Linda Bird, and the County, alleging violations of
    Nixon’s constitutional rights to due process and freedom from
    unreasonable search and seizures under both the federal and state
    constitutions.*   Nixon also alleged state tort claims for trespass
    and conversion. The district court granted summary judgment to all
    defendants on all claims.
    The Due Process Clause guarantees that “[n]o person shall
    . . . be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due
    process of the law.”     The Supreme Court has repeatedly affirmed
    “the general rule that individuals must receive notice and an
    opportunity to be heard before the Government deprives them of
    property.”   United States v. James Daniel Good Real Property, 
    510 U.S. 43
    , 48 (1993).    Nixon raises two due process challenges.
    She initially claims that the County’s notice failed to
    identify the legal basis for all of the items that were removed.
    Nixon notes that Chapter 58 of the Housing Code addresses only
    weeds and generalized plant growth over 12 inches in height.      A
    *The parties agree that the state claims alleging violations
    of the Maryland Constitution effectively rise or fall with the
    federal claims. Therefore, we will not address them separately.
    separate section of the Housing Code, Chapter 48, addresses solid
    waste matter, like the picnic table, wheelbarrow, and dead trees.
    For this reason, Nixon claims the notice was deficient.
    In Mathews v. Eldridge, 
    424 U.S. 319
    , 335 (1976), the Supreme
    Court    held    that     a    court    should    determine   the   adequacy    of
    predeprivation process by balancing three factors:
    First, the private interest that will be affected by the
    official action; second, the risk of an erroneous
    deprivation of such interest through the procedures used,
    and the probable value, if any, of additional or
    substitute procedural safeguards; and finally, the
    Government’s interest, including the function involved
    and the fiscal and administrative burdens that the
    additional or substitute procedural requirement would
    Applying these factors, we can only conclude that the County
    provided constitutionally adequate process to Nixon concerning the
    removal of the items covered by Chapter 58 and those covered by
    Chapter 48.      The removal of solid waste items, covered by Chapter
    48, appears closely related to the clean-up of the Chapter 58
    items.    Although lacking specificity, the notice clearly presented
    the County’s general concerns, indicated the County’s proposed
    solution, and provided Nixon with a means to appeal if she so
    Nixon, however, also claims that the County exceeded its
    legitimate authority under any section of the Housing Code by
    destroying      healthy       trees    and   a   functional   picnic   table   and
    wheelbarrow.     Although little record evidence beyond the testimony
    of Nixon and her husband supports such a claim, we must construe
    the facts in the light most favorable to Nixon.                     Yet, even taking
    these facts as a given, Nixon does not present a viable due process
    claim because Maryland provides postdeprivation process that offers
    Nixon sufficient redress for her alleged property loss.
    When a deprivation of property occurs through the “random and
    unauthorized acts” of a government employee, then the Constitution
    requires only adequate postdeprivation process.                     See Zinermon v.
    494 U.S. 113
    , 128 (1990).                     In the present case, even
    assuming that Martell and his work crew destroyed healthy trees and
    a functional wheelbarrow and picnic table, the alleged destruction
    did not occur as the result of established state procedures, but
    rather through the “random and unauthorized acts” of government
    Maryland        presents      Nixon       with       an   entirely       adequate
    postdeprivation       remedy     for    any     unauthorized        acts     by    local
    government employees, like Martell and his work crew.                        The Local
    Government Tort Claims Act provides that “local government shall be
    liable for any judgment against its employee for damages resulting
    from tortious acts or omissions committed by the employee within
    the scope of employment with the local government.”                          Md. Code.
    Ann., Cts. & Jud. Proc., § 5-303(b)(1). When liability attaches
    under   the   Act,    the    local     government         forgoes   governmental      or
    sovereign     immunity      in   exchange      for    a    $200,000    cap    on    each
    individual claim and a $500,000 cap on the total claim, as well as
    freedom from punitive damages.         § 5-303(a)-(c).   If a local
    government employee has acted with actual malice when committing
    such tortious acts, then the judgment may be executed against the
    employee and the local government may seek indemnification for any
    sums it is required to pay.   § 5-302(b)(2).
    For these reasons, Nixon’s due process claims fail.
    The Fourth Amendment, made applicable to the states by the
    Fourteenth, provides in pertinent part that the “right of the
    people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects,
    against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated
    . . . ”     A “seizure” of property occurs when “there is some
    meaningful interference with an individual’s possessory interests
    in that property.”   United States v. Jacobsen, 
    466 U.S. 109
    , 113
    (1984).   Moreover, the Fourth Amendment's protections apply in the
    civil as well as the criminal context, and seizures of property are
    subject to Fourth Amendment scrutiny regardless of whether a
    “search” has taken place.   Soldal v. Cook County, 
    506 U.S. 56
    , 67
    In Camara v. Municipal Court, 
    387 U.S. 523
     (1967), the Supreme
    Court held that administrative searches by health and housing
    officials constituted significant intrusions on Fourth Amendment
    interests, and that such searches, when authorized and conducted
    without a warrant procedure, lacked the traditional safeguards
    guaranteed      by    the       Fourth   Amendment.       Yet,   as    the    Court    has
    repeatedly reaffirmed, often through explicit reference to Camara,
    “reasonableness,” rather than a warrant, “is still the ultimate
    standard under the Fourth Amendment,” and its determination will
    reflect     a    “careful         balancing       of    governmental     and    private
    interests.”       Soldal, 
    506 U.S. at 549
     (internal quotation marks
    omitted).       Consequently, as a number of our sister circuits have
    held,     procedural            due   process     guarantees     can,    in     certain
    circumstances,            satisfy     the   Fourth       Amendment     reasonableness
    requirement.         See Santana v. City of Tulsa, 
    359 F.3d 1241
    , 1245
    (10th Cir. 2004); Freeman v. Dallas, 
    242 F.3d 642
    , 647 (5th Cir.
    2001); Samuels v. Meriwether, 
    94 F.3d 1163
    , 1168 (8th Cir. 1996).
    But see Conner v. City of Santa Ana, 
    897 F.2d 1487
    , 1490-92 (9th
    Cir. 1990).
    In the case at hand, the County afforded Nixon numerous
    procedural guarantees before it entered her property, including
    prior written notice, a 10-day waiting period, and the opportunity
    to appeal to a board of appeals.                       Nixon has not provided any
    reasons    why       an    ex    parte   warrant       requirement    would    be     more
    satisfactory than the existing safeguards, and she has not alleged
    that the particular procedures afforded to her failed to assure the
    reasonableness of the County’s actions.
    Furthermore, even if Nixon could demonstrate an unreasonable
    seizure occurred under the Fourth Amendment, Martell and Bird would
    enjoy qualified immunity so long as they could have reasonably
    believed that their behavior did not violate a constitutional
    right.       Qualified   immunity   protects   “all   but   the   plainly
    incompetent or those who knowingly violate the law.”          Malley v.
    475 U.S. 335
    , 341 (1986).         Even viewing the facts in the
    light most favorable to Nixon, there is no evidence that any County
    official “knowingly violate[d]” Nixon’s rights.        On the contrary,
    the record indicates that all County employees reasonably believed
    themselves to be acting in accordance with the law during the
    “clean and lien.”
    For these reasons, Nixon’s Fourth Amendment claims likewise
    Finally, we address Nixon’s state law conversion and trespass
    claims.     For both trespass and conversion, there is an implicit
    defense if the acts are committed pursuant to a lawful purpose.
    See Heinze v. Murphy, 
    24 A.2d 917
    , 922 (Md. 1942) (holding that an
    officer entering an individual’s property in the line of duty was
    not liable for trespass); Darcars Motors v. Borzym, 
    841 A.2d 828
    836 (Md. 2004) (recognizing that conversion is “not the acquisition
    of the property by the wrongdoer, but the wrongful deprivation of
    a person of property to the possession of which he is entitled”).
    Moreover, conversion is an intentional tort requiring both a
    physical assertion of ownership over another’s property and the
    mental intention to deprive that person of his or her lawful
    property.   Borzym, 841 A.2d at 836.    Here, Nixon has offered no
    evidence that any County official intentionally deprived her of any
    property that she lawfully possessed.    Thus, her conversion claim
    The district court also rejected Nixon’s trespass claim.
    Crucially, in contrast to conversion, trespass can involve either
    “an intentional or negligent intrusion upon or to the possessory
    interest in property of another.” Ford v. Baltimore City Sheriff's
    814 A.2d 127
    , 129 (Md. App. 2002) (emphasis added).       On
    appeal, Nixon pursues only the trespass claim against Martell.
    Construing the facts in her favor, as we must, the complaint does
    state a trespass claim against Martell.       Accordingly, we must
    reverse the grant of summary judgment to Martell on this claim.   Of
    course, on remand the district court may exercise its discretion to
    dismiss the state law claim against Martell, without prejudice, now
    that no federal law claims remain.    See United Mine Workers of Am.
    v. Gibbs, 
    383 U.S. 715
    , 726 (1966).
    For the foregoing reasons, the judgment of the district court