United States v. Simmons , 270 F. App'x 257 ( 2008 )

  •                             UNPUBLISHED
    No. 06-4828
    Plaintiff - Appellee,
    Defendant - Appellant.
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the District of
    South Carolina, at Charleston.   Patrick Michael Duffy, District
    Judge. (2:05-cr-01190-PMD)
    Submitted:   February 13, 2008            Decided:   March 18, 2008
    Before TRAXLER and DUNCAN, Circuit Judges, and HAMILTON, Senior
    Circuit Judge.
    Affirmed by unpublished per curiam opinion.
    J. Falkner Wilkes, Greenville, South Carolina, for Appellant.
    Alston Calhoun Badger, Jr., Assistant United States Attorney,
    Charleston, South Carolina, for Appellee.
    Unpublished opinions are not binding precedent in this circuit.
    Michael Warren Simmons appeals his jury convictions and
    sentence for possession with the intent to distribute cocaine base
    in violation of 
    21 U.S.C. §§ 841
    (a)(1), 841(b)(1)(A), 841(b)(1)(C),
    and 841(b)(1)(D) (2000); use of a firearm during a drug trafficking
    crime in violation of 
    18 U.S.C. § 924
    (c)(1)(A)(I) (2000); and felon
    in possession of a firearm in violation of 
    18 U.S.C. §§ 922
    924(a)(2) and 924(e)(1) (2000).            Simmons’ attorney has filed a
    brief in accordance with Anders v. California, 
    386 U.S. 738
    certifying there are no meritorious issues for appeal.                  Simmons
    filed a pro se supplemental brief asserting issues concerning the
    search    warrant,    chain      of    custody,   jury     voir     dire,   jury
    instructions, prosecutorial misconduct, judicial misconduct, and
    ineffective assistance of counsel. Finding no reversible error, we
    After     observing    informant    Larry     Wilson’s    controlled
    purchase of marijuana from Simmons, police officers obtained and
    executed a search warrant on Simmons’ home.              Simmons, having been
    advised of his Miranda rights, directed the officers to his kitchen
    and bedroom closet, where they found marijuana, cocaine, drug
    paraphernalia, and a pistol.          Simmons admitted the items were his.
    Simmons claims that the district court erred in refusing
    to compel Wilson’s appearance at trial.            We find no error.        The
    district court denied Simmons’ request for a subpoena only because
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    the court had no information of where Wilson could be found.
    Simmons does not suggest, given the district court’s lack of
    knowledge of Wilson’s whereabouts, what the court could have done
    differently, and Simmons never requested a continuance, nor does he
    argue now that the district court should have granted one.
    Simmons next claims the court erred when it designated
    him an armed career criminal.      A defendant convicted of violating
    § 924(g) qualifies as an armed career criminal under 
    18 U.S.C. § 924
    (e) if he has three prior convictions for a violent felony.
    The definition of “violent felony” includes any felony that is
    18 U.S.C. § 924
    (e)(2)(B) (2000). Between 2001 and 2003,
    Simmons   was   convicted   of   three   separate   burglaries   in   South
    Carolina.    While Simmons attempts to distinguish one of his prior
    convictions because it involved the burglary of a residence under
    construction, the Supreme Court has held that “a person has been
    convicted of burglary for purposes of a § 924(e) enhancement if he
    is convicted of any crime, regardless of its exact definition or
    label, having the basic elements of unlawful or unprivileged entry
    into, or remaining in, a building or structure, with intent to
    commit a crime.”      Taylor v. United States, 
    495 U.S. 575
    , 599
    (1990).     The district court therefore did not err in classifying
    Simmons as an armed career criminal.
    In his pro se brief, Simmons asserts multiple claims,
    none of which were raised before the trial court.          Issues raised
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    for the first time on appeal are reviewed for plain error.                See
    United States v. White, 
    405 F.3d 208
    , 215 (4th Cir. 2005).                 To
    establish plain error, Simmons must show error occurred, that it
    was plain, and that it affected his substantial rights.             
    Simmons initially claims there was no search warrant at
    the time of the search and that the police officers created a false
    document at a later date.       Police officer Todd Hurteau testified
    that officers immediately took the surveillance evidence from the
    controlled buy to a magistrate judge, who reviewed the evidence and
    then approved the search warrant.             There is no evidence that the
    officers did not have a search warrant, nor is there any evidence
    that the officers falsified the search warrant.                Thus, Simmons
    failed to establish plain error in this respect.
    Simmons next claims that the evidence at his trial was
    tainted because numerous people had handled the evidence and that
    it could have come from anywhere.              The officers who seized the
    evidence testified that the exhibits admitted were the items found
    at Simmons’ residence.       Simmons’ unsupported speculation does not
    demonstrate   error,   let    alone    plain    error.   The   evidence   was
    properly submitted and there is no plain error in the chain of
    Third, Simmons claims the court misdescribed the elements
    and evidence to the jury in the jury instructions.              The district
    court’s instructions will be upheld “provided the instructions,
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    taken as a whole, adequately state the controlling law.” Teague v.
    35 F.3d 978
    , 985 (4th Cir. 1994).       As evidenced by the
    final verdict form, the jury knew the exact elements of the crimes.
    Simmons also claims that the jury instructions did not properly
    inform the jury about informant Wilson and his criminal history,
    but jury instructions are intended to state the law and not the
    evidence.    Thus, there is no plain error in the court’s jury
    Fourth, Simmons asserts the evidence was insufficient to
    convict him of the firearm charges.     Simmons told police officers
    there was a gun in the bedroom, and after the officers found it in
    a heating duct, he admitted it was his.       He now argues the gun
    could have been in the bedroom duct for years, but provides no
    support for his argument.    Viewing the evidence in the light most
    favorable to the Government, it is sufficient to prove Simmons
    possessed the gun.    See United States v. Smith, 
    451 F.3d 209
    , 216
    (4th Cir. 2006).
    Fifth, Simmons claims that the government attorney made
    improper statements during opening and closing arguments.        To
    prevail on a claim of prosecutorial misconduct, a defendant must
    show the Government’s remarks and conduct were improper and they
    affected his substantial rights so as to deprive him of a fair
    trial.   United States v. Golding, 
    168 F.3d 700
    , 702 (4th Cir.
    1999).   However, the improper statements Simmons refers to are
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    simply the government attorney’s summary of the evidence that the
    Government intended to prove. Simmons has failed to prove that the
    statements were improper or deprived him of a fair trial.
    Sixth, Simmons claims the district court erred by not
    asking the jury to determine if any juror knew police officer
    Mackey.   During the trial, the Government alerted the court that
    one of the jurors had been seen embracing Mackey in the court
    hallway. The district judge informed the attorneys that because it
    was unclear which juror was involved the entire jury would have to
    be questioned.   As a result, Simmons’ counsel abandoned the issue.
    Therefore, the district court committed no error in this regard.
    Seventh, Simmons claims the district court erred during
    voir dire by not asking potential jurors if they either knew Mackey
    or other law enforcement officers or had been exposed to pretrial
    publicity. “The district court enjoys broad discretion in deciding
    the questions to ask venire members during voir dire,” and “it is
    a rare case in which a reviewing court will find error in the trial
    court’s conduct of voir dire.”     Sasaki v. Class, 
    92 F.3d 232
    238-39 (4th Cir. 1996).    After reviewing the record, we find no
    error in the trial court’s conduct of voir dire.
    Eighth, Simmons claims that he did not receive a fair
    trial because the district judge should have disqualified himself.
    Simmons claims the district judge was not impartial, but only
    points to instances where the district court ruled against his
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    motions.    Without any evidence of any bias or prejudice, Simmons
    cannot establish any judicial misconduct.
    Simmons finally claims his counsel was ineffective due to
    a conflict of interest because counsel helped the police.           Claims
    of ineffective assistance of counsel are not cognizable on direct
    appeal   unless    the   record   conclusively    establishes   ineffective
    assistance.    United States v. Richardson, 
    195 F.3d 192
    , 198 (4th
    Cir. 1999).       Our review of the record reveals that Simmons has
    failed to meet the high burden necessary to raise ineffective
    assistance of counsel on direct appeal.
    Pursuant to Anders, we have examined the entire record
    and find no meritorious issues for appeal.         Accordingly, we affirm
    the judgment of the district court.         We deny counsel’s motion to
    withdraw.    This court requires that counsel inform his client, in
    writing, of his right to petition the Supreme Court of the United
    States for further review.        If the client requests that a petition
    be filed, but counsel believes that such a petition would be
    frivolous, then counsel may at that time move in this court for
    leave to withdraw from representation. Counsel’s motion must state
    that a copy thereof was served on the client.             We dispense with
    oral   argument     because   the   facts   and   legal   contentions   are
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    adequately presented in the materials before the court and argument
    would not aid the decisional process.
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