Carla Calobrisi v. Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc. , 660 F. App'x 207 ( 2016 )

  •                              UNPUBLISHED
    No. 15-1331
    Plaintiff - Appellant,
    Defendant - Appellee.
    Amicus Supporting Appellant.
    No. 15-1399
    Plaintiff - Appellee,
    Defendant - Appellant.
    Amicus Supporting Appellee.
    Appeals from the United States District Court for the Eastern
    District of Virginia, at Alexandria.      Anthony J. Trenga,
    District Judge. (1:14-cv-00996-AJT-MSN)
    Argued:   March 24, 2016                   Decided:    August 23, 2016
    Before GREGORY,   Chief    Judge,   and   MOTZ   and   KEENAN,   Circuit
    Affirmed in part and vacated and remanded in part by unpublished
    per curiam opinion.
    ARGUED: Linda Marie Correia, CORREIA & PUTH, PLLC, Washington,
    D.C., for Appellant/Cross-Appellee.     Stephen William Robinson,
    MCGUIREWOODS LLP, Tysons Corner, Virginia, for Appellee/Cross-
    Appellant. ON BRIEF: Amber C. Trzinski Fox, Jonathan C. Puth,
    CORREIA & PUTH, PLLC, Washington, D.C.; John R. Ates, ATES LAW
    FIRM,   Alexandria,    Virginia,   for    Appellant/Cross-Appellee.
    Melissa   L.    Taylormoore,   Sarah   A.    Belger,   MCGUIREWOODS
    LLP, Tysons   Corner,   Virginia,  for   Appellee/Cross-Appellant.
    Daniel B. Kohrman, Laurie A. McCann, Dara S. Smith, AARP
    FOUNDATION LITIGATION, Washington, D.C., for Amicus Curiae.
    Unpublished opinions are not binding precedent in this circuit.
    This case principally involves Carla Calobrisi’s contention
    that the district court erred in granting summary judgment to
    Booz     Allen    Hamilton,         Inc.   on      her   age-    and       gender-based
    employment discrimination and retaliation claims.
    Booz Allen is a professional services consulting firm with
    offices throughout the country and around the globe.                          Beginning
    in 2000, Calobrisi worked in the company’s Law Department.                             In
    2004, Booz Allen promoted her to Principal, and she remained in
    that position and gained more responsibility over the years,
    until 2011.
    On   January     20,    2011,   her       supervisors    met    and    agreed   to
    demote      Calobrisi    (then      age    fifty-five)     back       to     the   Senior
    Associate level and to transfer many of her responsibilities to
    two younger women.            At a meeting on January 26, her supervisors
    informed her of the demotion, explaining that it was due to
    workload changes and not her performance; they also told her
    that the demotion was non-negotiable.                     Although disappointed,
    Calobrisi remained in her position.                  Shortly after her demotion
    she sought Principal positions in other Booz Allen departments
    but was informed that her reputation had been ruined by the
    demotion.       After Calobrisi raised concerns that her demotion was
    the    result    of   age     and   gender       discrimination,      her    supervisor
    suggested that she transition out of Booz Allen if she harbored
    such concerns.         Calobrisi left Booz Allen on October 31, 2011.
    The   company      selected       a    thirty-one-year-old            male   to    fill      her
    On   May    31,    2013,       Calobrisi        filed    a    complaint       in     the
    District      of      Columbia         Superior         Court        alleging     sex-based
    discrimination under Title VII, age-based discrimination under
    the   Age    Discrimination           in     Employment       Act,    violations        of   the
    District of Columbia Human Rights Act, and retaliation claims
    associated with each of these claims.                          Booz Allen removed the
    case to the United States District Court for the District of
    Columbia     where,       after       discovery       on   jurisdictional         and      venue
    issues, the court dismissed the Human Rights Act claims.                                     The
    court then transferred the case to the District Court for the
    Eastern District of Virginia because most of the alleged acts
    took place in McLean, Virginia.                      On March 24, 2015, the district
    court    granted      Booz      Allen’s       motion       for   summary       judgment      on
    Calobrisi’s        discrimination          and   retaliation         claims,    but     denied
    Booz Allen’s motion for Rule 11 sanctions.                            Both parties noted
    appeals to this Court.
    We review a district court’s grant of summary judgment de
    novo,    viewing     the     facts      in    the     light    most    favorable        to   the
    nonmoving     party       and   making        all     reasonable      inferences        in   her
    favor.       Anderson v. Liberty Lobby, Inc., 
    477 U.S. 242
    , 248-50
    (1986).      To survive summary judgment, a plaintiff must establish
    a genuine dispute of material fact supporting her claims.                        Fed.
    R. Civ. P. 56(c); Celotex Corp. v. Catrett, 
    477 U.S. 317
    , 322-23
    (1986).     We affirm, on the reasoning of the district court, the
    grant     of   summary     judgment        to     Booz   Allen   on     Calobrisi’s
    retaliation claim and to Calobrisi on Booz Allen’s request for
    sanctions.      For the following reasons, however, we reverse the
    grant     of   summary     judgment        to     Booz   Allen   on     Calobrisi’s
    discrimination and constructive discharge claims.
    Calobrisi      has    chosen     to        pursue   her   claims    under   the
    McDonnell      Douglas    burden-shifting          framework.      See    McDonnell
    Douglas Corp. v. Green, 
    411 U.S. 792
    (1973).                     There are three
    steps to the McDonnell Douglas framework:                      (1) the plaintiff
    starts with the burden of establishing a prima facie employment
    discrimination case; 1 (2) once the plaintiff meets that burden,
    1 To establish a prima facie case of gender-based employment
    discrimination under Title VII, Calobrisi must show “(1) she is
    a member of a protected class; (2) she suffered adverse
    employment action; (3) she was performing her job duties at a
    level that met her employer’s legitimate expectations at the
    time of the adverse employment action; and (4) the position
    . . . was filled by similarly qualified applicants outside the
    protected class.”    Hill v. Lockheed Martin Logistics Mgmt.,
    354 F.3d 277
    , 285 (4th Cir. 2004) (en banc).       The same
    analysis is conducted for age discrimination claims, except that
    the replacement employee need only be “substantially younger”
    rather than outside the protected class.      Dugan v. Albemarle
    Cty. Sch. Bd., 
    293 F.3d 716
    , 721 (4th Cir. 2002).
    the employer must articulate 2 a legitimate, non-discriminatory
    reason for taking the adverse employment action at issue; (3)
    finally, the burden shifts back to the plaintiff to show that
    the stated reason for the adverse employment action is a mere
    pretext for a true discriminatory purpose.                     Tex. Dep’t of Cmty.
    Affairs v. Burdine, 
    450 U.S. 248
    , 252-56 (1981).                        In the third
    step,       “the    burden         to    demonstrate     pretext    merges   with    the
    ultimate burden of persuading the court that [the plaintiff] has
    been       the     victim     of        intentional    discrimination.”       Hill    v.
    Lockheed Martin Logistics Mgmt., Inc., 
    354 F.3d 277
    , 285 (4th
    Cir.       2004)     (en      banc)        (alteration    in   original)     (internal
    quotation marks omitted).
    The parties and the district court agree that Calobrisi
    established a prima facie case and that Booz Allen presented a
    non-discriminatory justification.                      The determinative question,
    therefore, is did Calobrisi produce sufficient evidence for a
    jury to conclude that the stated reason for her demotion was
    pretext disguising a discriminatory purpose.
    Calobrisi         alleges         that   Booz   Allen   maintained     a     glass
    ceiling that prevented female employees, particularly those who
    were       older    or   in    higher       ranking    positions,    from    advancing.
    2The burden at this step is one of production, not
    persuasion. Reeves v. Sanderson Plumbing Prods., Inc., 
    530 U.S. 133
    , 142 (2000).
    According to Calobrisi, her demotion resulted from her running
    headfirst into        that     glass   ceiling.            To    support    this     theory,
    Calobrisi offers “other employee” evidence, 3 which consists of
    the testimony of seven former Booz Allen employees, all middle-
    aged women, who contend that they had been targeted for adverse
    employment actions similar to those that Calobrisi experienced.
    The    district      court,      summarily          concluding       that     this    other
    employee      evidence     would    not   be    admissible         at     trial,   did   not
    consider this evidence when ruling on Booz Allen’s motion for
    summary judgment.
    The Supreme Court, however, has held that other employee
    evidence “is neither per se admissible nor per se inadmissible.”
    Sprint/United Mgmt. Co. v. Mendelsohn, 
    552 U.S. 379
    , 381 (2008).
    Rather,       a   court   must     engage      in    the        standard    admissibility
    inquiry for each piece of other employee evidence.                           That is, the
    court must determine if the evidence is relevant under Rule 401,
    and, if so, whether it should nevertheless be excluded under
    Rule       403.    
    Id. at 387-88.
            The    question       of    whether    other
    employee evidence is relevant “is fact based and depends on many
    factors, including how closely related the evidence is to the
    plaintiff’s circumstances and theory of the case.”                          
    Id. at 388.
    The parties and district court have referred to this
    testimony as “me-too,” “other employee,” and “pattern and
    practice” evidence.
    The   factors         that    courts      consider          when     determining             the
    admissibility         of    this     evidence         include:          whether         the    other
    discriminatory         behavior       described           “is     close     in    time        to    the
    events at issue in the case, whether the same decisionmakers
    were    involved,          whether    the    witness            and   the    plaintiff             were
    treated in a similar manner, and whether the witness and the
    plaintiff       were       otherwise     similarly           situated.”             Griffin          v.
    689 F.3d 584
    , 599 (6th Cir. 2012) (quoting Elion v.
    544 F. Supp. 2d 1
    , 8 (D.D.C. 2008)).                                    “As a general
    rule, the testimony of other employees about their treatment by
    the    defendant       is     relevant      to       the    issue      of    the        employer’s
    discriminatory intent.”              Spulak v. K Mart Corp., 
    894 F.2d 1150
    1156 (10th Cir. 1990).
    The district court did not individually analyze each piece
    of other employee evidence pursuant to factors like those listed
    in Griffin.        Nor did the court determine “how closely related
    the evidence [was] to [Calobrisi’s] circumstances and theory of
    the    case.”      
    Sprint, 552 U.S. at 388
    .        Rather,      in    a    single
    sentence,       the        court     conducted             very       nearly       its        entire
    admissibility analysis, calling the witnesses “former employees
    who held a variety of jobs, at a variety of times between 2007
    and 2014, under a variety of managers, in different aspects of
    the Booz Allen organization.”                        This analysis ignores both the
    similar      treatment        experienced            by    Calobrisi         and        the    other
    employee witnesses and the overlap of several decisionmakers at
    Booz Allen.           This approach is not the one contemplated by the
    Supreme Court in Sprint.
    The district court also placed too much emphasis on its
    concern with “mini-trials.”             While this concern “is legitimate,”
    accommodating it in every case “would tend to exclude any ‘other
    acts’ evidence, regardless of how closely related it is to the
    plaintiff’s circumstances.”             
    Griffin, 689 F.3d at 600
    .               Rather,
    a court should analyze whether the probative value of the other
    employee evidence outweighs the potential for distraction.
    On    remand,       the   district    court     may   find       that   some    of
    Calobrisi’s proffered other employee evidence is admissible, and
    thus relevant for summary judgment purposes.                        For example, the
    court        could    determine     that     some     of    the    other     employees’
    testimony        is     relevant    based        on   the   common       decisionmakers
    involved in the witnesses’ departures and the similarities of
    the departures’ circumstances.                    For example, members of Booz
    Allen’s       all-male      “Leadership      Team”     triggered     several     of    the
    departures and each featured an abrupt demotion or revocation of
    responsibilities after years of positive reviews, leading to a
    separation           from    Booz   Allen        employment       that    the   company
    characterized as voluntary but that the witnesses characterized
    From our vantage point, this evidence appears relevant but
    “because the inquiry required by [Rules 401 and 403] is within
    the province of the [d]istrict [c]ourt in the first instance,”
    Sprint, 552 U.S. at 388
    , we remand the case to that court.         On
    remand, the court can determine whether this evidence would be
    admissible at trial and whether it creates a genuine dispute of
    material   fact   such   that   Calobrisi’s   discrimination   and
    constructive discharge claims should survive summary judgment. 4
    4 On remand, the district court should also reconsider the
    other evidence of discrimination Calobrisi presented. Calobrisi
    proffered evidence that Booz Allen’s reasons for her demotion
    shifted, that those reasons were false, that Booz Allen
    attempted   to    obfuscate    the   decisionmaker,   and  other
    circumstantial evidence.    When considered along with the other
    employee evidence, and in the light most favorable to Calobrisi,
    this circumstantial evidence of intent may present a genuine
    dispute of material fact that precludes summary judgment.