Lebron Ex Rel. Padilla v. Rumsfeld , 670 F.3d 540 ( 2012 )

  •                         PUBLISHED
    ESTELA LEBRON, for herself and as       
    Mother and Next Friend of Jose
    Padilla; JOSE PADILLA,
    Secretary of Defense; CATHERINE
    T. HANFT, Former Commander
    Consolidated Brig; MELANIE A.
    MARR, Former Commander
    Consolidated Brig; LOWELL E.
    JACOBY, Vice Admiral, Former
       No. 11-6480
    Director Defense Intelligence
    Agency; PAUL WOLFOWITZ, Former
    Deputy Secretary of Defense;
    WILLIAM HAYNES, Former General
    Counsel Department of Defense;
    LEON E. PANETTA, Secretary of
    Defense in his official and
    individual capacities,
    2                     LEBRON v. RUMSFELD
    JOHN ASHCROFT, Former Attorney          
    General; MICHAEL H. MOBBS,
    Special Advisor to Undersecretary
    of Defense for Policy; JOHN DOES,
    1-48, in their individual capacities;
    MACK D. KEEN, Senior Chief
    Consolidated Brig; CRAIG NOBLE,
    Dr.; SANDY SEYMOUR, Technical
    Director Consolidated Brig;
    STEPHANIE L. WRIGHT, Commander
    Consolidated Brig,
    JAMES P. CULLEN, Brigadier
    General, USA (Ret.); MORRIS D.
    DAVIS, Colonel, USAF (Ret.);
    EUGENE R. FIDELL, Lieutenant
    Commander, USCG (Ret.);
    EVELYN P. FOOTE, Brigadier
    General, USA (Ret.); DON GUTER,
    Rear Admiral, JAGC, USN (Ret.);
    LEIF H. HENDRICKSON, Brigadier
    General, USMC (Ret.); JOHN D.
    HUTSON, Rear Admiral, JAGC,
    USN (Ret.);
    DAVID R. IRVINE, Brigadier          
    General, USA (Ret.); CLAUDIA J.
    KENNEDY, Lieutenant General,
    General, USAF (Ret.); RICHARD
    O’MEARA, Brigadier General, USA
    Lieutenant General, USA (Ret.);
    THOMAS J. ROMIG, Major General,
    Brigadier General, USA (Ret.);
    ERWIN CHEMERINSKY, Founding         
    Dean University of California-
    Irvine School of Law; NORMAN
    DORSEN, Frederick I. and Grace A.
    Stokes Professor of Law and Co-
    Director, Arthur Garfield Hays
    Civil Liberties Program New York
    University School of Law; DAVID
    GOLOVE, Hiller Family Foundation
    Professor of Law New York
    University School of Law;
    4                   LEBRON v. RUMSFELD
    LEE B. KOVARSKY, Assistant           
    Professor University of Maryland
    School of Law; ALAN B.
    MORRISON, Associate Dean for
    Public Interest and Public Service
    George Washington University
    Law School; SHELDON H. NAHMOD,
    Distinguished Professor of Law
    and Co-Director of the Institute
    for Law and the Humanities
    Chicago-Kent College of Law;
    ALEXANDER REINERT, Associate         
    Professor of Law Benjamin N.
    Cardozo School of Law; KERMIT
    ROOSEVELT, III, Professor of Law
    University of Pennsylvania Law
    School; MICHAEL E. TIGAR,
    Professor of the Practice of Law,
    Emeritus Duke University School
    of Law; CARL W. TOBIAS,
    Williams Professor of Law
    University of Richmond School of
    LEBRON v. RUMSFELD                    5
    WILLIAM VAN ALSTYNE, Lee             
    Professor of Law William & Mary
    Law School; STEPHEN I. VLADECK,
    Professor of Law American
    University Washington College of
    Amici Supporting Appellants,   
    Amici Supporting Appellees.
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the District of South Carolina, at Charleston.
    Richard M. Gergel, District Judge.
    Argued: October 26, 2011
    Decided: January 23, 2012
    Circuit Judges.
    Affirmed by published opinion. Judge Wilkinson wrote the
    opinion, in which Judge Motz and Judge Duncan joined.
    6                    LEBRON v. RUMSFELD
    ARGUED: Benjamin Elihu Wizner, AMERICAN CIVIL
    LIBERTIES UNION, New York, New York, for Appellants.
    David Boris Rivkin, BAKER & HOSTETLER LLP, Wash-
    ington, D.C.; Richard Douglas Klingler, SIDLEY AUSTIN,
    LLP, Washington, D.C., for Appellees. ON BRIEF: Alexan-
    York, New York; Jonathan Freiman, Hope R. Metcalf, Tahlia
    HUMAN RIGHTS CLINIC, National Litigation Project, Yale
    Law School, New Haven, Connecticut; Michael P. O’Connell,
    STIRLING & O’CONNELL, PA, Charleston, South Carolina,
    for Appellants. Lee A. Casey, Darin R. Bartram, Andrew M.
    Grossman, BAKER & HOSTETLER LLP, Washington, D.C.,
    for Appellee Donald H. Rumsfeld. Frank Gregory Bowman,
    Edward C. Reddington, WILLIAMS & CONNOLLY LLP,
    Washington, D.C., for Appellee William J. Haynes II; Jacque-
    line G. Cooper, SIDLEY AUSTIN LLP, Washington, D.C.,
    for Appellee Catherine T. Hanft; William A. Coates, ROE
    CASSIDY COATES & PRICE, P.A., Greenville, South Caro-
    lina, for Appellee Melanie A. Marr; Wan J. Kim, Kevin B.
    Huff, Andrew S. Oldham, KELLOGG, HUBER, HANSEN,
    TODD, EVANS & FIGEL, PLLC, Washington, D.C., Henry
    L. Parr, Jr., WYCHE, P.A., Greenville, South Carolina, for
    Appellee Lowell E. Jacoby; Paul W. Butler, Kevin R. Amer,
    ington, D.C., Ruth Wedgwood, Washington, D.C., for Appel-
    lee Paul Wolfowitz. Michael F. Hertz, Deputy Assistant
    Attorney General, Barbara L. Herwig, August E. Flentje,
    ton, D.C., for Appellee Leon E. Panetta. Eric L. Lewis, James
    P. Davenport, Chiara Spector-Naranjo, Waleed Nassar,
    BAACH ROBINSON & LEWIS PLLC, Washington, D.C.,
    for Retired Military Officers, Amici Supporting Appellants.
    Stephen I. Vladeck, Washington, D.C.; Armand Derfner,
    DERFNER, ALTMAN & WILBORN, Charleston, South Car-
    olina, for Constitutional Law and Federal Courts Professors,
    LEBRON v. RUMSFELD                      7
    Amici Supporting Appellants. Andrew G. McBride, William
    S. Consovoy, Claire J. Evans, WILEY REIN LLP, Washing-
    ton, D.C., for Former Attorneys General William P. Barr,
    Edwin Meese, III, Michael B. Mukasey, Dick Thornburgh,
    Amici Supporting Appellees. Michael F. Hertz, Deputy Assis-
    tant Attorney General, Barbara L. Herwig, Robert M. Loeb,
    JUSTICE, Washington, D.C., for the United States, Amicus
    Supporting Appellees.
    WILKINSON, Circuit Judge:
    Plaintiffs Jose Padilla, presently incarcerated due to his
    conviction after trial for federal crimes of terrorism, and his
    mother, Estela Lebron, sue for legal and equitable relief based
    on Padilla’s prior military detention as an "enemy comba-
    tant." Padilla names as defendants the present Secretary of
    Defense and a number of former high-level civilian policy-
    makers in the Defense Department, as well as military officers
    who implemented their orders. He seeks a declaration that
    defendants’ policies were unconstitutional, an order enjoining
    his future designation as an enemy combatant, and nominal
    damages of one dollar from each defendant. The district court
    dismissed the action. For the reasons that follow, we affirm.
    Plaintiff Jose Padilla is a United States citizen and a mem-
    ber of al Qaeda, who has been an active participant in that
    organization’s terrorist mission since at least the late 1990s.
    He stands convicted of conspiring with others within the
    United States to support al Qaeda’s global campaign of terror,
    8                     LEBRON v. RUMSFELD
    having travelled to Afghanistan in late 2000 to receive combat
    training at al Qaeda’s al Farooq jihadist camp.
    After al Qaeda killed over three thousand people in its Sep-
    tember 11, 2001 attacks on the United States, Congress
    empowered the President to use his warmaking authority to
    defeat this terrorist threat to our nation. See Authorization for
    Use of Military Force, Pub. L. No. 107-40, 
    115 Stat. 224
    (2001) ("AUMF"). Two administrations have and continue to
    act pursuant to this authority. See Harold Hongju Koh, Legal
    Adviser, U.S. Department of State, Address to the Annual
    Meeting of the American Society of International Law: The
    Obama Administration and International Law (Mar. 25, 2010)
    ("[W]e continue to fight a war of self-defense against an
    enemy that attacked us on September 11, 2001, and before,
    and that continues to undertake armed attacks against the
    United States.")
    While the U.S. military was engaged in combat against al
    Qaeda and its allies in Afghanistan, Padilla orchestrated his
    return from Afghanistan to the United States via Pakistan,
    Egypt, and Switzerland, ultimately arriving at Chicago’s
    O’Hare International Airport on May 8, 2002. There, Padilla
    was arrested by FBI agents after falsely denying that he had
    ever visited Afghanistan. Held pursuant to a material witness
    warrant issued by the U.S. District Court for the Southern
    District of New York, Padilla was transported to a federal
    detention center in New York and assigned court-appointed
    On June 9, 2002, acting pursuant to his authority under the
    AUMF, President George W. Bush issued an order to defen-
    dant Donald Rumsfeld, then Secretary of Defense, to detain
    Padilla as an enemy combatant, the President having deter-
    mined that Padilla possessed vital intelligence and posed an
    ongoing threat to the national security of the United States.
    That day, Padilla was removed from civilian custody and
    transferred to the Naval Consolidated Brig at Charleston,
    LEBRON v. RUMSFELD                       9
    South Carolina. While in military custody, Padilla claims that
    he was repeatedly abused, threatened with torture, deprived of
    basic necessities, and unjustifiably cut off from access to the
    outside world. Over time, these conditions were relaxed, and
    he was allowed monitored meetings with his attorneys.
    On November 17, 2005, Padilla was indicted on criminal
    terrorism charges in the Southern District of Florida. The
    Supreme Court authorized his transfer from the Naval Consol-
    idated Brig into civilian custody on January 4, 2006. See
    Hanft v. Padilla, 
    546 U.S. 1084
     (2006). On August, 16, 2007,
    Padilla was convicted after trial of one count of conspiracy to
    murder, kidnap, or maim persons overseas in violation of 
    18 U.S.C. § 956
    (a)(1) and two counts of providing material sup-
    port to al Qaeda in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 2339A. He is
    presently serving his sentence for those crimes.
    Since his 2002 detention, Padilla has received the regular
    attention of the federal courts. Two days after Padilla’s trans-
    fer to military custody, on June 11, 2002, Padilla’s counsel
    filed a petition for a writ of habeas corpus in the Southern
    District of New York, challenging that detention. See Padilla
    v. Bush, 
    233 F. Supp. 2d 564
     (S.D.N.Y. 2002) ("Padilla I").
    The district court denied the petition, upholding the Presi-
    dent’s authority to detain Padilla, but a divided panel of the
    Second Circuit reversed. See Padilla v. Rumsfeld, 
    352 F.3d 695
     (2d Cir. 2003) ("Padilla II"). The Supreme Court vacated
    Padilla II, ruling that Padilla’s petition should have been filed
    in South Carolina where he was being held. See Rumsfeld v.
    542 U.S. 426
    , 451 (2004) ("Padilla III").
    On July 2, 2004, Padilla refiled his habeas petition in the
    District of South Carolina. The district court granted Padilla’s
    petition, holding that he could not be detained as an enemy
    combatant because he had been captured in the United States.
    See Padilla v. Hanft, 
    389 F. Supp. 2d 678
     (D.S.C. 2005)
    10                   LEBRON v. RUMSFELD
    ("Padilla IV"). This court reversed, upholding the President’s
    authority to detain Padilla under the AUMF. See Padilla v.
    423 F.3d 386
     (4th Cir. 2005) ("Padilla V").
    Approximately two months after this decision, while Padil-
    la’s petition for certiorari to the Supreme Court was pending,
    the government unsealed the indictment in the Southern Dis-
    trict of Florida and petitioned this court to vacate its prior
    opinion and authorize Padilla’s removal into civilian custody.
    When this court denied the government’s request, see Padilla
    v. Hanft, 
    432 F.3d 582
     (4th Cir. 2005) ("Padilla VI"), the
    Supreme Court directly authorized the transfer, see Hanft v.
    546 U.S. 1084
     (2006) ("Padilla VII"). The Supreme
    Court ultimately denied certiorari on Padilla’s habeas claim,
    concluding that such a constitutional challenge to Padilla’s
    military detention presented no live case or controversy once
    he had been transferred to civilian custody. See Padilla v.
    547 U.S. 1062
     (2006) ("Padilla VIII").
    While a wide range of issues were subsequently litigated in
    Padilla’s criminal case, the only decision relevant to this
    appeal is United States v. Jayyousi, 
    657 F.3d 1085
     (11th Cir.
    2011), which affirmed Padilla’s conviction on terrorism
    charges, but reversed the district court’s sentence, concluding
    that 208 months’ incarceration was unreasonably low.
    Padilla commenced this action on February 9, 2007, while
    in civilian custody awaiting trial in his criminal case. The
    claims at issue in this appeal are alleged in his Third
    Amended Complaint, filed on July 23, 2008.
    Padilla claims that, as a U.S. citizen captured within the
    United States, he was unconstitutionally designated as an
    enemy combatant, and alleges a range of constitutional viola-
    tions stemming from his ensuing military detention: denial of
    his right to counsel under the First, Fifth, and Sixth Amend-
    LEBRON v. RUMSFELD                     11
    ments; denial of access to courts protected by Article III, the
    First and Fifth Amendments, and the Habeas Corpus Suspen-
    sion Clause; unconstitutionally cruel conditions of confine-
    ment in violation of the Fifth and Eighth Amendments;
    coercive interrogations in violation of the Fifth and Eighth
    Amendments; denial of his freedom of religion under the First
    Amendment and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act;
    denial of access to information protected by the First Amend-
    ment; denial of freedom of association under the First
    Amendment; and general denial of due process protected by
    the Fifth Amendment. As relief, Padilla seeks a declaration
    that his designation, military detention, and treatment in cus-
    tody were unconstitutional; a declaration that the policies that
    led to his treatment were unconstitutional; an injunction pro-
    hibiting his future designation and detention as an enemy
    combatant; and one dollar in damages from each defendant.
    Padilla initially named sixty-one persons as defendants in
    this action. He has since dismissed his claims against those
    defendants who dealt most directly with his custody—
    specifically, the "legal professional[s]" who allegedly inter-
    fered with his access to counsel or the courts, see Third
    Amended Complaint ¶22; the "medical professional[s]" who
    monitored his confinement, id. at ¶23; and the interrogators
    and guards in direct control of his custody, id. at ¶¶24-25.
    Seven defendants remain. Four are former high-ranking
    policymakers of the Defense Department sued in their per-
    sonal capacities: former Secretary of Defense Donald H.
    Rumsfeld, former Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wol-
    fowitz, former Defense Department General Counsel William
    Haynes, and former Director of the Defense Intelligence
    Agency Vice Admiral Lowell E. Jacoby. Padilla alleges that
    these defendants formulated an unconstitutional policy for
    detaining enemy combatants in the war on terrorism, which
    included the legal defense of that designation and the harsh
    interrogation measures used pursuant thereto. He does not
    charge any of these defendants personally with violating his
    12                        LEBRON v. RUMSFELD
    rights, for example by seizing him in violation of the Fourth
    Amendment or physically abusing him in violation of the
    Eighth Amendment. Rather, he holds them liable for develop-
    ing the global detention and interrogation policies that he con-
    tends were unconstitutional both on their face and as applied
    to him.
    Padilla also sues two former Commanders of the Naval
    Consolidated Brig, Catherine T. Hanft and Melanie A. Marr,
    alleging that they were responsible for "implement[ing] the
    unlawful regime devised and authorized by [the] Senior
    Defense Policy Defendants." Id. at ¶7.
    Finally, Padilla sues current Secretary of Defense Leon
    Panetta in his official and individual capacities, seeking both
    declaratory relief and an injunction against his future designa-
    tion as an enemy combatant.
    On February 17, 2011, the district court granted the defen-
    dants’ motion to dismiss Padilla’s suit. See Lebron v. Rums-
    764 F. Supp. 2d 787
     (D.S.C. 2011). This appeal fol-
    Padilla first faults the district court for refusing to imply a
    new cause of action for money damages against top Defense
    Department officials for a range of policy judgments pertain-
    ing to the designation and treatment of enemy combatants.1
    Padilla also seeks a retrospective declaration that both his detention
    and the broader detainee policies were unconstitutional. Inasmuch as equi-
    table relief is prospective in nature, see Hecht Co. v. Bowles, 
    321 U.S. 321
    , 329-30 (1944), the request for a declaration of unlawful past confine-
    ment is in essence an attempt to prove a constitutional violation as the nec-
    essary predicate to any award of damages, see Bivens v. Six Unknown
    Named Agents of Federal Bureau of Narcotics, 
    403 U.S. 388
    , 397 (1971).
    As such, the requested declaration is part and parcel of the Bivens cause
    of action.
    LEBRON v. RUMSFELD                 13
    We review the district court’s ruling on a motion to dismiss
    de novo. See Novell, Inc. v. Microsoft Corp., 
    505 F.3d 302
    307 (4th Cir. 2007). Like the district court, we conclude that
    a proper regard for the constitutional structure requires us to
    decline to recognize this novel suit. The designations of per-
    sons and groups as special threats to national security may be
    subject to a variety of checks and to habeas corpus proceed-
    ings. But they are not reviewable by the judiciary by means
    of implied civil actions for money damages.
    We begin by discussing the historic restraint applicable to
    implied causes of action and the judicial standards developed
    with respect to them. As to all but one of his claims,2 Padilla
    asks the judiciary to imply a cause of action for constitutional
    violations by federal officials, as first recognized in Bivens v.
    Six Unknown Named Agents of Federal Bureau of Narcotics,
    403 U.S. 388
     (1971). However, the Supreme Court has long
    counselled restraint in implying new remedies at law. A
    Bivens action "has to represent a judgment about the best way
    to implement a constitutional guarantee; it is not an automatic
    entitlement." Wilkie v. Robbins, 
    551 U.S. 537
    , 550 (2007).
    That judgment is focused not on "the merits of the particu-
    lar remedy that was sought" but, rather, on "who should
    decide whether such a remedy should be provided," Bush v.
    462 U.S. 367
    , 380 (1983), specifically, Congress or the
    courts. "[B]edrock principles of separation of powers," Cor-
    rectional Servs. Corp. v. Malesko, 
    534 U.S. 61
    , 69 (2001),
    dictate that the judiciary refrain from implying a remedy
    when "special factors counsel[ ] hesitation in the absence of
    affirmative action by Congress," Bivens, 
    403 U.S. at 397
    , or
    when Congress has provided "any alternative, existing pro-
    cess for protecting the interest [that] amounts to a convincing
    reason for the Judicial Branch to refrain from providing a new
    Padilla’s RFRA claims are discussed infra Part III.
    14                    LEBRON v. RUMSFELD
    and freestanding remedy in damages," Wilkie, 
    551 U.S. at 550
    In the forty years since Bivens, the Supreme Court has
    monitored the limits of judicial competence to design implied
    remedies, frequently reminding the courts "that Congress is in
    a better position to decide whether or not the public interest
    would be served by creating" Bivens actions in new situations.
    462 U.S. at 390
    . Exercising this restraint, the Court has
    itself "consistently refused to extend Bivens liability to any
    new context or new category of defendants." Malesko, 
    534 U.S. at 68
    . It only recently declined to "imply the existence
    of an Eighth Amendment-based damages action . . . against
    employees of a privately operated federal prison." Minneci v.
    Pollard, No. 10-1104, slip op. at 1, 565 U.S. ___ (2012).
    Given these principles, we must approach Padilla’s invita-
    tion to imply a Bivens action here with skepticism. "The
    Bivens cause of action is not amenable to casual extension,"
    Holly v. Scott, 
    434 F.3d 287
    , 289 (4th Cir. 2006), but rather
    is subject to a strict test adopted by this court. To maintain a
    Bivens claim, Padilla must demonstrate both that "there are no
    ‘special factors counseling hesitation in the absence of affir-
    mative action by Congress’" and that "Congress has not
    already provided an exclusive statutory remedy." Hall v. Clin-
    235 F.3d 202
    , 204 (4th Cir. 2000) (citation omitted). We
    do not require congressional action before recognizing a
    Bivens claim, as that would be contrary to Bivens itself. We
    will, however, refuse to imply a Bivens remedy where, as in
    this case, Congress’s pronouncements in the relevant context
    signal that it would not support such a damages claim.
    Special factors do counsel judicial hesitation in implying
    causes of action for enemy combatants held in military deten-
    tion. First, the Constitution delegates authority over military
    affairs to Congress and to the President as Commander in
    LEBRON v. RUMSFELD                      15
    Chief. It contemplates no comparable role for the judiciary.
    Second, judicial review of military decisions would stray
    from the traditional subjects of judicial competence. Litiga-
    tion of the sort proposed thus risks impingement on explicit
    constitutional assignments of responsibility to the coordinate
    branches of our government. Together, the grant of affirma-
    tive powers to Congress and the Executive in the first two
    Articles of our founding document suggest some measure of
    caution on the part of the Third Branch.
    Preserving the constitutionally prescribed balance of pow-
    ers is thus the first special factor counseling hesitation in the
    recognition of Padilla’s Bivens claim. The "Constitution con-
    templated that the Legislative Branch [have] plenary control
    over rights, duties, and responsibilities in the framework of
    the military establishment, including regulations, procedures,
    and remedies." Chappell v. Wallace, 
    462 U.S. 296
    , 301
    (1983). Indeed, that control is explicit and not merely deriva-
    tive of other powers: Congress has the enumerated powers to
    declare war, see U.S. Const., art. I, § 8, cl. 11; establish the
    armed forces, see id. cl. 12-13; and "make Rules for the Gov-
    ernment and Regulation of the land and naval Forces," id. cl.
    14. As the Supreme Court has noted, "What is distinctive here
    is the specificity of that technically superfluous grant of
    power . . . Had the power to make rules for the military not
    been spelled out, it would in any event have been provided by
    the Necessary and Proper Clause—as is, for example, the
    power to make rules for the government and regulation of the
    Postal Service." United States v. Stanley, 
    483 U.S. 669
    , 682
    (1987) (internal citation omitted). As a consequence, "in no
    other area has the Court accorded Congress greater defer-
    ence." Rostker v. Goldberg, 
    453 U.S. 57
    , 64-65 (1981).
    Further supporting judicial deference is the Constitution’s
    parallel commitment of command responsibility in national
    security and military affairs to the President as Commander in
    16                     LEBRON v. RUMSFELD
    Chief. See U.S. Const. art. II, § 2, cl. 1. Here too, judges "tra-
    ditionally have been reluctant to intrude upon the authority of
    the Executive in military and national security affairs." Dep’t
    of Navy v. Egan, 
    484 U.S. 518
    , 530 (1988). As a result, the
    Supreme Court has consistently shown "great deference" to
    what "the President—the Commander in Chief—has deter-
    mined . . . is essential to national security." Winter v. Nat. Res.
    Def. Council, 
    555 U.S. 7
    , 24, 26 (2008).
    When, as here, these two branches exercise their military
    responsibilities in concert –- Congress by enacting the AUMF
    and the President by detaining Padilla pursuant thereto, see
    Padilla V, 
    423 F.3d 386
    —the need to hesitate before using
    Bivens actions to stake out a role for the judicial branch seems
    clear. It is settled that courts "accord the President the defer-
    ence that is his when he acts pursuant to a broad delegation
    of authority from Congress." Id. at 395. In Youngstown Sheet
    & Tube Co. v. Sawyer, 
    343 U.S. 579
     (1952), Justice Jackson
    described the heightened judicial caution signalled by facts
    such as those presented here: "A seizure executed by the Pres-
    ident pursuant to an Act of Congress would be supported by
    the strongest of presumptions and the widest latitude of judi-
    cial interpretation, and the burden of persuasion would rest
    heavily upon any who might attack it." 
    Id. at 637
     (Jackson, J.,
    The reasons for this constitutional structure are apparent.
    Questions of national security, particularly in times of con-
    flict, do not admit of easy answers, especially not as products
    of the necessarily limited analysis undertaken in a single case.
    It is therefore unsurprising that "our Constitution recognizes
    that core strategic matters of warmaking belong in the hands
    of those who are best positioned and most politically account-
    able for making them." Hamdi v. Rumsfeld, 
    542 U.S. 507
    , 531
    This explicit constitutional delegation of control over mili-
    tary affairs is quite relevant to the Bivens inquiry. See Stanley,
    LEBRON v. RUMSFELD                             17
    483 U.S. at 683
     ("[T]he ‘special facto[r]’ that ‘counsel[s] hes-
    itation’ is . . . the fact that congressionally uninvited intrusion
    into military affairs by the judiciary is inappropriate.").
    Observance of the constitutional structure requires that courts
    properly consider whether officials of other branches, named
    in Bivens suits, "enjoy such independent status in our consti-
    tutional scheme as to suggest that judicially created remedies
    against them might be inappropriate." Carlson v. Green, 
    446 U.S. 14
    , 19 (1980). Thus, whenever the Supreme Court has
    considered a Bivens case involving the military, it has con-
    cluded that "the insistence . . . with which the Constitution
    confers authority over the Army, Navy, and militia upon the
    political branches . . . counsels hesitation in our creation of
    damages remedies in this field." Stanley, 
    483 U.S. at 682
    . Put
    simply, "such a remedy would be plainly inconsistent with
    Congress’ authority" in military affairs. Chappell, 
    462 U.S. at 304
    These general observations are amply reinforced by the
    particulars of Padilla’s case. To stay the judiciary’s hand in
    fashioning the requested Bivens action, it suffices to observe
    that Padilla’s enemy combatant classification and military
    detention raise fundamental questions incident to the conduct
    of armed conflict, and that "Congress, the constitutionally
    authorized source of authority over the military system of jus-
    tice, has not provided a damages remedy." 
    Id. at 304
    . To the
    extent the Constitution may require these defendants to justify
    in court who is and is not an enemy combatant, it does so in
    We respect the service to our country of the retired military officers
    who have offered their views as amici curiae in this case. Their conclu-
    sion, however, that this Bivens action "will cause no interference with the
    legitimate mission of our military forces," Retired Military Officers’
    Amicus Br. at 24, misapprehends the question posed by "special factors"
    analysis. We do not address the merits of whether a damages remedy
    would interfere with the military or not. Rather, we defer to Congress as
    the branch constitutionally charged with addressing that question, and we
    will not readily displace the legislative role by concluding on our own
    authority that damages are appropriate.
    18                    LEBRON v. RUMSFELD
    the very different context of habeas corpus proceedings, see
    542 U.S. at 533
    , proceedings that Padilla took full
    advantage of up until his transfer to civilian custody. See
    supra Part I.B.
    The relevance of these separation of powers concerns is
    underscored by the nature of Padilla’s allegations. The bulk
    of Padilla’s complaint describes the evolution of the "deten-
    tion and interrogation policies developed by Senior Defense
    Policy defendants," Third Amended Complaint ¶49, which
    Padilla contends "proximately and foreseeably" caused the
    harm he suffered from his detention and conditions of con-
    finement, id. at ¶6. In the course of describing the internal
    debate over detainee policy, however, the complaint makes
    very clear the extent to which the progression of this lawsuit
    would draw courts into the heart of executive and military
    planning and deliberation.
    Padilla primarily challenges "the [detainee] policy devel-
    oped by Senior Defense Policy Defendants." Id. at ¶37.
    Padilla describes how this policy was created as part of the
    broader effort in the fall of 2001 "to develop policy in the war
    on terrorism." Id. at ¶47. Almost immediately after 9/11, the
    defendants in this suit sought the advice of the Justice Depart-
    ment, obtaining ten different memoranda from the Office of
    Legal Counsel discussing the scope of presidential authority
    under the AUMF, application of the Geneva Conventions to
    members of al Qaeda, and permissible forms of interrogation.
    Id. at ¶50. Nor was this the only legal advice the defendants
    received. The FBI weighed in, id. at ¶67, as did Alberto Mora,
    General Counsel of the Navy, id. at ¶72.
    The debate over what interrogation techniques to use in
    combating al Qaeda received equally high level attention.
    According to the complaint, Major General Michael Dun-
    lavey, the commander of Joint Task Force 170 at Guantanamo
    Bay, Cuba, received input on the appropriateness of specific
    interrogation techniques from, among others, the Defense
    LEBRON v. RUMSFELD                     19
    Human Intelligence Services, id. at ¶60; Col. Steve Kleinman,
    the head of the U.S. Air Force’s strategic interrogation pro-
    gram; and Dr. Michael Gelles, the Navy’s top forensic psy-
    chologist, id. at ¶71. Kleinman and Gelles presented
    dissenting positions, objecting to the use of certain tech-
    niques. Id. The defendants took an approach that reflects this
    diversity of views—while Haynes told Rumsfeld that some
    enhanced interrogation techniques "may be legally available,"
    they "should not be the subject of a blanket approval at this
    time." Id. at ¶67.
    Later, interrogation policy was directed by the "Working
    Group on Detainee Interrogations in the Global War on Ter-
    rorism," which included defendant Haynes, general counsel of
    the Department of Defense; Michael Mobbs, the head of the
    Detainee Policy Group; representatives of the Defense Intelli-
    gence Agency; and the General Counsels and Judge Advocate
    Generals of the various departments of the military –- all
    reporting to the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Defense.
    Id. at ¶73.
    Nor did high-level oversight end with the creation of the
    detainee policy. The complaint asserts that in May 2004,
    defendant Rumsfeld ordered the Naval Inspector General,
    Vice Admiral Albert T. Church, to conduct a review of deten-
    tions at the Naval Consolidated Brig where Padilla was held.
    Id. at ¶104. Admiral Church’s review included over 100 inter-
    views and a variety of affidavits, JA-627, and frankly
    acknowledged that "friction occurred between the FBI and
    DOD" over what interrogation methods were best to use.
    Third Amended Complaint ¶121.
    Finally, even the few allegations specific to Padilla reveal
    the sensitive nature of the debate into which his suit would
    draw the courts. Padilla describes his own detention as deriv-
    ing from intelligence obtained from "two suspected terrorists
    detained and interrogated outside the United States." Id. at
    ¶40. Similarly, the specific conditions at the Naval Consoli-
    20                    LEBRON v. RUMSFELD
    dated Brig were the result of a policy choice that all detainees
    should receive the same treatment, regardless of where they
    were held. See, e.g., id. at ¶107 ("JTF-GTMO [does] not pro-
    vide [the Geneva Conventions] to their detainees. Accord-
    ingly, neither will the NAVCONBRIG.").
    In short, Padilla’s complaint seeks quite candidly to have
    the judiciary review and disapprove sensitive military deci-
    sions made after extensive deliberations within the executive
    branch as to what the law permitted, what national security
    required, and how best to reconcile competing values. It takes
    little enough imagination to understand that a judicially
    devised damages action would expose past executive deliber-
    ations affecting sensitive matters of national security to the
    prospect of searching judicial scrutiny. It would affect future
    discussions as well, shadowed as they might be by the thought
    that those involved would face prolonged civil litigation and
    potential personal liability.
    Of course Congress may decide that providing a damages
    remedy to enemy combatants would serve to promote a desir-
    able accountability on the part of officials involved in deci-
    sions of the kind described above. But to date Congress has
    made no such decision. This was not through inadvertence.
    Congress was no idle bystander to this debate. Indeed, it
    devoted extensive attention to the precise questions Padilla
    presents pertaining to the treatment of detainees and to the
    legitimacy of interrogation measures, see, e.g., Military Com-
    missions Act of 2009, Pub. L. 111-84, 
    123 Stat. 2190
    ; Mili-
    tary Commissions Act of 2006, Pub. L. 109-366, 
    120 Stat. 2600
    ; Detainee Treatment Act of 2005, Pub. L. 109-148, 
    119 Stat. 2739
    . For example, Congress provided in the Detainee
    Treatment Act of 2005 that "No person in the custody . . . of
    the Department of Defense . . . shall be subject to any treat-
    ment or technique of interrogation not authorized by and
    listed in the United States Army Field Manual on Intelligence
    Interrogation." Pub. L. 109-163 § 1402, 
    119 Stat. 3475
    . It fur-
    ther provided that "[n]o individual in the custody . . . of the
    LEBRON v. RUMSFELD                      21
    United States Government, regardless of nationality or physi-
    cal location, shall be subject to cruel, inhuman, or degrading
    treatment or punishment . . . as defined in the United States
    Reservations, Declarations, and Understandings to the United
    Nations Convention Against Torture." 
    120 Stat. 2635
    . And
    the Military Commissions Act of 2009, Pub. L. 111-84, 
    123 Stat. 2190
    , prohibits the use of a "statement obtained by the
    use of torture or by cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment
    . . . whether or not under color of law" in the trial of an enemy
    combatant before a military commission. 
    123 Stat. 2580
    This history reveals a Congress actively engaged with what
    interrogation techniques were appropriate and what process
    was due enemy combatant detainees. In enacting these stat-
    utes, Congress acted with a "greater ability to evaluate the
    broader ramifications of a remedial scheme by holding hear-
    ings and soliciting the views of all interested parties," Holly,
    434 F.3d at 290
    , than we possess, constrained as we are by the
    limited factual record of a single case. Padilla asks us to
    ignore this ample evidence that "congressional inaction has
    not been inadvertent," Schweiker v. Chilicky, 
    487 U.S. 412
    423 (1988), and to do what Congress did not do, namely to
    trespass into areas constitutionally assigned to the coordinate
    branches of our government.
    This is a case in which the political branches, exercising
    powers explicitly assigned them by our Constitution, formu-
    lated policies with profound implications for national security.
    One may agree or not agree with those policies. One may
    debate whether they were or were not the most effective coun-
    terterrorism strategy. But the forum for such debates is not the
    civil cause of action pressed in the case at bar. The fact that
    Padilla disagrees with policies allegedly formulated or actions
    allegedly taken does not entitle him to demand the blunt
    deterrent of money damages under Bivens to promote a differ-
    ent outcome. Being judicial requires that we be judicious, and
    adherence to our constitutional role in this area requires that
    we await "affirmative action by Congress." Put simply, creat-
    22                    LEBRON v. RUMSFELD
    ing a cause of action here is "more appropriately for those
    who write the laws, rather than for those who interpret them."
    United States v. Gilman, 
    347 U.S. 507
    , 513 (1954).
    In addition to these structural constitutional concerns, a
    second factor causing hesitation in the Bivens context is the
    departure from core areas of judicial competence that such a
    civil action might entail. This second factor overlaps to some
    extent with the dangers of intrusion into the constitutional
    responsibilities of others described above. But it also raises a
    discrete set of problems all its own pertaining to the ability of
    the judiciary to administer a Bivens remedy in a case like the
    one at hand.
    The problems of administrability here are at least two-fold.
    The first has to do with the interruption of the established
    chains of military command. The Supreme Court has cau-
    tioned against entertaining suits that could be so "problematic,
    raising the prospect of compelled depositions and trial testi-
    mony by military officers concerning the details of their mili-
    tary commands." Stanley, 
    483 U.S. at 682-83
    . Padilla’s suit
    proposes to do precisely what the Supreme Court has
    instructed we not do: "require members of the Armed Ser-
    vices" and their civilian superiors "to testify in court as to
    each other’s decisions and actions," Stencel Aero Engineering
    Corp. v. United States, 
    431 U.S. 666
    , 673 (1977) in order "to
    convince a civilian court of the wisdom of a wide range of
    military and disciplinary decisions." United States v. Shearer,
    473 U.S. 52
    , 58 (1985).
    Padilla’s complaint is replete with references to the hierar-
    chy of the Defense Department and its responsibility for over-
    seeing the nation’s armed services. For example, he
    emphasizes that Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld "ex-
    ercised command and control over all members of the U.S.
    military," Third Amended Complaint ¶14, and that the mili-
    LEBRON v. RUMSFELD                       23
    tary supervisor defendants at the brig were responsible "for
    receiving[ ] and implementing orders from higher-ranking
    members of the chain of command." Id. at ¶¶22-27. Padilla’s
    very theory of liability thus depends upon a probe of the com-
    mand structure of our military establishment, a hierarchy that
    the federal courts have heretofore been reluctant to disrupt.
    The gravamen of Padilla’s complaint is that commanders and
    subordinates should be made to consider the possibility of lia-
    bility for Bivens damages before formulating and implement-
    ing directives pertaining to military detentions. If such a
    check is warranted, the Constitution requires that Congress
    impose it rather than courts imply it. After all, not only does
    Congress have authority to regulate the nation’s military, it is
    also "in a far better position than a court to evaluate the
    impact of a new species of litigation against those who act on
    the public’s behalf. And Congress can tailor any remedy to
    the problem perceived, thus lessening the risk of raising a tide
    of suits threatening legitimate initiative on the part of the
    Government’s employees." Wilkie, 
    551 U.S. at 562
    quotation marks and citations omitted).
    A second difficulty of administering Padilla’s proposed
    Bivens action pertains to its practical impact on military intel-
    ligence operations. Padilla’s proposed litigation risks interfer-
    ence with military and intelligence operations on a wide scale.
    Any defense to Padilla’s claims—which effectively challenge
    the whole of the government’s detainee policy—could require
    current and former officials, both military and civilian, to tes-
    tify as to the rationale for that policy, the global nature of the
    terrorist threat it was designed to combat, the specific intelli-
    gence that led to the application of that policy to Padilla,
    where and from whom that intelligence was obtained, what
    specific military orders were given in the chain of command,
    and how those orders were carried out. As the Second Circuit
    has noted in an analogous context, "A suit seeking a damages
    remedy against senior officials who implement an extraordi-
    nary rendition policy would enmesh the courts ineluctably in
    an assessment of the validity and rationale of that policy and
    24                    LEBRON v. RUMSFELD
    its implementation in this particular case, matters that directly
    affect significant diplomatic and national security concerns."
    Arar v. Ashcroft, 
    585 F.3d 559
    , 575 (2d Cir. 2009) (en banc).
    The Supreme Court has taken such administrability con-
    cerns seriously. Cautioning against the implication of a Bivens
    cause of action here are practical concerns about obtaining
    information necessary for the judiciary to assess the chal-
    lenged policies. Much of the information relevant to the cre-
    ation of the detainee policy remains classified. While we have
    no doubt that courts would seek to protect such sensitive
    information, see Classified Information Procedures Act, 18
    U.S.C. App. III §§1-16, even inadvertent disclosure may jeop-
    ardize future acquisition and maintenance of the sources and
    methods of collecting intelligence. As the Supreme Court has
    recognized, "Even a small chance that some court will order
    disclosure of a source’s identity could well impair intelligence
    gathering and cause sources to ‘close up like a clam.’" CIA v.
    471 U.S. 159
    , 175 (1985). The chilling effects on intel-
    ligence sources of possible disclosures during civil litigation
    and the impact of such disclosures on military and diplomatic
    initiatives at the heart of counterterrorism policy often elude
    judicial assessment. If courts assay such assessments, it
    should be because the legislative branch has authorized that
    The problems of administrability are thus compounded by
    their relative novelty. The inquiries presaged by Padilla’s
    action are far removed from questions of probable cause, see
    403 U.S. 388
    , or deliberate indifference to medical
    treatment, see Carlson, 
    446 U.S. 14
    , routinely confronted by
    district courts in suits under 
    42 U.S.C. § 1983
     or Bivens. In
    fact, when the Supreme Court has approved Bivens actions, it
    has expressly noted that the questions presented fell within
    the traditional competence of courts. See Davis v. Passman,
    442 U.S. 228
    , 245 (1979) (approving Bivens claim for gender
    discrimination in part because "[l]itigation under Title VII of
    the Civil Rights Act of 1964 has given federal courts great
    LEBRON v. RUMSFELD                      25
    experience evaluating claims for backpay due to illegal sex
    Padilla downplays these administrability concerns. He
    argues that a Bivens action will not require courts to do much
    more than they are doing already. Appellant’s Br. at 27-28. It
    is inescapable, to be sure, that the branches of government
    will sometimes interact, and the courts will be called upon to
    take up sensitive matters. In those instances, however, Con-
    gress has often provided courts with specific means and
    mechanisms to consider delicate questions without imperiling
    national security. Congress has not just opened up something
    akin to a Bivens action to courts of general federal question
    jurisdiction and left them without guidelines how to proceed.
    Padilla also argues that cases like Stanley and Chappell,
    which recognized the likelihood that certain Bivens actions
    would interfere with military defense, do not apply to him
    because he is not a member of the armed forces. But this mis-
    conceives the nature of the special factors analysis. The
    source of hesitation is the nature of the suit and the conse-
    quences flowing from it, not just the identity of the plaintiff.
    Numerous examples suffice to illustrate the point that Con-
    gress has been cautious about conferring broad discretionary
    powers on all Article III courts in matters trenching on impor-
    tant national security concerns. For example, even though
    courts routinely consider applications for telephone intercepts
    in criminal cases under Title III of the Omnibus Crime Con-
    trol and Safe Streets Act of 1968, Pub. L. 90-351, 
    82 Stat. 197
    , Congress created the special Foreign Intelligence Sur-
    veillance Court to consider wiretap requests in the highly sen-
    sitive area of investigations of "a foreign power or an agent
    of a foreign power." 
    50 U.S.C. §§ 1803-04
    . With respect to
    detainees like Padilla, Congress has provided for limited judi-
    cial review of military commission decisions, but only by the
    District of Columbia Circuit Court of Appeals, and only after
    the full process in military courts has run its course. 10 U.S.C.
    § 950g. And to the extent that the Supreme Court in Boumed-
    26                    LEBRON v. RUMSFELD
    iene v. Bush, 
    553 U.S. 723
     (2008), permitted further judicial
    examination of the detention of enemy combatants, it did so
    using the limited tool of the constitutionally guaranteed writ
    of habeas corpus—not an implied and open-ended civil dam-
    ages action. See 
    id. at 797
    . And the Court recognized the need
    for the judiciary carefully to avoid adverse effects on our
    national security, limiting proper venue for detainee habeas
    cases to the District of Columbia District Court so as to "re-
    duce administrative burdens on the Government" and "to
    avoid the widespread dissemination of classified informa-
    Id. at 796
    Even a cursory survey thus suffices to illustrate that when
    Congress deems it necessary for the courts to become
    involved in sensitive matters, such as those involving enemy
    terrorists, it enacts careful statutory guidelines to ensure that
    litigation does not come at the expense of national security
    concerns. Such circumscribed grants and detailed directions
    as those set forth above stand in stark contrast to the unen-
    cumbered discretion that Padilla would invite all Article III
    courts across this country to exercise. Padilla responds that
    such constructs as qualified immunity and the state secrets
    privilege should suffice to allay these concerns. See Appel-
    lant’s Br. at 24-25. But the litigation of such matters still pre-
    sents the potential of diverting "efforts and attention" from the
    primary obligations of officials entrusted with the sober
    responsibilities of protecting the lives and safety of American
    citizens. Johnson v. Eisentrager, 
    339 U.S. 763
    , 779 (1950).
    Moreover, courts have developed these doctrines to prevent
    unintended adverse effects on national security from already-
    established causes of action. See Tenet v. Doe, 
    544 U.S. 1
    , 9-
    11 (2005). Here, by contrast, Padilla asks for a new Bivens
    cause of action, and the Supreme Court has instructed us to
    consider any aspect of that claim that would cause us to hesi-
    tate before entertaining suit. See Bivens, 
    403 U.S. at 397
    . We
    need not await the formal invocation of doctrines such as
    qualified immunity or state secrets to say that the prospect of
    adverse collateral consequences confirms our view that Con-
    LEBRON v. RUMSFELD                      27
    gress rather than the courts should decide whether a constitu-
    tional claim should be recognized in these circumstances. See
    Wilson v. Libby, 
    535 F.3d 697
    , 710 (D.C. Cir. 2008) ("[T]he
    concerns that underlie the protective restrictions of the [Intel-
    ligence Identities Protection Act] and the Totten [state secrets]
    doctrine are valid considerations in the Bivens analysis and
    weigh against creating a remedy in this case.").
    The factors counseling hesitation are many. We have can-
    vassed them in some detail, but only to make a limited point:
    not that such litigation is categorically forbidden by the Con-
    stitution, but that courts should not proceed down this highly
    problematic road in the absence of affirmative action by Con-
    gress. If Congress were to create a damages remedy here, we
    would trust that the legislative process gave due consideration
    to the broader policy implications that we as judges are nei-
    ther authorized nor well-positioned to balance on our own.
    Before recognizing a Bivens action, courts must not only
    consider special factors that would counsel hesitation, but also
    "whether any alternative, existing process for protecting the
    interest amounts to a convincing reason for the Judicial
    Branch to refrain from providing a new and freestanding rem-
    edy in damages." Wilkie, 
    551 U.S. at 550
    . Here, Padilla had
    extensive opportunities to challenge the legal basis for his
    Padilla challenged his military detention in habeas corpus
    proceedings before five different courts. In adjudications on
    the merits before district courts in the Southern District of
    New York and the District of South Carolina, and on appeals
    to the Second Circuit and to this court, Padilla was able to
    present essentially the same arguments that he makes here
    about the legality of militarily detaining a U.S. citizen. See
    generally Padilla II, 
    352 F.3d 695
    ; Padilla V, 
    423 F.3d 386
    (characterizing Padilla’s arguments). Padilla pursued those
    28                    LEBRON v. RUMSFELD
    claims up until the very moment that they were mooted by his
    transfer into civilian custody. And if Padilla is again detained
    by the military, he could presumably avail himself further of
    whatever "adequate and effective substitute for habeas cor-
    pus" is in use for detainees at that time. Boumediene, 
    553 U.S. at 795
    . With respect to Padilla’s claims arising from his
    enemy combatant designation, this is not a case of "damages
    or nothing." Davis, 
    442 U.S. at 245
    . The Supreme Court has
    warned that "the full protections that accompany challenges to
    detentions in other settings may prove unworkable and inap-
    propriate in the enemy-combatant setting." Hamdi, 
    542 U.S. at 535
    "That [Padilla] considers [his] existing remedies insuffi-
    cient is simply irrelevant" to whether a court should imply a
    Bivens action. Judicial Watch v. Rossotti, 
    317 F.3d 401
    , 413
    (4th Cir. 2003). Bivens "is concerned solely with deterring
    individual officers’ unconstitutional acts." Malesko, 
    534 U.S. at 71
    . In such circumstances, we cannot regard the legislative
    failure to provide Padilla with the monetary damages he seeks
    from each defendant as an invitation to design some preferred
    remedial regime of our own.
    All these sources of hesitation in recognizing Padilla’s
    Bivens claim are related. The practical concerns merely serve
    to illustrate the wisdom of the constitutional design, which
    commits responsibility for military governance and the con-
    duct of foreign affairs to the branches most capable of
    addressing them and most accountable to the people for their
    choices. Padilla asks us to intervene in a manner courts have
    not before seen fit to attempt. To say that the cumulative con-
    cerns "counsel hesitation" is something of an understatement,
    and we must decline to create the damages remedy Padilla
    seeks. Because we conclude that Padilla’s Bivens action can-
    not be maintained, we need not reach the questions of whether
    LEBRON v. RUMSFELD                     29
    the defendants are entitled to qualified immunity or whether
    Padilla has pleaded his claim with adequate specificity.
    Padilla also brought suit under the Religious Freedom Res-
    toration Act ("RFRA"), 42 U.S.C. § 2000bb et seq. That stat-
    ute authorizes "[a] person whose religious exercise has been
    burdened" to "obtain appropriate relief against a government."
    Id. § 2000bb-1(c). Padilla contends that this provision permits
    him to recover damages by suing the individual defendants in
    their personal capacities.
    Congress enacted RFRA in response to the Supreme
    Court’s decision in Emp’t Div., Dep’t of Hum. Res. of Oregon
    v. Smith, 
    494 U.S. 872
     (1990), seeking "to restore the compel-
    ling interest test . . . and to guarantee its application in all
    cases where free exercise of religion is substantially bur-
    dened." 42 U.S.C. § 2000bb(b)(1). RFRA initially applied to
    both the states and the federal government, but the Supreme
    Court concluded in City of Boerne v. Flores, 
    521 U.S. 507
    (1997), that the statute exceeded Congress’s remedial powers
    over the states under section 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment.
    id. at 532-36
    . Congress "sought to avoid Boerne’s consti-
    tutional barrier by relying on its Spending and Commerce
    Clause powers" in enacting the subsequent Religious Land
    Use and Institutionalized Persons Act ("RLUIPA"), 42 U.S.C.
    § 2000cc et seq. Madison v. Riter, 
    355 F.3d 310
    , 315 (4th Cir.
    2003). Congress has thus created a parallel statutory scheme,
    using virtually identical language, in which "RFRA contin-
    ue[s] to apply to the federal government" and RLUIPA "mir-
    ror[s] the provisions of RFRA" in suits against the states
    concerning land regulation or institutionalized persons. 
    Because of the close connection in purpose and language
    between the two statutes, courts commonly apply "case law
    decided under RFRA to issues that arise under RLUIPA" and
    vice versa. Redd v. Wright, 
    597 F.3d 532
    , 535 n.2 (2d Cir.
    30                    LEBRON v. RUMSFELD
    For the reasons that follow, we believe that to permit recov-
    ery in this case would be at odds with the positions of the two
    coordinate branches to whom our Constitution has entrusted
    primary responsibility for the conduct of military affairs. As
    we shall explain, it is anything but clear that Congress has
    created under RFRA a cause of action that Padilla may bring
    against these federal officers.
    As a preliminary matter, we have no occasion to inquire
    how RFRA applies outside a military setting. Those questions
    are not before us, and we have no need to address them. The
    military context is, however, once again important. There
    exist strong reasons for defendants to believe that RFRA did
    not apply to enemy combatants detained by the military.
    Indeed, no authority suggested to the contrary. And the defen-
    dants have asserted that, at the very least, they are entitled to
    the qualified immunity available to public officials on the
    grounds that "any rights that enemy combatants may have had
    under RFRA were not clearly established during the period of
    Padilla’s military detention." Appellee’s Br. of Hanft et al. at
    46. We agree. This case is an appropriate one for the recogni-
    tion of the immunity defense because it would run counter to
    basic notions of notice and fair warning to hold that personal
    liability in such an unsettled area of law might attach. The fol-
    lowing discussion underscores why it would be impermissible
    for us to conclude that the relevant law was clearly estab-
    lished in anything like a manner that would vitiate a qualified
    immunity defense. We thus dismiss Padilla’s RFRA claim on
    qualified immunity grounds.
    Padilla contends that Congress clearly intended RFRA to
    authorize "enemy combatants" to challenge the circumstances
    of their military detention. We are not persuaded. Claims
    implicating national security and war powers flash caution
    signals all their own. Courts have long been reluctant to inter-
    pret statutes in ways that allow litigants to interfere with the
    mission of our nation’s military, preferring that Congress
    LEBRON v. RUMSFELD                      31
    explicitly authorize suits that implicate the command deci-
    sions of those charged with our national defense.
    Perhaps the best known example of this principle is the
    doctrine derived from Feres v. United States, 
    340 U.S. 135
    (1950). There, the Supreme Court concluded that even though
    the Federal Tort Claims Act, 
    28 U.S.C. § 1346
    (b), had no
    express limits on who may recover from the government and
    even included as possible tortfeasors "members of the military
    or naval forces," 
    28 U.S.C. § 2671
    (1), the statute did not
    authorize tort suits by members of the military for injuries
    sustained while engaged in military service. The Feres Court
    emphasized two principles: first, the unique nature of "author-
    ities over persons [that] the government vests in echelons of
    command," and second, a "reluctance to impute to Congress
    such a radical departure . . . in the absence of express congres-
    sional command." Feres, 
    340 U.S. at 141, 145
    . The Court
    sixty-one years ago expressed the same puzzlement that gives
    us pause in sanctioning Padilla’s RFRA action today: "If Con-
    gress had contemplated that this Tort Act would be held to
    apply in cases of this kind, it is difficult to see why it should
    have omitted any provision to [authorize it]. The absence of
    any such [provision] is persuasive that there was no aware-
    ness that the Act might be interpreted to permit recovery for
    injuries incident to military service." 
    Id. at 144
    This need for hesitation is present in the context of military
    detention. In United States v. Joshua, 
    607 F.3d 379
    our court recently emphasized the substantial differences
    between individuals in civilian custody and individuals in mil-
    itary custody. Those in military custody—either through des-
    ignation as enemy combatants or courts martial—are subject
    to the UCMJ, a different body of law than applies to those in
    civilian life. And whereas "a civilian criminal code carves out
    a relatively small segment of potential conduct and declares
    it criminal, the Uniform Code of Military Justice essays more
    varied regulation of a much larger segment of . . . activities."
    Id. at 383
     (quoting Parker v. Levy, 
    417 U.S. 733
    , 749 (1974)).
    32                    LEBRON v. RUMSFELD
    Military proceedings are held before military judges who do
    not enjoy the protections of Article III. 
     Nor do the full
    measure of traditional civilian "constitutional guarantees" of
    rights for defendants apply. Id. at 383-384.
    In Joshua, our concern about the "different substantive
    laws and separate adjudicative proceedings," id. at 382, was
    sufficiently great that we held that the military still retained
    "custody" over an individual even if his physical place of con-
    finement was in a civilian jail. In interpreting the federal civil
    commitment statute, 
    18 U.S.C. § 4248
    , we found it significant
    that Congress had created a separate "elaborate mechanism"
    with "detailed procedures for hospitalizing and civilly com-
    mitting military defendants" codified in the UCMJ itself. 
    at 389 n.7. We held that this "belie[d] the suggestion that
    Congress intended to bring military prisoners into § 4248." Id.
    In short, when Congress wishes to legislate with respect to the
    military, it does so both unmistakably and typically in those
    sections of the U.S. Code that apply to military affairs.
    Congress is aware of the reluctance by courts to intrude
    into matters of military governance, and when it wishes to
    legislate with respect to the military, it does so with precision.
    For example, in a case predating RFRA, the Supreme Court
    denied a free exercise challenge by a Jewish doctor to an Air
    Force regulation that effectively prohibited him from wearing
    a yarmulke. See Goldman v. Weinberger, 
    475 U.S. 503
    (1986). When Congress wished to overturn that decision, it
    did so with a carefully drawn statute, 
    10 U.S.C. § 774
    . Codi-
    fied in Title 10, which also contains the UCMJ and other mili-
    tary regulations, the statute authorizes wearing religious
    apparel, but preserves specific authority for the Secretary of
    Defense to prohibit wearing religious clothing that "would
    interfere with the performance of the member’s military
    duties" or "is not neat and conservative." See 
     § 774(b). The
    statute does not sweep broadly, addressing only the limited
    situation in which a serviceman’s uniform interferes with his
    ability to wear a religious garment, and it does not create a
    LEBRON v. RUMSFELD                       33
    cause of action allowing military regulations to be challenged
    in civilian courts. The legislative care that was necessary in
    that context would be equally expected here. Just as Congress
    did not leave it to the Article III courts to decide when sol-
    diers can vary their attire from the military uniform, so too
    have we not been given the discretion to decide what practices
    can safely be permitted to military detainees.
    RFRA and the congressional response to Goldman present
    in fact a useful study in contrasts. As noted, RFRA was an
    effort to reverse the Supreme Court’s denial of a free exercise
    claim in Emp’t Div., Dep’t of Hum. Res. of Oregon v. Smith,
    494 U.S. 872
     (1990) (holding that the Free Exercise Clause
    does not require accommodation of a religious practice as
    long as the challenged government policy is generally and
    neutrally applicable). Congress passed RFRA to overturn the
    decision in the civilian context, locating the statute in Title 42
    along with other civilian civil rights, and failing to include the
    exceptions or discretionary authority that only four years
    before Congress deemed so necessary to achieving the same
    result in the military context. For unlike Congress’s narrowly
    tailored response to Goldman in Title 10, RFRA addresses
    any free exercise claim, not only the limited facts presented
    by Smith. The contrast is striking, and it is hard to contend
    that a Congress that took such pains to ensure that the wearing
    of religious garments did not unnecessarily interfere with the
    military mission somehow meant for RFRA to provide a
    cause of action for a detained terrorist suspect to challenge the
    conditions of his confinement.
    Padilla offers us no evidence to support the conclusion that
    RFRA supplies an action at law to enemy combatants in mili-
    tary detention. Given the stark differences between civilian
    and military detentions described in Joshua, we would be cul-
    pable of a complete transposition of contexts to apply RFRA
    in the circumstances here. Indeed, the same concerns about
    judicial interference with the military that caused us to hesi-
    tate in implying a Bivens action give us pause in interpreting
    34                    LEBRON v. RUMSFELD
    this statute to achieve an equally unanticipated and compara-
    bly disruptive outcome. See Rasul v. Myers, 
    563 F.3d 527
    535-36 (D.C. Cir. 2009), cert. denied, 
    130 S. Ct. 1013
    (Brown, J., concurring) ("Accepting plaintiffs’ argument that
    RFRA imports the entire Free Exercise Clause edifice into the
    military detention context would revolutionize the treatment
    of captured combatants in a way Congress did not contem-
    plate. In drafting RFRA, Congress was not focused on how to
    accommodate the important values of religious toleration in
    the military detention setting."). Were Congress to prefer
    damages actions over alternate remedies for those in Padilla’s
    situation, that would be one thing. But we have no indication
    that Congress even considered the prospect of RFRA actions
    brought by enemy combatants with anything like the care that
    it has customarily devoted to matters of such surpassing sensi-
    The foregoing discussion underscores what we believe are
    considerable obstacles to applying RFRA in this context. But
    we need not go so far as to announce such a proposition in its
    most absolute terms. Under Pearson v. Callahan, 
    129 S. Ct. 808
     (2009), we are permitted to explain directly why "there
    was no violation of clearly established law." 
    Id. at 820
    . As set
    forth in Pearson, the qualified immunity inquiry is hardly an
    empty one. For here it brings us to the threshold question of
    whether RFRA even speaks to the military detention setting.
    We think it anything but clearly established that it does. At
    the very least, the defendants transgressed no clearly estab-
    lished law in this area, and to hold them personally liable in
    the absence of clear notice that such a prospect was even pos-
    sible would run counter to the reasons that the immunity
    exists. See Rasul, 563 F.3d at 533 n.6. For the reasons hereto-
    fore expressed, we hold that the defendants have asserted a
    valid qualified immunity defense to Padilla’s RFRA claim.
    Padilla’s final claim is that the district court erred in con-
    cluding that he lacked standing to seek an order enjoining the
    LEBRON v. RUMSFELD                       35
    government from designating him as an enemy combatant in
    the future.
    The standing doctrine gives practical effect to the Constitu-
    tion’s "fundamental limits on federal judicial power in our
    system of government" imposed by the case or controversy
    requirement. Allen v. Wright, 
    468 U.S. 737
    , 750 (1984). To
    satisfy this jurisdictional baseline, a plaintiff must demon-
    (1) it has suffered an "injury in fact" that is (a) con-
    crete and particularized and (b) actual or imminent,
    not conjectural or hypothetical; (2) the injury is
    fairly traceable to the challenged action of the defen-
    dant; and (3) it is likely, as opposed to merely specu-
    lative, that the injury will be redressed by a favorable
    decision. Friends of the Earth, Inc. v. Laidlaw Envtl.
    Servs. (TOC), Inc., 
    528 U.S. 167
    , 180-81 (2000).
    Padilla claims he has sustained two types of "injury in
    fact": a reasonable fear of future military detention and an
    ongoing stigma resulting from his prior detention as an enemy
    combatant. We shall address each in turn.
    A plaintiff who seeks, as Padilla does, to enjoin a future
    action must demonstrate that he "‘is immediately in danger of
    sustaining some direct injury’ as the result of the challenged
    official conduct and the injury or threat of injury must be both
    ‘real and immediate,’ not ‘conjectural’ or ‘hypothetical.’" City
    of Los Angeles v. Lyons, 
    461 U.S. 95
    , 102 (1983). Padilla
    argues that he has alleged such danger by virtue of his prior
    enemy combatant designation and the government’s failure to
    deny the possibility that it could designate him an enemy
    combatant in the future. Padilla’s only support for this appre-
    hension is that then-Deputy Solicitor General Gregory Garre
    informed his attorney in November 2005 that the policy could
    36                    LEBRON v. RUMSFELD
    be reapplied to him. His own brief acknowledges, however,
    that the most that can be read into this statement is that "the
    military could therefore detain Padilla at any time." Appel-
    lant’s Br. at 48 (emphasis added). This proves no more than
    that there is a possibility that Padilla could be redesignated an
    enemy combatant.
    The Supreme Court has repeatedly rejected such a basis for
    standing. Time and again, the Court has reiterated that "[p]ast
    exposure to illegal conduct does not in itself show a present
    case or controversy regarding injunctive relief." Lyons, 
    461 U.S. at 102
     (quoting O’Shea v. Littleton, 
    414 U.S. 488
    , 495-
    96 (1974)). And it is equally insufficient for a plaintiff claim-
    ing standing to observe that the challenged conduct is repeat-
    able in the future. See Golden v. Zwickler, 
    394 U.S. 103
    , 109
    (1969) (noting "that the former Congressman can be a candi-
    date for Congress again is hardly a substitute for evidence that
    this is a prospect of immediacy and reality" (emphasis
    added)). Nor does a claim that the purportedly illegal practice
    is commonly used suffice to make the threat to the plaintiff
    sufficiently concrete. Lyons, 
    461 U.S. at 106
     ("The additional
    allegation in the complaint that the police in Los Angeles rou-
    tinely apply chokeholds . . . falls far short of the allegations
    that would be necessary to establish a case or controversy
    between these parties.").
    Not only has Padilla failed to allege a "real" threat, but he
    also cannot allege an "immediate" one. Convicted of serious
    charges of terrorism, and now facing more than seventeen
    years in jail on resentencing, see Jayyousi, 
    657 F.3d 1115
    the possibility that the President will exercise "[his] authority
    to subject those [he] designates as enemy combatants to mili-
    tary detention even after they complete a civilian jail sen-
    tence," Appellant’s Br. at 52, will not arise for many years.
    Much could occur in the interval to head off such an event.
    Much could occur to change the requirements and procedures
    of enemy combatant detentions. To resolve the legality of
    such a remote military detention at present quite simply "takes
    LEBRON v. RUMSFELD                      37
    us into the area of speculation and conjecture," O’Shea, 
    414 U.S. at 497
    , far removed from "that concrete adverseness
    which sharpens the presentation of issues upon which the
    court so largely depends for illumination of difficult constitu-
    tional questions." Baker v. Carr, 
    369 U.S. 186
    , 204 (1962).
    Indeed, when the Supreme Court denied certiorari on Padil-
    la’s habeas petition, mooted by his intervening criminal pros-
    ecution, three Justices voiced these precise concerns. "Any
    consideration of what rights he might be able to assert if he
    were returned to military custody would be hypothetical."
    Padilla VIII, 547 U.S. at 1062 (Kennedy, J., concurring,
    joined by Roberts, C.J., and Stevens, J.). Any "continuing
    concern that [Padilla’s] status might be altered again . . . can
    be addressed if the necessity arises. . . . Were the Government
    to seek to change the status or conditions of Padilla’s custody,
    [the Florida District Court] would be in a position to rule
    quickly." Id.
    Padilla submits that the district court erred in considering
    the effect of his criminal conviction and sentence on the
    imminence of any future injury he might suffer as a result of
    being designated an enemy combatant. He argues that because
    those events occurred after his suit was filed, they are relevant
    only to mootness, not standing. But both requirements—
    standing and mootness—address themselves to the actuality,
    and hence the justiciability, of a dispute. "Mootness has been
    described as ‘the doctrine of standing set in a time frame: The
    requisite personal interest that must exist at the commence-
    ment of the litigation (standing) must continue throughout its
    existence (mootness)." Arizonans for Official English v. Ari-
    520 U.S. 43
    , 68 n. 22 (1997) (quoting U.S. Parole
    Comm’n v. Geraghty, 
    445 U.S. 388
    , 397 (1980)). Thus, what-
    ever label we choose to put on the analysis, the conclusion is
    the same: the prospect of any justiciable controversy is so
    remote and contingent that we have no authority to consider
    Padilla’s request. In sum, the district court did not err in con-
    sidering the fact of Padilla’s conviction and sentence, and we
    38                        LEBRON v. RUMSFELD
    also may consider the Eleventh Circuit’s affirmance of his
    conviction and its remand to the district court for imposition
    of an even lengthier prison term.
    Padilla also claims that he suffers a continuing injury from
    the stigma of being labeled an enemy combatant.
    "[C]ontinuing, present adverse effects" stemming from "[p]ast
    exposure to illegal conduct" can suffice to establish standing.
    414 U.S. at 495
    . That, however, is not this case. The
    reputational harm Padilla alleges is still inadequate to satisfy
    the "injury in fact" requirement.
    As the district court correctly concluded, Padilla’s criminal
    convictions for serious terrorism related charges make it
    unlikely that he suffers any additional harm as a result of his
    designation as an enemy combatant. This case presents analo-
    gous circumstances to those confronted by the D.C. Circuit in
    McBryde v. Committee to Review Circuit Council Conduct,
    264 F.3d 52
     (2001). There, that court found that a former fed-
    eral judge lacked standing to challenge suspensions that had
    already been completed based on the stigmatizing effect of
    the records of that punishment. It noted that "[t]he legally rel-
    evant injury is only the incremental effect of a record of the
    suspensions . . . over and above that caused by the . . . explicit
    condemnations." Id. at 57.
    Here, Padilla was convicted after trial of three federal
    crimes of terrorism based on proof that he was a member of
    al Qaeda who had conspired with leaders of that organization
    and who was receiving training in an al Qaeda camp in
    Afghanistan at the very moment that members of that organi-
    zation were murdering thousands of people with hijacked air-
    craft on 9/11.4 It is hard to imagine what "incremental" harm
    Moreover, Padilla’s claim of stigmatic injury is purely derivative of his
    other claims, giving us added reason to agree with the district court that
    LEBRON v. RUMSFELD                             39
    it does to Padilla’s reputation to add the label of "enemy com-
    batant" to the fact of his convictions and the conduct that led
    to them.
    Finding Padilla’s claims to be without merit, the judgment
    of the district court is
    it is insufficient to support standing. "[T]he Supreme Court has strongly
    suggested, without deciding, that where an effect on reputation is a collat-
    eral consequence of a challenged sanction, it is insufficient to support
    standing." McBryde, 254 F.3d at 57 (citing Spencer v. Kemna, 
    523 U.S. 1
    , 16-17 n.8 (1998)).

Document Info

Docket Number: 11-6480

Citation Numbers: 670 F.3d 540

Judges: Duncan, Motz, Wilkinson

Filed Date: 1/23/2012

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 8/5/2023

Authorities (53)

United States v. Jayyousi , 657 F.3d 1085 ( 2011 )

Arar v. Ashcroft , 585 F.3d 559 ( 2009 )

United States v. Joshua , 607 F.3d 379 ( 2010 )

Ricky Lee Holly v. Willie Scott Gaddy Lassiter , 434 F.3d 287 ( 2006 )

Redd v. Wright , 597 F.3d 532 ( 2010 )

jose-padilla-donna-r-newman-as-next-friend-of-jose-padilla , 352 F.3d 695 ( 2003 )

Wilson v. Libby , 535 F.3d 697 ( 2008 )

sheryl-l-hall-and-donald-r-hall-v-hillary-rodham-clinton-mark-lindsay , 235 F.3d 202 ( 2000 )

Novell, Inc. v. Microsoft Corp. , 505 F.3d 302 ( 2007 )

ira-w-madison-v-r-riter-aka-r-ruter-ccs-chairman-duncan-mills-dj , 355 F.3d 310 ( 2003 )

judicial-watch-incorporated-v-charles-rossotti-united-states-of-america , 317 F.3d 401 ( 2003 )

Jose Padilla v. C.T. Hanft, U.S.N. Commander, Consolidated ... , 432 F.3d 582 ( 2005 )

Padilla v. Hanft , 389 F. Supp. 2d 678 ( 2005 )

Padilla Ex Rel. Newman v. Bush , 233 F. Supp. 2d 564 ( 2002 )

Johnson v. Eisentrager , 70 S. Ct. 936 ( 1950 )

Hecht Co. v. Bowles , 64 S. Ct. 587 ( 1944 )

Department of the Navy v. Egan , 108 S. Ct. 818 ( 1988 )

Employment Div., Dept. of Human Resources of Ore. v. Smith , 110 S. Ct. 1595 ( 1990 )

Golden v. Zwickler , 89 S. Ct. 956 ( 1969 )

Lebron v. Rumsfeld , 764 F. Supp. 2d 787 ( 2011 )

View All Authorities »