United States v. Filiberto Gomez-Zunun ( 2018 )

  •                                     UNPUBLISHED
    No. 18-4057
    Plaintiff - Appellee,
    Defendant - Appellant.
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the District of South Carolina, at
    Charleston. Richard Mark Gergel, District Judge. (2:17-cr-00543-RMG-1)
    Submitted: October 10, 2018                                   Decided: October 22, 2018
    Before NIEMEYER, KEENAN, and FLOYD, Circuit Judges.
    Affirmed by unpublished per curiam opinion.
    Emily Deck Harrill, Assistant Federal Public Defender, OFFICE OF THE FEDERAL
    PUBLIC DEFENDER, Columbia, South Carolina, for Appellant. Sherri A. Lydon,
    United States Attorney, Columbia, South Carolina, Nick Bianchi, Assistant United States
    Attorney, OFFICE OF THE UNITED STATES ATTORNEY, Charleston, South
    Carolina, for Appellee.
    Unpublished opinions are not binding precedent in this circuit.
    Filiberto Gomez-Zunun pled guilty, pursuant to a written plea agreement, to
    entering and being found in the United States after having been previously removed, in
    violation of 
    8 U.S.C. § 1326
    (a) (2012), and possession of a firearm and ammunition by
    an alien unlawfully present in the United States, in violation of 
    18 U.S.C. § 922
    (2012). Gomez-Zunun reserved the right to appeal the district court’s order denying his
    motion to suppress the firearm and ammunition seized by law enforcement officers
    during a warrantless search of his residence on April 25, 2017. On appeal, Gomez-Zunun
    argues that the officers’ entry onto his property violated his Fourth Amendment rights
    and that his wife did not voluntarily consent to the search. We affirm.
    “When reviewing a district court’s ruling on a motion to suppress, we review
    factual findings for clear error and legal determinations de novo.” United States v. Lull,
    824 F.3d 109
    , 114 (4th Cir. 2016) (internal quotation marks omitted). “[W]e must
    construe the evidence in the light most favorable to the prevailing party and give due
    weight to inferences drawn from those facts by resident judges and law enforcement
    Id. at 114-15
     (internal quotation marks omitted). “When reviewing factual
    findings for clear error, we particularly defer to a district court’s credibility
    determinations, for it is the role of the district court to observe witnesses and weigh their
    credibility during a pre-trial motion to suppress.” United States v. Palmer, 
    820 F.3d 640
    653 (4th Cir. 2016) (brackets and internal quotation marks omitted).
    The testimony at the suppression hearing established that four Immigration and
    Customs Enforcement agents and several Berkeley County’s Sheriff’s deputies went to
    Gomez-Zunun’s home at approximately 6:15 a.m. on April 25, 2017, after receiving
    information that he was in the country illegally and possibly possessed firearms. It was
    dark outside when the agents arrived, and the lights were off in the residence. The agents
    wore jeans, t-shirts, bulletproof vests, and side arms. Two agents climbed the front steps
    and knocked on the front door several times.        Gomez-Zunun’s wife Sherry Zunun
    eventually came to the door, and the agents asked her if they could come inside. They
    did not tell her why they were there or that she had the right to refuse their request. Ms.
    Zunun gave the agents oral consent to come inside, and they entered the living room.
    The agents testified that, once inside the living room, Ms. Zunun told them her
    husband was at work and that she gave oral consent to do a protective sweep of the
    residence to ensure that no one else was home. The agents conducted the sweep, found
    nothing, and returned to the living room. According to the agents, after the lead agent
    saw a holster and several magazines of ammunition on the living room sofa, Ms. Zunun
    told them that her husband kept a firearm in the bedroom and gave them oral consent to
    search for the firearm, which they found on the floor of the bedroom partially underneath
    the bed. After the agents seized the firearm, Ms. Zunun signed a form stating that she
    consented to the search of the residence.
    Ms. Zunun testified that, although she gave the agents oral consent to enter the
    residence, she felt she had no choice but to let them in because they were law
    enforcement officers. She denied giving the agents oral consent either to conduct a
    protective sweep or to search the bedroom for firearms. She acknowledged signing the
    written consent form, but she stated that she did so because it was early in the morning
    and she was upset. She confirmed that the agents were never rude or aggressive.
    The district court credited the agents’ testimony, found that Ms. Zunun gave the
    agents oral consent to enter the residence, do a protective sweep, and search the bedroom
    for firearms, and denied the motion to suppress. Gomez-Zunun challenges on appeal the
    court’s denial of his suppression motion.
    Gomez-Zunun first contends that Ms. Zunun’s consent is invalid because the
    agents’ entry onto the curtilage of his residence was itself unconstitutional under Florida
    v. Jardines, 
    569 U.S. 1
     (2013). Contrary to Gomez-Zunun’s contention, he did not make
    this argument below as a separate basis for suppressing the evidence. Accordingly, our
    review is only for plain error. United States v. Cohen, 
    888 F.3d 667
    , 678, 685 (4th Cir.
    2018) (discussing standard of review).
    Our review of the record on appeal leads us to conclude that Gomez-Zunun fails to
    establish error, plain or otherwise, in the district court’s failure to sua sponte suppress the
    evidence on the ground that the agents’ entry onto his property was unconstitutional. The
    record does not suggest that the officers’ “behavior objectively reveal[ed] a purpose to
    conduct a search.” Jardines, 
    569 U.S. at 10
    ; see Westfall v. Luna, __ F.3d __, __, No.
    2018 WL 4353881
    , at *7 (5th Cir. Sept. 13, 2018) (“recogniz[ing] . . . knock-
    and-talk strategy as a reasonable investigative tool when officers seek to gain an
    occupant’s consent to search or when officers reasonably suspect criminal activity”
    (internal quotation marks omitted)).      Moreover, Gomez-Zunun’s reliance on United
    States v. Lundin, 
    817 F.3d 1151
     (9th Cir. 2016), is misplaced as the facts in Lundin are
    distinguishable from the facts in this case.
    Next, Gomez-Zunun argues that his wife did not voluntarily consent to the search
    of the mobile home. “The Fourth Amendment protects against unreasonable searches
    and seizures. Searches without probable cause are presumptively unreasonable, but if an
    individual consents to a search, probable cause is unnecessary.”            United States v.
    736 F.3d 677
    , 679 (4th Cir. 2013) (citation and internal quotation marks
    omitted); see Schneckloth v. Bustamonte, 
    412 U.S. 218
    , 219 (1973) (recognizing that
    consent is “one of the specifically established exceptions to the requirements of both a
    warrant and probable cause”). Whether a person “freely and voluntarily” gave consent to
    search or did so due to “duress or coercion” is a question of fact that we review for clear
    error.    Bustamonte, 
    412 U.S. at 227
    ; Robertson, 736 F.3d at 680; United States v.
    87 F.3d 647
    , 650 (4th Cir. 1996) (en banc).
    “We . . . look[] to the totality of the circumstances” to determine the voluntariness
    of a consent to search. Robertson, 736 F.3d at 680 (setting forth factors courts consider
    and citing Lattimore, 
    87 F.3d at 650
    ). Whether the officers informed the person searched
    “of [the] right to decline . . . is a highly relevant factor.” 
     (internal quotation marks
    omitted). But “the Government need not demonstrate that the [person searched] knew of
    [the] right to refuse consent to prove that the consent was voluntary.” Lattimore, 
    87 F.3d at 650
    ; see Bustamonte, 
    412 U.S. at 247
    We conclude that the district court did not clearly err in finding that Ms. Zunun
    freely and voluntarily gave the agents consent to enter the residence, conduct a protective
    sweep, and search the bedroom for firearms. Gomez-Zunun argues that the time of the
    encounter, the number of law enforcement officers present, and the facts that the agents
    were armed and wore bulletproof vests and never told his wife that she had the right to
    refuse consent weigh against a finding of voluntariness. However, Ms. Zunun confirmed
    that the agents never acted aggressively or coercively and did not detain or arrest her, and
    nothing in the record suggests that any of her personal characteristics made her
    particularly susceptible to coercion. Moreover, the district court had the opportunity to
    observe Ms. Zunun’s testimony and is in the best position to assess the credibility of her
    testimony that she felt that she had no choice but to let the agents into the residence. See
    United States v. Hill, 
    649 F.3d 258
    , 267 (4th Cir. 2011) (“District courts are given
    deference where their determination on the issue of consent is based on oral testimony
    where they had an opportunity to make a credibility determination.”). Finally, the written
    consent form executed after the seizure of the firearm is probative of the voluntariness of
    Ms. Zunun’s earlier oral consent.        Accordingly, construing the evidence at the
    suppression hearing in the light most favorable to the Government and giving due
    deference to the district court’s credibility determinations, we conclude that the district
    court did not clearly err in finding that the agents discovered and seized the firearm
    during a lawful consent search of Gomez-Zunun’s residence. *
    Because we conclude that the search of Gomez-Zunun’s residence was
    constitutional based on Ms. Zunun’s consent, we need not address the district court’s
    alternative holdings that the agents seized the firearm during a lawful protective sweep or
    that the plain-view discovery of ammunition and a holster in the living room gave the
    agents probable cause and exigent circumstances to search the bedroom.
    We therefore affirm the district court’s denial of the motion to suppress and affirm
    the court’s judgment. We dispense with oral argument because the facts and legal
    contentions are adequately presented in the materials before this court and argument
    would not aid the decisional process.