Sowers v. Powhatan County, Virginia , 347 F. App'x 898 ( 2009 )

  •                                UNPUBLISHED
    No. 08-1633
    Plaintiff - Appellant,
    Defendants – Appellees,
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the Eastern
    District of Virginia, at Richmond.   Robert E. Payne, Senior
    District Judge. (3:06-cv-00754-REP)
    Argued:   September 24, 2009                 Decided:   October 15, 2009
    Before NIEMEYER and MICHAEL, Circuit Judges, and James P. JONES,
    Chief United States District Judge for the Western District of
    Virginia, sitting by designation.
    Affirmed by unpublished per curiam opinion.
    ARGUED: Patrick Michael McSweeney, MCSWEENEY, CRUMP, CHILDRESS &
    TEMPLE, PC, Richmond, Virginia, for Appellant.        Robert A.
    Dybing,   THOMPSON  MCMULLAN,   PC,   Richmond,  Virginia,   for
    Appellees. ON BRIEF: Wesley G. Russell, Jr., MCSWEENEY, CRUMP,
    CHILDRESS & TEMPLE, PC, Richmond, Virginia, for Appellant.
    Unpublished opinions are not binding precedent in this circuit.
    This       appeal        involves          the     denial        of     a     rezoning
    application      filed        by    David        J.    Sowers        in    Powhatan        County,
    Virginia.       Sowers contends that the Powhatan County Board of
    Supervisors (the Board) denied him equal protection of the law
    by   departing     from       its    typical          application         procedures          and   by
    initially       denying       his     application.                  The    Board        ultimately
    approved    Sowers’s       application            after       he    filed       suit     in    state
    court.     Sowers later sued the Board in district court under 
    28 U.S.C. § 1983
    , claiming that his application would have been
    approved    sooner,       and       that    he       would    have        avoided       litigation
    expenses, had the Board not violated his constitutional rights.
    The district court granted summary judgment to the Board.                                           We
    affirm because Sowers does not present a genuine factual dispute
    over     whether    he        was    similarly           situated          to     other       zoning
    applicants,      and     he    does    not        show       that    the     Board       lacked      a
    conceivable rational basis for its differential treatment of his
    Sowers is a Virginia land developer who applied to the
    Board in June 2004 for the rezoning of a 250.9-acre tract of
    land     from    agricultural          to    residential.                  As     part    of        his
    application Sowers tendered a voluntary cash proffer of $3,530
    per lot to offset the impact costs of his proposed subdivision.
    This amount was the Board’s suggested minimum at the time.                           A
    few weeks after Sowers filed his application, the Board raised
    its suggested proffer amount to $6,395 per lot.                     Sowers refused
    official requests that he increase his cash proffer.                          He was
    entitled    to     refuse;     under    Virginia    law,     cash    proffers       are
    voluntary     and    zoning      decisions       cannot     be     conditioned       on
    proffers.     Gregory v. Bd. of Supervisors, 
    514 S.E.2d 350
    , 353
    (Va. 1999).
    In Virginia a rezoning application is reviewed by the
    local     planning     commission        before     it      is      presented       for
    consideration by the local governing body.                 Sowers’s application
    was first reviewed by the Powhatan County Planning Commission
    (the    Planning     Commission    or    Commission)        in    September     2004.
    Based on concerns voiced by residents and the Commission, Sowers
    revised his non-cash proffers and received a deferral of his
    public hearing before the Commission.               At the hearing in October
    2004    Sowers     submitted    further       amended     non-cash    proffers       to
    address    impact    concerns.         Although    he    submitted     his    amended
    proffers after the deadline, the Commission voted to consider
    them.     Several citizens spoke at the hearing in opposition to
    Sowers’s    proposed    subdivision,          articulating       concerns    such    as
    increased traffic and the loss of the area’s rural character.
    Many residents also sent letters in opposition.                      Additionally,
    the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) raised concerns
    regarding the traffic consequences of Sowers’s proposal.
    The   Planning    Commission            gave   Sowers    the   option     of
    another deferral to address these concerns.                       Rather than opt for
    a deferral, Sowers requested that his application be sent to the
    Board for a vote.             The Commission director testified in his
    deposition      that   this     choice    was       “unusual.”         J.A.   670.     The
    director characterized Sowers as a “tough negotiator” compared
    to other applicants, adding that although Sowers was not totally
    uncooperative, he was unlike other applicants because he was
    less willing to negotiate.
    The Planning Commission sent Sowers’s application to
    the Board with the recommendation that it be denied as it then
    stood.     Sowers again revised his non-cash proffers to address
    concerns.       However, because he did not submit the proffers at
    least    ten    days   before    the     Board’s        November   17,     2004,     public
    hearing,       the   Board    voted    not        to   consider    them.       This    was
    admittedly      exceptional;      in     no       other   instance      had   the    Board
    refused to accept late proffers.                       Two days before the public
    hearing, the Planning Commission recommended to the Board that
    it either (1) remand Sowers’s application to the Commission for
    consideration of remaining concerns or (2) defer his hearing.
    Despite the Commission’s recommendation, the Board refused to
    remand or defer.         Like the late proffer rejection, the Board’s
    refusal was exceptional.
    In the meantime, one Board member, Russell Holland,
    had recused himself from voting on Sowers’s application because
    he had been elected on a no-growth platform and owned 56 acres
    of the tract for which Sowers sought rezoning.                          (Sowers had
    contracted to buy the 56 acres from Holland.)                      Several citizens
    expressed   concern      that   Holland’s        interest    precluded        him   from
    representing their interests.             Holland’s name even appeared as a
    joint applicant on Sowers’s application, though Sowers contends
    that this was an error.
    The   Board    denied      Sowers’s       rezoning     application.     The
    Board member who made the motion to deny gave as his reasons the
    “unusual    circumstances       of    this     case    and   the    refusal    of   the
    applicant    [Sowers]      to        initially        work   with     the     Planning
    Commission.”      J.A. 436.        Sowers challenged the denial by suing
    the Board in state court.            In January 2006, while his state suit
    was pending, the Board voted to reconsider his application.                           It
    approved his application in May 2006, and Sowers voluntarily
    dismissed his state suit.
    Sowers then sued the Board in the Eastern District of
    Virginia    under   
    42 U.S.C. § 1983
    ,      alleging    that   the    Board’s
    unprecedented refusal to consider his late non-cash proffers,
    defer   consideration,      or       remand     to     the   Planning       Commission
    amounted      to    an    Equal       Protection           violation.            Although     his
    application was ultimately approved, he argued that it would
    have been approved earlier had the Board considered the revised
    proffers and deferred or remanded his application.                                    The Board
    concedes that the only ways in which Sowers refused to work with
    the Planning Commission were his refusal to increase his cash
    proffer and his failure to address VDOT’s traffic concerns.                                   The
    district     court       concluded,        however,        that    the    record       evidenced
    several      plausible      reasons        for       the    Board    to       treat     Sowers’s
    application        differently,        both      procedurally        and       substantively,
    and   that    Sowers      failed      to    negate         these    conceivable         rational
    bases   for     the      County’s      differential           treatment.            The     court
    granted summary judgment to the Board, concluding that Sowers
    (1) did not raise a genuine factual dispute over whether he was
    similarly situated to other zoning applicants and (2) did not
    show that the Board lacked a rational basis for its different
    treatment of his application.                 Sowers appeals.
    We    review      the    district            court’s       grant    of    summary
    judgment de novo, “viewing the facts in the light most favorable
    to,   and    drawing      all   reasonable           inferences          in   favor     of,   the
    nonmoving party.”          E.E.O.C. v. Cent. Wholesalers, Inc., 
    573 F.3d 167
    , 174 (4th Cir. 2009).                  Summary judgment is appropriate only
    if “the pleadings, the discovery and disclosure materials on
    file, and any affidavits show that there is no genuine issue as
    to any material fact and that the movant is entitled to judgment
    as a matter of law.”          Fed. R. Civ. P. 56(c).
    Sowers premises his Equal Protection claim on being a
    “class     of    one,”    which    requires    him    to    show    that     he   was
    “intentionally          treated     differently      from     others       similarly
    situated and that there is no rational basis for the difference
    in treatment.”          Vill. of Willowbrook v. Olech, 
    528 U.S. 562
    , 564
    (2000).         The summary judgment record indisputably establishes
    that Sowers did not make either showing.
    Sowers did not raise a genuine factual dispute over
    whether he was similarly situated to other zoning applicants in
    Powhatan County.           The County Attorney observed that Sowers’s
    proposal      was     “extremely    controversial,”        that    it   encountered
    “more and better organized opposition . . . than . . . most
    other rezoning or conditional use permit applications,” and that
    the opposition “was not just limited to citizens living adjacent
    to the affected area.”            J.A. 495.   Even when it is accepted that
    some     of     the   other   applications     that    Sowers      points    to   as
    comparable       also    raised    traffic    concerns      and    aroused    public
    opposition, the record still indisputably demonstrates that the
    public opposition to Sowers’s application was so fervent as to
    render    him     differently         situated.              Dozens     of    citizens       sent
    letters     protesting           Sowers’s         proposal,       and        many    spoke     in
    opposition at the hearings before the Planning Commission and
    the Board.
    Moreover,           Sowers’s          proposed       subdivision         presented
    unique    traffic      concerns,         particularly           regarding       access.       All
    traffic entering and exiting the subdivision would pass through
    an    existing    subdivision,           creating        a    “piggyback”       or     “funnel”
    traffic effect.            J.A. 403-04.               Sowers maintains that another
    application       (the     McClure       application)           also     presented       funnel
    traffic concerns.           Even if this is true, the record shows that
    the     funnel    concerns           were     especially         acute        with     Sowers’s
    Sowers         was       also        differently       situated          from     the
    standpoint       of   interpersonal              relations,      as     evidenced       by    the
    Planning Commission director’s characterization of Sowers as a
    “tough negotiator” who was unlike any other applicants with whom
    he had ever dealt.              Further, Sowers differentiated himself from
    other    applicants        by    skirting         typical       procedures      through       his
    request that his application be submitted directly to the Board,
    thereby      removing           it     from           initial     Planning           Commission
    Even      if   we     were      to    give    Sowers      the     benefit    of    an
    inference that other zoning applications were similar to his
    with respect to traffic concerns, public opposition, and hard-
    line negotiators, his application was materially different from
    others due to the recusal of Board member Holland.                    The recusal
    created a unique situation in which the residents most directly
    impacted    by     Sowers’s    proposal         were   deprived      of    expected
    representation.      Even if Holland was mistakenly listed as a co-
    applicant with Sowers, the disclosure that a Board member who
    had run on a no-growth platform had a vested interest in a
    rezoning application for residential expansion is enough to show
    that Sowers was not similarly situated to other applicants.
    Sowers’s       Equal   Protection          claim    fails       on   an
    alternative      ground:      he   did        not   negate   every    conceivable
    rational basis for the Board’s differential treatment.                     While it
    is undisputed that the Board deviated from past practice when it
    refused to defer, remand, or consider late proffers in Sowers’s
    application, this is not enough to establish an Equal Protection
    violation when no suspect classification or fundamental right is
    at issue.        Equal Protection is “not a license for courts to
    judge the wisdom, fairness, or logic of legislative choices.”
    F.C.C. v. Beach Commc’ns, 
    508 U.S. 307
    , 313 (1993).                       “In areas
    of social and economic policy, a statutory classification that
    neither proceeds along suspect lines nor infringes fundamental
    constitutional rights must be upheld against equal protection
    challenge if there is any reasonably conceivable state of facts
    that could provide a rational basis for the classification.”
    Sowers urges that because no statutory classification
    is at issue here, and because zoning decisions are adjudicative
    rather    than       general    and   are    circumscribed      by    state      law,    the
    rational       basis     inquiry      does     not      apply   with       its    typical
    deferential force.             This Court, however, applies the rational
    basis test to local permit and zoning decisions.                               Tri-County
    Paving, Inc. v. Ashe County, 
    281 F.3d 430
    , 438-39 (4th Cir.
    2002); Sylvia Dev. Corp. v. Calvert County, 
    48 F.3d 810
    , 820
    (4th Cir. 1995).           “Whether a statute or administrative action
    employs a classification explicitly or implicitly,” the Equal
    Protection analysis is the same.                  Sylvia, 
    48 F.3d at 820
    The     “vast     majority         of    governmental           action    --
    especially in matters of local economics and social welfare,
    where    state       governments      exercise      a   plenary      police      power   --
    enjoys a ‘strong presumption of validity’ and must be sustained
    against    a     constitutional         challenge       ‘so   long    as   it    bears     a
    rational    relation       to    some    legitimate       end.’”         Van    Der   Linde
    Hous., Inc. v. Rivanna Solid Waste Auth., 
    507 F.3d 290
    , 293 (4th
    Cir.    2007)    (emphasis      in    original).         We   conclude     that       Sowers
    failed to meet the “heavy burden of negating every conceivable
    basis     which        might     reasonably         support”       the     differential
        It is not for this court to assess the “wisdom,
    fairness, or logic (or lack thereof)” of the Board’s conduct.
    Id. at 294
    .          “The ‘rational’ aspect of rational basis review
    refers to a constitutionally minimal level of rationality; it is
    not    an    invitation      to        scrutinize      either       the    instrumental
    rationality of the chosen means” nor the “normative rationality
    of the chosen governmental purpose.”                  
    Id. at 295
    Sowers argues that if state law bars certain grounds
    for a decision, then a decision based on those impermissible
    grounds      necessarily     cannot       pass      muster   under    rational      basis
    review.      Our precedent makes clear that state law is independent
    from a rational basis inquiry.                A “violation of state law is not
    tantamount to a violation of a federal right.”                       Sunrise Corp. v.
    City    of   Myrtle    Beach,      
    420 F.3d 322
    ,     328    (4th   Cir.    2005).
    “[D]isparate     treatment,        even    if    the     product     of    erroneous      or
    illegal      state    action,     is    not     enough      by   itself    to     state   a
    constitutional claim.”            Sylvia, 
    48 F.3d at 825
    .             Therefore, even
    if the Board’s differential treatment was grounded in part on
    Sowers’s     failure    to   increase         his    cash    proffer,      this   reason,
    though illegal under state law, does not necessarily yield an
    Equal Protection violation.
    In this case there was no Equal Protection violation
    because there were several other conceivable rational reasons
    for    the   Board’s    decision.          Rational         basis    review     does   not
    require us to determine the Board’s actual motivation.                                    Beach
    508 U.S. at 315
    .                   We need only decide whether the
    Board had “plausible reasons” for its different treatment of
    Sowers’s application.           
    Id. at 313
    .          The deference to democratic
    process      that    undergirds       rational     basis       review      means    that     we
    consider only whether the Board “reasonably could have believed
    that    [its]       action    was     rationally      related         to    a    legitimate
    governmental interest.”             Tri-County Paving, 
    281 F.3d at 439
    Because        Sowers     is        unable       to     “negative           every
    conceivable basis which might support” the Board’s action, he
    cannot prevail on his Equal Protection claim as a matter of law.
    Beach Commc’ns, 
    508 U.S. at 315
     (emphasis added).                               His initial
    request that his application go to the Board for a vote rather
    than through the Planning Commission provided a rational basis
    by itself for the Board to reject his later request for more
    time and the opportunity to submit further revisions.                               Sowers’s
    own procedural deviation, combined with his tough negotiating
    stance, could also have led the Board reasonably to believe that
    further work with Sowers would require too much time and effort
    and prove fruitless in the end.                   The vehement public opposition
    to     his   application,       the     unique      traffic         concerns       that     his
    proposal      raised,    and    the    recusal       of    a   Board       member    with     a
    perceived self-interest also clearly provided rational bases for
    the    Board’s      action.     Even     if   the     only      way   (other       than     his
    refusal to increase his cash proffer) in which Sowers refused to
    work with the Planning Commission was his failure to address
    VDOT’s traffic concerns -- concerns which Sowers maintains he
    did address in his late-filed proffers -- the Board could still
    have reasonably determined that re-engaging with Sowers would
    not have been productive.
    Contrary       to     Sowers’s       contention,     public      opposition
    does    furnish    a    rational     basis       for   differential     treatment     in
    zoning decisions. Indeed, the very purpose of the deferential
    rational basis inquiry is to respect the democratic process,
    albeit with an eye to whether purely odious classifications are
    at work.     The cases that Sowers cites are inapplicable.                     In City
    of Cleburne v. Cleburne Living Center, 
    473 U.S. 432
    , 447 (1985),
    the Supreme Court struck down a zoning ordinance that prohibited
    the operation of a group home for mentally retarded individuals
    and observed that a “bare . . . desire to harm a politically
    unpopular     group”       is      not     a     legitimate      state       objective.
    Similarly, in Romer v. Evans, 
    517 U.S. 620
    , 633 (1996), the
    Court    invalidated        a      state       constitutional         amendment     that
    “identifie[d]      persons      by   a   single        trait”   (homosexuality)      and
    “then denie[d] them protection across the board.”                            The Court
    reiterated that the “bare . . . desire to harm” an unpopular
    group is not a legitimate interest.                     
    Id. at 634
    .      The public’s
    opposition    to       Sowers’s    zoning      application      did    not   stem   from
    naked animosity or baseless fear, but from genuine concerns over
    traffic, safety, and the loss of rural surroundings.                   His was
    not a case of “mere negative attitudes . . . unsubstantiated by
    factors which are properly cognizable in a zoning proceeding.”
    473 U.S. at 448
    For the foregoing reasons, we conclude that Sowers has
    not raised a genuine issue of material fact as to whether he was
    similarly situated to other zoning applicants.               Nor has he shown
    that   the   Board   lacked    a    conceivable   rational    basis    for   its
    different     treatment   of       his   application.    Accordingly,        the
    judgment of the district court is