United States v. Torrick Rodgers , 595 F. App'x 196 ( 2014 )

  •                               UNPUBLISHED
    No. 13-4878
    Plaintiff - Appellee,
    Defendant - Appellant.
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the Eastern
    District of North Carolina, at Greenville. Louise W. Flanagan,
    District Judge. (4:11-cr-00087-FL-1)
    Argued:   December 11, 2014              Decided:    December 23, 2014
    Before MOTZ and    THACKER,    Circuit   Judges,    and   DAVIS,   Senior
    Circuit Judge.
    Affirmed by unpublished per curiam opinion.
    ARGUED: Elisa Cyre Salmon, SALMON & GILMORE, LLP, Lillington,
    North Carolina, for Appellant. Joshua L. Rogers, OFFICE OF THE
    UNITED STATES ATTORNEY, Raleigh, North Carolina, for Appellee.
    ON BRIEF: Thomas G. Walker, United States Attorney, Jennifer P.
    May-Parker, Assistant United States Attorney, OFFICE OF THE
    UNITED STATES ATTORNEY, Raleigh, North Carolina, for Appellee.
    Unpublished opinions are not binding precedent in this circuit.
    Torrick   Johntrelle      Rodgers       pled   guilty,     without   a    plea
    agreement,    to    several   counts     involving      the     distribution    and
    possession of cocaine and cocaine base.                The district court then
    sentenced him to incarceration for 211 months.                  Rodgers appeals,
    contending that his plea was not knowing and voluntary, and that
    the district court erred in denying his motion to suppress. 1                   For
    the reasons that follow, we affirm.
    On December 3, 2010, the Government sought and was granted
    a search warrant for Rodgers’ home in Farmville, North Carolina.
    The   application     was   based   on   two    years    of   investigation      and
    surveillance,      and   included   evidence         obtained    from    two   trash
    pulls     conducted   at    Rodgers’     home   on    November     24,   2010   and
    December 3, 2010.
    While executing the warrant on the evening of December 3,
    law enforcement officers seized from the home cocaine, cocaine
    Because we conclude that Rodgers did not enter a
    conditional guilty plea, we do not review the district court’s
    denial of his motion to suppress.       See Fed. R. Crim. P.
    11(a)(2); United States v. Abramski, 
    706 F.3d 307
    , 314 (4th
    Cir.), cert. granted, 
    134 S. Ct. 421
    (2013), and aff’d, 
    2014 WL 2676779
    (June 16, 2014) (“[A]bsent a valid conditional guilty
    plea, we will dismiss a defendant’s appeal from an adverse
    pretrial ruling on a non-jurisdictional issue.”) (citation
    base, marijuana, and a variety of drug paraphernalia.                               On August
    10, 2011, Rodgers was indicted for one count of conspiracy to
    distribute and possess with intent to distribute cocaine and
    cocaine base, in violation of 21 U.S.C. § 846; two counts of
    distribution       of     cocaine         base,       in     violation     of      21   U.S.C.
    § 841(a)(1);       and       one    count        of     possession       with      intent      to
    distribute cocaine and cocaine base, in violation of 21 U.S.C.
    § 841(a)(1).
    Rodgers    moved      to    suppress          evidence     obtained      during       the
    search of his house on December 3, 2010.                               He argued that the
    Government produced insufficient evidence of probable cause for
    the search warrant.                Rodgers contended that the evidence from
    trash pulls conducted on November 24 and December 3 should not
    be     considered       in    determining             probable     cause     because         they
    constituted       an    unlawful         intrusion         into   the   curtilage       of    the
    A federal magistrate judge held a hearing on the motion.
    At that hearing, the Government conceded that evidence from the
    November 24 trash pull should be excluded from consideration.
    But the Government contended that the December 3 trash pull had
    been    from   the      curb,      and    that       the     warrant    application      still
    established       probable      cause      without         the    November    24    evidence.
    The    magistrate       judge      agreed     and       so    recommended       denying      the
    motion.     The magistrate found that the December 3 trash pull had
    been       from   the    curb,    and    held       that,    even    excluding      evidence
    obtained in the November 24 trash pull, probable cause supported
    the    warrant         application.          The     district       court    adopted      the
    magistrate        judge’s        findings     and      recommendation,        and    denied
    Rodgers’ motion to suppress.
    On    April      18,   2012,     Rodgers      pled     guilty,   without      a    plea
    agreement,        to    all      four   counts       in     the     indictment.          After
    conducting a Rule 11 plea colloquy, the district court accepted
    the plea, determining that it was knowing and voluntary.
    A probation officer prepared a presentence report, to which
    Rodgers objected.             Following several amendments to the report
    and several continuances, the district court ultimately held the
    sentencing hearing on November 7, 2013.                           The court determined
    that the Guidelines range was 262 to 327 months on counts one
    and four, and that counts two and three carried a statutory
    maximum      of   240    months.        The     court       sentenced   Rodgers      to   211
    months      in    prison,     and     five    years’      supervision       and   addiction
    counseling.        Rodgers timely noted an appeal. 2
    Rodgers has also filed a pro se motion for leave to submit
    a supplemental brief pursuant to Anders v. California, 
    386 U.S. 738
    (1967). We deny the motion. Because Rodgers is represented
    by counsel who has filed a merits brief on his behalf, not a
    brief pursuant to Anders, he is not entitled to file a
    supplemental brief. See United States v. Penniegraft, 
    641 F.3d 566
    , 569 n.1 (4th Cir. 2011).
    Rodgers asserts that his unconditional guilty plea was not
    knowing    and     voluntary    because      he    entered   his    plea     under   the
    mistaken assumption that he could pursue an appeal on the denial
    of his suppression motion.              He does not claim that ineffective
    assistance       of   counsel   or    any    Government      promises       caused   his
    mistaken assumption.           Rather, he asserts that the district court
    did so by erroneously advising him that he had not waived any
    appeal rights.
    Because Rodgers challenges the validity of his plea for the
    first time on appeal, we review for plain error.                      United States
    v. Martinez, 
    277 F.3d 517
    , 524-25 (4th Cir. 2002).                      Accordingly,
    Rodgers must show:           (1) that an error occurred; (2) that was
    plain; (3) that affected his substantial rights; and (4) that
    affected     the      fairness,      integrity,      or    public    reputation       of
    judicial proceedings.           See United States v. Olano, 
    507 U.S. 725
    (1993).    To prove effect on his substantial rights, Rodgers must
    demonstrate “a reasonable probability that, but for the error,
    he would not have entered the plea.”                 United States v. Dominguez
    542 U.S. 74
    , 83 (2004).
    When a defendant pleads guilty, he “forgoes not only a fair
    trial, but also other accompanying constitutional guarantees.”
    United    States      v.   Ruiz,     
    536 U.S. 622
    ,   628     (2002)    (citation
    omitted).          A defendant who enters a valid unconditional plea
    waives all rights to challenge an adverse pretrial ruling on a
    non-jurisdictional issue.                
    Abramski, 706 F.3d at 314
    .                  Thus,
    “direct review of an adverse ruling on a pretrial motion is only
    available if the defendant expressly preserves that right by
    entering a conditional guilty plea pursuant to Rule 11(a)(2)” of
    the    Federal      Rules    of    Criminal        Procedure.       United      States   v.
    392 F.3d 641
    , 645 (4th Cir. 2004) (quotation and citation
    A    valid    conditional        plea       under   Rule    11(a)(2)      “must   be
    offered in writing,” “must specify the adverse pretrial rulings
    that the defendant seeks to appeal,” and “Government consent and
    court      approval[]    are      mandatory        and   cannot    be   avoided.”        
    Id. Both parties
         agree    that      Rodgers     did    not    enter    a   conditional
    plea.      As Rodgers concedes, his plea was not in writing, he did
    not orally specify the suppression motion that he now seeks to
    appeal,      and    neither       the    Government        nor    the     district   court
    expressly approved the reservation of that particular appellate
    “The alternatives to a conditional plea being entered are
    either that an unconditional plea has been entered or that no
    [valid] plea has been entered.”                    
    Id. at 649
    (citation omitted).
    Thus, because Rodgers’ plea was -- by its own terms and by
    Rodgers’ concession -- not conditional, the remaining inquiry is
    whether his plea was unconditional or invalid.
    For a guilty plea to be valid, the Constitution imposes
    “the     minimum      requirement         that       [the]     plea    be     the    voluntary
    expression of [the defendant’s] own choice.”                                Brady v. United
    397 U.S. 742
    , 748 (1970).                      An unconditional plea must be
    entered “knowingly, intelligently, and with sufficient awareness
    of the relevant circumstances and likely consequences.”                                 
    Bundy, 392 F.3d at 649
         (citation    omitted).               “In     evaluating      the
    constitutional validity of a guilty plea, courts look to the
    totality       of    the    circumstances        surrounding          [it],    granting      the
    defendant’s          solemn      declaration          of     guilt    a     presumption      of
    truthfulness.”             United States v. Moussaoui, 
    591 F.3d 263
    , 278
    (4th Cir. 2010) (citation and internal quotations omitted).
    Rodgers’      principal      assertion          is    that    his     plea    was    not
    knowing and voluntary because statements made by the district
    court    led    him        to   believe    that       he     had   retained     a    right   to
    appellate review of the denial of his suppression motion.                                 In so
    asserting, Rodgers relies primarily on the following statement
    made by the court during the Rule 11 hearing:                              “[T]here being no
    plea agreement but a determination to plead guilty, you haven’t
    waived any of your appeal rights, but you’re going to not have a
    trial if I accept your plea.”                        We find no plain error in this
    statement:          it was made by the district court after Rodgers had
    pled guilty.            Because Rodgers had not waived his appeal rights
    relating       to    jurisdictional          or       sentencing         issues    by   pleading
    guilty, the court’s statement was accurate.
    Further,        Rule   11    “does      not      require       a    district      court    to
    inform a defendant that, by pleading guilty, he is waiving his
    right     to     appeal      any       antecedent        rulings          or    constitutional
    violations.”         United States v. White, 
    366 F.3d 291
    , 299 n.6 (4th
    Cir. 2004) (alterations and citation omitted).                                  A knowing and
    voluntary        plea     “does    not    require        complete         knowledge      of     the
    relevant circumstances, but permits a court to accept a guilty
    plea,     with      its   accompanying        waiver         of   various       constitutional
    rights, despite various forms of misapprehension under which a
    defendant might labor.”                
    Ruiz, 536 U.S. at 630
    .                     To the extent
    that Rodgers labored under a misapprehension about preservation
    of   appellate        review      of   his    suppression          motion,        the   district
    court’s statements at best confirmed, in Rodgers’ mind, those
    misapprehensions           --     they       did       not    give       rise      to   Rodgers’
    misconceptions. 3
    Rodgers also relies on statements made by the court and by
    his counsel at sentencing to argue that he was unaware that he
    had waived his right to appeal the denial of his suppression
    motion when entering his guilty plea. Appellant Br. 17-18. But
    these statements were made months after Rodgers had already
    entered his unconditional guilty plea.      Thus, the statements
    could not have motivated him in entering the plea. Moreover, if
    Finally, Rodgers contends that, under Bundy, a court will
    not   treat       an    unconditional         guilty      plea   as     voluntary    if     a
    defendant     mistakenly             enters    it    believing     he     has     preserved
    appellate rights, when in fact he has not.                            Appellant Br. 15.
    Bundy does not stand for this broad proposition.
    In that case, a defendant entered a conditional guilty plea
    that comported fully with the requirements of Rule 11(a)(2).
    However,     we    held       that    only    case-dispositive         issues     could    be
    preserved in a conditional plea.                     Only two of the three issues
    preserved in Bundy’s conditional plea were case-dispositive.                               We
    concluded     that       the    non-case-dispositive             issue    could     not    be
    separated     from       the    two     case-dispositive         ones,     and    that    the
    presence of one non-case-dispositive issue rendered the entire
    conditional plea invalid.                 
    Bundy, 392 F.3d at 649
    .                 Thus, we
    further    held        that    although       Bundy’s     conditional      plea    was    not
    valid, it could not be treated as an unconditional plea either.
    Thus,   we    reasoned         that     since       the   district       court    “accepted
    Bundy’s plea as a conditional plea[,] [b]ased on this record, we
    [could]      not       treat    this     plea       as    a   knowing     and     voluntary
    unconditional plea.”             
    Id. at 649
    (emphasis in original).                   Bundy
    the court did plainly err by misadvising Rodgers -- and we do
    not find that it did -- Rodgers has not shown, and cannot show,
    that he would not have entered the plea but for such advice.
    therefore establishes only that if a district court accepts a
    defendant’s conditional plea, and that plea is later determined
    not to be valid, we will not treat the plea as unconditional.
    That is not what happened here.         Rodgers concedes that his
    plea       was   not   conditional:    It    did   not   comport   with   the
    requirements of Rule 11(a)(2), he did not state that his plea
    was conditional at any point during his plea colloquy, and he
    did not expressly condition his oral plea on the preservation of
    appellate review of any issues.             Because the plea accepted by
    the district court in this case was unconditional, affirming
    that unconditional plea does not undermine the bargain Rodgers
    struck with the Government -- indeed, there is no bargain to
    undermine here, because there was no plea agreement. 4
    Rodgers also relies on three unpublished cases to argue
    that a defendant who pleads guilty mistakenly believing he may
    challenge a pretrial motion on appeal does not enter a voluntary
    unconditional plea.    See United States v. LeCraft, 544 Fed.
    App’x 185, 
    2013 WL 5754379
    (4th Cir. 2013); United States v.
    LeSane, 498 Fed. App’x 363, 
    2012 WL 5519992
    (4th Cir. 2012); and
    United States v. Ochoa, 353 Fed. App’x 390, 
    2009 WL 4049127
    (11th Cir. 2009).       Of course, none of these cases has
    precedential value.   See United States v. Hood, 
    628 F.3d 669
    672 (4th Cir. 2010). Moreover, in each of them, unlike the case
    at hand, the defendant overtly conditioned his plea on the
    preservation of a particular issue for appeal.
    For the foregoing reasons, the judgment of the district
    court is