Carpenters Pension Fund v. Maryland Department of Health & Mental Hygiene , 721 F.3d 217 ( 2013 )

  •                                PUBLISHED
    No. 12-1480
    Trustee, Augustus L. Lester; MID−ATLANTIC REGIONAL COUNCIL
    BALTIMORE, MARYLAND, by its Trustee, Augustus L. Lester;
    COMMITTEE, by its Trustee, Augustus L. Lester,
    Plaintiffs – Appellees,
    Garnishee – Appellant,
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the District of
    Maryland, at Baltimore.    Benson Everett Legg, Senior District
    Judge. (1:07-cv-01414-BEL)
    Argued:   March 22, 2013                    Decided:   June 26, 2013
    Before DUNCAN and DIAZ, Circuit Judges, and HAMILTON, Senior
    Circuit Judge.
    Reversed and remanded by published opinion. Judge Diaz wrote
    the opinion, in which Judge Duncan and Senior Judge Hamilton
    MARYLAND, Baltimore, Maryland, for Appellant.   Brian G. Esders,
    ABATO, RUBENSTEIN & ABATO, PA, Baltimore, Maryland, for
    Appellees.   ON BRIEF: Douglas F. Gansler, Attorney General of
    Maryland, Baltimore, Maryland, for Appellant.        Kimberly L.
    Bradley, ABATO, RUBENSTEIN & ABATO, PA, Baltimore, Maryland, for
    DIAZ, Circuit Judge:
    We       consider      whether   the       jurisdictional     shield   of     the
    Eleventh Amendment 1 insulates a state from a writ of garnishment
    under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 69(a).                     Carpenters Pension
    Fund       of   Baltimore,      Maryland,     and    co-plaintiffs      (collectively
    “the       Fund”)     filed     this    garnishment        proceeding    against     the
    Maryland         Department       of    Health       and    Mental      Hygiene    (the
    “Department”) to collect monies owed to a debtor construction
    company.         The Department moved to quash the writ of garnishment
    on grounds of sovereign immunity and Maryland public policy.
    The district court denied the motion, and the Department filed
    this interlocutory appeal.
    We conclude that a federal proceeding that seeks to attach
    the property of a state to satisfy a debt, whether styled as a
    garnishment action or an analogous common law writ, violates the
    Eleventh Amendment.             As the Department is immune from suit, we
    reverse         and   remand    with    instructions       to   quash   the   writ   of
    While this appeal nominally arises under the Eleventh
    Amendment, we note “that the sovereign immunity enjoyed by the
    States extends beyond the literal text of the Eleventh
    Amendment,” Fed. Mar. Comm’n v. S.C. State Ports Auth., 
    535 U.S. 743
    , 754 (2002), deriving from the common law immunity that the
    states possessed before ratification and which the Constitution
    should merely be seen “as evidencing and exemplifying,” Alden v.
    527 U.S. 706
    , 728 (1999).
    The     instant      litigation             originates          from        an   Employee
    Retirement Income Security Act action filed by the Fund in May
    2007, against Tao Construction Company, Inc. (“Tao”) alleging
    deficient employer contributions.                        When Tao failed to answer the
    summons,        the     district       court           entered    a     $16,140.64        default
    judgment for the Fund.
    In an effort to collect the judgment, the Fund filed an
    enforcement         action       in    the    federal          district        court     for   the
    District      of      Maryland.        After       failed        attempts      to    locate     any
    assets owned by Tao, the Fund discovered that Tao’s CEO had
    contracted         with    the    Department            to    perform    construction          work
    under     the      trade     name      “Pharoah          Building       and     Construction.”
    Finding sufficient evidence that Pharoah was indeed the alter
    ego of Tao, the district court issued a writ of garnishment
    against the Department for amounts due ($9,963.52) to “Tao d/b/a
    Pharoah Building and Construction.”                          J.A. 41.
    The      Department         moved       to    quash       the    writ     on    grounds     of
    sovereign immunity and Maryland public policy.                               In a preliminary
    memorandum opinion and order, the district court concluded that
    sovereign       immunity         did   not        apply       because    by     providing       for
    immunity from suit only under a public policy doctrine, Maryland
    had implicitly waived its sovereign immunity under the Eleventh
    Amendment.          The court further concluded that Maryland public
    policy    did     not    foreclose       the       garnishment       action      because   it
    sought “wages” rather than property.                       Nevertheless, the court
    deferred      a    final      ruling      on        the   Department’s            motion   in
    anticipation of a joint status report regarding disputes about
    the payment obligations of the underlying contract.
    The court subsequently held a hearing, during which the
    Department renewed its Eleventh Amendment objection.                               The court
    reaffirmed its conclusion that sovereign immunity did not bar
    the   writ,     but     on   different     grounds.            It   concluded      that    the
    garnishment       action     was   not    a    “suit”     against        a     state   entity,
    noting that although the garnishment action resembled a suit in
    the   procedural        sense,     in    substance        it    was      not    because    the
    Department was not a real party in interest--but rather a “mere
    custodian” of the contract sums.                      J.A. 99.           Accordingly, the
    court denied the Department’s motion to quash.
    We have jurisdiction 2 under the collateral order doctrine to
    review    this    interlocutory          order      inasmuch        as   it    involves    the
    We deferred action on the Fund’s motion to dismiss for
    lack of subject matter jurisdiction pending arguments. We now
    deny that motion.
    We do, however, agree with the Fund that we lack appellate
    jurisdiction to consider whether Maryland “public policy”
    supplies an independent basis for quashing the writ.        The
    district court’s analysis on that issue in its preliminary
    memorandum was advisory, as the court postponed its ruling on
    the Department’s motion until its final order. The final order
    denial of an immunity from suit.                         See P.R. Aqueduct & Sewer
    Auth. v. Metcalf & Eddy, Inc., 
    506 U.S. 139
    , 144-46 (1993).
    We review the denial of sovereign immunity de novo.                                 S.C.
    Wildlife Fed’n v. Limehouse, 
    549 F.3d 324
    , 332 (4th Cir. 2008).
    “[T]he States’ immunity from suit is a fundamental aspect
    of     the    sovereignty          which      the      States        enjoyed    before     the
    ratification        of    the     Constitution.”           
    Alden, 527 U.S. at 713
    Because that protection inheres with the constitutional notion
    of sovereignty that the states retained, Seminole Tribe of Fla.
    v.   Florida,       
    517 U.S. 44
    ,     54    (1996),       it    “extends    beyond    the
    literal text of the Eleventh Amendment,”                            Fed. Mar. 
    Comm’n, 535 U.S. at 754
    , to any “suit” that “subject[s] a State to the
    coercive      process      of     judicial       tribunals,”         Seminole    
    Tribe, 517 U.S. at 58
    .         Thus,    we    consider       here        whether    “the   federal
    judicial      action      must     fairly       be    deemed    a    ‘suit’”    against    the
    state.       In re NVR, LP, 
    189 F.3d 442
    , 450 (4th Cir. 1999).
    In    a   case     testing       the     Supreme    Court’s       jurisdiction       to
    review state court criminal judgments in which the state is a
    in this case addressed only the Eleventh Amendment question,
    which is the sole issue before us.
    party, Chief Justice Marshall remarked: “What is a suit?                  We
    understand it to be the prosecution, or pursuit, of some claim,
    demand, or request.”           Cohens v. Virginia, 19 U.S. (6 Wheat.)
    264,   407   (1821).     The    Supreme   Court   has   scarcely   elaborated
    since, stating only that a “suit” is to be determined “‘by the
    essential nature and effect of the proceeding.’” Idaho v. Coeur
    d’Alene Tribe, 
    521 U.S. 261
    , 277 (1997) (quoting In re State of
    New York, 
    256 U.S. 490
    , 500 (1921)).
    For our part, we have outlined a more technical analysis
    based on “both the procedural posture and substantive nature of
    the proceeding.”       In re 
    NVR, 189 F.3d at 450
    .         And although our
    decision in In re NVR likely does not survive Central Virginia
    Community College v. Katz, 
    546 U.S. 356
    (2006), 3 we believe its
    general test for determining a “suit”--which the Supreme Court
    did not disturb--is nonetheless instructive.                Accordingly, we
    examine whether the procedural means and substantive end of the
    instant writ of garnishment involve the compulsory exercise of
    In Katz, the Supreme Court held that the Eleventh
    Amendment has limited application in the arena of federal
    bankruptcy jurisdiction, for the Bankruptcy Clause, U.S. Const.
    art. I, § 8, cl. 4, represented a partial cession by the states
    of their sovereign immunity.     See 
    Katz, 546 U.S. at 373
    Accordingly, it is doubtful that In re NVR, which applied the
    Eleventh Amendment to a bankruptcy reorganization that sought
    refunds of exempted taxes paid to Maryland and Pennsylvania,
    remains viable.
    federal jurisdiction over the state of Maryland.                                   See In re 
    NVR, 189 F.3d at 450
    , 452-53.
    The procedural inquiry compares the process of the legal
    action to that of a typical suit, see Fed. Mar. 
    Comm’n, 535 U.S. at 756-59
    (comparing putative “suit” to “civil litigation”), but
    principally as a measure of “the degree of coercion exercised by
    the federal court in compelling the state to attend,” In re 
    NVR, 189 F.3d at 452
    .            For a suit qua “suit” involves “[t]he specific
    indignity         against       which     sovereign          immunity         protects[:]           the
    insult       to     a   State    of     being       haled     into          court    without       its
    consent.”          Va. Office for Prot. & Advocacy v. Stewart, 131 S.
    Ct. 1632, 1640 (2011).
    The        substantive      inquiry           asks     whether          the        proceeding
    “demand[s]         something      [from       the    state]       by    the     institution          of
    process in a Court of justice,” Cohens, 19 U.S. (6 Wheat.) at
    408,    and       “[t]he    demand      for    money       from    a    state        is    a    strong
    indication          that   a    federal       judicial        proceeding            is     indeed    a
    ‘suit’” as a substantive matter.                       In re 
    NVR, 189 F.3d at 454
    see    also       Coeur    d’Alene      
    Tribe, 521 U.S. at 277
       (“[W]hen        the
    action is in essence one for the recovery of money from the
    state,        the       state     is     the         real,        substantial             party     in
    interest . . . .”).                Where       relief        is     premised          on       federal
    jurisdiction over the state, as opposed to where the state is
    merely an adjunct to a dispute that “collaterally affects” its
    interests, 4 
    id., the proceeding is
    a suit in the substantive
    We now apply these principles to the instant proceeding,
    which is a federal enforcement action by the Fund under Federal
    Rule       of   Civil   Procedure   69    to   execute   their   legal   judgment
    against Tao.        The law of the forum state governs such ancillary
    proceedings.        See Fed. R. Civ. P. 69.         As a result, the district
    court in this case issued a writ of garnishment, which is a
    valid procedural device in Maryland for enforcing a judgment.
    See Parkville Fed. Sav. Bank v. Md. Nat’l Bank, 
    681 A.2d 521
    524 (Md. 1996) (“A writ of garnishment is a means of enforcing a
    judgment.         It allows a judgment creditor to recover property
    owned by the debtor but held by a third party.”).
    We begin by noting that procedurally this action resembles
    a   conventional        “suit.”     The   garnishment    proceeding      commences
    upon the issuance of a writ, see Md. R. 2-645(b)-(c), at which
    point the garnishee must file an answer admitting or denying
    indebtedness and asserting any applicable defenses “within the
    An example is a purely in rem proceeding in which “the
    state is not in possession of the property.”      Tenn. Student
    Assistance Corp. v. Hood, 
    541 U.S. 440
    , 446-50 (2004). In this
    context, “jurisdiction is premised on the res, not on the
    persona” of the states, 
    Hood, 541 U.S. at 450
    , while the remedy
    does not involve recovery from the state treasury, Cf. In re
    NVR, 189 F.3d at 453-54
    time    provided     by    Rule   2-321”--a      period   which      coincides         with
    answering a complaint in a civil action.                      See Md. R. 2-645(e).
    If the garnishee timely answers and the creditor timely replies,
    “the    matter   shall     proceed    as   if    it    were    an   original      action
    between the judgment creditor as plaintiff and the garnishee as
    defendant and shall be governed by the rules applicable to civil
    actions.”     Md. R. 2-645(g).
    It is therefore not surprising that Maryland courts have
    designated garnishment actions as “separate cases, even though
    filed    in   the    underlying      action.”         Mayor    &    City    Council     of
    Baltimore v. Utica Mut. Ins. Co., 
    802 A.2d 1070
    , 1083 (Md. Ct.
    Spec. App. 2002).           In fact, the Maryland Court of Appeals has
    “established        that   garnishment     is,   in    essence,      a     suit   by    the
    debtor against the garnishee for the use and benefit of the
    attaching creditor, and that the rights of the creditor against
    the garnishee cannot rise above those of the debtor.”                         Peninsula
    Ins. Co. v. Houser, 
    238 A.2d 95
    , 97 (Md. 1968) (emphasis added).
    Perhaps most importantly, a garnishee who fails to file an
    answer to the writ risks default judgment.                    See Md. R. 2-645(f).
    As it is the compulsory aspect of one sovereign exerting its
    jurisdiction over another that concerns the Eleventh Amendment,
    Alden, 527 U.S. at 749
    , a proceeding that encumbers the
    property of a sovereign unless it participates certainly amounts
    to unconstitutional “coercion exercised by the federal court in
    compelling the state to attend,” In re 
    NVR, 189 F.3d at 452
    The Fund’s service of the writ left the Department with two
    options: (1) answer the writ and appear before the court to
    assert its defenses, or (2) ignore the writ and have a default
    judgment imposed against the state treasury.                         When a similar
    ultimatum     was    present       in     Federal    Maritime       Commission,       the
    Supreme Court stated: “To conclude that this choice does not
    coerce a State to participate in an . . . adjudication would be
    to blind ourselves to 
    reality.” 535 U.S. at 763-64
    The    Fund’s    claim    that       the     Department       has    admitted    its
    indebtedness to Pharoah is immaterial.                      The Eleventh Amendment
    is a matter of jurisdiction, not liability.                       See In re 
    NVR, 189 F.3d at 452
    (“The Eleventh Amendment, of course, does not free
    Maryland    from     federal       law,    but     simply    the    jurisdiction          of
    federal    courts.”).         It     is    the     mere     imposition     of     federal
    jurisdiction    on    a   state,        thereby    offending      its    dignity     as    a
    sovereign, that violates this constitutional protection.                              See
    Fed. Mar. 
    Comm’n, 535 U.S. at 769
    Alden, 527 U.S. at 715
    .                           This
    injury results “regardless of the relief sought,” Metcalf and
    Eddy, 506 U.S. at 146
    , and regardless of whether the relief is
    actually owed, see Automatic Sprinkler Corp. of Am. V. Darla
    Env’t   Specialists       Inc.,     
    53 F.3d 181
    ,    182    (7th    Cir.    1995)
    (“Automatic     Sprinkler      believes           that     sovereign      immunity        is
    inapplicable        because      it    is    trying       to     collect      money     that      the
    United States concededly owes to Darla.                              This does not cut much
    Accordingly, we conclude that this garnishment action is a
    “suit”      in    the       procedural      sense.             The    state     is     the    named
    garnishee,        the       adversarial       posture          of     the     action       “demands
    affirmative action by Maryland,” In re 
    NVR, 189 F.3d at 453
    , and
    the action is indisputably premised on jurisdiction over the
    We    also       find    that        the    underlying             garnishment        action
    satisfies        the    substantive         criteria           of    a    “suit”     because       it
    demands recovery from the state treasury.                                See Gray v. Laws, 
    51 F.3d 426
    , 433 (4th Cir. 1995).                     From the outset of the Republic
    a    sovereign      has      enjoyed     immunity         from        suits    to    attach       its
    property, see The Schooner Exch. v. McFaddon, 11 U.S. (7 Cranch)
    116 (1812) (attachment of foreign vessel), and this principle
    applies equally to efforts to attach the funds of the sovereign
    to satisfy the debt of another, see Mine Safety Appliances Co.
    v. Forrestal, 
    326 U.S. 371
    , 375 (1945) (“In effect . . . this is
    an   indirect       effort      to    collect      a     debt       allegedly       owed     by   the
    government       in     a    proceeding      to        which    the       government       has    not
    As early as 1846, the Supreme Court rejected efforts by
    creditors to garnish the wages of navy seamen from the federal
    treasury.       Buchanan v. Alexander, 
    45 U.S. 20
    (1845).                        The Court
    acknowledged      that       the   disbursements         were    owed,       yet   applied
    sovereign      immunity       to   prevent       the    disruption          on   government
    functions that would attend the garnishment of public funds held
    in the Treasury.        
    Id. Later in Federal
    Housing Administration, Region No. 4 v.
    309 U.S. 242
    , 245 (1940), the Supreme Court affirmed that
    a    sovereign    is    immune     from   garnishment,           but     confronted     the
    separate question of whether Congress waived that immunity in
    the National Housing Act, 12 U.S.C. § 1702, by allowing the
    Federal       Housing       Administrator        to    “sue     or     be    sued.”      In
    determining “whether or not garnishment comes within the scope
    of    that    authorization,”         
    Burr, 309 U.S. at 244
    ,      the   Court
    Clearly the words ‘sue and be sued’ in their normal
    connotation embrace all civil process incident to the
    commencement or continuance of legal proceedings.
    Garnishment and attachment commonly are part and
    parcel of the process, provided by statute, for the
    collection  of   debts.    In   Michigan  a   writ  of
    garnishment is a civil process at law, in the nature
    of an equitable attachment.    But however it may be
    denominated, whether legal or equitable, and whenever
    it may be available, whether prior to or after final
    judgment, garnishment is a well-known remedy available
    to suitors.
    Id. at 245-46 (emphasis
    added).                   The analysis in Burr mirrors
    our    own.      If     a    waiver    from      “suit”       includes      post-judgment
    garnishment, then certainly the scope of immunity from “suit”
    does as well.
    Recent         precedent    has       confirmed       that   “sovereign      immunity
    bars       creditors        from   attaching         or     garnishing      funds   in    the
    Treasury.”        Dep’t of Army v. Blue Fox, Inc., 
    525 U.S. 255
    , 264
    (1999); see Franchise Tax Bd. of Cal. v. U.S. Postal Serv., 
    467 U.S. 512
    , 516-17 (1984) (“[U]nless waived, sovereign immunity
    prevents        the    creditor . . . from            collecting      a    debt   through    a
    judicial        order       requiring    the       United    States   to    garnishee     the
    employee’s salary.”). 5                 And we implicitly endorsed this rule
    when       we   noted       that   Congress         needed    to    legislatively        annul
    federal sovereign immunity from garnishment.                          See Diaz v. Diaz,
    586 F.2d 1061
    , 1063 (4th Cir. 1977) (“Indeed, it appears that
    the    purpose        and    effect     of    42    U.S.C.    § 659   is    to    waive    the
    sovereign immunity of the United States for garnishment and like
    purposes in a limited class of State court actions . . . .”).
    Even though the relevant cases mostly concern the immunity
    of the federal government from post-judgment attachment, we see
    no reason why a state should not enjoy this immunity as well.
    Our sister circuits have also affirmed this principle.
    See Watters v. Wash. Metro. Area Transit Auth., 
    295 F.3d 36
    , 40
    (D.C. Cir. 2002); Shaw v. United States, 
    213 F.3d 545
    , 548 (10th
    Cir. 2000); Neukirchin v. Wood Cnty. Head Start, Inc., 
    53 F.3d 809
    , 812 (7th Cir. 1995); Ramsdell v. G.H. Coffey Co., 
    632 F.2d 162
    , 163 (1st Cir. 1980); May Dep’t Stores Co. v. Smith, 
    572 F.2d 1275
    , 1277 (8th Cir. 1978).
    State and federal immunity from suit are coextensive inasmuch as
    both sovereigns derive their immunity from the same common law
    heritage.        See Maxwell v. Cnty. of San Diego, 
    708 F.3d 1075
    1087-88 (9th Cir. 2013) (“Tribal sovereign immunity derives from
    the same common law immunity principles that shape state and
    federal sovereign immunity.”).
    Swimming against the current of this precedent, the Fund
    can only repeat the reasoning of the district court that the
    instant proceeding is not a suit because the Department is a
    “mere custodian” for sums it admittedly owes to Pharoah. 6                    But
    this characterization is true of all monies held in the state
    treasury    in    the   sense    that   they   are   all   allocated   for   some
    governmental purpose or obligation.
    At bottom, the Fund’s effort to distinguish the specific
    money it requests from the rest of Maryland’s treasury is an
    unsuccessful attempt to characterize its garnishment action as
    an in rem proceeding.           But “[w]hile garnishment has been said to
    be a proceeding in rem, it is not, strictly speaking, in rem.
    It partakes both of the nature of a proceeding in personam and a
    The principle precedent the Fund relies on for this
    proposition is inapposite. In re Visiting Home Services did not
    involve a writ of garnishment issued against a state in federal
    court, but rather sought to enjoin a garnishment judgment that
    had already been executed against a state agency in state court.
    643 F.2d 1356
    , 1361 (9th Cir. 1981).
    proceeding in rem.”     38 C.J.S. Garnishment § 2; see also Shaffer
    v. Heitner, 
    433 U.S. 186
    , 211 n.38 (1977) (“[G]arnishment or
    foreign attachment is a proceeding quasi in rem.”).
    In this case, the garnishment proceeding has an in personam
    character in that it requires jurisdiction over the sovereign
    and its treasury.      And it is clear that “an action--otherwise
    barred as an in personam action against the State--cannot be
    maintained   through   seizure        of    property    owned      by   the   State.
    Otherwise, the Eleventh Amendment could easily be circumvented;
    an action for damages could be brought simply by first attaching
    property that belonged to the State and then proceeding in rem.”
    Fla. Dep’t of State v. Treasure Salvors, Inc., 
    458 U.S. 670
    , 699
    (1982) (plurality).
    Regardless of how the Fund characterizes its claim in this
    case,   it   is   ultimately    seeking          recovery   from    the   Maryland
    treasury.     Accordingly,      the    Fund’s       post-judgment       garnishment
    action is a suit in the substantive sense.
    As a matter of procedure and substance, the garnishment
    proceeding   we   consider     here    is    a    “suit”    under   the   Eleventh
    Amendment.    As a result, the Department is entitled to sovereign
    immunity.   We therefore reverse the district court’s order and
    remand with instructions to quash the writ of garnishment.

Document Info

Docket Number: 12-1480

Citation Numbers: 721 F.3d 217

Judges: Diaz, Duncan, Hamilton

Filed Date: 6/26/2013

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 8/6/2023

Authorities (25)

Roland W. Ramsdell v. G. H. Coffey Company, Inc., a Vermont ... , 632 F.2d 162 ( 1980 )

Shaw v. United States , 213 F.3d 545 ( 2000 )

South Carolina Wildlife Federation v. Limehouse , 549 F.3d 324 ( 2008 )

Catherine Neukirchen v. Wood County Head Start, Incorporated , 53 F.3d 809 ( 1995 )

In Re: Nvr, Lp, Debtor , 189 F.3d 442 ( 1999 )

john-d-gray-v-tony-laws-individually-and-officially-as-an-orange-county , 51 F.3d 426 ( 1995 )

Alden v. Maine , 119 S. Ct. 2240 ( 1999 )

Parkville Federal Savings Bank v. Maryland National Bank , 343 Md. 412 ( 1996 )

Mayor and City Council of Baltimore v. Utica Mutual Ins. Co. , 145 Md. App. 256 ( 2002 )

the-may-department-stores-company-v-james-edward-smith-veterans , 572 F.2d 1275 ( 1978 )

Federal Housing Administration, Region No. 4 v. Burr , 60 S. Ct. 488 ( 1940 )

Peninsula Insurance v. Houser , 248 Md. 714 ( 1968 )

Ex Parte State of New York, No. 1 , 41 S. Ct. 588 ( 1921 )

in-re-visiting-home-services-inc-bankrupt-john-m-england-as-trustee , 643 F.2d 1356 ( 1981 )

Buchanan v. Alexander , 11 L. Ed. 857 ( 1845 )

Shaffer v. Heitner , 97 S. Ct. 2569 ( 1977 )

Florida Department of State v. Treasure Salvors, Inc. , 102 S. Ct. 3304 ( 1982 )

Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer Authority v. Metcalf & Eddy, ... , 113 S. Ct. 684 ( 1993 )

Central Virginia Community College v. Katz , 126 S. Ct. 990 ( 2006 )

Franchise Tax Board v. United States Postal Service , 104 S. Ct. 2549 ( 1984 )

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