United States v. Smith , 353 F. App'x 869 ( 2009 )

  •                               UNPUBLISHED
    No. 09-4138
    Plaintiff - Appellee,
    Defendant - Appellant.
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the Southern
    District   of   West   Virginia,  at  Charleston.   John   T.
    Copenhaver, Jr., District Judge. (2:08-cr-00056-1)
    Submitted:    October 27, 2009              Decided:   November 30, 2009
    Before WILKINSON and AGEE, Circuit Judges, and HAMILTON, Senior
    Circuit Judge.
    Affirmed by unpublished per curiam opinion.
    John E. Jessee, JESSEE & READ, P.C., Abingdon, Virginia, for
    Appellant. Charles T. Miller, United States Attorney, R. Booth
    Goodwin II, Assistant United States Attorney, Charleston, West
    Virginia, for Appellee.
    Unpublished opinions are not binding precedent in this circuit.
    Eddie Burl Smith (Smith) pled guilty to conspiracy to
    defraud the United States, 
    18 U.S.C. § 371
     (2006) (Count One),
    and     fraudulent     receipt    of     bankruptcy      property,       
    18 U.S.C. §§ 152
    (2), 2 (2006) (Count Eight), and was sentenced to a term
    of fifty-seven months imprisonment.              Smith appeals his sentence,
    contending that the district court clearly erred in finding that
    he was an organizer or leader in the conspiracy, U.S. Sentencing
    Guidelines    Manual     §   3B1.1(a)     (2008),     and    that   he    abused    a
    position of trust, USSG § 3B1.3.              We affirm.
    Smith was president of Carl E. Smith, Inc. (CESI), a
    West Virginia corporation which built pipelines for oil and gas.
    The company had been started by Smith’s father; at his death in
    1987, Smith and his brothers, Larry and Donald, became equal
    shareholders.        From 1998 to 2006, the period of the conspiracy,
    Smith’s brother Donald was vice-president of CESI, and Smith’s
    son, Edward Michael Smith, was secretary and treasurer.                          After
    civil     litigation      initiated       by     Larry      in   1999         revealed
    questionable financial practices and a lack of proper accounting
    at CESI, the IRS began an investigation, which led to Smith’s
    eventual    guilty    plea   to   the    instant    offenses.       According       to
    information in the presentence report, CESI’s “principals and
    officers” defrauded the IRS by using corporate funds extensively
    for   personal   vehicles        and    other    personal    purchases         without
    reporting the assets acquired as personal income.                         In addition,
    the company used color-coded checks to avoid payroll reporting
    requirements.         Some employees were paid with both yellow payroll
    checks and blue expense checks.                 Wages that were paid as expense
    reimbursement were not reflected in the employee’s W-2 forms and
    taxes were only withheld from the payroll check.                          With respect
    to these funds, CESI failed to meet its obligation to collect
    the required “employment taxes,” 1 hold them in trust, and deposit
    them in an authorized financial institution at intervals.                               In
    2003, Smith and his son, Edward Michael Smith, filed for Chapter
    11 bankruptcy on behalf of CESI and its subsidiaries.                          A month
    later, they formed Smith Well Service (SWS), a limited liability
    company unrelated to CESI and its subsidiaries.                       Edward Michael
    Smith    was    the       sole   proprietor.      During     the   CESI    bankruptcy,
    Smith    and        his    son    engaged   in    certain       transactions         which
    benefitted          SWS    without    the   knowledge      or      approval     of    the
    bankruptcy court.
    At    sentencing,      the   district    court       determined       that
    Smith had a leadership role in the conspiracy and that there
    were at least five participants:                 Smith; his son, Edward Michael
    Smith;    his        brother,      Donald   Smith;     and      Donald’s      wife    and
    “Employment taxes” include both the employee’s and the
    company’s share of federal income tax, Social Security, and
    Medicare taxes.
    daughter, Judith and Jaclyn Smith.                The court found that Smith
    had the primary responsibility for manipulation of the payroll
    and expense checks to carry out the fraud involving trust fund
    taxes and that his position as president afforded him discretion
    that facilitated the offense.           Smith contests these rulings on
    The district court’s determination of the defendant’s
    role in the offense is a factual finding reviewed for clear
    error.    United States v. Kellam, 
    568 F.3d 125
    , 147-48 (4th Cir.
    2009).    A four-level increase is provided under § 3B1.1(a) for a
    defendant who is an organizer or leader of an offense which
    involved more than five participants or was otherwise extensive.
    To qualify, the defendant must have been the organizer or leader
    of “one or more other participants.”                    USSG § 3B1.1 cmt. n.2.
    Factors to be considered include:
    the exercise of decision making authority, the nature
    of participation in the commission of the offense, the
    recruitment of accomplices, the claimed right to a
    larger share of the fruits of the crime, the degree of
    participation in planning or organizing the offense,
    the nature and scope of the illegal activity, and the
    degree of control and authority exercised over others.
    USSG § 3B1.1 cmt. n.4.
    Smith     contends   that       he    had    “no   more   control   or
    ownership    of     the   company”   than        Donald,   that   there   was   no
    evidence he recruited accomplices, and that much of the benefits
    went to his son or to Donald’s family and friends.                     He argues
    that there is little evidence as to whether he participated in
    planning or organizing the scheme to defraud the IRS, and that
    family members acted independently when they used the company to
    pay for personal purchases.                 He argues that, as president and
    signer       of   the    fraudulent       expense    checks      in     the    blue-check
    scheme, he exercised control over property, not people, noting
    that control of property alone does not warrant a four-level
    leadership adjustment.             USSG § 3B1.1 cmt. n.2; see also United
    States v. Capers, 
    61 F.3d 1100
    , 1108-13 (4th Cir. 1995).                              Smith
    also       maintains    that    there     were   fewer    than    five        participants
    because       there     was   no   evidence      either    Jaclyn      Smith     or   Brian
    Tanner 2 was a “knowing culpable participant” in the conspiracy.
    With      respect     to      the     number       of      participants,
    Application Note 1 to § 3B1.1 states that “[a] ‘participant’ is
    a person who is criminally responsible for the commission of the
    offense, but need not have been convicted.”                       Smith acknowledged
    at sentencing that he knew Jaclyn was on the CESI payroll and
    was paid for work she did not do.                         He did not dispute the
    information       in    the    presentence       report    on    which    the     district
    court       relied      in     deciding     that     Judith       and     Jaclyn       were
    participants; specifically, that in addition to being paid as
    Brian Tanner pled guilty to income tax evasion. The
    district court did not find him to be a participant in the
    CESI employees, Judith and Jaclyn used a CESI car and credit
    card, that CESI paid the expenses for the horse farm where they
    lived, and that they did not report these benefits as income,
    which caused each of them to file a false tax return, and also
    caused “the inflation of corporate expenses and the filing of
    false corporate tax returns.”         We conclude that these facts were
    sufficient for the district court to find that Jaclyn was a
    criminally     responsible     participant.           In    addition,    as    the
    government argues, the blue-check/yellow-check scheme required
    the participation of CESI employees such as payroll clerks and
    in-house accountants. 3
    By virtue of his position as president of the company,
    Smith had the authority to endorse or to stop the scheme to
    defraud the IRS.          Smith’s statements at the Rule 11 hearing
    disclose   that   he     actively   engaged    in    and    thus   promoted    the
    fraudulent     scheme.      Therefore,    the       district     court   did   not
    clearly err in finding that he had a leadership role.
    A    two-level    adjustment       should       be   made   “[i]f   the
    defendant abused a position of public or private trust . . . in
    This argument was not made in the district court, but is
    an alternative ground for finding the required number of
    participants.   We may affirm for any reason appearing in the
    record.   United States v. Smith, 
    395 F.3d 516
    , 519 (4th Cir.
    2005) (“We are not limited to evaluation of the grounds offered
    by the district court to support its decision, but may affirm on
    any grounds apparent from the record.” (citation omitted)).
    a   manner      that          significantly          facilitated       the    commission       or
    concealment         of    the    offense.”            USSG    § 3B1.3.        A     position    of
    “[p]ublic or private trust” means a position “characterized by
    professional             or     managerial        discretion          (i.e.,        substantial
    discretionary            judgment     that      is     ordinarily      given      considerable
    deference).”             USSG    § 3B1.3        cmt.    n.1.         The    district    court’s
    decision that a defendant had a position of trust is a factual
    determination            reviewed       for    clear        error.         United    States    v.
    264 F.3d 391
    , 415 (4th Cir. 2001).                            The question must be
    examined from the perspective of the victim.                                United States v.
    272 F.3d 659
    , 671 (4th Cir. 2001).
    Smith contends that no relationship of trust existed
    between him and the IRS, which was identified as the victim of
    the offense in the presentence report.                               He relies on two tax
    evasion decisions from other circuits where the adjustment was
    not applied.             In United States v. Guidry, 
    199 F.3d 1150
    , 1160
    (10th    Cir.       1999),      the   appeals         court    held    that    the    defendant
    “[d]id not occupy a position of trust vis-à-vis the government,
    the victim in his case.”                   In United States v. Barakat, 
    130 F.3d 1448
    , 1455-56 (11th Cir. 1997), the appeals court held that the
    defendant occupied a position of trust, but did not use it to
    commit or conceal his tax evasion.
    In    this       case,      however,      as    an     employer,      Smith     was
    placed    in    a     position        of      trust    by     the    government.        He     was
    entrusted       with          collecting,         holding,        and     depositing         funds
    designated      in       part      for    Social       Security    and    Medicare         and    his
    failure to carry out this responsibility victimized taxpayers.
    United   States          v.    Adam,      
    70 F.3d 776
    ,   781-82       (4th     Cir.   1995)
    (victims of Medicaid fraud are American taxpayers).                                   Similarly,
    in United States v. Turner, 
    102 F.3d 1350
     (4th Cir. 1996), we
    held    that    mine      operators            occupied    a    position       of     public     and
    private trust, which they abused by declining to follow mine
    safety   laws       or    provide         adequate       safety    training          for   miners.
    Their abuse of that trust victimized both the miners and “the
    rest of society.”              
    Id. at 1360
    We    have          held    that        physicians        and       medical       care
    providers who defraud Medicaid abuse a position of trust.                                         See
    United States v. Bolden, 
    325 F.3d 471
    , 504-05 (4th Cir. 2003).
    In   Bolden,        we    observed         that,       “[b]ecause       of     the    discretion
    Medicaid confers upon care providers . . . such providers owe a
    fiduciary duty to Medicaid.                     Indeed, we see it as paramount that
    Medicaid be able to ‘trust’ its service providers.”                                   
     at 505
    n.41.    Similarly, it is essential that the government be able to
    trust    employers            to   collect,       hold    in    trust,       and     deposit     the
    “employment taxes” owed by the employees and the company.                                         The
    government maintains that Smith had both a fiduciary obligation
    to the IRS to carry out this responsibility, and a fiduciary
    relationship with the employees of CESI which carried the same
    obligation, notwithstanding the willingness of some employees to
    participate in the scheme to defraud.                 We agree, and conclude
    that the district court did not clearly err in applying the
    adjustment for abuse of a position of trust.
    We   therefore    affirm       the   sentence    imposed     by    the
    district    court.     We    dispense    with      oral   argument    because    the
    facts   and    legal   contentions      are    adequately     presented     in   the
    materials     before   the     court   and     argument    would     not   aid   the
    decisional process.