Munguia v. Chevron U.S.A. Inc. ( 1993 )

    No. 92-4380
    Petition for Review of an Order of
    the Benefits Review Board
    August 20, 1993
    Before JOHNSON, SMITH, and EMILIO M. GARZA, Circuit Judges.
    JERRY E. SMITH, Circuit Judge:
    Noel Munguia appeals a decision of the Benefits Review Board
    (the "Board") of the United States Department of Labor, rejecting
    his claim for benefits under the Longshore and Harbor Workers'
    Compensation Act (the "Act"), 33 U.S.C. § 901 et seq. (1988), for
    injuries sustained while in the employ of Chevron, U.S.A., Inc.
    ("Chevron").   We affirm the Board's decision, but for reasons
    different from those relied upon by the Board.
    Munguia had been employed by Chevron as a roustabout and
    relief pumper-gauger for nine years.     At the time he was injured,
    he had been assigned as a pumper-gauger to Chevron's South and
    Southwest Pass oil field for over two years.     The field includes
    about 200 producing oil wells drilled in an area eighteen miles
    long on both sides of, and a short distance from, the Mississippi
    River. Each well is situated on a stationary platform built in the
    marsh or on water and is accessible only by water.
    Munguia worked for seven days, then was off duty for seven
    days. When on duty, he was provided sleeping quarters and meals in
    a bunkhouse, near which Chevron maintained a group of oil storage
    tanks, called a tank battery.    A number of vessels, varying from
    eight to twelve, were anchored at the tank battery, including small
    boats of various kinds (Lafitte skiffs, Boston whalers, and Jo-
    boats) fitted with outboard motors and other small vessels that
    could transport one or two workers and their equipment.    There was
    also at least one larger vessel, a wire-line barge, aboard which
    equipment needed for work on wells was permanently stored. Chevron
    maintained this small fleet for the sole purpose of enabling its
    employees to service the production field.
    On the day he was injured, Munguia was assigned to work with
    a gas specialist checking a number of wells for gas leaks.     They
    proceeded in a Lafitte skiff to check the valves on the well-
    control unit for leaks.   One of them would close the valve, and the
    other would listen for leaks.        Munguia injured his back while
    attempting to close a frozen master valve.
    Munguia's     claim    was    referred    for   disposition      to   an
    administrative     law   judge    ("ALJ").     Concluding     that   Munguia
    satisfied the "status" requirement of the Act and that the parties
    had not contested the "situs" requirement, the ALJ awarded Munguia
    his requested compensation benefits. Chevron appealed the decision
    to the Board.
    Citing the transcript of the evidentiary hearing before the
    ALJ, the Board disagreed with the ALJ's statement that Chevron had
    not raised the situs issue.       Addressing the merits, the Board then
    concluded that the scope of Munguia's employment did not satisfy
    the situs requirement, and it reversed the ALJ's decision on that
    ground.   Munguia, joined by the Director of the Office of Worker's
    Compensation Programs (the "Director"), appeals.1
    Our review of Board decisions is limited to considering errors
    of law and ensuring that the Board adhered to its statutory
    standard of review, namely, whether the ALJ's findings of fact are
    supported by substantial evidence and consistent with the law.             33
    U.S.C. § 921(b)(3); Miller v. Central Dispatch, Inc., 
    673 F.2d 773
    The Director is a party to the litigation of disputed claims under the
    Act at all stages of the litigation. See Ingalls Shipbuilding Div., Litton
    Systems, Inc. v. White, 
    681 F.2d 275
    , 281-88 (5th Cir. 1982), overruled on
    other grounds, Newpark Shipbuilding & Repair, Inc. v. Roundtree, 
    723 F.2d 399
    406-07 (5th Cir. 1984) (en banc).
    778 (5th Cir. Unit A 1982).
    In order to demonstrate coverage under the Act, a worker must
    satisfy both a situs and a status test; in the words of the
    statute, he must show that, at the approximate time he incurred
    disability or death, he was "engaged in maritime employment," 33
    U.S.C. § 902(3), and that his injury "occurr[ed] upon the navigable
    waters of the United States . . . ."                 
    Id. § 903(a)
    (1982).        See
    also Herb's Welding, Inc. v. Gray, 
    470 U.S. 414
    , 415-16 (1985).2
    These threshold inquiries were the focus of dispute before both the
    ALJ and the Board.
    Section 902(3) of the Act, embodying the "maritime employment"
    status requirement, has been deemed "an occupational test that
    focuses on loading and unloading."             P.C. Pfeiffer Co. v. Ford, 
    444 U.S. 69
    ,       80    (1979).      While   certain    enumerated     categories   of
    employees       ))    e.g.,    longshoremen    and    harbor    workers   ))     are
    automatically included within section 902(3)'s ambit, coverage may
    also       extend    to   other   employees.    A    string    of   Supreme    Court
    decisions addressing this issue has left it "clearly decided that,
    aside from the specified occupations, land-based activity occurring
    within the § 903 situs will be deemed maritime only if it is an
    integral or essential part of loading or unloading a vessel."
    Although the ALJ and, to a lesser extent, the Board phrase this two-
    part inquiry in terms of jurisdiction rather than coverage, it should be noted
    that jurisdiction is presumed under the Act. See 33 U.S.C. § 920(a); New
    Orleans (Gulfwide) Stevedores v. Turner, 
    661 F.2d 1031
    , 1038 (5th Cir. Unit A
    Nov. 1981). The presumption is, of course, rebuttable, but the burden of
    establishing jurisdiction (or the lack thereof) does not lie with the
    Chesapeake & Ohio R. R. v. Schwalb, 
    493 U.S. 40
    , 45 (1989).3
    The status test was added in the 1972 amendments to the Act,
    the purpose of which was to extend coverage to those injured in
    maritime employment on certain areas adjoining previously-covered
    sites but not actually on navigable waters.                   It thus "became
    necessary to describe affirmatively the class of workers Congress
    desired to compensate," 
    Caputo, 432 U.S. at 264
    , and the status
    requirement was born.4        But because Congress presumed that an
    employee injured      upon   navigable    waters   in   the    course   of   his
    employment had always been covered, and would remain covered, the
    Supreme Court has held that the added status requirement defines
    only the scope of the landward coverage extended by the 1972
    amendments.    See Director v. Perini N. River Associates, 
    459 U.S. 297
    , 317-19 (1983).
    Thus the current status test, as our caselaw recognizes,
    presents a dual inquiry.      Under Perini, an employee may be engaged
    in maritime employment if he was injured in the course of his
    employment while on navigable waters.          If he was not on navigable
    waters at the time of his injury, however, he may satisfy the
    See also Herb's 
    Welding, 470 U.S. at 423
    ("Congress did not seek to
    cover all those who breathe salt air. Its purpose was to cover those workers
    on the situs who are involved in the essential elements of loading and
    unloading; it is `clear that persons who are on the situs but not engaged in
    the overall process of loading or unloading vessels are not covered.'"
    (Quoting Northeast Marine Terminal Co. v. Caputo, 
    432 U.S. 249
    , 267 (1977).).
    As the legislative history states, "[t]he Committee does not intend to
    cover employees who are not engaged in loading, unloading, repairing, or
    building a vessel, just because they are injured in an area adjoining
    navigable waters used for such activity." S. REP. NO. 1125, 92d Cong., 2d Sess.
    13 (1972); H. R. REP. NO. 1441, 92d Cong., 2d Sess. 11 (1972).
    status test only if his work "is directly connected to the commerce
    carried on by a ship or vessel, under Gray."             Fontenot v. AWI,
    923 F.2d 1127
    , 1130 (5th Cir. 1991).
    It is undisputed that Munguia injured himself while working on
    one of the fixed well platforms in the Southwest Pass field.              In
    Herb's Welding, the Supreme Court held that a welder injured while
    working on just such a fixed platform was not engaged in "maritime
    employment" and therefore was not covered by the Act.5              Because
    Munguia's injury transpired on a platform almost identical to that
    at issue in Herb's Welding, any resort Munguia might have had to
    the first prong of the status test is necessarily foreclosed by
    that precedent.
    We are left, therefore, with the functional test of maritime
    employment commended to us by the Court: Munguia's work will be
    deemed maritime "only if it is an integral or essential part of
    loading or unloading a vessel."           
    Schwalb, 493 U.S. at 45
    .        In
    Schwalb, of course, the Court extended the Act's coverage to
    "[s]omeone    who   repairs    or   maintains    a   piece   of   unloading
    id. at 47,
    but it reaffirmed the essential nexus to the
    loading and unloading processes.
    The Court relied for this result upon its earlier conclusion in
    Rodrigue v. Aetna Casualty & Sur. Co., 
    395 U.S. 352
    , 360 (1969), that fixed
    platforms are not vessels but are properly analogized to islands. Thus, an
    injury incurred while working thereon did not constitute an injury upon
    navigable waters and was not covered under the Act. See 
    Gray, 470 U.S. at 416
    n.2, 421-23.
    The record evinces some confusion as to the precise duties
    Munguia was performing at the time of his injury.          According to the
    Claimant testified that he loaded and unloaded
    supplies from crew boats to tank batteries. The supplies
    Claimant said he unloaded were heavy equipment such as
    generators, motors, compressors, 500 pound drums of soap,
    chemicals and hay.     Claimant said all the materials
    arrived only by boat and he would at times navigate the
    boat to other tank batteries. Claimant testified that no
    one else was specifically hired by Employer to load and
    unload equipment off and on the supply boats. Claimant
    also testified that he had to operate a crane at times to
    off-load equipment from the supply boats.        Claimant
    testified that he spent 90% of his time working on the
    waterway and of that time, 50% of his time would be spent
    loading and unloading.
    Apparently    accepting     Munguia's      version   of    his   employment
    activities,    the   ALJ   found   the    status   requirement   satisfied,
    distinguishing Herb's Welding on the basis that "Claimant spent
    some of his time loading and unloading supplies from boats, in
    essence an action that the Act considers inherently maritime."6
    The above-described activities Munguia testified to as part of
    his    employment    background    with   Chevron.      Specifically,     his
    testimony related to his specific duties as a roustabout (class "B"
    Although he found no fixed percentage of time that Munguia had spent
    loading and unloading supplies, the ALJ relied upon our adoption in two cases
    of the Caputo test to extend coverage to employees who "spend at least some of
    their time in indisputably longshoring operations." 
    Caputo, 432 U.S. at 273
    See also Howard v. Rebel Well Serv., 
    632 F.2d 1348
    , 1350 (5th Cir. 1980);
    Boudloche v. Howard Trucking Co., 
    632 F.2d 1346
    , 1347-48 (5th Cir. 1980),
    cert. denied, 
    452 U.S. 915
    (1981). In Boudloche, we found coverage where the
    claimant spent only 2½% to 5% of his time in longshoring activities; in
    Howard, we held that the status requirement could be satisfied even though a
    claimant had spent less than 10% of his time in ship repair. Curiously, the
    ALJ also cited, as support, Thornton v. Brown & Root, Inc., 
    707 F.2d 149
    , 152-
    53 (5th Cir. 1983), cert. denied, 
    464 U.S. 1052
    (1984), despite the fact that
    Thornton applied the too-expansive "realistically significant relationship to
    maritime employment" test expressly rejected in Herb's 
    Welding, 470 U.S. at 418-19
    , 423.
    and later, class "A") for Chevron from 1970, the start of his
    employment, to sometime in 1977, when, according to both his own
    testimony and that of his supervisor, James Burchfield, Munguia
    assumed the duties of a relief pumper-gauger.                For approximately
    the last two and one-half years prior to his injury, then, Munguia
    was   performing,   as    a    relief       pumper-gauger,     functions     quite
    different from those relied upon by the ALJ in finding coverage.
    The ALJ's confusion in this respect compels our conclusion
    that substantial evidence did not support his factual findings and
    that they therefore are undeserving of the deference generally
    accorded such findings.         In contrast to the ALJ's recitation,
    Munguia's duties as a relief pumper-gauger involved little or no
    loading and unloading of boats.               Our previous consideration of
    Munguia's Jones Act appeal accurately described his activities:
    Each day Munguia was assigned to duty at various
    places in the field. If he was not assigned to work at
    the tank battery but to work on the various wells,
    Munguia took a boat, either alone or with another worker,
    and visited a number of the multiple small platforms
    within the field. He loaded onto the boat the tools and
    equipment he would need for the day and then navigated
    the boat to and from the various platforms.       At each
    platform he unloaded the tools and equipment needed to do
    the work required at that platform. Approximately ninety
    percent of his time was spent either traveling to, or
    working on, the field platforms and other structures in
    the water.
    Munguia, 768 F.2d at 651
    Additionally, there was testimony by Clement Malley, Chevron's
    production   foreman     for   the   South     Pass   field,    that   the   tank
    batteries were supplied by three small contract crew boats (for
    small items) and two larger "lugger" boats, which operated three
    days a week and delivered heavy equipment, drums of chemicals and
    soap, and hay (for soaking up small oil spills).        Although Munguia
    claimed that, as a roustabout, he occasionally would help unload
    these boats, Malley testified that Chevron contracted with two
    different employers for crews to man these boats and perform the
    off-loading themselves.
    As for the individual wells serviced by Munguia, customarily
    no heavy equipment was delivered to them.          When working as a
    pumper-gauger, moreover, Munguia took to the wells only those tools
    and supplies he needed to perform his platform-related mission.
    Unlike the ALJ, we find little to distinguish this case from Herb's
    Welding.   Like that of Mr. Gray, Munguia's work
    had nothing to do with the loading or unloading process,
    nor is there any indication that he was even employed in
    the maintenance of equipment used in such tasks. Gray's
    welding work was far removed from traditional LHWCA
    activities, notwithstanding the fact that he unloaded his
    own gear upon arriving at a platform by boat. He built
    and maintained pipelines and the platforms themselves.
    There is nothing inherently maritime about those tasks.
    They are also performed on land, and their nature is not
    significantly altered by the marine environment,
    particularly since exploration and development of the
    Continental Shelf are not themselves maritime commerce.
    Welding, 470 U.S. at 425
    (citations and footnotes omitted).
    Munguia's   testimony   to   the   effect   that   small   Jo-boats
    occasionally were used to carry small amounts of soap and chemicals
    between tank batteries does not alter our analysis.        While loading
    and unloading of ships was undeniably required in order to complete
    these tasks, that fact alone does not warrant our concluding that
    Munguia thereby engaged in "maritime employment."            As we have
    previously stated,
    the unloading and loading, and construction activities
    that the Court recognizes as the focus of the maritime
    employment test . . . can be unconnected with maritime
    commerce. . . . For example, an employee might unload
    one train, and load another; or an employee might engage
    in construction activities, but build an airplane instead
    of a ship. Nothing intrinsic in any of these activities
    established their maritime nature, rather it is that they
    are undertaken with respect to a ship or vessel. When
    the tasks are undertaken to enable a ship to engage in
    maritime commerce, then the activities become "maritime
    Fontenot, 923 F.2d at 1131
    (footnotes omitted).
    Because the transfer of small amounts of supplies between tank
    batteries by Munguia and his fellow roustabouts was undertaken ))
    like Gray's activities in Herb's Welding )) to further the non-
    maritime-related purpose of servicing and maintaining the fixed
    platform wells, the mere fact that Munguia may have loaded and
    unloaded them onto his skiff cannot confer coverage. Likewise, the
    incidental boat repairs performed by Chevron roustabouts )) even if
    considered   a   part   of   Munguia's    pumper-gauger   duties7   ))   were
    intended to further the maintenance of the wells, not the loading
    and unloading of cargo.        Cf. 
    Schwalb, 493 U.S. at 47
    coverage to employees injured "while maintaining or repairing
    equipment essential to the loading or unloading process" (emphasis
    In short, Munguia's daily activities as a pumper-gauger were
    intrinsically related to the servicing and maintenance of fixed
    Munguia was, on occasion, required to clean the boats and perform
    minor maintenance work such as changing wheels or propellers. The record
    reflects that Munguia spent only 5% to 6% of his working hours doing such
    maintenance work. On one occasion, he worked on the wire-line barge when it
    was being used to raise a sunken Jo-boat.
    platform wells )) wells, moreover, almost indistinguishable from
    those     built   and   maintained     by    Gray.      Like    Gray's    welding
    activities, Munguia's tasks involve "nothing inherently maritime."
    Welding, 470 U.S. at 425
    .            Any contact Munguia may have had
    with cargo was fleeting, unrelated to maritime commerce, and
    usually at a time by which these supplies no longer possessed the
    properties normally associated with "cargo."              And as the Court has
    stated, "[w]e have never read `maritime employment' to extend so
    far beyond those actually involved in moving cargo between ship and
    land transportation."        
    Id. at 424
    (emphasis added).8
    Because Munguia has failed to demonstrate that he was engaged
    in maritime employment when he was injured, he cannot meet the
    status requirement for coverage under the Act. We therefore do not
    address the question of situs, relied upon as dispositive by the
    "Cargo. The load (i.e. freight) of a vessel, train, truck, airplane
    or other carrier." BLACK'S LAW DICTIONARY 213 (6th ed. 1990). While we do not view
    the issue as dispositive, we discern in the Court's emphasis on the loading
    and unloading test for "maritime employment" at least an implicit requirement
    that what is loaded be "cargo." See, e.g., 
    Ford, 444 U.S. at 84
    (advancing a
    definition of maritime employment "that reaches any worker who moves cargo
    between ship and land transportation"); 
    Caputo, 432 U.S. at 267
    the essential elements of unloading a vessel as "taking cargo out of the hold,
    moving it away from the ship's side, and carrying it immediately to a storage
    or holding area").
    Thus, Munguia's transfer by boat of soap and chemicals from the tank
    batteries to the well platforms does not constitute the loading and unloading
    of cargo but rather the mere trans-shipment of supplies previously unloaded.
    The committee reports accompanying the Act's 1972 amendments are plain on this
    The Committee does not intend to cover employees who are not
    engaged in loading, unloading, repairing, or building a vessel,
    just because they are injured in an area adjoining navigable
    waters used for such activity. Thus, employees whose
    responsibility is only to pick up stored cargo for further trans-
    shipment would not be covered . . . .
    Caputo, 432 U.S. at 266
    n.27 (quoting S. REP. NO. 1125, at 13; H. R. REP. NO. 1441,
    at 10-11).
    Board, but substitute our reasoning for that of the Board and