Adepegba v. Hammons ( 1997 )

  •                              REVISED
    No. 95-31249
    BILLY G HAMMONS, Individually and in his
    official capacity as special agent assigned to
    F C I Oakdale; JOHN L NIXON, Individually and
    in his official capacity as acting supervisory
    special agent at F C I Oakdale,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    For the Western District of Louisiana
    December 31, 1996
    Before BARKSDALE, EMILIO M. GARZA, and BENAVIDES, Circuit Judges.
    EMILIO M. GARZA, Circuit Judge:
    Valentino Adepegba, a federal prisoner, appeals the district
    court’s dismissal of his in forma pauperis civil rights action as
    frivolous. His appeal raises several issues of first impression in
    this circuit regarding new in forma pauperis provisions of the
    Prison Litigation Reform Act.
    Adepegba is a Nigerian citizen who entered the United States
    legally in 1982.            While in the United States, Adepegba has been
    convicted       of     crimes    including       cocaine    possession,      illegal
    possession of firearms, and mail fraud.               Proceeding pro se and in
    forma pauperis (“i.f.p.”), Adepegba filed this civil rights action
    pursuant to Bivens v. Six Unknown Named Agents of the Federal
    Bureau of Narcotics, 
    403 U.S. 388
    91 S. Ct. 1999
    29 L. Ed. 2d 619
    (1971), against         Billy    Hammons    and    John    Nixon,   agents   of   the
    Immigration and Naturalization Service (“INS”).                   Adepegba alleges
    that       Hammons    and   Nixon   did   not    follow    INS   procedure   in   his
    interview and that they falsified an INS report that was admitted
    into evidence at his deportation hearing.
    The district court construed Adepegba’s complaint to state two
    causes of action and dismissed each, one as frivolous because it
    was barred by Heck v. Humphrey, 
    512 U.S. 477
    114 S. Ct. 2364
    129 L. Ed. 2d 383
    (1994), and the other for failure to exhaust
    administrative remedies under the Federal Tort Claims Act, 28
    U.S.C. §§ 1346, 2671 et seq.               Adepegba filed a timely notice of
    appeal December 14, 1995.
    This appeal is not Adepegba’s first; indeed he is a frequent
    filer in this court.            We have considered eleven prior Adepegba
    appeals, and we have dismissed all of them))three of them as
    frivolous.1          On April 26, 1996, after Adepegba filed notice of
    See Adepegba v. Sheriff, No. 94-40134 (5th Cir. Jul. 21,
    1994) (affirmance of section 2241 dismissal without prejudice for
    failure to exhaust administrative remedies); Adepegba v. United
    States Postal Service, No. 94-10259 (5th Cir. Jul. 28, 1994)
    (reversal and remand of Bivens action dismissed by district court
    as frivolous); Adepegba v. Morgan, No. 94-10681 (5th Cir. Sept. 20,
    1994) (affirming section 1983 dismissal under unamended section
    appeal in the instant case, the President signed into law the
    Prison Litigation Reform Act, Pub. L. No. 104-134, 110 Stat. 1321
    (1996) (“PLRA” or “Act”), which modifies the requirements for
    proceeding in forma pauperis (“i.f.p.”) in federal courts.    Among
    other things, the PLRA revokes prisoners’ privileges to proceed
    i.f.p. if they have, on three prior occasions during detention, had
    an action or appeal dismissed as frivolous, malicious, or for
    failing to state a claim.   28 U.S.C. § 1915(g), as amended by PLRA.
    Section 1915(g) contains an exception that allows prisoners whose
    privileges have been revoked to proceed i.f.p. in cases involving
    imminent danger of serious physical injury.    
    Id. II Before
    we address the merits of Adepegba’s dismissal in the
    district court, we must first decide whether the new provisions of
    the PLRA apply. The new statute provides:
    In no event shall a prisoner bring a civil action or
    1915(d)); Adepegba v. Louisiana, No. 94-40749 (5th Cir. Nov. 17,
    1994) (affirming section 1983 dismissal as frivolous on statute of
    limitations grounds and dismissing appeal as frivolous); Adepegba
    v. INS, No. 94-40615 (5th Cir. Apr. 20, 1995) (petition for review
    of BIA decision dismissed as frivolous); Adepegba v. Caplinger, No.
    95-30614 (5th Cir. Jul. 11, 1995) (appeal of section 2241 action
    dismissed for lack of jurisdiction); United States v. Adepegba, No.
    95-10596 (5th Cir. Mar. 11, 1996) (dismissing habeas corpus
    appeal); United States v. Adepegba, No. 95-31297 (5th Cir. Mar. 20,
    1996) (denial of motion for sanctions, temporary restraining order,
    and preliminary injunction); Adepegba v. INS, No. 95-60390 (5th
    Cir. Mar. 21, 1996) (dismissing as frivolous claims that district
    court erred    in failing to consider objections to magistrate
    judge’s report and failing to provide hearing); In re Adepegba, No.
    95-00065 (5th Cir. Jun. 6, 1996 (denying petition for mandamus);
    Adepegba v. INS, No. 95-30626 (5th Cir. July 3, 1996) (consolidated
    dismissal of Adepegba v. INS, No. 95-30470 (appealing dismissal of
    section 2241 petition challenging final order of deportation) and
    Adepegba v. Hall, No. 95-30808 (same)).
    appeal a judgment in a civil action or proceeding under
    this section if the prisoner has, on 3 or more prior
    occasions, while incarcerated or detained in any
    facility, brought an action or appeal in a court of the
    United States that was dismissed on the grounds that it
    is frivolous, malicious, or fails to state a claim upon
    which relief may be granted, unless the prisoner is under
    imminent danger of serious physical injury.
    28 U.S.C. § 1915(g), as amended.         This case presents two threshold
    issues:       First, does section 1915(g) govern Adepegba’s appeal,
    which was filed before the Act became law?             Second, do Adepegba’s
    prior dismissals bring him within the ambit of the “three strikes”
    provision of section 1915(g)?       Both are issues of first impression
    in this circuit.
    First we decide whether section 1915(g) applies to cases
    pending on the effective date of the statute.              Adepegba filed a
    notice of appeal in this case on December 14, 1995, months before
    the PLRA became law.        The question of whether to apply a new
    statute to a case pending on its effective date is governed by the
    Supreme Court’s recent opinion in Landgraf v. USI Film Products,
    511 U.S. 244
    114 S. Ct. 1483
    128 L. Ed. 2d 229
    Landgraf established a two-part test to determine whether the
    statute should apply.        First, courts should determine “whether
    Congress has expressly prescribed the statute’s proper reach.”
    Landgraf, 511 U.S. at ___, 114 S. Ct. at 1505 (emphasis added).             If
    it has, the court must respect the stated will of Congress.                
    Id. Second, where
    the statute does not contain an express effective
    date, courts must determine whether the statute would “impair
    rights    a   party   possessed   when   he   acted,    increase   a   party’s
    liability for past conduct, or impose new duties with respect to
    transactions already completed.”         
    Id. If it
    does, courts should
    not apply the statute to the pending case. 
    Id. Employing this
    analysis, we find that Congress has specified
    no effective date for the PLRA. See Green v. Nottingham, 
    90 F.3d 415
    , 419 (10th Cir. 1996) (holding that PLRA lacks the kind of
    “unambiguous     directive”   required    by     Landgraf).     No   section
    evidences Congressional intent, so we apply the default rule that
    the PLRA became effective on the day it was signed into law.
    Norman J. Singer, 2 Sutherland Statutory Construction, § 33.06 at
    12 (5th ed. 1993).     Congress was also silent as to whether courts
    should apply the new statute in cases pending on the PLRA’s
    effective date.      However, as the Court noted in Landgraf, the
    absence     of    specific    legislative       authorization    does    not
    automatically render improper a court’s decision to apply a new
    statute to events that predated its passage.          511 U.S. at ___, 114
    S. Ct. at 1501.      We therefore turn to step two of the Landgraf
    Under step two, we should not apply the statute if we find
    that it would do any of three things: “impair rights a party
    possessed when he acted, increase a party’s liability for past
    conduct, or impose new duties with respect to transactions already
    completed.”      Id. at ___, 114 S. Ct. at 1505.         We do not believe
    that applying the provisions of section 1915(g) in this case runs
    afoul of the second step of Landgraf.          We have long recognized that
    there is no absolute “right” to pursue a civil appeal i.f.p.;
    rather it is a privilege extended to those unable to pay filing
    fees in a timely manner.   Startti v. United States, 
    415 F.2d 1115
    1116 (5th Cir. 1969). Furthermore, every limitation of a privilege
    does not count as a liability or a duty.      Section 1915(g) governs
    procedure, and it does little more than apply the same rules to
    prisoners that apply to everyone else who brings an action or
    We note that “[c]hanges in procedural rules may often be
    applied in suits arising before their enactment without raising
    concerns about retroactivity.”     Landgraf, 511 U.S. at ___, 114 S.
    Ct. at 1502.   The Supreme Court has long held that, because rules
    of procedure govern secondary conduct rather than primary conduct,
    applying them to cases pending on their effective date does not
    violate presumptions against retroactivity. Id. at ___, 114 S. Ct.
    at 1502, citing McBurney v. Carson, 
    99 U.S. 567
    , 569, 25 L Ed. 378
    (1879).   Therefore the Court has upheld procedural changes even
    where they work to the disadvantage of defendants in pending cases.
    Landgraf, 511 U.S. at ___, 114 S. Ct. at 1502 n.28, citing Dobbert
    v. Florida, 
    432 U.S. 282
    , 293-94, 
    97 S. Ct. 2290
    , 2298-99, 53 L.
    Ed. 2d 344 (1977); Collins v. Youngblood, 
    497 U.S. 37
    110 S. Ct. 2715
    111 L. Ed. 2d 30
    (1990); Beazell v. Ohio, 
    269 U.S. 167
    , 46 S.
    Ct. 68, 
    70 L. Ed. 216
    Section 1915 is a procedural statute governing the process by
    which   indigent   individuals,   including   prisoners,   bring   civil
    actions or appeals in the federal courts.          Before amendment,
    section 1915 allowed qualifying prisoners to bring an action or
    appeal without prepaying court fees, which are normally in excess
    of $100.        See 28 U.S.C. § 1913 note (Judicial Conference Schedule
    of    Fees).         The   amended   provisions     of     section   1915(b)    allow
    qualifying individuals to pay the filing fee in installments over
    time.       28 U.S.C. § 1915(b), as amended.             Although section 1915(g)
    attaches        consequences    to     past     actions,    we   find   that    these
    consequences are matters of procedure.                Section 1915(g) does not
    affect a prisoner’s substantive rights, and it does not block his
    or her access to the courts.           A prisoner may still pursue any claim
    after three qualifying dismissals, but he or she must do so without
    the       aid   of   the   i.f.p.    procedures.      We    therefore    find    that
    application of this procedural rule to pending appeals does not
    raise the retroactivity concerns discussed in Landgraf.                        Accord
    Green v. Nottingham, 90 F.3d, 415, 420 (10th Cir. 1996) (holding
    that section 1915(g) does not run afoul of Landgraf because it is
    a “procedural rule”);2 Abdul-Wadood v. Nathan, 
    91 F.3d 1023
    , 1025
    (7th Cir. 1996) (“All § 1915 has ever done is excuse prepayment of
    docket fees; a litigant remains liable for them, and for other
    costs, although poverty may make collection impossible.”).
    The second reason that application of section 1915(g) does not
    raise retroactivity concerns is that it does not impose new or
    Green’s case is on slightly different procedural footing,
    however, since he filed his appeal on May 7, 1996, after the
    President signed the PLRA. It is unclear to us that Landgraf is
    the proper mode of analysis for such cases. See Landgraf, 511 U.S.
    at ___, 114 S. Ct. at 1488 (noting that the Court granted
    certiorari to decide whether provisions of the Civil Rights Act of
    1991 applied to a Title VII case pending on appeal when the statute
    was enacted). We limit today’s holding to appeals pending when the
    PLRA was signed.
    additional liabilities, but instead requires collection of a fee
    that was always due.        In providing procedures to litigate in forma
    pauperis, Congress created an exception to the general rules under
    28 U.S.C. §§ 1911-14, which impose filing fees on federal court
    litigants.     Section 1915(g) puts prisoners on the same footing as
    every other petitioner in federal court.              We hold that this is not
    a duty or a liability under Landgraf.
    The revocation of this privilege is not new, either.               Before
    the PLRA, courts routinely revoked a prisoner’s ability to proceed
    i.f.p. after numerous dismissals.             See, e.g., Green     v. Carlson,
    649 F.2d 285
    ,   287    (5th    Cir.)    (per    curiam)   (court   enjoined
    petitioner, who had filed over 500 state and federal suits, from
    proceeding       i.f.p.     unless     complaints       specifically     alleged
    constitutional deprivation), cert. denied, 
    454 U.S. 1087
    , 102 S.
    Ct. 646, 
    70 L. Ed. 2d 623
    (1981).               By adding section 1915(g),
    Congress determined that three qualifying dismissals constituted
    per se abuse of the i.f.p. procedures.                   The “three strikes”
    provision merely codifies an existing practice in the courts
    designed to prevent prisoners from abusing the i.f.p. privilege.
    Prisoners who are not allowed to proceed i.f.p. may pursue
    their substantive claims just as anyone else by paying the filing
    fee.    This requirement is neither novel nor penal.               It does not
    increase a prisoner’s liability, but merely puts prisoners who
    abuse a privilege on the same footing as everyone else.                 We find
    that   section    1915(g)    does    not    impair    prisoners’   rights,   nor
    increase their liability, nor impose a new duty under Landgraf. We
    therefore apply the statute to this appeal.                See 
    Green, 90 F.3d at 420
      (holding   that   “three   strikes”          provision      does    not   raise
    retroactivity concerns).
    Having determined that section 1915(g) governs this appeal, we
    must now consider whether Adepegba has three or more qualifying
    dismissals under the statute. Congress provided no instructions to
    aid us in determining exactly what counts as a dismissal under
    amended   section   1915(g).         To       complicate   this    determination,
    Adepegba has     afforded   us   a   number       of   different     and   creative
    dismissal combinations.
    It is straightforward that affirmance of a district court
    dismissal as frivolous counts as a single “strike.”                  In September
    1994, we affirmed a district court’s dismissal of an Adepegba
    section 1983 claim against the City of Balch Springs.                    Adepegba v.
    Morgan, No. 94-10681 (5th Cir. Sept. 20, 1994). Adepegba failed to
    allege any policy or custom of the city that resulted in the
    violation   of   his    constitutional          rights;    the    district       court
    dismissed as frivolous and we affirmed. We interpret the fact that
    actions or appeals qualify, and the fact that any “court of the
    United States” may provide the forum, to mean that dismissals as
    frivolous in the district courts or the court of appeals count for
    the purposes of the statute.              In Adepegba v. Morgan, we only
    addressed the merits below, not the merits of the appeal.                       Such a
    disposition merely states that the district court did not err in
    determining that the underlying action was frivolous. Therefore we
    find that the district court’s dismissal of Adepegba’s section 1983
    claim   counts,    but   our    affirmance,      standing   alone,   does   not.
    Adepegba’s claim against Balch Springs is strike one.
    However, we find it plain that reversal of a dismissal as
    frivolous nullifies the “strike.”             In Adepegba v. United States
    Postal Service, No. 94-10259 (5th Cir. Jul. 28, 1994), we reversed
    and remanded a district court frivolousness dismissal.                Although
    Adepegba filed a claim that was dismissed by the district court,
    our subsequent reversal lifts the strike from his record.                 We note
    that it is possible to read the statute otherwise; section 1915(g)
    only requires that on three or more prior occasions a prisoner have
    had an action dismissed.         The statute does not proscribe any cure
    for erroneous dismissals.         Such an extreme reading would count the
    entry of three dismissals, even though each had been reversed, an
    absurd result we cannot believe Congress intended.                We hold that,
    by   using   the   phrase      “dismissed   on    the   grounds    that    it   is
    frivolous,” Congress did not mean to include dismissals later
    reversed.    Because such dismissals are reinstated on appeal, such
    claims are not properly considered “dismissed” for the purposes of
    the statute.
    By similar reasoning, we decline to count against Adepegba the
    district court’s dismissal as frivolous in the instant case))at
    least for now.     A dismissal should not count against a petitioner
    until he has exhausted or waived his appeals.            Any other reading of
    the statute poses a risk of inadvertently punishing nonculpable
    conduct.     For example, an indigent prisoner’s fourth claim could
    expire while his first three dismissals were being reversed on
    appeal.   A hyper-literal reading of the statute might also bar a
    prisoner’s appeal of an erroneous third strike, since the appeal
    would follow three prior dismissals.    It is uncontroversial from
    the plain language of the statute that Congress intended section
    1915(g) only to penalize litigation that is truly frivolous, not to
    freeze out meritorious claims or ossify district court errors.   We
    accordingly read dismissals under the statute to include only those
    for which appeal has been exhausted or waived.    Because Adepegba
    did not appeal the Fifth Circuit cases cited in this opinion (two
    affirmances and one dismissal as frivolous) within ninety days,
    those strikes qualify under the statute.       See S. Ct. Rule 13
    (establishing deadlines for appeal).
    By contrast, both the frivolous appeal and a lower court’s
    dismissal as frivolous count.     In November 1995, we affirmed a
    district court order dismissing as frivolous Adepegba’s Fourth
    Amendment claims against the State of Louisiana arising out of a
    1985 traffic stop.    Adepegba v. Louisiana, No. 94-40749 (5th Cir.
    1994).    In his appeal, Adepegba did not argue the merits of his
    dismissed claims, which we deemed abandoned; thus we affirmed the
    district court’s dismissal.   Strike two.
    In the same appeal, Adepegba raised different issues, arguing
    that the district court improperly dismissed his complaint without
    service of process and without issuing interrogatories. Neither is
    required, and we separately dismissed his appeal as frivolous under
    Fifth Cir. R. 42.2.     Congress suggests in the statute that any
    appeal dismissed as frivolous counts against the petitioner; it
    makes   no    exception    for    frivolous     appeals   of    district    court
    dismissals.      Therefore we find that Congress would have us count
    both the dismissal in the district court and the separate dismissal
    of the appeal as frivolous. This holds true whether the case is
    dismissed      under    Fifth      Cir.    R.    42.2,    unamended      section
    1915(d)(allowing courts to dismiss cases or appeals as frivolous),
    the new section 1915(e)(2) (as amended by PLRA) (allowing courts to
    dismiss cases at any time for a broad array of reasons), new
    section      1915A(b)   (as      amended   by   PLRA)     (same),   42     U.S.C.
    § 1997(e)(7)(c) (as amended by PLRA) (allowing courts to dismiss
    section   1983    prison      conditions   cases)   or    any   other    grounds
    independent of the district court’s disposition. Adepegba’s appeal
    in Adepegba v. Louisiana is strike three.3
    We therefore find that Adepegba has three or more strikes
    under the statute.        Adepegba is out, and not just in this appeal.
    Under the terms of the statute, he may pursue another action in
    federal court i.f.p. only if he is in “imminent danger of serious
    physical injury.”       28 U.S.C. § 1915(g), as amended.            Therefore,
    except for cases involving an imminent danger of serious physical
    injury, we bar him from proceeding further under the statute and
    dismiss all of Adepegba’s i.f.p. appeals pending in this court. He
    In addition, we dismissed as frivolous two other Adepegba
    appeals before the effective date of the PLRA, which would also
    count under the statute. See Adepegba v. INS, No. 94-40615 (5th
    Cir. April 20, 1995), cert. denied, ___ U.S. ___, 
    116 S. Ct. 228
    133 L. Ed. 2d 157
    (1995); United States v. Adepegba, No. 95-10596
    (5th Cir. Mar. 11, 1996).
    may resume any claims dismissed under section 1915(g), if he
    decides to pursue them, under the fee provisions of 28 U.S.C.
    §§ 1911-14 applicable to everyone else.
    Therefore we DISMISS Adepegba’s appeal in this case, as well
    as any other appeal not involving physical injury, pending in this
    circuit on the date of this opinion.