Moosa v. INS ( 1999 )

  •                           Revised April 19, 1999
    No. 96-60821
    WAZIRALI MOOSA, also known as Wazir Ali Haider
    On Petition For Review From The Board
    Of Immigration Appeals and Legalization Appeals Unit
    April 2, 1999
    Before REYNALDO G. GARZA, POLITZ, and BARKSDALE, Circuit Judges.
    A deferred adjudication of guilt for indecency with a child by
    contact having been entered against Wazirali Moosa in Texas state
    court in 1990, and, as a result, Moosa having been denied permanent
    residency and having been ordered deported, along with his wife,
    primarily    at   issue   is,   in     the    legalization   decision,   the
    retroactive application to that deferred adjudication of the new
    definition of “conviction” in § 322(a) of the Illegal Immigration
    Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996, codified at 8
    U.S.C. § 1101(a)(48)(A).        At issue are whether the Legalization
    Appeals Unit erred in denying Moosa permanent resident status;
    whether we have jurisdiction to review the denial by the Board of
    Immigration Appeals of suspension of deportation as to the Moosas;
    and, if we do have jurisdiction, whether that denial was in error.
    We DENY the petition from the legalization decision.     Because we
    lack jurisdiction over the deportation decision, we DISMISS that
    Moosa, a native of Pakistan, entered the United States in 1979
    as a nonimmigrant visitor.    Four years later, his wife, Zebunisa
    Moosa, and their two young daughters joined him, also entering as
    nonimmigrant visitors.   Eventually, the Moosas settled in Texas,
    where Moosa was employed, Mrs. Moosa tended to the needs of the
    household, and the two daughters enrolled in (and eventually
    graduated from) public school.
    In September 1988, the INS approved Moosa’s application for
    temporary resident status.   In April 1989, he applied to the INS to
    adjust his status to permanent resident.
    Later in 1989, Moosa was indicted in Texas for indecency with
    a child by contact (a second-degree felony), stemming from an
    incident occurring in early April of that year.      The indictment
    charged Moosa with molesting a twelve-year-old girl. Moosa pleaded
    guilty in January 1990. The following month, a Texas court entered
    a deferred adjudication of guilt and placed Moosa on eight years
    - 2 -
    probation.   He also served 180 days in jail on a work release
    program and was ordered, among other things, to attend therapy
    sessions, avoid contact with children, and report monthly to a
    probation officer.1   (Moosa complied with these requirements, and
    was released from community supervision early, in 1993 or 1994.2)
    In February 1992, interpreting Moosa’s deferred adjudication
    as a “conviction” that rendered him ineligible for legalization,
    the Legalization Director issued notice of intent to deny his
    permanent residency application.       The application was formally
    The “deferred adjudication” procedure is found in Texas Code
    of Criminal Procedure Article 42.12 § 5. After a defendant has
    pleaded guilty or nolo contendere, the judge may, pursuant to §
    5(a), “defer further proceedings without entering an adjudication
    of guilt, and place the defendant on community supervision”. Under
    § 5(b), if the defendant violates a condition of the community
    supervision, he may be arrested and his guilt on the original
    charge may be adjudicated. “After an adjudication of guilt, all
    proceedings, including assessment of punishment, pronouncement of
    sentence, granting of community supervision, and defendant’s appeal
    continue as if adjudication of guilt had not been deferred.” TEX.
    CODE CRIM. P. ART. 42.12 § 5(b).       However, if the defendant
    successfully completes his community supervision and “the judge has
    not proceeded to adjudication of guilt, the judge shall dismiss the
    proceedings against the defendant and discharge him”. TEX. CODE
    CRIM. P. ART. 42.12 § 5(c). Additionally, the judge may dismiss the
    proceedings and discharge the defendant from community supervision
    early, if the judge deems such action to be in “the best interest
    of society and the defendant”. TEX. CODE CRIM. P. ART. 42.12 § 5(c).
    Finally, § 5(c) provides that “a dismissal and discharge under this
    section may not be deemed a conviction for the purposes of
    disqualifications or disabilities imposed by law for conviction of
    an offense”.
    Moosa’s release date from community supervision is unclear.
    A brief to the INS by Moosa’s former attorney states that Moosa was
    discharged in June 1994. Moosa testified before the Immigration
    Judge that he was discharged in 1993.
    - 3 -
    denied on 20 April 1992.
    Two weeks later, on 4 May, Moosa appealed the termination of
    his temporary resident status to the Legalization Appeals Unit
    (LAU).3      His notice of appeal was returned for failure to include
    the filing fee.          On 22 May, the notice was refiled with the fee.
    In July 1994, the LAU dismissed the appeal as untimely for having
    been filed more than 30 days after the Legalization Director’s
    The     INS    commenced      deportation    proceedings      in   March   1995
    against Mr. and Mrs. Moosa and their daughters (then in their early
    20s), for overstaying an authorized period of stay, pursuant to 8
    U.S.C. § 1251(a)(1)(B).               The Moosas applied for suspension of
    deportation          under    8   U.S.C.   §   1254(a)   (now   repealed),    and   a
    deportation hearing was held in March 1996.                     The family claimed
    that       deportation       would   impose    extreme   hardship,    justifying     a
    The Immigration Judge (IJ) suspended the deportation of the
    Moosas’ daughters; however, suspension was denied for Mr. and Mrs.
    This appellate division is referred to as the “Legalization
    Appeals Unit” because that is the title used by our circuit. See
    Martinez-Montoya v. INS, 
    904 F.2d 1018
    , 1020 (5th Cir. 1990). It
    is an internal division of the Administrative Appeals Unit of the
    INS that decides cases arising under the authority of the Associate
    Commissioner for Examinations.        8 C.F.R. §§ 103.1(f)(2);
    245a.2(u)(2) and 245a.3(j). See 
    Martinez-Montoya, 904 F.2d at 1023
    (“The LAU is the sole body within the AAU possessing jurisdiction
    to hear appeals from the administrative denial of an application
    for legalization under the provisions of [8 U.S.C. § 1255a]”).
    - 4 -
    Moosa.    The IJ found the serious nature of Moosa’s admitted child
    molestations outweighed any favorable factors and “den[ied] his
    application    for     suspension   of    deportation     as   a    matter   of
    discretion”.       The IJ denied suspension of Mrs. Moosa’s deportation
    on the basis that she had not demonstrated “extreme hardship”,
    particularly in view of the fact that her husband’s application had
    been denied.       The IJ did, however, grant the Moosas the privilege
    of voluntary departure in lieu of deportation, pursuant to 8 U.S.C.
    § 1254(e).
    The Moosas appealed to the Board of Immigration Appeals; it
    affirmed in October 1996.       The BIA agreed that Mrs. Moosa had not
    shown    extreme    hardship   merely    by   alleging   economic    hardship,
    diabetes, and a bad back.      The BIA denied relief to Moosa primarily
    because of his sexual contact with children and because it was not
    convinced he was rehabilitated.          The BIA described his conduct as
    “serious” and “predatory” and found that “a favorable exercise of
    discretion is not warranted”. The Moosas petitioned this court for
    review of the BIA’s decision.
    But, after the Moosas’ opening brief was filed with our court,
    the INS discovered that the LAU had erred in July 1994 when it
    dismissed as untimely Moosa’s appeal of the permanent resident
    status decision.       Instead, the INS concluded that the appeal was
    timely.     On joint motion, our court in May 1997 remanded the
    legalization question to the LAU. The following December, applying
    - 5 -
    the new definition of “conviction” found in the Illegal Immigration
    Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996, Pub. Law 104-208,
    110 Stat. 3009 (1996) (IIRIRA), the LAU upheld the decision of the
    Legalization Director.
    Therefore, the petitions at hand are from the LAU’s December
    1997 decision affirming the denial of Moosa’s permanent resident
    application and from the BIA’s decision denying a suspension of
    deportation to Mr. and Mrs. Moosa.           For the latter, the INS has
    moved to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction.
    Moosa, who was given temporary resident status in 1988,
    applied for permanent residency in 1989 under 8 U.S.C. § 1255a,
    enacted as part of the “legalization” or “amnesty” provisions of
    the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986.              See Hussein v.
    61 F.3d 377
    , 378 (5th Cir. 1995).           The regulations provide
    that temporary residence granted an alien will terminate if he does
    not apply for permanent residence within 43 months.                8 U.S.C.
    1255a(b)(2)(C).      The local Legalization Director is required to
    give   the   alien   notice   and   an    opportunity   to   respond   before
    terminating the temporary residency. Luevano v. INS, 
    5 F.3d 546
    1993 WL 335750
    , *1 (10th Cir. 1993)(unpublished). Notification of,
    and reasons for, a final decision to terminate must also be
    provided to the alien.        
    Id. “Once an
    alien’s temporary resident
    - 6 -
    status is terminated, he automatically returns to the unlawful
    status he held before he received the temporary resident status and
    is amenable to deportation or exclusion proceedings.”   
    Id. (citing 8
    C.F.R. 245a.2(u)(4)); 8 U.S.C. 1255a(b)(2)(C)) (Attorney General
    shall terminate temporary residence at end of 43rd month after
    alien was granted status unless application for adjustment has been
    filed and “has not been denied”).
    Permanent residence may not be granted aliens “convicted” of
    a felony.   8 U.S.C. § 1255a(b)(1)(C)(ii).    Yet, prior to 1996,
    there was no statutory definition of “conviction”.   Beginning with
    the Supreme Court’s brief decision in Pino v. Landon, 
    349 U.S. 901
    (1955) (per curiam), courts construed the term “conviction” in
    immigration laws to encompass some degree of finality of the
    judgment or disposition under state law.4
    In 1988, the BIA defined “conviction” in Matter of Ozkok, 19
    I&N Dec. 546 (BIA 1988).   In Ozkok, the BIA examined its previous
    decisions, which looked to the state law effect of the conviction
    in order to determine if the finality requirement had been met.
    Id. at 549-50.
      The BIA noted that “most states now employ some
    method of ameliorating the consequences of a conviction”; and that
    “the standard which [the BIA had] applied to the many variations in
    The entire Pino opinion follows: “On the record here we are
    unable to say that the conviction has attained such finality as to
    support an order of deportation within the contemplation of § 241
    of the Immigration and Nationality Act, 8 U.S.C.A. § 1251. The
    judgment is reversed”. 
    Pino, 349 U.S. at 901
    - 7 -
    state   procedure     may   permit    anomalous     and    unfair   results    in
    determining which aliens are considered convicted for immigration
    Id. at 550.
        Therefore, the BIA revised the standard
    for determining whether a state conviction was to be considered a
    “conviction”    for   purposes   of    immigration        law,   eliminated   the
    requirement    that   the    state   law   effect    of    the   conviction    be
    examined, and created the following standard:
    Where adjudication of guilt has been withheld,
    however, further examination of the specific
    procedure used and the state authority under
    which the court acted will be necessary. As a
    general rule, a conviction will be found for
    immigration   purposes   where   all  of   the
    following elements are present:
    (1) a judge or jury has found the alien
    guilty or he has entered a plea of guilty or
    nolo contendere or has admitted sufficient
    facts to warrant a finding of guilty;
    (2) the judge has ordered some form of
    punishment, penalty, or restraint on the
    person’s liberty to be imposed (including but
    not limited to incarceration, probation, a
    fine   or  restitution,     or   community-based
    sanctions such as a rehabilitation program, a
    work-release     or    study-release    program,
    revocation or suspension of a driver’s
    license,     deprivation      of    nonessential
    activities    or    privileges,   or   community
    service); and
    (3) a judgment or adjudication of guilt may
    be entered if the person violates the terms of
    his probation or fails to comply with the
    requirements of the court’s order, without
    availability of further proceedings regarding
    the person’s guilt or innocence of the
    original charge.
    - 8 -
    Id. at 551-52.
         Superimposed on these three requirements was the
    finality requirement. 
    Id. at 553
    n.7 (“It is well established that
    a conviction does not attain a sufficient degree of finality for
    immigration   purposes      until   direct   appellate   review    of    the
    conviction has been exhausted or waived”); White v. INS, 
    17 F.3d 475
    , 479 (1st Cir. 1994).
    But, in Matter of M, 19 I&N Dec. 861 (1989), contrary to the
    BIA’s conditions, the LAU defined “conviction” without a finality
    requirement   and   found   a   Texas   deferred   adjudication   to    be a
    “conviction” that barred permanent residency.         The LAU held that,
    for purposes of 8 U.S.C. § 1255a, a “conviction” would be found
    when an adjudication possessed the following two elements:
    (1) a judge or jury has found the alien
    guilty or he has entered a plea of guilty or
    nolo contendere; and
    (2) the judge has ordered some               form of
    punishment or penalty, including             but not
    limited to a fine or probation.
    Id. at 865.
    Because the Texas deferred adjudication satisfied both
    elements, the LAU determined that the petitioner (who had received
    a deferred adjudication for forgery) had been “convicted”.
    The petitioner in Matter of M contested the LAU’s decision,
    and our court reversed in Martinez-Montoya v. INS, 
    904 F.2d 1018
    (5th Cir. 1990).     Our court first found that “at least the LAU is
    bound to apply the BIA definition of conviction recognized in
    Matter of Ozkok, and that, under the Ozkok standard, Martinez-
    - 9 -
    Montoya has not been convicted for purposes of immigration”.                       
    Id. at 1022.
       This was based on INS regulations that required all INS
    employees to follow BIA decisions.            
    Id. at 1023.
    Martinez-Montoya’s deferred adjudication was examined under the
    Ozkok standard.
    Because the defendant in a deferred adjudication faces further
    proceedings if he violates the terms of the community supervision,
    the court stated that the third prong of the Ozkok test (which
    requires that there be no further proceedings available) was not
    met by the deferred adjudication.          
    Id. at 1024.
              Furthermore, the
    court found that the deferred adjudication did not satisfy the
    additional finality requirement of Ozkok because Martinez-Montoya
    could still appeal a finding of guilt if one were entered against
    Id. at 1025.
    Therefore,     our    court   determined    that       a    Texas       deferred
    adjudication    was    not    a   “conviction”    for   purposes          of   federal
    immigration law.       See also Zamora-Morel v. INS, 
    905 F.2d 833
    , 839
    n.3 (5th Cir. 1990) (recognizing that, under Martinez-Montoya,
    Texas deferred adjudication is not a “conviction” for immigration
    law purposes).      But see Molina v. INS, 
    981 F.2d 14
    , 18-20 (1st Cir.
    1992) (Rhode Island nolo contendere plea plus probation, which was
    not    considered   “conviction”      under   state     law       after   successful
    completion of probation, was “conviction” under federal immigration
    laws); Yanez-Popp v. INS, 
    998 F.2d 231
    , 233, 237 (4th Cir. 1993)
    - 10 -
    (Maryland’s stay of judgment conditioned on successful completion
    of probation was “conviction” under Ozkok); Chong v. INS, 
    890 F.2d 284
    , 284-85 (11th Cir. 1989) (Florida procedure of withholding
    adjudication of guilt and imposition of sentence but placement of
    defendant on probation was “conviction” for immigration purposes
    under Ozkok).
    Following receipt of the INS’s notice of intent, based on
    Moosa’s deferred adjudication, to deny permanent residency (thus
    terminating his temporary residency), Moosa’s attorney apprised
    the Legalization Director of Martinez-Montoya’s holding that a
    Texas   deferred    adjudication     was    not   a   “conviction”.     This
    notwithstanding,     the   Legalization      Director    did   not    mention
    Martinez-Montoya in his April 1992 decision; instead, he relied on
    Ozkok   in    concluding   that    the     deferred   adjudication    was   a
    On 30 September 1996, IIRIRA was enacted; it became effective
    on 1 April 1997.    Section 322(a) defined the term “conviction” and
    amended § 101(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952
    (INA), 8 U.S.C. § 1101(a).        Section 322(a) states:
    The term “conviction” means, with respect to
    an alien, a formal judgment of guilt of the
    alien entered by the court or, if adjudication
    of guilt has been withheld, where –
    (i) a judge or jury has found the alien guilty
    or the alien has entered a plea of guilty or
    nolo contendere or has admitted sufficient
    facts to warrant a finding of guilt, and
    - 11 -
    (ii) the judge has ordered some form of
    punishment, penalty, or restraint on the
    alien’s liberty to be imposed.
    Codified at 8 U.S.C. § 1101(a)(48)(A).   Thus, by eliminating the
    finality requirement, the new statutory definition of “conviction”
    mirrors the Matter of M definition, rejected by our court in
    The Congressional Conference Committee Report accompanying
    IIRIRA commented on Congressional intent in drafting IIRIRA § 322:
    This section deliberately broadens the scope
    of the definition of “conviction” beyond that
    adopted by the Board of Immigration Appeals in
    Matter of Ozkok, 19 I&N Dec. 546 (BIA 1988).
    As the Board noted in Ozkok, there exist in
    the various States a myriad of provisions for
    ameliorating the effects of a conviction. As
    a result, aliens who have clearly been guilty
    of criminal behavior and whom Congress
    intended to be considered “convicted” have
    escaped the immigration consequences normally
    attendant upon a conviction.      Ozkok, while
    making it more difficult for alien criminals
    to escape such consequences, does not go far
    enough to address situations where a judgment
    of guilt or imposition of sentence is
    suspended, conditioned upon the alien’s future
    good behavior. For example, the third prong
    of   Ozkok  requires   that   a   judgment  or
    adjudication of guilt may be entered if the
    alien violates a term or condition of
    probation, without the need for any further
    proceedings regarding guilt or innocence on
    the original charge.        In some States,
    adjudication may be “deferred” upon a finding
    or confession of guilt, and a final judgment
    of guilt may not be imposed if the alien
    violates   probation   until    there   is  an
    additional proceeding regarding the alien’s
    guilt or innocence. In such cases, the third
    prong of the Ozkok definition prevents the
    original finding or confession of guilt to be
    - 12 -
    considered a “conviction” for deportation
    purposes. This new provision, by removing the
    third prong of Ozkok, clarifies Congressional
    intent that even in cases where adjudication
    is “deferred,” the original finding or
    confession of guilt is sufficient to establish
    a “conviction” for purposes of the immigration
    H.R. Conf. Rep. No. 828, 104th Cong., 2nd Sess. 1996, 
    1996 WL 563320
    at *496-97 (emphasis added).
    As   noted,   Moosa’s      appeal          of   the   Legalization      Director’s
    decision to the LAU was dismissed as untimely.                       It was not until
    the petition in issue was filed that the INS discovered its mistake
    and the matter was remanded to the LAU.                        Pursuant to the newly
    enacted § 322(a) definition of conviction, the LAU found that the
    deferred    adjudication        was     a    “conviction”,          and   affirmed   the
    Legalization Director’s decision.
    The legal and factual events can be summarized as follows: (1)
    in January 1989, the LAU rendered its decision in Matter of M; (2)
    in April 1989, Moosa molested a child and applied for permanent
    residency; (3) later in 1989, Moosa was indicted for indecency with
    a child; (4) in January 1990, Moosa entered into a plea agreement;
    (5)   in   February   1990,       the       Texas      court    entered     a   deferred
    adjudication; (6) in July 1990, Martinez-Montoya was rendered,
    reversing   Matter    of   M;    (7)        in    April     1992,   Moosa’s     temporary
    resident status was terminated; (8) in July 1994, the LAU dismissed
    Moosa’s appeal as untimely; (9) in 1996, IIRIRA was signed into
    law; (10) in 1997, the INS discovered its mistake, the case was
    - 13 -
    remanded to the LAU, and the LAU applied § 322 to affirm the
    Legalization Director’s decision.
    Moosa’s challenge to the LAU decision rests on two sub-issues:
    (1) whether the INS is estopped from terminating his temporary
    residency; and (2) whether the LAU erred in applying § 322(a).
    Moosa bases his estoppel claim on the charge that the INS
    engaged in affirmative misconduct in two ways: the dismissal of his
    appeal to the LAU as untimely; and the Legalization Director’s not
    complying with our circuit precedent for the definition of a
    “To establish estoppel against the government, a party must
    prove affirmative misconduct by the government and also establish
    the four traditional elements of the doctrine.       The four elements
    of estoppel are: (1) that the party to be estopped was aware of the
    facts, and (2) intended his act or omission to be acted upon; (3)
    that the party asserting estoppel did not have knowledge of the
    facts, and (4) reasonably relied on the conduct of the other to his
    substantial injury.”   United States v. Bloom, 
    112 F.3d 200
    , 205
    (5th Cir. 1997).   Valid assertions of equitable estoppel against
    the Government are rare indeed.        Id.; see also Ferguson v. FDIC,
    164 F.3d 894
    , 898 (5th Cir. 1999); Rew Enterprises, Inc. v. Premier
    Bank, N.A., 
    49 F.3d 163
    , 167 (5th Cir. 1995); United States v.
    15 F.3d 403
    , 407 (5th Cir.), cert. denied, 513 U.S.
    - 14 -
    840 (1994) (“Estoppel against the government is problematical at
    In several cases involving claims that the INS should be
    estopped based on conduct of its agents, the Supreme Court has held
    that   the   conduct    did    not   rise   to   the      level   of    “affirmative
    misconduct” and declined to estop the INS.                See INS v. Miranda, 
    459 U.S. 14
    , 18-19 (1982) (INS’s 18 month delay in processing alien’s
    application for permanent residency did not constitute affirmative
    misconduct); INS v. Hibi, 
    414 U.S. 5
    , 8-9 (1973) (failure of
    Government to publicize immigration rights afforded by Congress to
    Philippine    soldiers    before     deadline      to     apply   for   immigration
    benefits expired did not amount to affirmative misconduct); Montana
    v. Kennedy, 
    366 U.S. 308
    , 314-15 (1961) (failure of American
    Consular Officer in Italy to issue passport to alien’s pregnant
    mother, resulting in alien’s birth in Italy, did not constitute
    affirmative misconduct); see also Schweiker v. Hansen, 
    450 U.S. 785
    ,    788-90   (1981)       (Social     Security      Administration      agent’s
    erroneous response to applicant’s inquiry and failure to have
    applicant    complete     written       request,     as    internal     regulations
    required, were not enough for applicant to succeed on estoppel
    claim against Government).
    Likewise, our court has declined to estop the INS based on
    claims that the INS’s conduct caused the denials of immigration
    benefits.    See Fano v. O’Neill, 
    806 F.2d 1262
    , 1265 (5th Cir. 1987)
    - 15 -
    (failure of INS to expedite processing of alien’s application, as
    required    by     INS’s     internal     operating    instructions,       did    not
    constitute affirmative misconduct; “to state a cause of action for
    estoppel against the government, a private party must allege more
    than mere negligence, delay, inaction, or failure to follow an
    internal agency guideline”); Kwon v. INS, 
    646 F.2d 909
    , 919 (5th
    Cir. 1981)(en banc) (court would not estop INS where its failure to
    inform alien of lack of further visa numbers prevented alien from
    promptly applying for different type of visa).
    In fact, the Supreme Court has not decided whether the INS can
    ever be estopped from enforcing immigration laws because of its
    misconduct.        See 
    Miranda, 459 U.S. at 19
    (refusing to estop
    Government       because     no   affirmative     misconduct,      but    reserving
    question    of     whether    Government      could    ever   be   estopped      from
    enforcing immigration laws); 
    Hibi, 414 U.S. at 8-9
    that   question     of     whether      affirmative    misconduct       could   estop
    Government from denying citizenship was left open in Montana, but
    declining to address because found no affirmative misconduct);
    Montana, 366 U.S. at 315
       (based   on   finding     no   affirmative
    misconduct; “we need not stop to inquire whether, as some lower
    courts have held, there may be circumstances in which the United
    States is estopped to deny citizenship because of the conduct of
    its officials”).
    - 16 -
    What is clear is that, at a minimum, affirmative misconduct by
    the INS must be shown before an equitable estoppel claim will be
    Fano, 806 F.2d at 1264-65
    (“The Supreme Court has
    indicated, without deciding, that equitable relief may be available
    to a private party aggrieved by certain conduct of government
    officials”).    “‘Affirmative misconduct’ requires an affirmative
    misrepresentation or affirmative concealment of a material fact by
    the government.”   Linkous v. United States, 
    142 F.3d 271
    , 278 (5th
    Cir. 1998).
    Moosa can point to no evidence indicating that the dismissal
    as untimely of his initial appeal to the LAU was an act of
    affirmative misconduct.   In his reply brief, he asserts that the
    LAU “contrived an easy way to dismiss [Moosa’s] appeal” by claiming
    that the dates relevant to the timely filing of the appeal were
    different than they actually were.    Moosa states:   “The record, of
    course, shows that the Notice of Denial was issued on April 20,
    1992 and not on April 15, 1992, as the LAU claimed”.       (Emphasis
    It belies common sense for Moosa now to argue that the error
    in computing the timing of the notice of appeal was clearly
    obvious, when the mistake was not noticed by Moosa, or his previous
    or present counsel.     Rather, the INS discovered the error in
    preparing to address this petition.     It then contacted Moosa and
    - 17 -
    moved to remand the case to the LAU; the INS did not attempt to
    bury the mistake.          Moosa’s estoppel claim fails on this basis.
    See, e.g., Office of Personnel Management v. Richmond, 
    496 U.S. 414
    ,    419-20    (1990)    (no    estoppel      for    mistaken,    unauthorized
    statements of Government agent); 
    Miranda, 459 U.S. at 18
    (even if
    delay in processing application was negligent, estoppel still not
    Schweiker, 450 U.S. at 789
    (erroneous advice given by
    agent not enough to estop Government); 
    Fano, 806 F.2d at 1265
    estop Government, need more than mere negligence or inaction).
    Moosa     also   rests     his    estoppel      claim   on   the   asserted
    affirmative misconduct of the Legalization Director in considering
    Moosa’s deferred adjudication a “conviction”, in spite of Martinez-
    Montoya. Moosa charges the Legalization Director with “knowing[ly]
    and deliberate[ly] refus[ing] to obey the controlling law of this
    Moosa misses the mark.           We do not review the actions of the
    Legalization Director; his was an interim decision superceded by
    the LAU’s December 1997 decision. Title 8 U.S.C. § 1255a(f)(3) and
    (4) provide for a single level of appellate review of decisions
    within the INS.         The LAU reviews decisions of the Legalization
    Director.      8 C.F.R. §§ 103.1(f)(2), 245a.2(u)(2), 245a.3(j).
    Our basis of review for INS legalization determinations is
    described in 8 U.S.C. § 1255a(f)(4)(B):
    - 18 -
    Such judicial review shall be based solely
    upon the administrative record established at
    the time of the review by the appellate
    authority and the findings of fact and
    determinations contained in such record shall
    be conclusive unless the applicant can
    establish abuse of discretion or that the
    findings are directly contrary to clear and
    convincing facts contained in the record
    considered as a whole.
    We review the decision by the appellate authority (ie., the LAU),
    not that of the initial adjudicatory entity (ie., the Legalization
    Director).    Cf. Castillo-Rodriguez v. INS, 
    929 F.2d 181
    , 183 (5th
    Cir. 1991) (order of IJ not final when alien appeals to BIA;
    “[t]his Court is authorized to review only the order of the Board,
    not the decision of the [IJ]”).       The only legalization decision
    before us is the LAU’s December 1997 decision.5
    Moosa asserts that, even under IIRIRA § 322(a), 8 U.S.C. §
    1101(a)(48), his deferred adjudication should not be treated as a
    conviction.   On reviewing an Agency’s construction of a statute it
    administers, we must perform the well-known two-step inquiry:
    Even though Moosa informed the Legalization Director of
    Martinez-Montoya and, yet, the Legalization Director did not apply
    it, we do not have evidence that he deliberately ignored it. His
    decision does not indicate that he disagreed with Martinez-Montoya
    or that he was choosing to disobey it.       Rather, the decision
    indicates only that he viewed Moosa’s deferred adjudication as a
    conviction under Ozkok. There is no evidence that the Legalization
    Director was intentionally flouting the law of this circuit, and we
    will not attribute ill will or bad motives to him without any
    evidence in this regard.     In any event, as discussed, Moosa’s
    recourse was with the LAU.
    - 19 -
    First, always, is the question whether
    Congress has directly spoken to the precise
    question at issue. If the intent of Congress
    is clear, that is the end of the matter; for
    the court, as well as the agency, must give
    effect to the unambiguously expressed intent
    of   Congress.     If,   however,  the   court
    determines Congress has not directly addressed
    the precise question at issue, the court does
    not simply impose its own construction on the
    statute, as would be necessary in the absence
    of an administrative interpretation. Rather,
    if the statute is silent or ambiguous with
    respect to the specific issue, the question
    for the court is whether the agency’s answer
    is based on a permissible construction of the
    Chevron, U.S.A., Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc.,
    467 U.S. 837
    , 842-43 (1984).   See also 
    Martinez-Montoya, 904 F.2d at 1021
    (“The federal agency construction is to be upheld if it is
    reasonable and not contrary to Congressional intent”).
    The text of § 322(a) could not be more clear: Where an
    adjudication of guilt has been withheld, a “conviction” exists
    where “(i) a judge or jury has found the alien guilty or the alien
    has entered a plea of guilty or nolo contendere or has admitted
    sufficient facts to warrant a finding of guilt, and (ii) the judge
    has ordered some form of punishment, penalty, or restraint on the
    alien’s liberty to be imposed”.       Again, this definition mirrors
    that outlined by the LAU in Matter of M, in which a Texas deferred
    adjudication was found to constitute a conviction.
    - 20 -
    Considering only the text of § 322(a), a Texas deferred
    adjudication, see supra note 1, is a “conviction”.6     Under Texas
    law, a judge may enter a deferred adjudication “after receiving a
    plea of guilty or plea of nolo contendere, hearing the evidence,
    and finding that it substantiates the defendant’s guilt”. TEX. CODE
    CRIM. P. ART. 42.12 § 5(a).   Moosa entered a plea of guilty.     The
    first prong of § 322(a)’s definition of “conviction” has been met.
    The second prong is that some form of punishment or restraint
    on liberty is imposed. Texas law provides that, upon finding guilt
    and determining that a deferred adjudication would be in the best
    interests of the community, the judge may “place the defendant on
    community supervision”.   TEX. CODE CRIM. P. ART. 42.12 § 5(a).   The
    judge may also “impose a fine applicable to the offense and require
    any reasonable conditions of community supervision”. TEX. CODE CRIM.
    P. ART. 42.12 § 5(a). Among other things, Moosa served time in jail
    on work release, had to report to a probation officer every month
    for the term of his community supervision, and was required to
    attend counseling.   This was a punishment and a restraint on his
    liberty.   See Hicks ex rel. Feiock v. Feiock, 
    485 U.S. 624
    , 640
    In at least one case, a Texas court has recognized that the
    new definition of “conviction” has altered the immigration
    consequences of a deferred adjudication.      Ex parte Silva, 
    963 S.W.2d 945
    , 945 (Tex. Ct. App. 1998) (“Due to recent changes in
    federal immigration law, the INS now considers Silva’s deferred
    adjudication status to be the equivalent of a conviction for the
    three counts charged in the indictment”), vacated on other grounds,
    968 S.W.2d 367
    (Tex. Ct. Crim. App. 1998).
    - 21 -
    n.11 (1988) (“a fixed term of probation is itself a punishment that
    is criminal in nature”).7          Moosa’s deferred adjudication satisfies
    the second prong of § 322’s “conviction” definition.
    Our conclusion accords with United States v. Campbell, 
    167 F.3d 94
    (2d Cir. 1999), the only other circuit court case we have
    found that specifically references § 322, 8 U.S.C. § 1101(a)(48).
    In that case, the defendant’s federal sentence was enhanced because
    of   a       Texas   conviction   that    was   later    “set   aside”   after   the
    defendant successfully completed his probation.                   
    Id. at 96.
    affirming the enhancement, the Second Circuit first stated that
    “[t]he immigration laws contain no ... indication that they are to
    be interpreted in accordance with state law”.                   
    Id. at 97.
    citing the new IIRIRA § 322, 8 U.S.C. § 1101(a)(48), definition of
    “conviction”, the court stated: “No pertinent provision in Title 8
    gives controlling effect to state law.                  And no provision excepts
    from this definition a conviction that has been vacated”.                    
    Id. at 98
    (emphasis added).         Although the Second Circuit did not address
    the precise issue at hand, its decision evidences a plain language
    reading and application of the new definition of “conviction”.
    Although it is appropriate to look to federal, rather than
    state, law to determine this issue, community supervision resulting
    from a deferred adjudication is considered “punishment” for
    purposes of plea negotiations under Texas law, thus satisfying the
    second prong of the definition of “conviction” in § 322(a). See
    Watson v. State, 
    924 S.W.2d 711
    , 714 (Tex. Ct. Crim. App. 1996)(en
    banc)(deferred adjudication is punishment).
    - 22 -
    Moosa’s deferred adjudication meets each prong of the new
    definition of “conviction”. Accordingly, his deferred adjudication
    was a conviction for purposes of the immigration laws.
    The second question is whether the LAU properly applied this
    new definition, which became law in 1996, to Moosa’s 1990 deferred
    adjudication.   In   addressing   this   issue,   the   LAU   quoted   the
    language from the Conference Report indicating that § 322 was
    designed to clarify Congressional intent.         The LAU then stated:
    “As Congress evidently considers the holding in Matter of Ozkok to
    be incorrect, and has endeavored to clarify its original intent, it
    would be inappropriate for the LAU to make a decision today that
    deliberately ignored both the law in effect today and Congress’s
    apparently long-held view”.   The LAU found that “it was Congress’s
    intent that the new definition of conviction be applied immediately
    and to all criminal proceedings, whether in the past, present, or
    Section 322(c) states unequivocally: “EFFECTIVE DATE.-- The
    amendments made by subsection (a) shall apply to convictions and
    sentences entered before, on, or after the date of the enactment of
    this Act”.   (Emphasis added.)    The INS asserts that the LAU was
    required to apply the law in effect at the time it rendered its
    decision. Indeed, the Supreme Court stated in Plaut v. Spendthrift
    Farm, Inc., 
    514 U.S. 211
    , 226 (1995): “When a new law makes clear
    - 23 -
    that it is retroactive, an appellate court must apply that law in
    reviewing judgments still on appeal that were rendered before the
    law was enacted, and must alter the outcome accordingly”. See also
    Landgraf v. USI Film Prods., 
    511 U.S. 244
    , 264 (1994) (court must
    apply law that is effective at time of rendering decision); Elramly
    v. INS, 
    131 F.3d 1284
    , 1285 (9th Cir. 1997) (quoting Plaut).
    Therefore, the LAU was correct in applying the law in effect at the
    time of its December 1997 decision (i.e., IIRIRA § 322) if the law
    is retroactive.
    On the other hand, there is a “presumption against retroactive
    legislation [that] is deeply rooted in our jurisprudence”.             Hughes
    Aircraft Co. v. United States ex rel. Schumer, 
    117 S. Ct. 1871
    1876 (1997) (quoting 
    Landgraf, 511 U.S. at 265
    ). The Supreme Court
    has stated, however, that the principle of applying the law in
    effect at the time of the decision does not conflict with the
    “presumption against retroactivity when the statute in question is
    Landgraf, 511 U.S. at 273
    . More recently, the Court
    stated that this presumption against retroactivity is applied
    “unless    Congress      has   clearly   manifested   its   intent    to   the
    contrary”.    Hughes 
    Aircraft, 117 S. Ct. at 1876
    ; see also United
    States v. Rocha, 
    109 F.3d 225
    , 228 (5th Cir. 1997).
    The plain language of § 322(c) leaves no doubt that Congress
    intended     for   the     definition    in   §   322(a)    to   be   applied
    retroactively. Congress could not have more clearly expressed this
    - 24 -
    intent than through its statement that § 322(a) was to apply to
    convictions entered before the date of IIRIRA’s enactment.        In any
    event, Moosa does not contest that the plain language of § 322(c)
    mandates retroactive application.        Rather, he claims (1) that the
    use of “conviction” in § 322(c) with regard to pre-enactment
    adjudications requires use of the Ozkok definition; (2) that the
    new statutory definition does not eliminate the requirement of
    finality; and (3) that applying the new definition to him would
    raise retroactivity concerns because it increases his liability for
    past conduct.
    First, Moosa asserts that § 322(c) requires the use of the
    Ozkok test when dealing with adjudications entered before IIRIRA’s
    effective date.       This contention is based on the following logic:
    § 322(a) applies to him only to the extent that his deferred
    adjudication was a “conviction” under the pre-IIRIRA test (i.e.,
    Ozkok); and, because his deferred adjudication was not a conviction
    under that test, § 322(a) does not apply to him at all.
    Moosa’s argument makes no sense.       He would have us hold that
    Congress created a new definition of “conviction” in § 322(a), but
    expected courts and the INS to apply the old definition with regard
    to § 322(c).    Moosa’s interpretation of § 322(c) would read its
    retroactivity provision out of the statute.
    Further,     §    322(c)   states   that   §   322(a)   applies   to
    “convictions” entered before the effective date of IIRIRA.             In
    - 25 -
    interpreting a statute, it is presumed that words used in the same
    statute have the same meaning.                United States National Bank of
    Oregon v. Independent Ins. Agents of America, Inc., 
    508 U.S. 439
    460 (1993); Commissioner v. Keystone Consolidated Indus., Inc., 
    508 U.S. 152
    ,    159    (1993)    (“It    is    a    normal   rule   of   statutory
    construction that identical words used in different parts of the
    same   act     are    intended   to   have    the    same    meaning”)   (internal
    quotations omitted). Here, we are construing the word “conviction”
    as contained not only in the same statute, but in the same section.
    Accordingly, in light of this presumption, and applying the most
    logical reading of the plain language of § 322 in its entirety, we
    conclude that the word “conviction” means the same in § 322(c) as
    it does in § 322(a).        The LAU properly applied the new definition
    to Moosa’s deferred adjudication.
    Moosa makes an even weaker argument in asserting that § 322(c)
    requires a conviction and a sentence in order for it to apply, and
    that, under Texas law, there can be no “sentence” for a deferred
    adjudication.         First, we do not read § 322(c) to require both a
    conviction and a sentence. Instead, § 322(c) states that it “shall
    apply to convictions and sentences”.               This indicates that § 322(c)
    applies to both convictions and sentences; we do not read it as
    requiring both a conviction and a sentence. Finally, Moosa errs in
    using Texas law to interpret the meaning of “sentence” in § 322(c),
    because “[i]n the absence of a plain indication to the contrary,
    - 26 -
    ... it is to be assumed when Congress enacts a statute that it does
    not intend to make its application dependent on state law”.   NLRB
    v. Natural Gas Utility Dist., 
    402 U.S. 600
    , 603 (1971) (quoting
    NLRB v. Randolph Electric Membership Corp. 
    343 F.2d 60
    (4th Cir.
    1965)); see also 
    Campbell, 167 F.3d at 98
    (citing 8 U.S.C. §
    1101(a)(48) and noting that “[n]o pertinent provision in Title 8
    gives controlling effect to state law”). Although not controlling,
    we note that our court has found Texas deferred adjudications to be
    “sentences” under the federal Sentencing Guidelines. United States
    v. Valdez-Valdez, 
    143 F.3d 196
    , 201 (5th Cir. 1998); United States
    v. Giraldo-Lara, 
    919 F.2d 19
    , 22 (5th Cir. 1990).
    Next, Moosa claims that the new statutory definition of
    “conviction” does not eliminate the requirement of finality, which,
    ever since the Supreme Court’s decision in Pino, has been used as
    an additional requirement for the definition of “conviction”, as
    discussed supra
    .    See, e.g., 
    White, 17 F.3d at 479
    ; Martinez-
    Montoya, 904 F.2d at 1025
    ; Ozkok, 19 I&N at 553 n.7.
    In support of this proposition, Moosa cites 
    Wilson, 43 F.3d at 215
    , in which our court stated that “the decision of the BIA to
    apply a federal conviction standard in Ozkok does not infringe at
    all, either explicitly or implicitly, upon the Supreme Court’s
    holding in Pino”.   Again, it is important to note that, prior to
    the enactment of IIRIRA § 322(a), there was no definition of
    “conviction” in the immigration laws.   See Will v. INS, 447 F.2d
    - 27 -
    529, 531 (7th Cir. 1971) (“The parties have not cited, nor have we
    found, anything of significance in the legislative history of the
    [INA] casting light on the precise concept Congress sought to
    embody by the use of the term ‘convicted’ in Section 241(a)(11)”).
    Thus, courts were called upon to discern the meaning intended
    by    Congress.    Indeed,    in    Pino,    the    Court   stated      that   the
    “conviction [had not] attained such finality as to support an order
    of deportation within the contemplation of § 241 of the Immigration
    and Nationality Act”.        
    Pino, 349 U.S. at 901
    (emphasis added).
    Therefore, Pino, the case from which our court and others drew the
    finality requirement, was interpreting the then-undefined term
    “conviction” in the immigration laws.              See 
    Will, 447 F.2d at 531
    (“[I]t appears clear that the Supreme Court’s decision in Pino ...
    and from past administrative interpretation that [INA § 241(a)(11)]
    contemplates a conviction which has attained a substantial degree
    of finality”); In re Punu, Interim Decision (BIA) 3364, 
    1998 WL 546634
    (Aug. 18, 1998)(Grant, Board Member, Concurring) (discussing
    why   judicially   created   finality       requirement     has   not   survived
    Now,   however,   Congress   has     provided   a    definition.        The
    Conference Report, 
    quoted supra
    , shows that Congress was well aware
    of the varying interpretations of “conviction”, but chose to enact
    the current definition.       Again, our starting point is with the
    plain language of the statute.       See Uniroyal Chemical Co., Inc. v.
    - 28 -
    Deltech Corp., 
    160 F.3d 238
    , 244 (5th Cir. 1998), opinion modified
    on rehearing, 
    1999 WL 7912
    (5th Cir. 1999) (“When the language [of
    the statute itself] is plain we must abide it; we may depart from
    its meaning only to avoid a result so bizarre that Congress could
    not have intended it” (internal quotation omitted)); United States
    v. Silva-Chavez, 
    888 F.2d 1481
    , 1483 (5th Cir. 1989) (interpreting
    words   at   their   plain   meaning   where    Congress   explained   in
    legislative history that words meant exactly what they say); United
    States v. Bo, 
    472 F.2d 720
    , 722 (5th Cir. 1972) (per curiam) (“In
    construing statutes, words are to be given their natural, plain,
    ordinary and commonly understood meaning unless it is clear that
    some other meaning was intended”).
    There is no indication that the finality requirement imposed
    by Pino, and this court, prior to 1996, survives the new definition
    of “conviction” found in IIRIRA § 322(a).         Not only did Congress
    omit such a requirement from its definition of “conviction”, but
    the legislative history demonstrates that Congress deliberately
    eliminated the third prong of the Ozkok test (which appears to
    incorporate a finality concept).       H.R. Conf. Rep. No. 828, 104th
    Cong., 2nd Sess. 1996, 
    1996 WL 563320
    at *496 (“This section
    deliberately broadens the scope of the definition of ‘conviction’
    beyond that adopted ... in Matter of Ozkok”).        More important, the
    Conference Report specifically cites deferred adjudications as
    being covered by the new definition.           H.R. Conf. Rep. No. 828,
    - 29 -
    104th Cong., 2nd Sess. 1996, 
    1996 WL 563320
    at *497 (“This new
    provision,      by   removing     the    third   prong       of   Ozkok,    clarifies
    Congressional intent that even in cases where adjudication is
    ‘deferred,’      the    original       finding   or   confession       of   guilt     is
    sufficient      to   establish     a    ‘conviction’     for      purposes     of     the
    immigration laws”).        Earlier judicial interpretations of the term
    “conviction” in immigration laws were made without the clear
    definition enacted in 1996; finality is no longer a requirement.
    See In re Punu, Interim Decision 3364, 
    1998 WL 546634
    (Aug. 18,
    1998) (a post-IIRIRA decision in which BIA determined that a Texas
    deferred      conviction    was    a    “conviction”     under     §   322,    without
    applying a finality requirement).8
    Next, Moosa asserts that applying the new definition of
    “conviction” to him presents retroactivity concerns because it
    increases his liability for past conduct.                     He asserts that he
    agreed   to    the     deferred    adjudication       plea    agreement       “with   an
    entirely different understanding of the immigration consequences of
    his plea”.      This assertion is not borne out by the facts.                       When
    Moosa entered into the plea agreement in January 1990, Martinez-
    In any event, whether the finality requirement has survived
    is a moot issue with regard to Moosa, as he has successfully
    completed his deferred adjudication. Approximately five years ago,
    Moosa was released from community supervision. According to Texas
    law, after community supervision has ended, “the judge shall
    dismiss the proceedings against the defendant and discharge him”.
    TEX. CODE CRIM. P. ART. 42.12 § 5(c). At this point the proceedings
    against Moosa are final and there is no longer a possibility of
    appeal from his deferred adjudication.
    - 30 -
    Montoya had not been issued and Matter of M (a 1989 decision) was
    still the law.     It was not until July 1990, several months after
    Moosa pled guilty, that Martinez-Montoya was decided.                       In short,
    the current definition of conviction is, in fact, the same as the
    definition when Moosa pled guilty.                In any event, “it is well
    settled that Congress has the authority to make past criminal
    activity a new ground for deportation”.                 Ignacio v. INS, 
    955 F.2d 295
    , 298 (5th Cir. 1992) (citing Lehman v. United States, 
    353 U.S. 685
    , 690      (1957);    Mulcahey     v.   Catalanotte,        
    353 U.S. 692
    ,   694
    (1957)); United States v. Bodre, 
    948 F.2d 28
    , 32 (1st Cir. 1991),
    cert. denied, 
    503 U.S. 941
    Moosa maintains that taking away the finality requirement
    would lead to absurd results, such as an alien being deported when
    his conviction      is    on    appeal,    but   the    conviction     later    being
    reversed.     As discussed, that it not the case here.                Be that as it
    may,   such    concerns       are   more   properly     addressed     to    Congress.
    Congress has made the policy choice to eliminate the finality
    requirement, and we will not second-guess such policy choices
    properly made by the legislative branch. See, e.g., Plyler v. Doe,
    457 U.S. 202
    , 237 (1981) (Powell, J., concurring) (Congress has
    been   “vested    by    the    Constitution      with    the    responsibility     of
    protecting our borders and legislating with respect to aliens”);
    Fiallo v. Bell, 
    430 U.S. 787
    , 792 (1977) (“Our cases have long
    recognized the power to expel or exclude aliens as a fundamental
    - 31 -
    sovereign          attribute   exercised     by    the    Government’s       political
    departments          largely   immune   from      judicial     control”      (internal
    quotation omitted)); Carlson v. Landon, 
    342 U.S. 524
    , 534 (1951)
    (“So       long,    however,   as   aliens     fail      to   obtain   and   maintain
    citizenship by naturalization, they remain subject to the plenary
    power of Congress to expel them under the sovereign right to
    determine what noncitizens shall be permitted to remain within our
    borders”); Harisiades v. Shaughnessy, 
    342 U.S. 580
    , 590 (1952)
    (“Judicially we must tolerate what personally we may regard as a
    legislative mistake”); Rodriguez v. INS, 
    9 F.3d 408
    , 413 (5th Cir.
    1993) (“This Court has recognized Congress’s ‘unbounded power’ in
    the area of immigration”); Bright v. Parra, 
    919 F.2d 31
    , 34 (5th
    Cir. 1990) (Because immigration legislation policy questions are
    “entrusted exclusively to the political branches of our Government,
    ... we have no judicial authority to substitute our political
    judgment for that of the Congress” (quoting Fiallo v. Bell, 
    430 U.S. 787
    , 798 (1977)).9
    Our construction of § 322 is in accord with the standard of
    review of agency constructions of statutes they are charged with
    enforcing. As noted, the first question is whether Congress has
    directly spoken to the question at issue. 
    Chevron, 467 U.S. at 842-43
    . Congress has done so.
    Even if we were to assume (as Moosa appears to assert) that
    the statute is ambiguous, the next step would be for us to ask
    whether the INS’s construction of § 322 is “based on a permissible
    construction of the statute”. 
    Id. Based on
    the plain language of
    § 322 and the strong language in the Conference Report, in which
    Congress expressed its intent to change the then-controlling
    judicial and agency constructions of “conviction”, the INS’s
    - 32 -
    In sum, we conclude that the INS is not estopped from denying
    Moosa citizenship; IIRIRA eliminated the requirement of finality;
    the definition of “conviction” in IIRIRA § 322(a) encompasses Texas
    deferred adjudications; the LAU correctly applied IIRIRA § 322(a)
    to Moosa; and applying §        322(a) to Moosa did not raise any
    retroactivity concerns.
    Mr. and Mrs. Moosa also challenge the decision of the BIA
    denying suspension of their deportations.             The INS contests our
    Prior   to   the   enactment    of    IIRIRA,   INA   §   244,   8   U.S.C.
    §1254(a)(1) (now repealed), provided that the Attorney General, “in
    [her] discretion”, could suspend the deportation of an otherwise
    deportable alien if the alien: (1) had been physically present in
    the United States for seven years; (2) was of good moral character;
    and (3) “[was] a person whose deportation would, in the opinion of
    the Attorney General, result in exceptional and extremely unusual
    hardship to the alien or to his spouse, parent, or child, who is a
    citizen of the United States or an alien lawfully admitted for
    permanent residence”.     See also INS v. Jong Ha Wang, 
    450 U.S. 139
    139-40 (1981) (per curiam).         Even if all three factors are met,
    construction of § 322 is reasonable.
    - 33 -
    however, the Attorney General could, in her discretion, deny
    suspension.    8 U.S.C. §1254(c) (now repealed).
    In reviewing denials based on one of the first two factors, we
    upheld the BIA’s decision if it was supported by “substantial
    evidence”.     Ramos v. INS, 
    695 F.2d 181
    , 185 (5th Cir. 1983).
    Denials based on a finding of no extreme hardship were reviewed for
    abuse of discretion.     
    Id. IIRIRA established
    transitional rules that applied to BIA
    decisions filed between 31 October 1996 and 31 March 1997.        IIRIRA
    § 309(c)(4) (“In the case ... in which a final order of ...
    deportation is entered more than 30 days after the date of the
    enactment of this Act [30 September 1996], notwithstanding any
    provision of section 106 of the [INA] ... to the contrary ... (E)
    there shall be no appeal of any discretionary decision under
    section ... 244 ... of the [INA]”).          Because the BIA decision
    denying the Moosas suspension of deportation was entered on 31
    October 1996, IIRIRA’s transitional rules apply. See Eyoum v. INS,
    125 F.3d 889
    , 891 (5th Cir. 1997); see also Meguenine v. INS, 
    139 F.3d 25
    , 26 (1st Cir. 1998); Pilch v. INS, 
    129 F.3d 969
    , 970-71
    (7th   Cir.   1997)   (final   deportation   orders   entered   after   30
    September 1996 are subject to IIRIRA § 309(c) transitional rules).
    Under the transitional rules, INA § 309 precludes judicial review
    of “discretionary determinations” whether to suspend deportation
    pursuant to INA § 244.
    - 34 -
    As an initial matter, Moosa asserts that, just because the
    BIA’s decision was filed on 31 October 1996 does not mean that it
    was “entered” on that date, so the transitional rules do not apply
    here.   We reject this contention as without merit.                 Cf. Karimian-
    997 F.2d 108
    , 110-11 (5th Cir. 1993); Guirguis v. INS, 
    993 F.2d 508
    , 509 (5th Cir. 1993); Ouedraogo v. INS, 
    864 F.2d 376
    , 378
    (5th Cir. 1989).
    At issue is whether the BIA’s decision to deny suspension of
    deportation    to   Mr.    and    Mrs.     Moosa    was   “discretionary”,      thus
    precluding    our   review.         The     Moosas     claimed    entitlement     to
    suspension    due   to    the    extreme    hardship      they   would   suffer   if
    The bases for this claim were:                (1) they have community ties
    in the United States, including membership in a church; (2) if
    deported, Moosa would be unable to provide his daughters with the
    financial support to continue their education; (3) Mrs. Moosa
    suffers from diabetes and back pain; (4) it would be difficult for
    Moosa to find a job in Pakistan and the cost of living there is
    very high; (5) drinking water and reliable electricity are not
    readily available in Pakistan; and (6) their standard of living in
    the United States is better than it would be in Pakistan.
    At the deportation hearing, Moosa admitted the factual bases
    for the 1990 deferred adjudication; stated that he felt “very
    sorry” about    his      actions;    and    promised      to   refrain   from   such
    - 35 -
    behavior.     On being questioned about complaints filed by six or
    seven other children, ranging in age from 10-12, that Moosa had
    also molested them, Moosa admitted that he had also “grabbed and
    molested” those children, but claimed total rehabilitation.               He
    also indicated that every molestation had taken place during his
    employment at a particular store, but that he had not repeated such
    actions since ending his employment there.
    With regard to Mr. Moosa, the BIA made it clear that it was
    denying   his   request   for   suspension   based   on   its    discretion.
    Although the BIA noted that it did not find that Moosa had proven
    extreme hardship, it stated that, even if he had proved all three
    required elements, “a favorable exercise of discretion is not
    warranted”.     Because the BIA was making a discretionary decision,
    § 309 instructs that we do not have jurisdiction.               See Kalaw v.
    133 F.3d 1147
    , 1152 (9th Cir. 1997) (“if the Attorney General
    decides that an alien’s application for suspension of deportation
    should not be granted as a matter of discretion in addition to any
    other grounds asserted, the BIA’s denial of the alien’s application
    would be unreviewable under the transitional rules”).
    The question with regard to Mrs. Moosa is one of first
    impression in this circuit.       The BIA found that she satisfied the
    first two factors, but that she did not demonstrate that she would
    suffer extreme hardship if deported.         Thus, at issue is whether
    IIRIRA § 309 deprives us of jurisdiction when the BIA bases its
    - 36 -
    decision to deny suspension on the failure to demonstrate extreme
    Initially,   we   note    that   the   power   of   courts   to   review
    deportation decisions is subject to the will of Congress.              As the
    Supreme Court stated nearly 50 years ago:
    The power to expel aliens, being essentially a
    power of the political branches of government,
    the   legislative   and  executive,   may   be
    exercised entirely through executive officers,
    with such opportunity for judicial review of
    their action as congress may see fit to
    authorize or permit.      This power is, of
    course, subject to judicial intervention under
    the paramount law of the constitution.
    Carlson v. Landon, 
    342 U.S. 524
    , 537 (1952) (internal quotations
    and citations omitted).       See also Lucacela v. Reno, 
    161 F.3d 1055
    1058 (7th Cir. 1998) (“this court has recognized Congress’ ability
    to determine the scope of the court’s review of INS decisions”);
    Skutnik v. INS, 
    128 F.3d 512
    , 514 (7th Cir. 1997) (“although the
    Constitution may require judicial review of a claim of legal
    entitlement to remain in the United States, it does not require
    review of claims that executive officials should make exceptions to
    the rules defining who is legally entitled to reside in the United
    States”).    Thus, the scope of our review of denials of suspension
    of deportation, including whether we are able even to review such
    denials, is within the control of Congress.
    Although our court has not yet addressed whether we lack
    jurisdiction over denials of suspension based on a finding of no
    - 37 -
    extreme hardship, it has been addressed in both the Seventh and
    Ninth Circuits.       In Kalaw, the Ninth Circuit addressed the changes
    that § 309(c) had made with regard to judicial review of such
    denials. Examining each of the three INA § 244 elements, the court
    first found that the continuous physical presence element was a
    factual inquiry, rather than a discretionary decision, that was
    reviewed for substantial evidence; thus, § 309(c) did not divest
    the court of its jurisdiction.          
    Kalaw, 133 F.3d at 1151
    .       Next, the
    court found that it retained jurisdiction to review findings of bad
    moral character under one of the statutory per se categories; but,
    that § 309(c) stripped the court of jurisdiction over denials based
    on   a    finding   of   bad   moral   character     apart   from   the   per   se
    Id. Finally, the
    court addressed denials based on the extreme
    hardship element.        It stated that a determination that no extreme
    hardship exists “is clearly a discretionary act”.                   
    Id. at 1152.
    The court held that, as a result, “[t]he transitional rules ...
    preclude direct judicial review of the BIA’s determinations of the
    threshold eligibility requirements of ‘extreme hardship’ and the
    discretionary determination of ‘good moral character’”.                   
    Id. In accord
    with this decision, the Ninth Circuit has found in several
    cases that it lacked jurisdiction to review             BIA decisions denying
    suspension     of   deportation    based    on   a   finding   of    no   extreme
    hardship.     See Robles v. INS, 
    161 F.3d 14
    1998 WL 479464
    (9th Cir.
    - 38 -
    1998) (unpublished); Sagrero v. INS, 
    161 F.3d 14
    1998 WL 479475
    (9th Cir. 1998) (unpublished); Perez-Garcia v. INS, 
    161 F.3d 13
    1998 WL 479470
    (9th Cir. 1998) (unpublished); Lee v. INS, 
    145 F.3d 1339
    1998 WL 276849
    (9th Cir. 1998) (unpublished); Sontay v. INS,
    142 F.3d 445
    1998 WL 225065
      (9th     Cir.   1998)   (unpublished);
    Kechichian v. INS, 
    141 F.3d 1176
    1998 WL 133183
    (9th Cir. 1998)
    Likewise, in Skutnik, the Seventh Circuit stated that, where
    the petitioner requested review of a BIA decision based on extreme
    hardship, “there can be no doubt that [the petitioner] wants review
    of   a    ‘discretionary       decision’”.        
    Skutnik, 128 F.3d at 514
    However, because the alien in Skutnik conceded at oral argument
    that IIRIRA precluded judicial review of the BIA’s decision, the
    court stated that it “need not confront any of the interpretive
    issues that lurk beneath its surface”.                  
    Id. We join
       our   sister    circuits    in    holding   that   denials   of
    suspension based on the INS § 244 element of “extreme hardship” are
    discretionary decisions, which IIRIRA § 309(c) precludes us from
    reviewing.           This determination is based not only on the above
    decisions from other circuits, but also on Supreme Court precedent.
    In Jong Ha 
    Wang, 450 U.S. at 144
    , the Court stated:
    The crucial question in this case is what
    constitutes “extreme hardship.” These words
    are not self-explanatory, and reasonable men
    could easily differ as to their construction.
    But the Act commits their definition in the
    first instance to the Attorney General and his
    - 39 -
    delegates,   and    their   construction   and
    application of this standard should not be
    overturned by a reviewing court simply because
    it may prefer another interpretation of the
    See also INS v. Phinpathya, 
    464 U.S. 183
    , 195 (1984) (“In INS v.
    Jong Ha Wang, we rejected a relaxed standard for evaluating the
    ‘extreme        hardship’       requirement         as    impermissibly         shifting
    discretionary authority from INS to the courts” (emphasis added)).
    Thus, the Supreme Court has indicated that determinations of
    extreme hardship are discretionary.                  Finally, our court formerly
    routinely reviewed BIA decisions based on the “extreme hardship”
    element under an abuse of discretion standard, further indicating
    that such determinations are discretionary.                    
    Ramos, 695 F.2d at 184-85
    (“The decision whether to suspend the deportation of an
    alien   who     satisfies       the   three    [§    1254]   requirements        is   ...
    discretionary ...”).
    In sum, because the BIA based its denial of Mr. Moosa’s
    application for suspension on its discretion to do so, IIRIRA
    § 309(c) precludes our review of that decision.                     Likewise, because
    denials    of      applications       of   suspension      based    on    the   “extreme
    hardship” element of INA § 244 are discretionary, we also lack
    jurisdiction to review the decision concerning Mrs. Moosa.
    For   the      foregoing     reasons,         the   petition    challenging      the
    decision      of    the   LAU    denying      Moosa      permanent       residency    and
    - 40 -
    terminating his temporary residency is DENIED; the challenges to
    the BIA’s decision denying the suspension of deportation for Mr.
    and Mrs. Moosa is DISMISSED for lack of jurisdiction.
    - 41 -

Document Info

Docket Number: 96-60821

Filed Date: 4/19/1999

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 12/21/2014

Authorities (60)

Meguenine v. Immigration & Naturalization Service , 139 F.3d 25 ( 1998 )

White v. Immigration & Naturalization Service , 17 F.3d 475 ( 1994 )

United States v. Vincent Lloyd Campbell, AKA Elijah Wilson , 167 F.3d 94 ( 1999 )

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Rodriguez v. Immigration & Naturalization Service , 9 F.3d 408 ( 1993 )

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United States v. Perez-Torres , 15 F.3d 403 ( 1994 )

Marcos Saul Zamora-Morel v. Immigration & Naturalization ... , 905 F.2d 833 ( 1990 )

View All Authorities »