Manuel Alvarado v. Mine Service, Limited , 626 F. App'x 66 ( 2015 )

  •      Case: 14-50668      Document: 00513135633         Page: 1    Date Filed: 07/30/2015
    United States Court of Appeals
    No. 14-50668
    Fifth Circuit
    July 30, 2015
    MANUEL ALVARADO,                                                                Lyle W. Cayce
    Plaintiff - Appellant
    MINE SERVICE, LIMITED, also known as Mine Service, Incorporated,
    Defendant - Appellee
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Western District of Texas
    USDC No. 6:13-CV-315
    Before JONES, SMITH, and COSTA, Circuit Judges.
    GREGG COSTA, Circuit Judge.*
    Statutes of limitations often result in the severe but necessary
    consequence of dismissing a plaintiff’s case because of his lawyer’s lack of
    diligence.   But any untimeliness in the filing of this employment lawsuit
    resulted in large part from the vigilance of the plaintiff’s attorney rather than
    his indolence. We thus determine that the unusual facts of this case present
    one of the exceptional situations in which equitable tolling is appropriate.
    * Pursuant to 5TH CIR. R. 47.5, the court has determined that this opinion should not
    be published and is not precedent except under the limited circumstances set forth in 5TH
    CIR. R. 47.5.4.
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    Manuel Alvarado, an American citizen of Mexican descent, was
    employed by Mine Service Ltd. as a heavy equipment operator at its power
    plant in Franklin, Texas. 1 Upon arriving for the night shift one evening in
    early 2011, he found a noose on a desk in the office. When he confronted the
    shift foreman about it, the foreman explained that the concrete supervisor left
    it “to tell his guys if they didn’t finish the job on time, that he was going to
    hang them.” ROA.192. Alvarado voiced concern over the noose and the trouble
    that Mine Service could get in if anyone complained. When Alvarado asked
    what he should do with the noose, the shift foreman told him to throw it out.
    Aside from that incident, Alvarado had also received numerous complaints
    from fellow Hispanic workers that they had been mistreated on the night shift.
    But when Alvarado helped facilitate a meeting between his coworkers and the
    supervisor, none of the coworkers voiced any grievances. Later that week,
    Alvarado’s supervisor contacted him and told him rumors were going around
    the office about the noose and admonished Alvarez that he should “just stay
    quiet, don’t say nothing to nobody just – We don’t want no trouble.” ROA.194.
    A week later, on May 30, 2011, Alvarado was notified by phone that he had
    been fired. His supervisor explained that Alvarado had been “stirring up racial
    things, and . . . was stirring up too much trouble there at the power plant.”
    On June 13, two weeks after he was terminated, Alvarado filed a timely
    charge of retaliation with the EEOC alleging he was fired shortly after he
    “complained to management about an offensive noose [that] other employees
    also were offended by.”         ROA.395.        On the second anniversary of the
    1 This recitation of events is based on the evidence presented at summary judgment,
    primarily Alvarado’s deposition. Disputed facts are construed in Alvarado’s favor given the
    summary judgment posture.
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    administrative filing (June 13, 2013), without the EEOC’s having taken any
    action, Alvarado’s counsel requested a right to sue letter. Consistent with the
    requirement that the EEOC issue such a letter in response to a request if more
    than 180 days have elapsed without completion of the agency investigation, 2
    the EEOC issued a letter the next day.
    Although the letter dated June 14 correctly listed Alvarado’s name,
    address, and the EEOC charge number, it contained numerous mistakes and
    omissions. First, although more than 180 days had elapsed since Alvarado
    filed his charge with the EEOC, the letter stated that “[l]ess than 180 days
    have passed since the filing of this charge, but I have determined that it is
    unlikely that the EEOC will be able to complete its administrative processing
    within 180 days from the filing of this charge.” ROA.267. Second, although
    Alvarado only alleged violations of Title VII, the letter checked a box
    pertaining to the Age Discrimination in Employment Act stating that the
    EEOC was closing Alvarado’s case and that his “lawsuit under the ADEA must
    be filed in federal or state court WITHIN 90 DAYS of your receipt of this Notice.
    Otherwise your right to sue based on the above-numbered charge will be lost.”
    ROA.267. Finally, although there are lines for a named official’s signature and
    the date, both were left blank.
    The same day this letter issued, the office administrator employed by
    Alvarado’s attorney emailed the EEOC to notify it of the mistakes and request
    a corrected letter. The EEOC investigator then called the office administrator
    and explained that the June 14 letter “was accidentally sent due to a clerical
    error by a new EEOC clerk” and that a “correct and executed Notice of Right
    to Sue would be issued.” ROA.398. The law office again contacted the EEOC
    by email on June 26 to inquire about the status of the revised letter. On July
    2   See 42 U.S.C. § 2000e-5(f)(1); 29 C.F.R. § 1601.28(a)(1).
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    8, the EEOC issued a corrected letter that listed only Alvarado’s claim under
    Title VII, detailed that more than 180 days had passed since the charge had
    been filed, and stated that the EEOC was terminating its processing of the
    charge. It was signed by Lillie Wilson for Janet V. Elizondo, the EEOC District
    Director. An entry in the EEOC case log dated July 8 notes “mailed out correct
    copy w/ signature” and also indicates Alvarado’s case was “closed” on that date.
    On October 2, 2013, Alvarado filed his lawsuit alleging retaliation.
    Given the 90-day deadline for filing Title VII suits after the right to sue letter
    issues, 3 the suit was timely if the “correct” July 8 letter started the clock
    running, but twenty days late if the June 14 letter did. Mine Service moved
    for summary judgment on limitations grounds, arguing that the earlier letter
    started the 90-day period. The district court agreed based on its finding that
    the June 14 letter “include[d] everything that is required [under the
    regulations].” ROA.412. In doing so, the district court held that the office
    administrator’s statement about what the EEOC investigator said over the
    phone was hearsay that could not be used to show that the EEOC issued the
    first letter in error. The district court then sua sponte considered but rejected
    the possibility of equitable tolling, concluding that the EEOC did not “mislead[]
    the plaintiff about his rights” because the first right to sue letter was facially
    valid. ROA.415. Alvarado timely appealed.
    Alvarado first argues that the district court improperly concluded that
    the June letter commenced the limitations period. He relies on the EEOC case
    log indicating that the later July letter was the “correct” one and cites the
    numerous errors contained in the June letter, emphasizing the lack of any
    signature. We are more concerned with the false information in the June
    3   See 42 U.S.C. § 2000e-5(f)(1).
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    letter—that the EEOC checked the box for an ADEA claim that Alvarado did
    not assert and the incorrect statement that the matter had been pending with
    the agency for less than 180 days. Mine Service counters that the June 14
    letter nonetheless triggered the limitations period because it contains the
    information that is required by an EEOC regulation: authorization to file suit;
    advice about how to bring a lawsuit; a copy of the charge; and the agency’s
    decision. See 29 C.F.R. § 1601.28(e). That regulation does not, however,
    address how inaccurate information affects the legal status of a right to sue
    letter. It seems that at some point—consider situations in which the right to
    sue letter lists the incorrect claimant’s name or fails to check the box for the
    claim the party brought—defects in a letter might render it ineffective.
    But we need not resolve the difficult issue of whether the defects in the
    June 14 letter rise to that level. Even assuming the district court correctly
    held that limitations began running upon issuance of the first letter, we
    conclude that equitable tolling is warranted.
    The statutory 90-day filing requirement “is not a jurisdictional
    prerequisite, but more akin to a statute of limitations. Thus, the ninety-day
    filing requirement is subject to equitable tolling.” Harris v. Boyd Tunica, Inc.,
    628 F.3d 237
    , 239 (5th Cir. 2010) (internal citations omitted).        We have
    previously outlined three nonexclusive situations when equitable tolling may
    be appropriate: “(1) the pendency of a suit between the same parties in the
    wrong forum; (2) plaintiff’s unawareness of the facts giving rise to the claim
    because of the defendant’s intentional concealment of them; and (3) the
    EEOC’s misleading the plaintiff about the nature of her rights.” Granger v.
    Aaron’s Inc., 
    636 F.3d 708
    , 712 (5th Cir. 2011) (citing Wilson v. Sec’y Dep’t of
    Veterans Affairs, 
    65 F.3d 402
    , 404 (5th Cir. 1995)). We review a tolling decision
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    under the deferential abuse of discretion standard. 4 See 
    id. “A trial
    abuses its discretion when it bases its decision on an erroneous view of the law
    or a clearly erroneous assessment of the evidence.” Phillips v. Leggett & Platt,
    658 F.3d 452
    , 457 (5th Cir. 2011).
    The district court contemplated whether this case implicated the third
    situation in which we have recognized that tolling may be appropriate—when
    the EEOC misleads a plaintiff. Yet in doing so it evaluated only whether the
    EEOC’s act of sending two letters misled Alvarado about the nature of his
    rights. Following cases from other circuits finding tolling unnecessary when
    the EEOC reissues a right to sue notice with some minor, nonsubstantive
    revisions, it concluded that this was not a situation in which the EEOC had
    misled Alvarado about which letter triggered the 90-day deadline for filing
    suit. See Santini v. Cleveland Clinic Fla., 
    232 F.3d 823
    (11th Cir. 2000); Love
    v. Harsh Inv. Corp., 
    983 F.2d 1076
    1993 WL 4811
    (9th Cir. 1993)
    (unpublished); Brown v. Mead Corp., 
    646 F.2d 1163
    (6th Cir. 1981). 5
    An erroneous evidentiary ruling infected that determination. Recall that
    when it considered the issue of which letter commenced the limitations period,
    the district court excluded as hearsay the statement from the law firm office
    administrator that the EEOC told her the first letter was “accidental[]” and
    the “correct” letter would be forthcoming. See ROA.398. That evidentiary
    ruling was correct in that context. To consider the EEOC investigator’s out-of-
    4  Alvarado contends that the standard of review should be de novo. But we review de
    novo only a district court’s determination that tolling “was legally unavailable due to the
    court’s interpretation of a statute, regulation, or caselaw.” See 
    id. (emphasis added).
    district court recognized that the limitations period for filing a Title VII case may be tolled,
    but concluded that tolling was not justified under “the facts in this case.” ROA.413. Our
    review is therefore for abuse of discretion.
    5 The district court also cited other cases parenthetically. See Howard v. Boatmen’s
    Nat’l Bank of St. Louis, 
    230 F.3d 1363
    (8th Cir. 2000) (unpublished); Witt v. Roadway
    136 F.3d 1424
    (10th Cir. 1998); Lee v. Alta Pac. Grp., 
    990 F.2d 1258
    (9th Cir. 1993)
    (unpublished); Davidson v. Serv. Corp. Int’l, 
    943 F. Supp. 734
    (S.D. Tex. 1996).
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    court statement in deciding which letter was the “correct” one would be using
    the statement for the truth of the matter it asserts—that the July letter was,
    in the eyes of the EEOC, the valid one. See Fed. R. Evid. 801(c). But for
    purposes of the tolling analysis, what matters is not which EEOC letter is
    legally speaking the correct one, but the effect the EEOC’s statements had on
    how Alvarado and his attorney decided to proceed with the case. Considering
    a statement not for its truth but as an explanation of why the listener acted in
    a certain manner is a hornbook example of nonhearsay. See 6 Michael H.
    Graham, Handbook of Fed. Evid. § 801:5 (7th ed. 2014) (explaining that
    “statements made by one person which become known to another offered as a
    circumstance under which the latter acted and as bearing upon his conduct”
    are not hearsay and collecting cases). And the office administrator’s statement
    is corroborated by the EEOC log obtained later in this litigation that lists the
    July 8 letter as the “correct” one and notes that the EEOC matter was not
    closed until that second letter issued. 6 Moreover, the July EEOC letter advised
    Alvarado that he could file suit “within 90 days of [his] receipt of this notice.”
    See ROA.394 (emphasis added).
    6  Mine Service argues that the EEOC has no authority to issue a second letter unless
    it is reconsidering an earlier decision, which requires notifying the parties that it is reopening
    the case. See 
    Santini, 232 F.3d at 825
    ; Gonzalez v. Firestone Tire & Rubber Co., 
    610 F.2d 241
    , 245–46 (5th Cir. 1980) (explaining that the EEOC may issue a second notice of right to
    sue “upon completion of a discretionary reconsideration of a prior determination provided it
    has given notice to both parties of its decision to reconsider within the ninety-day period
    provided by the initial notice of right-to-sue”). The second letter in this case did not implicate
    those reconsideration procedures. The EEOC case log states that it did not “close” Alvarado’s
    case until it issued the “corrected” July 8 letter. There thus was no closed case to reopen
    before that date. And in neither letter did the EEOC make a determination about Alvarado’s
    case that could be “reconsidered” (given the agency delay, plaintiff’s counsel asked for the
    right to sue letter before the EEOC reached a determination). In any event, to the extent
    Mine Service is correct and the issuance of the second letter was in error, the EEOC’s
    issuance of a letter it had no authority to issue would only bolster a finding that it misled
    Alvarado concerning his rights.
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    When the office administrator’s corroborated statement is considered for
    its nonhearsay purpose, this case squarely falls into the third category in which
    we have found tolling appropriate because the EEOC misled Alvarado about
    when he had to file suit (assuming, as we have, that the first letter triggered
    the limitations period). See Manning v. Chevron Chem. Co., LLC, 
    332 F.3d 874
    , 881 (5th Cir. 2003) (providing that EEOC’s misleading plaintiff about his
    rights is potential basis for equitable tolling); Page v. U.S. Indus., Inc., 
    556 F.2d 346
    , 351 (5th Cir. 1977) (finding that “equitable considerations” allowed
    plaintiff to pursue untimely action because EEOC letter indicating only that
    conciliation efforts had failed but not that EEOC had decided not to sue was
    “patently misleading”); see also Schlueter v. Anheuser-Busch, Inc., 
    132 F.3d 455
    , 458–59 (8th Cir. 1998) (equitably tolling plaintiff’s case when EEOC
    misled plaintiff into believing she had filed a charge but had mistakenly
    instructed her to fill out an intake questionnaire and also calculated the
    expiration of the 300-day filing period based on an incorrect date); Browning
    v. AT&T Paradyne, 
    120 F.3d 222
    , 227 (11th Cir. 1997) (tolling statute of
    limitations when an EEOC investigator told plaintiff that incorrect statute of
    limitations applied). The district court’s legal error in not considering the
    nonhearsay purposes of the statement in determining if this case is suitable
    for tolling thus qualifies as an abuse of discretion. See Wright v. Farouk Sys.,
    701 F.3d 907
    , 911 (11th Cir. 2012) (finding abuse of discretion when
    district court erroneously excluded as hearsay admissions of party opponent);
    United States v. Bell, 
    367 F.3d 452
    , 465 (5th Cir. 2004) (“Whether the
    admission of objected-to [hearsay] evidence [of a statement against interest],
    was proper is a mixed question of law and fact; the factual determinations are
    reviewed for clear error and the legal issues are reviewed de novo.”); see also
    Koon v. United States, 
    518 U.S. 81
    , 100 (1996) (“A district court by definition
    abuses its discretion when it makes an error of law.”).
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    Once we identify a case as one involving a situation in which tolling may
    be appropriate, the next step is to balance the equities. We consider whether
    “the claimant has vigorously pursued his action,” see Rowe v. Sullivan, 
    967 F.2d 186
    , 192 (5th Cir. 1992), and has taken “some step recognized as
    important by the statute before the end of the limitations period.” See 
    Granger, 636 F.3d at 712
    (quoting Perez v. United States, 
    167 F.3d 913
    , 918 (5th Cir.
    1999)). If a plaintiff is represented, we determine whether his “attorney has
    exercised due diligence in pursuing [the claimant’s] rights,” or if the situation
    is simply the result of “attorney error or neglect.” See 
    id. We also
    take into
    account any demonstrated prejudice to the defendant. See Baldwin Cnty.
    Welcome Ctr. v. Brown, 
    466 U.S. 147
    , 152 (1984) (clarifying that absence of
    prejudice is not an independent basis for invoking equitable tolling but rather
    a factor to consider once it is determined that tolling might be appropriate).
    Those equities strongly favor tolling in this case.
    This is not a case in which the attorney completely neglected deadlines
    or was otherwise indolent. See 
    Granger, 636 F.3d at 712
    (“We are reluctant to
    apply equitable tolling to situations of attorney error or neglect, because
    parties are bound by the acts of their lawyer.”). From the beginning of the
    sequence of events that led to this late filing, Alvarado’s attorney actively
    sought to move the case forward. 7 He contacted the EEOC after two years of
    agency inaction and requested a right to sue letter. When the EEOC sent the
    error-laden notice the following day, Alvarado’s attorney’s office immediately
    contacted the EEOC by email to notify it of the missing signature and date.
    That desire to have an EEOC letter with all the t’s crossed and i’s dotted is a
    sign of diligence rather than dawdling. See 
    id. (“We are
    more forgiving, though,
    7  Alvarado was also diligent from the beginning, even before he hired an attorney.
    Although there is a 180 day window in which to file a charge with the EEOC, Alvarado filed
    his charge within 15 days of his termination.
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    when a claimant or her attorney has exercised due diligence in pursuing her
    rights.”). Then, when more than a week had passed without a corrected notice,
    Alvarado’s attorney again followed up with the EEOC by email. See 
    id. at 713
    (recognizing “attorney diligently and repeatedly followed up on [plaintiffs’]
    claims”). Of course, Alvarado would not be in this predicament if his attorney
    had filed suit within 90 days of the issuance of the original letter. There is
    almost always going to be something more the attorney could have done any
    time a suit is filed after the limitations period. But as we have explained, the
    decision to file this case within 90 days from the date of what the EEOC termed
    the “correct” letter was made in reasonable reliance on the EEOC’s guidance.
    This is hardly a case of a plaintiff “sitting on his rights.”
    On the other side of the balance, we see no unfair prejudice to Mine
    Service resulting from the additional 20 days Alvarado took to file his lawsuit
    after the 90 days had elapsed since the first letter. See Baldwin 
    Cnty., 466 U.S. at 152
    . The more than two-year delay before this case arrived in federal
    court may well have caused prejudice to either side by weakening the
    recollections of witnesses. But almost all of that time period is attributable to
    the time the case was pending with the EEOC. The additional twenty days
    attributable to any late filing of the suit represents just over two percent of the
    total number of days that elapsed from the filing of the EEOC charge to the
    filing of this lawsuit. Both of the key equitable considerations—the plaintiff’s
    exercise of diligence and any unfair prejudice to the defendant—thus strongly
    favor tolling.
    Those equities also distinguish this case from the ones Mine Service
    cites. Those cases involved either a dilatory plaintiff or reissued EEOC letters
    that, other than a signature or date, were substantively identical. Love v.
    Harsh Investment Corp., an unpublished Ninth Circuit case upon which the
    district court relied, had both. In that case, the EEOC first issued a right to
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    sue letter on October 5, 1989. 
    1993 WL 4811
    , at *1. Having never received the
    letter due to an unreported change of address, the plaintiff requested not a
    corrected notice but a copy of the original one, which he received on December
    5, 1990. Love did not file his suit in federal court until April 1, 1991, almost
    four months after receiving the December 5 notification. 
    Id. at *2.
    finding that the unsigned, second letter was valid and properly notified the
    plaintiff of his rights, the court declined to equitably toll the 90-day period
    because the plaintiff did “not show[] due diligence or a basis to justify
    invocation of the doctrine of equitable tolling.” 
    Id. Similarly, in
    Santini v.
    Cleveland Clinic Florida, the plaintiff received an undated right to sue notice
    on February 2, 1998, but was reissued a dated copy that was otherwise
    identical on March 2, 
    1998. 232 F.3d at 824
    . The plaintiff filed suit on May
    29, 1998. 
    Id. Noting that
    the second notice was merely a reissuance of the
    first—identical other than the new date—the Eleventh Circuit held that the
    first notice provided the plaintiff with “actual knowledge” of his rights,
    negating any basis for equitably tolling the 90-day period. 
    Id. at 825
    citations omitted). Brown v. Mead Corp, in which the Sixth Circuit also refused
    to equitably toll the 90-day period, provides the starkest contrast. 
    See 646 F.2d at 1164
    . In that case, the plaintiff took no action after she received a notice of
    right to sue in December 1974, more than four years after she filed her initial
    charge with the EEOC. 
    Id. Three years
    later, the plaintiff received a second,
    unsolicited notice notifying her that the first letter was the “product of
    administrative error and should be disregarded”; only then did the plaintiff file
    Id. Understandably, there
    was no basis for tolling: the plaintiff did not
    file suit after receiving the first notice—which appeared valid—and in fact
    waited almost eight years from the date of her original EEOC charge before
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    filing suit, leaving “the employer with reason to conclude that the matter was
    Id. at 1167–68.
    Lastly, we address Mine Service’s concern that plaintiffs will be
    encouraged to search for minor technical or clerical errors in right to sue letters
    in order to excuse late filings. But plaintiff’s counsel asked the EEOC to correct
    the errors, which were not technical ones, immediately upon receiving the
    letter, not after facing a motion to dismiss for filing an untimely lawsuit. Our
    view of the equities would be much different in a case in which plaintiff’s
    counsel requested a corrected letter post-lawsuit after realizing he was facing
    a limitations problem.
    Because the district court’s decision not to toll stemmed from the legal
    error of failing to consider the EEOC’s statements on which Alvarado’s counsel
    relied for their nonhearsay purpose, we conclude that the district court abused
    its discretion when it failed to toll the 90-day limitations period. We therefore
    REVERSE the judgment of the district court and REMAND for further
    8  The other circuit cases the district court relied on to deny equitable tolling are
    similarly distinguishable. See, e.g., Witt v. Roadway Express, 
    136 F.3d 1424
    , 1430 (10th Cir.
    1998) (applying Tenth Circuit law, which tolls a Title VII time limit “only if there has been
    active deception of the claimant regarding procedural requirements,” which was not the case
    when the allegedly misleading letter from the Kansas Human Rights Commission was
    completely accurate (emphasis in original)); Simmons v. Ill. Dept. of Mental Health and Dev.
    74 F.3d 1242
    , at *2–3 (7th Cir. 1996) (unpublished) (declining to toll when,
    applying “fault” approach focusing on “whether the delay in bringing suit was the ‘fault’ of
    the claimant,” the plaintiff’s failure to provide the EEOC with a proper address caused her
    first notice to be returned to sender and the suit was filed beyond the 90-day period even if
    tolled); Lee v. Alta Pac. Grp., 
    990 F.2d 1258
    , at *1–2 (9th Cir. 1993) (unpublished) (declining
    to equitably toll 90-day period when plaintiff received two identical letters on two different
    dates—March 20, 1991 and April 5, 1991—because the second letter did not rescind the first).