Lyn-Lea Travel Corp. v. American Airlines, Inc. , 283 F.3d 282 ( 2002 )

  •                   UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS
    No. 00-11174
    Intervenor Defendant-Counter-Claimant-Appellee.
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of Texas
    February 13, 2002
    Before JONES, SMITH and DeMOSS, Circuit Judges.
    EDITH H. JONES, Circuit Judge:
    Lyn-Lea Travel, Inc. appeals an adverse judgment on its
    claims against American Airlines for reducing the profitability of
    a travel agent booking contract.      The district court determined
    that the Airline Deregulation Act (“ADA”), 49 U.S.C. § 41713(b)(1),
    preempted all of Lyn-Lea’s state-law claims as well as Lyn-Lea’s
    fraudulent inducement defense to a breach of contract counterclaim.
    On this major issue, we conclude that affirmative state law claims
    against American are preempted, but that Lyn-Lea’s defenses to its
    contract with American’s subsidiary are not.             A partial remand is
    required.        The    magistrate   judge’s   rulings   on   procedural    and
    sanctions issues are affirmed.
    I. Background
    A.     Factual Background
    Lyn-Lea is a travel agency formerly authorized to sell
    airline tickets for American pursuant to the terms of an Airline
    Reporting Commission Reporting Agreement (the “ARC Agreement”).
    The ARC Agreement required American to pay Lyn-Lea commissions for
    booking flights in accordance with American’s published commission
    schedule.     The ARC Agreement permitted American to modify its
    commission schedule at any time.
    In 1994, Lyn-Lea purchased a competing travel agency,
    Air-O Travel.          At the time of this purchase, Air-O Travel was
    contractually obliged to use American’s computer reservation system
    (the “Sabre CRS”).         In order to reduce the booking obligations
    assumed in the purchase of Air-O Travel, Lyn-Lea began negotiating
    a new CRS agreement with American, through American’s Sabre Travel
    Information Network Division (“STIN”).           On December 7, 1994, Lyn-
    Lea and American executed a new CRS lease agreement (the “Sabre
    Agreement”).      The Sabre Agreement provided for Lyn-Lea’s lease of
    four Sabre CRS terminals from STIN.1             The Sabre Agreement also
    Sabre CRS terminals are required to book flights on American.   The
    CRS terminals may also be used to reserve hotel rooms and rental cars.
    released Lyn-Lea from Air-O Travel’s prior CRS obligations, but
    required Lyn-Lea to use the Sabre CRS terminals for at least 1200
    transactions per month.
    On February 10, 1995, American announced modifications to
    its domestic commission schedule that dramatically reduced the
    commissions paid to travel agencies.    Lyn-Lea’s main contention in
    this lawsuit is that American knew, at the time it negotiated the
    Sabre CRS Agreement, that it was about to reduce commissions and
    should have disclosed the impending changes. Lyn-Lea contends that
    the new commission schedule severely damaged Lyn-Lea’s business and
    prevented its fulfillment of the Sabre Agreement.       Had Lyn-Lea
    known of the impending reductions in commissions, it would not have
    entered into the Sabre CRS Agreement.
    On March 1, 1996, American sent Lyn-Lea an invoice for
    amounts due under the terms of the Sabre CRS Agreement.     Lyn-Lea
    refused to pay.   American terminated the agreement with Lyn-Lea,
    demanded full payment, and disconnected the CRS terminals leased by
    Lyn-Lea.   Lyn-Lea allegedly lost several clients because it could
    no longer book American flights.
    B.   Procedural Background
    Lyn-Lea promptly filed suit against American seeking
    damages for tortious interference with business relationships,
    breach of contract, fraud, and violations of the Texas Deceptive
    Trade Practices Act. American counterclaimed for Lyn-Lea’s alleged
    breach of the Sabre CRS Agreement.              On March 21, 1997, Lyn-Lea and
    American consented to trial before Magistrate Judge Boyle pursuant
    to 28 U.S.C. § 636.
    American and Sabre2 filed a joint motion for summary
    judgment arguing, inter alia, that Lyn-Lea’s claims were preempted
    by the ADA.      Lyn-Lea objected to Appellees’ preemption argument on
    the ground that neither American nor Sabre had pleaded preemption
    as an affirmative defense.             In response, American requested, and
    the magistrate judge approved, an amendment to its answer that
    properly pled preemption.
    The magistrate judge granted summary judgment on all of
    Lyn-Lea’s claims, finding insufficient evidence to support Lyn-
    Lea’s breach of contract claim and preemption of its remaining
    claims    by    the   ADA.   In    a    later     order,     Lyn-Lea’s       fraudulent
    inducement defense to Sabre’s counterclaim was also dismissed on
    the basis of ADA preemption.             The only claim left for trial was
    Sabre’s breach of contract counterclaim.
    As the case went on, the court sanctioned Lyn-Lea and its
    counsel, Stephen Gardner, for violating protective orders relating
    to confidential documents produced during discovery.                         The court
    further    penalized     Gardner       pursuant    to   28    U.S.C.     §    1927   for
    “unreasonably and vexatiously” multiplying court proceedings. Not
    Sabre Group, Inc. (“Sabre”), “spun-off” by American during the course
    of this litigation, was assigned all rights to the Sabre CRS Agreement. Sabre
    succeeded American as defendant and counter-plaintiff in this suit.
    surprisingly,     Lyn-Lea moved to rescind its consent to proceeding
    before the magistrate judge.         Just as predictably, she refused
    The   parties   then   settled   Sabre’s   counterclaim.   On
    September 28, 2000, the court entered an agreed Final Judgment
    subject to the court’s resolution of Sabre’s motion for attorney’s
    fees.     Sabre requested more than $280,000 in attorneys’ fees for
    prosecution of its breach of contract claim and its defense against
    the related claims raised by Lyn-Lea. The magistrate judge awarded
    Sabre $123,933.69 in attorneys’ fees plus $30,000 contingent upon
    Lyn-Lea’s unsuccessful appeal.
    Lyn-Lea now challenges the orders dismissing its claims
    and affirmative defense, the contempt and sanctions orders, the
    attorneys’ fees award, and the orders granting leave to amend and
    denying Lyn-Lea’s request to vacate its consent to trial before a
    II.   Discussion
    A.    ADA Preemption
    Lyn-Lea challenges the finding of ADA preemption on
    procedural and substantive grounds.
    1.   Leave to Amend
    “Whether leave to amend should be granted is entrusted to
    the sound discretion of the district court . . . .”        Quintanilla v.
    Texas Television, Inc., 
    139 F.3d 494
    , 499 (5th Cir. 1998).                Federal
    Rule of Civil Procedure 15(a) requires the trial court to grant
    leave to amend “freely,” and the language of this rule “evinces a
    bias in favor of granting leave to amend.”              Chitimacha Tribe of La.
    v. Harry L. Laws Co., Inc., 
    690 F.2d 1157
    , 1162 (5th Cir. 1983).
    The district court must have a “substantial reason” to deny a
    request for leave to amend.             Jamieson v. Shaw, 
    772 F.3d 1205
    , 1208
    (5th       Cir.    1985).        Notwithstanding   these   authorities,   Lyn-Lea
    contends that the trial court erred by granting the defendants
    leave to amend their pleadings because they did not “establish[]
    good cause or any justification for filing amended pleadings long
    after the deadline for [pleading amendments] had expired.”                   Lyn-
    Lea’s argument is unpersuasive.                 Preemption is an issue of law
    whose relevant facts were undisputed in this case. Lyn-Lea was not
    deprived of discovery. Consequently, the trial court did not abuse
    its discretion in granting leave to amend.                 
    Quintanilla, 139 F.3d at 499
    2.    ADA Preemption3
    The ADA is an economic deregulation statute intended to
    encourage maximum reliance on competitive market forces in the
    airline       industry      by    freeing   airlines   from   restrictive   state
    Hodges, 44 F.3d at 335-36
    .           The statute broadly
    prevents states from interfering with this goal:
    The district court’s summary judgment order is reviewed de novo.
    Hodges v. Delta Airlines, Inc., 
    44 F.3d 334
    , 335 (5th Cir. 1995) (en banc).
    Except as provided in this subsection, a State . . . may
    not enact or enforce a law, regulation, or other
    provision having the force and effect of law related to
    a price, route, or service of an air carrier that may
    provide air transportation under this subpart.
    49 U.S.C. § 41713(b)(1).4
    The Supreme Court has twice addressed ADA preemption.
    See Morales v. Trans World Airlines, Inc., 
    504 U.S. 374
    112 S. Ct. 2031
    (1992); American Airlines, Inc. v. Wolens, 
    513 U.S. 219
    115 S. Ct. 817
    (1995).      In Morales, the Court explained that the scope
    of ADA preemption is a question of statutory 
    intent. 504 U.S. at 383
    , 112 S.Ct. at 2036.         Relying on its prior interpretation of
    similar preemptive language in the Employee Retirement Income
    Security Act of 1974 (“ERISA”), 29 U.S.C. § 1144(a),5 the Court
    held that the phrase “relating to rates, routes, or services” in
    the ADA was “deliberately expansive” and preempted any “[s]tate
    enforcement action having a connection with or reference to airline
    ‘rates, routes, or services.’” 
    Morales, 504 U.S. at 384
    , 112 S.Ct.
    at 2037 (citations omitted).        The Court observed that “some state
    actions may     affect   airline    fares   in   too   tenuous,   remote,    or
    peripheral a manner to have preemptive effect.”             
    Id. at 390,
    S.Ct. at 2040.     However, the ADA preempts any state action having
    This clause was originally codified at 49 U.S.C. § 1305(a). In 1994,
    Congress recodified § 1305(a), and the clause is now found at 49 U.S.C. §
    41713(b)(1). As part of the recodification, Congress changed the phrase “rates,
    routes, or services” to “price, route, or service.” Congress did not intend this
    modification to substantively change existing law. See H. Conf. Rep. No. 677,
    103rd Cong., 2nd Sess. 83-84 (1994).
    ERISA preempts state laws “insofar as they . . . relate to any
    employee benefit plan.” 29 U.S.C. § 1144(a).
    a “forbidden significant effect upon [airline] fares.” 
    Id. at 388,
    112 S.Ct. at 2039-40.
    In Wolens, the Court expanded upon ADA preemption as a
    device to protect the deregulation of the airline industry by
    preventing “application of restrictive state 
    laws.” 513 U.S. at 228
    , 115 S.Ct. at 824.       Nevertheless, “the ADA’s preemption clause
    [does not] shelter airlines from suits alleging no violation of
    state-imposed obligations, but seeking recovery solely for the
    airline’s alleged breach of its own, self-imposed undertakings.”
    Id. The ADA
    does not preempt “state-law-based court adjudication
    of routine breach-of-contract claims” so long as there is “no
    enlargement or enhancement [of the contract] based on state laws or
    policies external to the agreement.”           
    Id. at 232-33,
    115 S.Ct. at
    This    court   has    also    addressed    the    scope    of   ADA
    preemption, holding that the ADA does not preempt state tort
    actions alleging personal injury resulting from the operation of an
    Hodges, 44 F.3d at 340
    .6        Other provisions of the ADA
    require airlines to maintain personal injury and property damage
    insurance coverage for claims resulting from operation of the
    In support of its holding, the court relied on the ADA’s legislative
    history and cited the following comments made by the Civil Aeronautics Board
    regarding the scope of ADA preemption: “preemption extends to all of the economic
    factors that go into the provision of the quid pro quo for passenger’s [sic]
    fare, including . . . reservation and boarding practices . . . .” 
    Hodges, 44 F.3d at 337
    (citing 44 Fed. Reg. 9948, 9951 (Feb. 15, 1979)).
    aircraft.    Consequently, ADA preemption is “concerned solely with
    economic deregulation, not with displacing state tort law.” 
    Id. at 337.7
    Unlike the personal injury claims in Hodges, which were
    unrelated     to   economic      deregulation,      Lyn-Lea’s      claims    for
    affirmative relief have a significant relationship to the economic
    aspects of the airline industry. Lyn-Lea asserts that (1) American
    intentionally interfered with its business relationships with four
    customers    and   an   employee,     luring     the   customers    away    with
    discounted     fares;    and   (2)    American    acted    fraudulently      and
    deceptively while negotiating the Sabre CRS agreement with Lyn-Lea.
    The first claim involves American’s dealings with customers, while
    the second relates to enforceability of the Lyn-Lea contract.                 In
    other words, by its first claim, Lyn-Lea is seeking the application
    of Texas common law in a way that would regulate American’s pricing
    policies, commission structure and reservation practices.8
    A very narrow reading of Wolens might be said to support
    Lyn-Lea’s position, at least as it pertains to claims of fraud
    See also, Smith v. America West Airlines, Inc., 
    44 F.3d 344
    (5th Cir.
    1995) a companion case to Hodges involving a state tort claim brought against an
    airline for negligently allowing a hijacker to board a plane).
    Lyn-Lea also argues, without citing supporting authority, that its
    claims against Sabre cannot be preempted because Sabre is not an air carrier.
    ADA preemption is not limited to claims brought directly against air carriers.
    See Huntleigh Corp. v. La. State Bd. of Private Security Examiners, 
    906 F. Supp. 357
    , 362 (M.D. La. 1995); Continental Airlines, Inc. v. American Airlines, Inc.,
    824 F. Supp. 689
    , 696-97 (S.D. Tex. 1993); Marlow v. AMR Services Corp., 
    870 F. Supp. 295
    , 297-98 (D. Haw. 1991). Rather, claims are preempted if they “relate
    to” the prices, routes or services of an air carrier.
    regarding the Sabre contract negotiations.            (The interference with
    business relations claim is plainly preempted because it involves
    American’s prices and services to customers.)           Wolens specifically
    preempted a consumer fraud statute, while Lyn-Lea rests its claim
    on state common law and, even more narrowly, on fraud related to
    the making of the contract.9       And Wolens concerned programs run by
    the airline directly with consumers, whereas the contract dispute
    here pits American/Sabre against a travel agency; Lyn-Lea thus
    argues that American’s “services” were too peripherally affected by
    a travel agent controversy to be preempted.
    Although    Wolens   might     be   interpreted    to   permit   the
    litigation of extra-contractual common law business torts that do
    not directly involve airline passengers, we think the better
    reading of the decision requires preemption.           The majority opinion
    repeatedly singles out common law contract actions as not being
    preempted,   notwithstanding     complaints      by   both   dissenters     that
    contract and fraud-based claims often overlap.               See 
    Wolens, 513 U.S. at 236
    247-49, 115 S. Ct. at 827-28
    , 832-34 (Stevens, J., and
    O’Connor, J., separately dissenting).           Wolens also expresses the
    ADA’s purpose “to leave largely to airlines themselves, and not at
    all to States, the selection and design of market mechanisms
    appropriate to the furnishing of airline transportation services .
    Lyn-Lea admits that Wolens’ reading of the ADA preempts its claims
    founded on the Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Act.
    . . .”   
    Id. at 227,
    115 S.Ct. at 823 (emphasis added).             While some
    airline business dealings undoubtedly do not “relate to” prices,
    routes and services, the carrier’s relations with travel agents, as
    intermediaries between carriers and passengers, plainly fall within
    the   ADA’s    deregulatory    concerns.     Lyn-Lea’s     claims    are   ADA-
    preempted because they have a “connection with” American’s prices
    and services.
    Even before Wolens, it was held that similar claims are
    preempted by the ADA.         In Frontier Airlines, Inc. v. United Air
    Lines, Inc., 
    758 F. Supp. 1399
    (D. Col. 1989), the court held that
    the ADA preempted an action based on Colorado law alleging that
    United Airlines interfered with business relationships by requiring
    the use of a United-owned CRS system to book flights.               The court
    determined that the CRS system was central to United’s services
    because United required use of the CRS system to book flights.
    Similarly, American requires use of the Sabre CRS system to book
    flights, and American’s policies relating to the CRS system are
    connected with the economic aspects of its services. 
    Frontier, 758 F. Supp. at 1407-09
    The existence of federal regulations regarding airline
    CRS services      and   the   legislative   history   of   the   ADA   provide
    additional support for the conclusion that the ADA preempts Lyn-
    Lea’s claims.       The Department of Transportation, pursuant to
    regulatory authority under the ADA, has promulgated regulations
    applicable to airline CRS systems. See 14 C.F.R. § 255 et seq.10
    “[F]ederal efforts to regulate CRS services and uses clearly
    demonstrate[] that the preemption statute should be applied to
    eliminate the risk that CRS providers could be subject to varying
    state standards of unlawful competition.” 
    Frontier, 758 F. Supp. at 1409
    .      The ADA’s legislative history also specifically discusses
    federal regulation of airline CRS services, and this provides
    “clear and convincing evidence that Congress intended to preempt
    state law in the regulation of CRS services . . . .”             
    Id. at 1408-
    09 (quoting H.R.Rep. No. 98-793, at 4 (1984), reprinted in 1984
    U.S.C.C.A.N. 2857).11
    14 C.F.R. § 255.1(a) provides:
    The purpose of [this section] is to set forth requirements for the
    operation by air carriers and their affiliates of computer
    reservation systems used by travel agents so as to prevent unfair,
    deceptive, predatory, and anticompetitive practices in air
    Lyn-Lea argues that because CRS systems are not “unique” to the
    airline industry, they are not airline “services” preempted by the ADA. Hodges
    defined “services” preempted by the ADA as follows:
    “Services” generally represent a bargained-for or anticipated
    provision of labor from one party to another. . . . Elements of the
    air carrier service include such items as ticketing, boarding
    procedures, provision of food and drink, and baggage handling, in
    addition to the transportation itself.      These matters are all
    appurtenant to and necessarily included with the contract of
    carriage between the passenger or shipper and the airline. It is
    these contractual features of air transportation that we believe
    Congress intended to de-regulate as “services” and broadly protect
    from state regulation.
    Hodges, 44 F.3d at 336
    (citation omitted). There is no requirement of uniqueness
    in this definition of services. Rather, “[p]reemption extends to all of the
    economic factors that go into the provision of the quid pro quo for passenger’s
    [sic] fare, including flight frequency and timing, liability limits, reservation
    and boarding practices, insurance, smoking rules, meal service, entertainment,
    bonding and corporate financing.” 
    Id. at 337
    (citation omitted).
    Finally,    Lyn-Lea’s     claims      do    not   seek    to   enforce
    American’s self-assumed contractual obligations.               Lyn-Lea’s breach
    of contract claim was dismissed by the magistrate judge on other
    grounds, and Lyn-Lea has not appealed the ruling.                    Because Lyn-
    Lea’s claims relate to American’s prices and services, the claims
    are preempted by the ADA.
    3.    Preemption of Lyn-Lea’s Affirmative Defense
    Lyn-Lea next contends that the trial court erred by
    dismissing, as preempted, its fraudulent inducement defense to the
    enforcement of the Sabre CRS agreement.12                 Noting that Wolens
    confined courts “to the parties’ bargain, with no enlargement or
    enhancement    based    on   state   laws   or    policies    external     to   the
    agreement,”     the    court   determined        that   Lyn-Lea’s      fraudulent
    inducement defense would impermissibly enhance Lyn-Lea’s rights
    apart from the Sabre CRS agreement under state law. Indeed, Wolens
    cautioned, when it decided that enforcement of air carriers’
    contracts is not preempted, “‘some state-law principles of contract
    law . . . might well be preempted to the extent they seek to
    effectuate the State’s public policies, rather than the intent of
    Lyn-Lea contends that three of its affirmative defenses (fraudulent
    inducement, breach of the duty of good faith and fair dealing, and estoppel) were
    improperly dismissed on the basis of ADA preemption. The court determined that
    the breach of the duty of good faith and fair dealing and estoppel defenses had
    been insufficiently pleaded and dismissed both defenses.        Lyn-Lea has not
    challenged this ruling. Therefore, Lyn-Lea’s fraudulent inducement defense is
    the only defense dismissed on the basis of preemption.
    the parties.’”    
    Wolens, 513 U.S. at 233
    n.8, 115 S. Ct. at 826
    .          We
    disagree, however, with the magistrate judge’s conclusion that Lyn-
    Lea’s fraudulent inducement defense attempts to enhance or enlarge
    the Sabre CRS Agreement on the basis of state policies external to
    the agreement.
    When pleaded as a defense to a contract, fraudulent
    inducement is related to the fundamental issue in contract actions:
    is there an enforceable agreement?         A fraudulently induced party
    has not assented to an agreement because the fraudulent conduct
    precludes the requisite mutual assent.         See RESTATEMENT (SECOND)   OF
    CONTRACTS § 164 (1979).      Fraudulent inducement is an elementary
    concept in the law of contracts, and is intended to shield a party
    from liability in a contract action only when another party has
    procured   the   alleged   contract    wrongfully.    United   States     v.
    Texarkana Trawlers, 
    846 F.2d 297
    , 304 (5th Cir. 1988).         The Court
    reasoned in Wolens that because contract law is, at its “core,”
    uniform and non-diverse, there is little risk of inconsistent state
    adjudication of contractual 
    obligations. 513 U.S. at 219
    n.8, 115
    S. Ct. at 826
    .    Fraudulent inducement is among those core concepts
    as it relates to the validity of mutual assent.        The defense does
    not reflect a state policy seeking to expand or enlarge the
    parties’ agreement.        Therefore, Lyn-Lea’s fraudulent inducement
    defense is not preempted by the ADA.13
    B.    Sanction Orders
    1.    Sanctions for Violations of Court Orders
    Relying on the magistrate judge’s factual findings and
    recommendations, the district court sanctioned Lyn-Lea and Stephen
    Gardner, Lyn-Lea’s counsel, for violating three protective orders
    relating to confidential documents obtained during discovery.                The
    magistrate judge found that Stephen Sedgewick, President of Lyn-
    Lea, had violated the protective orders by revealing the contents
    of sealed documents to the press.              This finding was based on
    Sedgewick’s own testimony.14       The magistrate judge also recommended
    a finding of contempt against Gardner for filing a complaint with
    the Department of Transportation (“DOT”) that quoted portions of
    the sealed documents and thus expressly violated the court’s June
    3, 1998 protective order.          Gardner acknowledged his inadvertent
    violation of this order. The magistrate judge recommended entry of
    a sanction of $18,404 against Lyn-Lea and Gardner, jointly and
    severally, “which amount is the total of all the costs, attorneys’
    Sabre urges this court to hold that summary judgment should have been
    granted against Lyn-Lea’s fraud claims, whether raised affirmatively or
    defensively. The magistrate judge did not address the merits of this issue. It
    is prudent to remand for initial consideration in the court most familiar with
    this case.
    Sedgwick admitted that he spoke with 30 or 40 reporters during the
    course of this litigation. Sedgwick was quoted in one publication regarding the
    contents of sealed documents, and Sedgwick acknowledged making such statements.
    fees and expenses incurred by Defendants in attempting to obtain
    the compliance of Plaintiff and its representatives with the terms
    of the protective orders . . . .”               Following review of the
    magistrate judge’s findings and recommendations and a de novo
    hearing, the district court found Lyn-Lea and Gardner in contempt
    and adopted the magistrate judge’s recommendations.
    Lyn-Lea   argues   that        the   district   court   erred   in
    characterizing the contempt orders as civil rather than criminal in
    nature.   Criminal contempt proceedings require heightened notice
    and proof, which Lyn-Lea contends were not satisfied in this case.
    Even if the contempt proceeding is civil in nature, Lyn-Lea argues
    that the contempt order is not supported by sufficient evidence.
    Finally, Lyn-Lea contends that it was error to find Gardner jointly
    and severally liable for the full amount of the contempt award in
    light of his limited role in the contemptuous conduct.
    A contempt order is reviewed for abuse of discretion, and
    underlying factual findings are reviewed for clear error.           FDIC v.
    43 F.3d 163
    , 165 (5th Cir. 1995).           A contempt order is
    civil in nature if the purpose of the order is (1) to coerce
    compliance with a court order or (2) to compensate a party for
    losses sustained as a result of the contemnor’s actions.           Crowe v.
    151 F.3d 217
    , 227 (5th Cir. 1998) (citing Int’l Union,
    United Mine Workers of America v. Bagwell, 
    512 U.S. 821
    , 829, 
    114 S. Ct. 2552
    (1994)).   The contempt award entered by the district
    court was intended to compensate Appellees for the costs they
    incurred in attempting to obtain Lyn-Lea’s compliance with the
    court’s protective orders.              Therefore, the challenged order is
    civil   in   nature,      and   the     heightened    procedural      requirements
    attendant to a criminal contempt proceeding are inapplicable.
    A party seeking a civil contempt order must demonstrate,
    by clear and convincing evidence, “(1) that a court order was in
    effect,    (2)   that     the   order    required     certain    conduct      by    the
    respondent, and (3) that the respondent failed to comply with the
    court’s order.”      
    LeGrand, 43 F.3d at 170
    (citing Martin v. Trinity
    Indus., Inc., 
    959 F.2d 45
    , 47 (5th Cir. 1992)); Whitfield v.
    832 F.2d 909
    , 913 (5th Cir. 1987).                  Lyn-Lea does not
    dispute that the court entered three protective orders relating to
    confidential      documents     that     were    in   effect    at    the    time   of
    Sedgwick’s and Gardner’s actions.               However, Lyn-Lea asserts that
    the   orders     merely    prohibited      disclosure      of   the   confidential
    documents but did not prohibit disclosure of the contents of such
    documents.       Lyn-Lea argues that there is insufficient evidence
    supporting     the   contempt     order    because     Appellees      “declined      to
    identify a single confidential document disclosed in Lyn-Lea’s
    discussions with the press.”
    Lyn-Lea’s argument is disingenuous. The magistrate judge
    rejected     this    argument    in     her     contempt   findings,        correctly
    reasoning that Lyn-Lea’s reading of the protective orders would
    render them a nullity.       The court’s protective orders prohibited
    the use of the confidential documents for any purpose outside of
    the litigation, thereby prohibiting revelation of the documents’
    contents as much as their existence.                Sedgwick’s and Garner’s
    admissions constitute clear and convincing evidence that Lyn-Lea
    and Gardner violated the court’s protective orders.             The district
    court did not abuse its discretion by entry of the contempt order.
    2.    Section 1927 Sanctions
    The   order   sanctioning      Gardner    for   “unreasonably    and
    vexatiously” multiplying proceedings pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1927
    is reviewed for abuse of discretion.          Matta v. May, 
    118 F.3d 410
    413 (5th Cir. 1997).15       All that is required to support § 1927
    sanctions is a determination, supported by the record, that an
    attorney multiplied proceedings in a case in an unreasonable
    manner.   Browning v. Kramer, 
    931 F.2d 340
    , 344 (5th Cir. 1991).
    The magistrate judge determined that Gardner unreasonably
    multiplied proceedings by appearing at the scheduled contempt
    hearing without Sedgwick, a necessary witness.              Gardner contends
    that he did not understand the nature of the hearing in question,
    and was prepared to proceed without Sedgwick. The magistrate judge
    Section 1927 provides:
    Any attorney or other person admitted to conduct cases in any court
    of the United States or any Territory thereof who so multiplies the
    proceedings in any case unreasonably and vexatiously may be required
    by the court to satisfy personally the excess costs, expenses, and
    attorneys’ fees reasonably incurred because of such conduct.
    rejected this contention, concluding that Gardner was aware that
    the purpose of the hearing was to determine if Sedgwick should be
    held   in   contempt     for   his   statements        to    the   press,   and   that
    Gardner’s attempt to justify the absence of Sedgwick “wholly
    lack[ed] credibility.”         The absence of Sedgwick made it necessary
    to   reschedule    the   hearing     at   a    later    date,      thus   multiplying
    proceedings.      The magistrate judge did not abuse her discretion in
    her § 1927 sanction order.
    C.     Section 636(c) Consent
    Lyn-Lea next contends that the court erred by denying its
    motion, filed almost two years after it consented to proceed before
    a magistrate judge, seeking to rescind its consent. Lyn-Lea argues
    that its consent was expressly conditioned on its right to appeal
    to a district judge rather than this court.                  This court has warned
    that it will not countenance any rule allowing a party to “express
    conditional consent” to trial before a magistrate.                          Carter v.
    Sealand Services, Inc., 
    816 F.2d 1018
    , 1020 (5th Cir. 1987).                        A
    referral may only be vacated upon a showing of “extraordinary
    circumstances”.        28 U.S.C. § 636(c)(4).               Appellant presented no
    evidence    of   any   extraordinary       circumstances.           Therefore,    the
    Magistrate did not abuse her discretion by denying Lyn-Lea’s motion
    to vacate the 636 referral.          
    Carter, 816 F.2d at 1021
    D.     Attorneys’ Fees
    After the court entered its summary judgment and contempt
    orders, the only issue remaining was Sabre’s breach of contract
    counterclaim.    Sabre and Lyn-Lea agreed to the entry of a $30,000
    judgment on this claim, reserving the right to appeal the court’s
    prior rulings.     Sabre, as the prevailing party on its written
    contract, sought an award of $282,030.61 in attorneys’ fees plus an
    additional $30,000 in fees contingent on Lyn-Lea’s unsuccessful
    appeal.    In support of its fee request, Sabre submitted the
    affidavits of two of its attorneys summarizing the number of hours
    expended on the litigation and the reasonableness of the fees
    sought.   Redacted billing statements containing only the date and
    number of hours worked with no description of the nature of the
    work were attached to the affidavits.
    In a detailed opinion, the magistrate judge awarded Sabre
    $123,933.69 plus $30,000 in contingent appellate fees. Lyn-Lea now
    challenges this award, arguing that (1) Sabre offered insufficient
    evidence to support the fee award, (2) Sabre failed to segregate
    hours expended on prosecution of its counterclaim from hours
    expended in defense of Lyn-Lea’s claims, (3) the fee award includes
    fees incurred prior to Sabre’s intervention in this suit, (4) the
    amount of the award is excessive in light of Sabre’s limited
    recovery, (5) the Johnson factors do not support the amount of the
    award,   and   (6)    the    amount    of     contingent      appellate     fees   is
    The short answer regarding the fee award is that we have
    carefully    considered      Lyn-Lea’s      arguments     opposing    the     amount,
    reasonableness, and documentation of the fee award and find no
    error of Texas law, clear error of fact or abuse of discretion.
    See Northwinds Abatement, Inc. v. Employers Ins. of Wausau, 258
    F.3d, 345, 353 (5th Cir. 2001); Tex. Civ. Prac. & Rem. Code §
    38.001; Hon. Scott A. Brister, Proof of Attorney’s Fees in Texas,
    24 St. Mary’s L.J. 313 (1993).            Nevertheless, on the basis of our
    ruling regarding Sabre’s contract claim, we must vacate the award
    and   remand    for    reconsideration          after   the      magistrate     judge
    reassesses Sabre’s contract claim in light of Lyn-Lea’s non-
    preempted defense.
    Lyn-Lea’s       affirmative       non-contractual      claims     against
    American are preempted by the ADA.              However, Lyn-Lea’s fraudulent
    inducement defense to enforcement of its contract with Sabre is not
    preempted.     The judgment on the contract and associated attorneys’
    fee award must accordingly be vacated and remanded for further
    proceedings.     The contempt and sanction orders are affirmed.
    Judgment    for    Sabre   on      Contract    and    Attorney’s    Fees
    Contempt order AFFIRMED.
    Sanction order AFFIRMED.