Wayne v. AC & S Inc ( 2002 )

  •                    UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS
    No.   01-41327     through 01-41335
    No.   01-41366     (Consolidated)
    No.   01-11481     (Consolidated)
    No.   01-51209     (Consolidated)
    No.   01-51241     (Consolidated)
    Plaintiffs - Appellees,
    Defendant - Appellant.
    Appeals from the United States District Court
    for the Southern District of Texas, Corpus Christi
    December 28, 2001
    Before DeMOSS, PARKER and DENNIS, Circuit Judges
    ROBERT M. PARKER, Circuit Judge:
    Before us are 37 nearly identical motions by the Appellant,
    Garlock, Inc. (“Garlock”), to stay the proceedings of various
    district courts throughout the four federal districts in Texas
    pending Garlock’s intended appeal.                Having reviewed the various
    motions,   which   we   treat    as    a       single   motion,   the   appellees’
    responses      and     the   amici1    briefs   filed    in   the   case,    we   deny
    Garlock’s motion.
    I.       Background.
    The cases before us were all originally brought as personal
    injury       tort    or   wrongful     death    (“PITWD”)     claims   by     various
    plaintiffs against a group of co-defendants which is, by and large,
    similar in each case.          The plaintiffs’ claims arise from exposure
    to asbestos in one manner or another.              The result of this exposure
    has allegedly led to a plaintiffs’, or a plaintiffs decedents’,
    developing one or more forms of respiratory disease leading to
    severe health          problems   or    death.2    The    defendants,       including
    Two amici briefs have been filed. The first was “Brief Amici
    Curiae of Baron & Budd, P.C. and Provost Umphrey in Opposition to
    Garlock’s Motion to Stay” purporting to represent the interests of
    “thousands of victims of asbestos-related disease with cases
    pending in the state courts of Texas and elsewhere” who could be
    adversely affected by a stay in Garlock’s case. The second was
    “Memorandum of Amicus Curiae the Official Committee of Asbestos
    Claimants of Federal-Mogul Global, Inc., in Response to Garlock
    Inc.’s Motions for a Stay Pending Appeal,” also arguing that a stay
    in asbestos litigation would adversely affect plaintiffs in other
    cases and is not warranted here as a matter of law.
    As of December 13, 2001, appellees asserted that they
    collectively numbered 82 individual plaintiffs and that the
    diseases involved in their various lawsuits included:
    7    Living plaintiffs with asbestos-related mesothelioma;
    18   Plaintiffs’ decedents with asbestos-related mesothelioma;
    17   Living plaintiffs with asbestos-related lung cancer;
    26   Plaintiffs’ decedents with asbestos-related lung cancer;
    4    Living plaintiffs with asbestos-related laryngeal or
    esophageal cancer;
    3    Plaintiffs’ decedents with asbestos-related laryngeal or
    esophageal cancer;
    6    Living plaintiffs with asbestosis;
    1    Living plaintiff with asbestos-related pleural disease.
    See Appellees’ Additional Response to Appellant’s Motion for Stay
    Garlock, number from about 40 to over 60 in the various individual
    cases.   Their commonality is to be, or to have been, in a business
    either producing or making use of asbestos.3       In each of the
    instant cases, both Garlock and Gasket Holdings, Inc. (“Gasket
    Holdings”), a subsidiary of Federal-Mogul, Inc. (“Federal-Mogul”),
    were named as co-defendants, among the many others.     All of the
    cases were originally filed under Texas state law in Texas state
    court without implicating federal jurisdiction.
    In October 2001, Federal-Mogul filed for protection pursuant
    to reorganization under Chapter 11 of Title 11 of the United States
    Code, in bankruptcy.     Federal-Mogul included each of its 156
    affiliates and subsidiaries, including Gasket Holdings, in the
    Chapter 11 filing.   All of the bankruptcy cases were filed in the
    United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware.
    Pending Appeal (hereinafter, “Appellees’ Additional Response”) at
    2. Motions in additional cases have been filed since these figures
    were compiled.
    The specifics of the claims in these cases are not in the record
    before us because we are considering only whether to place a stay
    on the various proceedings to permit a formal appeal and review of
    the individual records on appeal.     There have been hundreds of
    thousands of asbestos-related lawsuits brought in Texas and
    throughout the country in the last three decades, however.        A
    typical claim asserts that the numerous “named defendants either
    made, sold, marketed, brokered, imported, specified or used
    asbestos-containing products in Texas which were defective and
    unreasonably dangerous as designed, manufactured and marketed.”
    See, e.g., Broyles v. U.S. Gypsum Co., 
    266 B.R. 778
    , 780 (E.D. Tex.
    2001).   The claims then generally assert causes of action for
    “negligence, gross negligence, fraud, deceit, misrepresentation,
    battery and defective products theories under Texas state law.”
    Id. at 780-81.
    In mid October, Garlock began systematically removing asbestos
    cases   in   which   Garlock    and   Gasket   Holdings   appeared   as   co-
    defendants. Garlock asserted that because the Federal-Mogul group,
    including Gasket Holdings, was in bankruptcy and because Garlock
    had made a claim for contribution under Texas state law4 against
    Gasket Holdings, invoking federal jurisdiction was appropriate
    because the contribution claim was “related to” a claim under Title
    11 in accordance with 28 U.S.C. § 1334(b).                Garlock therefore
    proceeded with removal actions in several federal district courts
    throughout Texas.      Besides the 37 cases now before us, Garlock
    removed about 40 similar cases in the federal districts of Texas.
    In each of the 37 instant cases,5 Garlock moved in the
    respective district court for the entire case to be transferred to
    the United States District Court for the District of Delaware under
    28 U.S.C. § 157(b)(5).        Such a transfer would permit that district
    court to determine the appropriate venue, either itself or the
    federal   district    court    in   which   the   respective   action   arose
    originally, in which to adjudicate the PITWD claims against the
    debtor and against Garlock as a non-debtor co-defendant who asserts
    See TEX. CIV. PRAC. & REM. CODE §§ 32.001-003, 33.001-004, 011-017.
    In Garlock’s haste to remove cases to federal district court,
    it removed a case in which Garlock and the plaintiffs had already
    reached a settlement.    That erroneously removed case, filed as
    Smith v. Able Supply Co., Civil Action number G-01-673 in the
    United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas,
    Galveston Division, was included in Garlock’s flurry of motions to
    stay under Fifth Circuit Case No. 01-41370.     Garlock has since
    filed a notice of withdrawal of appeal in this one case.
    a claim for contribution against the debtor.
    The plaintiffs in every such removed case uniformly responded
    with a motion to dismiss debtor Federal-Mogul/Gasket Holdings
    (hereinafter, “debtor”) as a defendant, a motion to sever any
    remaining claims against the debtor and a motion for the district
    court to exercise mandatory or discretionary abstention or to
    remand for lack of subject matter jurisdiction or for equitable
    reasons.   The district judge in each case ruled for the plaintiffs
    and either dismissed the debtor as a defendant or remanded the
    remainder of the case to Texas state court or both.   The 37 cases
    now under emergency motion for stay to this court originated in the
    Corpus Christi Division and Galveston Divisions of the Southern
    District, the Beaumont and Paris Divisions of the Eastern District,
    the Dallas Division of the Northern District, and the San Antonio
    and Austin Divisions of the Western District.
    The district court in Corpus Christi dismissed the debtor with
    prejudice, severed all remaining claims against the debtor and
    transferred them under 28 U.S.C. § 157(b)(5) to the United States
    District Court for the District of Delaware, and remanded all
    remaining claims to Texas state court for lack of subject matter
    jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. § 1447(c) and/or for equitable reasons
    under 28 U.S.C. § 1452(b).     The district court made no ruling
    regarding either mandatory or discretionary abstention.
    The district court in Dallas referred to the Corpus Christi
    court’s reasoning as “unassailable” and entered an order with
    identical results.
    The district court in Galveston determined that bankruptcy
    subject matter jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. § 1334(a) and (b) did
    not exist and that the case had been improperly removed under 28
    U.S.C. § 1452(a). The court therefore remanded the entire case and
    all parties to Texas state court for lack of subject matter
    The district court which ruled in the Beaumont and Paris
    Division cases held that Garlock’s claim for contribution was
    “scantily asserted” and unsupported, and even if real, was so
    tenuously   related   to   the   debtor’s   bankruptcy   case   as   to   be
    virtually immaterial.      The court remanded for lack of subject
    matter jurisdiction under § 1447(c) and alternatively for equitable
    reasons under § 1452(b).
    The district court in San Antonio cited the decisions of
    several other federal district courts, including the Corpus Christi
    district court, and determined that subject matter jurisdiction did
    not exist, remanded its cases on that basis alone and dismissed the
    plaintiffs’ motions to sever as moot.
    The district court in Austin severed all claims against the
    debtor and transferred them to the District of Delaware under §
    157(b)(5) and remanded all other claims to the Texas state court.
    Following each of the district courts’ rulings, which occurred
    between November 9 and December 5, Garlock filed a notice of appeal
    and moved in the respective district court for a stay of the
    court’s order pending appeal.         Some of the district courts issued
    a denial and some had not yet ruled on Garlock’s stay motion;
    regardless, Garlock filed emergency motions to stay the respective
    district courts’ orders under FED. R. APP. P. 8 before this court.6
    Garlock   asserts   that   it   is   not   attempting   to   appeal   an
    unappealable order of remand.         Instead, Garlock states that it is
    appealing the “appealable” orders of the various district courts,
    including the inherent denials of Garlock’s transfer motion under
    § 157(b)(5), any decision to abstain and any dismissal of the
    debtor.   In so doing, Garlock claims that the “automatic stay”
    feature of 11 U.S.C. § 362, relating to cases in bankruptcy, not
    only stayed all actions against the debtor when it filed for
    bankruptcy, but that it stayed all related actions before the
    various district courts as well. Garlock further contends that the
    10-day automatic stay of judgment under FED. R. CIV. P. 62 should
    have prevented the clerks of the district courts from certifying
    the remands back to state courts before Garlock could perfect its
    appeal.   Some of the district clerks’ offices mailed certified
    copies of the remand orders either before or after Garlock’s notice
    Initially, Garlock filed documents titled “Petition for Writ of
    Mandamus to the United States District Court for the Southern
    District of Texas [Corpus Christi Division] and Petitioner’s
    Emergency Motion for Stay Pursuant to Federal Rule of Appellate
    procedure 8(a)(1) Pending Appeal.” In later actions, Garlock has
    simply filed an “Emergency Motion for Stay Pending Appeal” from one
    or another federal district court.      We treat all of Garlock’s
    motions as motions for stay.
    of appeal; some have not yet certified the remand.
    What Garlock seeks, essentially, is a procedural path that
    would invalidate the clerks’ certification of remand and freeze
    further action in the district courts while permitting Garlock to
    perfect its appeal on the § 157(b)(5) transfer issue, without
    frontally challenging an unappealable remand order.                 On the basis
    of   such   a   transfer,     Garlock    contends,     it   seeks     a    fair   and
    consolidated proceeding for all parties.
    The appellees bring a different view to this court.                         They
    contend     that   Garlock’s    true     intent   is   simply    to       delay   any
    proceeding against it for as long as possible.                  Such a dilatory
    intent, appellees contend, will have a devastating effect on them,
    some of whom are dying.
    Appellees further contend that Garlock’s dilatory intent is
    focused solely against these appellees because they have refused to
    enter into any standardized settlement plan or agreement such as
    those allegedly arranged between Garlock and other law firms
    engaged in asbestos litigation.              It is true that Garlock has
    brought no other, similar case to this court on motions to stay or
    transfer except those in which the appellees’ counsel appears for
    the plaintiffs.          On that basis, counsel characterizes Garlock’s
    interest not as an attempt to legitimately pursue a coordinated
    remedy under the bankruptcy law but as a cynical attempt to
    minimize its exposure with a law firm which “treats each case
    individually       and   attempts   to   achieve     maximum    value      for    its
    clients.”    See Appellees’ Additional Response at 3.
    Because of the “emergency” nature of Garlock’s motions, we
    implemented a temporary stay in each case to provide sufficient
    time to fairly consider whether a formal stay pending appeal should
    issue.    We have determined that no such stay should issue and, by
    this order, dissolve the temporary stays.
    Our decision in this case is predicated on two primary bases.
    First, that Garlock does not have a valid claim for contribution
    against Federal-Mogul or its associated business, Gasket Holdings,
    upon which to assert “related to” jurisdiction under the bankruptcy
    laws.     Second, we find that Garlock has not otherwise met the
    elements necessary to obtain a discretionary stay pending appeal by
    this court.    We will address each point raised in this complex
    II. Jurisdiction, Stays, Transfer of Claims, and Effect of Remand.
    We will examine the basis for federal bankruptcy jurisdiction
    and the framework of Garlock’s contentions therein.
    A.   Removal Authority and “Related To” Jurisdiction.
    Authority to remove a case relating to a case under title 11
    resides in 28 U.S.C. § 1452(a):
    A party may remove any claim or cause of action in a
    civil action other than a proceeding before the United
    States Tax Court or a civil action by a governmental unit
    to enforce such governmental unit’s police or regulatory
    power, to the district court for the district where such
    civil action is pending, if such district court has
    jurisdiction of such claim under section 1334 of this
    Title 28 U.S.C. § 1334(a) provides that “the district courts
    shall have original and exclusive jurisdiction of all cases under
    title 11.”
    Certain matters related to the debtor’s bankruptcy may be
    included within the ambit of federal bankruptcy jurisdiction under
    28 U.S.C. § 1334, et seq. Specifically, “[n]otwithstanding any Act
    of Congress that confers exclusive jurisdiction on a court or
    courts other than the district courts, the district courts shall
    have    original    but   not    exclusive   jurisdiction     of   all   civil
    proceedings arising under title 11, or arising in or related to
    cases under title 11.”          See 
    id. § 1334(b).
    As the United States Supreme Court has noted, “related to”
    bankruptcy proceedings include (1) causes of action owned by the
    debtor which become property of the estate pursuant to 11 U.S.C. §
    541, and (2) suits between third parties which have an effect on
    the bankruptcy estate. Celotex Corp. v. Edwards, 
    514 U.S. 300
    , 308
    n.5 (1995).   Garlock’s asserted claim for contribution against the
    debtor falls into the second category.
    Most of the federal circuits, including the Fifth Circuit,
    derive   their     “related     to”   jurisprudence   from   Pacor,   Inc.   v.
    743 F.2d 984
    (3rd Cir. 1984).           See 
    Celotex, 514 U.S. at 308
    n.6.   In Pacor, the Third Circuit determined that a third-party
    controversy not directly involving a debtor in bankruptcy was not
    related to the bankruptcy, but was, at best, a precursor to a claim
    against the debtor.    See 
    Pacor, 743 F.2d at 995
    .    The Third Circuit
    so ruled on the basis that any judgment between the two third
    parties could not have any preclusive effect by either res judicata
    or collateral estoppel against the debtor, who would be free to
    relitigate any claim brought against it.       
    Id. Thus, “related
    jurisdiction would not come into play until a litigant brought a
    direct claim under bankruptcy jurisdiction based on the result of
    the prior judgment.
    Within the Fifth Circuit, the test for whether a proceeding
    properly invokes federal bankruptcy jurisdiction is the same as the
    Third Circuit’s Pacor test, namely, whether “the outcome of that
    proceeding could conceivably have any effect on the estate being
    administered in bankruptcy.”    In re Canion, 
    196 F.3d 579
    , 585 (5th
    Cir. 1999).    Certainty, or even likelihood of such an effect is not
    a requirement.     
    Id. at 587
    n.30 (citing Copelin v. Sprico, Inc.,
    182 F.3d 174
    (3rd Cir. 1999)).
    In In re Canion, a judgment creditor of the debtor, Canion,
    brought a direct action against several family members, employees,
    friends and associates of the debtor, asserting claims of fraud and
    tortious interference with the judgment creditor’s recovery of the
    judgment.     In re 
    Canion, 196 F.3d at 582
    .    Our determination was
    that this circumstance fell within the “related to” bankruptcy
    jurisdiction at the time the case was referred to the bankruptcy
    court (which is the time at which jurisdiction is tested) because
    the outcome of the proceedings against the defendants conceivably
    could have increased the debtor’s estate.             
    Id. at 587
    .   Appellees
    argue that Garlock presents no such direct claim and that its claim
    for contribution, not based on a contractual relationship, is too
    tenuous to connect the underlying asbestos PITWD claims to the
    1.   “Contribution” as a basis for “related to” jurisdiction
    and the automatic stay provision in bankruptcy.
    The Sixth Circuit has held that a claim for contribution is a
    sufficient    basis   for   finding        “related   to”   jurisdiction   in
    bankruptcy and, in fact, is a sufficient ground upon which to
    direct a transfer of venue for related tort claims under 28 U.S.C.
    § 157(b)(5), the same relief sought by Garlock here.            In In re Dow
    86 F.3d 482
    (6th Cir. 1996), where a relatively small
    number of non-debtor co-defendants were closely related to the
    pending breast implant litigation against debtor Dow Corning, a
    claim of contribution by the co-defendants against Dow Corning,
    even if only intended and not yet asserted, was sufficient to
    invoke “related to” bankruptcy jurisdiction.
    In In re Walker, 
    51 F.3d 562
    (5th Cir. 1995), a party held
    liable to a debtor for a violation of the automatic stay provided
    in 11 U.S.C. § 362 sought to invoke “related to” jurisdiction
    against a third party by asserting a claim of contribution under §
    Id. at 565-66.
      We found no federal contribution right to be
    invoked in § 362 and denied the appellant’s claim.                     
    Id. at 567-68.
    Here, Garlock has asserted its contribution rights entirely under
    Texas state law. As we discuss in Part III, Garlock’s contribution
    claim is invalid and therefore no “related to” jurisdiction could
    exist in this case.
    B.       Transfer of Personal Injury Tort and Wrongful Death Claims
    under 28 U.S.C. § 157(B)(5).
    Garlock seeks to transfer all of the PITWD claims in each of
    the lawsuits against it in accordance with 28 U.S.C. § 157, which
    empowers the district court where a bankruptcy is proceeding to
    determine        the   venue    for    certain     PITWD   claims     related   to   the
    bankruptcy.        Specifically,
    The district court shall order that personal injury tort and
    wrongful death claims shall be tried in the district court in
    which the bankruptcy case is pending, or in the district court
    in the district in which the claims arose, as determined by
    the district court in which the bankruptcy case is pending.
    See 28 U.S.C. § 157(b)(5).              Use of this transfer provision in the
    mass tort context is not strictly novel, but is to date uncommon.7
    In       the   cases   before    us,    the    various     district    courts   either
    explicitly or implicitly denied Garlock’s motions to transfer all
    underlying PITWD claims from the districts in Texas to the District
    of Delaware.
    The Sixth Circuit has held that the denial of a motion to
    Section 157(b)(5) was the basis for transferring the PITWD
    claims in A.H. Robins v. Piccinin, 
    788 F.2d 994
    (4th Cir. 1986) and
    In re Dow Corning, 
    86 F.3d 482
    (6th Cir. 1996).
    transfer under § 157(b)(5) is immediately appealable on different
    grounds including a less rigid view of the “finality” requirement
    for bankruptcy judgments and under the collateral order doctrine of
    Cohen v. Beneficial Indus. Loan Corp., 
    337 U.S. 541
    (1949).     See In
    re Dow Corning, 
    86 F.3d 482
    , 488 (6th Cir. 1996).       Because of our
    ultimate holding herein, we need not determine the same issue for
    this circuit.      Regardless, Garlock claims it should benefit from a
    stay of the district courts’ orders to present an appeal.
    C.       Stays Applicable to Bankruptcy Proceedings.
    1.   Title 11 U.S.C. § 362.
    Once a party files in bankruptcy, under Chapter 11, for
    example, 11 U.S.C. § 362, et seq., stays further actions against
    the debtor.       Virtually any act attempting to enforce a judgment
    against or obtain property from the estate of the debtor is stayed
    once the title 11 proceedings are commenced.      See 
    id. § 362(a)(1)-
    (8). In the instant cases, Garlock contends that § 362 should stay
    any further actions against the non-debtor co-defendants and should
    stay the various district courts from dismissing debtor Federal-
    Mogul companies or remanding the related cases to state court.8
    Section 362 is rarely, however, a valid basis on which to stay
    actions against non-debtors.       See Wedgeworth v. Fibreboard Corp.,
    Such a stay would enable Garlock to perfect an appeal of the
    district courts’ explicit or inherent denials of Garlock’s §
    157(b)(5) transfer motion without having to contend with an order
    of remand.
    706 F.3d 541
    , 544 (5th Cir. 1983)(“[w]e join [the cited courts] in
    concluding that the protections of § 362 neither apply to co-
    defendants nor preclude severance”).
    By exception, a bankruptcy court may invoke § 362 to stay
    proceedings against nonbankrupt co-defendants where such identity
    between the debtor and the third-party defendant exists that the
    debtor may be said to be the real party defendant and that a
    judgment against the third-party defendant will in effect be a
    judgment or finding against the debtor.   A.H. Robins Co., 
    788 F.2d 994
    , 999 (4th Cir. 1986).   In that case, however, the non-debtor
    co-defendants were indemnified associates, employees or insureds of
    the debtor sole manufacturer of the Dalkon Shield intrauterine
    device.   Here, Garlock is one of scores of different asbestos
    makers, users, importers, etc., with no interest to establish such
    an identity with debtor Federal-Mogul/Gasket Holdings. There is no
    claim of a formal tie or contractual indemnification to create such
    an identity of interests.
    2.   Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 62.
    Garlock has also asserted that FED. R. CIV. P. 62(a) should have
    operated to effect a ten-day stay of the various district courts’
    orders before they were executed.     In pertinent part, Rule 62(a)
    establishes that “no execution shall issue upon a judgment nor
    shall proceedings be taken for its enforcement until the expiration
    of 10 days after its entry.”    Garlock’s concern is that, lacking
    the protection of the ten-day stay, the district clerks’ offices
    were free to certify the various remand orders at any time and by
    doing   so,   potentially   destroy    federal   jurisdiction    without
    possibility of appellate review.9      Garlock contends that it is not
    seeking appellate review of an order to remand, but seeks a stay of
    the remand order in the district court under FED. R. CIV. P. 62(d)
    upon appeal of the § 157(b)(5) issue.
    Rule 62(d) relates to Rule 62(a) in that Rule 62(a) provides
    a respite from the immediate execution of a judgment, except for an
    interlocutory or final judgment in an action for an injunction or
    in a receivership action, or for an accounting in an action for
    infringement of letters patent.        Rule 62(d) then provides for a
    stay pending appeal, subject to the exceptions in Rule 62(a).
    The stay provisions of Rule 62 pertain to judgments for money.
    Hebert v. Exxon Corp, 
    953 F.2d 936
    , 938 (5th Cir. 1992).        That does
    not preclude diverse forms of judgment pertaining to monetary
    responsibility from a stay under Rule 62(d) pending appeal nor Rule
    62(a) for ten-day automatic stay of judgment.       See 
    id. at 938-39
    (overturning a district court’s denial of a stay of declaratory
    Garlock’s references to FED. R. CIV. P. 62, et seq., in the
    Petitioner’s Motions for Stay are primarily aimed at an argument to
    establish an appeal as a matter of right. Once Garlock discovered,
    however, that the federal district court in Corpus Christi had
    already mailed certified copies of the court’s remand orders
    without waiting the ten-day period specified in Rule 62(a), it
    filed a series of “Emergency Motion[s] for Supplemental Relief”
    asking this court to direct the district clerk’s office to, in
    effect, “de-certify” its certification.
    judgment where the declaratory judgment was, in effect, a money
    judgment suitable for a Rule 62(d) stay subject to the requirements
    of Rule 62(a)).
    In the instant cases, however, the subject matter of Garlock’s
    motion is not for a stay of judgment, declaratory or otherwise.              It
    is for a stay of remand under Rule 62.          A remand of an ongoing case
    is not a final judgment following a full adjudication of a claim,
    the result of which may be appealed.         Even if the subject matter of
    the underlying litigation is solely money damages, there is no
    “money judgment” inherent in its remand.          Accordingly, there is no
    basis in Rule 62 for such a stay.         See City of New Orleans v. Nat’l
    Serv. Cleaning Corp., No. 96-1601, 
    1997 WL 5915
    , at *1 (E.D. La.
    Jan. 6, 1997).
    Further, Rule 62 itself provides no authority to revoke a
    remand once it has become effective.            See, e.g., Rivera-Perez v.
    Mass. Gen. Hosp., 
    193 F.R.D. 43
    , 45 (D.P.R. 2000).
    On    that   basis,   Garlock   is   not   entitled   to   the   Rule   62
    automatic stay.
    D.   Effect of Remand.
    We have consolidated many of these cases according to date or
    by court, but as indicated in Part I, the orders are not entirely
    uniform.    All of them include a remand for lack of subject matter
    jurisdiction, citing 28 U.S.C. § 1447(c).             However, two of the
    courts did not make such a finding until after the debtor had been
    dismissed   with    prejudice    from     the   plaintiffs’   cases   and    the
    remaining cross-claims for contribution severed and transferred to
    the District of Delaware.        Two others remanded for lack of subject
    matter jurisdiction without dismissing the debtor, without detailed
    explanation.       One court did not dismiss the debtor but found
    Garlock’s claims for contribution to be scanty and, if real, too
    tenuous and remanded.       Some courts remanded on equitable grounds.
    1.   Remand for lack of subject matter jurisdiction.
    A remand for lack of subject matter jurisdiction under 28
    U.S.C. § 1447(c) is ordinarily barred from appellate review by 28
    U.S.C. § 1447(d).        See State of Rio de Janeiro v. Philip Morris,
    239 F.3d 714
    , 716 (5th Cir. 2001)(noting that as long as a
    district court’s remand order is based on lack of subject matter
    jurisdiction, a court of appeals lacks authority to review a remand
    under § 1447(d); also referring to “the black hole force of a
    remand for want of jurisdiction”).              There are few exceptions.
    Notably, remand under a district court’s citation of § 1447(c) for
    a reason not embraced within that statute is subject to appellate
    Id. at 715
      (citing      Thermtron   Products,    Inc.   v.
    423 U.S. 336
    , 343 (1976)).                 That exception is
    inapplicable here.
    Rather than fruitlessly attempting an appellate review of a
    district court’s remand order, we instead examine the steps leading
    from a district judge’s decision to remand to execution of the
    remand order.
    A § 1447(c) order of remand is not self-executing.    Section
    1447(c) provides, in pertinent part, that upon determination that
    a case should be remanded, “[a] certified copy of the order of
    remand shall be mailed by the clerk to the clerk of the State
    court. The State court may thereupon proceed with such case.”   See
    McClelland v. Gronwaldt, 
    155 F.3d 507
    , 514 n.5 (5th Cir. 1998).
    This provision creates legal significance in the mailing of a
    certified copy of the remand order in terms of determining the time
    at which the district court is divested of jurisdiction.        
    Id. (citing the
    discussion and references in Browning v. Navarro, 
    743 F.2d 1069
    , 1078-79 (5th Cir. 1984)).   On that basis, the federal
    court is not divested of jurisdiction until the remand order,
    citing the proper basis under § 1443(c), is certified and mailed by
    the clerk of the district court.
    Once the remand order is certified and mailed, however, the
    matter remanded is removed from federal jurisdiction. Of all the
    cases brought before us under Garlock’s motions, most have already
    been certified and mailed by the respective district clerks.
    2.   Equitable remand.
    Of greater import in this particular case is the effect of an
    equitable remand.
    The court to which [claim or cause of action related to
    bankruptcy cases] is removed may remand such claim or
    cause of action on any equitable ground.       An order
    entered under this subsection remanding a claim or cause
    of action, or a decision to not remand, is not reviewable
    by appeal or otherwise by the court of appeals under
    section 158(d), 1291, or 1292 of this title or by the
    Supreme Court of the United States under section 1254 of
    this title.
    See 28 U.S.C. § 1452(b).     This remand statute, unlike § 1447(c),
    carries no certification and mailing requirement, nor have we found
    authority to require such, as much as that would promote procedural
    consistency with § 1447(c).     Whether such an equitable remand is
    self-executing is less important than the stricture that, once a
    matter related to a bankruptcy case is equitably remanded, it is
    not subject to federal appellate review on any basis.   See Hawking
    v. Ford Motor Credit Co., 
    213 F.3d 540
    , 550 (5th Cir. 2000); Sykes
    v. Texas Air Corp., 
    834 F.2d 488
    , 490 (5th Cir. 1987)(even an
    equitable remand based on a substantive law issue such as lack of
    subject matter jurisdiction is unreviewable, in part because of the
    likelihood of throwing matters into confusion months or years later
    after other proceedings, e.g., in state courts).
    Garlock’s emergency petition seeks to halt the progress of a
    remand before it leaves the district court for an immediate appeal
    of a collateral order.    The determination of venue for PITWD cases
    such as these under 28 U.S.C. § 157(b)(5) would seem to be the type
    of matter which could be readily decided without creating the type
    of confusion following an order of remand with which we were
    concerned in Sykes.      The equitable remand of bankruptcy-related
    matters harbors no such opportunity.
    Because   some   of   the   various   subject-matter   jurisdiction
    remands have not yet been certified and mailed, and because some
    have not been remanded equitably, we will proceed with an analysis
    of whether Garlock should otherwise be granted a stay pending
    appeal under our authority in FED. R. APP. P. 8 in those matters not
    barred from further review.
    III.    Merits of the Motion for Stay.
    When presented with a motion for a discretionary stay pending
    appeal, we employ a four-part test.            See In re First S. Sav.
    820 F.2d 700
    , 704 (5th Cir. 1987)(citing Ruiz v. Estelle,
    666 F.2d 854
    , 856 (5th Cir. 1982)(“Ruiz II”)).           While each part
    must be met, the appellant “need not always show a ‘probability’ of
    success on the merits; instead, the movant need only present a
    substantial case on the merits when a serious legal question is
    involved and show that the balance of the equities weighs heavily
    in favor of granting the stay.”        
    Id. (quoting Ruiz
    v. Estelle, 
    650 F.2d 555
    , 565 (5th Cir. Unit A June 1981)(“Ruiz I”)).
    A.   Whether the movant has made a showing of likelihood of success
    on the merits.
    Despite the possible availability of a discretionary stay
    pending appeal, even if Garlock had avoided remand, it could not
    show a probability of success on appeal.
    First, there was no 11 U.S.C. § 362 automatic stay of actions
    available to the non-debtor co-defendants of the debtor, Federal-
    Mogul/Gasket Holdings.         Therefore, while § 362 acted to stay any
    claims against the Federal-Mogul entities, including Garlock’s
    putative claim of contribution, it carried no force to stay actions
    as between the remaining co-defendants, the debtor and the various
    plaintiffs.       On that basis, the plaintiffs were free to dismiss
    Federal-Mogul and its associated entities under FED. R. CIV. P.
    41(a)(1).     Even if Garlock had filed a counterclaim against the
    plaintiffs in each such case, which Garlock does not assert, the
    district court would have been within its discretion to dismiss by
    order of the court under Rule 41(a)(2).
    For those cases in which the debtor was formally dismissed,10
    such dismissal was with prejudice and, under Texas law, eliminated
    Garlock’s contribution claim against the debtor.                It is well
    established under Texas case law that neither contribution nor
    indemnification can be recovered from a party against whom the
    injured party has no cause of action.          See Safway Scaffold Co. of
    Houston, Inc. v. Safway Steel Products, Inc., 
    570 S.W.2d 225
    , 228-
    29 (Tex. App.--Houston [1st Dist.] 1978, writ ref’d n.r.e.).                In
    modern    Texas    code,   a    “responsible   third   party”    from   whom
    contribution is sought must “be liable to the plaintiff for all or
    a part of the damages claimed against the named defendant or
    defendants.”         See   TEX.    CIV.    PRAC.   &   REM.   CODE   ANN.    §
    By our reckoning, this includes all of the cases ruled on by
    the district courts in Corpus Christi and Dallas.
    33.011(6)(A)(iii)(Vernon 2001).           Thus, no claim for contribution
    may lie in those cases wherein the district court dismissed the
    debtor with prejudice.
    Second, the Texas code eliminates a debtor in bankruptcy as a
    “responsible third party” from whom contribution may be sought,
    except to the extent that liability insurance or other source of
    third party funding may be available to pay the claims asserted
    against     that   debtor.     
    Id. § 33.011(6)(B)(ii).
            Garlock    has
    addressed the issue of the debtor’s insurance peripherally, but has
    not clearly represented whether the insured debtor is Federal-Mogul
    itself, Federal-Mogul’s subsidiary Gasket Holdings (successor to
    Flexitallic, another gasket-producing company), or whether either
    or both of them have liability insurance available to pay any
    Third, Garlock has relied in part on two past decisions
    transferring PITWD claims under § 157(b)(5) to the district in
    which a debtor was proceeding in bankruptcy.
    In A.H. Robins, the Fourth Circuit upheld an order of the
    United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia
    transferring, under § 157(b)(5), thousands of PITWD claims against
    a   small    number   of     non-debtor       co-defendants   to    itself     for
    coordinated    review      while   the   debtor,    A.H.   Robins   Co.,     Inc.,
    proceeded in bankruptcy in that district.            A.H. 
    Robins, 788 F.2d at 23
    1016.11           Robins      was    the    manufacturer        of     the     Dalkon    Shield
    intrauterine device, a unique product.                           Its co-defendants were
    employees         or    other       close   associates         who     were     contractually
    indemnified            by     Robins.        Here,       the     various        co-defendants
    manufacture,           use,    specify,      or    handle      many    different       asbestos
    products without such close relationship.                            Additionally, Garlock
    makes no claim of indemnification here whatsoever.
    In In re Dow Corning, the Sixth Circuit reversed and ordered
    the United States District Court for the Eastern District of
    Michigan to transfer under § 157(b)(5) a relatively small number of
    non-debtor co-defendants who had asserted claims for contribution,
    or        announced     the        intent   of     doing    so,       against    the     debtor
    manufacturer of silicone breast implants.                            In re Dow 
    Corning, 86 F.3d at 498
    .           In that case, each of the co-defendants was closely
    involved in using the same material, originating with the debtor,
    to make the same, singular product, sold to the same market and
    incurring         substantially         similar        injuries.        This     circumstance
    created       a    unity      of    identity      between      the    debtor    and     the   co-
    defendants not present here, where the co-defendants variously use
    asbestos for brake friction products, insulation, gaskets, and
    other uses.
    Therefore, while we do not disagree that certain mass tort
    The circuit court’s ruling remanded for clarification and to
    provide notice for claimants’ objections, but otherwise affirmed.
    claims in some circumstances might be consolidated with bankruptcy
    proceedings in a single district in accordance with § 157(b)(5),12
    the relationship of the co-defendants in A.H. Robins and In re Dow
    Corning is distinguishable from Garlock’s asserted relationship,
    through a claim for contribution, to the debtor here.
    Fourth, Garlock’s contribution claim against the debtor is
    based on universally-pled claims against all defendants in all
    asbestos lawsuits in which Garlock appears as a co-defendant.
    Garlock has never litigated a contribution claim to collection in
    any of approximately 250,000 previous asbestos lawsuits in which
    Garlock was a co-defendant. In the face of this criticism, Garlock
    has made a late attempt to color its failure to pursue an actual
    payment   of   contribution.13   Garlock   now   asserts   that   in   past
    lawsuits, the “larger” or “major” defendants, now in bankruptcy,
    had been present to pay their fair share of claims and that it was
    Some writers and commentators would bar mass tort parties from
    being transferred for consolidated review under § 157(b)(5). See,
    e.g., Lori J. Forlano, Why Bankruptcy “Related To” Jurisdiction
    Should Not Reach Mass Tort Nondebtor Codefendants, 73 N.Y.U. L.
    Rev. 1627 (1998)(arguing, generally, against consolidation on
    grounds of comity and federalism). We would not go so far as to
    bar such consolidation in the face of a coordinated federal
    bankruptcy scheme.      Instead, we would balance each case
    individually, as we have herein, for the relationship or unity of
    identity of the co-defendants and the debtor(s), the uniformity of
    source of the injury or wrongful death, and the general status of
    pending cases in the state courts and the effect a consolidation
    would have on them.
    See Reply of Garlock, Inc., to Plaintiffs’ Response, filed
    December 19, 2001, at 7-8.
    not cost-effective for Garlock to litigate the relatively small
    amounts left in controversy.        It is only since the Federal-Mogul
    entities proceeded to Chapter 11 protection that, Garlock contends,
    it   must   seriously   proceed   with       its   claims   for   contribution.
    Garlock has not, however, commenced discovery in any of these
    cases, but has spent its time seeking the § 157(b)(5) transfer
    addressed herein.       The appellees characterize that as a dilatory
    intent and, if such, Garlock’s actions are tantamount to being
    Additionally, the district judges ruling in the various cases
    before us found, on the facts before them, no merit in Garlock’s
    claims.     One district judge, for example, noted that in his court,
    Garlock’s claims were “scantily asserted” and presented no facts to
    support them.    As such, the contribution claims were “so tenuously
    related to the bankruptcy case” as to be “virtually immaterial.”
    All of the district judges ultimately found no verifiable basis in
    Garlock’s claims so as to justify a mass transfer to the District
    of Delaware.
    We are not prepared to say that Garlock’s motives were purely
    dilatory and its motions frivolous.            We need not, however, decide
    the issue of motivation when determining the potential for success
    on the merits of Garlock’s “related to” jurisdiction assertion and
    associated    motion    to   transfer    under     §   157(b)(5).    Given   the
    preliminary analysis herein, Garlock would not succeed on the
    merits if granted a stay to appeal the § 157(b)(5) transfer issue.
    Our determination in this element is sufficient to deny the
    stay pending appeal; however, we will briefly address the remaining
    points of analysis.
    B.   Whether the movant has made a showing of irreparable injury if
    the stay is not granted.
    We   have     determined     that   Garlock      has   no   valid   claim    for
    contribution against the debtor.               Therefore, no irreparable harm
    will ensue if a stay is not granted.
    C.   Whether the granting of the stay would substantially harm the
    other parties.
    There may be a danger of inconsistent results in the various
    state and federal courts in which Garlock and the other parties
    appear if these cases are not consolidated in the District of
    Delaware.    That is, however, the circumstance under which asbestos
    litigation has proceeded for nearly 30 years.
    What    is    certain    is    that      delay    where     plaintiffs      have
    mesothelioma, asbestosis, or pleural disease, or where decedents’
    survivors await compensation for support substantially harms those
    Additionally, delay in or lengthy interruption of state court
    proceedings        already    in    progress     for    months     or     years    may
    substantially harm the ability of the state courts to resolve the
    We therefore hold that, in this circumstance, the harm to the
    plaintiffs in delay substantially outweighs the harm to Garlock if
    not delayed.
    D.   Whether the granting of the stay would serve the public
    Consolidation of PITWD cases related to a bankruptcy would
    facilitate management of an estate in bankruptcy and potentially
    provide an even-handed and fair apportionment of the bankrupt’s
    estate to its creditors, including those claiming contribution in
    the mass tort scenario.
    Such consolidation would also deprive states and state courts
    of their right to conduct proceedings brought under state law.   In
    a mass tort case of the scope of asbestos litigation, transferring
    cases related to a bankruptcy could well result in depriving the
    states of cognizance over thousands of cases.   Many of these cases
    are founded on well-developed state law and years of precedent and
    represent a significant amount of time in individual litigation.
    The negative effect on comity between the federal and state court
    systems must be given some account.
    Armstrong Work Industries, U.S. Gypsum, W.R. Grace and Owens
    Corning are all proceeding through Chapter 11 in Delaware in
    addition to Federal-Mogul.    The burden of these five asbestos-
    related bankruptcies and the direct claims against them alone has
    resulted in the Third Circuit appointing a district judge full-time
    to stewarding those cases in coordination with a bankruptcy judge.
    The transfer of all of the PITWD claims against asbestos co-
    defendants to that court has the potential to overload the court
    with thousands of individual claims to resolve. It is difficult to
    see how the public interest is served in that manner.
    At the bottom, there is justification for aggregation, but the
    tenuous   relationship     between   Garlock   and   the   debtor     and    the
    insubstantial    claims    of   contribution   reflected     herein    do    not
    justify ignoring comity and loading thousands of cases on a single
    district in this case.
    IV.    Issue Preclusion.
    Garlock contends that a transfer of venue to the District of
    Delaware would obtain “a ‘centralized,’ ‘efficient,’ cost-effective
    application     of   a    uniform,   fair   system   for     assessing       and
    compensating    asbestos-related      claimants”     under    28    U.S.C.     §
    157(b)(5) and the automatic stay feature of 11 U.S.C. § 362, “to
    avoid unnecessary repetition, confusion, inconsistent results in
    multiple trials of common issues, cost or delay where these many
    cases do not have to be multiplied.”14         In addition to seeking a
    See Petitioner’s Emergency Motion for Stay at 3 (for cases
    consolidated under Fifth Circuit Case No. 01-41327).     In cases
    filed at later dates and consolidated under other case numbers,
    Garlock’s intent is stated in a different location. For example,
    “[a] stay in this action will promote the stated congressional
    public policy reflected in § 157(b)(5) of having all matters
    ‘related to’ bankruptcy reviewed toward implementing centralized,
    efficient and expeditious proceedings conserving the debtor’s
    resources and distributing the debtor’s assets for the benefit of
    all creditors alike.” See Petitioner’s Emergency Motion for Stay
    at 14 (for cases consolidated under Fifth Circuit Case No. 01-
    centralized forum under federal bankruptcy laws, which, we note,
    Garlock may desire as much for perceived protection from judgments
    in the state courts, Garlock appears to be contemplating the
    availability of coordinated federal court judgments for their
    preclusive effect in future actions.
    To the extent that Garlock’s contention can be read to embrace
    one    made   more   explicitly   by        the     “Big   Three”        automobile
    manufacturers15--that    transfer      to     the     District      of     Delaware
    bankruptcy court would facilitate a ruling on the ability of
    friction products to be a producing cause of asbestos-related
    diseases, a ruling that would be used for purposes of issue
    preclusion in other cases--Garlock faces formidable obstacles.                   As
    an initial matter, we note that Garlock has not attempted to
    certify as a class these and other asbestos cases--the only widely-
    51209). Regardless, all of the motions reflect the same underlying
    general facts, legal theory and intent.
    The “Big Three” automobile manufacturers, who are co-defendants
    in many of these same cases, are being sued as users of asbestos
    friction products, such as brakes in automobiles. They moved in
    the District of Delaware to transfer all such claims against them
    under § 157(b)(5) for the specifically stated intent of conducting
    Daubert hearings for the admission of scientific evidence and a
    ruling that brake/friction products are conclusively not a possible
    source of disease-producing asbestos. See Daubert v. Merrell Dow
    Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 
    509 U.S. 579
    , 589 (1993). Such a ruling
    would then be used for issue preclusion in future cases. Garlock
    and amici have briefed the auto manufacturers’ effort from their
    opposing   perspectives   and   counsel   for   Ford   Motor   Co.,
    DaimlerChrysler Corp. and General Motors Corp. has further informed
    us by letter dated December 12, 2001, that the District of Delaware
    has provisionally transferred only those claims to that court for
    further determinations.
    credited medium for disposing of multiple claims while barring
    relitigation         of    resolved     issues.         Less      well-accepted     is
    consolidation under Rule 42, but this approach is complicated by
    the cases involved having been filed in multiple courts in diffuse
    districts and by the absence of complete uniformity among parties
    and interests.            Even more tenuous would be resort to judicial
    notice under FED. R. EVID. 201.             For a party to tee up an issue for
    decision in a selected court with the expectation that any rulings
    would not only be referenced by subsequent courts but also applied
    as binding--and in the face of inconsistent decisions previously
    rendered elsewhere--is to hope for a most novel application of that
    rule indeed.
    But no matter how creative the procedural avenue, and in spite
    of the fact that this litigation would benefit from a uniform
    approach, at almost every turn this circuit has rejected attempts
    at   aggregation      and    issue    preclusion     in     asbestos   cases.      Our
    adversity toward group resolution sounds in our concern that no one
    be deprived the right to a full and fair opportunity to litigate
    their claims.         In C.A. Hardy v. Johns-Manville Sales Corp., 
    681 F.2d 334
    (5th Cir. 1982), we turned aside a district court’s order
    that nonparty asbestos companies were estopped from relitigating
    issues    of    dangerousness         and   causation       as    violative   of   the
    fundamental right to trial by jury.                 We reached this conclusion
    based    on    the   manufacturers’         each   having    an    interest   in   the
    plaintiffs proving the same set of facts.      Indeed, in Hardy we went
    so far as to conclude that the presence of inconsistent findings in
    other cases on the same questions at issue in Hardy made the
    application of collateral estoppel highly problematic even as to
    the parties themselves.     Of course Garlock need not be reminded of
    Hardy’s place in this circuit’s jurisprudence for it was one of the
    defendants that opposed any attempt to bar the relitigation of key
    dispositive issues.
    The passage of time has not weakened the teachings of Hardy.
    In re Fibreboard, 
    893 F.2d 706
    (5th Cir. 1990), saw this court
    issue a writ of mandamus against the trial of a representative
    group of plaintiffs on the issues of duty and damages.           There, we
    said that adherence to state substantive law and to the Seventh
    Amendment right to trial by jury would not tolerate making the
    resolution of a handful of claims binding as to defendant asbestos
    manufacturers’ liability with respect to all plaintiffs. In Cimino
    v. Raymark Industries, Inc., 
    151 F.3d 297
    (5th Cir. 1998), we again
    revisited   the   same   district   court’s   revised   effort    at   mass
    resolution.   There, we emphasized that federal rules providing for
    aggregation of claims--specifically, FED. R. CIV. P. 23 and 42--
    cannot override the necessity of proving causation as to each
    defendant, a requirement of the state law providing the cause of
    action and of the right to trial by jury.      As we did in Fibreboard,
    we refused to tolerate deviation from fundamental principles of due
    process simply because asbestos cases threatened to swamp the
    resources of the federal courts.
    The closest this circuit has come to utilization of issue
    preclusion in the asbestos context is Jenkins v. Raymark, 
    831 F.2d 550
    (5th Cir. 1987).            In that case, a certified class of 753
    claimants were permitted to try common issues in a single trial,
    the result of which was applicable to the class.                        The procedure
    approved      in   Jenkins,    however,      still     required    individual    jury
    determinations of causation and damages.
    The      efficiencies      to     be   obtained    from    issue     preclusion,
    therefore, cannot in this circuit serve as a basis for the transfer
    of cases under 28 U.S.C. § 157(b)(5).
    V.   Abstention.
    A    §   157(b)(5)       motion    ordinarily      requires    an     abstention
    analysis.      In re Dow Corning, 
    86 F.3d 482
    , 497 (6th Cir. 1996).                   28
    U.S.C. § 1334 provides for two types of abstention: discretionary
    abstention under § 1334(c)(1) and mandatory abstention under §
    1334(c)(2).        See, e.g., Broyles v. U.S. Gypsum Co., 
    266 B.R. 778
    (E.D.    Tex.      2001)   (finding     both     doctrines     apply,    as   well   as
    equitable remand, in circumstances not involving a transfer under
    28 U.S.C. § 157(b)(5)).
    We agree with the district judge in Corpus Christi.                             Any
    abstention issues remaining in these cases regarding claims now
    before the bankruptcy court in the District of Delaware may be
    decided by that district court.
    VI.   Conclusion.
    We do not disagree that the transfer provisions of 28 U.S.C.
    § 157(b)(5) may be applicable to multiple, non-debtor co-defendants
    in a mass tort case.   Our holding today is that Garlock, in these
    cases and under these circumstances, has not shown that such a
    transfer is appropriate.
    It is hereby ORDERED that,
    The Petitioner’s Motions for Stay under FED. R. APP. P. 8 are
    DENIED.   It is further ORDERED that,
    The temporary stays issued in our consolidated Orders are
    hereby dissolved.

Document Info

Docket Number: 01-41378

Filed Date: 1/3/2002

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 12/21/2014

Authorities (23)

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View All Authorities »