United States v. McClaren ( 2021 )

  • Case: 17-30524    Document: 00516007831         Page: 1   Date Filed: 09/09/2021
    United States Court of Appeals
    for the Fifth Circuit                             United States Court of Appeals
    Fifth Circuit
    September 9, 2021
    No. 17-30524                       Lyle W. Cayce
    United States of America,
    Delwin McClaren; Dedrick Keelen; Jawan Fortia;
    Bryan Scott; Lionel Allen,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Eastern District of Louisiana
    USDC No. 2:14-CR-131-9
    Before Stewart, Higginson, and Wilson, Circuit Judges.
    Carl E. Stewart, Circuit Judge:
    IT IS ORDERED that the government’s petition for panel
    rehearing is GRANTED and that our prior panel opinion, United States v.
    998 F.3d 203
     (5th Cir. 2021), is WITHDRAWN and the
    following opinion is SUBSTITUTED therefor. Appellants’ petitions for
    panel rehearing and for rehearing en banc are DENIED.
    Defendants Delwin McClaren, Dedrick Keelen, Jawan Fortia, Bryan
    Scott, and Lionel Allen were convicted of numerous crimes related to their
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    participation in a New Orleans street gang. We AFFIRM their convictions
    in part and VACATE in part.
    Defendants were members of the Young Melph Mafia (“YMM”), a
    street gang in New Orleans. A grand jury charged Defendants in a second
    superseding indictment for violations of the Racketeer Influenced and
    Corrupt Organizations Act (“RICO”), the Federal Controlled Substances
    Act, the Federal Gun Control Act, and the Violent Crimes in Aid of
    Racketeering Act (“VICAR”). The indictment charged Allen, Fortia, and
    Keelen with numerous substantive VICAR and firearms offenses stemming
    from several shootings. The indictment additionally charged Defendants
    with RICO, drug-trafficking, and firearms conspiracies. Fortia and Keelen
    were charged in all conspiracies, while Allen was charged in the RICO and
    firearms conspiracies. McClaren and Scott were charged only in the drug and
    firearms conspiracies.
    The district court denied McClaren’s and Scott’s motions for
    severance. During jury selection, the district court granted Batson challenges
    by both sides. The six-day trial included almost 70 witnesses and
    approximately 300 exhibits. At the close of the evidence, the district court
    denied Defendants’ motions for judgments of acquittal. Allen and Fortia
    were both acquitted of causing death with a firearm, but the jury found
    Defendants guilty as charged on all other counts. Defendants filed a joint
    motion for a new trial, arguing the government’s witnesses were not credible.
    The district court denied the motion.
    After Defendants appealed, the government informed them that a
    government witness may have perpetrated an additional shooting with Allen.
    This court remanded, and Fortia, Keelen, and McClaren filed motions for a
    new trial. The district court denied the motions, finding the disclosure was
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    not material. Defendants appealed that denial and their convictions in
    Defendants raise multiple arguments for reversing their convictions.
    We review each in turn.
    A. Motion to Sever
    The district court declined to sever McClaren and Scott’s trials. The
    district court noted that, although McClaren and Scott were not charged with
    the RICO conspiracy, “there is little doubt as to the interrelatedness of the
    counts[.]”The district court stated
    [T]he distribution and gun conspiracies here are part of the same
    scheme of illegal activity as the RICO conspiracy. Not only are
    multiple defendants common to all three conspiracies, the aims of the
    RICO and distribution conspiracies are the same—dealing crack
    cocaine and marijuana in Central City. Moreover, all but one
    defendant is charged in the gun conspiracy of Count 3, which involves
    the use of firearms and violence in furtherance of the crimes alleged in
    Counts 1 and 2. Clearly, these three conspiracies are interrelated.
    The court did however issue a limiting instruction, admonishing the jury to
    consider the case of each defendant separately. McClaren and Scott argue
    that the court erred in denying their motions to sever, noting that they were
    charged with significantly less serious crimes than their co-defendants.
    Neither of them was charged with crimes of violence. They maintain that
    denying the motion to sever resulted in substantial prejudice because of the
    highly inflammatory evidence presented against the other defendants.
    “We review a denial of a motion to sever a trial under the exceedingly
    deferential abuse of discretion standard.” United States v. Chapman, 
    851 F.3d 363
    , 379 (5th Cir. 2017) (citation and internal quotation marks omitted).
    Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 14(a) provides that a court “may . . .
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    sever Defendants’ trials” if the joinder “appears to prejudice a defendant or
    the government.” Fed. R. Crim. P. 14(a). Nevertheless, “Rule 14 does
    not require severance even if prejudice is shown; rather, it leaves the tailoring
    of the relief to be granted, if any, to the district court’s sound discretion.”
    Chapman, 851 F.3d at 379 (citation omitted). Limiting instructions are
    “generally sufficient to prevent the threat of prejudice[.]” Id. (citation and
    internal quotation marks omitted).
    To demonstrate abuse of discretion, Defendants must prove that the
    joint trial prejudiced them beyond district court protection and that the
    prejudice outweighed any interest in the economy of judicial administration.
    See United States v. Rodriguez, 
    831 F.3d 663
    , 669 (5th Cir. 2016). Defendants
    must isolate events at trial, demonstrate the events caused substantial
    prejudice, and show the jury instructions were inadequate to protect them.
    McClaren and Scott have not met the heavy burden necessary to show
    that the district court abused its discretion. The district court was correct in
    noting the interrelatedness of McClaren’s and Scott’s actions with the rest
    of the conspiracy, even if McClaren’s and Scott’s actions were less severe.
    McClaren and Scott have not pointed to evidence demonstrating that the
    joint trial prejudiced them beyond protection of the limiting instruction or
    that prejudice outweighed the interest in economical judicial administration,
    as they are required to do. See 
     Furthermore, they have not pointed to the
    record to show what events created substantial prejudice. See 
     The cases
    they cite are all significantly distinguishable from the facts present here.
    For example, in United States v. Cortinas, this court held that the
    defendants were entitled to a severance of their trial from seven others tried
    for offenses involved in a drug conspiracy. 
    142 F.3d 242
    , 248 (5th Cir. 1998).
    Although they had been part of the conspiracy initially, the record showed
    clearly that the defendants withdrew from the conspiracy before a new gang
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    joined the conspiracy and violent acts occurred. 
     There is no such
    withdrawal here, and McClaren and Scott were not wrongfully associated
    with people they had no relation to. McRae is similarly distinguishable,
    featuring a former police officer who shot and killed a victim but was tried
    jointly with other officers who burned the victim’s body to cover up the
    crime. United States v. McRae, 
    702 F.3d 806
    , 811–19, 824, 828 (5th Cir. 2012).
    The trial for the officer would have only lasted three days, but the joint trial
    lasted a month and focused largely on highly inflammatory evidence that was
    irrelevant to the murder. Here, the actions of McClaren and Fortia are not so
    easily separable from the overall conspiracy at issue in this case. While
    McClaren and Fortia correctly point out that their involvement was
    significantly less than the other defendants, the court did not abuse its
    discretion in denying the motion to sever.
    B. Batson Challenges
    Defendants used all eleven peremptory strikes against white jurors.
    The government challenged the strikes, and the district court seated three
    challenged jurors, two of whom served. Defendants argue that the court erred
    by not asking the prosecution to respond to the proffered race-neutral reasons
    for striking the jurors. Defendants maintain that their reasons for using
    peremptory strikes, such as a juror’s past military service, were acceptable
    and non-pretextual. See J.E.B. v. Alabama ex rel. T.B., 
    511 U.S. 127
    , 143 n.16
    Prosecutors are allowed to challenge the defense’s peremptory strikes
    as racially discriminatory. Georgia v. McCollum, 
    505 U.S. 42
     (1992). Whether
    under McCollum or Batson, the three-step analysis is the same: (1) “the [party
    challenging the strike] must make out a prima facie case by showing that the
    totality of the relevant facts gives rise to an inference of discriminatory
    purpose;” (2) once a prima facie case is made, the burden shifts to the
    striking party to offer a permissible race-neutral justification for the strike;
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    (3) “if a race-neutral explanation is tendered,” the trial court then decides
    “whether the opponent of the strike has proved purposeful racial
    discrimination.” Johnson v. California, 
    545 U.S. 162
    , 168 (2005) (internal
    quotation marks and citations omitted).
    “The district court’s determination that a party has used peremptory
    strikes in a discriminatory manner is a finding of fact and thus cannot be
    overturned by this court absent clear error.” United States v. Bennett, 
    664 F.3d 997
    , 1008 (5th Cir. 2011) (quotation omitted), vacated on other grounds,
    567 U.S. 950
     (2012). A finding is clearly erroneous if “[this court is] left with
    a definite and firm conviction that a mistake has been committed.” 
    give great deference to the district court because Batson findings largely turn
    on evaluating the credibility or demeanor of the attorney exercising the
    Because the district court ruled on the ultimate question of intentional
    discrimination, the preliminary issue of whether the government made a
    prima facie case is moot. See United States v. Petras, 
    879 F.3d 155
    , 161 (5th
    Cir. 2018).
    Defendants have not established that the district court committed
    clear error, a very high burden. District courts are given latitude to simply
    disbelieve that a proffered, race-neutral reason given is the true reason.
    664 F.3d 997
     at 1010. The court considered the race-neutral reasons
    offered, and concluded that they were pretextual because all eleven strikes
    were used against the same demographic and because many of the reasons
    given appeared to be “frivolous.” We cannot say that the district court
    clearly erred in its determination.
    C. Co-Conspirator Testimony
    Defendants challenge all their convictions on the basis that they were
    largely supported by co-conspirator testimony. Defendants point out that
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    many key witnesses were testifying in exchange for a lighter sentence, and
    some of their testimony was inconsistent with that of other witnesses.
    “[A] defendant may be convicted on the uncorroborated testimony of
    a coconspirator who has accepted a plea bargain unless the coconspirator’s
    testimony is incredible.” United States v. Valdez, 
    453 F.3d 252
    , 257 (5th Cir.
    2006) (alteration in original) (quoting United States v. Villegas–Rodriguez, 
    171 F.3d 224
    , 228 (5th Cir. 1999)). “Testimony is incredible as a matter of law
    only if it relates to facts that the witness could not possibly have observed or
    to events which could not have occurred under the laws of nature.” 
    (quoting United States v. Bermea, 
    30 F.3d 1539
    , 1552 (5th Cir. 1994); see also
    United States v. Arledge, 
    553 F.3d 881
    , 888 (5th Cir. 2008) (Testimony can
    also be “incredible” if it is “unbelievable on its face” (quoting United States
    v. Carrasco, 
    830 F.2d 41
    , 44 (5th Cir.1987))). Defendants have not pointed to
    testimony that meets this high burden of being incredible as a matter of law.
    A case where a conviction is based only on the testimony of an
    accomplice may require a court to issue a limiting instruction. Tillery v. U.S.,
    411 F.2d 644
    , 644 (5th Cir. 1969) (finding reversible error where there was
    no limiting instruction in a case where the accomplice “indicated less
    concern with the truth than with his own skin”). However, here the lower
    court did give the jury a limiting instruction regarding the reliability of
    accomplice testimony.
    Therefore, we will consider the testimony of co-conspirators when we
    review convictions for sufficiency of the evidence.
    D. RICO Convictions
    Allen, Fortia, and Keelen challenge their convictions for RICO
    conspiracy under 18 U.S.C. § 1962(d). They argue that the prosecution failed
    to prove the existence of a RICO conspiracy. We disagree.
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    “In reviewing sufficiency of the evidence we view the evidence and all
    inferences to be drawn from it in the light most favorable to the verdict to
    determine if a rational trier of fact could have found the essential elements of
    the crime beyond a reasonable doubt.” United States v. Delgado, 
    401 F.3d 290
    , 296 (5th Cir. 2005) (quoting United States v. Posada–Rios, 
    158 F.3d 832
    855 (5th Cir. 1998)). When defendants make timely motions for acquittal, as
    was done here, review is de novo but still “highly deferential to the verdict.”
    United States v. Bowen, 
    818 F.3d 179
    , 186 (5th Cir. 2016) (quoting United
    States v. Beacham, 
    774 F.3d 267
    , 272 (5th Cir. 2014)). “All reasonable
    inferences are made in favor of the jury’s verdict.” 
     This court must affirm
    unless no rational jury could have found the offenses’ essential elements
    proven beyond a reasonable doubt. 
    To prove a RICO conspiracy, the government must prove only that
    defendants conspired to violate 18 U.S.C. § 1962(c). See United States v.
    721 F.3d 357
    , 368 (5th Cir. 2013). Section 1962(c) states that “[i]t shall
    be unlawful for any person . . . associated with any enterprise engaged in, or
    the activities of which affect, interstate or foreign commerce, to conduct or
    participate, directly or indirectly, in the conduct of such enterprise’s affairs
    through a pattern of racketeering activity . . . .” A “pattern of racketeering
    activity” is at least two acts of racketeering activity within ten years of each
    other. 18 U.S.C. § 1961(5). “Racketeering activity” includes state felony
    offenses involving murder, robbery, extortion, and several other serious
    offenses and serious federal offenses including extortion and narcotics
    violations. 18 U.S.C. § 1961(1).
    Defendants argue that the government did not prove that YMM was
    an enterprise. An “enterprise” can be any group of individuals associated in
    fact although not a legal entity, 18 U.S.C. § 1961(4), and can be inferred from
    “largely or wholly circumstantial evidence.” United States v. Elliott, 
    571 F.2d 880
    , 898 (5th Cir. 1978). RICO “does not specifically define the outer
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    boundaries of the ‘enterprise’ concept,” but “[t]he term ‘any’ ensures that
    the definition has a wide reach, and the very concept of an association in fact
    is expansive.” Boyle v. United States, 
    556 U.S. 938
    , 944 (2009) (citations
    omitted). “An association-in-fact enterprise must have at least three
    structural features: a purpose, relationships among those associated with the
    enterprise, and longevity sufficient to permit these associates to pursue the
    enterprise’s purpose.” 
    Id. at 946
    . Finding an enterprise does not require
    proving a hierarchy, chain of command, role differentiation, membership
    dues, initiation rituals, or unique modus operandi. See 
    id. at 946
    The Fifth Circuit in United States v. Jones recognized a gang as a RICO
    enterprise on substantially similar facts:
    ROD had a clear purpose—selling drugs and protecting those drug
    sales and the group’s members—and its members were associated
    with one another. Members used a house on Mandeville Street to
    store guns and drugs and to prepare and package the drugs for resale,
    working in shifts. The owner of the house testified that on at least one
    occasion, members pooled their money to buy crack for resale. A
    former member testified that members sold drugs at specific locations,
    that only members could sell drugs in certain territories, and that
    members stashed guns for other members’ use. Members committed
    a large number of violent crimes alongside other members.
    873 F.3d 482
    , 490 (5th Cir. 2017). Defendants argue YMM was a friend
    group without any purpose, and that alleged criminal acts were done
    independently of each other. However, the government offered sufficient
    evidence for the jury to conclude that there was a purpose of drug dealing.
    Several people testified that YMM had a purpose to sell drugs. 1 The
    For example, a witness testified YMM was “a violent street gang that sold drugs,
    carried guns, and committed numerous murders” and claimed to be associated with them.
    Another witness testified that the YMM eventually started selling drugs and toting guns,
    and then some members became involved in violence.
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    government offered evidence that members identified themselves with hand
    signs, YMM tattoos, and clothing. In photos presented to the jury,
    individuals are holding large amounts of money and guns. There is testimony
    that this money was from selling drugs. Multiple people testified that YMM
    members violently retaliated against rivals.2 There was also testimony that
    YMM members kept guns for the express purpose of protecting themselves
    during drug deals. A witness testified that there was a common supplier of
    drugs to YMM members. Another witness testified some YMM members,
    including McClaren, pooled money to buy a bigger quantity. He testified they
    had a specific area they sold in, and other people they did not know could not
    sell there. This evidence suffices to prove the existence of an enterprise.
    Defendants also argue that any enterprise that did exist did not engage
    in or affect interstate commerce. To prove a violation of RICO, the
    government must prove beyond a reasonable doubt the existence of an
    enterprise that affects interstate commerce. See United States v. Delgado, 
    401 F.3d 290
    , 297 (5th Cir. 2005), see also 18 U.S.C. § 1962(c)–(d) (requiring a
    violator of RICO to be employed by or associated with an enterprise that is
    engaged in or whose activities affect interstate or foreign commerce). “The
    nexus with interstate commerce required by RICO is minimal.” Delgado, 
    401 F.3d at 297
     (internal quotation marks omitted).
    For example, a witness testified that Vennie Smith was killed because Fortia
    thought “Vennie was crossing him with the 10th Ward.” Another witness testified to an
    incident where Davis, a member of the 110’ers, which he characterized as a gang, pulled a
    gun on a YMM member and YMM members went to kill him but it was broken up. The
    witness testified that the next day Davis was shot by Fortia. A YMM member testifying to
    a shooting, stated “like we just felt, like, it was just the time—around that time, like,
    everybody just was, like, testing us. We was, like, if you just mess with us wrong, you was
    getting it.”
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    The government provided evidence that YMM engaged in daily drug
    trafficking over a period of several years. Drug-trafficking is a type of
    economic activity that has been recognized to substantially affect interstate
    commerce in the aggregate. See Taylor v. United States, 
    136 S. Ct. 2074
    , 2080
    (2016) (“The production, possession, and distribution of controlled
    substances constitute a class of activities that in the aggregate substantially
    affect interstate commerce[.]”) (citation and internal quotation marks
    omitted). Considering the government’s demonstration of very extensive
    and long-term engagement in drug trafficking, a rational jury could have
    concluded beyond a reasonable doubt that YMM’s activities had at least a
    minimal impact on interstate commerce.
    Defendants also argue that the government failed to prove each
    Defendant’s individual participation in the RICO conspiracy. Conspiracies
    must feature an agreement, although the agreement can be informal and
    unspoken. United States v. Sanders, 
    952 F.3d 263
    , 274 (5th Cir. 2020). The
    agreement can be proven by circumstantial evidence alone, but cannot be
    “lightly inferred.” 
    Id. at 273
    –74. “Once the government presents evidence
    of a conspiracy, it only needs to produce slight evidence to connect an
    individual to the conspiracy.” United States v. Virgen-Moreno, 
    265 F.3d 276
    285 (5th Cir. 2001). A defendant can be convicted of conspiracy even if “he
    only participated at one level . . . and only played a minor role.” United States
    v. Posada-Rios, 
    158 F.3d 832
    , 858 (5th Cir. 1998).
    The government offered testimony demonstrating that Allen, Fortia,
    and Keelen were YMM members. The government has offered evidence that
    all three engaged in at least two instances of racketeering activity in concert
    with other YMM members or to benefit YMM. First, there is testimony
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    stating that all three were engaged in drug-trafficking. 3 Additionally, there
    was evidence that all were involved in violent crime on behalf of YMM, as
    will be discussed in greater depth in the following section concerning
    Defendants’ VICAR convictions.
    The government provided evidence that Allen was involved in several
    shootings. There is sufficient evidence demonstrating concerted activity
    between Allen and others to commit a pattern of racketeering activity. For
    example, a witness testified that Allen drove a car during a shooting at
    members of a rival group in retaliation for acts committed by that group’s
    members. A member testified that Allen called him to organize a shooting of
    their rivals, which was then jointly executed. This suffices to show that Allen
    engaged in a RICO conspiracy.
    The burden is similarly met for Fortia. For example, there is testimony
    that he perpetrated two shootings on YMM’s behalf: wounding 110’er
    Ronnie Davis after Davis quarreled with YMM members, and killing Vennie
    Smith, suspected of affiliating with the 110’ers. Finally, the government has
    met its burden for Keelen. A witness testified that Keelen said he had
    committed two murders. Another member testified that Keelen
    accompanied YMM members for a shooting.
    The government therefore sufficiently proved Allen, Fortia, and
    Keelen’s involvement in a RICO conspiracy. We affirm their convictions
    under 18 U.S.C. § 1962(d).
    Four witnesses all testified that Allen sold drugs every day or almost every day. A
    witness testified that he “could count on one hand how many times” he saw Fortia sell
    crack. A witness testified that Keelen sold drugs every day. Two witnesses testified that
    they witnessed Keelen sell drugs a few times. Another witness testified that he saw Keelen
    sell drugs one time.
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    E. VICAR Convictions
    Fortia, Keelen, and Allen challenge their VICAR convictions under 18
    U.S.C. § 1959(a)(3) (assault with a dangerous weapon in aid of racketeering)
    and § 1959(a)(1) (murder in aid of racketeering).
    VICAR states that “[w]hoever . . . for the purpose of gaining entrance
    to or maintaining or increasing position in an enterprise engaged in
    racketeering activity . . . murders . . . [or] assaults with a dangerous
    weapon . . . any individual in violation of the laws of any State or
    the United States . . . shall be punished[.]” 18 U.S.C. § 1959(a), see also
    United States v. Hinojosa, 463 F. App’x 432, 449 (5th Cir. 2012). The
    government must prove the following four elements:
    (1) that a criminal organization exists; (2) that this organization
    is a racketeering enterprise; (3) that the defendant committed
    a violent crime; and (4) that the defendant acted for the
    purpose of promoting his position in a racketeering enterprise.
    Hinojosa, 463 F.App’x at 449 (quotation marks and brackets omitted).
    First, Defendants argue that the government failed to prove the
    existence of an enterprise that affected interstate commerce, as is required to
    prove a violation of VICAR. 18 U.S.C. § 1959(b)(2). “Courts treat [the
    definition of enterprise under VICAR] as identical to RICO.” Hinojosa, 463
    F. App’x at 449 n.9. Accordingly, our analysis from the previous section is
    equally applicable here. Just as the government sufficiently proved the
    existence of an enterprise affecting interstate commerce for RICO purposes,
    the government met its burden of proof for VICAR purposes. Similarly, the
    evidence presented by the government that YMM was engaged in drug
    trafficking and gang violence suffices to show that the enterprise was involved
    in racketeering.
    Defendants argue that the government failed to prove that they
    committed the violent crimes in question and that the crimes had the purpose
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    of promoting their positions in the enterprise. We review for sufficiency of
    the evidence.
    The government provided adequate proof that Defendants committed
    the violent offenses under VICAR. For each count, the government also
    provided testimony from which a reasonable jury could surmise that the
    crime was related to Defendants’ positions in YMM as an enterprise.
    1. Counts 4-5: Shooting of Reginald Turner by Allen
    On October 18, 2011, Reginald Turner was shot by individuals in a
    van. Turner’s mother told police she heard approximately 20 shots before
    Turner ran inside bleeding. Turner was with four others when shot. A YMM
    member testified that he was aware of a shooting in October 2011 and other
    members told him that they shot at the 110’ers in the 10th Ward and that
    Allen drove. The 110’ers were a rival gang of YMM. Another member
    testified he knew of a shooting on October 18, 2011 involving a van and the
    110’ers in the 10th Ward using an FN brand firearm. The pistol casings
    recovered from that shooting matched an FN that Allen used during a
    subsequent shooting.
    2. Counts 6-7: Shooting of Jevarion Jones by Allen
    A witness testified that Allen told him that he had shot Jones with an
    FN handgun while he rode a bike. Jones testified he sold drugs in the same
    area out of which YMM operated. A YMM member testified that there was
    a dispute with Jones because Jones tried to kill Allen.
    3. Count 8: Murder of Vennie Smith by Allen and Fortia
    On the day Smith was shot, a witness stated he was with Allen when
    Allen got a call and then drove off with Fortia and Keelen. Forty-five minutes
    later, the same witness was at a block party when Allen and Fortia returned,
    and he heard Fortia say, “I think I shot him in his chest.” That day, he saw
    Allen stash a .45 caliber pistol in a vacant house. Five .45 caliber casings were
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    found at the crime scene. Another witness testified that Fortia told her he
    killed Smith because he thought Smith “was crossing him with the 10th
    Ward.” A different witness testified that Keelen identified a firearm in the
    YMM stash as the one Allen and Fortia used to kill Smith.
    4. Counts 10, 12-13: Murder of Dashawn Hartford and Shooting of
    Charles Perry by Allen
    Charles Perry testified that he and Hartford were outside a bar when
    Perry was suddenly shot from behind in the legs and Hartford was fatally shot
    in the back. A witness testified that she was at the bar that night and followed
    Allen outside. She testified that Allen pushed her to the ground and began
    shooting Hartford with two pistols. A YMM member testified with regard to
    the shooting that everyone was “testing” YMM at that time, and so when
    anyone “mess[ed] with us wrong, you was getting it. If you was saying you
    was beefing with us, we was coming.”
    5. Count 14: Shooting of Jeffrey Sylvester by Allen
    A member of the “Mid-City Killers” (“MCK”), another gang that
    was allied with YMM, testified that he and Allen used a stolen truck to hunt
    for Isaac Jones, a Gert Town gang member who had killed several MCK
    members. The witness said that they spotted Sylvester, a friend of Jones, stop
    at a red light, and open fire on Sylvester. The witness testified that Allen fired
    an assault rifle. When Sylvester escaped with a graze wound, they hid the
    guns in another member’s stash spot and dispersed. Another MCK member
    corroborated this account.
    6. Counts 15-16: Shooting of Jaquel Variste by Allen
    A YMM member testified that Jevarion Jones had tried to kill Allen,
    so YMM was feuding with Jones. Jones testified that he sold drugs in the
    same area that YMM operated in. Jones also testified that he was at St.
    Andrew and Liberty, standing half a block away from Variste when she was
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    shot. Police testified that Variste told them that she was with Jones and other
    friends when three men exited a car, shot into the crowd, and she was hit
    while fleeing. A YMM member testified Allen called him that night and said
    they were going to go “spin,” meaning shooting at people. He testified that
    Allen used an AK-47 to fire at Jones.
    7. Counts 17-18: Shooting of Ronald Thompson and Kentrell McGinnis by
    Thompson testified that he was a member of a gang called the Scar
    Squad Mafia and sold drugs at the time he was shot. He testified that the gang
    was also located Uptown, around what is referred to as the 11th Ward. He
    said he and McGinnis were shot near Washington Avenue and Annunciation
    Street at the same time. McGinnis testified that he was alone, but that he was
    shot in the same place at the same time. A YMM member testified that the
    same night, he came to see Thompson in the hospital and was “talking shit
    to” Thompson. He said that when, the next day, Allen and an MCK member
    visited him, he mentioned he saw Thompson in the hospital, and Allen
    replied, “that’s my work.” Pistol casings from this shooting matched casings
    from two other shootings that night involving Allen.
    8. Counts 19-20: Shooting of Terrence Pollard and Brandon Turner by
    Police testified that Pollard told police that he was on a porch on
    Second Street with friends when four men drove up and opened fire on him,
    hitting him in the wrist. Pollard testified that he was on his way to his
    mother’s house on Second Street when he was shot in the wrist. A witness
    testified that he was with Pollard playing cards on a friend’s porch around
    Second Street when about four people in a car pulled up. A witness saw they
    had guns and ran, he heard shooting, and later found out Pollard had been
    shot. The witness also testified that he was in a group of friends that sold
    drugs. Turner testified that he was by himself walking down Second Street
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    when a car pulled up behind him and someone he didn’t see shot him in the
    A YMM member testified, “I was outside when [Dwayne and Allen]
    went to shoot at [Pollard]’s cousin.” Ballistic evidence showed that casings
    from a shooting near Second Street matched the two other shootings that
    night involving Allen.
    9. Counts 21-25: Murder of Lawrence Burt and Vivian Snyder and
    Shooting of Joseph Banister by Keelen
    Joseph Banister testified that he was driving Burt and stopped to speak
    with his aunt, Snyder, in front of her house, when he saw a man with his face
    covered exit a car, raise an AK-47, and start firing. Snyder was hit in the head,
    and the shooter ran up and shot Banister and Burt twice each, then shot
    Banister another four times as he ran. According to Banister, the shooter
    stopped, stood over Banister, and expressed frustration that Banister was not
    the right person. Banister also testified that McClaren later told him that the
    shooter was targeting someone else, “G-Money,” whom they believed was
    in the car. Jones testified around that time he was friends with Ben Watson,
    who Banister had dropped off earlier that night.
    A witness testified that Keelen called to ask for a gun after Jones pulled
    a gun on Keelen. A YMM member testified that Keelen also told him that
    Jones pulled a gun on him, and he saw Keelen retrieve an AK-47 before
    leaving with another MCK member. He testified that after the shooting,
    Keelen admitted that he went looking for Jones because another member told
    Keelen to “free” Allen and that “going around there” would make it look
    like different people did “[w]hatever shooting occurred on St. Andrew.”
    The day after the shooting, Keelen told a witness he was under the influence
    of pills “last night and I made a mistake and killed Ms. Snyder.” Another
    YMM member testified that after he got out of jail, Keelen told him that he
    and an MCK member “went around there to take the pressure off” him and
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    Allen who were “in jail for a shooting around there,” and that Keelen
    mistook Burt for Jones’s associate Watson and shot him with a rifle.
    10. Counts 26, 28-29: Murder of Travis Thomas and shooting of Royal
    Risen testified that he and Thomas left the Encore club the night of
    May 6, 2013, driving onto the interstate where they were shot by unknown
    assailants. A YMM member testified that in May 2013, he and other YMM
    members saw Risen and Thomas at the Encore club, who were part of a group
    they were feuding with, and that another member said he wanted to shoot
    Risen and Thomas. The member said he, Allen, Keelen, and Scott got in a
    car together, he fell asleep as Allen was driving, and awoke on the interstate
    to another member shooting an AK-47 at a car with Thomas and Risen in it.
    That member testified that he and others in Allen’s car followed Risen and
    Travis onto the interstate, and he and Dorsey fired while Allen drove.
    Defendants argue that the government failed to show that these
    violent offenses had a purpose of maintaining or increasing their position in
    YMM. “Although the VICAR statute does not criminalize mere retaliation
    for ‘dissing’ an individual or a social organization, the statute does
    criminalize violent acts committed as an integral aspect of membership in a
    racketeering enterprise.” United States v. Wilson, 
    116 F.3d 1066
    , 1078 (5th
    Cir. 1997), rev’d on other grounds sub nom., United States v. Brown, 
    161 F.3d 256
     (5th Cir. 1998) (en banc). In Wilson, the court recognized that “a
    reasonable jury could find that violent retaliation for acts of disrespect
    promoted the goals of illegal enterprise” where gang members “carried
    weapons for the express purpose of protecting themselves and their drugs
    from other gangs” and aimed to protect their turf. 
     Similar facts are
    present here. The government provided testimony for each of the above
    violent offenses sufficient for a reasonable jury to conclude that Defendants
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    committed the crimes as an integral part of membership in YMM, a gang that
    trafficked drugs.
    For these reasons, we affirm Defendants’ VICAR convictions.
    F. Drug-trafficking Conspiracy
    Fortia, Keelen, McClaren, and Scott were convicted of engaging in a
    drug-trafficking conspiracy under 21 U.S.C. § 846. A drug-trafficking
    conspiracy requires: “(1) the existence of an agreement between two or more
    persons to violate narcotics laws, (2) knowledge of the conspiracy and intent
    to join it, and (3) voluntary participation in the conspiracy.” United States v.
    721 F.3d 357
    , 367 (5th Cir. 2013) (citation and quotation marks
    omitted). A conspiracy can be proven by circumstantial evidence. United
    States v. Sanders, 
    952 F.3d 263
    , 273 (5th Cir. 2020) (“A jury can infer from
    the surrounding circumstances whether a defendant participated in and knew
    of the conspiracy.”). “Once the government presents evidence of a
    conspiracy, it only needs to produce slight evidence to connect an individual
    to the conspiracy.” Virgen-Moreno, 
    265 F.3d at 285
    Defendants argue that the prosecution failed to prove the elements of
    a conspiracy. We review for sufficiency of the evidence.
    There is testimony establishing that all four defendants sold drugs. 4
    Defendants argue that any drug dealing was not part of a conspiracy, but
    individual actions undertaken by individual Defendants. However, the
    government presented testimony indicating that YMM members would pool
    See infra n.3 discussing evidence of Fortia and Keelen’s participation in drug
    sales. Several witnesses testified that McClaren sold drugs. A witness testified that Scott
    sold crack “[e]very other day.” Another witness stated he witnessed Scott selling cocaine
    “maybe once or twice.” Someone else testified that Scott sold crack, but “not every day.”
    A witness testified that Fortia sold crack a few times.
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    money to buy drugs, share customers, stand next to each other to sell drugs,
    and maintain their specific territory. 5
    The government established for McClaren, Scott, Keelen, and Fortia
    knowledge of the conspiracy, intent to join it, and voluntary participation.
    Not only was McClaren implicated in a witness’s testimony regarding
    pooling money to buy drugs and other concerted activity, but he was also
    identified on a phone call talking to another YMM member about being
    unable to sell crack. A witness testified that Scott frequently carried firearms,
    including when he was selling drugs, and that he shared firearms with other
    YMM members. This testimony could reasonably be used by a jury to
    establish that he was sharing firearms with other YMM members for the
    purpose of the drug conspiracy. A witness testified that Keelen sold drugs
    every day, used the same supplier as McClaren, and that he shared guns with
    other YMM members. When considering these factors together, a reasonable
    jury could conclude that Keelen knew of the conspiracy and voluntarily
    participated in it. The same is true for Fortia, who sold crack and marijuana,
    carried YMM guns in the area where members sold drugs for “protection,”
    and perpetrated two shootings on YMM’s behalf.
    McClaren argues that he withdrew from the conspiracy. Withdrawal
    is an affirmative defense requiring affirmative acts, not mere cessation of
    activity. United States v. Heard, 
    709 F.3d 413
    , 427–28 (5th Cir. 2013).
    McClaren fails to point to evidence that he took “affirmative acts
    A member testified that drugs were pooled together by McClaren, Carter, and
    Gracin, who pooled money to buy a bigger quantity. He testified they had a specific area
    they sold in and other people they did not know could not sell there, and they would “run
    them from around there” if someone tried to sell there. 
     Another member testified that
    YMM members stood near each other to sell drugs. The first member testified the same
    thing, and that they would share customers, directing them to each other.
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    inconsistent with the object of the conspiracy that are communicated in a
    manner reasonably calculated to reach conspirators.” See 
    id. at 428
    omitted). The jury was therefore not required to find that he had withdrawn.
    McClaren additionally maintains that the district court erred by failing to
    inform the jury that the withdrawal instruction was specific to him. 6 An
    unobjected-to instruction is reviewed for plain error. See United States v.
    880 F.3d 198
    , 208 (5th Cir. 2018). The district court’s withdrawal
    instruction quoted the pattern instruction verbatim. Fifth Circuit Pattern
    Jury Instructions (Criminal) § 2.18 (2019). We are unaware of any authority
    requiring the district court to specify that the withdrawal instruction was
    specific to McClaren. Regardless, McClaren’s evidence was insufficient to
    demonstrate withdrawal, so any error was harmless.
    McClaren finally argues that the district court committed reversible
    error in admitting a witness’s testimony that the term “eight ball” used by
    McClaren in a recorded jail call meant crack. This unobjected-to admission
    is reviewed for plain error. United States v. Espino-Rangel, 242 F. App’x 219,
    220 (5th Cir. 2007) (unpublished). McClaren has failed to demonstrate that
    the admission of this testimony was plainly erroneous. As the witness had
    familiarity with McClaren’s dealing of crack cocaine, he had a basis to
    determine that an eight ball referred to crack in that instance and it was
    therefore “rationally based on [his] perception.” See Fed. R. Evid. 701.
    McClaren could have cross-examined the witness on his basis for opining that
    an eight ball meant crack. Moreover, any potential error was harmless
    because of the substantial other evidence the government had against
    McClaren regarding the drug conspiracy. We affirm Keelen’s, Scott’s, and
    McClaren’s convictions.
    The jury instruction stated: “A defendant has raised the affirmative defense of
    withdrawal from the conspiracy.”
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    G. Fortia’s Ratification of the Conspiracies
    Fortia contends that the prosecution failed to prove he ratified his
    involvement with the drug and RICO conspiracies after turning eighteen.
    “[A] defendant may be tried for a conspiracy which temporally overlaps his
    eighteenth birthday” only if “the government can show that the defendant
    ratified his involvement in the conspiracy after reaching majority.” United
    States v. Tolliver, 
    61 F.3d 1189
    , 1200 (5th Cir. 1995), vacated on other grounds
    sub nom., Moore v. United States, 
    519 U.S. 802
     (1996). “A juvenile ‘ratifies’
    his involvement in a conspiracy by continuing to participate in an ongoing
    conspiracy after his 18th birthday. However, a person who does absolutely
    nothing to further the conspiracy or to reaffirm membership in it after his
    18th birthday cannot be held criminally liable as an adult in federal court.”
    United States v. Peters, 
    283 F.3d 300
    , 309 (5th Cir. 2002). 7
    We must first determine the proper standard of review. Fortia’s
    counsel moved for judgment of acquittal under Rule 29, which generally
    preserves de novo review of sufficiency of the evidence. United States v.
    496 F.3d 390
    , 391 (5th Cir. 2007). However, Fortia’s counsel did not
    specifically raise the issue of ratification. The government maintains that
    Fortia’s general objection did not preserve his claim on this issue.
    Every other circuit that has considered this issue has also required that a
    defendant ratify their membership in a conspiracy after turning eighteen. See, e.g., United
    States v. Thomas, 
    114 F.3d 228
    , 264 (D.C. Cir. 1997); United States v. Wong, 
    40 F.3d 1347
    1365 (2d Cir. 1994); United States v. Maddox, 
    944 F.2d 1223
     (6th Cir. 1991). Some other
    circuits have analogized ratification in the conspiracy context to ratification doctrine in
    contract law. See Wong, 
    40 F.3d at 1366
     (“[J]ust as a minor legally incapable of entering a
    contract may nonetheless be found to have ‘ratified’ a contract by taking actions after
    attaining majority consistent with an intent to be bound by it, . . . so a defendant may ratify
    his pre-eighteen participation in a conspiracy by continued participation after attaining
    majority.”) (internal citations omitted).
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    In United States v. Farias, we treated the question of ratification as
    another element of sufficiency, noting first that the defendants preserved
    their sufficiency issues by moving for judgment of acquittal, then analyzing
    whether evidence supported conspiracy convictions, and then finally
    considering whether the government proved that their involvement in the
    conspiracy was ratified. 
    469 F.3d 393
    , 397–98 (5th Cir. 2006). Farias treated
    the motion as satisfactory for preserving the ratification issue. 
     When a
    defendant challenged the weight and credibility of the post-eighteenth
    birthday evidence, we noted that “such attacks are improper on sufficiency
    Id. at 398
    . We also treated the ratification question as a sufficiency
    question in United States v. Tolliver, stating “we must determine whether
    there is sufficient evidence to show [Appellant’s] ratification of the
    conspiracy after his eighteenth birthday.” 
    61 F.3d 1189
    , 1200 (5th Cir. 1995).
    This court has repeatedly considered ratification arguments on appeal but
    has never elaborated on whether a general Rule 29 motion preserves
    ratification arguments. 8 We are unaware of any authority in other circuits
    addressing this specific question.
    In the past, we have applied plain error review to ratification arguments raised on
    appeal even when Defendants moved for judgment of acquittal, but in a situation where the
    newly raised argument was specifically that the court improperly failed to instruct the jury
    on the ratification issue. See United States v. Harris, 
    740 F.3d 956
    , 962, 965 (5th Cir. 2014);
    see also Tolliver, 
    61 F.3d at 1199
     (reviewing a jury instruction argument for plain error).
    Here, Fortia does not argue that the court failed to make a necessary instruction, but simply
    that the government did not meet its evidentiary burden in proving his involvement in a
    drug conspiracy. Requiring the jury to find ratification in assessing age-of-majority-
    spanning conspiracies ensures that a defendant charged as an adult is not punished solely
    for an act—the agreement to join the conspiracy—that he committed as a minor. But again,
    in this case no party requested such an instruction or requested such a finding. Because no
    objection was made to its omission, we would be obliged, as we did in Harris, 740 F.3d at
    966, to deny plain error relief. However, other courts disagree. See, e.g., United States v.
    Machen, 576 F. Appx. 561, 566–67 (6th Cir. 2014).
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    The government contends that under 21 U.S.C. § 846, it is not
    required to prove that the defendant ratified his or her participation in a
    conspiracy, and argues that showing ratification is a separate prosecutorial
    obligation arising only when a defendant joined a conspiracy as a minor and
    turned eighteen during the conspiracy. The government argues that the
    ratification issue is analogous to an extraterritoriality or improper venue
    issue, which must be specifically raised. The government directs us to two
    cases. In United States v. Vasquez, this court held that extraterritoriality
    arguments must be raised before the district court to be preserved, but also
    noted that a challenge on the basis of extraterritoriality cannot be
    characterized as a challenge to the sufficiency of evidence. 
    899 F.3d 363
    , 371–
    73 (5th Cir. 2018). Because ratification is an issue of sufficiency of evidence,
    extraterritoriality challenges are not analogous.
    In United States v. Moody, we noted that venue challenges must be
    raised by the time of trial under Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 12. 664
    F. App’x 367, 368 (5th Cir. 2016) (unpublished). In United States v. Carreon-
    Palacio, we observed that “[v]enue is an element of any offense; the
    prosecution always bears the burden of proving that the trial is in the same
    district as the crime’s commission.” 
    267 F.3d 381
    , 390 (5th Cir. 2001)
    (internal quotation marks and citations omitted). While the issue of whether
    venue has been proven is a jury question, “venue differs in substance from
    statutory offense elements. . . . [it] only constitutes an ‘element’ of an offense
    in the narrow context of what must be proven in order for a conviction to pass
    constitutional muster.” 
    Id. at 391
    . We recognized that “the unique character
    of venue explains in part our rulings with respect to defendants’ waiver
    While venue and ratification are alike in that the prosecution carries
    the burden of proving both, and both are not statutory elements of an offense,
    we are not persuaded that we should treat them alike for purposes of issue
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    preservation. Venue, as we have explained, has a “unique character,” see 
    and Rule 12 states that objections to venue are to be made prior to trial. See
    Fed. R. Crim. P. 12(b)(3) (“The following defenses, objections, and
    requests must be raised by pretrial motion . . . (i) improper venue[.]”). Rule
    12 does not require any such objection for ratification, and ratification, unlike
    venue, would often be an inappropriate issue to raise before trial as the
    government’s evidence of ratification would not have been presented yet.
    Moreover, ratification, in cases where alleged conspiracies span a person’s
    eighteenth birthday, is highly relevant to the offense, while venue objections
    are typically unrelated to the substantive crime a person is charged with. We
    are therefore similarly unpersuaded that we should treat ratification like
    venue for purposes of issue preservation.
    The government also generally argues that because ratification is not
    an element of 21 U.S.C. § 846, Fortia needed to specifically raise the
    argument in his motion for judgment of acquittal. However, “Rule 29
    motions need not be specific.” 
    553 F.3d 821
    , 830 (5th Cir. 2008). The
    ratification question is not a separate defect in the prosecution but instead is
    a question inextricably connected to whether the government sufficiently
    proved that Fortia violated 21 U.S.C. § 846. We follow our precedent that
    Fortia’s general motion for judgment of acquittal preserved the ratification
    issue along with all other issues of sufficiency of the evidence. We therefore
    will review this ratification argument de novo.
    The government cites two examples of Fortia’s post-eighteen
    conduct, arguing that these instances constitute ratification of the
    conspiracies. The first instance is Fortia’s murder of Vennie Smith, a man
    from the Melpomene Projects. A witness stated that the reason for the killing
    was that “Fortia thought that Vennie was crossing him with the 10th
    Ward[.]” The second instance is Fortia’s arrest with two other passengers in
    a vehicle containing a stolen firearm and a couple of cigars filled with
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    marijuana that police believed that the passengers had been smoking. Police
    stated that nobody admitted to owning the firearm. Fortia argues that these
    instances are unrelated to drug trafficking.
    While there is broad agreement among the circuits that a defendant
    must do something to ratify his or her participation in a conspiracy, there
    remains uncertainty as to what quality or quantum of evidence suffices to
    prove ratification. For this analysis, we will follow the mandate from Peters
    that the government must prove that Fortia “further[ed] the conspiracy or []
    reaffirm[ed] membership in it.” Peters, 
    283 F.3d at 309
    Fortia’s arrest with a small amount of marijuana and a stolen firearm
    is insufficient to meet that burden. The marijuana was a small quantity, and
    police believed it was being used by the passengers of the car. No evidence
    was presented that this marijuana was being trafficked or that Fortia was at
    that time knowingly involved in any sale or purchase of drugs. It would also
    be speculative to conclude that the gun was being used for drug trafficking,
    and if so, that Fortia would have known of this use.
    Next is the subject of Smith’s murder. The government contends that
    this murder relates to drug trafficking because its purpose was to maintain
    YMM’s territory. As described earlier, the government presented evidence
    that the motive of the killing was related to an inter-gang dispute, and that
    YMM had a purpose of selling drugs. We agree with the government that
    Smith’s murder was sufficient to demonstrate Fortia’s ratification of the
    drug and RICO conspiracies.
    H. Drug Quantity
    Keelen, McClaren, Scott, and Fortia contend that the government
    failed to prove that they specifically conspired to sell 280 grams or more of
    crack in violation of 21 U.S.C. § 841(a)(1). Drug quantity requiring a
    mandatory minimum must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. United
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    States v. Gonzalez, 
    907 F.3d 869
    , 875 (5th Cir. 2018). The defendant’s
    responsibility is limited to the amount with which he was directly involved or
    that was reasonably foreseeable to him. United States v. Haines, 
    803 F.3d 713
    740 (5th Cir. 2015). “The government need not seize the actual amount
    charged to meet its burden,” and “[t]he jury can find a drug quantity by
    extrapolating from the testimony.” United States v. Walker, 750 F. App’x
    324, 326 (5th Cir. 2018) (unpublished).
    Defendants argue that the government has failed to prove that any
    conspiracy entailed the sale of 280 grams of crack and that this amount was
    foreseeable to all Defendants. They highlight that the drug quantity
    calculations were the result of expert testimony explaining that generally
    crack rocks are about a tenth of a gram, and that there was only one actual
    crack seizure. Defendants argue that it was inappropriate to tell the jury to
    take the most common quantity seized by the New Orleans Police
    Department and multiply that by how often witnesses observed YMM
    members selling drugs.
    In this case, because very little crack was actually seized, the drug
    quantity determination is reliant on the jury multiplying the average weight
    of a crack rock (0.1 grams) with the frequency with which members sold
    crack. We discern no clear error in the jury’s conclusion that the conspiracy
    entailed the sale of at least 280 grams of crack. One member testified that he
    sold crack at least five times every single day from 2007 to 2011. Even if we
    assume that he began selling very late in 2007 and stopped very early in 2011,
    this constitutes at least 5,475 transactions, 9 which could easily by itself be
    more than 280 grams of crack even if that member was selling unusually small
    quantities. Another member also testified he sold crack every day from 2007
    to 2012. Another witness testified that Scott sold crack “every other day
    This number was reached by multiplying 365 days by 3 years by 5 transactions.
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    before school and after school” from 2009 until Scott was jailed, and that
    McClaren sold crack from 2009 to 2012 “every other day.” Another witness
    testified Keelen sold crack “every day” and that he once saw Keelen
    purchase drugs from another co-conspirator’s supplier. It was permissible for
    the jury to extrapolate that the entire venture totaled over 280 grams. In
    United States v. Preston, this court allowed a similar sort of extrapolation,
    where a jury was permitted to infer a drug quantity from testimony by
    multiplying typical amounts sold by frequency of sales. 659 F. App’x 169, 174
    (5th Cir. 2016).
    Defendants compare this case to United States v. Daniels, 
    723 F.3d 562
    (5th Cir. 2013). There, the government seized 1.535 kilograms of cocaine
    during twelve controlled buys but charged a 5-kilogram conspiracy, urging
    that the seizures were “the tip of the iceberg” and telling the jury to “infer
    that there were many other undocumented purchases throughout the life of
    the conspiracy.” 
    723 F.3d 562
    , 571–72 (5th Cir. 2013). However, in that case,
    the jury was asked to infer the existence of many other undocumented
    purchases through the life of the conspiracy. 
    Id. at 571
    . Here, there is
    testimony from multiple members suggesting that there were daily sales of
    crack occurring for years.
    The question therefore is whether this amount was foreseeable to all
    Defendants. Foreseeability does not automatically follow from conspiracy
    membership. United States v. Puig-Infante, 
    19 F.3d 929
    , 942 (5th Cir. 1994).
    A reasonable jury could have found that Keelen, McClaren, and Scott
    foresaw a total amount of 280 grams of crack from the testimony establishing
    that each of them dealt crack daily or every other day. Each defendant was
    involved in the conspiracy, and testimony indicated that at least some YMM
    members would pool money to buy drugs, share customers, stand next to
    each other to sell drugs, and maintain their specific territory. The
    government provided evidence of regular drug sales by YMM members over
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    a span of many years, with coordination and communication between YMM
    members generally. In light of the broad range of relevant evidence
    presented, a reasonable jury could have found that Keelen, McClaren, and
    Scott foresaw total sales of at least 280 grams of crack throughout the life of
    the conspiracy.
    However, we conclude that there was insufficient evidence to prove
    that Fortia foresaw a total amount of 280 grams of crack. Unlike the other
    Defendants, evidence of Fortia’s involvement in trafficking crack is far more
    limited. The government points us to testimony stating that Fortia sold crack
    “a few times” and testimony from another witness stating that she witnessed
    Fortia sell crack, but without specifying amounts or frequency. Indeed, the
    government acknowledged that Fortia only engaged in “minimal drug
    dealing.” While “we previously have observed that an individual dealing in a
    sizable amount of controlled substances ordinarily would be presumed to
    recognize that the drug organization with which he deals extends beyond his
    universe of involvement,” we cannot say that Fortia was either directly
    involved in, or reasonably could foresee, trafficking in sizable amounts based
    on the evidence provided. Cf. United States v. Arellano, 792 F. App’x 306,
    310–11 (5th Cir. 2019) (unpublished) (affirming on plain error review the
    jury’s conclusion that the defendant was responsible for a conspiracy
    involving five kilograms of cocaine where he was in possession of 4.949
    kilograms); Gonzalez, 907 F.3d at 875 (noting that the defendant was found
    in possession of three kilograms of cocaine, a sizeable amount which
    indicated sufficient evidence for the jury to find that he should have
    reasonably foreseen he was involved in a conspiracy involving five or more
    kilograms of cocaine). Unlike the other Defendants, the government does not
    establish that Fortia saw or knew of drug sales by other YMM members with
    sufficient regularity that the jury could surmise foreseeability. We are not
    permitted to simply assume that Fortia was aware of the drug amount scope
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    of the conspiracy because he participated in the conspiracy. Puig-Infante, 
    19 F.3d at 942
    We therefore affirm Fortia, Keelen, McClaren, and Scott’s
    convictions under 21 U.S.C. § 846. We vacate Fortia’s sentence for drug-
    trafficking conspiracy under 21 U.S.C. § 846 and remand for resentencing.
    I. Firearms Offenses
    1. Allen, Fortia, and Keelen
    Allen, Fortia, and Keelen challenge convictions under 18 U.S.C.
    § 924(c), 18 U.S.C. § 924(o), and 18 U.S.C. § 924(j). 18 U.S.C. § 924(c)
    prohibits using a firearm during or in furtherance of any crime of violence or
    drug-trafficking crime. Under 18 U.S.C. § 924(o), “[a] person who conspires
    to commit an offense under subsection (c) shall be imprisoned for not more
    than 20 years, fined under this title, or both.” Finally, 18 U.S.C. § 924(j)
    applies to people who cause death in the course of violation of § 924(c).
    Defendants argue that their § 924 offenses must be reversed because they are
    predicated on a RICO conspiracy, which is not a crime of violence under
    United States v. Jones, 
    935 F.3d 266
    , 271 (5th Cir. 2019).
    Review of this unpreserved claim is for plain error. 
    Id. at 270
    . “Plain
    error review consists of four prongs: (1) there must be an error; (2) the error
    must be clear or obvious, rather than subject to reasonable dispute; (3) the
    error must have affected the appellant’s substantial rights, which in the
    ordinary case means he must demonstrate that it ‘affected the outcome of the
    district court proceedings’; and (4) the court must decide in its discretion to
    correct the error because it seriously affects the fairness, integrity or public
    reputation of judicial proceedings.” 
    Id. at 271
     (internal quotation marks and
    citations omitted).
    This case is directly analogous to Jones. In Jones, this court found that
    RICO conspiracy was not a crime of violence and vacated the § 924(o)
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    convictions even though there was (a) plain error review and (b) the jury
    could have convicted on the § 924(o) counts by relying on a drug-trafficking
    predicate. Jones, 935 F.3d at 273–74. The only way the government attempts
    to distinguish this case from Jones is by noting that in this case, the jury
    specifically found that Defendants violated Louisiana’s second-degree
    murder statute, which is clearly a crime of violence. The government argues
    that because Defendants received the sentencing enhancement under RICO,
    which is based on a racketeering activity for which the maximum penalty
    includes life imprisonment, this case involves “aggravated RICO” unlike
    The court applies a categorical approach, requiring “looking only to
    the statutory definitions—i.e., the elements—of a defendant’s offense, and
    not to the particular facts underlying the convictions.” United States v. Buck,
    847 F.3d 267
    , 274 (5th Cir. 2017). Therefore, the specific finding by the jury
    that Defendants committed a crime of violence in this case is irrelevant if that
    statute itself does not require a crime of violence. The default maximum
    penalty for a RICO conspiracy is twenty years. 18 U.S.C. § 1963(a). However,
    an enhanced possibility of life applies if the conspiracy “is based on a
    racketeering activity for which the maximum penalty includes life
    imprisonment[.]” Id. Even if RICO is severable as the government claims,
    the “aggravated RICO” statute does not describe a crime of violence. See 18
    U.S.C. § 924(c)(iii)(a) (defining crime of violence as a felony that “has as an
    element the use, attempted use, or threatened use of physical force[.]”).
    The government points to several cases from other circuits that are
    inapposite because they feature severable statutes where the aggravated form
    of the crime required proving a crime of violence (specifically, that death
    resulted). See United States v. Tsarnaev, 
    968 F.3d 24
    , 104–05 (1st Cir. 2020)
    (holding that a conspiracy charge including a “death results” element was a
    crime of violence); In re Hall, 
    979 F.3d 339
    , 346 (5th Cir. 2020) (holding that
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    kidnapping resulting in death, requiring different elements of conviction
    from the general federal crime of kidnapping, is a different offense than
    generic kidnapping); United States v. Runyon, 
    983 F.3d 716
    , 725–26 (4th Cir.
    2020) (also discussing a “death results” element).
    We therefore conclude that this case is virtually indistinguishable
    from Jones. In Jones, as in this case, the jury could have relied on a drug-
    trafficking predicate to convict on § 924 offenses. 935 F.3d at 272. This court,
    in conducting plain error review, held that there was a “reasonable
    probability that the jury would not have convicted Appellants of the § 924
    offenses if the invalid crime-of-violence predicate was not included on the
    verdict form.” Id. at 274. In so holding, the court noted that the RICO
    conspiracy alleged involved acts of violence going beyond the drug
    conspiracy, and so “[a] reasonable probability remain[ed] that the jury relied
    upon RICO conduct separate from the drug conspiracy—such as assaults and
    murders for the purpose of maintaining the gang’s territory or reputation—
    to convict Appellants of the challenged § 924 offenses.” Id. at 273. The same
    is true in this case: we cannot determine whether the jury relied on the RICO
    or drug-trafficking predicate, and because a RICO conspiracy is not a crime
    of violence, the basis for conviction may have been improper. The court in
    Jones also noted that defendants in that case faced significant sentences based
    on their § 924 offenses, see id. at 274, which is true here as well. Keelen, for
    example, faces a life sentence for his § 924(j) conviction. Therefore, we
    conclude that it was plain error to permit the jury to convict Defendants
    under § 924 and we reverse Allen’s, Fortia’s, and Keelen’s firearms
    convictions accordingly.
    Keelen was also convicted under 18 U.S.C. § 924(j), which provides
    that “[a] person who, in the course of a violation of subsection (c), causes the
    death of a person through the use of a firearm, shall” be punished with a
    sentence dependent on whether the killing is murder or manslaughter. This
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    part of the statute in fact does have a “death results” element, but it requires
    a violation of subsection (c), which prohibits using a firearm during or in
    furtherance of any crime of violence or drug-trafficking crime. Because a
    RICO violation is not a permissible predicate offense for a subsection (c)
    violation, we also reverse Keelen’s conviction under 18 U.S.C. § 924(j).
    2. McClaren and Scott
    McClaren and Scott argue that the government failed to prove that
    they participated in a conspiracy to possess firearms under 18 U.S.C. §
    924(o). We review for sufficiency of the evidence.
    The government was required to prove that Defendants agreed to
    violate 18 U.S.C. § 924(c), knew of the agreement’s unlawful purpose, and
    joined in it willfully with the intent to further that purpose. United States v.
    Walker, 750 F. App’x 324, 328 (5th Cir. 2018) (unpublished). 18 U.S.C. §
    924(c) prohibits using or carrying a firearm during and in relation to a drug-
    trafficking crime, as well as possession of a firearm in furtherance of a drug-
    trafficking crime.
    The government has adequately proved the existence of a conspiracy.
    A YMM member testified that he and others in YMM became interested in
    acquiring guns for protection once they began selling drugs. The member
    estimated that YMM accumulated 50-55 guns between 2009 and 2013. He
    testified that they shared guns, and if a member used the gun last, they bought
    the bullets. Another witness testified that guns were stashed in Allen’s
    grandmother’s house and in other members’ homes. Members would move
    the guns if police were in the area. Another member testified that he kept
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    guns nearby when he sold drugs, and would receive guns from other members
    of the group, including Allen, Scott, McClaren, Fortia, and Keelen. 10
    McClaren and Scott argue that the government failed to prove
    concerted action and at most proved parallel illegal activity. We disagree. A
    witness testified that Scott frequently carried firearms, including when he
    was selling drugs, and that he shared firearms with other YMM members. A
    witness also testified that McClaren stashed firearms nearby for protection
    while selling drugs. Finally, testimony from a member stated that Scott and
    McClaren were among the YMM members who would share guns in
    furtherance of the drug conspiracy. A rational jury could have determined
    that this evidence sufficed to prove that Scott and McClaren violated 18
    U.S.C. § 924(o). We accordingly affirm McClaren’s and Scott’s convictions.
    J. Admission of Co-Conspirator’s Plea Agreement Document
    Defendants argue that they are entitled to a new trial based on the use
    of Shawn Gracin’s plea agreement documents as substantive evidence of
    guilt. They contend that the district court committed reversible error in ad-
    mitting Gracin’s plea agreement documents. When Gracin testified, he dis-
    puted the contents of his factual basis. When the government asked, “[s]o if
    the factual basis says that the Young Melph Mafia was a gang—,” defense
    counsel objected and argued it was “improper for the prosecutor to provide
    substantive evidence of guilt against the gentlemen on trial with questions
    that are supposed to be for impeachment.” The district court overruled de-
    fense counsel’s objection but noted a continuing objection regarding ques-
    tioning as to the factual basis. The government moved to introduce Gracin’s
    factual basis as substantive evidence under Federal Rule of Evidence
    Specifically, the prosecution asked if he received guns from “Defendants that we
    just pointed out earlier in this case.” Previously, the witness visually identified Allen, Scott,
    McClaren, Fortia, and Keelen.
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    801(d)(1)(A), and Gracin’s factual basis was published to the jury. The pros-
    ecution then questioned Gracin about most of his factual basis, essentially
    taking him through it line by line.
    Defendants argue that the factual basis should not have been used as
    substantive evidence. We disagree. The factual basis was properly used as
    substantive evidence under the Federal Rules of Evidence as a prior incon-
    sistent statement. Rule 801(d)(1)(A) states that a statement is not hearsay if
    “the declarant testifies and is subject to cross-examination about a prior
    statement, and the statement . . . (a) is inconsistent with the declarant’s tes-
    timony and was given under penalty of perjury at a trial, hearing, or other
    proceeding or in deposition[.]” In United States v. Cisneros-Gutierrez, we de-
    termined that a “factual resume” was properly admitted as substantive evi-
    dence when the witness swore facts were true during the plea hearing and
    recanted on the witness stand. 
    517 F.3d 751
    , 757–59 (5th Cir. 2008). Gracin’s
    factual basis is analogous to the one in Cisneros. Gracin disputed the contents
    of his factual basis at trial, and therefore it was appropriate for the court to
    allow his factual basis to be used as substantive evidence. See 
    Defendants, for the first time on appeal, also raise the argument that
    admission of the factual basis violated the Confrontation Clause of the Sixth
    Amendment. Defendants and the government disagree on the proper stand-
    ard of review, but Defendants’ arguments fail under any standard. “The
    Confrontation Clause provides the accused with the right to be confronted
    with witnesses against him,” U.S. CONST. amend. VI. In Crawford v. Wash-
    ington, the Supreme Court held that this right protects against admission of
    out-of-court testimonial statements unless the witness is unavailable and
    there was prior opportunity to cross-examine him. 
    541 U.S. 36
    , 59 (2004).
    However, this right is not infringed when a declarant’s out-of-court state-
    ments are admitted “as long as the declarant is testifying as a witness and
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    subject to full and effective cross-examination.” California v. Green, 
    399 U.S. 149
    , 158 (1970). Here, Gracin was subject to cross-examination.
    Defendants emphasize that the plea agreement contained statements
    of unnamed cooperators who were not subject to cross-examination. How-
    ever, any potential violation of the Sixth Amendment was harmless because
    this evidence was cumulative. Harmless error in the Confrontation Clause
    context requires a finding that “there was [no] reasonable possibility that the
    evidence complained of might have contributed to the conviction.” United
    States v. Alvarado-Valdez, 
    521 F.3d 337
    , 341 (5th Cir. 2008). The factual basis
    contained information from three people who purchased crack from Gracin
    and did not testify, which was cumulative evidence of Gracin’s own involve-
    ment in the drug conspiracy, which he admitted at trial. The potentially prob-
    lematic sections of the factual basis were all proven by other testimony, and
    therefore there is no reasonable probability that the jury would have reached
    a different conclusion had those sections been redacted. Defendants are not
    entitled to a new trial because of the admission and use of the plea agreement
    K. Motion for New Trial
    After sentencing, the government learned that Dorsey, an MCK
    member who testified for the government, may have committed another
    shooting with Allen and Scott about which he did not testify. Fortia and
    Keelen filed a motion for a new trial, which the district court denied. Fortia
    and Keelen argue that the district court’s denial of their motion was
    improper. We disagree.
    The denial of a motion for new trial is reviewed for abuse of discretion,
    evaluating questions of law de novo. United States v. Pratt, 
    807 F.3d 641
    , 645
    (5th Cir. 2015). Under Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 33(a), a district
    court may “vacate any judgment and grant a new trial if the interest of justice
    so requires.” “Motions for new trials based on newly discovered evidence
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    are disfavored by the courts and therefore are viewed with great caution.”
    United States v. Sullivan, 
    112 F.3d 180
    , 182–83 (5th Cir. 1997) (internal
    quotation marks omitted). To receive a new trial for newly discovered
    evidence, the defendant must satisfy the following prerequisites: “(1) the
    evidence was newly discovered and unknown to the defendant at the time of
    the trial; (2) failure to detect the evidence was not a result of lack of due
    diligence by the defendant; (3) the evidence is material, not merely
    cumulative or impeaching; and (4) the evidence will probably produce an
    acquittal.” United States v. Ardoin, 
    19 F.3d 177
    , 181 (5th Cir. 1994).
    Fortia argues that this evidence is material to whether or not Dorsey
    committed the Smith murder himself. However, Fortia’s conviction for
    killing Smith was supported by two other witnesses’ testimony that Fortia
    claimed to have killed Smith. The disclosure of Dorsey’s involvement in
    another shooting does not undermine their testimony and therefore is
    unlikely to result in an acquittal.
    Keelen notes that Dorsey provided the majority of the testimony
    against Keelen. Keelen argues that further evidence of Dorsey’s
    untruthfulness would have been highly relevant to his credibility to the jury.
    Newly discovered evidence is not material if its only evidentiary purpose is
    to impeach trial testimony. United States v. Eghobor, 
    812 F.3d 352
    , 363 (5th
    Cir. 2015). Mere impeachment evidence that only casts doubt on the veracity
    of a witness’s testimony and demonstrates a bias on his part “is insufficient
    to entitle a defendant to a new trial.” Id.; see United States v. Garcia-Esparza,
    388 F. App’x 407, 408 (5th Cir. 2010) (evidence introduced to show a
    witness “lied extensively on the witness stand . . . is impeaching and not a
    basis for a new trial”). Dorsey was not an untarnished witness whose
    credibility later came into question; Dorsey was a gang member who admitted
    to previously lying to the government and believed testifying would help
    reduce his sentence.
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    We therefore disagree with Defendants that the evidence was neither
    merely impeaching nor cumulative and that it would probably produce an
    acquittal. See Ardoin, 
    19 F.3d at 181
    . We accordingly affirm the district
    court’s denial of Defendants’ motion for a new trial.
    L. Sentencing
    Finally, Scott and McClaren challenge their sentences. McClaren
    argues that his 192-month concurrent sentence for drug-trafficking and
    firearms conspiracies is unreasonable. This court reviews sentences first for
    procedural error and then for substantive reasonableness. United States v.
    691 F.3d 592
    , 596 (5th Cir. 2012). Here, no procedural errors are
    alleged. We therefore consider the reasonableness of the sentence under the
    abuse of discretion standard. 
     We presume sentences within the properly
    calculated guidelines range to be reasonable and “infer that the judge has
    considered all the factors for a fair sentence set forth in the Guidelines.” 
    To rebut the presumption of reasonableness, a defendant must show the
    district court did not account for a factor that should have received significant
    weight, gave significant weight to an improper factor, or clearly erred in
    balancing the sentencing factors. 
    McClaren has not shown that the district court abused its discretion.
    McClaren’s offense level 32 and criminal history category IV produced a
    guideline range for Counts 2 and 3 of 168 to 210 months. McClaren received
    a concurrent sentence of 192 months. His sentence was within the guidelines
    and is therefore presumptively reasonable. Alvarado, 691 F.3d at 597.
    McClaren was not given an upward departure and has not pointed to any
    evidence suggesting that the district court improperly weighed factors.
    Therefore, under our precedent, McClaren’s sentence was not
    Scott argues that he is eligible for a sentence reduction under the First
    Step Act, Pub. L. No. 115-391; 132 Stat. 5194, 5220–21 (2018). Under §
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    401(c) of the First Step Act, § 401 applies to offenses committed prior to
    enactment “if a sentence for the offense has not been imposed as of such date
    of enactment.” Scott was sentenced on November 16, 2017. The Act was
    enacted on December 21, 2018. The Fifth Circuit has already rejected Scott’s
    argument that the benefits of this statute apply to cases that are still being
    appealed given the clear language of § 401(c). United States v. Staggers, 
    961 F.3d 745
    , 753–54 (5th Cir. 2020) (noting that “[a] sentence is imposed when
    it is pronounced by the district court and not, as [the defendants] would have
    it, when the appellate process comes to an end”). Therefore, Scott is not
    statutorily eligible for a sentence reduction.
    For the aforementioned reasons, we AFFIRM Defendants’
    convictions under VICAR and RICO. We VACATE Fortia’s sentence for
    drug-trafficking conspiracy under 21 U.S.C. § 846 and REMAND for
    resentencing. We AFFIRM Keelen, McClaren, and Scott’s drug-trafficking
    conspiracy convictions under 21 U.S.C. § 846 and AFFIRM their
    sentences. We VACATE Allen, Fortia, and Keelen’s firearms convictions
    under 18 U.S.C. § 924. We AFFIRM McClaren and Scott’s firearm
    convictions under 18 U.S.C. § 924(o). An appendix is attached explaining the
    outcome for each specific conviction.
    RICO Conspiracy (18 U.S.C. § 1962(d))                             AFFIRM
    Conspiracy to possess firearms (18 U.S.C. § 924(o))               VACATE
    Assault with a dangerous weapon in aid of racketeering (18 AFFIRM
    U.S.C. § 1959(a)(3))
    Use and carrying firearm during and in relation to a crime of VACATE
    violence and drug-trafficking crime (18 U.S.C. § 924(c))
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    Use and carrying firearm during and in relation to a crime of VACATE
    violence and drug-trafficking crime (18 U.S.C. § 924(c))
    Murder in aid of racketeering (18 U.S.C. § 1959(a)(1))           AFFIRM
    RICO Conspiracy (18 U.S.C. § 1962(d))                            AFFIRM
    Drug-trafficking conspiracy (21 U.S.C. § 846)                    AFFIRM
    SENTENCE                 &
    Conspiracy to possess firearms (18 U.S.C. § 924(o))              VACATE
    Murder in aid of racketeering (18 U.S.C. § 1959(a)(1))           AFFIRM
    RICO Conspiracy (18 U.S.C. § 1962(d))                            AFFIRM
    Drug-trafficking conspiracy (21 U.S.C. § 846)                    AFFIRM
    Conspiracy to possess firearms (18 U.S.C. § 924(o))              VACATE
    Murder in aid of racketeering (18 U.S.C. § 1959(a)(1))           AFFIRM
    Causing death through the use of a firearm (18 U.S.C. § 924(j)) VACATE
    Assault with a dangerous weapon in aid of racketeering (18 AFFIRM
    U.S.C. § 1959(a)(3))
    Use and carrying firearm during and in relation to a crime of VACATE
    violence and drug-trafficking crime (18 U.S.C. § 924(c))
    Drug-trafficking conspiracy (21 U.S.C. § 846)                    AFFIRM
    Conspiracy to possess firearms (18 U.S.C. § 924(o))              AFFIRM
    Drug-trafficking conspiracy (21 U.S.C. § 846)                    AFFIRM
    Conspiracy to possess firearms (18 U.S.C. § 924(o))              AFFIRM

Document Info

Docket Number: 17-30524

Filed Date: 9/9/2021

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 9/10/2021

Authorities (32)

United States v. Alex Wong, Roger Kwok, Chen I. Chung, Tung ... , 40 F.3d 1347 ( 1994 )

United States v. Puig-Infante , 19 F.3d 929 ( 1994 )

United States v. Cisneros-Gutierrez , 517 F.3d 751 ( 2008 )

United States v. Shiu Sun Shum , 496 F.3d 390 ( 2007 )

United States v. Villegas-Rodriguez , 171 F.3d 224 ( 1999 )

United States v. McCall , 553 F.3d 821 ( 2008 )

United States v. Virgen-Moreno , 265 F.3d 276 ( 2001 )

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United States v. Bennett , 664 F.3d 997 ( 2011 )

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United States v. Alvarado-Valdez , 521 F.3d 337 ( 2008 )

united-states-v-james-alford-elliott-jr-robert-ervin-delph-jr , 571 F.2d 880 ( 1978 )

united-states-v-don-r-wilson-aka-big-don-alfred-l-brown-aka-goat , 116 F.3d 1066 ( 1997 )

united-states-v-esnoraldo-de-jesus-posada-rios-carlos-antonio-mena-elisa , 158 F.3d 832 ( 1998 )

United States v. Thomas J. Sullivan H.J. Sallee, \"Mickey\" , 112 F.3d 180 ( 1997 )

Horace Addison Tillery v. United States , 411 F.2d 644 ( 1969 )

united-states-v-ronnie-donnell-peters-also-known-as-cuda-also-known-as , 283 F.3d 300 ( 2002 )

United States v. Delgado , 401 F.3d 290 ( 2005 )

United States v. Brown , 161 F.3d 256 ( 1998 )

united-states-v-sylvester-tolliver-gerald-elwood-danielle-bernard-metz , 61 F.3d 1189 ( 1995 )

View All Authorities »