Armstrong v. Ashley ( 2023 )

  • Case: 21-30210     Document: 00516646912         Page: 1    Date Filed: 02/15/2023
    United States Court of Appeals
    for the Fifth Circuit                                United States Court of Appeals
    Fifth Circuit
    February 15, 2023
    No. 21-30210                         Lyle W. Cayce
    Andrea Armstrong, Executrix of the Estate
    of Glenn Ford,
    Don Ashley; Gary Alderman; Gary Pittman; Everett T.
    Rushing; Billy Lockwood; Frank Datcher; Glynn
    Mitchell; Rodney Price; the City of Shreveport; Caddo
    Parish District Attorney James Stewart; the Estate of
    George McCormick,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Western District of Louisiana
    USDC No. 5:15-CV-544
    Before Jones, Southwick, and Oldham, Circuit Judges.
    Edith H. Jones, Circuit Judge:
    Isadore Rozeman was shot and killed in his jewelry shop in 1983, and
    Glenn Ford was sentenced to death for the crime. Thirty years later,
    Louisiana vacated Ford’s conviction because new evidence identified the real
    murderer. After his release from prison, Ford filed this § 1983 suit seeking
    damages from police officers, prosecutors, and the local government for
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    suppressing, fabricating, and destroying evidence.         Ford died shortly
    thereafter, leaving Armstrong as the executrix of his estate. In 2021, the
    district court dismissed Armstrong’s amended complaint in its entirety based
    on Fed. R. Civ. P. 12(b)(6) as to some defendants and 12(c) as to others.
    The district court correctly dismissed nearly all of the claims, including a
    constitutional malicious prosecution claim, which, at the time suit was filed,
    was not cognizable in the Fifth Circuit. See Castellano v. Fragozo, 
    352 F.3d 939
    , 953–54 (5th Cir. 2003) (en banc). But this year, the Supreme Court held
    that such claims do in fact emanate from the Fourth Amendment. See
    Thompson v. Clark, 
    142 S. Ct. 1332
    , 1338 (2022). Nevertheless, the district
    court properly dismissed the constitutional malicious prosecution claim for
    the same reasons it dismissed Armstrong’s Louisiana malicious prosecution
    Accordingly, we AFFIRM.
    I. Background
    Ford was quickly arrested and charged with Rozeman’s murder. He
    was convicted of capital murder, and his conviction and sentence were
    affirmed on direct appeal. See State v. Ford, 
    489 So. 2d 1250
    , 1257 (La. 1986).
    In 1992, Ford sought state post-conviction relief on the grounds that
    his counsel was ineffective, exculpatory evidence was suppressed, and he was
    actually innocent. The Louisiana Supreme Court denied relief. Ford next
    filed a federal habeas corpus petition in 2012. See Ford v. Cain, No. 5:12-cv-
    00350 (W.D. La. filed Feb. 4, 2012).
    While that petition was pending, the State moved to vacate Ford’s
    conviction and sentence based on “credible evidence” that “Ford was
    neither present at, nor a participant in, the robbery and murder of Isadore
    Rozeman.” Ford was released from prison on March 11, 2014. In a joint
    motion to dismiss his federal habeas petition, Ford explained that state filings
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    “indicated that an individual named Jake Robinson confessed to an informant
    for the Caddo Parish Sheriff’s Office that he—not Mr. Ford—shot and killed
    Isadore Rozeman.” Ford v. Cain, No. 5:12-cv-00350, ECF. No. 62 (W.D. La.
    Mar. 14, 2014).
    Later that same year, Ford filed a state court petition seeking
    compensation under La. Rev. Stat. 15:572.8 for his wrongful conviction.
    See State v. Ford, 
    193 So. 3d 1242
     (La. App. 2 Cir. 2016). The state court
    denied relief because Ford could not prove “factual innocence,” that he did
    not “commit any crime based upon the same set of facts used in his original
    conviction.” La. Rev. Stat. 15:572.8(B). The court found that Ford,
    though not the triggerman, was intimately involved with Rozeman’s robbery
    and murder.
    Specifically, there was “overwhelming evidence of Ford’s knowledge
    of and involvement in the criminal activity that day and night: his
    participation in selling the stolen property from the robbery; his acting as a
    lookout; meeting with Jake Robinson and Henry Robinson before and after
    the crime; and his attempts to procure buyers for the probable murder
    weapon.” Ford, 
    193 So. 3d at 1254
    . Because he “failed to disprove that he
    committed the crimes of possession of stolen goods, accessory after the
    fact[,] and being a principal to the armed robbery,” Ford was denied
    compensation. 1 
    1 Two concurring judges noted that based on Ford’s involvement with the armed
    robbery leading to Rozeman’s murder, Ford could likely have been convicted for felony
    murder under Louisiana law as it stood in 1983, which was punishable by life without parole.
    What this means is that Ford arguably committed second degree murder
    arising out of the facts of this case. Had he actually been convicted of that
    crime, in a petit jury trial conducted in accordance with the Sixth
    Amendment to the United States Constitution, Ford would have never
    been released from prison.
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    While his compensation case was pending, Ford filed this lawsuit in
    March 2015. Ford died three months later, and the executrix of his estate,
    Andrea Armstrong, was substituted.                  Eleven defendants named in the
    Complaint are parties to this appeal. Armstrong does not appeal the district
    court’s dismissal of other defendants. Eight of the appellee–defendants,
    collectively the “Law Enforcement Defendants,” are current or former
    Shreveport Police officers. 2 The ninth appellee is the estate of George
    McCormick, Caddo Parish’s former coroner. The final two appellees are the
    City of Shreveport and current Caddo Parish District Attorney James
    Stewart.        Armstrong alleged that the Law Enforcement Defendants
    suppressed or destroyed exculpatory evidence, such as investigative reports
    corroborating Ford’s story and implicating other suspects, and fabricated
    testimony implicating Ford. Armstrong also asserted Monell 3 claims against
    Shreveport and the Caddo Parish DA 4 based on unconstitutional
    investigative practices.
    The Caddo Parish DA and McCormick’s estate filed Rule 12(b)(6)
    motions. Granting both motions, the district court found that Armstrong
    failed to establish an official policy or custom of the DA’s office as required
    for Monell liability, and the claims against McCormick were barred by
    absolute immunity.
    193 So. 3d at 1258
     (Drew, J., concurring in the Opinion on Rehearing Grant); accord
     at 1256–57 (Brown, C.J., concurring in the Opinion on Rehearing Grant).
    Those appellants are Ashley, Alderman, Pittman, Rushing, Lockwood, Datcher,
    Mitchell, and Price.
    Monell v. Dep’t of Soc. Servs., 
    436 U.S. 658
    , 694, 
    98 S. Ct. 2018
    , 2037 (1978).
    “Louisiana law does not permit a district attorney’s office to be sued in its own
    name.” Hudson v. City of New Orleans, 
    174 F.3d 677
    , 680 (5th Cir. 1999). Thus, when
    attempting to sue a Louisiana DA’s office under Monell, the current DA, rather than the
    office, is the proper defendant. 
     Any former DA’s actions at the time of Ford’s
    prosecution are imputed to the current DA for purposes of Monell.
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    The Law Enforcement Defendants and Shreveport answered the
    Complaint on December 3, 2015. The Law Enforcement Defendants then
    filed a separate Rule 12(b)(6) motion, which the court denied as untimely.
    The Law Enforcement Defendants’ appeal of this order was dismissed for
    lack of jurisdiction. Armstrong v. Ashley, 
    918 F.3d 419
    , 423 (5th Cir. 2019).
    The Law Enforcement Defendants and Shreveport then moved for
    judgment on the pleadings under Rule 12(c) in April 2019. 5 The district court
    ordered Armstrong to file a Rule 7(a) reply. 6 After Armstrong did so, the
    Law Enforcement Defendants and Shreveport re-urged their Rule 12(c)
    motions. The district court granted the Rule 12(c) motions in part on April 1,
    2021. 7
    The district found that Armstrong had not plausibly pled Monell
    claims against Shreveport because she did not identify a particular
    policymaker or explain how the City was made aware of its employees’
    alleged misconduct. The court also held that Armstrong’s claims against the
    Law Enforcement Defendants failed because Armstrong did not plausibly
    allege any individual officer’s violation of Ford’s constitutional rights.
    Armstrong timely appealed.
    Because the district court denied the Law Enforcement Defendants’
    Rule 12(b)(6) motion on procedural rather than substantive grounds, the district court was
    free to consider the adequacy of the pleadings afresh upon a procedurally proper Rule 12(c)
    motion. See Armstrong, 
    918 F.3d at 423
    Rule 7(a) lists the only seven pleadings that are allowed. The seventh is “a reply
    to an answer,” “if the court orders one.” Fed. R. Civ. P. 7(a). When ordering the reply
    here, the district court instructed Armstrong to address specifically the defendants’
    qualified immunity defenses.
    The district court denied the Rule 12(c) motions insofar as they required the court
    to decide claims of respondeat superior liability and indemnification against Shreveport
    under Louisiana law. The district court entered partial final judgment under Rule 54(b),
    and dismissed the indemnification claim against Shreveport without prejudice to
    reinstating it if its judgment is reversed on this appeal.
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    II. Standard of Review
    This court reviews the grant of Rule 12(b)(6) and Rule 12(c) motions
    de novo. Gentilello v. Rege, 
    627 F.3d 540
    , 543 (5th Cir. 2010). In conducting
    that review, the court accepts all well-pled facts as true, drawing “all
    reasonable inferences in favor of the nonmoving party.” Harmon v. City of
    Arlington, Texas, 
    16 F.4th 1159
    , 1162–63 (5th Cir. 2021) (quoting Morgan v.
    659 F.3d 359
    , 370 (5th Cir. 2011) (en banc)). But the court does not
    “presume true a number of categories of statements, including legal
    conclusions; mere labels; threadbare recitals of the elements of a cause of
    action; conclusory statements; and naked assertions devoid of further factual
    III. Discussion
    There are two groups of defendants. The first includes the Law
    Enforcement Defendants and the coroner, and the second consists of the
    local entities and the District Attorney facing allegations of Monell liability.
    We discuss first the Law Enforcement Defendants and coroner, then
    questions of Monell liability, and then Armstrong’s constitutional and
    Louisiana malicious prosecution claims, and last, Armstrong’s additional
    federal and state claims.
    a. The Law Enforcement Defendants
    Qualified immunity protects the Law Enforcement Defendants so
    long as their individual conduct did not violate clearly established
    constitutional rights. See Harmon, 16 F.4th at 1163. When a defendant
    asserts qualified immunity, the burden is on the plaintiff to plead facts that
    show why immunity is inapplicable. See Waganfeald v. Gusman, 
    674 F.3d 475
    , 483 (5th Cir. 2012). Armstrong’s pleadings of conclusory statements,
    naked assertions, and threadbare recitals fail to plausibly show violations by
    these defendants of Ford’s clearly established constitutional rights.
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    i. Due process claims
    Armstrong alleges that the Law Enforcement Defendants suppressed
    thirteen exculpatory police reports. 8 Armstrong describes each report in
    some detail in her amended complaint and Rule 7(a) response. But other
    than providing ample descriptions of their contents, Armstrong’s assertions
    about constitutional violations surrounding the reports are formulaic. A
    pleading’s factual allegations “must be enough to raise a right to relief above
    the speculative level on the assumption that all the allegations in the
    complaint are true.” Bell Atl. Corp. v. Twombly, 
    550 U.S. 544
    , 555, 
    127 S. Ct. 1955
    , 1965 (2007) (citation omitted). But conclusory assertions, including
    “conclusory allegation[s] of agreement at some unidentified point,” do not
    qualify as well-pled factual allegations.             
    Id. at 557
    127 S. Ct. at 1966
    Moreover, well-pled facts that are “merely consistent with” an entitlement
    to relief, that is, equally suggestive of legal and illegal conduct, do not suffice.
     The complaint must allege facts “plausibly suggesting” illegal conduct
    such that the allegations are no longer in “neutral territory.” Id.; see also
    Ashcroft v. Iqbal, 
    556 U.S. 662
    , 678, 
    129 S. Ct. 1937
    , 1950 (2009) (“Where a
    complaint pleads facts that are merely consistent with a defendant’s liability,
    it stops short of the line between possibility and plausibility of entitlement to
    relief.”) (quotation omitted)).
    The “suppressed” reports consisted of a report suggesting Mr. Rozeman was
    killed after 2:30pm; a report documenting a conversation between one of the defendants
    and a witness who said he saw a “black man” that was not Ford near Rozeman’s shop at
    the time of the murder; several reports identifying alternate suspects; a report documenting
    interviews with children; a report documenting interviews with witnesses Norma Roach
    and Jean Whatley; a report documenting the defendants’ interviews with children; two
    reports documenting an interview and photo line-up with witness Michael Thornton; a
    report documenting another witness’s photo identification attempts; a report describing
    Jake and Henry Robinson as “the two prime suspects”; and another report with additional
    information on Jake and Henry Robinson.
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    The first of the thirteen allegedly “suppressed” reports described
    Rozeman’s murder as occurring late in the day, a time for which Armstrong
    had an alibi. Armstrong asserts that the Law Enforcement Defendants
    “knowingly and deliberately failed to provide these reports to Mr. Ford, his
    defense attorneys, or prosecutors,” and that Ford would have used the
    reports to impeach witnesses.        This language is found throughout
    Armstrong’s complaint and Rule 7(a) Reply and is repeated for all of her
    claims of “suppression.”      Additionally, for every report but the first,
    Armstrong includes language accusing all or a subset of the Law Enforcement
    Defendants of “communicating” with each other about “the existence of
    this information and the problem it posed for their plan to implicate
    Mr. Ford.”
    The district court correctly found that these conclusory allegations of
    suppression do not pass muster under governing law. A pleading that only
    contains “labels and conclusions” and “a formulaic recitation of the
    elements of a cause of action” does not meet the standards of Rule 8(a)(2).
    556 U.S. at 678
    129 S. Ct. at
    1949 (citing Twombly, 
    550 U.S. at 555
    127 S. Ct. at 1959
    ). Armstrong’s pleadings consist almost entirely of such
    formulaic recitations. She could have identified each witness Ford would
    have impeached with the reports, which testimony the jury likely would have
    discredited, and which defendant was responsible for suppressing each
    report. But based upon nothing more than Armstrong’s barebones recitals,
    these ill-pled claims of suppression by the named defendants are factually
    Armstrong’s only non-conclusory factual allegation of suppression is
    that Ford and his counsel did not receive the reports during Ford’s trial. But
    this fact is fatal to Armstrong’s claim, because it is just as consistent with
    Brady violations solely accomplished by prosecutors as it is with police
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    suppression. 9 See Twombly, 
    550 U.S. at 554
    , 127 S Ct. at 1964 (holding an
    antitrust complaint did not plausibly state a claim because it was just as
    consistent with (lawful) parallel conduct as with (unlawful) agreement in
    restraint of trade).         Armstrong’s allegations do not distinguish the
    Armstrong argues that “this Court has held that allegations far less
    detailed than Plaintiff’s suffice to state a due process claim in wrongful
    conviction cases.” To the contrary, the cases she cites illustrate the greater
    specificity that attends successful suppression claims. For example, in Burge
    v. St. Tammany Parish, 
    187 F.3d 452
     (5th Cir. 1999), a wrongfully convicted
    suspect substantiated a Brady claim against a specific police officer by, among
    other things, presenting testimony from a fellow officer that the defendant
    had deliberately hidden exculpatory evidence. See 
    id. at 461
    ; see also Brown v.
    519 F.3d 231
    , 237 (5th Cir. 2008) (finding sufficiently specific
    allegations that a lab technician concealed the exculpatory results of blood
    tests); Good v. Curtis, 
    601 F.3d 393
    , 396 (5th Cir. 2010) (holding a fabrication
    claim adequate which detailed that defendant “repeatedly altered the light
    settings on the camera with each picture in an effort to make Good’s
    photograph better match the ‘dark tan’ skin tone of the suspect in the police
    Armstrong also argues that because she alleges the suppression of
    numerous items of evidence, less detail should be required as to the particular
    mechanics by which each item was suppressed. Armstrong principally cites
    “The Supreme Court held in Brady v. Maryland that a criminal prosecutor’s
    failure to disclose exculpatory evidence to a criminal defendant violates a defendant’s right
    to a fair trial. A police officer’s deliberate concealment of exculpatory evidence violates
    this same right, and can give rise to liability under § 1983.” Brown v. Miller, 
    519 F.3d 231
    237–38 (5th Cir. 2008) (citing Brady v. Maryland, 
    373 U.S. 83
    , 87, 
    83 S. Ct. 1194
    , 1196–97
    (1963) and Geter v. Fortenberry, 
    849 F.2d 1550
    , 1559 (5th Cir. 1988)).
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    Wearry v. Cain, 
    577 U.S. 385
    136 S. Ct. 1002 (2016)
    , which faulted the lower
    court’s resolution of a Brady claim for “evaluat[ing] the materiality of each
    piece of evidence in isolation rather than cumulatively.” Id. at 394. The
    Supreme Court’s statement is binding but inapposite, because the critical
    issue here is not the materiality of the reports, but why Ford’s counsel did
    not receive the reports before trial. Without pleading details about how and
    by whom each of the reports was suppressed, Armstrong cannot rely on the
    numerosity of the reports (irrespective of their materiality) to cure those
    deficiencies and seek damages.
    ii. Fabricated evidence claims
    Armstrong alleges that two of the Law Enforcement Defendants,
    Ashley and Alderman, fabricated evidence by obtaining false statements
    incriminating Ford from Marvella Brown, Donnie Thomas, and Chandra
    The Marvella Brown Statement is the most substantial of
    Armstrong’s fabrication allegations. Armstrong alleges that “Defendants
    Ashley and Alderman fed information about the murder to Ms. Brown in
    order to frame Mr. Ford for the crime.”             In this allegedly fabricated
    Ms. Brown said that Mr. Ford had arrived at her apartment
    around noon on the day of the Rozeman murder and left with
    the Robinsons, only to return with a sack containing jewelry. In
    this fabricated statement, Mr. Ford carried a .22 pistol and Jake
    Robinson had a .38 revolver.
    Armstrong then alleges that this statement was used against Ford at his trial.
    Moreover, Armstrong alleges that “Marvella Brown later acknowledged that
    Defendants Ashley and Alderman had fabricated aspects of this statement”;
    “[i]n May 1984, Marvella Brown recanted her statement to Defendants
    Ashley and Alderman”; and “Ms. Brown’s recantation was documented in
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    a police report dated May 6, 1984.”
    Brown’s alleged “recantation” is a factual assertion that Ashley and
    Alderman fabricated this statement. Yet the Amended Complaint and Reply
    provide no details about the alleged “recantation,” other than that it
    happened, that it involved “aspects” of her statement, and was documented
    in a police report. No doubt that is because the details of the recantation are
    fatal to Armstrong’s fabrication claim. The police report notes that Brown
    visited Alderman and claimed that “she had made a mistake” about Jake
    Robinson being at her house on the day of the murder. 10 But Brown did not
    discuss Ford, nor does the report suggest that she recanted the statements
    that (1) Ford had returned with a sack of jewelry, (2) Ford arrived at her
    apartment around noon on the day of the murder and left with the Robinsons,
    and (3) Ford carried a .22 pistol. If fabrication occurred, Armstrong does not
    allege how it was material or harmful to Ford’s case.
    Viewed in the context of the May 6, 1984, police report, Armstrong’s
    assertion that Ashley and Alderman fabricated Brown’s testimony does not
    undermine her statements about Ford and is conclusory as to the officers’
    unconstitutional conduct against Ford. Because the allegations do not
    “plausibly suggest” that fabrication actually occurred as to the incrimination
    of Ford, the district court properly dismissed this claim. Twombly, 
    550 U.S. at 557
    127 S. Ct. at 1966
    This police report was attached to the Law Enforcement Defendants’ Rule 12(c)
    motion as an exhibit. Because this report is central to the allegations in the Complaint and
    Reply, this court may consider it. See Scanlan v. Texas A&M Univ., 
    343 F.3d 533
    , 536 (5th
    Cir. 2003) (when ruling on a Rule 12 motion, a court may consider “documents that are
    referred to in the plaintiff’s complaint and are central to the plaintiff’s claim”). This is not
    a case like Peña v. City of Rio Grande City, where the plaintiff’s “complaint expressly
    reject[ed] those elements of the police report that conflict[ed] with her account.” 
    879 F.3d 613
    , 620 n.9 (5th Cir. 2018).
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    Regarding Donnie Thomas, Armstrong’s allegations are as follows:
    Donnie Thomas had been arrested by Defendant Pittman in
    connection with the possession of some jewelry which had been
    stolen from Mr. Rozeman’s shop the month before he was
    At some point after Defendant Pittman arrested Donnie
    Thomas and prior to February 2, when Defendants Ashley and
    Alderman spoke with Thomas, Defendants Pittman, Ashley
    and Alderman communicated together and came up with a plan
    to use Thomas and his connection to Rozeman in order to
    fabricate evidence to implicate Mr. Ford in the Rozeman
    Defendants Ashley and Alderman then spoke with Thomas,
    and claimed that Thomas gave a statement to them that
    implicated Mr. Ford in Rozeman’s murder.
    This statement, in a similar manner to the purported statement
    from Marvella Brown, was fed to Mr. Thomas by Defendants
    Ashley and Alderman to frame Mr. Ford. And in a similar
    manner as they did with the Brown statement, Defendants
    suppressed the fabrication of the Thomas statement.
    These allegations are devoid of supporting factual detail that could render
    them plausible. Armstrong does not explain how the statement implicated
    Ford, or why she believes it to be fabricated, or how the statement was used
    against Ford. The district court properly dismissed this claim because it lacks
    “sufficient factual matter, accepted as true, to state a claim to relief that is
    plausible on its face.” Iqbal, 
    556 U.S. at 677
    129 S. Ct. at 1949
    Armstrong’s allegation that Chandra Nash’s statement was largely
    fabricated is barebones. She alleges:
    [B]ecause the report [discussing Chandra Nash’s statement]
    was suppressed, one or more of Defendants Ashley, Alderman,
    Price, Mitchell, Datcher, Lockwood, Pittman, and Rushing
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    were able to coerce or otherwise convince Chandra Lisa Nash
    to change her story, fabricating a false statement from her that
    purported to identify Mr. Ford as being near the scene of the
    crime close in time to the murder, which was used against
    Mr. Ford at his criminal trial.
    Armstrong does not identify which of the eight Law Enforcement Defendants
    fabricated Nash’s statement and does not provide any factual detail plausibly
    suggesting that Nash’s statement was in fact fabricated. Based on her failure
    to name a perpetrator and the conclusory allegation of fabrication, the district
    court properly dismissed this claim.
    iii. Fingerprint evidence
    Armstrong also alleges that Sgt. Lockwood, the Law Enforcement
    Defendant who obtained and analyzed the relevant fingerprint evidence,
    destroyed exculpatory fingerprint evidence, fabricated incriminatory
    fingerprint evidence, and also suppressed evidence that other suspects
    shared the “whorl” pattern print found on the bag.
    A Due Process Clause claim for destruction of evidence (or failure to
    preserve evidence) requires a showing that evidence was destroyed and that
    the government official acted in bad faith. See Arizona v. Youngblood,
    488 U.S. 51
    , 58, 
    109 S. Ct. 333
    , 337 (1988) (holding that “unless a criminal
    defendant can show bad faith on the part of the police, failure to preserve
    potentially useful evidence does not constitute a denial of due process of
    law”); United States v. Gibson, 
    963 F.2d 708
    , 711 (5th Cir. 1992) (“The
    destruction of evidence alone does not constitute a due process violation; the
    defendant must also show bad faith on the part of the government officials.”).
    Although Armstrong makes conclusory references to Lockwood’s
    “destruction of evidence,” her factual allegations concern a failure to
    preserve evidence, rather than destruction. Specifically, Armstrong alleges
    that Lockwood “fail[ed] to take a photograph of the fingerprint he
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    supposedly developed,” did “not properly preserv[e] the paper bag as
    evidence,” “failed to document and preserve where the print was allegedly
    found on the paper bag,” and used an improper “method . . . to process the
    bag for prints.” And Armstrong’s only allegation of bad faith is that “[t]his
    destruction of evidence was done in bad faith by Defendant Lockwood
    because he was not interested in pursuing a legitimate investigation designed
    to reveal the truth, which would have exculpated Mr. Ford.”
    Because Armstrong provides no facts supporting her conclusory
    allegation of bad faith, which, as an allegation of subjective intent, need not
    be accepted as true, her “destruction” claim against Lockwood is
    insufficiently pled. Harmon v. City of Arlington, Tex., 
    16 F.4th 1159
    , 1164 n.2
    (5th Cir. 2021) (citing Iqbal, 
    556 U.S. at 678
    129 S. Ct. at 1949
    ). And
    Armstrong cites no authority suggesting that a plaintiff can state a claim for
    “destruction” of evidence by merely pointing to potentially useful evidence,
    claiming it was improperly preserved, and then alleging bad faith without
    factual support. 11 Instead, the thrust of the Court’s reasoning in Youngblood
    is that courts should weed out such claims because of the difficulty of
    “imposing on the police an undifferentiated and absolute duty to retain and
    to preserve all material that might be of conceivable evidentiary significance
    in a particular prosecution.” 488 U.S. at 58, 109 S. Ct. at 337.
    Armstrong’s fabrication allegations against Lockwood consist of the
    Armstrong argues that because “Lockwood would have known the fingerprint
    was exculpatory, . . . a bad faith allegation is not required.” This rule conflicts with
    Youngblood, and neither of Armstrong’s cited cases is apposite. California v. Trombetta,
    467 U.S. 479
    104 S. Ct. 2528 (1984)
    , was decided before Youngblood and, regardless,
    announces no such rule. See 
     at 488–89. United States v. Swenson, 
    894 F.3d 677
     (5th Cir.
    2018), simply announced the normal rule for Brady violations involving the withholding or
    suppressing of evidence. 
    Id. at 683
    . It did not address claims for failure to preserve
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    Because Defendant Lockwood had deliberately destroyed the
    underlying forensic evidence, . . . he was free to fabricate false
    fingerprint evidence against Mr. Ford, because there was no
    remaining physical evidence that could contradict him. Thus,
    Defendant Lockwood fabricated false evidence against
    Mr. Ford by claiming that he had found, processed and
    observed a latent fingerprint on the paper bag that had a whorl
    pattern that implicated Mr. Ford. In fact, Defendant
    Lockwood later admitted that he had not seen the center of the
    fingerprint, making any attempt to classify the fingerprint as a
    whorl pattern and to link it to Mr. Ford on that basis totally
    baseless. Instead, Defendant Lockwood simply made up this
    piece of supposed evidence in order to wrongly implicate
    Mr. Ford.
    Armstrong alleges that Lockwood “claim[ed]” to have found a print that
    implicated Ford, and “simply made up this piece of supposed evidence.”
    Armstrong’s failure to allege how or where Lockwood made this “claim” is
    fatal. See Twombly, 
    550 U.S. at 556
    127 S. Ct. at 1965
     (claim must present
    “enough factual matter (taken as true) to suggest” an entitlement to relief).
    To the extent that Armstrong’s claim refers to Lockwood’s testimony at
    trial, it is barred by absolute immunity. See Mowbray v. Cameron Cnty., Tex.,
    274 F.3d 269
    , 277 (5th Cir. 2001) (“[W]itnesses are entitled to absolute
    immunity against § 1983 suits based on their testimony in a criminal trial.”).
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    Finally, Armstrong alleges that:
    Defendants suppressed exculpatory evidence that any whorl
    pattern fingerprint on the paper bag, as claimed by Defendant
    Lockwood, likely came from another source. Whorl patterns
    are found on approximately 35% of people. One or more of
    Defendants Ashley, Alderman, Price, Mitchell, Datcher,
    Pittman, Lockwood, and Rushing were aware that three other
    suspects had whorl pattern fingerprints, but knowingly and
    deliberately failed to provide this information to Mr. Ford, his
    defense attorneys, or prosecutors in advance of or during
    Mr. Ford’s criminal trial. This suppression was especially
    detrimental to Mr. Ford because the State argued at trial that
    no other suspect had whorl-patterned fingerprints.
    This allegation suffers from the same problem as the suppression
    allegations previously discussed. Armstrong’s factual allegations, taken as
    true, are equally consistent with prosecutorial Brady violations as with police
    suppression. Armstrong’s account thus “stays in neutral territory” and
    cannot satisfy Rule 8’s requirements. Twombly, 
    550 U.S. at 557
    127 S. Ct. at 1966
    Armstrong’s allegation also suffers from the distinct problem of group
    pleading: she simply faults the eight Law Enforcement Defendants as a group
    without factual material suggesting that any particular defendant suppressed
    evidence. Armstrong’s allegation is independently insufficient for that
    reason since a § 1983 plaintiff “must plead that each Government-official
    defendant, though the official’s own individual actions, has violated the
    Constitution.” Iqbal, 
    556 U.S. at 676
    129 S. Ct. at 1948
    ; cf. Southland Sec.
    Corp. v. INSpire Ins. Solutions, Inc., 
    365 F.3d 353
    , 365 (5th Cir. 2004) (“[W]e
    do not construe allegations contained in the Complaint against the
    ‘defendants’ as a group as properly imputable to any particular individual
    defendant unless the connection between the individual defendant and the
    [illegal conduct] is specifically pled.”). The district court thus properly
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    dismissed claims relating to the fingerprint evidence.
    iv. Claims against the coroner
    George McCormick, as the coroner of Caddo Parish at the time of
    trial, testified for the prosecution as an expert witness on forensic pathology.
    But McCormick never examined Rozeman’s body, and he was not the
    coroner at the time of Rozeman’s murder. Armstrong sued him in his
    personal capacity, and after McCormick died, continued the suit against
    McCormick’s estate.
    Almost all of Armstrong’s allegations concerning McCormick relate
    to his testimony. She asserts that he “delivered opinions on two crucial
    issues: the gunman’s dominant hand and the victim’s time of death.” She
    alleges he fabricated evidence that the murderer was left-handed (which
    would implicate Ford but not the Robinson brothers), and that the murder
    happened earlier in the day. She also alleges that McCormick “testified that
    ‘it was his expert opinion that a duffel bag was placed over Mr. Rozeman’s
    head to muffle the gunshot and to shield the murderer from blood spatter.’”
    (alterations omitted). Finally, she alleges that another forensic pathologist
    demonstrated the fabrication of these claims during post-conviction
    proceedings. The only other allegation against McCormick is the conclusory
    statement that “[h]e was involved in the unlawful investigation and
    conviction of Plaintiff.”
    Claims against McCormick predicated on his trial testimony are
    barred by absolute immunity. See Briscoe v. LaHue, 
    460 U.S. 325
    , 326,
    103 S. Ct. 1108 (1983)
     (“witnesses are absolutely immune from damages
    liability based on their testimony” and even when “government officials . . .
    testify about the performance of their official duties”).         Accordingly,
    Armstrong’s claims related to McCormick’s testimony were properly
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    Armstrong argues in response that because “McCormick fabricated
    false testimony before trial,” she seeks to hold him liable for that. She points
    out that government officials do not get absolute immunity for “fabricat[ing]
    evidence concerning an unsolved crime.” Rehberg v. Paulk, 
    566 U.S. 356
    , 370
    132 S. Ct. 1497
    , 1507 n.1 (2012) (citing Buckley v. Fitzsimmons, 
    509 U.S. 259
    , 272–76, 
    113 S. Ct. 2606
    , 2615–17 (1993)). And fabrications are not
    immunized just because the fabricator later presents the false evidence in
    testimony. See, e.g., Castellano v. Fragozo, 
    352 F.3d 939
    , 958 & n.107 (5th Cir.
    2003), abrogated in part by Thompson v. Clark, 
    142 S. Ct. 1332 (2022)
    This argument is meritless.         Armstrong is correct that pre-trial
    evidence of fabrication independent from preparing and delivering testimony
    is not immunized by later testimony. For example, in Buckley, the defendant
    was not immune when he fabricated evidence and made defamatory public
    statements in order to get a grand jury to indict a suspect. 
    509 U.S. at
    113 S. Ct. at
    2609–11. And in Castellano (the primary case Armstrong
    relies on), the defendant police officer was not immune when he solicited
    false witnesses and altered tape recordings that were later submitted into
    352 F.3d at 943, 958
    . But Armstrong’s allegations do not approach
    that level of specificity. The only well-pled allegations are that McCormick
    fabricated “evidence” as to the murderer’s handedness and the victim’s
    time of death, the “evidence” being McCormick’s trial testimony. Were
    these allegations sufficient to overcome witness immunity, witnesses would
    rarely receive immunity from suit. Armstrong cites no authority for such a
    radical constriction of Briscoe’s witness immunity. Therefore, the district
    court properly dismissed her claims against McCormick.
    b. The City of Shreveport
    Armstrong asserts a number of claims against the City under
    Section 1983. None is sufficiently pled. First, she claims the City “had an
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    official policy of pursuing police investigations using unconstitutional
    methods, including failing to disclose police reports containing exculpatory
    evidence,” coercing witnesses, fabricating and suppressing evidence, and
    using unreliable identification methods. Her pleadings allege “a systematic
    pattern of withholding of exculpatory information, fabrication of evidence,
    coercion, and other illegal tactics, the sum total of which completely
    corrupted the investigative process.” The Monell standards for imposing
    liability on municipal entities must be satisfied.
    To find the City of Shreveport liable under Monell, Armstrong must
    identify a policymaker and identify an official city policy that was the moving
    force behind the alleged constitutional rights violation. See Rivera v. Houston
    Indep. Sch. Dist., 
    349 F.3d 244
    , 247 (5th Cir. 2003); see also Monell, 
    436 U.S. at 694
    98 S. Ct. at 2037
    . An “official policy” means:
    1. A policy statement, ordinance, regulation, or decision that is
    officially adopted and promulgated by the municipality's
    lawmaking officers or by an official to whom the lawmakers
    have delegated policy-making authority; or
    2. A persistent, widespread practice of city officials or
    employees, which, although not authorized by officially
    adopted and promulgated policy, is so common and well settled
    as to constitute a custom that fairly represents municipal
    policy. Actual or constructive knowledge of such custom must
    be attributable to the governing body of the municipality or to
    an official to whom that body had delegated policy-making
    authority. Actions of officers or employees of a municipality
    do not render the municipality liable under § 1983 unless they
    execute official policy as above defined.
    Webster v. City of Houston, 
    735 F.2d 838
    , 841 (5th Cir. 1984) (en banc).
    Armstrong does not allege that an officially promulgated policy
    instructed police to investigate using unconstitutional methods. See Webster,
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    735 F.2d at 841
    . Therefore, she had to rely on a custom or practice “so
    common and well settled as to constitute a custom that fairly represents
    municipal policy,” and “[a]ctual or constructive knowledge of such custom
    must be attributable” to the policymaker. Id.; see also Davidson v. City of
    Stafford, Tex., 
    848 F.3d 384
    , 396 (5th Cir. 2017) (“A pattern requires
    similarity, specificity, and sufficiently numerous prior incidents.”). As
    quoted above, Armstrong pled custom or practice and pattern in a conclusory
    fashion without meaningful factual content. Although Armstrong also alleges
    that “persons with final policymaking authority for the Shreveport Police
    Department participated personally in the misconduct described in this
    Complaint,” this, too, is barren of factual support and wholly conclusory. See
    848 F.3d at 395
     (discussing liability when “a policymaker performs
    the specific act that forms the basis of the § 1983 claim”).
    Second, Armstrong argues that Shreveport failed to adequately train,
    supervise, and discipline its officers. To survive dismissal on this claim,
    Armstrong must plead “that (1) the supervisor either failed to supervise or
    train the subordinate officer; (2) a causal link exists between the failure to
    train or supervise and the violation of the plaintiff’s rights, and (3) the failure
    to train or supervise amounts to deliberate indifference.” Davidson, 
    848 F.3d at 397
    . A plaintiff may show deliberate indifference by demonstrating either
    that (a) the “municipality had notice of a pattern of similar violations,” or
    (b) “the constitutional violation was the highly predictable consequence of a
    particular failure to train.” 
    Armstrong asserts that Shreveport police officers received subpar
    training across the board, but this general conclusion is not enough to imply
    or state that policymakers acted with deliberate indifference. As already
    discussed, she fails to allege a pattern of similar violations, let alone
    Shreveport’s notice of such a pattern, except in wholly conclusory terms.
    And she does not point to a “particular failure to train” that could render a
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    constitutional violation highly predictable. 
     This Monell claim based on
    failure to train, supervise, and discipline fails for lack of factual allegations
    that support a finding of deliberate indifference. 12
    c. Caddo Parish DA James Stewart
    In the alternative, Armstrong argues that Monell liability may be
    imposed on prosecutors in the Caddo Parish District Attorney’s Office
    because they allegedly suppressed exculpatory evidence pursuant to a policy
    or custom. James Stewart, the current Caddo Parish District Attorney,
    stands in as the official defendant.
    This claim fails for reasons similar to those that stymie Armstrong’s
    Monell claim against Shreveport. Armstrong’s allegations of a formal policy
    and direct policymaker involvement are again entirely conclusory.
    [T]he District Attorney, through its final policymakers,
    maintained a policy, custom, or pattern and practice of
    condoning corruption, that included widespread prosecutorial
    misconduct, including by failing to supervise, discipline, and
    train its prosecutors. . . .
    Further, upon information and belief, persons with final
    policymaking authority for the District Attorney participated
    personally in the prosecution of Plaintiff.
    Armstrong’s allegations of an unlawful custom or practice include the
    same formulaic allegations made against Shreveport:
    Despite actual and constructive notice, the District Attorney
    had a custom, pattern and practice of promoting, facilitating,
    The district court also dismissed Armstrong’s state-law claim that the City of
    Shreveport and the Parish of Caddo are vicariously liable under the theory of respondeat
    superior. This claim fails if there is no underlying tortious conduct. 12 William E.
    Crawford, Louisiana Civil Law Treatise: Tort Law § 9.11D (2000).
    Here, there was none, as this opinion explains.
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    or condoning improper, illegal, and suppression of exculpatory
    and impeachment evidence, and failed to adequately supervise,
    discipline and train its prosecutors.
    With this claim, however, Armstrong lists nine cases over a 24-year period as
    examples where exculpatory evidence was suppressed by the District
    Attorney’s practices. But nine constitutional violations over a 24-year period
    and thousands of prosecutions are hardly sufficient to show a municipal
    custom. See Connick v. 
    Thompson, 563
     U.S. 51, 62, 
    131 S. Ct. 1350
    , 1360
    (2011) (four Brady violations over a ten-year period insufficient to apprise a
    District Attorney of the need for additional Brady training).                    A more
    fundamental problem, noted by the district court, is the mischaracterization
    of these nine cases, none of which found a Brady violation. See, e.g., State v.
    344 So. 2d 964
    , 968 (La. 1977) (finding that the latent fingerprint
    evidence withheld “was not favorable or exculpatory evidence to which the
    defense was entitled”). 13 This proffered litany cannot constitute a plausible
    allegation that the Caddo Parish DA’s office had a custom of suppressing
    exculpatory evidence. See Davidson, 
    848 F.3d at 396
    As with her Monell claim against Shreveport, Armstrong also alleges
    failure of the DA’s office to adequately train, supervise, and discipline. Just
    as nine inapposite cases cannot show an unconstitutional custom or pattern,
    they are insufficient to place the District Attorney on notice as a means to
    show deliberate indifference. The district court thus properly dismissed
    Armstrong faults the district court for “looking beyond the pleadings.” But
    doing so was proper because the cases were “referred to in the plaintiff’s complaint and
    are central to the plaintiff’s claim.” Scanlan, 
    343 F.3d at 536
    . Armstrong also argues that
    these cases should have put the District Attorney on notice even though the courts found
    no Brady violations. That is incorrect. In Palmer, for example, the District Attorney’s
    office had no obligation to disclose immaterial, non-exculpatory evidence, so that case
    would have done nothing to alert him to any problem.
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    Armstrong’s Monell claims against DA Stewart. See id. at 397.
    d. Malicious Prosecution
    The Supreme Court recently held that litigants may bring a Fourth
    Amendment malicious prosecution claim under § 1983. Thompson v. Clark,
    142 S. Ct. 1332
    , 1337 (2022). The Court identified three minimum elements
    to common law malicious prosecution claims, “(i) the suit or proceeding was
    ‘instituted without any probable cause’; (ii) the ‘motive in instituting’ the
    suit ‘was malicious,’ which was often defined in this context as without
    probable cause and for a purpose other than bringing the defendant to justice;
    and (iii) the prosecution” terminated in favor of the accused. 
     at 1338
    (citing T. Cooley, Law of Torts 181 (1880)). The Supreme Court did
    not, however, lay out a comprehensive list of the elements for a Fourth
    Amendment malicious prosecution claim, and largely left the question of
    elements to the lower courts. Thus, the Court declined to decide “whether
    a plaintiff bringing a Fourth Amendment claim under § 1983 for malicious
    prosecution must establish malice (or some other mens rea) in addition to the
    absence of probable cause.” Id. at 1338 n.3.
    Nonetheless, two elements are required under Thompson. The first is
    that “[b]ecause a [Fourth Amendment malicious prosecution] claim is
    housed in the Fourth Amendment, the plaintiff also has to prove that the
    malicious prosecution resulted in a seizure of the plaintiff.” Id. at 1337 n.2;
    see, e.g., Jones v. York, 
    34 F.4th 550
    , 564 n.8 (7th Cir. 2022). The second is
    that the traditional favorable termination element of a common law malicious
    prosecution claim “does not require the plaintiff to show that the criminal
    prosecution ended with some affirmative indication of innocence.”
    Thompson, 142
     S. Ct. at 1341.
    The circuit courts have divided on identifying the elements of a
    Fourth Amendment malicious prosecution claim. One fundamental question
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    in each circuit has been whether all common law malicious prosecution
    elements must be met, or whether, in the Fourth Amendment context, malice
    is unnecessary given that “[t]he Fourth Amendment inquiry is one of
    ‘objective reasonableness’ under the circumstances, and subjective concepts
    like ‘malice’ and ‘sadism’ have no proper place in that inquiry.” Brooks v.
    City of Winston-Salem, N.C., 
    85 F.3d 178
    , 184 (4th Cir. 1996) (quoting
    Graham v. Connor, 
    490 U.S. 386
    , 399, 
    109 S. Ct. 1865
    , 1873 n.5 (1989)). See
    also Nieves v. McSweeney, 241, F.3d 46, 53 (1st Cir. 2001); Gallo v. City of
    161 F.3d 217
    , 223–24 (3d Cir. 1998). Following Thompson, the
    circuit split remains in place.
    Before this court’s en banc decision in Castellano v. Fragozo, our
    circuit had determined that “the elements of the state-law tort of malicious
    prosecution and the elements of the constitutional tort of ‘Fourth
    Amendment malicious prosecution’ are coextensive.”                  Gordy v. Burns,
    294 F.3d 722
    , 725 (5th Cir. 2002), abrogated by Castellano v. Fragozo, 
    352 F.3d 939
     (5th Cir. 2003); see, e.g., Castellano, 
    352 F.3d at 961
     (Jones, J.,
    concurring). Consequently, plaintiffs in the Fifth Circuit had to prove six
    elements to prevail on a constitutionalized malicious prosecution claim.
    294 F.3d at 727
    . The elements included “(1) the commencement or
    continuance of an original criminal proceeding; (2) its legal causation by the
    present defendant against plaintiff who was defendant in the original
    proceeding; (3) its bona fide termination in favor of the present plaintiff;
    (4) the absence of probable cause for such proceeding; (5) malice; and
    (6) damages.” 
     14 Given Thompson’s clear recognition of the constitutional
    tort of malicious prosecution, overruling our precedent in Castellano, the rule
    In Texas, actual innocence was also required. But as discussed, Thompson holds
    that no affirmative indication of innocence is necessary to prove a Fourth Amendment
    malicious prosecution claim. 
    Thompson, 142
     S. Ct. at 1341.
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    iterated in Gordy is reinstated and parties asserting a Fourth Amendment
    malicious prosecution claim under § 1983 must prove the above elements, in
    addition to the threshold element of an unlawful Fourth Amendment
    seizure. 15 See 
    Thompson, 142
     S. Ct. at 1337 n.2.
    But we do not remand for a determination of whether Armstrong’s
    constitutional claim is sufficiently pled because the district court considered
    and rightly dismissed Armstrong’s Louisiana malicious prosecution claim,
    which requires the same six elements as enumerated in Gordy. See Lemoine
    v. Wolfe, 
    168 So. 3d 362
    , 367 (La. 2015). Both claims fail to meet at least
    elements (2) and (5). Because Armstrong has not plausibly alleged that the
    defendants suppressed, fabricated, or destroyed evidence, she has not
    plausibly alleged that the defendants were the cause of Ford’s prosecution.
    Moreover, Armstrong has not plausibly alleged facts showing the malice of
    any defendant. Accordingly, both her constitutional and her Louisiana
    malicious prosecution claims were properly dismissed.
    e. Conspiracy
    In addition, Armstrong alleges that “the Law Enforcement
    Defendants and McCormick, acting in concert with other co-conspirators,
    known and unknown, reached an agreement among themselves to frame
    Plaintiff for a crime he did not commit and thereby to deprive him of his
    constitutional rights.” In a similar vein, Armstrong’s suppression allegations
    often state that the Law Enforcement Defendants all “agreed to suppress”
    the various reports. “In order to prevail on a section 1983 conspiracy claim,
    a plaintiff must establish (1) the existence of a conspiracy involving state
    Importantly, because an unlawful seizure is the threshold element, see 
    Thompson, 142
     S. Ct. at 1337 n.2, if the prosecution is supported by probable cause on at least one
    charge, then a malicious prosecution claim cannot move forward.
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    action and (2) a deprivation of civil rights in furtherance of the conspiracy by
    a party to the conspiracy.” Pfannstiel v. City of Marion, 
    918 F.2d 1178
    , 1187
    (5th Cir. 1990). Armstrong’s conspiracy claim was properly dismissed
    because she has not plausibly pled any underlying constitutional deprivation
    by the defendants. See Shaw v. Villanueva, 
    918 F.3d 414
    , 419 (5th Cir. 2019)
    (“No deprivation, no § 1983 conspiracy.”).
    f. Failure to Intervene
    Armstrong also alleges that “one or more of the individual Law
    Enforcement Defendants or McCormick stood by without intervening to
    prevent the violation of Plaintiff’s constitutional rights, even though they had
    the opportunity to do so.” A failure to intervene claim against a police officer
    requires that the officer (1) knows that a fellow officer is violating an
    individual’s constitutional rights; (2) is present at the scene of the
    constitutional violation; (3) has a reasonable opportunity to prevent the
    harm; and (4) chooses not to act. Whitley v. Hanna, 
    726 F.3d 631
    , 646 (5th
    Cir. 2013). The district court correctly found that “the claim lacks detail as
    to which of the Defendants did what, whether any Defendant knew of the
    misconduct, or who was present at the commission of the misconduct.”
    Armstrong’s claim does not reference the specific conduct of any particular
    defendant as constituting failure to intervene. The district court properly
    dismissed this claim.
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    g. Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress
    Armstrong also brought a state-law claim for intentional infliction of
    emotional distress.     Such a claim requires (1) that the conduct of the
    defendant was extreme and outrageous; (2) that the emotional distress
    suffered by the plaintiff was severe; and (3) that the defendant desired to
    inflict severe emotional distress or knew that severe emotional distress would
    be certain or substantially certain to result from his conduct. White v.
    Monsanto Co., 
    585 So. 2d 1205
    , 1209 (La. 1991).
    Just as Armstrong fails to adequately plead bad faith (for her
    destruction-of-evidence claim) or malice (for her malicious-prosecution
    claim), she also fails to adequately allege extreme and outrageous conduct.
    “The conduct must be so outrageous in character, and so extreme in degree,
    as to go beyond all possible bounds of decency, and to be regarded as
    atrocious and utterly intolerable in a civilized community.” 
    allegations do not go that far. Nor does she allege facts suggesting that the
    defendants “desired to inflict severe emotional distress or knew that severe
    emotional distress would be certain.” 
     This claim was properly dismissed.
    h. Negligence
    Rounding things out, Armstrong brought a traditional negligence
    claim. Louisiana uses the typical reasonable-person standard to assess an
    individual’s liability for negligence. See Lawrence v. Sanders, 
    169 So. 3d 790
    795 (La. App. 2 Cir. 2015) (“Duty is defined as the obligation to conform to
    the standard of conduct associated with a reasonable person in like
    circumstances.”); La. Civ. Code Art. 2315. For the same reasons that
    Armstrong did not adequately plead constitutional violations due to the
    defendants’ suppression, fabrication, and destruction of evidence, she also
    fails to plead sufficient factual matter to show that they violated the standard
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    of care of a reasonable officer. 16 The district court thus properly dismissed
    this claim.
    IV. Conclusion
    Accordingly, the district court’s judgment is AFFIRMED.
    Louisiana’s state qualified immunity statute would also likely stand in the way of
    Armstrong’s recovery on her state-law claims. See La. Rev. Stat. § 2798.1(B)
    (“Liability shall not be imposed on public entities or their officers or employees based upon
    the exercise or performance or the failure to exercise or perform their policymaking or
    discretionary acts when such acts are within the course and scope of their lawful powers
    and duties.”); Rombach v. Culpepper, 
    2021 WL 2944809
    , at *9 (5th Cir. Jul. 13, 2021)
    (unpublished) (in § 1983 and Monell suit, affirming dismissal of pendant state-law claims
    based on § 2798.1).