Winters Ranch Partnership v. Viadero , 123 F.3d 327 ( 1997 )

  •                      United States Court of Appeals,
    Fifth Circuit.
    No. 95-50902.
    WINTERS RANCH PARTNERSHIP, a Texas partnership; David W.
    Winters; Sara F. Winters; Thomas D. Winters; John C. Winters,
    Plaintiffs-Counter Defendants-Appellees,
    Roger C. VIADERO, Inspector General, U.S. Department of
    Agriculture, Defendant-Counter Claimant-Appellant.
    Oct. 1, 1997.
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the Western
    District of Texas.
    Before GARWOOD, BARKSDALE and DENNIS, Circuit Judges.
    DENNIS, Circuit Judge:
    Appellant,     the   Inspector     General         (of    the    United   States
    Department of Agriculture (USDA)) ("IG"), seeks summary enforcement
    of   administrative    subpoenas    duces      tecum       issued      to   Appellees,
    Winters     Ranch     Partnership       and        its     individual         partners
    (collectively, "the WRP group").             The WRP group contends that the
    subpoenas were issued pursuant to an investigation which exceeds
    the IG's statutory authority under the Inspector General Act and
    are, therefore, unenforceable.          The district court granted WRP's
    motion for summary judgment and denied the IG's motion for summary
    judgment, holding that the subpoenas were not issued for a purpose
    within    the   statutory    authority        of    the    IG    and    denying     the
    enforcement     of   the   subpoenas.        Winters      Ranch       Partnership   v.
    901 F. Supp. 237
    , 242 (W.D.Tex.1995).                    We determine that
    the IG issued the subpoenas for a purpose within the IG's statutory
    authority, viz, to test the efficiency of the Consolidated Farm
    Service Agency's implementation of payment limitations in the wool
    and mohair price support programs.            Accordingly, we reverse the
    district court's judgment and render summary judgment ordering
    enforcement of the subpoenas.
    I. Factual Background
    Plaintiffs-Appellees, Winters Ranch Partnership ("WRP") and
    its individual partners, David W. Winters, his wife Sarah R.
    Winters, and their children Thomas D. Winters and John C. Winters
    (collectively, "the WRP group") have interests in a sheep and goat
    ranch     that   produces     wool     and   mohair.       Based      on   their
    representations that each partner was an active producer of wool
    and mohair, all of the WRP partners received price support payments
    under the federal wool and mohair price support programs for
    marketing years 1991, 1992, and 1993.               The Consolidated Farm
    Service     Agency   ("CFSA")     is   the   federal     agency      statutorily
    authorized to administer the price support program.               In 1993, the
    Inspector General formulated a plan to investigate and audit the
    CFSA's implementation of the payment limitation and eligibility
    requirements for participation in federal wool and mohair support
    programs.    In connection with this investigation, the IG selected
    a sample of six price support recipients out of the total number of
    recipients and proceeded to investigate these subjects to test
    whether the agency's administration of the program effectively
    prevented     violations     of   payment    limitation     and      eligibility
    requirements. The WRP group was one of the six producer-recipients
    selected for     the   investigation.        The   IG   began   by    requesting
    information to determine whether the WRP group's farming operation
    was carried out in 1991 and 1992 as represented to the CFSA.                 The
    WRP group cooperated for several months by producing the documents
    requested.     The IG's review of the documents submitted by the WRP
    group revealed that the partners actual participation in the
    farming operations for marketing years 1991, 1992, and 1993 were
    different from that represented to the CFSA.           The IG notified the
    CFSA of these discrepancies and recommended that the CFSA initiate
    its own investigation.      On December 16, 1994, the CFSA began its
    own   review   to   determine   if    WRP   farming    operations     were   as
    represented to the CFSA for program payment limitation and payment
    eligibility    requrements.     On    January   4,    1995,   the   WRP    group
    informed the IG that it would no longer respond to the IG's
    requests for information and instead would cooperate only with the
    CFSA.   On February 1, 1995, the IG issued administrative subpoenas
    seeking information relating to the WRP group's eligibility for
    price support payments in 1991 through 1993.
    The WRP group refused to comply with the subpoenas and filed
    this action for declaratory judgment that the subpoenas were not
    issued for a purpose within the IG's statutory authority.                 The IG
    filed   a   counterclaim    seeking    enforcement      of    the   subpoenas.
    Subsequently, the adverse parties filed cross motions for summary
    judgment.    The district court granted summary judgment in favor of
    the WRP group and denied the IG's motion for summary judgment.               The
    IG appealed from the district court's judgment.
    II. Legal Principles
    A. Administrative Subpoenas
    When called upon to enforce an administrative subpoena, a
    court's role is limited to evaluating whether (1) the subpoena was
    issued for a lawful purpose within the statutory authority of the
    issuing agency;   (2) the documents requested are relevant to that
    purpose;   and (3) the subpoena demand is reasonable and not unduly
    burdensome.   See, e.g., Oklahoma Press Publ. Co. v. Walling, 
    327 U.S. 186
    , 209, 
    66 S. Ct. 494
    , 506, 
    90 L. Ed. 614
    (1946);    Endicott
    Johnson Corp. v. Perkins, 
    317 U.S. 501
    , 509, 
    63 S. Ct. 339
    , 343, 
    87 L. Ed. 424
    (1942);   Burlington N. R.R. Co. v. Office of Inspector
    Gen., R.R. Retirement Bd., 
    983 F.2d 631
    , 637 (5th Cir.1993) (citing
    United States v. Morton Salt Co., 
    338 U.S. 632
    , 652, 
    70 S. Ct. 357
    94 L. Ed. 401
    (1950);   United States v. Westinghouse Elec.
    788 F.2d 164
    , 166 (3d Cir.1986); Federal Election Comm'n v.
    Florida for Kennedy Comm., 
    681 F.2d 1281
    , 1284 (11th Cir.1982);
    United States v. Powell, 
    379 U.S. 48
    , 58, 
    85 S. Ct. 248
    , 255, 
    13 L. Ed. 2d 112
    (1964)); United States v. Security State Bank & Trust,
    473 F.2d 638
    , 641 (5th Cir.1973);   see also RTC v. Walde, 
    18 F.3d 943
    , 946 (D.C.Cir.1994); Linde Thomson Langworthy Kohn & Van Dyke,
    P.C. v. RTC, 
    5 F.3d 1508
    , 1513 (D.C.Cir.1993);    F.T.C. v. Texaco,
    555 F.2d 862
    , 872 (D.C.Cir.1977) (en banc) (citations omitted).
    The WRP group principally contends that the subpoenas were not
    issued for a purpose within the IG's authority.   The WRP group did
    not vigorously raise or address the issues of whether the subpoenas
    sought irrelevant information or were unduly broad or burdensome.1
    In the final pages of its brief, the WRP group raises, in a
    cursory fashion, arguments that the administrative subpoenas are
    unenforceable because they are irrelevant and burdensome.      See
    Appellee's Brief p. 36-37. No summary judgment evidence supports
    a finding that the information sought by the IG was either
    irrelevant or burdensome.     See infra at III (discussing the
    undisputed facts). In fact the information directly relates to the
    The district court's ruling was restricted to the authority of the
    IG to issue the subpoenas.
    B. Inspector General Act
    The   Office   of    Inspector        General        of   the    United       States
    Department of Agriculture was established by the Inspector General
    Act. Inspector General Act of 1978, Pub.L. No. 95-452 (codified in
    5 U.S.C. app. 3 §§ 1-12).          Congress created the Office of Inspector
    General for the express purpose of combating "fraud, waste, abuse,
    and mismanagement in the programs and operations of the federal
    government."       S.REP.        NO.    95-1071,     at     1,   reprinted      in    1978
    U.S.C.C.A.N.     2676,     2676.        An   office    of    Inspector        General   is
    established in executive departments and executive agencies to act
    as an independent and objective unit "(1) to conduct and supervise
    audits and investigations relating to the programs and operations
    of    [the   agency],"     (2)    to    recommend     policies         for    "activities
    designed (A) to promote economy, efficiency, and effectiveness" in
    the agency's programs and operations, and "(B) to prevent and
    detect fraud and abuse" therein, and (3) to provide a means to keep
    the agency head and Congress informed of problems and deficiencies
    in the agency's programs and operations and to recommend corrective
    action.      5 U.S.C. app. 3 § 2. Each Inspector General, in carrying
    out   the    provisions    of     the    Act,   is    authorized        "to    make   such
    investigations and reports relating to the administration of the
    programs and operations of [the agency] as are, in the judgment of
    the Inspector General, necessary or desirable," and "to require by
    purpose of the audit and encompasses documents not requested by the
    subpena    [sic]    the    production      of   all   information,    documents,
    reports, answers, records, accounts, papers, and other data and
    documentary evidence necessary in the performance of the functions
    assigned" by the Act.         
    Id. § 6(a)(2),
    In short, Congress conferred very broad audit, investigatory,
    and subpoena powers on each Inspector General, as an independent
    and objective unit of the department or agency, to help promote
    efficiency and prevent fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement in
    federal    government       programs;       Congress    also   prohibited    any
    government       agency     from   transferring       its   program     operating
    responsibilities to an Inspector General.              See Burlington N. R.R.
    Co., 983 F.2d at 634-35
    C. Wool and Mohair Act
    The National Wool Act of 1954 created price support programs
    for the production of wool and mohair and designated the Secretary
    of Agriculture to administer the programs. 7 U.S.C.S. §§ 1782-1785
    (Supp.1996).       Beginning in the 1991 marketing year, the Food,
    Agriculture, Conservation, and Trade Act of 1990 imposed ceilings
    on the amount of price support payments received by any one
    "person".        7 U.S.C.S. § 1783(b) (Supp.1996) (repealed 1996).
    Payments to any "person" were limited to (a) $200,000 for the 1991
    marketing year;         (b) $175,000 for the 1992 marketing year, and (c)
    $150,000 for the 1993 marketing year.                   7 U.S.C.S. § 1783(b)
    (Supp.1996) (repealed 1996).            For payment limitation purposes, a
    "person"    is    any    individual   or    organizational     entity   actively
    participating in farming operations, provided they have a separate
    and distinct interest in the land or crop involved, exercise
    separate responsibility for their interests, and maintain separate
    funds or accounts.      7 C.F.R. §§ 1497.7, 1497.9 (1990).
    USDA regulations charge the CFSA with determining program
    eligibility,     payment     limitation    compliance,          and    participants'
    general compliance with all program requirements.                     See 7 C.F.R. §§
    1468.102, 1472.1502 (1990).          According to the USDA handbook on
    payment   limitation     enforcement,      the    CFSA     is     responsible       for
    conducting compliance reviews, termed "end-of-year reviews," as
    part of its program administration responsibilities.                     U.S. DEPT.   OF
    PL   (Revision    1),   P.   7-1   (Jan.   23,    1992).          The     purpose     of
    end-of-year reviews is "to maintain the integrity of payment
    limitation and payment eligibility provisions" and to "ascertain
    that farming operations were carried out as represented when
    initial determinations were made."          
    Id. D. Appellate
    Review Standards
    An appellate court applies the same standard in reviewing the
    grant or denial of a summary judgment motion as that used by the
    trial court initially.        Melton v. Teachers Ins. & Annuity Ass'n of
    114 F.3d 557
    , 559 (5th Cir.1997);             Dawkins v. Sears Roebuck
    and Co., 
    109 F.3d 241
    , 242 (5th Cir.1997) (citing Cockerham v.
    Kerr-McGee Chem. Corp., 
    23 F.3d 101
    , 104 (5th Cir.1995));                     Waymire
    v. Harris County, Tex., 
    86 F.3d 424
    , 427 (5th Cir.1996) (citing
    Robertson v. Bell Helicopter Textron, Inc., 
    32 F.3d 948
    , 950 (5th
    Cir.1994));    Jurgens v. E.E.O.C., 
    903 F.2d 386
    , 388 (5th Cir.1990)
    (citing Waltman v. International Paper Co., 
    875 F.2d 468
    , 474 (5th
    Cir.1989));      McCrae v. Hankins, 
    720 F.2d 863
    , 865 (5th Cir.1983)
    (citations omitted).     Under Rule 56(c), a summary judgment is
    proper when it appears that there is no genuine issue as to any
    material fact and that the moving party is entitled to a judgment
    as a matter of law.    FED.R.CIV.P. 56(c).
    III. Discussion
    A. There is no dispute as to any material fact.
    In support of the IG's motion for summary judgment to enforce
    the subpoenas, the IG filed numerous exhibits including:      (1) a
    declaration under penalty of perjury by Melinda S. Wenzl, Auditor,
    Office of the IG of the U.S. Dept. of Ag., Auditor-in-Charge of the
    audit of the Wool and Mohair Payment Limitations;      (2) the IG's
    Survey Program providing instructions and guidance for conducting
    a survey of the 1991 and 1992 wool and mohair payment limitations
    administered by the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservations
    Service [predecessor of the CFSA], dated July 15, 1993; (3) copies
    of correspondence between the office of the IG and the WRP group;
    (4) copies of the subpoenas duces tecum issued to the WRP group;
    (5) a copy of IG's correspondence to the CFSA recommending a review
    of WRP operations;     and (6) a copy of the CFSA's letter to WRP
    announcing its end-of-year review of WRP.
    In support of its motion for summary judgment, the WRP group
    submitted a number of exhibits primarily including:    (1) a July 9,
    1994 fax transmittal from Melinda Wenzl, IG Auditor, to David
    Winters of WRP requesting certain documents necessary for the IG's
    review of WRP's 1991 and 1992 payment limitations;    and (2) copies
    of correspondence between the IG and the WRP group, the CFSA and
    the WRP group, and the IG and the WRP group's attorney.
    The exhibits submitted by the WRP group are consistent with
    and partially duplicate the IG's filings. A review of the parties'
    exhibits reveals that the following material facts are undisputed.
    Wool and mohair producers are eligible under the National Wool
    Act of 1954 for price support payments when the yearly average
    price received for wool or mohair is below the established support
    price. The USDA makes price support payments through its component
    agencies, one of which is the CFSA.            The CFSA is responsible for
    determining producers' eligibility for payments and compliance with
    program requirements.        To enforce these eligibility and program
    requirements, the CFSA is charged with the responsibility of
    conducting end-of-the-year reviews to ascertain that participation
    in farming operations are carried out as represented.
    Beginning with the 1991 marketing year, price support payments
    to federal producer recipients were subject to limits. The payment
    limitations restrict the total amount of price support that each
    person may receive for a particular marketing year.                   The payment
    limitations per person were $200,000 for the 1991 marketing year;
    $175,000 for 1992;       $150,000 for 1993;      and $125,000 for 1994.         For
    payment limitations purposes, a "person" is an individual or entity
    who has a separate and distinct interest in the land or crop
    involved, exercises separate responsibility for such interest, and
    maintains   funds   or     accounts   separate    from   that    of    any   other
    individual or entity.       Any person who participates in a scheme or
    device to evade the payment limitations is not eligible for CFSA
    program payments.
    The    IG   decided     to   test   the   efficiency       of    the    CFSA's
    administration of the wool and mohair price support programs to
    determine whether payments for the 1991, 1992, and 1993 marketing
    years   were   properly     made    to   a   sample     of   producers     who    had
    represented that they met eligibility requirements, or whether
    producers    had    developed     schemes    or    devices    to   evade   payment
    limitations.       After studying payment limitations records for 1989
    and 1990 and comparing them with records for 1991, 1992, and 1993,
    the IG determined to select for independent IG investigation those
    producers who had received payments in excess of $200,000 in 1989
    and 1990 and new producers who had received more than $50,000 in
    1991.   WRP was one of the six producers who fell into this category
    because:    prior to 1991, only plaintiff David Winters of the WRP
    group participated in the programs and he received $424,715.27 for
    1989 and $595,689.61 for 1990.               David Winters, his wife Sara
    Winters,    and     their   two    children       formed     WRP   after   payment
    limitations were imposed effective in the 1991 marketing year.
    Based on representations by the WRP group, the CFSA approved their
    classification as four "persons" actively engaged in farming during
    the 1991, 1992, and 1993 marketing years.                  The combined wool and
    mohair payments to the WRP group for 1991, 1992, and 1993 were
    $670,200.62, $755,687.71 and $695,120.32, respectively.                     The IG
    examined operations and financial transactions of the WRP group and
    five other     producers    to     determine      the   incidence,   if    any,    of
    misrepresentation or non-compliance with program eligibility and
    limitation requirements.
    At first the WRP group responded to the IG's request for
    information and documents.          The IG's preliminary review uncovered
    discrepancies between the WRP group's actual farming operations and
    financial records and those represented to the CFSA as meeting the
    requirements     of   eligibility   for    price    support     payments.   As
    required by the Act, the IG reported these findings to the CFSA and
    recommended an end-of-year review of the WRP group.               The CFSA, on
    December 16, 1994, notified the WRP group that it was conducting an
    end-of-year review of WRP's operations and payment eligibility for
    1991, 1992, and 1993.      On January 4, 1995, the WRP group's counsel
    notified the IG that they would no longer respond to the IG's
    request for information, but that they would cooperate only with
    the CFSA.
    The    IG   renewed   the   request    for    additional    documentation
    pointing out that the IG's authority to conduct independent,
    objective audits is separate and distinct from the CFSA's authority
    to conduct end-of-year reviews.            The WRP group again refused to
    The IG determined that the information requested was essential
    to a complete review of the enforcement of laws and regulations
    with respect to the WRP group's operations and the completion of
    the IG's survey program. Accordingly, the IG issued administrative
    subpoenas to the WRP group seeking the data on February 1, 1995.
    The WRP group responded by filing the instant action on February
    21, 1995.
    Although the CFSA has provided the IG with information and
    documents it recovered in its end-of-year review, the IG still has
    not received all of the information which it sought.              Based on the
    partial information, the IG has determined, in conjunction with the
    CFSA, that the WRP group received payments for which they were
    ineligible in each of the marketing years 1991 through 1993.         The
    remainder of the information that the IG requested, however, is
    indispensable   to   the   IG's   audit   and   investigation   of   the
    enforcement of program requirements with respect to the WRP group
    and to its survey testing of USDA price support programs.            The
    following information was requested by the IG but has not been
    supplied: (1) explanations of abbreviations and codes contained in
    WRP's ledgers and account books;      (2) loan documents, including
    promissory notes, security agreements, and transaction histories;
    (3) copies of David Winters's 1991 through 1993 accounting records;
    (4) information relating to offsets noted in WRP's general ledgers;
    (5) employer identification numbers for livestock or ranching
    operations in which David Winters had an interest;      and (6) copies
    of sales documents for mohair sales records on WRP's general
    ledgers for 1992.
    From the undisputed material evidentiary facts, we find that
    the IG issued the administrative subpoenas for two purposes.         The
    immediate purpose was to obtain information relevant to whether
    each member of the WRP group met program eligibility requirements;
    whether any member of the group had received support payments in
    excess of that for which he or she was eligible;       and whether the
    group or any of its members had participated in a scheme or device
    to evade price support limitations.       The ultimate purpose of the
    subpoenas was to obtain information to complete the IG's survey
    program designed to determine whether the agency's procedures for
    detecting and preventing fraud and abuse were effective and whether
    deficiencies were prevalent in the agency's price support programs,
    and,   if    so,       to    determine   the    scope,       patterns,       and   possible
    antidotes        for    the     problem,   and       to    enable     the    IG    to   make
    recommendations as to necessary or desirable remedial measures to
    the head of the agency and to Congress.
    B. The Inspector General is entitled to judgment as a matter of
    The subpoenas were issued for a lawful purpose within the
    statutory authority of the IG as the issuing agency. The Inspector
    General Act        clearly       authorizes     an    IG     to   require     by   subpoena
    information from persons who receive federal funds in connection
    with a federal agency program or operation for the purpose of
    evaluating the agency's programs in terms of their management,
    efficiency, rate of error, and vulnerability to fraud, abuses, and
    other problems.
    The purpose of the Act in establishing an IG office in each
    agency      is    to        effect   independent       and       objective    audits    and
    investigations of the programs and operations of each agency, to
    promote economy, efficiency, and effectiveness and to prevent fraud
    and abuse in the agency's programs, and to keep the agency head and
    Congress apprised of problems and deficiencies in the programs.                           5
    U.S.C. app. 3 § 2(1)-(3).
    To   achieve          this    purpose,    the       Act    imposes     duties    and
    responsibilities on each IG to conduct, supervise, and coordinate
    audits and investigations relating to the programs and operations
    of the agency.          
    Id. § 4(a)(1).
        The Act also charges the IG to keep
    the agency and Congress informed of fraud, abuses, and serious
    problems in programs financed or administered by the agency.                            
    Id. § 4(a)(5).
    To fulfill these duties, the Act gives the IG additional
    powers.   The IG is authorized "to make such investigations and
    reports   relating   to   the    administration     of   the    programs   and
    operations of the agency as are, in the judgment of the [IG],
    necessary or desirable."        
    Id. § 6(a)(2).
       The IG is authorized "to
    have access to all records, reports, audits, reviews, documents,
    papers,   recommendations,      or   other   material    available    to   [the
    agency] which relate to programs and operations with respect to
    which that [IG] has responsibilities."           
    Id. § 6(a)(1).
         The IG is
    authorized "to request such information or assistance" necessary
    "to carrying out the [IG's] duties and responsibilities from any
    Federal, State, or local government agency."               
    Id. The IG
    authorized to require by subpoena from any person or entity, except
    federal agencies, "the production of all information, documents,
    reports, answers, records, accounts, papers, and other data and
    documentary evidence necessary" to its functions.              
    Id. § 6(a)(4).
    "Procedures other than subpoenas shall be used by the IG to obtain
    documents and information from federal agencies."              
    Id. The IG
    authorized "to administer to or take from any person an oath,
    affirmation, or affidavit, whenever necessary in the performance"
    of the IG's functions.     
    Id. § 6(a)(5).
    In the present case the district court concluded the following
    about the purpose of the IG's investigation:             that it was "of a
    regulatory, rather than oversight, nature;"          that it was not " "to
    promote economy, efficiency and effectiveness in the administration
    of and to prevent and detect fraud and abuse in and relating to the
    programs and operations of' " the CFSA;            and that it was "a payment
    limitation    compliance     review     to   be    conducted      pursuant     to   a
    long-term regulatory plan." Winters Ranch 
    Partnership, 901 F. Supp. at 241
    .    In reaching these conclusions, the district court fell
    into    error,    evidently      because      it      applied      an   incorrect
    interpretation of the provisions of the Inspector General Act to a
    clearly erroneous inference from the undisputed evidentiary facts
    of record.
    The district court erred in concluding that the Act prevents
    the IG from using investigative techniques similar to the agency's
    end-of-year reviews as a means of executing the IG's functions.
    The Act establishes and protects the IG's independent, objective
    judgment in designing the scope, methodology, and focus of audits
    and investigations of the administration of agency programs and
    operations.      The   IG   is   specifically        authorized    to   make   such
    investigations as are, in the judgment of the IG, necessary or
    Id. §§ 2,
    6(a)(2);       see also Burlington 
    Northern, 983 F.2d at 641
    .     Although the IG is under the general supervision of
    the head of the agency, neither the head officer nor any other
    person may "prevent or prohibit [the IG] from initiating, carrying
    out, or completing any audit or investigation, or from issuing" any
    investigative    subpoena.        
    Id. § 3(a).
         The   independence      and
    objectivity of the IG is enhanced because the IG is appointed by
    the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate,
    and may be removed only by the President, who is required to
    explain the removal to both Houses of Congress.                 
    Id. § 3(a),
    The district court evidently based its decision in part on a
    misinterpretation of § 9(a) of the Inspector General Act.                  That
    Section provides:
    § 9. Transfer of functions.
    (a) There shall be transferred—
    (1) to the Office of Inspector General—[subsections (A)
    through (V) list pre-existing internal audit and
    investigative units of various agencies that shall be
    (2) such other offices or agencies, or functions, powers,
    or duties thereof, as the head of the [agency] involved
    may determine are properly related to the functions of
    the Office and would, if so transferred, further the
    purposes of this Act,
    except that there shall not be transferred to an Inspector
    General    under   paragraph    (2)    program   operating
    Section 9(a)(2) authorizes the head of an agency to transfer agency
    offices,    functions,    powers,   or   duties   to   the   Office   of   the
    Inspector General if they are properly related to the functions of
    the IG and their transfer would further the purposes of the
    Inspector General Act.       Correlatively, Section 9(a)(2) adds that
    program operating responsibilities shall not be transferred to an
    IG.   Thus, the agency head cannot convey to the IG any of the
    agency's      congressionally-delegated            program       operating
    responsibility.     See Burlington 
    Northern, 983 F.2d at 642
    .               The
    transfer of such responsibility would not be properly related to or
    compatible with the function of the IG as an independent, objective
    inspector of the agency's operations;          and such a transfer would
    thwart, not further, the statutory design to establish the IG as a
    separate, independent, and objective auditor and investigator of
    agency operations.       See 
    id. The district
      court's     apparent   interpretation    of    Section
    9(a)(2) as prohibiting an IG from using the agency's investigatory
    techniques in conducting an independent IG investigation is simply
    incorrect.     Section 9(a)(2) prohibits the transfer of "program
    operating responsibilities," and not the duplication of functions
    or   the   copying   of   techniques.        No    transfer   of   operating
    responsibility occurs and the IG's independence and objectivity is
    not compromised when the IG mimics or adapts agency investigatory
    methods or functions in the course of an independent audit or
    investigation.    In fact, no transfer of function can occur simply
    because the IG emulates a function normally performed by the agency
    as part of the IG's own independent investigation.            In order for a
    transfer of function to occur, the agency would have to relinquish
    its own performance of that function.               See, e.g., Burlington
    Northern, 983 F.2d at 642
    As we have explained, the Act authorizes and enables the IG to
    make independent decisions as to how and when to investigate the
    agency's operation of its programs;           it does not withdraw any
    legitimate investigatory technique from the IG's repertoire, and it
    does not dictate any particular manner in which the IG must deploy
    or orchestrate the available devices of inquiry. See 5 U.S.C. app.
    3 § 6(a)(2);   see also Burlington 
    Northern, 983 F.2d at 641
    that the Inspector General Act gives Inspectors General "broad—not
    limited—investigatory and subpoena powers");             United States v.
    Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co., 
    837 F.2d 162
    , 170 (4th
    Cir.1988) ("[W]here the interests of the government require broad
    investigations   into     the   efficiency   and    honesty   of   a   defense
    contractor, the Inspector General is equipped for this task."). As
    a practical matter, it is difficult to see how the IG could
    evaluate the accuracy and effectiveness of the agency's eligibility
    and compliance procedures without performing some of the same or
    similar procedures in at least a sample or limited number of cases
    and comparing the IG's findings and evaluations with that of the
    There is no justification in the undisputed factual record for
    the district court's inference that the IG's investigation is a
    "long-term    regulatory     plan,"     rather   than     an     independent   IG
    investigation " "to prevent and detect fraud and abuse in and
    relating to the programs and operations of the' " agency.                 The IG,
    based on reasonable criteria, selected a sample of six wool and
    mohair producers for a survey to determine to what extent, if any,
    fraud, misrepresentation, and evasion schemes had circumvented
    price support limitations during three marketing years.                  The WRP
    group was one of the producers selected because the previous
    history and subsequent characteristics of their support payments
    met or fell within reasonable and objective investigatory criteria.
    The IG used, as part of its investigation, methods similar to those
    that the agency uses at times to determine whether a producer
    misrepresented any material facts in demonstrating the producer's
    eligibility    for   price    support     payments      during     a   particular
    marketing year. When the IG detected discrepancies between the WRP
    group's representations of facts to the agency and the true facts
    uncovered by the IG's investigation, the IG turned this information
    over to the agency, which promptly conducted its own investigation
    and found that the group was, in fact, not eligible for all of the
    support payments received. The record plainly does not support the
    district court's inferences that the IG's investigation usurped the
    agency's program operating responsibilities, was long-term, or was
    not being conducted for legitimate purposes under the Act as
    represented by the IG.
    Our decision in Burlington Northern v. Office of Inspector
    983 F.2d 631
    (5th Cir.1993), supports the conclusion that
    the subpoenas here were issued for a purpose within the IG's
    statutory authority and should be enforced.            Burlington Northern
    recognized and applied the same principles we do but reached the
    opposite result on crucially different facts.
    In Burlington Northern the agency, the Railroad Retirement
    Board (RRB), had never exercised its statutory duty to investigate
    whether railroad companies' properly paid taxes to the Railroad
    Unemployment Insurance Account.         The IG assumed the agency's
    primary duty, formed an alliance with the IRS, and was conducting
    regular tax collection audits of substantially all major railroads
    on a continuing, long-term basis. The IG was not merely conducting
    "spot checks" of railroads' records to test the effectiveness of
    the RRB's duty to investigate and audit railroad employers—the RRB
    had never performed this duty.        The IG issued subpoenas to the
    Burlington Northern Railroad for payroll records pursuant to the
    IG's assumption of the RRB's statutory duty.           The district court
    denied enforcement.      We affirmed, holding that the IG lacked
    statutory   authority   to   assume   the   agency's    primary   operating
    responsibilities by conducting, as part of a long-term, continuing
    plan, regular tax collection audits of the railroad companies'
    Id. at 642.
         Under the Railroad Unemployment Insurance
    Act, this court stated, the RRB, not the IG, is charged with
    ensuring that railroad employers are accurately reporting taxable
    compensation and properly paying taxes.         
    Id. at 643.
       Further, and
    highly significant to the present case, this court added:
    We are not holding that, under all circumstances, the
    Inspector General of the RRB lacks statutory authority to
    investigate or audit railroad employers' compensation
    reporting. The Inspector General of the RRB may well be able
    to do so as part of a plan to test the effectiveness of the
    RRB's summary reconciliation procedures or where he suspects
    fraud and abuse on the part of such employers. We hold only
    that, based on the district court's findings concerning the
    nature of this particular audit of Burlington Northern, the
    Inspector General exceeded his statutory authority.
    Id. at 643
    (italics original) (underscoring added).
    In the present case, the IG did not assume, and the CFSA did
    not cede, any of the agency's program operating responsibilities.
    The IG adopted a survey plan to "spot check" the records of six
    producers for three marketing years.            The IG did not adopt a
    long-term, continuing plan to fill a void left by the CFSA in
    primary agency program administration.           The purpose of the IG's
    investigation    was   to    test   the   effectiveness   of   the   agency's
    discharge   of   a   program    operating    responsibility    as    the   Act
    authorizes and as this court clearly indicated an IG may do in
    Burlington Northern.        See 
    id. For the
    reasons assigned, the judgment of the district court
    is REVERSED, summary judgment is granted in favor of the IG
    ordering that the subpoenas issued by the IG shall be enforced, and
    the case is REMANDED to the district court for further proceedings
    consistent with this opinion.

Document Info

Docket Number: 95-50902

Citation Numbers: 123 F.3d 327

Judges: Barksdale, Dennis, Garwood

Filed Date: 10/15/1997

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 8/1/2023

Authorities (19)

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View All Authorities »