Bruneau v. F.D.I.C. ( 1992 )

    No. 92-3256
    As Receiver for Bankers Trust, N/A., ET AL.,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Eastern District of Louisiana
    (November 12, 1992)
    Before KING, DAVIS, and WIENER, Circuit Judges.
    In this appeal from the district court's grant of summary
    judgment in favor of Defendant-Appellee Federal Deposit Insurance
    Corporation   (FDIC),    Plaintiff-Appellant     Jacqueline   B.   Bruneau
    asserts that the district court misapplied the law of constructive
    trust, the holding in Downriver Community Federal Credit Union v.
    Penn Square Bank,1 and the D'Oench, Duhme doctrine.2 As we find the
    district court's decision to be free of reversible error, we
    In early December 1988, Bruneau opened three accounts at
    Bankers Trust of Louisiana (Bankers Trust) and made deposits into
    all three totalling of $223,125.76.        Bruneau asserts that an
    employee of the bank represented that the three accounts would be
    insured up to $100,000 each by the FDIC, and that Bruneau thus
    believed that all of her money was insured.3      For purposes of this
    review, we assume the truth of those representations by Bruneau.
    In early March 1989, the Comptroller of Currency declared
    Bankers Trust insolvent and terminated its existence as a national
    banking association.4      The   Comptroller   appointed   the   FDIC   as
    receiver of Bankers Trust.
    Bruneau filed a claim for recovery of her deposits with the
    FDIC.     The FDIC paid Bruneau $100,000 and issued her a Receivers
    879 F.2d 754
     (10th Cir. 1989), cert. denied, 
    493 U.S. 1070
    See D'Oench, Duhme & Co. v. Federal Deposit Ins. Co., 
    315 U.S. 447
    , 460 (1942).
    This was clearly incorrect. 
    12 C.F.R. § 330.5
    provides: "Funds owned by natural persons and deposited in one
    or more deposit accounts in his or her own name shall be added
    together and insured up to $100,000 in the aggregate."
    12 U.S.C. § 191
    Certificate for the additional $123,473.53, entitling her to a
    ratable distribution along with other uninsured depositors and
    general creditors.     Since obtaining the Receivers Certificate,
    Bruneau has received a number of payments from the FDIC.         When the
    district court rendered its decision in the instant case, these
    payments totaled $59,817.82.         The FDIC asserts that four more
    payments))totaling $12,936.26))were made after the court's last
    calculation date and were thus not included in the $59,817.82
    Unhappy    with   her   share   of   the   proceeds   of   the   bank
    distribution under the National Banking Act, Bruneau sued the FDIC
    and several former officers and employees of the bank (Hardesty et
    al.), who she alleged made the misrepresentations to her.         Bruneau
    claimed that the FDIC, by its predecessors, had breached its
    fiduciary duty to her, had violated Louisiana statutory law, had
    committed "concerted tort action" with some of the employees of the
    bank, and had effectively created a constructive trust in her
    The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the
    FDIC.     The court reasoned that the Bruneau's constructive trust
    theory did not constitute a viable claim for a number of reasons.
    One of those reasons was that the claims were barred by the
    D'Oench, Duhme doctrine.       The court held that Bruneau's other
    claims were barred by the D'Oench, Duhme doctrine and § 1823(e) of
    FIRREA.5    Bruneau timely appealed.
    12 U.S.C. § 1823
    A.    Bruneau's Claims
    1.   Effect of D'Oench, Duhme
    The district court relied on several theories in rejecting all
    of Bruneau's claims.     One of the theories properly espoused by the
    district court here is that Bruneau's claims are barred by the
    D'Oench, Duhme doctrine.        The district court found correctly that
    all of the claims are based on bank personnel's misrepresentations
    and fraudulent acts, all of which, for purposes of this appeal, we
    assume to have occurred.        Under D'Oench, Duhme and its statutory
    counterpart, a claimant against the FDIC must produce evidence that
    the   agreement   made   with    the    bank   meets   all   of   the    FIRREA
    requirements.6      As   the    district    court   found,   none   of   these
    requirements were met by Bruneau.              The agreement was not in
    The relevant portion of FIRREA provides:
    No agreement which tends to diminish or defeat the
    interest of the Corporation in any asset acquired by it
    under this section or section 11 [
    12 U.S.C.S. § 1821
    either as a security for a loan or by purchase or as a
    receiver of any insured depository institution, shall
    be valid against the Corporation unless such
    (1) is in writing,
    (2) was executed by the depository institution and
    any person claiming an adverse interest
    thereunder, including the obligor,
    contemporaneously with the acquisition of the
    asset by the depository institution,
    (3) was approved by the board of directors of the
    depository institution or its loan committee, . .
    . and
    (4) has been, continuously, from the time of its
    execution, an official record of the depository
    12 U.S.C.S. § 1823
    (e) (Supp. 1992).
    writing;    it   was   not   executed       by   the   depository   institution
    contemporaneously with the acquisition of the asset; it did not
    have the required approval of bank executives; and it was not
    continuously held as an official bank record.
    Bruneau asserts in her brief to this court that "D'Oench,
    Duhme is not apposite.        Ms. Bruneau is not basing her claim for
    recovery on the ground of a secret or side agreement, but rather on
    the ground that this transaction never could occur because the bank
    was prohibited from taking funds, thereby making this transaction
    void from the beginning."7         Bruneau badly mischaracterizes her
    position.   Her entire case rests on the theory that the officers of
    the bank committed a fraud by allowing her to deposit money when
    they knew the bank was insolvent.            The D'Oench, Duhme doctrine and
    § 1823(e) are directly implicated by a fraud accusation.                Without
    meeting the requirements of either, Bruneau's claims are barred.
    2.    Hopeless Insolvency
    Bruneau's other argument involves the hopelessly outdated
    "hopeless insolvency" doctrine, which was recently discussed in
    dicta of the Tenth Circuit in the Downriver decision.8                      The
    district court's opinion ably explains the effect of the hopeless
    insolvency doctrine, the dicta in the Downriver decision, and
    We, like the district court before us, will ignore the
    gaping hole in Bruneau's logic that if there was no deposit
    ("th[e] transaction never could occur"), the FDIC would be
    responsible for nothing because its liability is triggered only
    by deposits.
    879 F.2d at 761-63
    everything else relative to this essentially frivolous ground of
    appeal.    We refuse to expend any more judicial resources trying to
    convince counsel that this turn-of-the-century doctrine has long
    since ceased to have any contextual relevance in light of the
    banking reforms that have occurred in this country during the past
    sixty years.
    B.   The Cross-Appeal of Hardesty et al.
    After the dismissing the FDIC with prejudice, the district
    court turned to the state law claims that had been filed by Bruneau
    against Hardesty et al.    As to these claims, the court stated:
    The    remaining    claims    are    for    "intentional
    misrepresentation"     (First     Claim),     "negligent
    misrepresentation" (Second Claim), "breach of fiduciary
    duty" (Fourth Claim), "violation of Louisiana Revised
    Statutes" (Fifth Claim), [and] "concerted tort action"
    (Sixth Claim). Each is based in Louisiana law, albeit as
    to the fifth claim, some of the defendants have filed a
    motion based on preemption of state law.
    The court then held that it was without subject matter jurisdiction
    and declined to exercise pendant jurisdiction over the remaining
    parties.    It then dismissed Bruneau's claims against Hardesty et
    al. without prejudice.
    Seeking to change the dismissal from one without prejudice to
    one with prejudice, Hardesty et al. assert on appeal that the
    district court erred in dismissing their claims for lack of subject
    matter jurisdiction.    They ground their appeal on the theory that
    the Louisiana statute involved in Bruneau's charge of "violation of
    Louisiana Revised Statutes"9 is preempted by federal banking law
    and that the preemption in and of itself supports federal question
    jurisdiction.     Alternatively, they argue that the district court
    should have addressed the state law claims under its pendant
    jurisdiction.     We dismiss out-of-hand the assertion that the
    district court abused its discretion in not exercising pendant
    jurisdiction over the state law claims.
    It is clear from the opinion of the district court that it
    dismissed   Bruneau's        claims   against   Hardesty   et   al.   without
    considering the claim of federal question jurisdiction arising from
    the preemption of state law.          This refusal to consider the claim
    does not place the issue beyond our review, however, as the
    preemption question is a matter of law that we would review de novo
    if it had been fully considered by the district court.
    Federal preemption most often appears as a defense to a
    plaintiff's claim. Thus, the "federal issue does not appear on the
    face of the plaintiff's complaint."10           Consequently, "a preemption
    defense cannot be the basis of the original federal jurisdiction."11
    As   noted   by   the    Seventh   Circuit,   the   Supreme   Court   has
    fashioned a narrow exception to this rule.           The preemption defense
    can "be the basis of the original federal jurisdiction" when
    LA. REV. STAT. ANN. § 6:419 (West 1986 & Supp. 1992).
    Lister v. Stark, 
    890 F.2d 941
    , 943 (7th Cir. 1989), cert.
    111 S. Ct. 579
     (discussing jurisdiction sufficient to make removal
    proper)(citing Metropolitan Life Ins. Co. v. Taylor, 
    481 U.S. 58
    63 (1987)); see Louisville & Nashville R.R. v. Mottley, 
    211 U.S. 149
    Congress has completely preempted a given area of state
    law.    This "complete preemption" exception permits
    recharacterization of a plaintiff's state-law claim to a
    federal claim . . . .12
    Hardesty et al. thus assert that § 6:419 of the Louisiana Revised
    Statutes has been preempted by federal banking regulations to the
    point that the asserted violation of that statute is no more than
    a federal claim masquerading as a state claim.      We disagree.
    In Metropolitan Life Ins. Co. v. Taylor,13 the Supreme Court
    found that "ERISA's preemption provision is . . . so strong that
    every claim for benefits under a covered plan is regarded as
    arising under the laws of the United States."14     Similarly, "[i]t
    has long been recognized that section 301 of the Labor Management
    Relations Act, 
    29 U.S.C. § 185
    , has such preemptive force."15      To
    determine whether the statute has such preemptive force, there must
    be evidence of "'the clearly manifested intent of Congress'" that
    such preemption occur.16
    In the instant case, no evidence of congressional intent to
    preempt the area of law so pervasively has been presented to this
    court.     Instead, Hardesty et al. have thoroughly convinced us that
    a defense of preemption exists in this context.      They point to a
    case from the Eastern District of Louisiana involving the same bank
    481 U.S. at 63
    Trans World Airlines, Inc. v. Mattox, 
    897 F.2d 773
    , 787
    (5th Cir.), cert. denied, 
    111 S. Ct. 308
     (quoting Taylor, 
    481 U.S. at 67
    failure and the same defendants as the instant case, in which they
    successfully used preemption as a defense to similar claims.17
    Hardesty et al. now assert that "[t]he precise issue now before the
    court has already been resolved in favor of defendants/cross
    appellants" in the Mortgage Market case.     Clearly, Hardesty et al.
    misapprehends the distinction between that which was decided in
    Mortgage Market and that which they presently urge to us.
    In Mortgage Market, the district court held that "federal law
    pre-empts [sic] application of La.Rev.Stat. § 6:419 or state
    fiduciary law which would hold Hardesty, et al [sic] liable for the
    uninsured portion of [the plaintiff]'s certificate of deposit."18
    As irrefutable a proposition of law as that may be, it is entirely
    different from the present assertion by Hardesty et al. that
    federal law is so strongly preemptive in this area of the law that
    plaintiff's claim "is regarded as arising under the laws of the
    United States."19    Hardesty et al. cites nothing to this court (and
    our research reveals nothing) to indicate that Congress intended to
    "treat a complaint raising [these matters] as 'necessarily federal
    in character'"20     Simply put, Hardesty et al.'s demonstration that
    the defense of preemption applies does not create a basis for
    subject matter jurisdiction in the same manner as does "super-
    Mortgage Mkt., Inc. v. Federal Deposit Ins. Corp., 
    780 F. Supp. 406
    , 407-08 (E.D. La. 1991).
    780 F. Supp. at 408
    Trans World Airlines, 897 F.2d at 787.
    Id. (citing Taylor, 
    481 U.S. at 63-64
    preemption" of an ERISA provision or section 301 of the LMRA.
    Hardesty    et   al.    thus   fail   to    convince   us    that   such   "super-
    preemption" exists here.
    Hardesty et al.'s claims may well have merit; they have merely
    been asserted in the wrong place. The district court dismissed the
    claims against Hardesty et al. without prejudice.                Even though the
    federal     preemption      cannot     sustain    federal       subject    matter
    jurisdiction, it may be asserted in an effort to fend off any state
    court claims against these defendants.
    We are not impressed with Bruneau's assertions of error by the
    district court.        Unavoidably, the D'Oench, Duhme doctrine bars the
    claims asserted by Bruneau against the FDIC.                The district court's
    analysis of the "hopeless insolvency" doctrine and the dicta found
    in the Downriver decision to the instant case was correct. And the
    district court did not abuse its discretion in refusing to exercise
    pendant jurisdiction over the state law claims against Hardesty et
    al.   The district court's judgment is thus