Salty Brine 1, Limited v. United States , 761 F.3d 484 ( 2014 )

  •      Case: 13-10799   Document: 00512718607   Page: 1   Date Filed: 07/31/2014
    United States Court of Appeals
    Fifth Circuit
    No. 13-10799                          July 31, 2014
    Lyle W. Cayce
    Through Thomas/Kidd – Texas Operating Co., Incorporated,
    Tax Matters Partner,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of Texas
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    No. 13-10799
    Before DAVIS, ELROD, and COSTA, Circuit Judges. 1
    W. EUGENE DAVIS, Circuit Judge:
    Plaintiff Thomas & Kidd Oil Production, Ltd. (“TKOP”) appeals from the
    district court’s determination, after a nine-day bench trial, that the transfer of
    certain overriding royalty interests through a complicated transaction was an
    invalid attempt to assign income. The record amply supports this finding and
    supports the district court’s conclusion that the income was taxable to TKOP
    for the 2006 tax year. We affirm.
    I. Introduction
    On April 5, 2010, The Commissioner of Internal Revenue issued a Notice
    of Final Partnership Administrative Adjustment to TKOP for the tax year
    ending December 31, 2006, establishing what the IRS believes to be TKOP’s
    total tax liability. TKOP deposited the amount required by 
    26 U.S.C. § 6226
    with the IRS, then commenced this action seeking readjustment of partnership
    items, which was consolidated with seven lawsuits under the Salty Brine I
    caption. The district court had jurisdiction under 
    26 U.S.C. § 6226
    (a) and 
    28 U.S.C. § 1346
    (e), and we have jurisdiction over this timely appeal under 
    26 U.S.C. § 6226
    (g) and 
    28 U.S.C. § 1291
    TKOP disputed the determination of several partnership items before
    the district court, including whether TKOP’s purchase of so-called Business
    Protection Policies (“BPPs”) resulted in deductible business expenses, and
    whether the transfer of certain overriding royalty interests by TKOP was an
    invalid attempt to assign income that should have been taxed to it.
    The district court ultimately concluded that the purchase of the BPPs
    did not result in deductions and that the transfer of the overriding royalties
    should be disregarded and the royalty income assigned to TKOP instead.
    1   Judge Elrod concurs in all parts of this opinion except Part III.B.
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    TKOP has appealed only the overriding royalty determination, but it is
    necessary to discuss the BPP scheme because both the BPP scheme and the
    royalty transaction concerned some of the same business entities and methods.
    II. Factual Background
    This case largely turns on the complicated facts surrounding the
    overriding royalty interest transaction, which the district court addressed in a
    detailed order.
    In an appeal from a bench trial, we review the district
    court’s findings of fact for clear error and its
    conclusions of law de novo. “Specifically, a district
    court’s characterization of a transaction for tax
    purposes is a question of law subject to de novo review,
    but the particular facts from which that
    characterization is made are reviewed for clear error.” 2
    We take our facts from the district court’s findings, which are not clearly
    A. TKOP’s Ownership
    The district court found that the ultimate taxpayers, John Thomas and
    Lee Kidd, own and operate a group of oil and gas related businesses based in
    West Texas, including TKOP. The district court noted that Thomas and Kidd
    did not own their businesses directly, but rather owned them through the
    trusts and investment partnerships that were involved in the BPP and royalty
    interest transaction. Thomas and Kidd owned TKOP through two grantor
    trusts, the Kidd Living Trust and Thomas Living Trust; and two additional
    investment partnerships, Kiddel II, Ltd. and JTOM II, Ltd. The ownership
    structure is unquestionably complex, but the essential finding is that all of the
    related entities were owned and controlled by Thomas and Kidd.
    2Southgate Master Fund, L.L.C. ex rel. Montgomery Capital Advisors, LLC v. United States,
    659 F.3d 466
    , 480 (5th Cir. 2011) (footnote omitted).
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    B. The BPP Scheme
    The district court found that Thomas and Kidd’s accountant, H. Glenn
    Henderson, introduced them to the concept of BPPs, which were issued by
    Fidelity Insurance Company and Citadel Insurance Company, both based
    offshore in the British West Indies. Fidelity and Citadel were associated with
    several other companies under the umbrella of the Alliance Holding Company,
    Ltd., including a trust company, an administrative services company, and a
    marketing firm, Foster & Dunhill. Fidelity and Citadel were not owned by
    Thomas and Kidd.
    The idea behind the BPPs was to set up an offshore “asset protection
    trust” then purchase cash-value life insurance policies, whose cash values
    would be invested with the principal and interest allocated to “separate asset”
    accounts (or “segregated accounts”). The goal was to set aside the assets of
    these accounts and account for them separately from other insurance policies,
    shielding them from the owners of other insurance policies and from the
    creditors of the insurance companies. One of the district court’s key findings
    is that the accounts were invested in accordance with the client’s instructions.
    Thomas and Kidd purchased cash-value life insurance policies, through
    their various companies, from Fidelity and/or Citadel beginning in 2002, and
    in the relevant tax year, 2006, they had policies in place from both Fidelity and
    The final step was the purchase of a BPP, which ostensibly insured a
    given business against risks.     At the end of the policy year, the profit
    (approximately 85% of the premium from the BPP, less a management fee)
    would be placed into the already established separate asset accounts. The
    district court found that, under the arrangement, each client’s account was
    responsible only for BPP claims filed by that client’s business, and no third
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    party could access the account. Tellingly, each BPP provided coverage only
    against remote and implausible risks, virtually guaranteeing that no claim
    could be made under the policy.
    Assuming no claim was made under the BPP (nearly guaranteed by the
    terms of the policy), approximately 85% of the premium was deposited into the
    segregated accounts as profit, including the cash value of the policy. The life
    insurance policy holder could then withdraw those funds as a tax-free policy
    loan.    If successful, this plan would allow TKOP to deduct 100% of the
    insurance premiums from taxable income as reasonable and necessary
    business expenses, then the life insurance policy holder (ultimately a co-owner
    of TKOP) could withdraw approximately 85% of that amount as a tax-free loan
    from the life insurance policy account. The district court found that although
    the BPPs were apparently set up to protect Thomas and Kidd’s businesses, in
    reality the policies were merely a conduit used to funnel income from the
    businesses to offshore entities in a scheme to avoid paying taxes due on that
    income. The policy only protected against claims made by one of the closely
    held entities controlled by Thomas and Kidd.
    The district court found that Thomas and Kidd issued investment
    instructions for the segregated accounts, which were in fact followed. For the
    year 2006, Thomas and Kidd’s businesses paid $4.5 million in premiums on
    various BPPs, which they deducted as ordinary and necessary business
    expenses. At the conclusion of the one-year policies, Fidelity and Citadel
    deducted $730,000 from that total in fees, then transferred the profits of $3.86
    million into the various segregated accounts in accordance with Thomas and
    Kidd’s instructions. In this way, the district court found, “$730,000 was spent
    to acquire a $4.5 million reduction in otherwise taxable income in the United
    States and to funnel the remaining $3.86 million . . . into offshore life insurance
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    policies.” 3
    Thomas and Kidd withdrew all $3.86 million within one day of the
    transfer as policy loans.
    TKOP does not appeal the findings or conclusion regarding the BPP
    scheme, and the BPPs are not directly at issue in this appeal. Nevertheless,
    the segregated accounts and the method of withdrawing the funds as policy
    loans are central to the royalty interest transaction at issue in this appeal.
    C. Royalty Interest Transaction
    The district court found that the BPP scheme was not the only method
    Thomas and Kidd used to avoid paying taxes. In brief, TKOP carved out
    royalty interests from its working interests in a number of oil and gas
    properties and then transferred these royalty interests, through intermediate
    entities controlled by Thomas and Kidd, into the segregated accounts
    associated with the Thomas and Kidd life insurance policies. A small portion
    of the income was intended to flow back as annuity payments purchased with
    the royalty interests, which payments were deferred for three years and thus
    not taxable in 2006. The larger portion was held in the segregated accounts
    and was available at any time for tax-free policy loans.
    There were four steps involved in the royalty transaction.
    (1) In early 2006, Thomas and Kidd created two limited liability
    companies, one in Nevis which was owned by the same entities that own
    TKOP; and one in Nevada which was soon owned 100% by the Nevis LLC. The
    Nevis LLC’s role was to act as foreign intermediary.
    (2) TKOP assigned royalty interests representing approximately 31% of
    TKOP’s total royalty income to the Nevada entity.
    (3) The Nevada LLC was transferred to the Nevis LLC, giving the Nevis
    3   See District Court’s May 16, 2013 Order Nunc Pro Tunc (“Order”), p. 9.
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    LLC indirect control of the royalty interests.
    (4) The Nevis LLC was transferred to the life insurance segregated
    accounts in exchange for two annuities, one of which would pay $192,810 per
    year for the remainder of Kidd’s life, and the other of which would pay $178,579
    per year for the remainder of Thomas’s life. These payments were deferred
    and would not begin until January 2009. Following this exchange, the royalty
    interests, which represented a future income stream, were held in the life
    insurance segregated accounts.
    The value of the exchanged royalty interest is not clear, though estimates
    for a one-half interest (for Thomas or Kidd individually) range from $1,001,000
    to $1,261,500. Thomas and Kidd’s accountant, H. Glenn Henderson, used the
    higher valuation in the 2006 transaction.        He sat on both sides of the
    transaction, on the one side as Thomas and Kidd’s accountant, and on the other
    side as a manager for the LLCs that owned the life insurance policies. The
    district court also noted that there was evidence that he was also the
    investment manager for the segregated accounts which ultimately held the
    royalty interests.
    This complicated transaction did not change anything about TKOP’s
    operation of the underlying oil and gas interests. Following the transfer,
    approximately 31% of the royalty income which would have been taxable to
    TKOP before the transfer instead accrued to the life insurance segregated
    accounts and could be withdrawn as tax-free policy loans. The district court
    The BPP transaction and the royalty transaction bear
    similarities. Both transactions accomplish a transfer
    of assets into cash-value life insurance policies. Both
    transactions represent an internal shifting of assets
    from one set of entities owned and controlled by
    Thomas and Kidd to another set of entities owned and
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    controlled by Thomas and Kidd. The tax benefits
    sought in this case require arm's-length transfers to
    third parties, but no third parties exist on either end
    of the BPP or royalty transactions. 4
    The district court also devoted more than five pages of its Order to
    setting out the numerous problems with the legal and accounting advice TKOP
    purportedly relied on for the transactions in question, including serious
    conflicts of interest for Thomas and Kidd’s lawyer, Theodore Lustig, and their
    accountant, H. Glenn Henderson; and several instances of other advisors
    backing out of their opinions, refusing to issue a subsequent opinion, noting
    that Thomas and Kidd had misrepresented facts, and similar issues.
    As the district court moved on to its conclusions of law, it emphasized
    what it considered the most essential fact:
    The legal conclusions in this case turn on one fact:
    John Thomas and Lee Kidd owned and controlled the
    assets at issue before the transactions and after the
    transactions. In substance, the BPP premium
    payments and royalty transfers were distributions
    from the Thomas and Kidd businesses to Thomas and
    Kidd and their families. These distributions to
    themselves do not qualify as tax deductible business
    expenses or valid transfers of income to third parties. 5
    III. Law and Analysis
    A. TEFRA Framework and TKOP’s Jurisdictional Challenge
    This case under 
    26 U.S.C. § 6226
     is governed by the Tax Equity and
    Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982 (“TEFRA”), 
    26 U.S.C. §§ 6221
    Under TEFRA, “the tax treatment of any partnership
    item (and the applicability of any penalty, addition to
    tax, or additional amount which relates to an
    Id. at p. 12
    Id. at p. 18
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    adjustment to a partnership item) shall be determined
    at the partnership level.” 
    26 U.S.C. § 6221
    . TEFRA
    specifically sets forth the scope of judicial review:
    A court with which a petition is filed in
    accordance with this section shall have
    jurisdiction to determine all partnership items
    of the partnership for the partnership taxable
    year to which the notice of final partnership
    administrative adjustment relates; the proper
    allocation of such items among the partners, and
    the applicability of any penalty, addition to tax,
    or additional amount which relates to an
    adjustment to a partnership item.
    26 U.S.C. § 6226
    (f) . . . . 6
    Treasury      Regulation      section     301.6231(a)(3)–1,       
    26 C.F.R. § 301.6231
    (a)(3)–1, provides, “Where the determination of an item has no effect
    on the partnership, the item is not a partnership item and cannot be decided
    in a TEFRA proceeding.” TKOP argues for the first time on appeal that the
    district court only had jurisdiction under TEFRA to address the initial
    distribution of the mineral royalties from TKOP but did not have jurisdiction
    to address the eventual purchase of the annuities which were used to flow the
    smaller portion of the money back to Thomas and Kidd because (a) the
    agreement was irrelevant to all TKOP’s partners, and (b) TKOP itself did not
    participate in those annuities contracts.
    TKOP cites Roberts v. Commissioner, 
    94 T.C. 853
    , 861 (1990), for the
    proposition that the court has no jurisdiction under TEFRA to address an issue
    that “would have no effect on any item that would affect all of the partners’
    respective returns and would have no effect on any item on the
    6 Klamath Strategic Inv. Fund ex rel. St. Croix Ventures v. United States, 
    568 F.3d 537
    , 547
    (5th Cir. 2009) (emphasis removed).
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    partnership return or the partnership’s books and records.” That begs the
    question. The whole point of the district court’s determination was that the
    private annuity sale was an essential part of the transaction as a whole, in that
    it was the final step that returned the smaller portion of the money, after a
    delay, to TKOP’s partners after sidestepping TKOP’s reported income. The
    transaction unquestionably affected TKOP’s global income and, by extension,
    the returns of all TKOP’s partners.
    Determining “partnership items” under TEFRA necessarily requires a
    holistic approach to examining the classification of potential income items.
    TKOP cannot isolate just the first part of the transaction—the transfer of the
    overriding royalties out of TKOP—and ignore the rest of the scheme, all of
    which was essential to accomplish the goal of reducing or avoiding taxes for
    TKOP, as the district court found. Thus, we conclude that the district court
    had jurisdiction under TEFRA to address every part of the royalty interest
    transaction, and ultimately to disregard the entire transaction, including the
    annuity sale, for tax purposes. 7
    B. Assignment of Income Doctrine
    This case turns on the application of the assignment of income doctrine
    and the economic substance doctrine. A classic explanation of the assignment
    of income doctrine is found in Caruth Corp. v. United States, 
    865 F.2d 644
    Cir. 1989):
    7TKOP argued at length on appeal that the annuities were legitimate and should not have
    been disregarded by the district court. What TKOP ignores is that the district court’s
    determination concerned whether the transaction as a whole represented an improper
    assignment of income and lacked economic substance, not whether each particular part might
    be construed as proper outside of the context of the larger transaction. We agree with the
    district court that the entire transaction, necessarily including the tax-free annuity
    purchases, constituted an improper assignment of income and lacked economic substance
    and therefore should be disregarded for tax purposes.
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    The assignment of income doctrine holds that one who
    earns income cannot escape tax upon the income by
    assigning it to another. “[I]f one, entitled to receive at
    a future date interest on a bond or compensation for
    services, makes a grant of it by anticipatory
    assignment, he realizes taxable income as if he had
    collected the interest or received the salary and then
    paid it over.” Commissioner v. P.G. Lake, Inc., 
    356 U.S. 260
    , 267, 
    78 S. Ct. 691
    , 695, 
    2 L. Ed.2d 743
     (1958); see
    also Lucas v. Earl, 
    281 U.S. 111
    , 115, 
    50 S. Ct. 241
    74 L. Ed. 731
     (1930); Helvering v. Horst, 
    311 U.S. 112
    , 120, 
    61 S. Ct. 144
    , 148, 
    85 L. Ed. 75
     (1940). Justice
    Holmes announced the doctrine by a now-famous
    metaphor: income tax may not be avoided through an
    “arrangement by which the fruits are attributed to a
    different tree from that on which they grew.” Lucas v.
    281 U.S. at 115
    50 S. Ct. at 241
    When a taxpayer gives away earnings derived from an
    income-producing asset, the crucial question is
    whether the asset itself, or merely the income from it,
    has been transferred. If the taxpayer gives away the
    entire asset, with accrued earnings, the assignment of
    income doctrine does not apply. Blair v. Commissioner,
    300 U.S. 5
    , 14, 
    57 S. Ct. 330
    , 334, 
    81 L. Ed. 465
    (taxpayer’s gift conveyed entire interest in income
    stream, and so did not fall under assignment of income
    doctrine); United States v. Georgia R.R. & Banking
    348 F.2d 278
    , 285 (5th Cir.1965), cert. denied, 
    382 U.S. 973
    86 S. Ct. 538
    15 L. Ed. 465
     (1966). If the
    taxpayer carves income or a partial interest out of the
    asset, and retains something for himself, the doctrine
    applies. P & G Lake, 
    356 U.S. at
    265 & n. 5, 
    78 S. Ct. at
    694 & n. 5 (assignment of income doctrine applied
    because the taxpayer transferred a “short-lived . . .
    payment right carved out of” a larger interest; “[o]nly
    a fraction of the oil and sulphur rights were
    transferred, the balance being retained”). Ultimately,
    the question is whether the taxpayer himself ever
    earned income, or whether it was earned instead by
    the assignee. In terms of Justice Holmes’ metaphor,
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    the question is whether the fruit has been attributed
    to a different tree, or whether instead the entire tree
    has been transplanted. 8
    A major question is whether TKOP (or its ultimate owners, Thomas and
    Kidd) retained beneficial ownership of the overriding royalty interests. For tax
    purposes, “[t]he true owner of income-producing property . . . is the one with
    beneficial ownership, rather than mere legal title. It is the ability to command
    the property, or enjoy its economic benefits, that marks a true owner.” 9 “Even
    assuming their validity under State law, contractual arrangements designed
    to circumvent this rule, by attempting to deflect income away from the one who
    earns it, will not be recognized for Federal income tax purposes. Determining
    who earns the income depends upon which person or entity in fact controls the
    earning of the income, not who ultimately receives the income.” 10
    As the Supreme Court noted in Commissioner v. Sunnen, 
    333 U.S. 591
    604 (1948), the “crucial question [is] whether the assignor retains sufficient
    power and control over the assigned property or over receipt of the income to
    make it reasonable to treat him as the recipient of the income for tax purposes.”
    In C.M. Thibodaux Co., Ltd. v. United States, 
    915 F.2d 992
    , 995-96 (5th Cir.
    1990), we applied Sunnen in holding that a corporate taxpayer had made an
    anticipatory assignment of income when it transferred the right to receive
    bonuses, delay rentals, and royalties under mineral leases but retained the
    right to manage the leases. We reasoned that although the transfer qualified
    as a property transfer under Louisiana law, in substance it was an anticipatory
    assignment of income under federal income tax law which must be taxed to the
    865 F.2d at 648-49
    9   Chu v. Comm’r., 
    72 T.C.M. (CCH) 1519
    , at *3 (T.C. 1996) (citation omitted).
    10   Benningfield v. Comm’r., 
    81 T.C. 408
    , 418-19 (1983).
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    Here, the district court concluded that the royalty interest transfer was
    an anticipatory assignment of income under these legal principles based on its
    primary finding of fact, that Thomas and Kidd owned and controlled the assets
    at issue before and after the transaction. The district court elaborated:
    The economic relationship between Plaintiffs and
    Thomas and Kidd was identical at the beginning and
    the end of the transaction. JTOM II and Kiddel II
    owned the working interests from which the
    overriding royalty interests were created. After the
    transfers from Thomas & Kidd Oil Production through
    all of the entities, the private annuities were payable
    to the same entities that owned Thomas & Kidd Oil
    Production, JTOM II and Kiddel II. The transfer
    merely removes income from one pocket and puts it
    into another. The economic benefits of the royalty
    interests did not change with the alleged assignment,
    and the transaction should not be allowed to transfer
    taxable income away from Plaintiffs. . . .
    The income from the allegedly transferred royalty
    interests should be assigned to Thomas & Kidd Oil
    Production. The transaction involved a variety of
    alleged transfers among entities owned and controlled
    by Thomas and Kidd, ending with cash-value life
    insurance policies also under their control. Once the
    income was in those life polices, they continued to
    control how the royalty income was used and invested
    through the letters of wishes. Thomas admitted that
    the royalty transaction was done for estate planning
    purposes and that operation of the properties did not
    change after assignment of the royalty interests.
    The income from the royalty interests should remain
    with Thomas & Kidd Oil Production and not the
    alleged transferees, who neither received the benefits
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    of the income       nor   exercised    control   over   its
    production. 11
    On appeal, TKOP’s primary argument with respect to the assignment of
    income doctrine is that the district court improperly conflated TKOP and the
    various other entities in finding that TKOP retained control or benefit from
    the royalty monies. TKOP argues that it was actually hurt by the overriding
    royalty interest transfer because it lost that royalty income, which only flowed
    to other entities controlled by Thomas and Kidd.
    While it is true that TKOP lost the royalty income on paper, the district
    court found that the money ended up with TKOP’s owners, bypassing income
    tax in the process. TKOP cannot slice up the scheme into a series of small
    parts; the thrust of the applicable law set out above is to look at the big picture.
    Under the district court’s findings of fact, Thomas and Kidd controlled TKOP
    and every part of the scheme, which is a hallmark of unlawful assignment of
    income. Thus, this argument is without merit.
    Next, TKOP argues that the district court focused on irrelevant
    information, such as the fact that Thomas and Kidd entered into the
    transaction for estate planning purposes, that the sale was not arm’s length,
    and that TKOP’s operations did not change after the sale.                  Even if this
    information is irrelevant, it demonstrates the true character of the transaction.
    Next, TKOP argues that the royalty interest transfer was a property
    transfer under IRS regulations and thus could not be an assignment of income.
    TKOP ignores C.M. Thibodaux Co., Ltd. v. United States, supra, in which we
    held that a purported transfer of a royalty interest may still qualify as an
    assignment of income when the transferor retains control. The transfer in this
    case was not a true transfer because the district court found that TKOP (or
    11   See Order, pp. 26-28.
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    more precisely, its ultimate owners) retained beneficial ownership of the
    mineral interests and ultimately received the proceeds after a circuitous route
    through several intermediaries.
    Finally, TKOP argues that the district court clearly erred in finding that
    Thomas and Kidd retained control of the overriding royalty interests after
    TKOP’s initial transfer to the Nevada LLC. TKOP points to evidence from
    which the district court could have concluded that the third party insurance
    companies actually owned and controlled the royalty interests held in the
    segregated accounts. TKOP has failed to show clear error. The question is not
    whether the district court could have reached the findings asserted by TKOP
    (i.e., that the insurance company actually controlled the segregated accounts)
    but whether the district court erred in finding the opposite. The district court
    rejected TKOP’s evidence and gave credence to the Government’s evidence
    when it found that Thomas and Kidd actually controlled the accounts
    (individually or through their businesses) through letters of wishes regarding
    how the funds were to be invested and how they were to be distributed as loans.
    This means that the risk-shifting normally associated with an annuity, in
    which the annuitant gives up the potential of higher returns in exchange for a
    guaranteed income stream, did not exist. Thomas and Kidd retained the
    ability use the funds for high-risk investments and at any time could have
    withdrawn the entire balance.
    In short, the district court issued numerous specific findings of fact set
    out above in addition to its primary finding that Thomas and Kidd were in
    control of the entire transaction. We cannot say that the district court clearly
    erred in making any of its findings. From these facts it follows that the royalty
    interest transaction is an unlawful assignment of income for the reasons
    assigned by the district court.
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    C. Economic Substance
    The district court also concluded that it lacked economic substance. We
    explained in Klamath Strategic Inv. Fund ex rel. St. Croix Ventures v. United
    568 F.3d 537
     (5th Cir. 2009):
    The economic substance doctrine allows courts to
    enforce the legislative purpose of the Code by
    preventing taxpayers from reaping tax benefits from
    transactions lacking in economic reality. As the
    Supreme Court has recognized, taxpayers have the
    right to decrease or avoid taxes by legally permissible
    means. However, “transactions[] which do not vary
    control or change the flow of economic benefits[] are to
    be dismissed from consideration.” 12
    Relying on Frank Lyon Co. v. United States, 
    435 U.S. 561
    , 583-84 (1978),
    Klamath set out for the first time in this Circuit a “multi-factor test for when
    a transaction must be honored as legitimate for tax purposes,” including
    whether the transaction (1) has economic substance
    compelled by business or regulatory realities, (2) is
    imbued with tax-independent considerations, and (3)
    is not shaped totally by tax-avoidance features.
    Importantly, these factors are phrased in the
    conjunctive, meaning that the absence of any one of
    them will render the transaction void for tax purposes.
    Thus, if a transaction lacks economic substance
    compelled by business or regulatory realities, the
    transaction must be disregarded even if the taxpayers
    profess a genuine business purpose without tax-
    avoidance motivations. 13
    In Southgate Master Fund, L.L.C. ex rel. Montgomery Capital Advisors,
    LLC v. United States, 
    659 F.3d 466
     (5th Cir. 2011), we elaborated:
    568 F.3d at 543
     (citations omitted).
    Id. at 544
     (citation omitted).
    Case: 13-10799       Document: 00512718607       Page: 17   Date Filed: 07/31/2014
    No. 13-10799
    As to the first Klamath factor, transactions lack
    objective economic reality if they “‘do not vary[,]
    control[,] or change the flow of economic benefits.’”
    This is an objective inquiry into whether the
    transaction either caused real dollars to meaningfully
    change hands or created a realistic possibility that
    they would do so. That inquiry must be “conducted
    from the vantage point of the taxpayer at the time the
    transactions occurred, rather than with the benefit of
    hindsight.” . . .
    The latter two Klamath factors ask whether the
    transaction was motivated solely by tax-avoidance
    considerations or was imbued with some genuine
    business purpose. These factors undertake a
    subjective inquiry into “‘whether the taxpayer was
    motivated by profit to participate in the transaction.’”
    Tax-avoidance considerations are not wholly
    prohibited; taxpayers who act with mixed motives,
    seeking both tax benefits and profits for their
    businesses, can satisfy the business-purpose test. 14
    Under the district court’s findings of fact, the flow of money from TKOP’s
    mineral interests to TKOP’s owners did not change in a meaningful way after
    the transaction. The money merely took a more circuitous route and bypassed
    income taxes in the process. The first Klamath factor fails because the royalty
    interest transfer did not effect a change in control, did not ultimately change
    the flow of economic benefits, and did not cause “real dollars to meaningfully
    change hands.” The failure of that factor alone is sufficient to reach the
    conclusion that the transaction lacked economic substance.                 Additionally,
    based on the district court’s findings of fact, the transaction also fails the
    second and third factors because the transaction had no profit motive, only a
    tax avoidance motive in connection with estate planning. That would not be
    659 F.3d at 481-82
     (footnotes omitted).
    Case: 13-10799     Document: 00512718607     Page: 18   Date Filed: 07/31/2014
    No. 13-10799
    an improper motive in itself, but it cannot be the sole purpose under Klamath.
    Thus, the district court correctly concluded that the transaction lacked
    economic substance.
    TKOP argues that the district court improperly focused on the
    transaction as a whole (including the ultimate flowback to the Thomas and
    Kidd-controlled entities) and instead should have focused on the initial
    transfer of the overriding royalty interests from TKOP. As already noted
    above, a court must look at the transaction as a whole to determine the
    economic substance. TKOP’s attempt to isolate only the first transaction does
    not tell the whole story.
    TKOP’s argument rests on its assumption that the transfers were to
    independent entities, but the district court found that Thomas and Kidd
    ultimately controlled every step in the scheme, and the money ended up with
    Thomas and Kidd and their families. Based on the district court’s findings of
    fact, there appears to be no real profit motive at any stage of the transaction;
    rather, the transaction overwhelmingly appears to have been entered into for
    tax avoidance. Thus, for the reasons set out above, we conclude that the
    district court did not err in concluding that the transaction lacked economic
    IV. Conclusion
    For the foregoing reasons, we AFFIRM.        The district court properly
    concluded that the entire royalty interest transaction should be disregarded
    for tax purposes.