River Capital Advisors v. F.C.S. Advisors, Incorpo ( 2014 )

  •      Case: 13-40196      Document: 00512493778         Page: 1    Date Filed: 01/08/2014
    United States Court of Appeals
    Fifth Circuit
    January 8, 2014
    No. 13-40196                              Lyle W. Cayce
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Eastern District of Texas
    USDC No. 4:10-CV-471
    Before REAVLEY, DAVIS, and HIGGINSON, Circuit Judges.
    The plaintiff broker, River Capital Advisors of North Carolina, Inc.
    (“River Capital”), was engaged by a prospective borrower, Aruba Energy, LLC
    (“Aruba”), to assist in obtaining substantial financing for a start-up business
    in the oil and gas industry. The defendants-appellants, FCS Advisors, Inc., and
    Brevet Capital Special Opportunities Master Fund, L.P. (“Appellants”), agreed
    * Pursuant to 5TH CIR. R. 47.5, the court has determined that this opinion should not
    be published and is not precedent except under the limited circumstances set forth in 5TH
    CIR. R. 47.5.4.
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    to make the loan to Aruba in installments. When Aruba notified Appellants
    that a significant portion of the proceeds of one of the initial loan installments
    would be allocated to pay River Capital’s brokerage fee, Appellants declined to
    make the loan and requested that Aruba and River Capital agree to defer
    nearly the entire brokerage fee until a later date. Aruba and River Capital
    agreed to do so. Once the remaining portion of the brokerage fee became due,
    Appellants refused to grant Aruba’s borrowing request that would enable
    Aruba to pay River Capital, because Aruba was in default at the time the
    request was made. River Capital sued Appellants to recover the fee owed by
    Aruba on a theory that Appellants tortiously interfered with River Capital’s
    agreement with Aruba. After a bench trial, the district court rendered
    judgment in favor of River Capital on the grounds that Appellants had granted
    other borrowing requests by Aruba during that same time period while Aruba
    was in default. We reverse because the loan agreement between Appellants
    and Aruba provided Appellants the right to decline the installment loan at
    issue if Aruba was in default.
    The district court had subject matter jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. § 1332,
    and we have jurisdiction over this timely appeal under 28 U.S.C. § 1291.
    “When reviewing a district court decision after a bench trial, we review
    factual findings for clear error and conclusions of law de novo.” 1 We also review
    mixed questions of law and fact de novo. 2 A factual finding is clearly erroneous
    1   United States v. McFerrin, 
    570 F.3d 672
    , 675 (5th Cir. 2009) (citations omitted).
    2   In re Luhr Bros., Inc., 
    325 F.3d 681
    , 684 (5th Cir. 2003).
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    when “although there is evidence to support it, the reviewing court on the
    entire evidence is left with the definite and firm conviction that a mistake has
    been committed.” 3 “Like contract interpretation, tortious interference with
    contract is a mixed question of law and fact. Conclusions of law are reviewed
    de novo. In contrast, whether the elements of contractual interference have
    been satisfied is a factual question . . . .” 4
    The Appellants raise a number of defenses. We conclude that their
    justification defense clearly resolves this appeal. Appellants contend that,
    under Texas law, they were justified in denying Aruba’s borrowing request for
    the loan out of which the Success Fee to River Capital would be paid because
    Aruba was in default at the time the request was made. Thus, Appellants argue
    the district court erred in imposing liability on them under a theory of tortious
    interference with River Capital’s contract with Aruba.
    “Texas jurisprudence has long recognized that a party to a contract has
    a cause of action for tortious interference against any third person . . . who
    wrongly induces another contracting party to breach the contract.” 5 To
    establish a claim for tortious interference with contract under Texas law, a
    plaintiff must prove: (1) the existence of a contract subject to interference, (2)
    a willful and intentional act of interference; (3) the act was a proximate cause
    of the plaintiff’s damages; and (4) actual damages or loss. 6 “Even if a plaintiff
    3In re Renaissance Hosp. Grand Prairie Inc., 
    713 F.3d 285
    , 293 (5th Cir. 2013) (quoting
    Anderson v. City of Bessemer City, N.C., 
    470 U.S. 564
    , 573 (1985)).
    4   Ham Marine, Inc. v. Dresser Indus., Inc., 
    72 F.3d 454
    , 461 (5th Cir. 1995).
    5   Holloway v. Skinner, 
    898 S.W.2d 793
    , 794–95 (Tex. 1995).
    Id. at 795–96.
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    establishes the elements of [tortious interference], a defendant may still
    prevail upon establishing the affirmative defense of justification.” 7
    Under Texas law, the justification defense is based on the exercise of (1)
    one’s own legal rights, or (2) a good-faith claim to a colorable legal right, even
    though that claim ultimately proves to be mistaken. 8 If the defendant has a
    legal right to interfere with a contract, then he “has conclusively established
    the justification defense, and the motivation behind assertion of that right is
    irrelevant.” 9 “[I]n a tortious interference case, a defendant’s motivation behind
    the assertion of a legal right is irrelevant since the right conclusively
    establishes the justification defense.” 10
    The district court concluded that Appellants could not rely upon the
    justification defense because they “failed to establish that they acted in good
    faith in exercising a colorable legal right, and, as a result, their
    privilege/justification defense does not provide an independent basis to bar
    Plaintiff from the relief sought herein.” The court found that Appellants’
    refusal to fund Aruba’s borrowing requests for payment of the Success Fee due
    to default was inconsistent with its other conduct during that same period. The
    court characterized the Appellants’ conduct as “pick[ing] and choos[ing] which
    creditors of Aruba would be paid.”
    We conclude that the district court erred in identifying the relevant legal
    right exercised by Appellants to deny Aruba’s Borrowing Requests. Appellants,
    7    Texas Beef Cattle Co. v. Green, 
    921 S.W.2d 203
    , 210 (Tex. 1996).
    8Prudential Ins. Co. of Am. v. Fin. Review Servs. Inc., 
    29 S.W.3d 74
    , 80 (Tex. 2000) (citing
    Beef, 921 S.W.2d at 211
    9    Texas 
    Beef, 921 S.W.2d at 211
    (citation omitted).
    10   Calvillo v. Gonzalez, 
    922 S.W.2d 928
    , 929 (Tex. 1996).
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    as lender, were entitled to deny borrowing requests if Aruba, the borrower, was
    in default under the provisions of the Term Loan Agreement.
    Section 2 of the Term Loan Agreement provides that Appellants, as
    lender, had “no obligation to make any Term Loan unless and until the
    conditions set forth in this Section 2, and the applicable conditions set forth
    elsewhere in [the] Agreement, including Section 4, have been satisfied . . . .”
    Section 4.2 of the Agreement, which contains various Conditions Precedent to
    the funding of a Term Loan, gives Appellants the right to deny a Borrowing
    Request if Aruba was in default. 11 The fact that Aruba was in default is
    undisputed. As explained above, the provisions of the Term loan Agreement
    give Appellants the legal right to deny a borrowing request when the borrower
    is in default. Thus, Appellants are not required to establish that they acted in
    good faith, since the assertion of a legal right “conclusively establishe[s] the
    justification defense.” 12 Our inquiry ends there. Appellants were justified
    under Texas law to deny Aruba’s borrowing request, regardless of their motive
    for doing so. 13 Therefore, Appellants were legally justified in declining to make
    11   Section 4.2 provides, in pertinent part:
    4.2 Additional Conditions Precedent to Term Loans. The agreement of each
    Lender to make the initial Term Loan on the Closing Date and any other Term
    Loan on a Borrowing Date is subject to the satisfaction, prior to or concurrently
    with the making of such Term Loans on such date, of the following conditions
    (c) No Default. No Default or Event of Default shall have occurred and be
    continuing on such date or after giving effect to the Term Loans requested to
    be made on such date.
    12Calvillo, 922 S.W.2d at 929
    . See also In re Wright, 138 F.App’x. 690, 694 (5th Cir. 2005)
    (unpublished) (“First, we think Texas law, as set forth in Texas Beef Cattle and Calvillo, . . .
    recognizes the justification defense regardless of . . . motive.”).
    13   We also see no basis to say the lender was in bad faith simply because it made some loans
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    the loan and did not tortiously interfere with River Capital’s contract with
    Accordingly, we reverse the district court and render judgment in favor
    of Appellants.
    and denied others. That is what bankers do. For example, loans necessary for the borrower
    which is in default to continue operations may well be approved and other loans declined;
    exercising judgment is required and we should be extremely hesitant to second guess such