Marceaux v. Conoco, Inc ( 1997 )

  •                                 REVISED
    United States Court of Appeals,
    Fifth Circuit.
    No. 96-30843.
    Leroy J. MARCEAUX, Plaintiff-Appellee,
    CONOCO, INC., Defendant-Appellant.
    Oct. 13, 1997.
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the Western
    District of Louisiana.
    Before DeMOSS and DENNIS, Circuit Judges, and LEE, District Judge*.
    DENNIS, Circuit Judge:
    Alleging Jones Act negligence pursuant to 46 U.S.C.App. § 688
    and   unseaworthiness   under    the   general   maritime   law,   the
    plaintiff-appellee, Leroy J. Marceaux, brought this suit against
    his employer, Conoco, Inc., the defendant-appellant herein, for
    injuries he sustained while working aboard the M/V LAKE CHARLES, a
    vessel owned and operated by Conoco.        Following a trial on the
    merits, a jury returned a verdict in favor of Mr. Marceaux finding
    that the defendant had been negligent under the Jones Act, that the
    vessel had been unseaworthy and that both had been a legal cause of
    injury to the plaintiff.       In addition, the jury found that the
    plaintiff had not been contributorily negligent under either a
    Jones Act negligence or an unseaworthiness standard.        A judgment
    District Judge of the Southern District of Mississippi,
    sitting by designation.
    was duly entered in the plaintiff's favor.                  The defendant has
    appealed the judgment for the plaintiff on the following grounds:
    (1) that the district court erred in allowing the plaintiff's
    expert, Dr. Gary Nelson, to testify at trial, (2) that the evidence
    was insufficient to support a verdict of Jones Act negligence or
    unseaworthiness,    and    (3)    that     the   district     court    committed
    reversible error when it refused to instruct the jury as to the
    plaintiff's alleged additional duty to make the work place safe or
    to inspect the premises.     Finding no error, we affirm the judgment
    of the district court.
    Prior to the accident which gave rise to this litigation, the
    plaintiff-appellee,       Leroy    Marceaux,        was     employed    by   the
    defendant-appellant, Conoco, Inc., as a pilot/wheelman aboard the
    M/V LAKE CHARLES.   The M/V LAKE CHARLES, which is owned by Conoco,
    is a "pushboat" and is utilized in pushing barges carrying oil and
    gas products back and forth from oil refineries and facilities
    within the Louisiana-Texas Gulf region.           On May 21, 1993, the date
    of the accident in question, the M/V LAKE CHARLES was docked at
    Westlake, Louisiana after pushing two barges loaded with an oil
    by-product, carbon black, from Port Arthur, Texas.
    Once docked, it became necessary for the crew of the M/V LAKE
    CHARLES   to   off-load    the    carbon    black    onto    the   dock.     The
    off-loading operation was a two man job in which the vessel's
    tankerman, Mike Fruge, was in charge.             Marceaux was assigned to
    assist Fruge in preparing the barges and then off-loading the
    carbon black from the out-bound barge to the in-bound barge and
    then onto the dock. In preparing the barges for off-load, Marceaux
    and Fruge had to connect a number of large heavy crossover hoses to
    facilitate     pumping   the   product     off   the   barge.      During     the
    preparation,    Fruge    directed   Marceaux     to    pick   up   one   of   the
    crossover hoses and maneuver it into the proper position for
    connection to a flange.        When Marceaux attempted to pick up the
    hose he felt a sharp pain in the lower part of his back, groaned,
    and then fell to his knees.           He then needed the help of his
    shipmate to reach his feet.         Marceaux had injured his back while
    attempting to lift the hose and later learned that he had in fact
    ruptured two disks.
    Following the May 21, 1993 accident, Marceaux filed the
    instant complaint alleging that he was entitled to recover for his
    back injury under two theories of liability, viz. the Jones Act
    and/or   the   general   maritime    law    of   unseaworthiness.        Conoco
    asserted various defenses to the suit including that the accident
    did not occur and that, alternatively, Marceaux's own negligence
    had caused his injury.
    A jury trial ensued.       At trial, the plaintiff described how,
    during his attempt to lift the crossover hose, his back was injured
    and the extent of those injuries.          Marceaux stated that, while he
    had been taught proper lifting procedures, he had never been
    instructed not to lift something as heavy as the crossover hose
    without mechanical or manual assistance. Moreover, he informed the
    jury that he had been attempting to lift the heavy hose pursuant to
    the    direction     of   Tankerman      Fruge      who    was   in   charge    of     the
    operation. Subsequently, Marceaux's testimony concerning Tankerman
    Fruge's authority over the off-loading procedure was corroborated
    by Larry Morrow, a former Conoco employee.                   In addition to these
    witnesses, Marceaux called one expert, Dr. Gary Nelson, in support
    of the liability portion of his case.                 Dr. Nelson testified that
    Conoco had been negligent in its training of Marceaux because it
    failed to instruct him not to lift any object weighing as much as
    the crossover hose without consulting with management first or how
    the crossover hose's weight correlated with the lifting procedures
    he had been taught.           Prior to trial, Conoco had sought, through a
    motion in limine, to have Dr. Nelson's expert testimony excluded on
    the grounds that his testimony would not be helpful to the jury and
    was thus inadmissible.           Fed.R.Evid. 702.          The motion was denied.
    At    trial,   the     plaintiff,      after   a    voir    dire   of    Dr.   Nelson's
    qualifications by both sides, tendered Dr. Nelson as an expert in
    safety with an expertise in workplace lifting.                     The defendant did
    not object to Dr. Nelson's qualifications or testimony at trial.
    After a five day trial, the jury returned a verdict in favor
    of Marceaux.       After finding that an accident had occurred on May
    21, 1993, the jury determined that Conoco had been negligent under
    the Jones Act, that such negligence had been a legal cause of
    Marceaux's injury and that Marceaux had not been contributorily
    negligent      under    the    Jones   Act.        Additionally,        in   answers   to
    separate interrogatories, the jury held that the M/V LAKE CHARLES
    was unseaworthy, that the unseaworthiness had been a legal cause of
    injury to the plaintiff and that the plaintiff had not been
    contributorily   negligent   under       the   general   maritime   law.   A
    judgment was entered in favor of Marceaux and this appeal followed.
    1. Dr. Gary Nelson—Plaintiff's Expert Witness
    Conoco contends that the district court committed manifest
    error in permitting the plaintiff's expert, Dr. Gary Nelson, to
    testify at trial.   Dr. Nelson was tendered by the plaintiff, and
    accepted by the district court, as an "expert in safety with an
    expertise in workplace lifting."         R. Vol. 8, p. 19.    His testimony
    consisted of explaining to the jury the nature of workplace safety
    engineering, an evaluation of the defendant's training procedures
    in regard to lifting in the workplace and why, based on studies and
    his analysis, the defendant had failed to properly train Marceaux
    to handle the situation he was faced with on May 21, 1993.            Conoco
    asserts on appeal that Dr. Nelson's testimony was within the common
    knowledge of the jurors, would not have been helpful to the jurors
    in determining a fact at issue, and was thus inadmissible under
    Federal Rule of Evidence 702.            However, the plaintiff-appellee
    directs the court to the fact that the defendant-appellant did not
    object to Dr. Nelson's testimony when it was offered at trial,
    therefore, waiving its right to object on appeal.           See Fed.R.Evid.
    Conoco offers two arguments in response.               First, Conoco
    contends that its motion in limine seeking to exclude Dr. Nelson on
    the grounds stated above, which was denied prior to trial, should
    be   considered    as     preserving   their      objection   to    Dr.   Nelson's
    testimony for appellate purposes. Conoco's assertion runs contrary
    to the clearly established law of this circuit.                     In Marcel v.
    Placid Oil Co., 
    11 F.3d 563
     (5th Cir.1994), the defendant sought to
    prevent the plaintiff's expert economist from testifying through a
    motion in limine which was denied prior to trial.               Marcel, 
    11 F.3d at 566
    . When the economist's testimony was proffered at trial, the
    defendant did not object to his testimony and, therefore, the court
    held it could not contest the district court's ruling as to the
    economist on appeal.         
     (citing Fed.R.Evid. 103(a)(1)).            In so
    holding, the court stated that "[t]he general rule in this Circuit
    is that "an overruled motion in limine does not preserve error on
    appeal.' "     
    Id. at 567
     (quoting, Rojas v. Richardson, 
    703 F.2d 186
    189 (5th Cir.1983));         See also Wilson v. Waggener, 
    837 F.2d 220
    222 (5th Cir.1988) ("A party whose motion in limine is overruled
    must   renew    his   objection     when    the    evidence   is    about   to   be
    introduced at trial.").        The reasoning behind this rule is a sound
    one.   A requirement of a contemporaneous objection to evidence
    previously objected to gives the trial judge an opportunity to
    "reconsider his in limine ruling with the benefit of having been
    witness to the unfolding events at trial."                    United States v.
    5 F.3d 1546
    , 1552 (5th Cir.1993).              In this case, Conoco's
    failure to object at trial to Dr. Nelson's testimony when offered
    cannot be salvaged by their motion in limine.
    In     Conoco's    second   argument,       they   assert    that    their
    questioning of Dr. Nelson at trial about his qualifications and the
    plaintiff's objection to that line of questioning considering the
    district court's prior ruling effectively "reiterated" Conoco's
    objection    to   Dr.   Nelson.     This      contention    is    without   merit.
    Conoco's cross-examination         of    Dr.   Nelson's    qualifications       was
    clearly an attack on his credibility concerning maritime accidents
    and not on his ability to testify under Rule 702.                In addition, the
    bench conference concerning the plaintiff's objection did not, in
    any way, renew the defendant's in limine objection to Dr. Nelson's
    expert testimony.       See Fed.R.Evid. 103(a)(1).
    Notwithstanding the defendant's failure to object at trial,
    we may review its objection to the admission of Dr. Nelson's
    testimony for plain error. Fed.R.Evid. 103(d). Reversal for plain
    error is only appropriate where the alleged error was obvious,
    substantial and would result in a "miscarriage of justice" if not
    corrected.        Wilson,   837   F.2d   at    222.   The    district       court's
    admission of Dr. Nelson's expert testimony was clearly not plain
    error.   Dr. Nelson provided the jury with "specialized knowledge"
    concerning safe lifting practices and training procedures which
    helped the jury to "understand the evidence" and "determine a fact
    in issue" viz. whether Marceaux was improperly trained to handle
    the situation he was confronted with aboard the M/V LAKE CHARLES.
    See Fed.R.Evid. 702.
    2. Was the jury's finding of unseaworthiness unsupported by the
    One of the two alternative theories of liability alleged by
    the plaintiff in this action was that the M/V LAKE CHARLES was
    unseaworthy and that this unseaworthiness was a legal cause of the
    plaintiff's injuries.            The general maritime law places upon a
    vessel owner a non-delegable duty to provide a seaman with a vessel
    reasonably fit for its intended use.             See Comeaux v. T.L. James &
    666 F.2d 294
    , 298-99 (Former 5th Cir.1982);                       1 Thomas J.
    Schoenbaum, ADMIRALTY     AND   MARITIME LAW § 6-25 (2d ed. 1994).       This duty
    can be breached and a vessel rendered unseaworthy by an inadequate,
    understaffed or ill-trained crew.             Orient Mid-East Lines, Inc. v.
    A Shipment of Rice, 
    496 F.2d 1032
    , 1040 (5th Cir.1974);                   Brown v.
    Cliff's Drilling Co., 
    638 F.Supp. 1009
    , 1014 (E.D.Tex.1986);                    1B
    BENEDICT   ON   ADMIRALTY § 24 at 3-74 (7th ed. 1996).
    At trial, the plaintiff's expert, Dr. Nelson, testified that
    Marceaux was ill-trained for the task he was assigned to perform
    aboard the M/V LAKE CHARLES.                 Marceaux confirmed his lack of
    knowledge regarding his ability to lift the crossover hose using
    the procedures he had been taught by Conoco and testified as to how
    the attempted lift injured his back.                   In addition, there was
    testimony offered as to the lack of mechanical devices to aid him
    in   the    off-loading    operation.         There    was   clearly    sufficient
    evidence for the jury to find that the vessel was unseaworthy due
    to an improperly trained crew and that the vessel's unseaworthy
    condition was a legal cause of injury to the plaintiff.                 See Boeing
    Co. v. Shipman, 
    411 F.2d 365
    , 374 (5th Cir.1969) (en banc ).
    Having affirmed the jury's verdict as to unseaworthiness, we need
    not address the defendant's contentions regarding the sufficiency
    of   the    evidence    supporting     the    jury's    finding   of    Jones   Act
    The trial judge instructed the jury as to the defendant's
    defense of contributory negligence in two separate sections of the
    charge.     One section addressed contributory negligence under the
    Jones Act and the other under the general maritime law.                           The
    defendant did not object to either instruction at trial and does
    not object to the unseaworthiness contributory negligence charge on
    appeal.     Additionally, the district court provided the jury with
    separate        interrogatories          requesting    separate        findings    of
    contributory negligence as to both the plaintiff's Jones Act and
    unseaworthiness claim.            See Record Excerpt 3.        The jury found no
    contributory negligence under either standard. Having conducted an
    independent       review     of    the     district    court's      unseaworthiness
    contributory negligence instruction, we find that it correctly
    stated    the    law   of    contributory       negligence   under     the   general
    maritime law, viz. ordinary prudence.                   Considering the trial
    court's    separate      charge      and    interrogatories      on    contributory
    negligence this court need not address the defendant-appellant's
    assignment of error to the district court's Jones Act contributory
    negligence charge raised in its reply brief.
    3. Did the district court commit manifest error in refusing to
    instruct the jury as requested by the defendant-appellant with
    regard to the plaintiff's alleged duty to eliminate alleged
    Before the trial court instructed the jury in this matter the
    court gave counsel for both sides an opportunity to place their
    objections to the jury charges on the record.                At that time, Conoco
    requested       that   the   trial    court     give   the   jury     an   additional
    contributory negligence instruction referencing the plaintiff's
    alleged    duty       to    make      the    workplace        safe    or    to   inspect   the
    premises.1       Conoco cited the court to Kendrick v. Illinois Central
    Gulf Railroad, 
    669 F.2d 341
     (5th Cir.1982) in support of its
    request.         The district court declined to add the defendant's
    Kendrick        charge      to        its     standard        contributory          negligence
    instruction.          In denying the defendant's motion for a new trial,
    the district court stated that it refused to give the requested
    instruction because it believed that the evidence was conflicting
    on this point and that such a charge would take the issue away from
    the jury.        Record Excerpt 5, p. 6.
    We review the district court's refusal to give a requested
    jury instruction for an abuse of discretion.                           Jackson v. Taylor,
    912 F.2d 795
    , 796 (5th Cir.1990).                      "[I]t is error to refuse a jury
    instruction only if there are pleadings and sufficient evidence to
    support the instruction."                   
       In this case, the district court
    did not abuse its discretion in refusing to give the Kendrick
    charge. The Kendrick charge is proper only in cases where the jury
    could find that the injury in question "was due solely to the
    plaintiff's          failure     to    carry      out   his    duty    to   his     employer."
    Matthews        v.   Ohio    Barge      Line,      Inc.,      
    742 F.2d 202
    ,    205   (5th
    Specifically,               the     defendant       requested      the    following
    "Although even the slight negligence by the Jones Act
    employer will allow the plaintiff to recover and the vessel
    owner than [sic] has a nondelegable duty to provide its
    employee with a safe place to work, the employee's duty to
    make the workplace safe or to inspect the premises may
    mitigate the employer's responsibility for providing a safe
    place to work." R. Vol. 11, p. 3-4.
    Cir.1984).    The evidence did not support a conclusion that the
    plaintiff was the sole employee responsible for the off-loading
    procedure or his work space. In fact, two witnesses testified that
    the   tankerman     was   in   charge    of   the   off-loading   operation.
    Moreover, the defendant points to no evidence for the contention
    that the plaintiff was the only individual responsible for making
    sure the premises were safe.       In summary, the trial court provided
    the jury with an appropriate standard contributory negligence
    instruction and, considering the evidence presented in this case,
    properly refused to give the defendant's additional instruction on
    this point.   
    Finding no error in the disposition of this matter by the
    district court, we AFFIRM.

Document Info

Docket Number: 96-30843

Filed Date: 11/6/1997

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 3/3/2016