Howard Zeringue v. Allis-Chalmers Corporation , 846 F.3d 785 ( 2017 )

  •      Case: 16-30058    Document: 00513844013      Page: 1   Date Filed: 01/20/2017
    United States Court of Appeals
    Fifth Circuit
    No. 16-30058                        FILED
    January 20, 2017
    Lyle W. Cayce
    HOWARD ZERINGUE,                                                       Clerk
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Eastern District of Louisiana
    Before CLEMENT, PRADO, and OWEN, Circuit Judges.
    PRISCILLA R. OWEN, Circuit Judge:
    Howard Zeringue sued Crane Co. (Crane) and twenty other defendants
    in state court, asserting strict liability, negligence, and failure to warn claims
    to recover for injuries allegedly caused by asbestos exposure. Crane removed
    the case to federal court pursuant to the federal-officer removal statute. After
    the district court remanded the case to state court, Crane appealed.                      We
    reverse and remand.
    Zeringue asserts that he was first exposed to asbestos in 1952 while
    deployed with the United States Navy, in which he served in various capacities
    as an active duty sailor aboard three Navy vessels until 1956. He alleges that
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    he was then exposed to asbestos at two other jobs, including one in which he
    sold insurance in Avondale Shipyard near ships that contained asbestos, but
    he does not provide the time period during which this exposure allegedly
    occurred.   At no point does Zeringue specify which defendants allegedly
    exposed Zeringue during which jobs nor which specific objects contained
    asbestos at these various jobsites. Instead, Zeringue maintains that “[a]t all
    times relevant” thirteen of the twenty-one defendants, including Crane,
    “designed, evaluated, manufactured, packaged, furnished, stored, handled,
    transported, installed, distributed, sold and/or supplied asbestos-containing
    products to Plaintiff’s jobsites where he was exposed.”
    Crane removed the case to the Eastern District of Louisiana pursuant to
    the federal-officer removal statute, 28 U.S.C. § 1442(a)(1).            Crane’s
    involvement in this litigation stems from contracts it obtained to manufacture
    and provide parts, predominately valves, for the Navy. In its removal petition,
    Crane asserted that “any product that [Zeringue] alleges Crane Co.
    manufactured for or supplied to the Navy (and any product literature, labeling,
    or warnings that accompanied that product) would be subject to Navy
    specifications and requirements” and that, accordingly, “[f]ederal officers
    exercised their discretion regarding whether (1) asbestos was used in the
    product, and (2) whether a warning would accompany the product.” To bolster
    this claim, Crane provided affidavits and sample military specifications.
    Crane maintains that this evidence establishes that all products provided to
    the Navy required compliance with Navy specifications, some of which
    required asbestos use, and could not be installed on Navy ships unless the
    Navy Machinery Inspectors first determined that the products did in fact
    comply with the detailed specifications.
    Zeringue moved to remand the case to state court. The district court
    determined that although Crane had “allege[d] all of the elements
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    for . . . federal officer removal” and had provided evidence that permitted a
    “plausibl[e] assum[ption] that any equipment that Crane built for the Navy
    was indeed subject to detailed specifications,” Crane had not established that
    the “government exercised its discretion, with respect to the specific design and
    warning problems that are implicated by Zeringue’s claims.” Based on this
    deficiency, the district court granted Zeringue’s motion. Crane appealed.
    We review a district court’s decision on a motion to remand de novo. 1 We
    have recently observed with regard to 28 U.S.C. § 1442 that “[a]lthough the
    principle of limited federal court jurisdiction ordinarily compels us to resolve
    any doubts about removal in favor of remand, . . . courts have not applied that
    tiebreaker when it comes to the federal officer removal statute in light of its
    broad reach.” 2
    Section 1442 permits, in pertinent part, “any person acting under [an
    officer] of the United States or of any agency thereof” 3 to remove a state suit to
    federal court if any of the plaintiff’s claims 4 are “for or relating to any act under
    color of such office.” 5 We have interpreted this part of the statute to require a
    defendant to show (1) that it is a person within the meaning of the statute, (2)
    that it has “a colorable federal defense,” (3) that it “acted pursuant to a federal
    officer’s directions,” and (4) “that a causal nexus exists between [its] actions
    under color of federal office and the plaintiff’s claims.” 6
    1  Savoie v. Huntington Ingalls, Inc., 
    817 F.3d 457
    , 462 (5th Cir. 2016).
    Id. (citing Watson
    v. Philip Morris Cos., 
    551 U.S. 142
    , 147 (2007); Acuna v. Brown &
    Root Inc., 
    200 F.3d 335
    , 339 (5th Cir. 2000)).
    3 28 U.S.C. § 1442(a)(1).
    Savoie, 817 F.3d at 463
    (“[R]emoval of the entire case is appropriate so long as a
    single claim satisfies the federal officer removal statute.”).
    5 § 1442(a)(1).
    6 Bartel v. Alcoa S.S. Co., 
    805 F.3d 169
    , 172 (5th Cir. 2015) (internal quotation marks
    omitted) (quoting Winters v. Diamond Shamrock Chem. Co., 
    149 F.3d 387
    , 398-400 (5th Cir.
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    Although Crane is a corporation, “the Supreme Court has long
    recognized that the removal statute also applies to private persons and
    corporate entities ‘who lawfully assist the federal officer in the performance of
    his official duty.’” 7 Crane is a “person” for purposes of § 1442.
    Section 1442 “is a pure jurisdictional statute” in which “the raising of a
    federal question in the officer’s removal petition . . . constitutes the federal law
    under which the action against the federal officer arises for [Article] III
    purposes.” 8     It permits a federal defense, which is generally statutorily
    impotent to establish subject matter jurisdiction, 9 to serve as the federal
    question that endues the court with jurisdiction. 10 As with a federal claim that
    creates federal question jurisdiction, 11 a federal defense fulfilling this same
    function does not need to be “clearly sustainable,” as § 1442 does not require a
    federal official, or a person acting under an official, to “win his case before he
    can have it removed,” but rather the defense needs only to be “colorable.” 12
    Although neither we nor the Supreme Court has defined “colorable” in the
    context of § 1442, the Supreme Court has clarified that a non-colorable federal
    claim, for the purposes of federal question jurisdiction, is a claim that is
    “‘immaterial and made solely for the purpose of obtaining jurisdiction’ or is
    Savoie, 817 F.3d at 461
    Watson, 551 U.S. at 151
    8 Mesa v. California, 
    489 U.S. 121
    , 136 (1989).
    9 See New Orleans & Gulf Coast Ry. Co. v. Barrois, 
    533 F.3d 321
    , 328-29 (5th Cir.
    Mesa, 489 U.S. at 129
    , 136-37.
    Arbaugh v. Y & H Corp., 
    546 U.S. 500
    , 513 n.10 (2006).
    12 Jefferson Cty. v. Acker, 
    527 U.S. 423
    , 431, 432 (1999) (internal quotation marks
    omitted) (quoting Willingham v. Morgan, 
    395 U.S. 402
    , 407 (1969)).
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    ‘wholly insubstantial and frivolous.’” 13 Because § 1442 allows the assertion of
    a colorable federal defense to serve the function typically reserved for the
    assertion of a colorable federal claim, it follows that a non-colorable federal
    defense is a defense that is immaterial and made solely for the purpose of
    obtaining jurisdiction or that is wholly insubstantial and frivolous.
    Crane asserts government-contractor immunity, originally articulated
    in Boyle v. United Technologies Corp., 14 as its federal defense. This defense is
    an extension of the immunity afforded to the federal government for the
    performance of discretionary actions pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 2680(a). 15 The
    logic is that because a contractor will pass any added costs from litigation risk
    exposure to the government, “[i]t makes little sense to insulate the
    Government against financial liability for the judgment that a particular
    feature of military equipment is necessary when the Government produces the
    equipment itself, but not when it contracts for the production.” 16 Accordingly,
    government contractors are also immune from suit for design defects if “(1) the
    United States approved reasonably precise specifications; (2) the equipment
    conformed to those specifications; and (3) the supplier warned the United
    States about the dangers in the use of the equipment that were known to the
    supplier but not to the United States.” 17
    The first two conditions ensure that the government exercised its
    discretion, as required by the statutory source from which government-
    Arbaugh, 546 U.S. at 513
    n.10 (quoting Bell v. Hood, 
    327 U.S. 678
    , 682-83 (1946));
    see also Colorado v. Symes, 
    286 U.S. 510
    , 519 (1932) (holding that federal-officer removal
    requires that a claim be “not without foundation and . . . made in good faith”).
    487 U.S. 500
    15 28 U.S.C. § 2680(a) (providing the government with immunity against “[a]ny
    claim . . . based upon the exercise or performance or the failure to exercise or perform a
    discretionary function or duty on the part of a federal agency or an employee of the
    Government, whether or not the discretion involved be abused”).
    Boyle, 487 U.S. at 512
    Id. 5 Case:
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    contractor immunity derives, by considering “the design feature in question,” 18
    which the government can do by “evaluat[ing] th[at] design feature.” 19 The
    government contractor can then prove that it conformed to the government
    specifications by showing “[a]cceptance and use of an item following its
    production.” 20
    The gravamen of Crane’s claim of government-contractor immunity is
    that “any product that [Zeringue] alleges Crane Co. manufactured for or
    supplied to the Navy (and any product literature, labeling, or warnings that
    accompanied that product) would be subject to Navy specifications and
    requirements,” with which Crane would have complied. To support this claim,
    Crane supplied sample military specifications and three affidavits. These
    documents establish that Crane’s claim to government-contractor immunity is
    Two of Crane’s provided military specifications, one from 1938 and one
    from 1978, required asbestos in the packing used in certain valves. Crane also
    provided a military specification from 1966 that required asbestos use for pipe
    covering, insulation, and millboard. Although Zeringue correctly recognizes
    that these specifications do not cover the specific period during which he served
    upon Navy vessels, he admitted in his briefing before the district court that “it
    is a bit of a stretch to even conclude that Crane Co.’s affiants” (and, logically,
    Crane itself) “have personal knowledge of the products and warnings at issue
    in this case, as allegations regarding specific products simply were not made
    Id. 19 Kerstetter
    v. Pac. Sci. Co., 
    210 F.3d 431
    , 435 (5th Cir. 2000).
    20 Miller v. Diamond Shamrock Co., 
    275 F.3d 414
    , 420 (5th Cir. 2001); see also
    Kerstetter, 210 F.3d at 435-36
    (“Extensive government involvement in the design, review,
    development and testing of a product, as well as extensive acceptance and use of the product
    following production, is evidence that the product line generally conformed with the
    government-approved specifications.”).
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    [in the petition for damages].” Certainly, a specific contract that establishes
    that the government required asbestos for the parts with which Zeringue came
    into contact would be ideal, but to require that level of specificity to establish
    a colorable federal defense would equate to requiring Crane to “win his case
    before he can have it removed,” a requirement which we cannot impose. 21
    The three submitted affidavits bolster Crane’s defense.                    Anthony
    Pantaleoni, Crane’s Vice-President of Environment, Health and Safety,
    stipulated that “[a]ll equipment supplied by Crane Co. to the Navy was built
    in accordance       with [military]       specifications” and that the             military
    specifications “governed all aspects of a piece of equipment . . . including
    materials.” Retired Rear Admiral David Sargent, whose assignments in the
    Navy primarily involved the operation and maintenance of Navy ships, echoed
    these claims, noting that the uniformity necessary “to ensure commonality
    across systems” meant that “[e]quipment could not have been installed aboard
    Navy vessels unless it was first determined by the Navy to be in conformity
    with all applicable Navy specifications.”
    The final affidavit is from Dr. Samuel Forman, a former Navy physician
    tasked with investigating the Navy’s “historical handling and knowledge of
    various industrial hygiene issues, including asbestos disease.” Dr. Forman’s
    affidavit supports Crane’s assertion that the Navy knew as much or more than
    Crane did about the dangers of asbestos exposure. Specifically, Dr. Forman
    stated that the Navy’s knowledge of asbestos dangers “has been quite complete
    when compared to available knowledge over time, and at least by the early
    1940s, the Navy had become a leader in the field of occupational medicine
    relating to, among other things, asbestos dust inhalation exposure.”                     Dr.
    21See Jefferson Cty. v. Acker, 
    527 U.S. 423
    , 431, 432 (1999) (internal quotation marks
    omitted) (quoting Willingham v. Morgan, 
    395 U.S. 402
    , 407 (1969)).
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    Forman’s affidavit demonstrates that by at least 1939, the Navy had learned
    that exposure to asbestos dust for prolonged periods could result in “an
    industrial disease of the lungs.”
    These sample military specifications and affidavits are not definitive
    proof that Zeringue’s asbestos exposure resulted from the Navy’s—not
    Crane’s—discretionary decision, nor are they definitive proof that Crane did
    not need to supply the Navy with information regarding the dangers of
    asbestos because of the Navy’s existing knowledge. But definitive proof is not
    necessary for removal, and the military specifications and affidavits do suffice
    as a not-insubstantial and non-frivolous basis upon which Crane may assert
    government-contractor immunity.
    Section 1442 also requires a government contractor seeking removal to
    establish that it was “acting under” an officer of the United States or an agency
    when the acts giving rise to the complaint occurred. 22 Although the words
    “acting under” are undoubtedly broad, the Supreme Court has clarified that
    they “must refer to . . . a relationship that involves ‘acting in a certain capacity,
    considered in relation to one holding a superior position or office.’” 23 This
    relationship “typically involves ‘subjection, guidance, or control,’” 24 but, at a
    minimum, it “must involve an effort to assist, or to help carry out, the duties
    or tasks of the federal superior.” 25
    Direct oversight of the specific acts that give rise to a plaintiff’s
    complaint is not required to satisfy this part of § 1442. In Wilde v. Huntington
    Ingalls, Inc., an unpublished decision, this court held that, based on a
    22 Watson v. Philip Morris Cos., 
    551 U.S. 142
    , 147 (2007).
    Id. at 151
    (quoting 18 OXFORD ENGLISH DICTIONARY 948 (2d ed. 1989)).
    Id. (quoting WEBSTER’S
    NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY 2765 (2d ed. 1953)).
    Id. at 152.
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    government contractor’s averment that “when it allegedly exposed [the
    plaintiff] to asbestos, it was producing ships pursuant to the direction of the
    United States Maritime Commission,” the contractor was acting under a
    federal officer. 26   The court noted that the mere fact that “the federal
    government would have had to build those ships had [the defendant] not done
    so” satisfied this requirement. 27 This reasoning is persuasive.
    Crane’s provision of parts in an effort to assist the Navy’s construction
    of vessels satisfies the “acting under” requirement. The military specifications
    and affidavits that Crane provided suggest that the Navy exercised a
    significant degree of guidance and control over Crane. These affidavits, as
    noted above, state that “[a]ll equipment supplied by Crane Co. to the Navy was
    built in accordance with [military] specifications,” which “governed all aspects
    of a piece of equipment . . . including materials,” and “[e]quipment could not
    have been installed aboard Navy vessels unless it was first determined by the
    Navy to be in conformity with all applicable Navy specifications.” Even absent
    this significant degree of oversight, the Navy directed Crane to build parts,
    and, had Crane not done so, the Navy would have had to build those parts
    instead.    In accordance with our duty to avoid “a narrow, grudging
    interpretation of § 1442(a)(1),” 28 we conclude that the facts in the record before
    us are sufficient to establish that Crane was “acting under” the Navy.
    Before 2011, § 1442 allowed the removal of a state suit against a federal
    officer, or a person acting under a federal officer, only when the state suit was
    “for any act under color of such office.” 29 In 2011 Congress extended § 1442 to
    26 616 F. App’x 710, 713 (5th Cir. 2015) (per curiam).
    Id. 28 Willingham
    v. Morgan, 
    395 U.S. 402
    , 407 (1969).
    29 Act of June 25, 1948, ch. 646, 62 Stat. 938 (codified at 28 U.S.C. § 1442).
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    allow the removal of a state suit “for or relating to any act under color of such
    office.” 30 The plain meaning of the added language broadens the scope of the
    statute as “the ordinary meaning of [relating to] is a broad one—‘to stand in
    some relation; to have bearing or concern; to pertain; refer; to bring into
    association with or connection with.’” 31
    This element of § 1442, both before and after the 2011 amendment,
    requires the removing party to establish “a nexus, a ‘causal connection’
    between the charged conduct and asserted official authority.” 32 This causal
    nexus requirement ensures that removal “only arises when ‘a federal interest
    in the matter’ exists.” 33       Even before the 2011 amendment, the causal
    connection did not need to be “airtight,” because such a requirement would
    “defeat the purpose of the removal statute.” 34 This reasoning led the Supreme
    Court to remark in Willingham v. Morgan that “it [is] sufficient” for a federal
    officer in a civil suit to establish the requisite causal connection by showing
    that the officer’s “relationship to [the plaintiff] derived solely from [the officer’s]
    official duties.” 35 This court, in rejecting the argument that negligent acts are
    not within a person’s official authority, clarified that an act is within an
    officer’s authority, and within the scope of § 1442, “so long as he does not depart
    from the course of his duty so that it becomes his personal act.” 36 The 2011
    amendment expanded the breadth of acts sufficient to establish a causal nexus
    30  Removal Clarification Act of 2011, Pub. L. No. 112-51, § 2(b)(2), 125 Stat. 545
    (codified at 28 U.S.C. § 1442) (emphasis added); see also In re Commonwealth’s Motion to
    Appoint Counsel, 
    790 F.3d 457
    , 467 (3d Cir. 2015).
    31 Morales v. Trans World Airlines, Inc., 
    504 U.S. 374
    , 383 (1992) (quoting BLACK’S
    LAW DICTIONARY 1158 (5th ed. 1979)).
    32 Jefferson Cty. v. Acker, 
    527 U.S. 423
    , 431 (1999) (quoting 
    Willingham, 395 U.S. at 409
    33 Winters v. Diamond Shamrock Chem. Co., 
    149 F.3d 387
    , 398 (5th Cir. 1998) (quoting
    Willingham, 395 U.S. at 406
    Acker, 527 U.S. at 432
    35 395 U.S. at 409
    (emphasis added).
    36 Allman v. Hanley, 
    302 F.2d 559
    , 561 (5th Cir. 1962).
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    even further. It remains, however, that the causal nexus inquiry “must . . . be
    tailored to fit the facts of each case.” 37
    Despite the relatively broad reach of the causal nexus requirement,
    Zeringue contends that Crane has not established the existence of a causal
    nexus because “the causal connection must depend upon a showing of precise
    federal direction,” which Zeringue argues Crane has not established. However,
    the plain language of § 1442 cannot bear Zeringue’s construction.
    Crane has established the requisite causal nexus between the charged
    conduct and its official authority. Crane’s relationship with Zeringue derives
    solely from its official authority to provide parts to the Navy, and that official
    authority relates to Crane’s allegedly improper actions, namely its use of
    asbestos in those parts. Although the court cannot attenuate the causal nexus
    requirement “to the point of irrelevance,” 38 the plain import of the phrase
    “relating to” is that some attenuation is permissible, attenuation which is
    irreconcilable with Zeringue’s proposed requirement of precise federal
    Moreover, were we to require the level of precision requested by
    Zeringue, we also would unduly undermine the purpose of § 1442 by
    impermissibly requiring defendants seeking removal, like Crane, to establish
    more than a colorable claim that a purported design defect was the result of a
    federal officer’s discretion. Requiring “precise federal direction” to show a
    causal nexus, as Zeringue urges us to do, would not only render the “colorable”
    federal defense requirement a nullity, as the causal nexus requirement would
    hold the removing party to a heightened burden, but also would be contrary to
    Willingham, 395 U.S. at 408
    38   Wilde v. Huntington Ingalls, Inc., 616 F. App’x 710, 713 (5th Cir. 2015) (per curiam).
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    the Supreme Court’s admonishment that “the test for removal should be
    broader, not narrower, than the test for official immunity.” 39
    Our recent holding in Bartel v. Alcoa Steamship Co. 40 is not to the
    contrary.       In Bartel, the Navy—not the contractors—supplied ships that
    contained asbestos to the defendants. 41 The defendants argued that there was
    a causal nexus between their authority to operate the ships, derived simply
    from the Navy providing the ships, and the charged conduct of failing “to warn
    of the dangers of asbestos, to train their crews in using asbestos-containing
    products, and to adopt procedures for the safe installation and removal of
    asbestos.” 42    The charged conduct was private conduct that implicated no
    federal interest. Because the very purpose of the causal nexus requirement is
    to ensure that removal “only arises when ‘a federal interest in the matter’
    exists,” 43 an extension of § 1442 to allow those defendants to remove would
    have stretched the causal nexus requirement to the point of irrelevance.
    Conversely, if we were to decline to extend the protection of § 1442 to
    this case, in which the Navy directed Crane to provide parts, we would render
    irrelevant Congress’s decision to allow the removal of suits for acts “relating
    to” any act taken under official authority. Again, we will not follow such “a
    narrow, grudging interpretation of § 1442(a)(1).” 44          Crane has established a
    casual nexus.
    Willingham, 395 U.S. at 404
    805 F.3d 169
    (5th Cir. 2015).
    Id. at 172,
    Id. at 171,
    43 Winters v. Diamond Shamrock Chem. Co., 
    149 F.3d 387
    , 398 (5th Cir. 1998) (quoting
    Willingham, 395 U.S. at 406
    Willingham, 395 U.S. at 407
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    Crane has established the right to remove the suit pursuant to § 1442.
    Because “removal of the entire case is appropriate so long as a single claim
    satisfies the federal officer removal statute,” we do not determine whether
    Crane independently established the right to remove Zeringue’s failure to warn
    claim. 45
    *        *         *
    For the foregoing reasons, we REVERSE the judgment of the district
    court and REMAND for proceedings consistent with this opinion.
    45   Savoie v. Huntington Ingalls, Inc., 
    817 F.3d 457
    , 463 (5th Cir. 2016).