Ana Rodriguez-Perdomo v. William Barr, U. S. Atty ( 2019 )

  •      Case: 18-60555       Document: 00515116649         Page: 1     Date Filed: 09/13/2019
    United States Court of Appeals
    Fifth Circuit
    No. 18-60555                        September 13, 2019
    Summary Calendar
    Lyle W. Cayce
    Petition for Review of an Order of the
    Board of Immigration Appeals
    BIA No. A206 727 868
    Before BARKSDALE, ELROD, and DUNCAN, Circuit Judges.
    Ana Gloria Rodriguez-Perdomo seeks review of the Board of Immigration
    Appeals’ (BIA) decision to deny her motion for a remand and to dismiss her
    appeal of the immigration judge’s (IJ) denial of her motions for a continuance
    and applications for asylum, withholding of removal, and protection under the
    Convention Against Torture (CAT). Rodriguez contends, inter alia, her case
    should be remanded to the IJ for additional fact-finding regarding her alleged
    * Pursuant to 5th Cir. R. 47.5, the court has determined that this opinion should not
    be published and is not precedent except under the limited circumstances set forth in 5th Cir.
    R. 47.5.4.
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    past trauma. In support of this claim, Rodriguez contends the BIA abused its
    discretion in upholding the IJ’s denial of her continuance motions. In addition,
    Rodriguez contends, inter alia, the IJ and BIA failed to consider the entire
    record in reviewing her CAT-protection claim.
    On 3 May 2014, Rodriguez and her minor daughter, both natives and
    citizens of El Salvador, entered the United States without being legally
    admitted. Three days later, the Department of Homeland Security issued each
    of them a Notice to Appear, claiming removability.
    On 29 April 2016, Rodriguez admitted the allegations against herself and
    her daughter, and the IJ found them both removable. Acting on behalf of both,
    Rodriguez applied for asylum, withholding of removal, and protection under
    the CAT. The IJ scheduled a hearing on the application for 21 June 2017,
    advising any supplemental documents would be due 30 days prior.
    Within 30 days of her hearing, Rodriguez sought a continuance for
    psychological evaluation based on previously undisclosed past experiences and
    to supplement her claims based on the “new proposed social group based on
    family” that had recently been recognized in Matter of L-E-A-, 
    27 I. & N. Dec. 40
    , 40 (B.I.A. 2017), rev’d in pertinent part, 27 I & N. Dec. 581, 596 (Op. Att’y
    Gen. 2019). Also within 30 days of her hearing, Rodriguez submitted, inter
    alia, affidavits related to threats she received from gang members.
    Referencing the amount of preparation time Rodriguez already had, the
    IJ denied her motions, as well as her motion for reconsideration. The IJ did
    state, however, that Rodriguez would be allowed to add an additional social
    group at the time of the hearing.
    After her hearing, the IJ denied Rodriguez’ applications for asylum,
    withholding of removal, and CAT protection. The BIA, inter alia, dismissed
    her appeal.
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    In considering a petition for review, our court generally examines only
    the BIA’s decision; however, the IJ’s decision will also be considered where, as
    here, it influenced the BIA’s reasoning. Shaikh v. Holder, 
    588 F.3d 861
    , 863
    (5th Cir. 2009). Our court reviews the BIA’s rulings of law de novo and its
    findings of fact for substantial evidence, “which requires only that the BIA’s
    decisions be supported by record evidence and be substantially reasonable.”
     (internal quotations and citations omitted).
    “The grant of a continuance lies within the sound discretion of the IJ,
    who may grant a continuance for good cause shown.” Masih v. Mukasey, 
    536 F.3d 370
    , 373 (5th Cir. 2008) (citation omitted). Accordingly, our court reviews
    the BIA’s affirmance of an IJ’s denial of a continuance for abuse of discretion.
     Such an affirmance is appropriate “unless the alien establishes that that
    denial caused him actual prejudice and harm and materially affected the
    outcome of his case”. Matter of Sibrun, 
    18 I. & N. Dec. 354
    , 356–57 (B.I.A.
    1983). While our court reviews de novo a due-process-violation claim in an
    immigration hearing, the alien must show substantial prejudice in order to
    prevail on such a claim. See Bouchikhi v. Holder, 
    676 F.3d 173
    , 180 (5th Cir.
    2012) (citations omitted) (per curiam).
    The BIA correctly explained Rodriguez sought a continuance to obtain
    an evaluation of her mental health and any effect it had on her ability to
    articulate her claims, but she failed to obtain any such evidence during, inter
    alia, the 13 months between the denial of her continuance motions and the
    BIA’s decision. Without producing such evidence, Rodriguez was unable to
    demonstrate the IJ’s denial of a continuance had substantially prejudiced her
    or had materially affected the outcome of her hearing. See id.; Sibrun, 18 I. &
    N. at 356–57. Accordingly, the BIA did not abuse its discretion in upholding
    the denial of the continuance motions.
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    Rodriguez also contends the BIA violated her due-process rights by
    denying her motion to remand the case for additional fact-finding. Our court
    reviews the BIA’s “denial of a motion to remand under a highly deferential
    abuse-of-discretion standard”. Milat v. Holder, 
    755 F.3d 354
    , 365 (5th Cir.
    2014) (internal quotation marks and citations omitted). This denial will be
    upheld “so long as it is not capricious, racially invidious, utterly without
    foundation in the evidence, or otherwise so irrational that it is arbitrary rather
    than the result of any perceptible rational approach”. 
     (citation omitted). A
    remand for additional proceedings to consider new evidence may be granted
    only if the “evidence sought to be offered is material and was not available and
    could not have been discovered or presented at the former hearing”.            
    (citation omitted).
    Even if, as Rodriguez contended, the new evidence could not have been
    discovered earlier because she “disclosed details of sexual abuse and trauma
    very shortly before the merits hearings”, there has not been a showing the
    evidence was material to her case. See 
     As the BIA explained, her proffered
    expert declaration generally discussed how traumatized asylum-seekers
    struggle to disclose in court aspects of their trauma but did not address
    Rodriguez in particular. Accordingly, Rodriguez has failed to show that, by
    denying her remand motion, the BIA abused its broad discretion or
    substantially prejudiced her to the extent necessary to violate her due-process
    Rodriguez also asserts the BIA erred by dismissing her appeal of the
    denial of her CAT-protection claim without considering the entire record. She
    claims the “adjudicators” of this matter largely limited their inquiry to her past
    experiences and failed to consider “all evidence relevant to the possibility of
    future torture”, as required by 
    8 C.F.R. § 208.16
    (c)(3). Rodriguez asserts the
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    agency decisions did not reference her “particularly brutal” family, the country-
    conditions report, or the contextual material about the prevalence of femicide.
    To the extent Rodriguez is asserting the IJ failed to consider these
    particular evidentiary items, our court lacks jurisdiction because that claim
    was not exhausted before the BIA. See Omari v. Holder, 
    562 F.3d 314
    , 320–21
    (5th Cir. 2009) (discussing claim exhaustion before the BIA). Furthermore, to
    the extent Rodriguez is asserting the BIA failed to consider these items of
    evidence, her claim is likewise unexhausted.       Where, as here, the BIA’s
    decision itself results in a new issue, a party must exhaust the issue by
    bringing it to the BIA’s attention through a motion for reconsideration. See 
    (concluding a claim that the BIA engaged in impermissible fact-finding was
    not exhausted because it had not been asserted in a reconsideration motion).
    Accordingly, our court lacks jurisdiction to review Rodriguez’ unexhausted
    assertion that the BIA failed to consider the entire record in reviewing the IJ’s
    denial of her CAT claim.
    With respect to Rodriguez’ remaining claims, she contends only that the
    case should be remanded for further fact-finding so that her claims for asylum,
    humanitarian asylum, withholding of removal and CAT protection can be re-
    adjudicated in the light of the above-discussed proposed additional
    information. Rodriguez, however, has failed to brief, and thereby abandoned,
    any assertion concerning the merits of these claims. See Soadjede v. Ashcroft,
    324 F.3d 830
    , 833 (5th Cir. 2003) (per curiam) (treating unbriefed merits
    assertions as abandoned).
    DISMISSED in part and DENIED in part.