Wendell v. Asher , 162 F.3d 887 ( 1999 )

  •                         Revised December 30, 1998
    For the Fifth Circuit
    No. 97-41291
    Summary Calendar
    LLOYD ASHER, Correctional Officer; WILLIAM PITTMAN,
    Correctional Officer; BILLYE FORREST, Correctional
    Lieutenant; RICKY TARVER, Correctional Captain; MIKE
    NICHOLS, Correctional Major; TRACEY PORTER, Classification
    Officer; LINDA DEHOYOS, Doctor; TIMOTHY WEST, Senior Warden,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Eastern District of Texas
    December 24, 1998
    Before DUHÉ, DeMOSS, and DENNIS, Circuit Judges.
    DeMOSS, Circuit Judge:
    Texas    state    prisoner   Chandler   Wendell,   Jr.   appeals   the
    district court’s dismissal of this civil rights action for failure
    to exhaust administrative remedies prior to bringing suit.               We
    Proceeding pro se and in forma pauperis, Wendell filed a civil
    rights    complaint      pursuant     to       42    U.S.C.A.    §   1983      against
    Correctional      Officer    Lloyd    Asher,         Sergeant    William       Pittman,
    Lieutenant      Billye    Forrest,    Captain        Ricky    Tarver,     Major   Mike
    Nichols, Classification Officer Tracey Porter, Prison Psychiatrist
    Dr. Linda Dehoyos, and Warden Timothy West, all prison officials at
    the Stiles Correctional Facility in Beaumont, Texas.
    Wendell     suffers     from    AIDS      and    is    housed   in   a    medical
    administrative segregation unit.               On June 17, 1997, Officer Asher
    arrived    to    escort     Wendell    to       an    appointment       with    prison
    psychiatrist Dr. Linda Dehoyos.             En route, Wendell requested that
    he be taken by the medical unit where he could obtain cough syrup
    for congestion.       Officer Asher refused.               When Wendell arrived at
    Dr. Dehoyos’ office, he explained his physical symptoms to the
    doctor and again requested cough syrup.                      Dr. Dehoyos escorted
    Wendell to the medical unit for further examination.
    While a prison nurse was taking Wendell’s vital signs, Officer
    Asher came into the medical unit and, according to Wendell, became
    angry that Wendell had requested cough syrup again. Wendell claims
    that Officer Asher told the nurse to disconnect Wendell from the
    monitoring equipment and then told Wendell that he had “messed up.”
    Officer Asher instructed Wendell to get up and return to his cell.
    Apparently Wendell hesitated, which angered Officer Asher more.
    Eventually, Officer Asher physically pulled Wendell to a standing
    position and began walking him to the door.             Wendell claims that
    Officer Asher took two steps toward the door and then suddenly
    jerked up on the handcuffs which were fastened behind Wendell’s
    back, forcing Wendell down over Asher’s leg and to the floor.
    While Wendell was down, Officer Asher jumped on his back, grabbed
    his head and began banging it on the concrete floor. Wendell, who
    states that he is in the last stages of a terminal case of AIDS,
    claims he did not resist.
    The entire incident was observed by Dr. Dehoyos and the prison
    nurse.    Wendell     claims   that       he    sustained   serious   injury.
    Specifically, Wendell claims that his face was split open above the
    left eyebrow.   Wendell also claims that Officer Asher jerked the
    handcuffs so hard that the right cuff was ripped off his hand,
    creating a two inch laceration.       Finally, Wendell claims that his
    ribs were bruised.
    After the incident, Officer Asher reported Wendell for a
    disciplinary infraction, claiming that Wendell had refused to
    respond to a repeated order to stand up.            Defendant Captain Tarver
    investigated the disciplinary report.            On June 27, 1997, there was
    a hearing on the merits of Officer Asher’s disciplinary report
    against Wendell.     At the hearing, Wendell claims that he and his
    representative were instructed to wait outside while Captain Tarver
    “coached” Archer on his testimony.             Officer Archer then testified
    that Wendell had refused to stand up when Asher gave him a direct
    order in the medical unit.          Wendell claims that the prison nurse
    gave conflicting testimony that Wendell did get up when asked.
    Captain Tarver found that Wendell had committed a disciplinary
    infraction,    and   imposed    significant     additional   restraints      on
    Wendell’s   confinement   as    a    result.    Wendell   claims   that     the
    disciplinary    report    and    subsequent     hearing   were     merely    a
    contrivance to conceal or distract attention from Officer Asher’s
    misconduct towards Wendell, in violation of his federally protected
    right to due process.
    Wendell also claims that the June 17, 1997 incident was not
    the first time that he had either been subjected to excessive
    physical force or threatened with the use of excessive force by
    correctional officers at the medical segregation unit.             Wendell’s
    Original Complaint describes at least two prior incidents of
    excessive force, which occurred in December 1995 and November 1996,
    and are apparently the subject of another pending civil rights
    case.   Wendell claims that he requested a transfer to another
    facility in    April 1997 because he feared for his safety in the
    wake of these prior incidents.             Wendell alleges that defendant
    Porter, a classification officer at the unit, played a role in
    denying the April 1997 transfer request.
    Wendell also describes at least two incidents in which he was
    threatened with physical force by correctional officers at the
    medical segregation unit.       Both of those incidents occurred in May
    1997.   Wendell claims that the May 1997 threats of violence were
    either witnessed by or related to Sergeant Pittman, Lieutenant
    Forrest and Major Nichols, but that those officials took no action
    to protect him from further harm.      Wendell also claims that he
    informed the prison psychiatrist, Dr. Dehoyos about the problem,
    but that the doctor expressed a reluctance to get involved in
    “security issues.”     Finally, Wendell claims that the warden,
    defendant West, had actual knowledge that medical segregation
    inmates were being physically abused by the guards and that West
    acquiesced in that unconstitutional treatment.
    Wendell filed suit on July 28, 1997.         Wendell’s Original
    Complaint alleges Eighth Amendment claims for use of excessive
    force and deliberate indifference to his right to be free from the
    use of excessive force against Officer Asher, Sergeant Pittman,
    Lieutenant Forrest, Major Nichols, Dr. Dehoyos, Warden West, and
    the Classification Officer, Porter.    Wendell’s Original Complaint
    also alleges Fourteenth Amendment claims for deprivation of due
    process in the handling of the disciplinary hearing and subsequent
    disciplinary action against Captain Tarver and Officer Asher.
    Wendell’s Original Complaint unambiguously seeks both monetary and
    injunctive   relief.   Specifically,   Wendell    asks   that   he   be
    transferred from the facility where he is being held, that the
    federal courts enjoin all harassment and retaliation by prison
    officials until he is transferred, that his disciplinary record be
    expunged     to   eliminate   any   consequences   from    the   tainted
    disciplinary proceedings, that he be returned to the more favorable
    classification status that he enjoyed prior to the disciplinary
    hearing, and finally, that the federal court award him actual and
    exemplary monetary damages against all defendants.
    The district court referred the matter to a Magistrate Judge.
    The Magistrate Judge entered a Memorandum and Recommendation noting
    that Wendell’s Complaint had been filed on July 28, 1997, only a
    short time period after the June 17, 1997 incident, and that
    Wendell had not alleged exhaustion of administrative remedies.
    Wendell filed objections, asserting that administrative remedies
    were exhausted as of July 30, 1997, two days after his Complaint
    was filed.    The district court conducted a de novo review      and then
    dismissed for failure to exhaust administrative remedies prior to
    filing suit.
    Title 42 U.S.C.A. § 1997e requires that a state prisoner
    exhaust available administrative remedies prior to filing suit in
    federal district court under 42 U.S.C.A. § 1983.          The applicable
    version of § 1997e provides:
    No action shall be brought with respect to prison
    conditions under section 1983 of this title, or any
    other Federal law, by a prisoner confined in any
    jail, prison, or other correctional facility until
    such administrative remedies as are available are
    42 U.S.C.A. § 1997e (Supp. 1998).   That provision plainly requires
    that administrative remedies be exhausted before the filing of a
    § 1983 suit, rather than while the action is pending.
    Section 1997e was substantially amended by passage of the
    Prison Litigation Reform Act (PLRA), Pub. L. No. 104-134, § 803,
    110 Stat. 1321, which took effect April 26, 1996.    Prior to passage
    of the PLRA, § 1997e provided only that a federal district court
    had the discretion to require exhaustion when such a requirement
    would be “appropriate and in the interests of justice.”      The pre-
    PLRA version of § 1997e limited that discretion by including
    requirements that the available remedies be “plain, speedy, and
    effective,” and that they meet certain minimum standards defined in
    the statute.   See 42 U.S.C.A. § 1997e (1994).      Even if the court
    made a decision to require exhaustion, the statutory procedure
    under the pre-PLRA version of § 1997e was to stay the case for up
    to 180 days to permit exhaustion.   Thus, prior to April 1996, the
    statutory exhaustion requirement applicable to § 1983 suits by
    state prisoners was entirely discretionary, subject to significant
    limitations, and required merely a stay, rather than dismissal.
    Cf. Underwood v. Wilson, No. 97-40536, 
    1998 WL 476217
    (5th Cir.
    Aug. 14, 1998); Whitley v. Hunt, No. 97-40938, 
    1998 WL 740134
    Cir. Oct. 23, 1998).
    We recently held that the exhaustion requirement imposed by
    amended § 1997e is not jurisdictional.   Underwood, 
    1998 WL 476217
    at *2-3. Rather, the amended statute imposes a requirement, rather
    like a statute of limitations, that may be subject to certain
    defenses such as waiver, estoppel, or equitable tolling.     See 
    id. at *3
    (citing Zipes v. Trans World Airlines, 
    102 S. Ct. 1127
    (1982)).   “[N]on-jurisdictional exhaustion requirement[s] may, in
    certain rare instances, be excused.” 
    Id. at *5
    (citing McCarthy v.
    112 S. Ct. 1081
    (1992)).        McCarthy stated that the
    decision to require exhaustion pursuant to § 1997e would depend in
    part upon the relative strength of the individual prisoner’s
    interest   in   obtaining   prompt   judicial   redress    and   the
    countervailing institutional interests that favor exhaustion.    See
    McCarthy, 112 S. Ct. at 1087
    .   McCarthy, however, was interpreting
    the limited and discretionary exhaustion requirement embodied in
    the pre-PLRA version of § 1997e.       That largely discretionary
    balancing test cannot survive Congress’ 1996 amendment of § 1997e.
    By shearing § 1997e of the substantial limitations upon exhaustion
    that were embodied in the prior version of the statute, Congress
    unambiguously expressed its intent that exhaustion be generally
    imposed as a threshold requirement in prisoner cases.     Underwood,
    1998 WL 476217
    at *5 (identifying Congressional purpose to provide
    relief from frivolous prisoner claims by requiring exhaustion); see
    also Garrett v. Hawk, 
    127 F.3d 1263
    , 1265 (10th Cir. 1997).       It
    would therefore be contrary to both Congress’ intent and the plain
    language of the amended statute to continue applying in every case
    the discretionary balancing test defined in McCarthy for use with
    the pre-PLRA version of the statute.         Absent a valid defense to the
    exhaustion requirement, e.g., Whitley, 
    1998 WL 740134
    (holding that
    § 1997e does not require exhaustion of remedies that are not
    capable of providing redress, and therefore “available”), the
    statutory   requirement      enacted   by   Congress     that   administrative
    remedies be exhausted before the filing of suit should be imposed.
    To hold otherwise would encourage premature filing by potential
    litigants, thus undermining Congress’ purpose in passing the PLRA,
    which was to provide the federal courts some relief from frivolous
    prisoner litigation.        See Underwood, 
    1998 WL 476217
    at *5 (citing
    legislative history in support of decision dismissing claims that
    were   exhausted    after    suit   was    filed   but   before   claims   were
    Having identified the statutory exhaustion requirement and
    having defined the relevant test for determining whether the
    requirement may be excused, we turn to an examination of whether
    Wendell exhausted available remedies before filing suit.
    The Texas Department of Criminal Justice currently provides a
    two-step procedure for presenting administrative grievances.               Step
    1 requires the prisoner to submit an administrative grievance at
    the   institutional     level.        TEXAS   DEPARTMENT   OF   CRIMINAL    JUSTICE,
    Administrative Directive No. AD-03.82 (rev.1), Policy ¶ IV (Jan.
    31, 1997). After an investigation, the unit grievance investigator
    prepares a report and makes a recommendation to the final decision
    maker for step 1 of the process, which may be the warden, assistant
    warden, facility administrator, assistant facility administrator,
    or health administrator.           
    Id. Step 2
    permits the prisoner to
    submit an appeal to the division grievance investigation with the
    Institutional Division of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.
    After an investigation, the departmental grievance investigator
    prepares a report and makes a recommendation to the final decision
    maker for step 2 of the process, which is the director, deputy
    director, regional director or assistant director.                
    Id. The grievance
      procedure        takes   approximately      90     days   to
    exhaust.    Prisoners are allowed 15 calendar days to file a step 1
    grievance. TEXAS DEPARTMENT   OF   CRIMINAL JUSTICE, Administrative Directive
    No. AD-03.82 (rev.1), Policy ¶ VI (Jan. 31, 1997).              The response to
    the step 1 grievance is due within forty days after receipt of the
    Id. The prisoner
    then has 10 days to submit an appeal.
    Id. The response
    to the step 2 grievance is due within forty days
    after receipt of the prisoner’s appeal.            
    Id. Wendell filed
    a step 1 grievance raising issues relating to
    his Eighth Amendment claims on June 17, 1997, the same day that he
    claims he was beaten by Officer Asher.             That grievance was timely
    denied on June 24, 1997.      On June 25, 1997, Wendell appealed that
    determination, again raising his Eighth Amendment claims that
    Officer Asher subjected him to excessive force and that certain
    officials at his unit were deliberately indifferent to his right to
    be free from excessive force at the hands of prison guards.                   Two
    days   later,   on   June   27,   1997,   Captain     Tarver     conducted    the
    disciplinary hearing which serves as the basis for Wendell’s
    Fourteenth Amendment due process claims.            Wendell did not file any
    administrative grievances, either at the institution or with the
    Texas Department of Criminal Justice specifically relating to those
    claims.    On July 28, 1997, and before the Texas Department of
    Criminal Justice responded to Wendell’s step 2 grievance, Wendell
    filed this lawsuit.     Two days later, on July 30, 1997, the Texas
    Department   of   Criminal    Justice     issued    an   order    stating    that
    Wendell’s grievance had been “referred to Internal Affairs.”                  The
    record does not reflect whether any further action was taken with
    respect to Wendell’s step 2 grievance, but the grievance would have
    been deemed denied as of the fortieth day after it was received by
    the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, or no later than August
    4, 1997.    See Underwood, 
    1998 WL 476217
    at *4.
    From the foregoing facts, it is clear that Wendell filed this
    suit before exhausting available administrative remedies.                    With
    respect to his Eighth Amendment excessive force claims, those
    claims were not exhausted until several days after Wendell filed
    suit. With respect to his Fourteenth Amendment due process claims,
    the record reflects that Wendell has never pursued administrative
    remedies at all.
    Wendell has not raised any valid excuse for failing to exhaust
    available administrative remedies.          Although he makes a conclusory
    allegation that the administrative procedures are inadequate, he
    does not provide any facts to support that allegation, and it does
    not   appear   from   the   record   that   any    barrier    was     imposed   to
    Wendell’s expedient exhaustion of available remedies with respect
    to his Eighth Amendment claims.              Moreover, we note that the
    dismissal of Wendell’s claims in this case will not cause any
    injustice or render judicial relief unavailable.             Wendell’s claims
    were dismissed without prejudice to refiling.                 Wendell has now
    exhausted    administrative    remedies     as    to   his   Eighth    Amendment
    claims.     Those claims are governed by Texas’ two-year statute of
    limitations, which will not expire until at least April 1999, two
    years after the earliest date that Wendell claims he informed the
    named prison officials he was being threatened with excessive
    force.    Gonzales v. Wyatt, No. 97-41074, 
    1998 WL 698866
    (5th Cir.
    Oct. 23, 1998).1      Wendell may pursue those claims in federal court
    Texas law, unlike many other states, does not provide
    that imprisonment is a legal disability capable of tolling the
    applicable statute of limitations. See Gonzales v. Wyatt, No. 97-
    1998 WL 698866
    at *3 (5th Cir. Oct. 23, 1998); TEX CIV. PRAC.
    & REM. CODE § 16.001 (amending definition of legal disability in
    immediately.           Wendell has not pursued administrative remedies with
    respect to his Fourteenth Amendment claims. Those remedies may be
    exhausted, however, within 90 days after the issuance of this
    opinion.         Wendell’s due process claims are also governed by Texas’
    two-year statute of limitations period, which will not expire until
    at least June 1999, two years after the challenged disciplinary
    hearing.         Pete v. Metcalfe, 
    8 F.3d 214
    (5th Cir. 1993).        Provided
    Wendell acts promptly, we conclude that there are no apparent
    barriers to the refiling of this action in federal district court
    once        he   exhausts   his   administrative   remedies   as   required   by
    § 1997e.         Given the statutory mandate of § 1997e, we must affirm
    the district court’s dismissal of Wendell’s claims for failure to
    exhaust administrative remedies prior to filing suit as required by
    42 U.S.C.A. § 1997e.2
    Texas to exclude imprisonment).
    Wendell now claims that he is seeking only monetary
    damages. But Wendell’s conclusory and fleeting argument on this
    point is blatantly inconsistent with his active pleadings in the
    district court. Wendell made no request or attempt to amend those
    pleadings in the district court, and we will not entertain such an
    attempt on appeal. Wendell will be the master of his pleadings
    when the suit is refiled, and may so limit his request for relief
    if he desires at that time. See Marsh v. Jones, 
    53 F.3d 707
    Cir. 1995) (state prisoner need not pursue administrative remedies
    prior to filing suit for monetary damages if the applicable state
    remedies are incapable of affording the prisoner monetary relief);
    Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Administraive Directive No.
    AD-03.82 (rev.1), Remedies ¶ II (Jan. 31, 1997) (“Requests for
    disciplinary action against employees or for consequential or
    punitive damages will not be addressed through the grievance
    g:\opin\97-41291.opn                     13
    Wendell moved for appointment of counsel on appeal in the
    district court. That motion was effectively denied by the district
    court’s       failure      to   rule,   a   decision     we   review   for   abuse   of
    discretion.            Jackson v. Dallas Police Dep’t, 
    811 F.2d 260
    , 261 (5th
    Cir. 1986).
    Absent exceptional circumstances, there is no automatic right
    to appointment of counsel in a civil rights case.                        Akasike v.
    26 F.3d 510
    , 512 (5th Cir. 1994).                    The purely legal
    issue presented for the Court’s consideration on appeal is neither
    peculiar nor complex.             The record is sufficient, without further
    development or argument of counsel, to support our decision in this
    matter.       For that reason, we find no error in the district court’s
    refusal to appoint counsel for Wendell’s appeal.
    For the foregoing reasons, the district court’s dismissal of
    Wendell’s § 1983 action without prejudice for failure to exhaust
    administrative remedies as required by 42 U.S.C.A. § 1997e is
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