Six Flags Over Texas, Inc. v. International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers , 143 F.3d 213 ( 1998 )

  •                   UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS
    No. 97-10841
    Plaintiff-Counter Defendant-Appellee,
    (Affiliated with the AFL-CIO), Individually and on behalf of
    Bobby H. Honea,
    Defendant-Counter Claimant-Appellant.
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    For the Northern District of Texas
    June 19, 1998
    Before REAVLEY, DeMOSS, and PARKER, Circuit Judges.
    ROBERT M. PARKER, Circuit Judge:
    The Appellee, Six Flags Over Texas, Inc. (“Six Flags”),
    brought suit in federal district court against the International
    Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local No. 116 (“the Union”),
    seeking to vacate an arbitration award in favor of the Union and
    Honea.   The Union appeals from a decision of the district court
    ruling that the arbitrator had exceeded his authority under the
    collective bargaining agreement by requiring Six Flags, and not the
    Union,   to   prove   its   case   beyond   a    reasonable   doubt.     After
    reviewing the record and briefs on appeal, we reverse.
    Six Flags entered into a collective bargaining agreement
    (“CBA”) with    the   Union   whereby      the   parties   agreed   to   submit
    disputes arising under the CBA to a grievance and arbitration
    procedure. If a violation of the CBA occurs, the complaining party
    must file a written grievance.        In the event the grievance is not
    settled, the Union may refer such matter to an arbitration panel
    selected in accordance with the CBA.             The arbitration panel has
    jurisdiction to decide grievances arising under the CBA, but has
    “no authority to change, amend, add to, subtract from, or otherwise
    alter or supplement this Agreement or any part thereof or any
    amendment thereto.”     Under the agreement, the party presenting the
    grievance must show the correctness of its position beyond a
    reasonable doubt.     If either party believes the arbitration panel
    has exceeded its jurisdiction, the award may be appealed to any
    court of competent jurisdiction for interpretation and decision.
    The Grievant, Bobby A. Honea, was employed by Six Flags for
    fifteen years as an electrician and was covered by the terms of the
    CBA.     Six Flags terminated Honea for time card irregularities
    because Honea claimed jury pay for two days when he in fact only
    served on a jury for one day.1         The Union filed a grievance
    alleging that Six Flags did not have just cause to terminate Honea.
    Six Flags denied the grievance and the matter was subsequently
    presented to an arbitration panel pursuant to the CBA.
    After finding that the Grievant had not deliberately falsified
    his time card, the arbitrator concluded that Honea was terminated
    without just cause and ordered that he be reinstated with full back
    pay, seniority and benefits.      Six Flags filed suit in federal
    district court seeking to vacate the award.      The district court
    vacated the award, holding the arbitrator violated the terms of the
    CBA by placing the burden of proof on Six Flags instead of the
    Where a party appeals a grant of summary judgment in a suit to
    vacate an arbitration award, we review the district court’s ruling
    under a de novo standard.     See Houston Lighting & Power Co. v.
    International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local No. 66, 
    71 F.3d 179
    , 181 (5th Cir. 1995).   Our review of arbitration awards is
    usually extremely limited.    See Delta Queen Steamboat Company v.
    District 2 Marine Engineers Beneficial Ass’n., 
    889 F.2d 599
    , 602
    The time card reflected two entries for “Jury Duty” on the days
    of March 22 and 23. The entries were handwritten and signed by
    Bobby Honea. The Park Maintenance Manager called the courthouse to
    verify Honea’s jury service and discovered that Honea had served
    only one day of jury service on March 23.
    (5th Cir. 1989).     The courts have no authority to reconsider the
    merits of an award even though the parties may allege that the
    award rests on errors of fact or on misinterpretation of the
    contract.   See United Paperworkers International Union, AFL-CIO v.
    Misco, Inc., 
    484 U.S. 29
    , 36 (1987).           A court must affirm the
    arbitration award “as long as the arbitrator is even arguably
    construing or applying the contract and acting within the scope of
    his authority.”      
    Id. at 38.
         Consequently, if the arbitrator’s
    decision    “draws   its   essence   from   the   collective   bargaining
    agreement and the arbitrator is not fashioning his own brand of
    industrial justice, the award cannot be set aside.” 
    Id. (citing United
    Steelworkers v. Enterprise Wheel & Car Corp., 
    363 U.S. 593
    597 (1960)).
    Six Flags argues that the arbitrator erroneously placed the
    burden of proof on the employer, in contradiction to the express
    language of the CBA.       As evidence of the arbitrator’s error, Six
    Flags quotes language from the arbitration award which purports to
    place the burden of proof on Six Flags.       In reviewing the language
    quoted by the district court as evidence of the arbitrator’s
    departure from the CBA, it appears that the district court confused
    the Union’s position on the burden of proof with the arbitrator’s
    rationale in the discussion section.        The arbitrator discussed the
    burden of proof as follows:
    The Company argues that the burden of proof is on the
    grievant, and cites Article V, Section 2 . . . grievant must
    show the correctness of his position beyond a reasonable
    doubt. That is not specifically however, what the agreement
    states. Section 4 (page 6) states:
    [A]nd it shall be up to the party presenting the
    grievance to show the correctness of its position
    beyond a reasonable doubt. . . .
    The Union advances an interesting argument in its post
    hearing brief:
    If indeed the Union, having filed and pursued every
    grievance, were always to have the burden of
    showing the correctness of its position beyond a
    reasonable doubt . . . the parties certainly could
    have so stated in their contract language.
    Instead, the descriptive phrase used (party
    presenting the grievance) is more generic, seeming
    to contemplate that there will be times when it is
    the Company, and not the Union, which must prove
    the correctness of its position.
    With regard to the particular case at bar, it seems
    reasonable to conclude that the party presenting this
    grievance is the Union. No testimony was offered, however,
    which would have shed some light as to the negotiating history
    of that particular language. By the same token, the Company is
    bound by the terms of Article VII, which allows termination or
    discipline for just cause.
    Arbitration Award at 16-17.
    After discussing the potential ambiguity of the term “party
    presenting the grievance,” the arbitrator concludes that the Union
    is the party presenting the grievance.   Immediately following the
    discussion of the party presenting the grievance, the arbitrator
    mentions that Six Flags is bound by the “just cause” standard when
    terminating an employee covered by the CBA.    Six Flags contends
    that mentioning the just cause standard at this point indicates
    that the arbitrator required Six Flags to prove that it had “just
    cause” in terminating Honea, in violation of the express terms of
    the agreement which places the burden of proof on the Union.           At
    worst, the award is ambiguous as to which party ultimately bore the
    burden of proof.   If an arbitration award is ambiguous, we resolve
    all doubts in favor of arbitration.       See Valentine Sugars, Inc. v.
    Donau Corp., 
    981 F.2d 210
    , 213 (5th Cir. 1993)(citing Moses H. Cone
    Memorial Hospital v. Mercury Constr., 
    460 U.S. 1
    (1983)).        As this
    court stated in Valentine Sugars, “If the award is rationally
    inferable from the facts before the arbitrator, we must affirm the
    award.”   See Valentine Sugars, 
    981 F.2d 214
    The award can be rationally interpreted as placing the burden
    of proof on the Union to prove that Six Flags terminated Honea
    without just cause.     It appears that the Union has proven to the
    arbitrator that the grievant did not intend to deliberately deceive
    his employer when filling out the time card.            The arbitrator
    concluded that at most Honea made an honest mistake.              By not
    recognizing a mistake as just cause, Six Flags contends that the
    arbitrator   violated   the   agreement   because   negligent   acts   are
    covered by the definition of “just cause” included in the CBA;2
    therefore, Six Flags had just cause in terminating Honea for his
    mistake. In finding lack of just cause, the arbitrator highlights
    In defining “just cause,” Article VII of the CBA provides:
    It is the intent and purpose of this clause to include
    within the term “just cause” not only willful or
    negligent action or inaction but also action or inaction
    attributable to the individual’s physical or mental
    incapacity or lack of capacity.
    other incidents of time card irregularities which did not result in
    termination.   In light of this evidence, it was reasonable for the
    arbitrator to conclude that a “mistake” in filling out a time card
    did not rise to the level of negligence required to sustain a
    charge of “just cause.”   Consequently, the district court erred by
    vacating the arbitration award.
    Accordingly, we REVERSE the district court and reinstate the
    arbitration award.