Penry v. Johnson , 261 F.3d 541 ( 2000 )

  •                              REVISED, July 12, 2000
    For the Fifth Circuit
    No. 99-20868
    GARY L. JOHNSON, Director, Texas Department of Criminal Justice,
    Institutional Division,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Southern District of Texas, Houston Division
    June 20, 2000
    Before DAVIS, EMILIO M. GARZA, and DENNIS, Circuit Judges.
    W. EUGENE DAVIS, Circuit Judge:
    Penry filed a motion for a certificate of appealability (COA)
    in    this   §     2254    capital   habeas      proceeding    alleging    various
    constitutional violations.             For the reasons that follow, we deny
    his motion.
    Penry was convicted of capital murder and sentenced to death
    in Texas state court for the rape and murder of Pamela Carpenter.
    Penry raped Carpenter and stabbed her with a pair of scissors.                  He
    had   met    her    several    weeks    earlier    while    helping   to   install
    appliances in her home.          Penry matched the description Carpenter
    gave of her attacker before she died.                    After being given his
    Miranda warnings, Penry gave an oral confession and later a signed
    confession to the rape and murder.                     At trial, Penry offered
    mitigating evidence that he was mentally retarded and abused as a
    child. He was convicted and sentenced to death.                 The United States
    Supreme     Court   granted     federal    habeas      relief   and   vacated   his
    sentence,      holding   that    Penry’s      rights    were    violated   by   jury
    instructions the trial court gave at the punishment phase of his
    trial.1     The court found that none of the three special statutory
    questions provided to the jury, under Texas law, allowed the jury
    to give effect to Penry’s mitigating evidence.                 “The jury was never
    instructed that it could consider the evidence offered by Penry as
    mitigating evidence and that it could give mitigating effect to
    that evidence.”2
    In the second trial, the trial court followed the Texas
    statutory scheme and gave the jury the same three special questions
    it had given the jury in the first trial.               However, the judge also
    provided supplemental instructions directing the jury to consider
    any other relevant mitigating evidence and explained how to give
    effect to that evidence.           Penry was again convicted of capital
    murder and sentenced to death.            The sentence was again affirmed on
    direct appeal3 and state habeas relief was denied.                    The district
    Penry v. Lynaugh, 
    492 U.S. 302
    109 S.Ct. 2934
     (1989) (“Penry I”).
    Penry I, 
    492 U.S. at 320
    109 S.Ct. at 2947
    Penry v. State, 
    903 S.W.2d 715
     (Tex. Crim. App. 1995).
    court also denied Penry’s application for a COA.              Penry now seeks
    a COA from this court.        We granted Penry’s motion for a stay of
    execution in order to consider his motion for a COA.
    A COA may only issue if the petitioner makes a “substantial
    showing of the denial of a constitutional right.”4            This burden can
    be met if the issues presented “are debatable among jurists of
    reason; …a court could resolve the issues in a different manner; or
    …the questions are adequate to deserve encouragement to proceed
    A death sentence alone does not justify the automatic issuance
    of a COA, although it is a proper consideration.6            Any doubts as to
    whether the COA should issue are to be resolved in the petitioner’s
    Penry’s    petition    was   filed    after   the   enactment     of   the
    Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act (AEDPA).               Thus, for
    questions of law or mixed questions of law and fact adjudicated on
    the merits in state court, we may grant federal habeas relief under
    28 U.S.C. § 2254
    (d)(1) only if the state court decision “was
    contrary to, or involved an unreasonable application of, clearly
    28 U.S.C. § 2253
    (c)(2); Slack v. McDaniel, 
    120 S.Ct. 1595
    , 1603 (2000);
    United States v. Kimler, 
    150 F.3d 429
    , 431 (5th Cir. 1998).
    Miller v. Johnson,
    200 F.3d 274
    , 280 (5th Cir. 2000) (quoting Barefoot v.
    463 U.S. 880
    , 893 n.4, 
    103 S.Ct. 3383
    , 3394 n.4 (1983)); Hicks v.
    186 F.3d 634
    , 636 (5th Cir. 1999), cert denied 
    120 S.Ct. 976
     (2000); see
    also Slack, 
    120 S.Ct. at 1603-4
     (quoting Barefoot v. Estelle, 
    463 U.S. 880
    , 893
    and n. 4, 
    103 S.Ct. 3383
    Lamb v. Johnson, 
    179 F.3d 352
    , 356 (5th Cir. 1999), cert denied 
    120 S.Ct. 522
    established [Supreme Court precedent].”8               A state court decision is
    “contrary to” Supreme Court precedent if: (1) the state court’s
    conclusion is “opposite to that reached by [the Supreme Court] on
    a question of law” or (2) the “state court confronts facts that are
    materially       indistinguishable       from      a   relevant    Supreme   Court
    precedent” and arrives at an opposite result.9                     A state court
    unreasonably       applies     Supreme       Court     precedent    if:   (1)   it
    unreasonably applies the correct legal rule to the facts of a
    particular case or (2) it “unreasonably extends a legal principle
    from [Supreme Court] precedent to a new context where it should not
    apply or unreasonably refuses to extend that principle to a new
    context where it should apply.”10                  In deciding whether a state
    court’s application was unreasonable, this court considers whether
    the application was “objectively unreasonable.”11                  We now turn to
    Penry’s specific arguments on appeal.
    Penry first argues that the jury instructions given during the
    punishment phase of his trial did not allow the jury to consider
    and give effect to mitigating evidence regarding his alleged mental
    retardation and severe child abuse; thus, the instructions violated
    the Supreme Court’s directive in Penry v. Lynaugh12 (“Penry I”).
    Penry explains that jurors could only give effect to his mitigating
    See Miller, 
    200 F.3d at 280-81
    Williams v. Taylor,.
    492 U.S. 302
    109 S.Ct. 2934
    evidence, as the Supreme Court required in Penry I, and grant him
    a life sentence if they found that the evidence fit under one of
    the three special questions required by Texas law.13             In Penry I,
    Penry’s federal habeas challenge to his first trial and conviction,
    the Supreme Court found that, under the trial court’s instruction,
    none of the three special statutory questions allowed the jury to
    give effect to Penry’s mitigating evidence.            At Penry’s retrial,
    however, the trial court supplemented the instruction it gave in
    Penry I.   The court instructed the jury to consider any mitigating
    circumstances supported by the evidence.           The instruction stated,
    in part:
    [W]hen you deliberate on the questions posed in
    the special issues, you are to consider
    mitigating circumstances, if any, supported by the
    evidence…. A mitigating circumstance may include,
    but is not limited to, any aspect of the defendant’s
    character and record or circumstances of the crime
    which you believe could make a death sentence
    inappropriate in this case. If you find…any
    mitigating circumstances…you must decide how much
    weight they deserve, if any, and…give effect and
    consideration to them in assessing the defendant’s
    personal culpability at the time you answer the
    special issue. If you determine, when giving
    effect to the mitigating evidence, if any, that a
    life sentence, as reflected by a negative finding to
    the issue under consideration, rather than a death
    sentence, is an appropriate response to the
    personal culpability of the defendant, a negative
    finding should be given to one of the special issues.
    The three questions were: 1. Was the conduct of the defendant that
    caused the death of the deceased committed deliberately and with the reasonable
    expectation that the death of the deceased or another would result?      2. Is
    there a probability that the defendant would commit criminal acts of violence
    that would constitute a continuing threat to society? 3. Was the conduct of the
    defendant in killing the deceased unreasonable in response to the provocation,
    if any, by the deceased?    Since Penry, the statute has been revised to add a
    fourth question concerning mitigation.
    Penry correctly contends that the instruction still required
    the jury to give a negative answer to one of the three special
    issues in order for Penry to receive a life sentence.                    Penry argues
    that    because       childhood        abuse    and   mental    retardation        do   not
    necessarily fit within the scope of any of the special issues,
    this instruction did not allow the jury to give effect to these
    mitigating circumstances.                   However, on direct appeal, the Texas
    Court of Criminal Appeals found that the instruction satisfied the
    requirements of Penry I and allowed the jury to give effect to
    those mitigating circumstances.14
    We agree with the district court that the Texas Court of
    Criminal Appeals’s holding that the challenged instruction was
    constitutional was not an unreasonable application of clearly
    established law, namely Penry I. The instruction directed the jury
    to   consider       and    give       effect   to   any   mitigating    circumstances
    supported by the evidence by answering “no” to one of the special
    issues       if   they    felt    a    life    sentence   was   appropriate.            This
    instruction         satisfied         the    deficiency    in   the    trial   court’s
    instruction        identified         in    Penry   I:     “[t]he     jury   was    never
    instructed that it could consider the evidence offered by Penry as
    mitigating evidence and that it could give mitigating effect to
    that evidence in imposing sentence.”15
    We are not writing on a clean slate on this issue.                    This Court
    Penry v. State, 
    903 S.W.2d 715
    , 765 (Tex. Crim. App. 1995).
    Penry I,
    492 U.S. at 320
    109 S.Ct. at 2947
    approved identical jury instructions on this point in Miller16 and
    Emery v. Johnson.17      In Miller, we concluded that the defendant
    failed to show that the same instructions given by the trial court
    in this case violated Penry I.        We rejected the argument that the
    jury was prevented from considering the mitigating evidence.18
    Miller’s jury, unlike Penry’s, was instructed
    that it should consider mitigating evidence
    when    deliberating     on    the     special
    issues....[It] was instructed that if it
    determined   when   giving   effect   to   the
    mitigating evidence, if any, that a life
    sentence rather than a death sentence was an
    appropriate response to Miller’s personal
    culpability, a negative finding should be
    given    to   the    special    issue    under
    In the alternative, Penry argues that the jury charge was a
    “nullification instruction” and was therefore unconstitutional
    insofar as it instructed jurors to violate their oaths by rendering
    an untruthful answer to one of the special issues if they wished to
    give effect to the mitigating evidence presented in this case.            We
    disagree.      The jury was not told to disregard the law; rather, it
    was instructed on how to obey the law, as explained by the Supreme
    Court in Penry I.
    Next, Penry argues that the admission of certain psychiatric
    testimony and evidence offered by the state at trial violated his
    Fifth and Sixth Amendment rights.
    200 F.3d 274
    139 F.3d 191
     (5th Cir. 1997), cert denied 
    119 S.Ct. 418
    200 F.3d at 290
    200 F.3d at 290
    Penry’s Fifth Amendment challenge involves three categories of
    psychiatric testimony and evidence presented by the state: 1.                the
    testimony of Dr. Fason admitted during the guilt/innocence phase of
    trial; 2.      the testimony of Dr. Quijano admitted during the
    punishment phase of trial; and 3.               the report of Dr. Peebles
    describing a court-ordered examination of Penry, which was admitted
    at the punishment phase of trial.
    Penry’s primary challenge is to the testimony of Dr. Fason.
    Penry contends that Fason’s testimony was based on his court-
    ordered competency examination of Penry, and that the state’s use
    of   the   testimony    to   argue    future    dangerousness      during    the
    punishment phase violated Penry’s rights under Estelle v. Smith.20
    More particularly, Penry argues that his Fifth Amendment privilege
    against compelled self-incrimination was violated because he was
    not advised before Dr. Fason’s examination of his right to remain
    silent and that his statements could be used against him at the
    sentencing proceeding.
    On direct appeal, the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals found
    that Dr. Fason’s testimony fell within the Buchanan v. Kentucky21
    exception to Estelle.         Under Buchanan, if a defendant presents
    451 U.S. 454
    101 S.Ct. 1866
     (1981). Estelle held that the defendant’s
    Fifth Amendment right against compelled self-incrimination was violated because
    he was not told that any statements made during his competency exam could be used
    against him at the punishment phase on the issue of future dangerousness.
    483 U.S. 402
    107 S.Ct. 2906
    psychiatric evidence, then the prosecution may present rebuttal
    psychiatric evidence without violating the Fifth Amendment.
    Penry contends that, as applied to this case, proper rebuttal
    evidence under Buchanan is limited to evidence tending to prove
    that Penry is not mentally retarded and that the state’s evidence
    went beyond that scope.       After a careful review of the record, we
    find that Fason’s testimony did fall within the Buchanan exception.
    At the guilt/innocence phase of trial, Penry offered various
    psychological records, including reports of his performance on a
    number of psychological and IQ tests.            The records also included
    observations of his emotional status and social behavior.                  As
    demonstrated by the closing argument of Penry’s attorney, one
    reason these records were introduced was to lay a predicate for an
    argument that Penry’s confessions were not truly voluntary because
    Penry is mentally retarded and, thus, submissive to authority
    figures. The evidence was also offered to support Penry’s argument
    that his mental retardation made him less likely to act with the
    intent required for capital murder.
    Dr. Fason’s testimony was introduced to rebut these arguments.
    Fason testified that Penry had an antisocial personality disorder.
    He explained how that condition could affect Penry’s IQ scores, and
    that it was possible that Penry was not mentally retarded.              Also,
    he testified that someone with an antisocial personality disorder
    would   usually   not   be   easily   led   by   others   and   would   likely
    disrespect and rebel against authority.          Fason did not discuss any
    statements made by Penry during Fason’s examination, except whether
    Penry was able to identify his attorney at the interview.                    We
    disagree with Penry’s characterization of Fason’s testimony as a
    “sham rebuttal” by the state in order to introduce to the jury the
    idea that Penry was a “psychopath.”               Penry’s defense centered
    around his diminished capacity -- his alleged mental retardation at
    the time of the offense -- and the idea that his mental status
    rendered his confessions involuntary.           Therefore, we conclude that
    the Court of Criminal Appeals’ determination that Fason’s testimony
    was proper rebuttal under Buchanan is neither contrary to nor an
    unreasonable application of clearly established federal law.22
    In addition to his challenge to Dr. Fason’s guilt phase
    testimony, Penry also challenges the court’s admission, at the
    punishment phase, of the testimony of Dr. Quijano and the report of
    Dr. Peebles as violating Estelle.
    At the punishment phase, Penry called various relatives and
    neighbors who testified that they believed Penry was mentally
    retarded and abused as a child.        He also called Dr. Randall Price,
    who had reviewed certain portions of Penry’s medical records and
    administered various psychological tests to Penry.                  Dr. Price
    concluded that Penry had a brain impairment and was mentally
    retarded, and that the mental retardation could have influenced his
    involvement in criminal activity.          Although he admitted that Penry
    See Vardas v. Estelle, 
    715 F.2d 206
    , 209-10 (5th Cir. 1983) (finding no
    violation of defendant’s Fifth Amendment privilege because state psychiatrists’
    testimony was proper as rebuttal to defendant’s insanity defense; psychiatrists
    testified that defendant was not insane, but instead was a sociopath.).
    had an antisocial history, he stated that Penry “looks more like
    people with brain damage...than those with antisocial personality.”
    In rebuttal, the state called Doctors Quijano and Samenow and
    introduced into evidence a number of Penry’s mental health records.
    Dr. Quijano conducted a court-ordered competency examination of
    Penry.     He testified that Penry had an antisocial personality
    disorder which made him more likely to be violent in the future.
    However, he testified that he based his opinion only on Penry’s
    medical records including evaluations by others, and not on his own
    examination of Penry.        Thus, the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals
    found no Fifth Amendment violation.           This finding was not contrary
    to, nor an unreasonable application of, clearly established federal
    The report of Dr. Peebles was admitted into evidence during
    the   punishment    phase,    and   was     based   on   Dr.   Peebles’s   1977
    examination of Penry prior to his trial on an unrelated rape
    charge. The report determined that Penry would be dangerous in the
    future if released.        At the time of Dr. Peebles’s examination,
    Penry was not yet in custody on the instant capital charge and,
    thus, could not have been warned about the potential use of his
    See Williams v. Lynaugh, 
    809 F.2d 1063
    , 1068 (5th Cir. 1987) (finding no
    factual basis for Fifth Amendment violation where state psychologist’s testimony
    on future dangerousness was not based on his interview with the defendant.) See
    also Hughes v. Johnson, 
    191 F.3d 607
    , 616-17 (5th Cir. 1999) (finding reasonable
    a state court’s conclusion that psychiatrist’s testimony did not violate Estelle,
    despite his having conducted a prior improper interview, because it did not
    influence his testimony; also rejecting idea that “taint” of prior improper
    interview created absolute bar to any expression of opinion by that
    psychiatrist); cf. Flores v. Johnson, 
    2000 WL 426212
    , at *1, * 7 - *13 (5th Cir.
    April 20, 2000) (Emilio M. Garza, J., specially concurring) (following but
    questioning Supreme Court authority allowing psychiatric testimony on future
    dangerousness deduced without examining the defendant).
    statements at the punishment phase of the capital trial.                The Texas
    Court of Criminal Appeals found no Fifth Amendment violation
    because Penry’s attorney had requested the examination;                 thus, Dr.
    Peebles was acting as an agent of the defense, not of the state in
    conducting his examination.24           We cannot say that the court’s
    conclusion     was    unreasonable      or        contrary   to   Supreme   Court
    Penry also argues that his Sixth Amendment right to effective
    assistance of counsel was violated by the use of testimony on
    future dangerousness from Doctors Quijano and Fason because Penry
    and his counsel were told that their examinations of him were
    solely for the purpose of determining competency.                 Under Powell v.
    Texas, “once a capital defendant is formally charged, the Sixth
    Amendment right to counsel precludes such an examination without
    first notifying counsel that ‘the psychiatric examination [will]
    encompass the issue of their client’s future dangerousness.’”26 The
    Texas Court of Criminal Appeals concluded that Penry’s attorney was
    Penry, 903 S.W.2d. at 759-60; see Nelson v. State, 
    848 S.W.2d 126
    , 135
    (Tex. Crim. App. 1992); Estelle, 
    451 U.S. at 467-68
    101 S.Ct. at 1875-76
    that the defendant there did not initiate the examination and was not faced with
    a person acting solely in his interest).
    See Buchanan v. Kentucky, 
    483 U.S. 402
    , 422-23, 
    107 S.Ct. 2906
    , 2917-18
    (1987) (finding that “if a defendant requests [the psychiatric] evaluation or
    presents psychiatric evidence...the prosecution may rebut this presentation with
    evidence from the reports of the examination that the defendant requested. The
    defendant would have no Fifth Amendment privilege against the introduction of
    this psychiatric testimony by the prosecution.”). (Emphasis added); see also
    Schneider v. Lynaugh, 
    835 F.2d 570
    , 577 (5th Cir. 1988) (finding that, under
    Buchanan, the fact that defendant requested the competency examination militated
    against the defendant’s assertion of the Fifth Amendment privilege, particularly
    when defendant had also introduced psychological evidence.).
    492 U.S. 680
    , 681, 
    109 S.Ct. 3146
    , 3148 (1989) (quoting Estelle, 
    451 U.S. at 471
    101 S.Ct. at 1877
    “on notice that if he intended to put on a ‘mental status’ defense,
    he would have to anticipate the use of psychological evidence by
    the prosecution in rebuttal.”27             At a pretrial hearing, the trial
    court expressly warned Penry’s counsel that the testimony of
    Doctors Fason and Quijano might be admissible at trial if the
    defense put on psychiatric evidence.28              At trial, Penry argued that
    he was mentally retarded; thus, his confessions were involuntary.
    He   also       argued    that    mental   retardation      could    have    been   a
    contributing cause of Penry’s violent criminal acts and that his
    mental retardation mitigated against the imposition of the death
    penalty. The state was entitled to rebut this evidence by offering
    psychiatric         evidence     that   some    condition    other    than    mental
    retardation was a more sound explanation for Penry’s conduct.
    Thus, the Court of Criminal Appeals’s findings are not contrary to,
    nor an unreasonable application of, clearly established federal
    Penry next contends that his execution would violate the
    Eighth Amendment, based on his alleged mental retardation and
    severe child abuse.            First, Penry makes a general argument that
    execution of the mentally retarded is a per se violation of the
    Eighth Amendment. We agree with the district court that this claim
    is procedurally          barred because Penry did not make the argument in
    state court.          However, even if this claim was not procedurally
    903 S.W.2d at 758
    Id. at 759, n. 46
    barred, it has been rejected by the Supreme Court.29
    Penry also argues that the death penalty would be cruel and
    unusual as     applied    to   him    personally,    because    of   his   mental
    retardation and severe childhood abuse.             This argument also fails.
    On Penry’s direct appeal, the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals
    (citing Penry I) concluded that constitutional requirements were
    met because the jury was able to consider and give effect to
    Penry’s mitigating evidence before determining that the death
    sentence was appropriate.30          In Penry’s second trial, he presented
    extensive mitigating evidence and the jury was instructed to
    consider that evidence and told how to give it effect.                       More
    significantly, although Penry was the individual before the Supreme
    Court in Penry I, the Court did not suggest that his execution
    would be unconstitutional based on his mental retardation or
    childhood abuse.      The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals’s conclusion
    that Penry’s execution would not violate the Eighth Amendment was
    neither contrary to nor an unreasonable application of clearly
    established Supreme Court precedent.
    Penry makes several other arguments in support of his motion.
    He contends that: 1. the trial court violated his rights under
    Simmons v. South Carolina31 by excluding his signed statement
    waiving any right to parole, while allowing the state to argue
    See Andrews v. Collins, 
    21 F.3d 612
    , 632 (5th Cir. 1994), cert. denied 
    513 U.S. 1114
    115 S.Ct. 908
     (1995) (citing Penry I).
    903 S.W.2d at 766-67
    512 U.S. 154
    114 S.Ct. 2187
    future dangerousness; 2.   his confessions were taken involuntarily
    in violation of the Fifth Amendment; and 3.      the jury instructions
    at his competency trial were unconstitutionally vague because they
    did   not   define   the   terms    “reasonable,”     “rational,”      and
    “understanding.”     We    find    all   of   these   arguments   to   be
    unpersuasive, essentially for the reasons given by the district
    court in its thorough opinion of March 29, 1999.
    For the reasons stated above, we deny Penry’s motion for a
    certificate of appealability. We also vacate the stay of execution
    previously entered by this court.