In Re: Seabulk Off ( 1998 )

  •                     Revised November 13, 1998
    No. 97-31224
    In Re: In the Matter of:
    as Owner and/or Operator of the M/V Seabulk Beauregard,
    for Exoneration from or Limitation of Liability,
    as Owner and/or Operator of the M/V Seabulk Beauregard,
    for Exoneration from or Limitation of Liability,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Eastern District of Louisiana
    October 26, 1998
    Before SMITH, DUHÉ and WIENER, Circuit Judges.
    JERRY E. SMITH, Circuit Judge:
    Seabulk Offshore, Limited (“Seabulk”), appeals the denial of
    its motion to stay proceedings against its insurers in a limitation
    of liability action. Finding no abuse of discretion, we affirm.
    On July 3, 1997, there was an allision between the M/V SEABULK
    BEAUREGARD and a gas wellhead.         Later that day, Seabulk, the owner
    of the BEAUREGARD, filed a complaint in the United States District
    Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana seeking exoneration
    from    or   limitation    of    liability       pursuant     to    Rule    F    of    the
    Supplemental Rules for Certain Admiralty and Maritime Claims, the
    Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, and 
    46 U.S.C. §§ 181-189
    .                           That
    same day, the district court entered an order (the “July 1997
    order”) staying and restraining all litigation of claims arising
    from the accident against Seabulk or “any of its property with
    respect to any claims for which complainant seeks exoneration from
    or     limitation   of    liability    .     .    .   until        the   hearing       and
    determination of this proceeding.”                The court refused Seabulk’s
    request to include its insurers in its stay order.
    On July 8, several passengers filed suit in the United States
    District Court for the Southern District of Texas against Seabulk,
    several of its associated entities (“Seabulk entities”), Ocean
    Energy Inc., Rucks Inc., Carmel Petroleum Company, and Apache
    Corporation, the owner of the gas wellhead.                   Apache subsequently
    filed suit in the Southern District of Texas against Seabulk, the
    Seabulk      entities,   Ocean    Energy    Inc.,     Rucks    Inc.,       and   Carmel
    Petroleum Company.
    Seabulk moved to amend the stay order to include the Seabulk
    entities and its insurers.               On October 9, the court entered an
    order (the “October 1997 order”) modifying the July 1997 order to
    include the Seabulk entities, but declined to modify the order to
    include Seabulk’s insurers.               Seabulk appeals the October 1997
    order,     and    Apache     Corporation      has    intervened   in   the   appeal.
    We have been willing to review appeals of interlocutory
    injunctions       entered     in   the   course      of   limitation   proceedings,
    pursuant to 
    28 U.S.C. § 1292
    (a)(1).1                      We first announced this
    willingness in Pershing Auto Rentals, Inc. v. Gaffney, 
    279 F.2d 546
    , 548 (5th Cir. 1960), holding that the “action of the Supreme
    Court . . . argues convincingly that the Court regards orders
    [modifying a limitation injunction] as appealable.”                       Following
    Pershing,        we   have    continued        to    assert   jurisdiction    under
    § 1292(a)(1) in appeals of limitation stay orders.                     See Magnolia
    Marine Transp. Co. v. LaPlace Towing Corp., 
    964 F.2d 1571
    , 1580
    (5th Cir. 1992); Treasure Salvors, Inc. v. Unidentified Wrecked &
    Abandoned Sailing Vessel, 
    640 F.2d 560
    , 565 (5th Cir. Mar. 1981).
    We    have      refused,     however,     to   assert    jurisdiction   under
    “[T]he courts of appeals shall have jurisdiction of appeals from . . .
    [i]nterlocutory orders of the district courts of the United States . . .
    granting, continuing, modifying, refusing or dissolving injunctions, or refusing
    to dissolve or modify injunctions.”
    § 1292(a)(1) if the district court’s order “merely enforces or
    interprets a previous injunction.”      In re Complaint of Ingram
    Towing Co., 
    59 F.3d 513
    , 516 (5th Cir. 1995).       We look beyond the
    terms used by the parties and the district court to the substance
    of the action.    “A mere allegation that the order has modified
    rather than interpreted an injunction will not suffice to vest the
    court with appellate jurisdiction.”   
     (citing Motorola, Inc. v.
    Computer Displays Int'l, Inc., 
    739 F.2d 1149
    , 1155 (7th Cir.
    To distinguish between a modification and an interpretation,
    we focus on whether provisions of the district court’s subsequent
    order are implicit in the terms of the original injunction. “An
    interlocutory appeal may be taken only if the order modifies the
    terms of the injunction; a modification of the legal basis for the
    injunction is not appealable.” 19 JAMES W. MOORE   ET AL.,   MOORE’S FEDERAL
    PRACTICE § 203.10[4][a], at 203-25 (3d ed. 1998).
    In Ingram, the district court issued three orders relating to
    the shipowner Ingram’s action seeking limitation of liability. The
    first order granted a stay to Ingram and its insurer pending
    limitation proceedings; the second modified that stay by remanding
    to state court claims against defendants other than Ingram; the
    third was issued after a state court suit was brought against
    Ingram’s insurer.   In this last order, the district court found
    that its first order had prohibited suits against Ingram’s insurer.
    The claimants appealed the third order, but we dismissed the appeal
    for want of jurisdiction, saying that the third order “merely
    explained that the [claimants] had misinterpreted the January 1994
    order.”    Ingram, 
    59 F.3d at 516
    The denial of Seabulk’s request to include its insurers
    constitutes a “refusal to modify” under § 1292(a)(1).                The order
    reads, “[T]he petitioner’s motion will be denied as to the proposed
    modification to include the mover’s insurer.”               Unlike the third
    order in Ingram, the October 1997 order did not simply explain the
    meaning of the July 1997 order. Rather, it addressed the issue
    whether the underwriters should be included and refused to modify
    the July 1997 order.2
    The Limitation Act, 
    46 U.S.C. §§ 181-189
    , permits a shipowner
    to limit liability to the value of the vessel and its freight.
    This protection is narrowed, however, by “saving to suitors in all
    Once an order under § 1292(a)(1) has been deemed appealable, the “entire
    order, not merely the propriety of injunctive relief,” comes within our scope of
    review. Magnolia, 964 F.2d at 1580 (quoting Marathon Oil Co. v. United States,
    807 F.2d 759
    , 764 (9th Cir. 1986)). See also Mercury Motor Express, Inc. v.
    475 F.2d 1086
     (5th Cir. 1973) (explaining that once case is properly
    before appellate court, the permissible scope of review extends to related orders
    not specifically appealed).
    We asked Seabulk to brief a second possible ground of jurisdiction under
    28 U.S.C. § 1292
    (a)(3), which provides for review of interlocutory orders in
    admiralty cases. Seabulk conceded in its brief that Ingram settles this question
    by refusing to assert jurisdiction over a similar stay order.        See Ingram,
    59 F.3d. at 517
     (5th Cir. 1995) (“Because the [stay order] did not determine the
    rights and liabilities of the parties, it is not appealable under the admiralty
    interlocutory appeal exception. 28 U.S.C. 1292(a)(3).”).
    cases all other remedies to which they are otherwise entitled.”     
    28 U.S.C. § 1333
    (1).   The “saving to suitors” clause seeks to protect
    a claimant’s right to “jury trials and common law remedies in the
    forum of the claimant’s choice.”       Odeco Oil & Gas Co. v. Bonnette,
    74 F.3d 671
    , 674 (5th Cir. 1996); see also Magnolia, 964 F.2d at
    1575.   Thus, federal courts have had to balance the rights of the
    claimant to pursue its state lawsuits against the shipowner's right
    to limited liability.
    In this circuit, this conflict between federal and state law
    has often arisen when state direct action suits are brought against
    a shipowner’s insurers under Louisiana’s direct action statute,
    L.R.S. 22:655. In this situation, the direct action suits threaten
    to deplete the shipowner's insurance coverage and frustrate its
    right to limit liability.    See Magnolia, 964 F.2d at 1579 n.6.
    The Supreme Court addressed this potential conflict between
    Louisiana and federal law in Maryland Cas. Co. v. Cushing, 
    347 U.S. 409
     (1954).   Unfortunately, a deeply split Court failed to reach
    any conclusive holding.   Four Justices who felt that the Louisiana
    law should be struck down were nevertheless forced to vote with
    Justice Clark to uphold the Louisiana statute but remand the action
    against the insurers to be delayed until after the limitation
    proceeding.   See 
    id. at 423
     (Frankfurter, J. concurring).
    Because it has been difficult to determine what the “4-1-4
    riddle of [Cushing]” stands for, this circuit has traditionally
    given itself latitude to develop practical solutions.                   See Guillot
    v. Cenac Towing Co., 
    366 F.2d 898
    , 900 (5th Cir. 1966).                    In some
    cases, this     has   meant   requiring     the   stay    of    actions       against
    insurers pending the outcome of limitation proceedings. See, e.g.,
    Magnolia, 964 F.2d at 1579; Guillot, 
    366 F.2d at 905
    ; Tokio Marine
    & Fire Ins. Co. v. Aetna Cas. & Sur. Co., 
    322 F.2d 113
    , 116 (5th
    Cir. 1963).
    We have declined, however, to establish an ironclad rule
    requiring a stay of a direct action lawsuit against a shipowner’s
    insurers.     Most recently, we held that while underwriters may be
    included in such a stay order, this action “is not the only
    possible strategy and that other methods may achieve an equivalent
    result.”    Magnolia, 964 F.2d at 1579-80.
    The    question,     then,   is   whether    the    “strategy”       thus   far
    followed by the district court may achieve the “equivalent result”
    of including the insurers in the limitation stay order.                  We review
    the decision to refuse to modify a stay order for abuse of
    discretion.    Odeco, 
    74 F.3d at 674
    We have held that allowing a state court action to proceed is
    “contingent on protecting the absolute right of the shipowner to
    limit his or her liability,” Magnolia, 964 F.2d at 1581 (internal
    citations     omitted),    but    a    district   court        should    be    given
    “considerable latitude in devising practical solutions to avoid or
    lessen judicial administrative conflicts . . .,” Guillot, 
    366 F.2d
    at 905.    As intervenor Apache has suggested, the district court
    could choose to stay execution of the judgment against Seabulk’s
    insurers on the first $727,000 of Seabulk’s insurance policy (the
    stipulated value of the vessel and freight).                Alternatively,
    following the suggestion of this court in Magnolia, 964 F.2d at
    1580, the court could choose to require the claimants to stipulate
    that Seabulk has a priority claim on the insurance proceeds.           Under
    either alternative, the claimants could preserve their choice of
    forum rights, as envisioned by the saving to suitors clause,
    without depleting Seabulk’s liability protections.            There may be
    other courses of action that we have not mentioned that also may
    achieve the appropriate result.
    The larger point is that the district court is in the best
    position   to    decide   how   to   balance   the   complicated   competing
    interests.      The court must follow Magnolia to the extent that it
    requires the protection of Seabulk’s insurance coverage, but it is
    not required, as a matter of law, to select the path of immediately
    staying all proceedings against insurers.            See Magnolia, 964 F.2d
    at 1579-80.      While the court may later issue a stay protecting
    Seabulk’s insurers, it is within the court’s discretion to refuse
    to issue such a stay until it can determine what is the best
    strategy to pursue.