U.S. Fidelity & Guar. Co. v. Wigginton ( 1992 )

    No. 91-7045
    United States Fidelity &
    Guaranty Company
    A. Buford Wigginton,
    Pickens Pharmacy,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Southern District of Mississippi
    (July 1, 1992)
    Before KING, SMITH, and WIENER, Circuit Judges:
    WIENER, Circuit Judge:
    In this Mississippi diversity case arising out of a fire and
    a   subsequent   insurance   claim,     Defendant-Appellant   A.   Buford
    Wigginton appeals the district court's grant of summary judgment of
    no liability in favor of Wigginton's insurer, Plaintiff-Appellee
    United States Fidelity & Guaranty Company (USF&G).            Finding no
    reversible error, we affirm.
    There is no genuine dispute about the facts of this case.
    USF&G issued a policy of insurance to Wigginton covering, inter
    alia, fire damage to property on which Wigginton conducted his
    business, Pickens Pharmacy.    In November of 1990, a fire destroyed
    the property and its contents.   Wigginton was arrested and charged
    with second degree arson.
    After filing a proof of loss with USF&G in January of 1991,
    the company requested that Wigginton submit to an examination under
    oath and produce certain documents and records.             Wigginton's
    counsel informed USF&G, however, that Wigginton would not testify
    under oath until he could make a decision whether to waive his
    Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination in the criminal
    proceeding.    In   March,   Wigginton   appeared   at   the   scheduled
    deposition but declined to answer questions or to produce the
    requested records, asserting the Fifth Amendment.        Two weeks later
    the company denied Wigginton's claim.
    In May, the company filed this declaratory judgment action.
    Wigginton counterclaimed for bad faith denial of coverage and bad
    faith in the handling of Wigginton's claim.     Wigginton also filed
    a motion to dismiss, or in the alternative, a motion to stay the
    proceeding until the criminal arson trial was completed.        USF&G in
    turn filed a motion for summary judgment.
    In June, eleven days after USF&G filed its motion for summary
    judgment, Wigginton filed with the court a "Notice of Availability
    for Deposition."    USF&G immediately declined Wigginton's offer to
    submit to examination.   Four days thereafter, Wigginton responded
    to USF&G motion for summary judgment, and filed an affidavit with
    the court in which he averred:
    After discussing the matter with my attorneys, it has been
    determined that I should make myself available for examination
    under oath to answer questions concerning the fire and the
    losses which resulted, and to produce documents as requested
    by USF&G.   My offer to do so, however, is contingent upon
    USF&G's agreement, or Order of the Court to the effect that
    same will constitute a compliance on my part with the
    pertinent terms and provisions of my policy of insurance.
    The district court granted summary judgment to USF&G and
    denied Wigginton's bad faith counterclaim.       The court concluded
    that Wigginton's delay in submitting to examination under oath and
    his subsequent conditional offer were unreasonable, thereby voiding
    coverage under USF&G's fire policy.    Wigginton timely appealed.
    This court reviews the grant of summary judgment motion de
    novo, using the same criteria used by the district court in the
    first instance.1   We "review the evidence and inferences to be
    drawn therefrom in the light most favorable to the non-moving
    party."2    Summary   judgment   is    proper   "if   the   pleadings,
    depositions, answers to interrogatories, and admissions on file,
    together with the affidavits, if any, show that there is no genuine
    1 Walker v
    . Sears, Roebuck & Co., 
    853 F.2d 355
    , 358 (5th Cir.
    Baton Rouge Bldg. & Constr. Trades Council v. Jacobs
    Constructors, Inc., 
    804 F.2d 879
    , 881 (5th Cir. 1986) (per
    curiam) (citing Southmark Properties v. Charles House Corp., 
    742 F.2d 862
    , 873 (5th Cir. 1984)).
    issue as to any material fact and that the moving party is entitled
    to a judgment as a matter of law." 3           Fed.R.Civ.P. 56(e) requires
    that when a proper motion for summary judgment is made, the non-
    moving party must set forth specific facts showing that there is a
    genuine issue for trial.4      The mere existence of an alleged factual
    dispute between the parties will not defeat an otherwise properly
    supported motion for summary judgment.          A dispute about a material
    fact is genuine "if the evidence is such that a reasonable jury
    could return a verdict for the nonmoving party."5         "Material facts"
    are "facts that might affect the outcome of the suit under the
    governing law."6
    A.   Failure to Submit to Examination under Oath
    In     its   argument   that   Wigginton's    failure   to   submit   to
    examination under oath rendered Wigginton's policy void, USF&G
    relies on the following provisions contained in the policy:
    A.      Loss Conditions
    3.   Duties In The Event of Loss Or Damage.
    You must see that the following are done in the
    event of loss of or damage to Covered Property:
    Fed.R.Civ.P. 56(c).
    Anderson v. Liberty Lobby, Inc., 
    477 U.S. 242
    , 250, 106 S.
    Ct. 2505, 2510 (1986).
    Id. at 248.
    Id. 4 g.
       [The Examination of Oath Clause:]          If
    requested, permit us to question you under
    oath at such times as may be reasonably
    required about any matter relating to this
    insurance or your claim, including your books
    and records. In such event, your answers must
    be signed.
    i.    [The Cooperation Clause:] Cooperate with us
    in the investigation or settlement of the
    4.   [The Legal Action Clause:] Legal Action Against Us.
    No one may bring a legal action against us under
    this insurance unless:
    a.   There has been full compliance with all of the
    terms of this insurance; ...
    B.   General Conditions.
    1.   [The     Concealment   Clause:]        Concealment,
    Misrepresentation Or Fraud.
    This Coverage Part is void in any case of fraud by
    you at any time as it relates to this Coverage
    Part.     It is also void if you or any other
    insurance, at any time, intentionally conceal or
    misrepresent a material fact concerning:
    a.    This Coverage Part;
    b.    The Covered Property;
    c.    Your interest in the Covered Property, or
    d.    A claim under this Coverage Part.
    "Mississippi law is clear that a policy is rendered void where an
    insured either fails to submit to an examination under oath or
    refuses to answer material questions during an examination under
    The [policy's examination, concealment, and legal action
    clauses] are common to insurance policies, and have been dealt
    Saucier v. U.S. Fidelity and Guaranty Co., 
    765 F. Supp. 334
    (S.D. Miss 1991). See also Taylor v. Fireman's Fund Ins. Co.,
    306 So. 2d 638
    (Miss. 1974); Southern Guaranty Ins. Co. v. Dean,
    252 Miss. 69
    172 So. 2d 553
    (1965); Standard Ins. Co. v.
    227 Miss. 397
    86 So. 2d 298
    (1956); U.S. Fidelity and
    Guaranty Co. v. Conaway, 
    674 F. Supp. 1270
    (N.D. Miss. 1987),
    849 F.2d 1469
    (5th Cir. 1988).
    with by this court on many occasions. In all of these cases
    the clauses authorizing insurers to conduct investigations
    under oath were found to be reasonable and valid. This Court
    also found that failure to submit to such an examination,
    under circumstances such as those present in the case at bar,
    would preclude coverage under the policies as a matter of
    Therefore, because the failure to submit to examination voids the
    policy as a matter of law, the policy need not explicitly state
    that the examination clause is a condition precedent to recovery.
    Wigginton contends, however, that the policy is not void
    unless USF&G proves that it was prejudiced by Wigginton's breach.
    We do not agree.    The law of Mississippi is well-settled that an
    insured's breach of a condition precedent or to a provision that
    renders the policy void relieves the insurer of any obligation to
    show prejudice.    A substantial line of cases supports the rule that
    an insurer need not show prejudice when the insured breaches a
    condition    precedent    or   a   condition    that    voids       the   policy.9
    Although    Mississippi   courts    do    not   speak   of   examinations      as
    conditions   precedent,    they    have   never   required      a    showing   of
    prejudice when breach of the examination clause renders a policy
    See Allison v. State Farm Fire & Cas. Co. 
    543 So. 2d 661
    663 (Miss. 1989).
    See Hall v. State Farm Fire & Cas. Co., 
    937 F.2d 210
    Cir. 1991)(no showing of prejudice necessary when breach of
    concealment clause voided coverage); Bolivar County Bd. of
    Supervisors v. Forum Ins. Co., 
    779 F.2d 1081
    (5th Cir. 1986)(no
    showing of prejudice necessary when provision is condition
    precedent); Reliance Ins. Co. v. County Line Place, Inc., 692
    F.supp. 694 (S.D.Miss. 1988)(no showing of prejudice necessary
    when notice provision is condition precedent); West v. Bankers
    and Shippers Ins. Co., 
    643 F. Supp. 992
    (N.D. Miss. 1986)(no
    showing of prejudice necessary when notice provision is condition
    precedent), aff'd 
    814 F.2d 657
    (5th Cir. 1987).
    void.10      Clearly, then, Wigginton's breach of the examination
    clause, precluding coverage as a matter of law, obviates any
    obligation of USF&G to demonstrate prejudice.
    Wigginton also insists that his subsequent offer to submit to
    examination cured any breach because the delay was reasonable.       In
    Standard Ins. Co. of New York v. Anderson,11 the Mississippi Supreme
    Court concluded that a willful failure to submit to an examination
    can violate a policy's concealment clause, but the court also
    recognized that a reasonable delay in submitting to an examination
    may be excused.         The court reiterated this position in Home Ins.
    Co. v. Olmstead12, stating that "if an insured, for a valid reason,
    is unable to attend an examination under oath, it is incumbent upon
    the insured, as soon as possible, to offer to submit to an
    examination at a later date."13        We agree with the district court
    in the instant case that Wigginton's delay was unreasonable as a
    matter of law.
    Wigginton premised his refusal to submit to the examination on
    the ground that he needed time to decide whether to waive his right
    against self-incrimination in his criminal matter, cognizant of the
    See, e.g., Taylor v. Fireman's Fund Ins. Co., 
    306 So. 2d 638
    (Miss. 1974); Southern Guaranty Ins. Co. v. Dean, 
    252 Miss. 69
    172 So. 2d 553
    (1965); Standard Ins. Co. v. Anderson, 
    227 Miss. 397
    86 So. 2d 298
    (1956); See also U.S. Fidelity and
    Guaranty Co. v. Conaway, 
    674 F. Supp. 1270
    (N.D. Miss. 1987),
    849 F.2d 1469
    (5th Cir. 1988).
    227 Miss. 397
    86 So. 2d 298
    355 So. 2d 310
    (Miss. 1978).
    Id. at 313.
    fact    that     answering   any   questions   in   his   examination   would
    effectively waive these rights.            Wigginton cannot, however, rely
    upon his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination as a
    valid excuse to avoid examination in this civil case.             We see no
    principled difference between invoking one's Fifth Amendment rights
    and delaying the examination in order to decide whether to do so.
    In Saucier v. U. S. Fidelity and Guaranty Co.14 the court reasoned:
    The compulsion secured against by the constitution is a
    compulsion exercised by the state in its sovereign capacity in
    some matter known to the law. Constitutional immunity has no
    application to a private examination arising out of a
    contractual relationship. The examination to which appellants
    demanded respondent should submit was an extrajudicial
    proceeding, not authorized by any constitutional or statutory
    provision, but purely by virtue of a contract between the
    parties. To bring a case within the constitutional immunity,
    it must appear that compulsion was sought under public process
    of some kind. This being so, respondent's refusal to undergo
    examination and produce his books and papers acquires no
    sanctity because he urged his constitutional right not to be
    compelled to be a witness against himself. The demand was
    made upon him by virtue of the stipulation in the contract,
    and by the stipulation alone must his refusal be judged. The
    stipulation constituted a promissory warranty under which
    appellants had the right to demand compliance by respondent
    "as often as required," and the performance of such
    stipulation was a condition precedent to any right of action.15
    It is not just the number of months that elapsed between the
    demand for examination and Wigginton's consent to submit that makes
    his delay unreasonable. The facts that he waited until after USF&G
    filed suit and after its motion for summary judgment was filed to
    consent exacerbated the unreasonableness of Wigginton's delay.
    765 F. Supp. 334
    (S.D. Miss. 1991).
    Id. at 336
    (quoting Hickman v. London Assurance Corp., 
    184 Cal. 524
    195 P. 45
    , 49 (1920).
    More significantly, Wigginton did not redeem himself when he
    offered     to    submit   some    three       months    later.     His       offer   was
    unreasonably conditioned on the company's agreeing to waive its
    rights with respect to voiding the policy.                    Even if we were to
    agree     that    Wigginton's     delay    of    three    months   was    reasonable
    temporally, we would be forced to conclude that the contingency
    attached to his offer made it ineffectual and thus unreasonable.
    The district court was correct when it concluded that
    In effect, compliance with Wigginton's demand requires USF&G
    to relinquish the defense that it was justified in denying
    Wigginton's claim because he failed to timely comply with the
    terms of the policy, even before Wigginton appears and is
    questioned. USF&G is not required by its policy or by law to
    accept such an offer. Accordingly, the court concludes that
    Wigginton has not made an offer to comply with the terms of
    the policy which would defeat the plaintiff's motion for
    summary judgment....
    B.   Wigginton's Counterclaim for Bad Faith
    The district court denied Wigginton's counterclaim against
    USF&G for breach of contract in denying his claim for coverage.
    Wigginton argues that the conduct of USF&G constituted a breach of
    contract     so    willful,     intentional,       malicious      and    in    reckless
    disregard of his rights as to amount to the independent tort of bad
    faith calling for actual and punitive damages.                          Specifically,
    Wigginton complains of USF&G's insistence on the examination under
    oath, the denial of the claim, and the filing of suit.
    The law is well settled that the insured has the burden of
    establishing a claim for bad faith denial of an insurance claim.16
    Dunn v. State Farm Fire and Casualty Co., 711 F.Supp 1362,
    1364 (N.D. Miss. 1988), aff'd, 
    927 F.2d 869
    (5th Cir. 1991).
    The insured must show that the insurer denied the claim (1) without
    an arguable or legitimate basis, either in fact or law, and (2)
    with malice or gross negligence in disregard of the insured's
    rights.17       The insurer need only show that it had reasonable
    justifications, either in fact or in law, to deny payment.18
    Moreover, whether an insurer had an arguable reason to deny an
    insured's claim is an issue of law for the court.19
    In deciding whether an insurer had an arguable basis to deny
    insurance liability, Mississippi courts apply the directed verdict
    test:20    Unless the insured would be entitled to a directed verdict
    on the underlying insurance claim, an arguable reason to deny an
    insurance claim exists in most cases.21
    We have already determined that Wigginton's failure to submit
    to the requested examination and his subsequent impermissibly
    conditional offer to submit were unreasonable as a matter of law.22
    Under these circumstances, there is no doubt that Wigginton's
    breach provided USF&G substantially more than an arguable reason to
    deny his claim.
    Id., 927 F.2d
    at 872.
    Id. at 873.
    Id. 20 Id.
    Id. 22 Because
    we find that Wigginton's conduct was a breach as a
    matter of law, his argument that the district court erred in
    granting summary judgment before discovery was undertaken is
    Wigginton's failure to submit to examination voided the policy
    as a matter of Mississippi law, without the necessity for USF&G to
    show that it was prejudiced by that failure.    We do not need to
    reach the question whether the period of Wigginton's delay was
    unreasonable because his subsequent offer to submit did not cure
    the breach; it was unacceptably conditional and, thus without
    effect.     The district court, therefore, did not err in granting
    USF&G summary judgment, or in denying Wigginton's counterclaim for
    bad faith.
    For the foregoing reasons, the judgment of the district court