U.S. v. Shaw ( 1992 )

    No. 92-7236
    Summary Calendar
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the
    Southern District of Texas
    (November 25, 1992)
    Before GARWOOD, JONES and EMILIO M. GARZA, Circuit Judges.
    GARWOOD, Circuit Judge:
    Defendant-appellant Thomas Lowell Shaw (Shaw) was convicted,
    on his plea of guilty, of unlawful escape from custody in the
    Federal Prison Camp at Three Rivers, Texas, on May 19, 1991,
    contrary to 
    18 U.S.C. § 751
    (a).      He was sentenced to twenty-six
    months' imprisonment, followed by two years' supervised release,
    and a fifty dollar special assessment. Shaw now brings this appeal
    challenging only his sentence.      Finding no reversible error, we
    Facts and Proceedings Below
    In August 1990, Shaw was convicted on two counts of an
    indictment charging possession of a firearm by a convicted felon
    contrary to 
    18 U.S.C. § 922
    (g)(1) and falsely representing a number
    to be a social security account number contrary to 
    42 U.S.C. § 408
    (g)(2).       On November 20, 1990, he was sentenced for these
    offenses to consecutive terms of imprisonment of five months
    (firearms count) and three years (social security number count).
    To commence service of this sentence as directed by the Attorney
    General, Shaw reported to the Federal Prison Camp at Three Rivers,
    Texas, on January 14, 1991. He continued serving his sentence at
    the Federal Prison Camp at Three Rivers until May 19, 1991, when he
    was discovered missing.       He had not been given permission to be
    absent from the camp.    On October 18, 1991, Shaw was apprehended by
    United States Marshals near Houston.      He was subsequently indicted
    for, and pleaded guilty to, escape from custody contrary to 
    18 U.S.C. § 751
    At his initial sentencing hearing on February 18, 1992, Shaw
    objected for the first time to the pre-sentence report for not
    assessing    a   four-level   downward   reduction   under   U.S.S.G.   §
    2P1.1(b)(3), for escape from the non-secure custody of a correction
    center, community center, "halfway house," or similar facility.1
    This section provides in pertinent part that "[i]f the
    defendant escaped from the non-secure custody of a community
    corrections center, community treatment center, 'halfway house,'
    or similar facility . . . decrease the offense level under (a)(1)
    by 4 levels . . . ." U.S.S.G. § 2P1.1(b)(3). Section
    2P1.1(a)(1) requires a base offense level of 13 for escape if
    "custody or confinement is by virtue of . . . conviction of any
    He argued that the only requirement under section 2P1.1(b)(3) was
    that his incarceration was in "non-secure custody," as demonstrated
    by the fact that he had effected his escape from the camp without
    having to cross a fence or any other type of barrier.               The district
    court adjourned the hearing in order to give the government the
    opportunity     to   produce       witnesses   who    could        describe   the
    characteristics of the Three Rivers camp.
    On March 9 and March 23, 1992, the district court conducted
    second and third sentencing hearings at which it received testimony
    concerning     the   Three   Rivers    correctional    institution.           The
    testimony described the institution as being eight miles outside of
    the city of Three Rivers, and as being composed of a medium and a
    minimum security facility.            The minimum security facility was
    referred to as the camp.       The Three Rivers camp is classified as a
    satellite camp, as opposed to an independent camp, because it is
    physically located within the same compound as the prison facility.
    The medium security facility is surrounded by two perimeter fences,
    and although no immediate fence surrounds the camp, a barbed-wire
    fence   does    encircle     the    37-acre    perimeter      of     the   entire
    The only two entrances to the property are driveways; to leave
    the property by any other means, one would have to cross the
    barbed-wire fence.      This fence was not erected or maintained to
    detain prisoners but rather as a boundary marker and to keep
    livestock out.       Every new inmate is given verbal and written
    offense."    U.S.S.G. § 2P1.1(a)(1).
    instructions on what constitutes "out of bounds" at the camp, and
    is warned that violations of the boundaries result in incident
    reports and corresponding sanctions.
    The district court also received testimony concerning the
    attributes of institutions described in section 2P1.1(b)(3). These
    institutions, such as a community center or a half-way house, allow
    an inmate at "mid-point" to readjust to the community setting, and
    they   represent    the   lowest   custody    level   within     the   system.
    Generally, an individual moves from a prison camp to one of these
    institutions as he draws nearer to his release date, although an
    individual could be placed in such a facility from the outset.
    Most inmates are sent to such a facility within the last six months
    of their incarceration, while an inmate could be imprisoned up to
    eight years in a prison camp.
    A   major   difference   between      the   community    center    type
    facilities and a prison camp is that the convicted individual is
    actually confined in the camp.            At the community center, the
    individual returns to the center each evening, after participating
    all day as a member of the community work force.               Members of the
    community centers may come and go as they please; inmates of the
    Three Rivers prison camp must have permission before they may leave
    the camp. Furthermore, at the Three Rivers camp, the prisoners are
    counted at least five times a day, six on weekends.              Furthermore,
    on camp regular work detail or in the camp's community custody
    program where inmates work in the community, the inmates are
    visually accounted for at least every two hours.          Camp inmates are
    never allowed unauthorized visitors.            Visiting hours are strictly
    enforced with only a certain number of visits allowed per month.
    In these ways, the prison camp separates the inmate from the
    community and restricts his contact with people on the "outside."
    By contrast, at community centers individuals merely sign in and
    out.    The center residents maintain contact with the community
    because    the   principal   purpose       is   reintegration.     Extensive
    community contact is encouraged since not only must the individual
    readjust to society, but he must also pay for his medical care and
    subsistence while staying at the center, as well as turn over a
    portion of his gross earnings to the facility to help offset its
    expenses.     Community centers are generally not operated by the
    federal     government.      The   federal      governmentSQthe   Bureau    of
    PrisonsSQoperates the prison camp and bears the full cost for
    incarceration there.
    The district court ruled that in order to qualify under
    section 2P1.1(b)(3), the defendant must not only show that he
    escaped from a non-secure facility but that the facility was
    similar to the institutions described in section 2P1.1(b)(3).              The
    court found that the Federal Prison Camp at Three Rivers was not a
    facility similar to those listed in section 2P1.1(b)(3).                   The
    district court accordingly denied Shaw's request for a downward
    adjustment in his offense level under section 2P1.1(b)(3).                 The
    court then calculated Shaw's offense level as eleven,2 and his
    Shaw's base offense level was calculated as thirteen under
    section 2P1.1(a)(1); the offense level was reduced to eleven by a
    two-level reduction for acceptance of responsibility. Section
    criminal history category as five, resulting in a guideline range
    of twenty-four to thirty months. The district court sentenced Shaw
    to twenty-six months' incarceration. Shaw now appeals the district
    court's denial of a 2P1.1(b)(3) downward adjustment to his offense
    Shaw contends that the district court in determining whether
    the camp   was   similar   to   the   facilities   mentioned   in   section
    2P1.1(b)(3) erred by considering factors other than whether the
    camp was similar in that its custody of Shaw was non-secure.          Shaw
    cites the application notes to guideline 2P1.1, which define non-
    secure custody as "custody with no significant physical restraint."
    U.S.S.G. § 2P1.1, comment. (n.1). Shaw argues that this definition
    should be the only similarity considered.          Under this framework,
    Shaw argues that he squarely fits within the application note
    definition because it gives as an example of "non-secure custody"
    the situation "where a defendant walked away from a work detail
    outside the security perimeter of an institution."             Id.    Shaw
    argues that escape by walking away from a federal prison camp
    mirrors this example.3
    Shaw also seems to argue that federal prison camps might be
    similar to community centers in other aspects besides "non-secure
    custody." However, at sentencing he in essence admitted that a
    prison camp was not similar to a community center and that the
    institutions had different purposes. The district court
    acknowledged his concession.
    The district court's determination whether the facilities
    were similar was a factual determination because it required the
    court to draw conclusions from the evidence presented at the
    We agree that one element for awarding an adjustment under
    section 2P1.1(b)(3) is a showing that the defendant escaped from
    "non-secure custody."4        However, this is not the only element.
    Shaw   cites   one   case   that   squarely   addresses   this   issue   and
    concludes that the sole requirement for section 2P1.1(b)(3) is that
    the facility's custody is "non-secure."        United States v. Agudelo,
    768 F.Supp. 339
     (N.D. Fla. 1991).         The Agudelo court determined
    that a defendant who had walked away from Eglin Federal Prison Camp
    at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, had done so from a "non-secure
    custody" facility.      
        Based only on this finding, the court
    granted a section 2P1.1(b)(3) reduction.          The Agudelo court does
    not consider if this section might require additional findings and
    does not explain why "non-secure custody" is the only element to be
    considered.     We decline to follow the Agudelo court's analysis
    because it simply ignores the rest of section 2P1.1(b)(3), which is
    concerned with "the non-secure custody of a community corrections
    center, community treatment center, 'halfway house,' or similar
    sentencing hearing. United States v. Mejia-Orosco, 
    867 F.2d 216
    220 (5th Cir. 1989) (holding that a district court's finding was
    factual because it required the court to "draw an inference from
    a variety of data"). Since Shaw did not challenge the district
    court's factual determination at the sentencing hearings, his
    argument is waived. United States v. Smallwood, 
    920 F.2d 1231
    1238 (5th Cir. 1991) (holding that "a fact matter must be the
    subject of an objection at the time of sentencing if it is to be
    an issue on appeal"). In any event, the evidence amply
    supportsSQand indeed compelsSQthe district court's finding.
    We observe that section 2P1.1(b)(2) provides (with a limited
    exception) for reduction of base offense level "[i]f the
    defendant escaped from non-secure custody and returned
    voluntarily within 96 hours." Shaw did not return voluntarily or
    within 96 hours, and does not claim entitlement to a section
    2P1.1(b)(2) reduction.
    As pointed out in United States v. Brownlee, 
    970 F.2d 764
    (10th Cir. 1992), Shaw's argument must be rejected because it,
    "ignores the plain language of U.S.S.G. §2P1.1(b) which
    dictates that two circumstances must be present before an
    escapee receives the four-level reduction: first, the
    escape must be from non-secure custody, and, second, the
    non-secure custody must be provided by a particular type
    of facility, i.e., a community corrections center,
    community treatment center, halfway house or similar
    facility." Id. at 765.
    To     give   the     language     of    section       2P1.1(b)(3)        any        other
    interpretation       "would    render     the    limiting    modifiers      of       this
    subsection meaningless."          United States v. McGann, 
    960 F.2d 846
    847 (9th Cir. 1992). The McGann court compared section 2P1.1(b)(3)
    with    section     2P1.1(b)(2),     which      does   not   have   any    modifying
    language to the words "non-secure custody."6                    As explained in
    McGann, "When the Guidelines apply broadly to cover escapes from
    all types of non-secure custody, the language of the provision
    states so explicitly."         
          We agree.      As noted by the Brownlee
    court,    "prison      camps     were    recognized      institutions           in    the
    corrections system long before the enactment of the sentencing
    guidelines and, had the Sentencing Commission intended that prison
    One other district court also held that a federal prison
    camp was a non-secure facility and that this factor would allow a
    section 2P1.1(b)(3) sentence reduction. United States v. Crosby,
    762 F. Supp. 658
     (W.D. Pa. 1991). However, that case was
    concerned with whether section 2P1.1(b)(3) could be applied
    retroactively, and, as Shaw admits in his brief, the issue sub
    judice was not raised by any party but was merely assumed. 
    Id. at 659
    See note 4 supra.
    camps be within the purview of §2P1.1(b)(3), it could have included
    them specifically."     Brownlee, 
    970 F.2d at 765
    .           We hold that in
    awarding a downward adjustment under section 2P1.1(b)(3), the
    district court must find not only that the defendant escaped from
    non-secure custody, but also that the facility escaped from either
    is, or is a facility similar to, a community corrections center,
    community treatment center, or halfway house.
    The evidence from the sentencing hearings amply supports
    SQindeed compelsSQthe district court's finding that a federal prison
    camp is not a facility similar to a community corrections center,
    community   treatment   center,    or    halfway    house.     As   noted   in
    Brownlee,   "The    facilities    listed      in   [2P1.1(b)(3)]    are     all
    integrated into the community.          A prison camp, even though there
    may be no perimeter barriers and residents may have some freedom to
    come and go, is an environment separated from the community."               
    We would also add that the federal prison camp's purpose is to
    incarcerate the inmate while the community center's purpose is to
    bring the inmate back into society.        The district court did not err
    in refusing to reduce Shaw's sentence under section 2P1.1(b)(3).
    Although Shaw may have escaped from non-secure custody, he did not
    escape from a facility similar to a community corrections center,
    community treatment center, or halfway house.
    Shaw has failed to demonstrate any error in his sentence, and
    it is accordingly