Wynn v. Washington Nat Ins ( 1997 )

  •                                   REVISED
    No. 96-31151
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Western District of Louisiana
    September 9, 1997
    Before WISDOM, DUHÉ, and BARKSDALE, Circuit Judges.
    At   issue    is    LA. REV. STAT. ANN. §   22:215.12,    which,   for
    hospital, health, or medical expense insurance policies issued
    after 1992, prohibits denial or limitation of “benefits for a
    covered individual for losses due to a pre-existing condition [that
    were] incurred more than twelve months following the effective date
    of the individual’s coverage”.        Beverly and Lawrence Wynn appeal a
    summary judgment granted Washington National Insurance Company on
    the Wynns’ claim that they were entitled to health insurance
    benefits for her back surgery. Washington National denied coverage
    on the basis of an exclusion in the Wynns’ policy.          We AFFIRM.
    In early February 1993, the Wynns signed an application for
    group major medical expenses coverage under a policy of insurance
    issued by Washington National to the Washington National Major
    Medical Trust.    With respect to Beverly Wynn, the Wynns answered
    “yes” to the following “Health Question” on the application:
    Within the past 5 years, has any person
    to be covered: (a) consulted, been examined or
    treated   by  any   physician,   chiropractor,
    psychologist,    or    other    health    care
    (1) Was the exam, consultation or
    treatment prompted by complaints or symptoms?
    Later in the application, the Wynns explained that Beverly Wynn had
    pulled a muscle in her back in September 1992.
    Washington National determined that it could not underwrite
    the coverage as the Wynns requested, but could offer modified
    coverage for Beverly Wynn with a rider for disorders of the spine.
    Coverage was conditioned on the Wynns’ signing the following
    “Exception Endorsement”:
    No benefits will be paid under this
    certificate of insurance, or under any rider
    or amendment thereto, for disability, loss or
    expense resulting from or caused by any injury
    to or disease or disorder of the spine or
    spinal region, fractures and cancer excepted,
    suffered by Beverly S. Wynn.
    The Wynns signed the endorsement and received their insurance
    certificate in March 1993.
    The   policy   also   contained    the   following   pre-existing
    conditions limitation:
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    The Policy does not cover charges
    incurred by a Covered Person during the first
    24 months after his or her coverage became
    effective, if those charges are incurred
    because of a pre-existing condition that was
    not disclosed in the application for his or
    her coverage. The Policy does not cover any
    charges due to a condition that is excluded by
    name or specific description even after that
    24-month period.
    (Emphasis added.)
    Approximately two years after the certificate was issued,
    Beverly Wynn had treatment, including surgery, on a cervical disc,
    resulting    in    medical     charges     of    almost    $35,000.      Washington
    National denied coverage pursuant to the exclusion endorsement.
    The Wynns filed this action against Washington National in
    late 1995, claiming that they were entitled to benefits because the
    condition requiring Beverly Wynn’s surgery was not a pre-existing
    condition.    In the alternative, they claimed that, if the surgery
    was the result of such a condition, the earlier-referenced LA. REV.
    STAT. ANN. § 22:215.12 (West 1995 & Supp. 1997) prohibits Washington
    National from denying coverage for losses, due to a pre-existing
    condition,    which     are    incurred    more     than   12   months   after   the
    effective date of coverage (March 1993).                   The Wynns also sought
    statutory penalties under LA. REV. STAT. ANN. § 22:657 (West 1995)
    for the denial of their claim for benefits without just and
    reasonable grounds.
    Washington National removed the case on diversity grounds, and
    cross-motions for summary judgment were filed.                  The district court
    granted     Washington        National’s        motion,    concluding    that    the
    endorsement       and   the    pre-existing        conditions     limitation     are
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    separate, unrelated provisions.    Consequently, the endorsement was
    not governed by (and did not run afoul of) § 22:215.12 and instead
    constituted an independent basis on which to exclude coverage.
    We review a summary judgment de novo, applying the same
    standard as the district court.         See, e.g., Bodenheimer v. PPG
    Indus., Inc., 
    5 F.3d 955
    , 956 (5th Cir. 1993).         Such judgment is
    appropriate where there is no material fact issue and the movant is
    entitled to judgment as a matter of law.        Id.; see FED. R. CIV. P.
    56(c).    In   making   this   determination,    we   are    to    draw   all
    justifiable inferences in favor of the nonmovant.           
    Id. Of course,
    because the district court had subject matter jurisdiction based on
    diversity of citizenship, Louisiana’s substantive law applies. See
    Erie R.R. Co. v. Tompkins, 
    304 U.S. 64
    Section 22:215.12 states in part:
    Any hospital, health, or medical expense
    insurance policy ... which is delivered or
    issued for delivery in [Louisiana] on or after
    January 1, 1993, shall not deny, exclude, or
    limit benefits for a covered individual for
    losses due to a preexisting condition incurred
    more   than   twelve  months   following   the
    effective    date    of    the    individual’s
    According to the Wynns, this section prohibits Washington National
    from denying coverage for Beverly Wynn’s surgery, which took place
    more than a year after issuance of the policy.
    The Wynns concede “that the endorsement was added to the
    policy in order to write policies for the Wynns”; but, they
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    maintain, nevertheless, that there is a material fact issue as to
    whether the endorsement is simply a method of excluding coverage
    for a pre-existing condition.        They point, inter alia, to the
    affidavit of Washington National’s chief underwriter, which states,
    “The exclusion for Ms. Wynn was placed on the Certificate because
    of a back disorder.”
    Along this line, the Wynns assert that, if Washington National
    is able to write exclusion endorsements in this manner, it can then
    rely on such endorsements to exclude coverage for those pre-
    existing conditions that are disclosed on insurance applications
    (such as Beverly Wynn’s prior back injury), and rely on the pre-
    existing conditions limitation in the policy to deny coverage for
    those conditions not disclosed on the policy, thereby circumventing
    the purpose behind § 22:215.12.
    Washington National responds that it, as an insurance company,
    is free to limit its liability in any manner, absent a statute or
    public policy to the contrary.       It maintains that the exception
    endorsement does not violate § 22:215.12 because coverage was not
    denied the Wynns on the basis of the pre-existing conditions
    limitation in the policy.    According to Washington National,       the
    section   affects   only   such   limitations   and   does   not   affect
    endorsements such as the one at issue.      Also, it asserts that no
    record evidence supports the Wynns’ suggestion that it will write
    similar endorsements every time an individual discloses a pre-
    existing condition on an application.
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    The section was enacted in 1992; there is little case law
    interpreting it. The only reported case that discusses the section
    is not on point.   See Rabalais v. Louisiana Health Serv. and Indem.
    671 So. 2d 7
    (La. Ct. App. 1996).
    An exception endorsement is qualitatively different from a
    pre-existing conditions limitation.         As noted, an insurer in
    Louisiana is free to limit its liability “just as individuals may”.
    Sargent v. Louisiana Health Serv. & Indem. Co., 
    550 So. 2d 843
    , 845
    (La. Ct. App. 1989); see Perault v. Time Ins. Co., 
    633 So. 2d 263
    267 (La. Ct. App. 1993).     Clear and unambiguous insurance contract
    provisions to that end are given effect.         
    Id. The exception
    endorsement clearly and unambiguously limited
    Washington National’s liability for losses sustained by Beverly
    Wynn occurring from disorders of the spine.        As the district court
    noted, nothing in the exception endorsement suggests that it is an
    extension   of   the   policy’s   pre-existing   conditions    limitation.
    Rather, it is a separate and independent limitation on liability
    that the Wynns signed of their own accord as a condition to
    receiving insurance.     Indeed, Washington National would have been
    entitled to refuse to insure the Wynns if they had not signed the
    exception endorsement.      See 
    Sargent, 550 So. 2d at 845
    The pre-existing conditions limitation operates separately and
    independently from the exception endorsement because it applies to
    conditions for which an endorsement has not been written and/or
    which were not disclosed on the application.           That the limitation
    can operate independently of the endorsement is borne out by the
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    fact that, in their summary judgment papers, the Wynns contended
    that Beverly Wynn’s back surgery was not due to a pre-existing
    condition. They submitted an affidavit from a neurosurgeon to that
    effect.       Thus, the endorsement does not operate to deny coverage
    for    pre-existing      conditions;    rather,       as   written,   it   excludes
    coverage for “any injury to or disease, or disorder of the spine or
    spinal region, fractures and cancer excepted”, regardless of the
    source or when incurred.
    In addition, as Washington National correctly observes, the
    Wynns have not produced any summary judgment evidence to support
    their claim that, in order to avoid the reach of § 22:215.12,
    Washington      National    consistently       uses   similar     endorsements     to
    exclude    coverage      for   pre-existing      conditions       revealed    on   an
    application. Consequently, there is no genuine issue of fact as to
    whether the endorsement is an “extension” of the pre-existing
    conditions limitation.         On this record, it is not.
    Because we affirm the summary judgment on these grounds, we
    need    not    address     whether   the     Wynns     assigned    their     claims.
    Likewise, their claim for statutory penalties under § 22:657 is
    The judgment of the district court is
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